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Cetacean Bibliographies, Audiography, and
Compiled by: Trisha Lamb Feuerstein
Last update: January 22, 2001
The bibliographies, audiography, and videography include all cetacean-related titles of which I am aware, both in print and out of print, in all genres. They are updated approximately annually, and I will be adding several dozen citations for out-of-print titles in the years to come. More detail about the precise content of the annotated lists is provided in the introduction for each.
The lists are international in scope, and information about books, CDs/tapes, and videos in languages other than English (as well as in English) is invited. When submitting information, please provide the title of the work (including a rough translation of the title for works in languages other than English) and a brief description of contents, along with names of authors/directors/producers/actors/musicians, etc., names and locations of publishers/distributors, etc., and date of copyright. For books, please also let me know if they are fiction or nonfiction, for adults or children.
If you would like me to review a new release, review copies may be submitted to: Trisha Lamb Feuerstein, Integral Publishing, P.O. Box 1030, Lower Lake, California 95457, USA. I can provide reviews for titles in the following languages: English, German, and Spanish.
I also am collecting descriptions of encounters with cetaceans and dreams of cetaceans, as well as images associating cetaceans with the yin-yang symbol and other ancient or modern symbols. (The yin-yang sign is one of the most frequently occurring cetacean symbolic associations. Discussing the modern symbolism of dolphins, Prof. Mette Bryld writes in her essay "Dialogues with Dolphins and Other Extra-Terrestrials: Displacements in Gendered Space," in Nina Lykke and Rosi Braidotti, eds., Between Monsters, Goddesses and Cyborgs: Feminist Confrontations with Science, Medicine and Cyberspace, Zed Books, 1990: "A 'creature of the interface,' the porpoise watcher, Ken Norris, once aptly called it. Living where air and water join, the animal meets the period's strong and still continuing quest for hybridizations, for the binding together and rematching of what used to be very odd and incompatible worlds. The worlds of communism and capitalism, rearmament and peace, science and spirituality, immortal aliens from outer space and mortal earthlings, masculinity and femininity, yin and yang, whites and non-whites, nature and intelligence, animals and humans and technology embarking on ships of new metamorphoses, all these categories break out of the old order of things and interface in the strange smile of the dolphins."). I am collecting the aforementioned information and images for a book I am writing on the psychological and cultural significance of cetaceans as evinced in myths (both ancient and New Age), dreams, art, various genres of fiction, and human-cetacean encounters (for more on dreams, see my article "Dolphins, Whales, and Dreamtime"). If you would like to submit a description or make suggestions for additions to the bibliographies, audiography, or videography, please write to me at dolphintlf@aol.com.
If you would like to purchase any of the titles in the lists for which ordering information is not provided (I have provided it where available), I recommend the following resources:
For new, used in-print, and used out-of-print books, this book-finding service is an excellent resource (I have used it to purchase out-of-print cetacean titles from bookstores in the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, and Europe): BookFinder.
For new books and a few CDs, audiotapes, and videotapes, this Devon, England, bookseller carries a large selection of cetacean nonfiction titles: NHBS Mailorder Bookstore
For used and new books this Netherlands bookseller carries many cetacean titles in English and several other European languages: Moby Dick: Specialists in Books on Nature.
Note: All books and some of the articles in the bibliographies below appear in the bibliographies above, but the bibliographies below contain references to numerous additional journal and magazine articles and they gather together materials related to specific subjects or species. You can also gather together information on specific species and/or topics by downloading my bibliographies and searching them offline, as the title or annotation for each book and article indicates the species (where known). For orcas, search on both "orca" and "killer whale." Additional cetacean bibliographies not available online are described in the Cetacean Nonfiction Bibliography.