Last update: July 1, 2005
Note: This bibliography contains descriptive, natural history, and popular works (including New Age mythology) either wholly or partially about cetaceans, as well as all major scientific texts and a selection of other scientific texts, articles, and graduate theses (on topics such as chemical and noise pollution, whale watching, swim-with programs, rehabilitation and release of captive cetaceans, strandings, etc.).
At the end of the main bibliography is a list of cetacean-related journals, followed by a short bibliography of literature on recent developments in global whaling (including some relevant, though not necessarily recent, anthropological works on indigenous whaling). The whaling bibliography was originally compiled by Rich Wallace in 1996 and has subsequently been appended to by me, in particular with articles on the unethical nature of whaling. There are also various books in the main bibliography that may contain chapters on the whaling industry, and I have also included all full-length works opposing whaling of which I am aware, as well as an account of the sinking of the whaling ship Essex by a sperm whale. For more information on full-length works on whaling, see The Whale, edited by L. H. Matthews, and Richard Ellis's Men and Whales, or visit the online bookstore Moby Dick: Specialists in Books on Nature.
Annotation of this bibliography is in progress, and if any reader would like to contribute a brief description of, or commentary on, any of the titles, or recommend additional titles, input will be gratefully received by Trisha Lamb Feuerstein,
Very special thanks to Jaap van der Toorn and Scott Taylor for their many contributions.
Ackerman, Diane. The Moon by Whale Light, And other Adventures Among Bats, Penguins, Crocodilians, and Whales. New York: Random House, 1991. (essays)
Acosta, Adriana. Amazon river dolphin research. The author may be contacted via Cetacean Society International,
From Whales Alive!, January 2003: "Adriana studied the effects of boats on freshwater dolphins, the Boto Inia geoffrensis and Tucuxi Sotalia fluviatilis, during the low water period at Puerto Narino, a town at the confluence of rivers on the Colombian Amazon. She also evaluated dolphin responses to eco-tourism boats, and worked with boat drivers and tourist guides on a Conservation and Management Strategy, including guidelines for responsible eco-tourism in the area . . . Adriana's research quantifed dolphin reactions to the three types of boats, canoes, 'peque-peque' (canoes with outboards), and larger outboard motor boats . . . While canoes had little effect, boats with motors usually caused the dolphins to evade by congregating in deeper water, with changes in surface activity. Most events displaced the dolphins from feeding, and perhaps from significant nursing and resting . . ."
Agarkov, G. B. Morphology of Dolphins. 1974. In Russian. Available from Donald Hahn Natural History Books, (520) 634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217.
Aguilar, Alex, and Assumpcí Borrell. Marine Mammals and Pollutants: An Annotated Bibliography. 1996. Available from Terra-Fundací pel Desenvolupament Sostenible, P.O. Box 94141, 08080 Barcelona, Spain, fax: +34-3-319 89 59, e-mail: In Spanish and English.
"The scientific production describing the incidence of pollutants in marine mammals has increased exponentially in recent years, and a considerable body of data has been built up on the incidence, metabolic pathways, physiological response, and effects of pollutants on [this], quite often threatened, group of mammals. This volume presents an annotated bibliography compiling over 500 references on the subject. It is expected to assist senior students, researchers, disseminators of science, or environmentally oriented managers in future studies."The book is organized into three main parts: an introductory chapter describing the past, current and future trends in this field, an annotated list of references, and a series of indices which provide access to references on particular taxonomic species, geographical regions, or topics through the use of keywords. Keywords were extracted not only from the title, abstract or keywords given by the authors, but also directly from the contents; the level of detail reached in the descriptive notations is therefore much higher than is usual in common bibliographic retrieval systems. The introductory chapters and the indices are presented in Spanish and English."
Contents include: Introduction; Thirty years of research on pollutants in marine mammals (1966-1995); List of citations (with authors, publication reference, taxonomic list of species covered, geographical scope of the citation, and keywords of contents in English and Spanish); Author index; Taxonomic index; Geographical index; Subject index in English; Subject index in Spanish.
Ainley, D. G., et al. Beached Marine Birds and Mammals of the North American West Coast: A Revised Guide to Their Census and Identification, with Supplemental Keys to Beach Sea Turtles and Sharks. San Francisco, California: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Gulf of the Farallones National Marine Sanctuary, 1993.
"[This] publication grew from a beach survey organized by PRBO International Biological Research (also known as Point Reyes Bird Observatory) in California and which eventually ran for 14 years: the participating volunteers needed a better means to identify beach-cast organisms than was available to them in popular field guides. The first edition proved its value to these persons as well as to others responding to oil spills, marine mammal strandings and similar incidents . . . Presented here is information to identify specimens of marine birds, mammals, sea turtles and sharks (including rays) that have washed onto beaches, including identification keys supplemented by illustrations, glossaries of terms and narrative accounts of species' occurrence patterns. Instructions are included for the conduct of beach surveys."This guide includes most species of marine birds, mammals, sea turtles, sharks and rays known to occur or likely to occur as carcasses on beaches from the Bering Strait, Alaska and along the North American Coast south to Cabo San Lucas at the southern tip of Baja California, Mexico. The coast of mainland Mexico, which is also part of North America, is not covered per se but virtually all the bird, mammal and turtle species that might occur on those beaches are treated in this guide. Sharks were included in the revised guide mainly because they are of similar size and gross morphology to most of the smaller cetaceans, with which they are often confused when washed onto a beach in a decomposed condition."
Alaniz, Yolanda, Lic. Hugo Castello, and Cecilia Vega. "Los Definiarios en México -- Un Informe Critico" (Dolphinaria in Mexico -- A Critical Report). Produced with the support of Animal Welfare Institute, Cetacean Society International, Conservacíon de Mamiféros Marinos de México, A.C., Earth Island Institute, Humane Society International, Mac Hawley, Swiss Working Group for the Protection of Marine Mammals, and the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. Available in Spanish and in English from Cetacean Society International (click on the link above).
"'Dolphinaria in Mexico - A Critical Report' reveals for the first time Mexico's inhumane exploitation of bottlenose dolphins for one of the world's fastest growing yet unregulated marine mammal captivity industries . . ."Written by Latin American experts, with the support of eight international environmental organizations, the report provides a first-ever critical review of 19 of Mexico's dolphinaria and swim-with-the-dolphin programs. It documents how dolphins in Mexico are cruelly captured from the wild to suffer short lives in unnatural and unhealthy captive environments; trained even by starvation to perform and interact with tourists.
"The report exposes the high death rate among the captives, the commercial exploitation of these animals by their display in amusement parks and extreme sports facilities, and the bribery and corruption involved in the import and export of dolphins into and out of Mexico. It also reveals the extent of Mexico's involvement in the international trade in these animals with Latin America, Russia and the European Union.
"As you will read in the report some examples of extreme cruelty in the Mexican dolphinarium industry include: dolphins held in an overheated pool on an Acapulco beach, beneath a bungee-jump tower from which tourists leap, dunking their heads in the dolphins' pool; belugas held in an very noisy pool beneath a roller coaster, next to a busy highway in Mexico; captive dolphins inhumanely displayed in circuses travelling around Mexico and Latin America, risking the lives of these animals with dangerous transportation, inadequate holding facilities and the lack of veterinary assistance.
"Mexico is experiencing an unregulated growth in swim-with-the-dolphins facilities directed at international tourists. These interactive programs raise many concerns for the welfare of both dolphins and people, from the potential for injury and stress from irresponsible human behaviour, the risk of dolphin aggression towards people, and the potential for disease transmission between humans and dolphins.
"The report calls for urgent action to be taken by the Mexican government to regulate dolphin captures and displays, and to enforce legislation to regulate the nearly uncontrolled trade in captive marine mammals for commercial profit. It marks the beginning of a major campaign by Mexican environmentalists, supported by international organizations, to bring change and accountability to this exploitive and inhumane industry."
Alaska Whales and Whaling. Volume 5, Number 4 of Alaska Geographic. Anchorage, Alaska: Alaska Geographic Society, 1978.
Chapters include: Introduction to Alaska's Whales (by Victor Scheffer), History of Commercial Whaling in Arctic Alaska, The Arctic Whaling Disaster of 1897, Modern Shored-based Whaling, Early Native Whaling in Alaska, Alaska's Whales: A Closer Look, Humpback Whales in Southeastern Alaska, The Study of Whales (includes sections on Whales in Captivity, Whale Watching, and Whale Sounds), Modern Eskimo Whaling.
Alpers, Anthony. Dolphins: The Myth and the Mammal. Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin, 1961.
Trisha: A good overview of the biology of dolphins [as known through 1960] and of Greek, Roman, and Polynesian dolphin mythology. Also includes substantive discussions of the lone dolphins Pelorus Jack and Opo. A unique and valuable feature of this work is a "delphinology," a chronological list of the main contributions to our understanding of the dolphin, from Aesop through 1961.
___________. A Book of Dolphins. London: John Murray, 1960.
Amante-Helweg, Verna Lynn Uakinimakalehua. Cultural Perspectives of Dolphins by Ecotourists Participating in a "Swim with Wild Dolphins" Programme in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand. Master's thesis available from the University of Auckland, New Zealand; e-mail:
Explores "the relationships among beliefs, knowledge, demographic characteristics, and personal values of 306 tourists who participated in a 'Swim with Dolphins' program in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand, using a novel questionnaire distributed on shore after excursions. Most respondents interpreted dolphin behavior anthropomorphically, and perceived the dolphins' social structure as being sociocentric, regardless of the degree of sociocentrism attributed to the respondents' own culture. Principal Components Analysis revealed attributions of spirituality, altruism, interspecies sociability and dolphin society. Females, residents of Asia, New Zealand, and Australia, non-Christians, and those with secondary education only were most likely to make positive spiritual attributions. Middle-aged people were more likely to agree with altruistic attributions than were younger or older people. The more religious the respondent, the more willing they were to accept their role in culture, the more important the role of preserving the group's image, and the less important deadlines, the more likely he/she would agree with attributions of dolphin spirituality. As the importance of honoring of parents and elders and loyalty to friends increased, the more likely the respondents' were to believe that dolphins seek and enjoy human interaction. The ecotourists who formed this sample were unacquainted with scientific knowledge related to cetaceans, and therefore were not likely to understand most of the philosophical, educational, economic, or ecological values of wildlife. Thus, they would benefit from interpretative centers."
___________. "Ecotourists' Beliefs and Knowledge about Dolphins and the Development of Cetacean Ecotourism." Aquatic Mammals (1996) 22:131-140.
Amazonskii del'fin (Amazonian Dolphin), editor unknown. Russia: Nauka, 1996. In Russian, with short English summaries at the end of each paper.
Contents include: The Amazonian Dolphin (A Survey); Morphological Characteristics of the Skin of the Amazonian Dolphin; Specific Features of the Structure of the Epidermis in the Amazonian Dolphin; On the Investigation of the Vertebral Column of the Amazonian Dolphin; Comparative Anatomy of the Supracranial Nasal Ducts in the Amazonian Dolphins and Bottlenose Dolphins; Macro- and Microscopic Investigation of the Cortex in the Amazonian Dolphin; Visual Activity and Topographical Organization of the Retina in the Amazonian Dolphin; Peculiarities of the Audial Perception of the Amazonian Dolphin; Respiration and Cardiac Activity of the Amazonian Dolphin; Peculiarities of the Slow Wave Sleep in the Amazonian Dolphin; Rest and Active States in the Amazonian Dolphin; Estral Cycle of a Female Amazonian Dolphin Maintained in Captivity; Visual Discrimination Capabilities of the Amazonian Dolphin; Distribution, Population Density and Some Behavioral Peculiarities of the Amazonian Dolphin
Ambassador College. A Whale of a Tale, or the Dilemma of Dolphins and Duckbills!. Pasadena, California: Ambassador College Press, 1968, 1970.
A brief exclamation-point-laden attempt by creationists to disprove evolution based on the unusual characteristics of cetaceans and platypuses.
American Cetacean Society. Dolphin Fact Pack and Whale Fact Pack. American Cetacean Society, P.O. Box 2639, San Pedro, California 90731, USA. (310) 548-6279.
The fact packs contain general information on cetaceans, fact sheets on each species, instructions on how to draw different species, and a bibliography.
Ames, Lee J., and Warren Budd. Draw 50 Endangered Animals: The Step-by-Step Way to Draw Humpback Whales, Giant Pandas, Gorillas, and More Friends We May Lose. Main Street Books, 1993.
Amos, Stephen H. Familiar Marine Mammals: North America. An Audubon Society Pocket Guide. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1990, 1992.
Contents include: Identifying Marine Mammals; Finding Marine Mammals; Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises; Rare Whales; Marine Mammal Behavior; Guide to Groups; Parts of Whales; and Whale Diving Sequences. Also contains a glossary and an index.
Andersen, Harald. T., ed. The Biology of Marine Mammals. New York: Academic Press, 1969. Available from Donald Hahn Natural History Books, (520) 634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217.
Anderson, G. R. V. National Contingency Plan for Cetacean Strandings. Occasional Paper No. 6, Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service, Canberra, 1982.
Anderson, Robert. Guide to Florida Whales and Their Relatives. Altamonte Springs, Florida: Winner Enterprises/Erwin Lampert, 1989.
Chapters include: Whale Facts--Answers to Most Asked Questions; Life History, Past and Present; Whale Hunting, Past and Present; Habitats and Habitat Distribution; and Reproduction.
Ariel, Aurora Juliana, and Jack Canfield. Dolphin Magic: Extraordinary Encounters With Dolphins. Book and film. Forthcoming.(New Age)
] From the authors: "This book . . . speaks to [a] . . . worldwide phenomenon where dolphins are facilitating an awakening in the consciousness of humanity. Touching people from every walk of life all over the world, countless individuals have now experienced healings, visions, miracles, blessings, telepathic communications, powerful life changes, and personal transformations."Please add your stories to this . . . collection . . . and let us know of any cetacean organizations that you feel should be included in a share of the profits from this book. There will be a resource directory in the back of the book showcasing the work of all contributing authors, which is [a] . . . way to network dolphin books, films, art, societies, and other projects."
Email stories to:
Armour, Michael C. Orca Song. Illustrated by Katie Lee. Soundprint, 1994.
Synopsis: Orca Pup is trapped in an abandoned net and separated from his family until he hears the song that they sing while looking for him.
Atkinson, Tania. Pelorus Jack: The Story of New Zealand's Famous Dolphin. Auckland, New Zealand: Collins, 1984.
Atlas, Michael.
Au, Whitlow W. L. The Sonar of Dolphins. New York/Berlin/Heidelbery: Springer-Verlag, 1993.
Contents: Hearing in Whales and Dolphins: An Overview, Cetacean Ears, In Search of Impulse Sound Sources in Odontocetes, Communication and Acoustic Behavior of Dolphins and Whales, Acoustics and Social Behavior of Wild Dolphins: Implications for a Sound Society, The Auditory Central Nervous System of Dolphins, Electrophysiological Measures of Auditory Processing in Odontocetes, Psychoacoustic Studies of Dolphin and Whale Hearing, Echolocation in Dolphins,
Acoustic Models of Sound Production and Propagation
Auguee, M. L., ed. Marine Mammals of Australasia: Field Biology and Captive
Management. 1988.
Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. Whales and Whale-Watching in Australia. Canberra: Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service. See also the companion CD-ROM Whales and Whale Watching [in Australia] in the
Australian Parliament Senate Select Committee on Animal Welfare. Dolphins and Whales in Captivity: Report by the Senate Select Committee on Animal Welfare. Canberra: Australian Government Printing Office, 1985.
Bailey, Jill. SOS: Whales. New York: Smithmark Publishers, 1991.
Bain, David E. An Evaluation of Evolutionary Processes: Studies of Natural Selection, Dispersal, and Cultural Evolution in Killer Whales (Orcinus Orca). Ph.D. thesis, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1989.
___________, Will Anderson, Fred Felleman, Michael Harris, and Patrick Higgins. Orca Recovery Conference Report.
Conference held at the University of Washington, Seattle, 31 May - 2 June, 2002.
"The conference was composed of four main tracks. Invited speakers presented current information on the status of
Southern Residents, their environment, and how natural and human factors may be impacting the population. The second track
was a discussion among scientists of the data presented and additional work that needed to be done. The third track was a
discussion among government and non-government agencies of what actions could be taken immediately to conserve Southern
Residents based on existing data. The fourth track was discussions between the two working groups.
"The conference was organized into five subject areas. The conference began with presentations providing an overview of the
current status of the population, its habitat, and projections for its future survival under a variety of scenarios. The
conference then focused in turn on prey availability, toxins and disease, whale watching and vessel traffic, and other
factors that may be affecting Southern Residents.
"This report presents a summary of the information presented, and highlights recommendations of the working groups. There
were not extensive efforts to determine how widely held the views expressed here are, nor to prioritize the action items
identified in the discussion. This report is intended to reflect all views presented at the conference, so points of view
reflected here do not necessarily reflect the views of the organizers, hosts, participating organizations, or even a large
number of individuals, unless otherwise indicated."
Major problems indentifed: Prey availability, toxins (primarily PCBs), whale watching (seen as part of the problem and part
of the solution), and catastrophic oil spills
Baird, Robin. Killer Whales of the World: Natural History and Conservation. Worldlife Discovery Guides series. Voyageur Press, 2002.
Baker, Alan N. Whales & Dolphins of New Zealand and Australia: An Identification Guide. Wellington, New Zealand: Victoria University Press, 1983, 1990.
Chapters include: Classification of Whales and Dolphins, Whaling, Natural History Notes, First Aid for Stranded Marine Mammals, Identification of Whales and Dolphins, Species Directory, Species Accounts, and Stranding Contact Organizations. Also contains a bibliography and an index.
Baker, Byrd. The Whales and I. Mendocino, Calif.: Mendocino Whale War, 1976.
Baker, C. Scott, and Louis M. Herman. Behavioral Responses of Summering
Humpback Whales to Vessel Traffic: Experimental and Opportunistic Observations. Anchorage, Alaska: National Park Service, Alaska Regional Office, 1989. Technical Report/National Park Service NPS-NR-TRS-89-01. Stock no. PB90-198409 NTIS.
Baker, Mary L. Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the World. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1987.
"Every cetacean known to naturalists is depicted here, each drawing accompanied by a complete anatomical description. Range and habitat, feeding and breeding habits, migration routes, and social behavior are discussed in detail, all with the most up-to-date information available . . .
"Baker's illustrations are not only beautiful, but also precise. Even species easily confused--the melon-headed whale and the pygmy killer whale, for example--are easily distinguished with Baker's fine line and strict attention to detail."
Balaskas, Janet, and Yehudi Gordon. Water Birth. London: Unwin Hyman,
Ltds., 1990.
Balcomb, Kenneth, III. "Cetacean
Releases: A List of Examples". Friday Harbor, Washington: Center for
Whale Research, 1995.
Balcomb, Kenneth, III, Larry Foster, and Stanley M. Minasian. The Whales of
Hawaii: Including All Species of Marine Mammals in Hawaiian and Adjacent Waters. San Francisco: Marine Mammal Fund, 1987, 1991.
Baldwin, Robert, and Rod Salm. Whales and Dolphins Along the Coast of Oman. Robert Baldwin and Sultanate of Oman, 1994. NHBS Mailorder Book Store is the international distributor for this title.
Ballance, L. T., and R. L. Pitman. "Cetaceans of the Western Tropical Indian Ocean: Distribution, Relative Abundance, and Comparisons with Cetaceans
Communities of Two Other Tropical Ecosystems," Marine Mammal Science (1998) 14(3): 429-459. Ecology Program, Southwest Fisheries Science Center, 8604 La Jolla Shores Dr., La Jolla, California 92037, USA, e-mail:
The cetacean community of the WTIO was similar to that of the eastern tropical
Pacific (ETP) and the Gulf of Mexico (GM) in several respects. First, differences in abundance rank of individual species were small, with the result that common species were common and rare species were rare, regardless of ocean. Second, these differences in abundance were due primarily to differences in encounter rate, which varied with ocean by as much as 3,000%, and less so to school size, which generally varied less than 100%. Third, regardless of ocean, three species comprised the majority of cetaceans in the community, Stenella
attenuata, S. longirostris,, and S. coeruleoalba,
representing 62%-82% of all individuals for all species. However, the rank
order of abundance for these three species differed with ocean. Most notably,
S. attenuata was abundant in the EP and GM (abundance rank = 2 and 1,
respectively) but much less common in the WTIO (abundance rank = 6). Although
habitat preferences for S. attenuata appear to overlap considerably
with those of S. longirostris between these two species. Detailed analysis of oceanographic correlates of distribution will be necessary in order to understand fully the habitat requirements of these pelagic dolphins, often the most conspicuous elements of tropical cetacean communities around the world.
Bannister, J. L. Western Australian Humpback and Right Whales: An Increasing
Success Story. Western Australian Museum, 1994.
Barbour, John A. In the Wake of the Whale. Toronto: Crowell-Collier Press, 1969.
Barglow, Raymond. The Crisis of the Self in the Age of Information: Computers, Dolphins, and Dreams. London: Routledge, 1994.
Barlow, Jay, Steven L. Swartz, Thomas C. Eagle, and Paul R. Wade. U.S.
Marine Mammal Stock Assessments: Guidelines for Preparation, Background, and
a Summary of the 1995 Assessments. U.S. Department of Commerce, NOAA
Technical Memorandum. NMFS-OPR-6. September 1995.
Barnard, K. H. A Guide Book to South African Whales and Dolphins. Cape
Town: South African Museum, Guide No. 4., 1954.
Barstow, Robbins. Meet the Great Whales: An Illustrated Introduction to the
Marvels of Cetaceans. 2d ed. East Orleans, Massachusetts: Parnassus Imprints in cooperation with Cetacean Society International, 1993.
___________. Whales Alive: Report of Global Conference on the Non-Consumptive Utilisation of Cetacean Resources. New England Aquarium, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 7-11, 1983. Wethersfield, Connecticut: Cetacean Society International, Inc./Washington, DC: Animal Welfare Institute, 1983.
Baryshnikov, N. S. Silence - Dolphins!. In Russian.
Basham, S. E., and K. M. Karmon. Marine Mammals: A Selected Bibliography. Washington, D.C.: U. S. Marine Mammal Commission, 1995.
Bashomatu, Tomoko. Let's Swim with Dolphins: The Complete "DOS"
Manual for All the Dolphin-Lovers. Tokyo, Japan: Fuso Publishing, Inc., 6
Ichigayadamachi, Shinjuku-ki, Tokyo 162, voice: 03 3226 6030, fax: 03 3226 0119.
In Japanese. Foreword in English.
From the foreword by Tomoko Bashomatu:
"This book contains information, know-how and advice for those who love
dolphins and are interested in DOSing. It also contains the words of many
DOSers, such as tour organizers and researchers. Through my interviews with
them, I found that they are very aware that DOSing can lead to 'dolphin
harassment' if not properly done. They all care about dolphins as they would
their own families and are sincerely looking for the best way to live in harmony
with them. This holds the hope for me that Japanese people, who seemed to have
forgotten how to live with nature in their search for economic gain, are finally
remembering to respect it."
Bassos, Mary Kimbrough. A Behavioral Assessment of the Reintroduction of Two
Bottlenose Dolphins. Master's thesis, University of California, Santa Cruz,
Batteau, Dwight W., And Peter R. Markey. Man/Dolphin Communication, Final
Report: 15 December 1966-13 December 1967. Prepared for U.S. Naval Ordnance
Test Station, China Lake, California, Contract No. N00123-67-C-1103. Arlington,
Massachusetts: Listening, Incorporated, 1967. Appendix A, Technical Manual MSA-2. Appendix B, Technical Manual MDT-5
Beale, T. The Natural History of the Sperm Whale. London: John Van Voorst, 1839. London: Holland Press, 1973 (reprint).
Beamish, Peter. Dancing with Whales: An Adventure Story Reveals New Concepts of Time. St. John's, Newfoundland: Creative Publishers, 1993.
Beatty, Tim. Whales of the Bay of Fundy. St. Andrews, New Brunswick,
Canada: Sunbury Shores Arts and Nature Centre, Inc., 1989/Nimbus Publishing,
Beaty, John Yocum. The Baby Whale, Sharp Ears. New York:
J. P. Lippincott Company, 1938.
Beaubrun, P. C. Atlas Préliminaire de Distribution des Cétacés de Méditerranée. Monaco: Musée Oceanographique, 1995.vIn French.
Becker, Paul R., Dean Wilkinson, and Ted I Lillestolen. Marine Mammal Health
and Stranding Response Program: Program Development Plan. Silver Spring,
Maryland: National Marine Fisheries Service. Available from National Marine
Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver
Spring, Maryland 20910, (301) 713-2322.
Beddard, Frank E. A Book of Whales. London: John Murray/New York: G. P.
Putnam, 1900.
Contents: The External Form of Whales, Some Internal Structures, A Comparison of Whales with other Aquatic Mammals, The Position of Whales in the System and their Classification, The Hunting of Whales, The Right Whales, The Rorquals, The Toothed Whales or Odontoceti, Beaked Whales, The Dolphins, Anomalous Dolphins, Zeuglodonts and their Allies
Beddington, J. R., R. J. H. Beverton, and D. M. Lavigne. Marine Mammals and
Fisheries. London: George Allen & Unwin, 1985.
Behrmann, Günther. Additional Contributions to the Anatomy of Toothed
Whales (Odontoceti) (Ergdnzende Beitrdge zur Anatomie der Zahnwale [Odontoceti]). Bremerhaven: Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, 1994.
___________. Anatomy of the Toothed Whale Head I (Anatomie des Zahnwalkopfes
I ). Bremerhaven: Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung,
Beilenson, Nick. Celebrating Whales: An Introduction to Cetaceans. White Plains, New York: Peter Pauper Press, Inc., 1989.
Bejder, L., and A. Samuels. Evaluating impacts of nature-based tourism on
cetaceans. In: N. Gales, M. Hindell, and R. Kirkwood, eds. Marine Mammals: Fisheries, Tourism and Management Issues. CSIRO Publishing, 2003, pp. 229-256.
___________, S. Dawson, and J. Harraway. Responses by Hector's dolphins to boats and swimmers in Porpoise Bay, New Zealand.
Marine Mammal Science, 1999, 15(3): 738-750.
Bekierz, Franz W. Cetacea: Bibliographie uber Wal-Bibliographien.
(Cetacea: Bibliography on Whale-Bibliographies). Frankfurt: Senckenbergische
Naturforschende Gesellschaft, 1986.
Bekoff, Marc, ed. The Smile of a Dolphin: Remarkable Accounts of Animal Emotions. Discovery Channel, 2000.
"Turbo and Kachina, Kanzi, Tulip, and Ake are, respectively, a pair of Arabian horses, a bonobo, a rat, and a dolphin. In each case their devotion, jealousy, playfulness, and anger, their display of emotion, was observed and reported by a scientist-an expert in animal behavior whose formal training has discouraged either anthropomorphic thinking or jumping to conclusions.
In this unforgettable collection of stories, more than fifty experts on animals ranging from great apes to guppies present compelling evidence that, when faced with such circumstances as losing a child; confronting an enemy; choosing a mate; or being tricked, chastised, challenged, played with, or picked on; many animals do seem to have an emotional response, one whose underpinnings may be strikingly similar to our own. What's more, these familiar feelings occur even in such 'unlikely' animals as birds, reptiles, and fish.
"Harvard paleobiologist Stephen Jay Gould writes in his foreword: 'The authors of this book pursue a . . . lover's quarrel with scientific convention. They write these case studies from their own experiences-not the luck of casual and fortuitous moments, but the distillation of a best and most revealing particular from a lifetime of expertise. . . ."
Béland, Pierre. Beluga: A Farewell to Whales. Lyons & Burford, 1996.
From the dust jacket:
"The whales are dying of pollution," Béland writes. "I
realize how strong this last statement is--'far too strong for a scientist,'
many of my colleagues would say. . . . But in fact, I am simply echoing the
conclusion that any careful observer of our work has come to. It is very plain."
Belda, Daniel Lluch, Lowell Adams, and S. G. Losocki. Dos Mamiferos Marinos
de Baja California. Mexico: Instituto Mexicano de Recuros Naturales
Renovables, 1969. In Spanish.
Bel'kovitch, V. M. Povedenie i bioakustika kitoobraznykh. Moskva: In-t
okeanologii im. P. P. Shirshova AN SSSR, 1987.
___________, ed. Behavior and Bioacoustics of Dolphins. Moscow:
USSR Academy of Sciences, 1978. In Russian. Available from Donald Hahn Natural
History Books, (520) 634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217.
Bel'kovitch, V. M., S. Kleinenberg, and A. Yablokov. Nash drug - del'fin. Moscow: Molodia Gvardiia, 1967.
___________. Zagadka okeana. Moscow: Molodaia Gvardiia, 1965.
Bel'kovitch, V. M., and M. N. Sh'ekotov. The Belukha Whale - Belukha: Natural Behavior and Bioacoustics - Povedenie i Bioakustika v Prirode. Moskva: Akademiia nauk SSSR, In't okeanologii im. P. P. Shirshova, 1990. Translated into English by Marina A. Svanidze. Woods Hole, Massachusetts: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1993.
Bell, Thomas. A History of British Quadrupeds, Including the Cetacea.
London: J. Van Voorst, 1837.
Bellerive Symposium Report on Whales and Dolphins in Captivity. Geneva,
Switzerland, July 9-10, 1990.
Bender, Lionel. Whales and Dolphins. New York: Gloucester Press, 1988.
Beneden, Pierre Joseph van. Histoire naturelle des cétacés vivants et fossiles des mers d'Europe. Brussels, 1889.
___________. Recherches sur les squaladons. Memoires de l'Academie
Royal de Belgique Series. Bruxelles: M. Hayez, 1865.
Beneden, Pierre Joseph van, and P. Gervais. Ostéographie des cétacés vivants et fossiles. Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1868-1880.
Bennett, Ben. The Oceanic Society Field Guide to the Gray Whale.
San Francisco: Legacy Publishing Company, 1983; Seattle, Washington: Sasquatch
Books, 1989.
Benyus, Janine M. Beastly Behaviors: A Zoo Lover's Companion: What Makes
Whales Whistle, Cranes Dance, Pandas Turn Somersaults, and Crocodiles Roar: A
Watcher's Guide. New York: Addison-Wesley, 1993.
Bergerac, Olivia De.
The Dolphin Within: Awakening Human Potential. Australia: Simon &
Schuster Australia, 1998.
Berkovitch, Pascale Noa. Das Läaut;cheln des Delphins: Die Geschichte einer wunderbaren Freundschaft. Berlin:
Ullstein, 2000. [In German.]
___________. The Dolphin's Boy: A Story of Courage and Friendship. London: Sidgwick & Jackson, 2000.
Berman, Mark. Interview with Mark Berman on Live! With Derek McGinty
January 4, 1996. Discovery Communications, Inc.
Bernard, Hannah J., and Michele Morris. The Oceanic Society Field Guide to
the Humpback Whale. Seattle, Washington: Sasquatch Books, 1993.
Berry, Adrian. Galileo and the Dolphins: Amazing but True Stories from
Science. New York: John Wiley & Sons, 1997. comments on "I picked out this book as
one that might be fun for reading at the beach. It's easy to pick up (a series
of very short essays) and, unfortunately, equally easy to put down. I would
categorize it as scientific mind candy."
Berta, Annalisa, and T. Demer, eds. Contributions in Marine Mammal Paleontology Honoring Frank C. Whitmore, Jr.. San Diego, California: Proceedings of the San Diego Society of Natural History, [1996].
Berta, Annalisa, and James L. Sumich. Marine Mammals: Evolutionary Biology. London/San Diego: Academic Press, 1998. (800) 321-5068. Reviewed by B. P. Kelly and E.A. Mathews in Marine Mammal Science, 2001, 17(1).
Key features: Comprehensive, up-to-date coverage of the biology of all marine
mammals, provides a phylogenetic framework that integrates phylogeny with
behavior and ecology, features chapter summaries, further readings, an
appendix, glossary, extensive bibliography, many figures and photos, and
and index
Contents include: Introduction; Part I: Evolutionary History; Systematics and
Classification; Pinniped Evolution and Systematics; Cetacean Evolution and
Systematics; Sirenians and Other Marine Mammals: Evolution and
Systematics; Evolutionary Biogeography; Part II: Evolutionary Biology, Ecology,
and Behavior; Integumentary, Sensory, and Urinary Systems; Musculoskeletal
System; Respiration, Diving, and Breathhold Physiology; Sound Production for
Communication and Echolocation; Diet, Foraging Structures, and Strategies;
Mating, Breeding, and Social Organization; Reproductive Structures, Strategies,
and Patterns; Population Structure and Population Dynamics; Exploitation and
Berzin, Al'fred Antonovich. The Sperm Whale. Jerusalem: Israel Program
for Scientific Translations/Philadelphia: Coronet Books, 1972.
___________. Kashalot. Pod red. d-ra biol. nauk A. V. IAblokova.
Moskva: "Pischchevaia prom-st'," 1971.
Best, Peter B. Whale Watching in South Africa: The Southern Right Whale. Pretoria, South Africa: Marine Mammal Research Institute, 1995. Address: University of Pretoria, Pretoria 0002, South Africa, (012) 420-2066.
Biedermann, Paul. Der Delphin in der dichtenden und bildenden Phantasie der
Griechen und Roemer (The Dolphin in the Poetic and Architectural Imagination of the Greeks and Romans). Halle, 1881. In German.
Bigg, Michael A., Graeme M. Ellis, John K. B. Ford, and Kenneth C. Balcomb.
Killer Whales: A Study of Their Identification, Genealogy and Natural
History in British Columbia and Washington State. Nanaimo, British Columbia: Phantom Press & Publishers Inc., 1987.
The Big Whale. In Japanese. c. 1990.
Billinghurst, Jane, ed. The Spirit of the Whale: Legend, History, Conservation. Stillwater, Minnesota: Voyageur Press, 2000.
BioSciences Division, Code 51, Naval Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance
Center; Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Division, Kaneohe Bay,
Hawaii. Annotated Bibliography of Publications from the U.S. Navy's
Marine Mammal Program. NRaD Technical Document 627, Revision C. Update
February 1992. San Diego, California: Naval Command, Control and Ocean
Surveillance Center; Research, Development, Test and Evaluation Division,
1992. Available upon request from: Department of the Navy, Commanding Officer,
Naval Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance Center, RFT&E Division, Code
D003, San Diego, CA 92152-5000. To request via e-mail, write to Tom LaPuzza,
Public Affairs Officer, at (A new edition is scheduled to
be released "in a few months" on CD and electronically.)
Bird, Jonathan. Beneath the North Atlantic. East Hartford, Connecticut:
Tide-mark Press, (800) 338-2508. See also the television documentary of the
same name in the
Birdsall, John. Whales & Dolphins. Bristol, Great Britain: Parragon, 1997.
Biscay Dolphin Research Programme. Safari in the Bay of Biscay. Romford, Essex, England: TSG Publishing, 1999. Email:
Bjorge, A., and G. P. Donovan, eds. Biology of the Phocoenids. Reports of the Internal Whaling Commission, Special Issue 16. Cambridge: International
Whaling Commission, 1995.
"Although the offshore porpoises may face less [fewer] environmental threats, they have suffered large scale incidental mortality in fishing gear. The Dall's porpoise has recently been subject to directed fisheries and harvested at unsustainable levels in some areas.
"The IWC Scientific Committee has reviewed the biology and status of the
porpoises and monitored the threats to these small cetaceans. Recommendations
for management and research are made as appropriate by the Committee and its
sub-committee on small cetaceans and these are discussed in the introductory
remarks for each of the species sections . . .
"Inevitably, perhaps, the majority of papers concern the best studied of
the Phocoenid populations, the harbour porpoises in the North Atlantic and the
eastern North Pacific. Much of the impetus for these studies has come from the
identification of potentially serious levels of incidental fishery mortality in
developed nations in Europe and North America. There are papers covering a wide
range of topics ranging from abundance estimation through to pollution and
"One species which has attracted widespread interest and concern within
the Scientific Committee in recent years is the vaquita. This species has the
smallest range of any marine cetacean and numbering only a few hundred is
seriously threatened with extinction. The papers in this volume review the limited available biological information and consider the problems of continuing incidental captures despite many attempts at giving complete protection.
"The Section on Dall's porpoises is relatively short as much of the work
on this species has been carried out in connection with the Japanese salmon
driftnet fishery. Much of the information on these porpoises has been published
in the IWC Annual Reports, Special Issue 15 and in a series of papers published
by the International North Pacific Fisheries Commission.
"It is particularly edifying to be able to include a number of papers
addressing the relatively little studied Burmeister's and spectacled porpoises.
This reflects the major increase in studies in South American waters, particularly in response to concerns about their status as a result of both direct and indirect captures.
"Sadly, despite evidence of direct and indirect captures around the world,
there are no papers on the finless porpoise in this volume, reflecting the absence of research on this species in all but a few areas. A brief summary of the species is included.
"The final section of the book includes the report of a workshop held on the age determination of harbour porpoises. Although not an IWC workshop, the report has been presented to IWC Scientific Committee and it is included here as the results are of importance to studies of many aspects of Phocoenid biology."
Blair, May. Once upon the Lagan: The Story of the Lagan Canal. Wolfeboro, New Hampshire: Longwood Publishing Group, 1981.
Blanchard, Ken. Whale Done! The Power of Positive Relationships. Free Press, 2002.
Blaylock, R., et al. U.S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico Marine Mammal Stock
Assessments. 1995. National Marine Fisheries Service, Southeast Fisheries
Center, Miami Laboratory, 75 Virginia Beach Drive, Miami, Florida 33149-1003, USA.
Bloas, Renee le. Dauphin, prince des vagues (The Dolphin, Prince of the
Waves). Watertown, Massachusetts: Charlesbridge Pub. ,1997. In French and English.
Blond, Georges. Great Story of Whales. Hanover House, 1955.
Blood, Donald A. Birds and Marine Mammals: The Beaufort Sea and the Search for Oil. Ottawa, Ontario, Canada: Dept. of Fisheries/Environment, 1977.
Bonner, Nigel. Whales. London: Butter and Tanner Ltd., 1980. Available
from Donald Hahn Natural History Books, (520) 634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217.
___________. Whales of the World. London: Blandford Press, 1993; New
York: Facts on File, 1989.
Boenninghaus, G. Das Ohr des Zahnwales, zugleich Beitrag zur Theorie
der Schalleitung. Jena, 1903.
Bonanno, Alessandro, and Douglas Constance. Caught in the Net: The Global
Tuna Industry, Environmentalists, and the State. University Press of
Kansas, 1996.
Boone, W. W. Whales. Blandford, Poole, 1980.
Born, E. W., R. Dietz, and R. R. Reeves, eds. Studies of White Whales
(Delphinapterus leucas) and Narwhals (Monodon monoceros) in Greenland and Adjacent Waters. Meddr Gronland, Bioscience 39, [1995].
Boschung, H. T., Jr., et al. The National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Fishes, Whales and Dolphins. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1983, 1993.
Bova, Ben, and Byron Preiss, eds. First Contact: The Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence. New York: New American Library, 1990.
Bowers, C. A., and R. S. Henderson. Project Deep Ops: Deep Object Recovery
with Pilot and Killer Whales. San Diego, California: Naval Undersea Center,
Boyd, I. L., ed. Marine Mammals: Advances in Behavioural and Population
Biology. The Proceedings of a Symposium held at The Zoological Society of
London on 9th and 10th April 1992. Zoological Society of London Symposia 66.
Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1993.
Bransby, Lawrence. Remember the Whales. Symbol Books.
Bravo, Ramon. Buceando entre las Orcas (Diving among the Orcas). Mexico: Editorial Diana, 1982.
Breton, Mimi. Guide to Watching Whales in Canada/Guide d'Observation des baleines au Canada. Ottawa: Fisheries and Oceans, Information and Publications Branch, 1986. Gov't Doc. No. DSS Cat. no. Fs23-78/1986E. English and French editions. Available from Director-General, Communications Directorate, Fisheries and Oceans, 240 Spark Street, Ottawa, Ontario Canada K1A 0E6, voice: (613) 993-0989, fax: (613) 990-1866.
Breton-Provencher, Mimi. White Whales of the St. Lawrence River.
Saint-Foy: Societe linneene du Quebec, 1982.
Bridgewater, Alan and Gill. Carving Totem Poles & Masks. New York:
Sterling Publishing, 1991.
Bright, Michael. Humpback Whales. Franklin Watts, 1989.
___________. There Are Giants in the Sea: Monsters and Mysteries of the
Depths Explored. London: Robson Books, 1989.
___________. Dolphins. New York: Gallery Books, 1985.
___________. Whales. New York: Gallery Books, 1985.
Brighton Aquarium. St. Ives: Photo Precision, 1972.
Brill, R. L., and W. A. Friedl. Reintroduction to the Wild as an Option for
Managing Navy Marine Mammals. Naval Command, Control and Ocean Surveillance
Center, RDT&E Division, San Diego, California, USA, Technical Report 1549,
October 1993.
Brooks, Barbara. The Whole Whale Catalog. Waukegan, Illinois: Greatlakes
Living Press, 1978.
Brower, Kenneth, and William R. Curtsinger. Wake of the Whale .
New York/London/Paris: Hutchinson/Friends of the Earth, 1979.
Brown, Larry N. Mammals of Florida. Windward Publishing, 1997.
___________. Sea Mammals: Atlantic, Gulf and Caribbean. Miami, Florida:
Windward Publishing, 1991.
___________. Dolphins and Whales, Including Other Sea Mammals and the Manatee.
Brown, Robin. The Lure of the Dolphin. New York: Avon Books, 1979.
Brown, S. R. "Ethical Considerations in Marine Mammal Management."
Journal of the American Veterinary Medicine Association, 1999, 214(8):1175-1177.
Brown, Vinson. Sea Mammals and Reptiles of the Pacific Coast. New York and London: Macmillan, 1976.
Browne, Derek. Do dolphins know their own minds? Biology and Philosophy, 2004, 19(4):633-653.
Brownell, R. L., Jr., P. B. Best, and J. H. Prescott. Right Whales: Past and
Present Status. Reports of the International Whaling Commission, Special
Issue 10. Cambridge: International
Whaling Commission, 1986.
Brownell, Robert L., Jr., and Gregory P. Donovan, eds. The Biology of the
Genus Cephalorhynchus. Cambridge: Reports of the International Whaling
Commission, Special Issue 9. Cambridge: International
Whaling Commission, 1988.
Species include: C. commersonii (Commerson's dolphin), C. eutropia (black dolphin), C. heavisidii (Heaviside's dolphin), and C. hectori (Hector's dolphin).
Bruemmer, Fred. The Narwhal: Unicorn of the Sea. Shrewsbury, England:
Swan Hill Press, no date.
Trisha: Beautifully produced, oversize book.
Brunke, Dawn Baumann. Animal Voices: Telepathic Communication in the Web of Life. Bear & Company, 2002. (New Age)
Bryant, Laurel. Report to Congress on Results of Feeding Wild Dolphins:
1989-1994. Silver Spring, Maryland: National Marine Fisheries Service, 1994. Available from National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, (301) 713-2322.
Bryden, Michael, Helene Marsh, and Peter Shaughnessy. Dugongs, Whales, Dolphins and Seals: A Guide to the Sea Mammals of Australasia. Allen & Unwin, 1999.
Bryden, M. M., and R. Harrison, eds. Research on Dolphins. Oxford:
Clarendon Press/New York: Oxford, 1986.
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: The Epidermis of Odontocetes: A View from Within;
Characteristics of the Skin of Neophocaena phocaenoides from the
Changjiang (Yangtse River), China; Diving Dolphins; Dolphin Brain Size;
Evolutionary Aspects of Cortical Organization in the Dolphin Brain; Ultrastructure of Encapsulated Mechanoreceptor Organs in the Region of the Nares; Bronchial Morphometry of the Upper Conductive Zones of Four Odontocete Cetaceans; Kidney and Water Metabolism; Gonads and Reproduction
DOLPHINS IN CAPTIVITY: From the Ocean to the Pool; Husbandry and Training of
Captive Dolphins; Water Management
DOLPHINS IN THE OCEANS: Age and Growth; Observations on Small Cetaceans in the
North-east Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea: 1978-1982; Line Transect
Sampling of Dolphin Populations; Cephalopods in the Diet of Odontocetes; Pathology of Small Cetaceans Stranded along Southern California Beaches; The Acoustic Faculty of Dolphins; The Cetacean Magnetic Sense--Evidence from Strandings; The Behaviour of Lipotes vexillifer and Neophocaena phocaenoides in the Changjiang River and in Captivity in China; Geographical Variation and Biology of the Pacific White-sided Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obliquidens, in the North-Eastern Pacific
Trisha: Index is somewhat useful, but should be at least double its present
Bryld, Mette. "The Days of Dogs and Dolphins: Aesopian Metaphors of Soviet
Science (I. P. Pavlov and A. Yablokov)." In Soviet Civilization Between
Past and Present, Mette Bryld and Erik Kulavig, eds. Odense, Denmark:
Odense University Press, forthcoming 1997. The author may be contacted at
___________. "Dialogues with Dolphins and Other Extraterrestrials: Displacements in Gendered Space." In Between Monsters, Goddesses and Cyborgs: Feminist Confrontations with Science, Medicine and Cyberspace, Nina Lykke and Rosi Braidotti, eds. London/New Jersey: ZED Books, 1996, pp. 47-71. The author may be contacted at
Bryld, Mette, and Nina Lykke. Cosmodolphins: Feminist Cultural Studies of Technology, Animals and the Sacred. London/New York: Zed Books, 2000.
"The book includes interviews with astrologers, wilderness guides, dolphin
trainers and academic staff of space agencies from Russia and the U.S. The interviews highlight some interesting differences between these two cultures in ideas both about gender and about self/other boundaries. The authors also look at representations of the space race in film and science fiction in
both cultures, as well as New Age and other texts on dolphins,
astrology and space travel.
"Cosmodolphins shows how all three icons partly reproduce and partly alter the earlier, colonial self/other dichotomy of woman, native and nature against the 'civilized' technologically masterful male self. We see how a particular icon of the wild -- the dolphin -- is elevated to mythological status, how a secularized society looks for spiritual fulfillment in the 'beyond' -- astrology -- and in its own technological advances -- space travel."
About the authors: Mette Bryld is in the Department of Russian and East European Studies, University of Southern Denmark. Nina Lykke is at the University of
Southern Denmark and Linkoping University, Sweden.
Trisha: Cogent analysis of the modern mythologization of dolphins.
___________, and Nina Lykke. "Delfinprinsesser og ædle vilde"
(Dolphin Princesses and Noble Savages). In Kvinder, Køn & Forskning
(Women, Gender and Research) 2, 1995, pp. 51-63. In Danish. A revised edition
of this article entitled "Woman, Nature and Noble Savages: Netscapes of
Post-Modernity" will be published in English in an anthology on Women and
Nature by the University of Trento, Italy.
Summary: The article argues for the inclusion of "nature" as category in the
extended framework of feminist cultural analysis. This is done through a
discussion of metonymical displacements within the network gender-race-nature
and their actual enactment with the dolphin as icon. It is pointed out how
today the dolphin is constructed as cult-animal by a broad international
public, inspired by New Age philosophy, eco-activism, etc. It is suggested
that the dolphin-icon metonymically is connected to romantic notions such as
the Woman and the Noble Savage and perhaps is taking over the "burden" of
representing the Other, which the modern subject needs in order to keep up
its privileged subject position.
Buckstaff, Kara C. Effects of watercraft noise on the acoustic behavior
of bottlenose dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, in Sarasota Bay, Florida. Marine
Mammal Science, 2004, 20(4):709-725. Author email:
Buff, Sheila. Dolphins. Nature's Window series. Kansas City, Missouri:
Andrews and McMeel, 1997.
Bullen, Frank T. Whales and Other Sea Creatures. Boy's Own Paper Office, [n.d.].
Bulloch, David K. The Whalewatcher's Handbook: A Field Guide to the Whales,
Dolphins, and Porpoises of North America. New York: Lyons & Burford, 1993.
Bunting, Eve. The Sea World Book of Whales. San Diego, California/London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980.
Burger, Joanna, ed. Seabirds and Other Marine Vertebrates. 1988.
Burnes, R. H. Handbook of R. H. Burnes' Cetacean Dissections. Woodland
Hills, California: Rudolph William Sabbot Natural History Books, 1952.
Burns, John J., J. Jerome Montague, and Cleveland J. Cowles, eds. The Bowhead Whale. Society for Marine Mammalogy special publication no. 2. Lawrence, Kansas: Society
for Marine Mammalogy, 1993.
Quote by Victor B. Scheffer from the back cover: "Through abusive whaling,
the world population of bowheads was reduced from about 57,000 in the early 17th
century to 8,000 now. Concern for the species quickened in 1972 with the first
drilling for oil in the Beaufort Sea. To date, over 56 million dollars have been
invested in bowhead research, while the number of publications on bowheads has
risen to more than 700. Researchers are handicapped by the great size of the
whale, its forbidding environment, its rarity, and its protected status.
"The Bowhead Whale is the product of balanced and effective
coordination among 14 sponsors, 38 authors, three book editors and the series
editor. It has reached the goal of providing an 'authoritative reference on
the bowhead whale that serves the information needs of scientists, managers, and
natural resource policy makers responsible for the welfare of the species and
its habitat.'"
Table of contents:
Introduction: Influence of Man, History of Conservation and Management Policies,
Research Programs, Physical Environment of the Bering Sea Population, Evolutionary Relationship and Classification, Anatomy and Physiology, Behavior (including acoustic behavior), Foods and Feeding Ecology, Reproduction, Morbidity and Mortality, Distribution and Movement, Population Sizes Prior to Commercial Whaling, Current Population Size and Dynamics, Feeding and Growth as Indicated by Stable Isotopes, Commercial Whaling in the North Atlantic Sector, Commercial Whaling in the North Pacific Sector, Subsistence Whaling; Man-Made Noise and Behavioral Response: Industrial Noise, Underwater Sound Transmission, Hearing by Baleen Whales, Short-term Disturbance Reactions, Zones of Noise Influence; Presence and Potential Effects of Contaminants, Epilogue
Burns, Natalia. Lore of the Dolphin: Tales of Our Connection Through the Ages. Beyond Words, 2002.
More from the publisher: "Honored around the world and since the beginning of civilization for their intelligence,
beauty, playfulness, and flattering tolerance for humans, dolphins fascinate us. Why are we so drawn to them? Perhaps it's
because of the mystery that surrounds dolphins. We feel a deep connection to them, yet we cannot be physically with them
as easily as we can with our best friend, the dog. Those who have had the good fortune of being around dolphins say that
it was an experience that changed their lives. With Lore of the Dolphin, you can now get close to dolphins in the
comfort of your armchair and be transformed as well.
"World cultures log hundreds of stories and personal accounts of how our human realm overlaps with the dolphin world.
In Lore of the Dolphin you'll read stories of how people were created from dolphins, how dolphins were created from
people, how dolphins have saved people's lives at sea, how they've saved people from emotional and physical isolation, how
they've helped people around the world fish, even how people have worshipped dolphins. There are true accounts of pink
dolphins, dolphins 'walking' among treetops, dolphins in the desert, even stories of dolphins who live in their own
underwater cities."
Burns, William C. G. "From the Harpoon to the Heat: Climate Change and the International Whaling Commission in the 21st Century." XIII(2) Georgetown International Environmental Law Review, 2001, 13(2):335-359. Reprints available from the author at American Society of International Law - Wildlife Interest Group, 1210 Floribunda Ave. #7, Burlingame, California 94010, USA, voice: 650-703-3280, fax: 801-838-4710, email:, URL:
Burton, Robert. The Life and Death of Whales. 2d ed. New York:
Universe Books, 1980.
Busch, Robert. Gray Whales: Wandering Giants. Custer, Washington/Victoria, British Columbia, Canada: Orca Book Publishers, 1998.
Bush, Robert H. Gray Whales, Wandering Giants. Custer, Washington:
Orca Book Publishers, 1998.
Busnel, Rene-Guy, and James F. Fish, eds. Animal Sonar Systems. New York: Plenum Press, 1980.
Buyer, Robert L. Bottlenose Dolphin. Carving Sea Life Series.
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania: Stackpole Books, 1995.
___________. Killer Whale and Pilot Whales. Carving Sea Life Series.
Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania: Stackpole Books, 1995.
___________. Sperm Whale. Carving Sea Life Series. Mechanicsbury,
Pennsylvania: Stackpole Books, 1995.
Cafiero, Gaetano, and Maddalena Jahoda. Whales and Dolphins. Translated by Anthony Shuggar. New York: Barnes & Noble Books, 1996. Italian edition: Vercelli, Italy: White Start S.r.l., 1994.
"In sections devoted to baleen and toothed whales, orcas (killer whales), and dolphins, the authors chronicle the legends mankind has woven around these creatures and share the latest research on cetacean behavior. A special reference section highlights the distinguishing characteristics of various whale and dolphin species and charts their evolution, migration routes, and present-day distribution."
Contents: Preface, Whales and Man (Cafiero), Cetacean Life (Jahoda)
Trisha: Beautiful photographs and illustrations in this oversize, coffee-table-style book, although the print quality of the photos is not uniformly good (many are too dark).
___________. Giants of the Sea: Whales, Dolphins, and Their Habits. Translated by Anthony Shuggar. Charlottesville, Virginia: Thomasson-Grant, 1993/Swan Hill Press, 1994.
Cahill, Tim. Dolphins. National Geographic Books, 2000.
Cajander, Veli-Risto, and Tiu Simila. Suurvalaat ja delfiinit--Merten viisaat valtiaat. Helsinki: Otava, 1987. In Finnish.
Calambokidis, John, and Gretchen Steiger. Blue Whales. WorldLife series. Stillwater, Minnesota: Voyageur Press, 1997.
Caldwell, David K. and Melba C. Caldwell. The World of the Bottlenosed
Dolphin. New York: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1972; St. Augustine, Florida:
Biological Systems, Inc., 1986.
Campbell, Kamala Hope. Dolphin Dreaming: An Interspecies Communication.
Unpublished manuscript. I.C.E.R.C., P.O. Box 110, Nambucca N.W.W., Australia
2448. 1987. (New Age)
Capra, Henri, and Jon Kershaw. Rendez-vouz chez les Dauphins. Grenoble:
Editions Glenat.
Carlson, Carole. "Whalewatching and its Effects on the Whales."
Whalewatcher (1996) 30(1):8-10.
Carlson, Carole, Phil Clapham, David Matilla, and Charles Mayo. Humpback
Whales of the Southern Gulf of Maine. Provincetown, Massachusetts: Center
for Coastal Studies, 1985.
Carpino, Elizabeth A. River Dolphins: Can They Be Saved?. Berkeley, CA:
International Rivers Network, 1994. International Rivers Network working paper.
Carwardine, Mark. Whales and Dolphins. Collins Gem series. New York:
HarperCollins, 1998.
___________. The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society: The World's Most
Active Charity Dedicated to the Conservation, Welfare and Appreciation of All
Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Bath, England: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, 1997. Available from Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, Alexander House, James St. West, Bath, Avon BA1 2BT, Great Britain, voice: 01225 334511, fax: 01225 480097.
___________. The Book of Dolphins. Berkeley, California: The Nature
Company, 1996.
___________. Whales, Porpoises & Dolphins: The Visual Guide to All
the World's Cetaceans. Eyewitness Handbook Series. London/New York: Dorling
Kindersby, 1995. Also published in French as L' oeil nature: Baleines,
dauphines et marsouins, Bordas.
"Expertly written and thoroughly revised, each entry combines a precise
description with annotated illustrations to highlight the chief characteristics
and distinguishing features of each whale, dolphin, and porpoise. Additional
illustrations show the animals 'in action' and depict other forms and color
variations. Maps show the distribution of every species, while color-coded
band provides at-a-glance facts.
"For beginners and established enthusiasts alike, this handbook explains
where in the world to look for cetaceans, how to find them, how to tell one
species from another, and how to interpret their different forms of behavior. A
visual color key at the front of the book aids immediate identification in the
wild, then guides you to the detailed species entry."
Trisha: An excellent visual reference work. I use it often.
___________. On the Trail of the Whale. United Kingdom: Thunder Bay
Publishing Co., 1994.
___________, Paul Harrison, and Michael Bryden, eds. Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. 2d ed. Checkmark, 1999.
___________, Erich Hoyt, R. Ewan Fordyce, and Peter Gill. Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises. The Nature Company Guides series. New York: Time Life Books, 1998.
Caskin, D. E. The New Zealand Cetacea. Fisheries Research Bulletin No.
1., 1968.
Castro, Cristina. "The Conservation Status of Cetaceans in Ecuador." The author may be contacted via Cetacean
Society International,
Catton, Chris. Dolphins. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1995; Great
Britain: Boxtree Limited, 1995.
Scott: Beautifully illustrated, it is yet another in the current series
of books that tells the story of mythology, communication, intelligence,
captivity, and interaction. Very pretty, but not too deep. [Trisha: I concur.]
The Center for Action on Endangered Species, Inc. The Whalebook: A
Conservation Manual, Source Book, Teaching Tool. 2d ed. Washington, D.C.:
Whale Protection Fund/The Center for Environmental Education, Inc., 1978,
___________. The Sperm Whale. Ayer, Massachusetts: Center for Action
on Endangered Species.
Center for Marine Conservation. Proceedings of the Workshop to Review and
Evaluate Whale-Watching Programs and Management Needs, November 14-16, 1988,
Monterey, California. Cosponsored by Center for Marine Conservation and
the National Marine Fisheries Service.
Chapin, Henry. The Remarkable Dolphin and What Makes Him So. New York:
W. R. Scott, 1962.
Chapskii, K. K., and V. E. Sokolov, eds. Morphology and Ecology of Marine
Mammals (Morfologiia i ekologiia morskikh mlekopitaiushchikh). Translated
from Russian by H. Mills. New York/London: Wiley/Jerusalem/London: Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1973.
Charnas, Suzy McKee. Strange Sea. Available as a publish on demand book at
Chase, Owen, Thomas Chappel, and George Pollard. Narratives of the Wreck of
the Whale-Ship Essex of Nantucket: Which Was Destroyed by a Whale in the Pacific
Ocean in the Year 1819. London: The Golden Cockerel Press, 1935. (See
also entry below for Nickerson, Thomas.)
Cherfas, Jeremy. The Hunting of the Whale: A Tragedy That Must End.
London: The Bodley Head, 1988/New York: Penguin Books, 1989.
Ching, G. W., and H. O. Porter. Project Deep Ops Equipment Development.
San Diego, California: Naval Undersea center, 1972.
Chino, Bun'ichirou. Together with Whales on Earth. Japan: The Plaza.
In Japanese. A Japanese/English version of this booklet is available for $1.00
from Animal Welfare Institute, P. O. Box 3650, Washington, DC 20007, USA.
"The author takes us on a journey of conscience, with subheads ranging from
'We Want to Eat Whales' through 'Cultural Heritage of the Earth,' summing up her
"'A great chorus of 'We want to eat whales' must be thought shameful in this age. On the earth, many people are wishing to become friends with whales. As a king of creatures on the land, mankind may have something to learn to live with other lives from a king of creatures in the sea, the whale. Is it not smart that kings of both the land and the sea are friendly? Let us live together with whales on the earth!'"
Ciampi, Elgin. Those Other People, the Porpoises. Grosset & Dunlap.
Clapham, Phil. Whales of the World. Worldlife Library series. Grantown on Spey, Great Britain: Colin Baxter
Photography, 1997/Stillwater, Minnesota: Voyageur Press, 2001.
From a review by William Rossiter, Cetacean Society International, in Whales Alive!, July 2001, p. 12: "In
Whales of the World, Clapham gently lays out so many facts with such style that any reader will enjoy filling up.
With the authority of an established expert, the humility of a man in awe of the creatures he studies, and a hint of the
cryptic British humor that made the underground journal 'Cete Scat' so infamous, Clapham writes so that the reader thinks.
I suddenly realized that the relatively tiny throat of baleen whales is a necessity, to keep out sea gulls, logs, garbage
bags, sharks and whatever else might also be with the mouthful of prey they must swallow. He even explains away why the
book had to ignore beaked whales and the pygmy right whale. All other species are treated royally."
___________. Humpback Whales. Worldlife Library series. Stillwater,
Minnesota: Voyageur Press/Grantown on Spey, Great Britain: Colin Baxter
Photography, 1996.
"Clapham, who has been studying humpbacks for over 15 years, also introduces readers to a whale named Salt, and tracks her activities as she travels from the Gulf of Maine to the Caribbean and back to Maine again. He details the incredible range of humpbacks, which inhabit all the world's oceans, along with their extensive seasonal migrations." Includes over 50 color photographs.
From a review in the October 1996 issue of Whales Alive!:
This book is written by "Dr. Philip Clapham, who's been studying [humpback
whales] lovingly at least fifteen years. Phil put his heart into a flowing,
evocative, and thorough narrative of current scientific knowledge on this
well-studied species from the perspective of a world authority, personalizing
it with his experiences with Salt, Thalassa, and others. His book is designed
to reach people who hate to read science, and Phil will show you almost all
that we know about humpbacks, and why we should care to know more . . . over
fifty incredible photos by many famous friends."
Contents: Humpback Whales, Cetaceans, Winged Whale, Nomads of the Sea, Summer, Winter, One Whale's Life, Conservation, Humpback Whale Facts
Clark, R. B. Marine Pollution. 4th ed. Oxford/New York: Oxford
University Press, 1997.
Clayton, Patti H. Connection on the Ice: Environmental Ethics in Theory and
Practice. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Temple University Press, 1998.
Cleave, Andrew. Whales & Dolphins: A Portrait of the Animal World.
Leicester, England: Magna Books, 1993/New York: Smithmark Publishers, 1995..
Chapters include Classification of Whales and Dolphins, Life in the Water, Whale
Senses and Communication, Courtship and Mating, Feeding, and Conservation. No
Cochrane, Amanda, and Karena Callen. Dolphins and Their Power to Heal.
Rochester, Vermont: Healing Arts Press/London: Bloomsbury Pub., 1992.
"[The authors'] quest to fathom and elucidate the healing power of the
dolphins has taken them to Africa, Bali, the Bahamas, the Florida Keys, the
Turks and Caicos islands, Greece, Ireland, and Northumbria. In their travels,
they have encountered pods of wild dolphins, lone friendly dolphins, and
dolphins in captivity. Both authors live in London, where they are active in the
field of alternative healing."
Chapters include: The Power to Heal?, Dolphin Midwives, Dolphin Teachers, The
Evolutionary and Mythological Evidence, The Life of a Dolphin, Dolphin
Intelligence, Dolphin Communication, Friendly Dolphins, Captivity, The Dolphins
of War, Conservation, and Dolphin Information and Welfare Organizations, plus
a bibliography and a brief index.
Trisha: An excellent general introduction to all aspects of the current
"dolphin phenomenon."
Scott: A broad-based look at the current state of dolphin/human
interaction relative to healing. A very good Who's Who of both people and
dolphins. Recommended, however slight factual deviance from other sources
makes one suspect of some stories.
Coerr, Eleanor, and William E. Evans. Gigi: A Baby Whale Borrowed for Science and Returned to the Sea. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1980.
Coffey, D. J. Dolphins, Whales and Porpoises: An Encyclopedia of Sea
Mammals. New York: Collier Books, 1977.
Collet, Anne. Swimming with Giants: My Encounters with Whales, Dolphins, and Seals. Translated by Gayle Wurst. Milkweed Editions, 2000.
From a review by Nancy Bent in Booklist: "Whale lovers rejoice--here is a marvelous new book that blends scientific fact with the wonder of gazing into a whale's eye. Collet, a French marine biologist, has been studying whales, dolphins, and seals since the 1970s. In the best tradition of popular science writing, Collet blends stories of her personal odyssey in choosing to study cetaceans with the scientific facts about these animals. A discussion of the natural history of the southern right whale blends seamlessly into the author's narrative of a week spent studying these highly endangered whales on the breeding grounds off the coast of Patagonia. Diving with the whales led to the author's most astonishing encounter--she was approached by a curious female right whale who then deliberately swam by Collet and carried her off on the edge of her tail. The book is not all mystical encounters with whales; the less enchanting side of marine mammal research is thoroughly explored. The love of research and of finding the right career comes through vividly in a book that will be eagerly read." Copyright (c) American Library Association. All rights reserved.
Trisha: Interesting anecdotes combined with factual information about cetaceans. Strongly debunks the New Age mythologization of dolphins and whales.
___________, and R. Duguy. Les dauphins, historique et biologie: Science et
découvertes. Paris: Ed. du Rocher, 1987.
Committee to Review Results of ATOC's Marine Mammal Research Program, Ocean Studies Board, National Research Council. Marine Mammals and Low-Frequency Sound: Progress Since 1994. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 2000.
Conlon, John. Razorback. 1998. Available from John C. Conlon, P.O.
Box 1037, Wellfleet, Massachusetts 02667, USA.
Connor, Richard C., and Dawn Micklethwaite Peterson. The Lives of Whales
and Dolphins. New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1994.
"Beginning with birth, the book follows seventy-five species of whales and
dolphins through all stages of their existence, exploring how they learn, play,
communicate, reproduce, fight, and express their emotions in song and graceful
movement. Led by Richard Connor, one of the world's leading cetologists, readers
will be presented the very latest research in the field--traveling to the icy
waters off southeast Alaska to watch the eating habits of humpbacks, to the
Arctic circle to hear the vocal virtuosos of beluga whales . . . and even to
the Amazon to observe a pink river dolphin wind its way through a flooded
tropical rain forest. Up-to-the-minute scientific information on orientation and
navigation techniques, intelligence, and migration routes is offered, along
with . . . details about social dynamics, from tender courting rituals to
domestic squabbles to gang behavior. Readers will also discover how the world
of whales and dolphins is profoundly linked to the human story and how deeply
our own behavior affects their existence." Includes glossary and index.
From Kirkus Reviews 4/14/94: "An informative, nuts-and-bolts look
at the compelling world of whales and dolphins from Connor, vice president of
the Shark Bay Research Foundation, and Peterson, a freelance science writer . . . Connor and Peterson paint a broad canvas of the cetacean's natural history.
Although advances in cetacean biology have proceeded by leaps and bounds over
the last two decades, much about these creatures remains murky. Connor and
Peterson, while thoroughly covering what is thought to be known, give plenty of
ink to conjecture and theory. While the fact that whales may once have been
footed land creatures is admittedly fascinating, the text really gets captivating when it describes cetacean social dynamics: from tender courting rituals to domestic tendings and squabble, from extraordinary displays of cooperation and affection to what can only be understood as gang behavior--hooligans looking for trouble. There are loners, too, as Connor and Peterson note, rebels among the compassionate midwives, protective circlers, and baby sitters. But this is also a hardheaded science text with comparative anatomy, orientation and navigation techniques, migration routes, foraging activities, and measures of intelligence prominently figuring in the text. And cetacean communication skills--those clusters of whistles, clicks, pops, growls, and moans now available on audio cassette--receive up-to-date ponderings. Connor and Peterson close with a chapter on the near-extinction of the Yangtze River baiji, a freshwater dolphin. It is a sorry tale of habitat destruction and that dubious testament to progress, the hydroelectric dam. A thorough and engaging overview of magnetic creatures that have kept humans lost in amazement for thousands of years." Copyright 1994, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
___________, J. Mann, P.L. Tyack, and H. Whitehead. "Social Evolution
in Toothed Whales." Trends in Ecology and Evolution (1998) 13:
Constant, Pierre. Marine Life of the Galapagos: A Diver's Guide to the Fishes, Whales, Dolphins and Other Marine
Animals. Odyssey Guides series. Odyssey Publications, 2002.
Constantine, David. Watching for Dolphins. Chester Springs, Dufour
Editions, 1983.
Constantine, Rochelle. Monitoring the Commercial Swim-With-Dolphin Operations with the Bottlenose Dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus) and Common Dolphin (Delphinus delphis) in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand. Master's
of Science Thesis, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 1995.
___________, and C. Scott Baker. Monitoring the Commercial
Swim-with-Dolphin Operations in the Bay of Islands. Science for Conservation series, No. 56. Wellington, New Zealand:
Department of Conservation, 1997.
___________, D. H. Brunton, and T. Dennis. Dolphin-watching tour boats change bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus)
Biological Conservation, 2004, 117:299-307.
Cook, Joseph J., and William L. Wisner. Blue Whale: Vanishing Leviathan. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1973.
___________. Warrior Whale. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1966.
Contents: The Remote Past, The Sperm Whale, Cachalot at Sea, Rogue Sperm Whales, Early History of Sperming, Sperm Whale and Man, Present Day Sperming [1960]
___________. Killer Whale! New York: Dodd, Mead, 1963.
"To ancient Indians this vicious toothed whale, cruising the oceans in
search of food, was a god. To the men he attacked he was a devil.
"Their lifelong love of the sea led the authors to their investigations
of this monster, whose Latin name, Orcinus orca, indicates he is of
the 'kingdom of the dead.'"
Trisha: The authors' hyperbole in the above description gives you a feel for
the skewed orientation of this book.
Corkeron, P. J. "Whale Watching, Iconography, and Marine Conservation." Conservation Biology, 204, 18(3):847-849.
Corrigan, Patricia. The Whale Watcher's Guide: Whale-Watching Trips in
North America. Chester, Connecticut: Globe Pequot, 1991; Minocqua, Wisconsin: NorthWord Press, 1994, updated 1999. (A revised and expanded edition of Where the Whales Are: A Directory of Whale-Watching Trips in North America. Chester, Connecticut: The Globe Pequot Press, 1991.)
Courbis, Sarah Shelby. Behavior of Hawai'ian spinner dolphins (Stenella longirostris) in response to vessels/swimmers. Master's
thesis, San Francisco State University, 2004. Author email:
Abstract: The objectives of this study were to determine the effect of vessel/swimmer traffic on Hawai'ian spinner dolphin behavior;
to determine daily behavior patterns of dolphins; to determine patterns of dolphin presence; to determine vessel/swimmer traffic patterns;
to determine if any of the patterns observed differed from previously reported patterns; and to produce information for organizations that
are in the process of designing regulations for dolphin tourism. My study was conducted in Hawai'i in Kealake'akua, Honaunau, and Kauhako
Bays (the later two have not been previously studied) by recording behavior of dolphins and vessel/swimmer traffic from land-based
stations. No significant correlations were found between frequency of dolphin aerial behavior and intensity of vessel/swimmer traffic.
In Kealake'akua Bay, amounts of entry and exit behavior decreased and mid-day behavior increased since previous studies. However, mean
dolphin entry, exit, and residence times did not differ from those reported in previous studies of this bay. Preferred location of
dolphins in Kealake'akua Bay changed since previous studies. Changes in dolphin behavior may affect their ability to rest, breed, and
Cousteau, Jacques-Yves, and Philippe Diolé. Les Dauphins.
Arthaud, 1994.
___________. Dolphins. New York: A & W Visual Publishers, 1975.
Translation of Les dauphins et la liberté, Paris: Flammarion,
Chapters include First Encounters, The Dolphins of Monaco, The Laws of the Clan,
The Story of Dolly, Life with Man, The Road to Freedom, A World of Sound,
Thought in the Sea, The Education of Dolphins, The Fisherman's Friend, The
Right to Respect, An Ancient Friendship, and The Promise of the Future. Also
included are appendices on classification, fresh-water dolphins, protective
legislation, and dolphins in the circus and in the laboratory, as well as an
illustrated glossary, a bibliography, and an index.
___________. The Whale: Mighty Monarch of the Sea. Translated from
French by J. F. Bernard. New York: A & W Visual Library, 1972/London: Cassell,
Chapters include: Meeting a Whale; Fragile Giants of the Sea; When Whales Travel; The Breath-Holding Champions of the World; They Talk, They Sing--And They Listen; The World's Greatest Flesh-Eaters; The Art of Love; The Nursery of the Leviathans; The Baby Whale Who Wanted to Live; The Strongest and Most Intelligent of All: The Killer Whale; and A Time for Respect. Also includes appendices on classification and whaling, plus a glossary and an index.
Cousteau, Jacques, and Yves Paccalet. Jacques Cousteau: Whales. New York: Harry N. Abrams, 1986, 1988.
". . . whales have provided inspiration in nearly every sphere of creative
and intellectual endeavor, from painting, poetry, and literature to philosophy
and religion. From the story of Jonah to St. Brendan, from Norse legends to the
folklore of Australian aborigines, whales have evoked curiosity, awe, and fear.
Here, through ample quotations and illustrations, we see how the whale
captivated the minds of Aristotle, Shakespeare, and Melville, and inspired
such artists as Dürer, Hokusai, and Turner."
Cowan, James. The Story of Pelorus Jack: The White Dolphin of French Pass,
New Zealand, with Maori Legends. 2d ed. Auckland, New Zealand: Whitcombe
& Tombs, 1930. 1st ed. Christchurch, New Zealand, 1911. (35-page booklet with
From the booklet: "Maori folk-lore abounds with references to taniwhas of the deep, sea-deities [who] were originally men, and [who] exercised "benevolent and maleficent powers over humans who ventured out upon the deep . . . Most famous of all these Maori taniwha-fish [sic] . . . was 'Kaikai-a-waro' [lit. 'Food of the Deep'], [who] the pakeha [the white race] called 'Pelorus Jack.' As Triton with his 'wreathed horn' preceded his ocean-riding father Poseidon, so the scythe-finned taniwha of the Maori seas escorted their chiefs' canoes; and so did 'Kaikai-a-waro,' playing swiftly around the bows of the Trans-Cook Strait fire-canoes, as if leading them on their way, a wonder and a delight to thousands of sea-travellers."
The last half of the booklet recounts stories about Kaikai-a-waro told to the
author by Kipa Hemi Wharo, who claimed to be Jack's "chief," and who
firmly believed that "'Jack' was the incarnation of his ancestors'
sea-god." Kipa Hemi Wharo was regarded by all the Sounds Maoris as the
leading authority on their ancestral history and whakapapa (genealogical recitals and traditions).
Cox, G. I. Whale Watch: A Guide to New Zealand's Whales and Dolphins.
Auckland, New Zealand: Collins, 1990.
Cox, Victor. Whales and Dolphins. London: W. H. Smith Books/New York:
Crescent Books, 1989.
Craft, Sarah S. Mother Beluga Whales and Their Babies. Rosen Group, 1998.
Crail, Ted. Apetalk & Whalespeak: The Quest for Interspecies
Communication. Los Angeles/Boston: J. P. Tarcher/Houghton Mifflin, 1981.
"Apetalk & Whalespeak provides both a history and up-to-the-minute
account of adventures into the mysterious realm of animal communication and
inner space, including Penny Patterson's dramatic sign language work with
gorillas Koko and Michael; John Lilly's language experiments with dolphins;
the dolphin Peter's courtship of Margaret Howe during their live-in experiment
in communication; musicologist Jim Nollman's music lessons with killer whales;
Washoe's breakthrough into sign language; the story of Belle Benchley, the
great innovator of the San Diego Zoo, and her discoveries about the mysterious
nature of the gorilla; and more.
"The book also offers an unusual glimpse into the behind-the-scenes politics of scientific research and debate--the inside story of Stanford University's stonewalling of Penny Patterson and interference with a Jane Goodall experiment, the liberation of porpoises from Lou Hermann's Hawaiian lab, Columbia University psychologist Herbert Terrace's dramatic repudiation of his experiments in teaching sign language to a chimpanzee named Nim Chimsky," and more.
Cravalho, M. A. "Shameless Creatures: An Ethnozoology of the Amazon River Dolphin." Ethnology, Winter 1999, 38(1):47-58.
Crespo, Enrique A., et al. "Direct and Indirect Effects of the Highseas
Fisheries on the Marine Mammal Populations in the Northern and Central
Patagonian Coast." Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science
(1997) 22: 189-207.
Cressey, Jason. A Guide to Dolphin & Whale Encounters Around the World. Available from The Pod (People - Oceans - Dolphins),
Cresswell, Graeme, and Dylan Walker. Whales and Dolphins of the European Atlantic. Devon, England: WildGuides Ltd., 2001. Available from WildGuides, email:, or NHBS Mailorder Bookstore, email:
Culik, Boris M.
Review on Small Cetaceans: Distribution, Behaviour, Migration and Threats.
Compiled for the Convention on Migratory Species (CMS). 2002.
Curran, Sarah, Ben Wilson, and Paul Thompson. Recommendations for the Sustainable Management of the Bottlenose Dolphin Population in the Moray Firth. Perth: Scottish Natural Heritage, Publications Section, 1996.
Cuvier, F. De l'histoire naturelle des cétacé. Paris, 1836.
Czernohaus, Karola. Delphindarstellungen von der minoischen bis zur geometrischen Zeit. Studies in Mediterranean Archaeology and Literature. Goteborg: P. Astroms forlag, 1988.
Dale, Rodney. The Tumour in the Whale: A Collection of Modern Myth.
London: Duckworth, 1978.
Dalton, T., and R. Isaacs. The Australian Guide to Whale Watching.
Darling, James. Gray Whales. Stillwater, Minnesota: Voyageur Press, 1999/Great Britain: Colin Baxter Photography, 1999.
___________. Wild Whales. Vancouver, British Columbia: SummerWild
Productions for the West Coast Whale Research Foundation, 1987.
___________. Migration, Abundance and Behavior of Hawaiian Humpback Whales
(Megaptera novaeangliae). Ph.D. thesis. Santa Cruz, California:
University of California Santa Cruz, 1983.
Darling, James, and Flip Nicklin. Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises. New
York: Random House, 1995.
__________. With the Whales. Minocqua, Wisconsin: NorthWord Press,
Inc., 1990.
"As Darling and photographer Flip Nicklin have discovered, some of the
poetry remains . . . In word and image, Darling and Nicklin have captured the
substance and symbols of these compelling creatures. Taken throughout the world's oceans, most of the 130 arresting photographs were taken by Nicklin free-swimming with the whales . . .
"In his preface [to the book], Dr. Kenneth Norris . . . summarized the
impact of the book: 'Above all this is a true book about whales. You learn what
we really know about whales. And then you see it, up close, and you too may feel
the swish of the giant animal's flukes and wonder at the unknown that still
surrounds us just beyond the land's edge.'"
Contents include: Portfolio, With the Whales, Origins, Cetacean Society, Feeding, Mating Rituals, The Maternal Mandate, An Oceanic Language, and The Whale Tomorrow?
Daugherty, Anita E. Marine Mammals of California. 2d ed. rev. Sacramento, California: State of California Department of Fish and Game, 1972.
Dauphin, l'Autre d'indispensable infiuiment petit. Gerard Lippert.
Davies, John Lloyd. The Whales and Seals of Tasmania: Written and Illustrated for the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery. Hobart: Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery, 1963.
Davies, Nick, Alison M. Smith, Sean R. Whyte, Vanessa Williams, eds. Why
Whales?. Bath, England: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, 1991.
Available from Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, Alexander House, James
St. West, Bath, Avon BA1 2BT, Great Britain, voice: 01225 334511, fax: 01225
Davis, Edward B. "A Whale of a Tale: Fundamentalist Fish Stories". Perspectives on Science and Christian Faith 43 (1991): 224-237.
Davis, Susan G. Spectacular Nature: Corporate Culture and the Sea World
Experience. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1997.
"While Davis shows the many ways that Sea World monitors its audience and
manipulates animals and landscapes to manufacture pleasure, she also explains the contradictions facing the enterprise in its campaign for a positive public identity. Shifting popular attitudes, animal rights activists, and environmental laws all pose practical and public relations challenges to the theme park.
"Davis confronts the park's vast operations with impressive insight and
originality, revealing Sea World as both an industrial product and a phenomenon
typical of contemporary American culture."
Trisha: A thorough (based on many years of research and fieldwork), cogent, and
revealing analysis of Sea World's and, by association, other theme parks' highly
controlled and artificial presentation of nature, whose bottom-line purpose is
the stimulation of consumption. If you harbor any thoughts about Sea World's
purpose being to provide true education, environmental awareness, etc., I would
recommend a careful consideration of this author's arguments.
___________. "Touch the Magic" in William Cronon, ed., Uncommon
Ground: Toward Reinventing Nature. New York/London: W. W. Norton and Co.,
Dawbin, William Henry, Bruce Alexander Noble, and Francis Charles Fraser.
Observations on the Electra Dolphin, Peponocephala electra. In
Bulletin of the British Museum (Natural History), Zoology Series,
Vol. 20, No. 6. London: British Museum (Natural History), 1970.
Daws, Gavan. Night of the Dolphins. HUW209 Nature and Human Nature
course. Victoria, Australia: Deakin University, 1982.
It is this incident that serves as the running example for a consideration
of the legal and natural rights of humans and other animals in this course
in the Nature and Human Nature series, a second-level series of courses in
the social studies of science major at Deakin University. This series examines
"scientific ideas and practices, how they were shaped by their social
context, and how they were used to further particular social and political
Contents include: The Release of the Dolphins; Rights for Humans, Rights for
Other Animals (subsections: The question of rights; The tactics of rights; The
problems of personification; Who is a human?); The Uses of Other Animals; The
Nature of Other Animals; Attitudes to Other Animals; Ethology and Attitudes to
Other Animals; Species Boundaries and Moral Boundaries; The Marginal Case and
Its Agonies; Mental States in Other Animals; Intelligence in Other Animals
(subsection: The cetacean brain); Language and Other Animals (subsection:
Dolphins and language); The Reaction to the Release of the Dolphins
(subsection: The legal reaction); Aftermath; Universal Declaration of the
Rights of Animals. Also includes Essential, Highly Recommended, and Recommended
Provides a thought-provoking introduction (with questions and exercises) to
the consideration of rights and personhood for nonhumans, especially in the
case of cetaceans, nonhuman primates, and a human/nonhuman primate hybrid.
Dawson, Stephen. The New Zealand Whale and Dolphin Digest: The Official
Project Jonah Guidebook. Auckland, New Zealand: Brick Row Publishing Co.
Ltd., 1985.
Dawson, Stephen, and Elisabeth Slooten. Down-under Dolphins: The Story of
the Hector's Dolphin. Christchurch, New Zealand: Canterbury University
Press, 1997.
Day, David. The Whale War. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1987.
"David Day's frankly conservationist stance enriches this look at the single
greatest victory of the ecological movement. Day treats the whale war as a
military campaign, reporting on the manoeuvres and gains in the world's oceans
and parliaments. He reviews the growth of public outcry and international
pressure while killer-factory ships ply the oceans and Greenpeace's eco-guerillas
wage a dangerous campaign against pirate whalers.
"He examines the history and politics of the International
Whaling Commission, with its peculiar policy of protection under which more whales are
killed than ever before; how the Japanese and Russians find legal loopholes to
extend hunting quotas; and how negotiations stretch on while the incredible
slaughter continues.
"A concise history of [human] relationship with the whale and a fascinating
look at the whale's many mysteries enhance The Whale War. And in the
voice of the truly concerned human, Day looks into the future and prays for the
whale's survival in a world seemingly bent on universal destruction."
Deans, James. Legend of the Fin-back Whale Crest of the Haidas, Queen
Charlotte's Island, B.C.. 1892?.
Dedina, Serge ( Saving the Gray Whale: People, Politics, and Conservation in Baja California. Phoenix, Arizona: The University of Arizona Press, 2000.
"Serge Dedina threads the social and political labyrinths that surround
gray whale conservation in Baja California as densely as mangroves
surround the breeding lagoons. Dedina's book is required reading for
anyone who would understand contemporary man's interaction with the gray
whale." -- Bruce Berger, author of Almost an Island: Travels in Baja
"Once hunted by whalers and now the darling of ecotourists, the gray whale has become part of the culture, history, politics, and geography of Mexico's most isolated region. After the harvesting of gray whales was banned by international law in 1946, their populations rebounded; but while they are no longer hunted for their oil, these creatures are now chased up and down the lagoons of southern Baja California by whalewatchers.
"This book uses the biology and politics associated with gray whales in
Mexican waters to present an unusual case study in conservation and politics. It provides an inside look at how gray whale conservation decisions are made in Mexico City and examines how those policies and programs are carried out in the calving grounds of San Ignacio Lagoon and Magdalena Bay, where catering to ecotourists is now an integral part of the local economy.
"Saving the Gray Whale also explores the politics behind the battle over
San Ignacio Lagoon--where Mitsubishi has proposed building the world's largest industrial salt facility.
"More than a study of conservation politics, Dedina's book puts a human
face on wildlife conservation. The author lived for two years with residents of Baja communities to understand their attitudes about wildlife conservation and Mexican politics, and he accompanied many in daily activities to show the extent to which the local economy depends on whalewatching.
"'It is ironic,' observes Dedina, 'that residents of some of the most isolated fishing villages in North America are helping to redefine our relationship with wild animals. Americans and Europeans brought the gray
whale population to the brink of extinction. The inhabitants of San
Ignacio Lagoon and Magdalena Bay are helping us to celebrate the whales'
survival.' By showing us how these animals have helped shape the lifeways
of the people with whom they share the lagoons, Saving the Gray Whale
demonstrates that gray whales represent both a destructive past and a future with hope."
___________, and Emily Young. Conservation and Development in the Gray Whale
Lagoons of Baja California Sur, Mexico. Final Report to the U.S. Marine Mammal Commission, October 1995.
Deinse, A. B. van. Fossiele en recente cetacea van Nederland.
Amsterdam, 1931.
Delorme, J., and C. Roux. Guide illustré de la faune aquatique dans
l'art grec. A.P.D.C.A, Juan-les-Pins.
DeMares, Ryan. "Peak Experiences with Cetaceans: A Phenomenological Study." Doctoral dissertation. The Union Institute Graduate College, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1998. Dissertation Abstracts International catalogue no. 9908549. Author email:
___________. Dolphins, Myths, and Transformations. Forthcoming 2002. Author email:
"Examples of chapter subjects: Hearing the call of the dolphins (how my relationship with dolphins came about, through dolphin-assisted-therapy-related research and other means); my cetacean peak experience research; the peak experience research with chimps being done by the only other scientist involved in this type of inquiry; dolphin basics like intelligence and perception; my take on the dolphins as healers, along with a story of relief from severe depression by a participant in one of my workshops a year ago who lives in Manhattan and feels the dolphins made it possible for her to fulfill her role in serving the community in the wake of 9-11; the myths surrounding Homo dolphinus; an after-death communication involving a message from the dolphins; a world vision about the cetacean nation, written by a participant in one of my wild swim workshops; and my own call for the transformation of Western science toward the acceptance of other kinds of knowing. There is a definite undercurrent of feminine principle, due in part to the White Mare (White Goddess) presence in my life, the feminine energy of the dolphins, which relates to your yin-yang material, and my presentation of feminine knowing along with the mystical and indigenous as valid avenues for acquiring knowledge."
Department of the Navy. An Investigation of Potential Uses of Animals in Coast Guard Operations. Springfield, Virginia: National Technical Information Service, 1981.
Desmond, Jane C. Staging Tourism: Bodies on Display from Waikiki to Sea World. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press, 2001.
"Gathering together written accounts, postcards, photographs, advertisements, films, and oral histories as well as her own interpretations of these displays, Desmond gives us a vibrant account of U.S. tourism in Waikiki from 1900 to the present. She then juxtaposes cultural tourism with 'animal tourism' in the United States, which takes place at zoos, aquariums, and animal theme parks. In each case, Desmond argues, the relationship between the viewer and the viewed is ultimately based on concepts of physical difference harking back to the nineteenth century."
Cetacean/animal-related contents: Looking at Animals: The Consumption of Radical Bodily Difference, The Industries of Species Tourism, In/Out-of/In-Fake-Situ: Three Case Studies, Performing Nature: Shamu at Sea World, Bodies and Tourism
Devine, Eleanore, and Martha Clark. The Dolphin Smile: Twenty-nine
Centuries of Dolphin Lore. New York: Macmillan, 1967. (Contains both
fiction and nonfiction.)
Dewar, Shari "Star." Encounters with Hearts of the Sea. Available in full online: (New Age)
Dewhurst, Henry William. The Natural History of the Order Cetacea and the Oceanic Inhabitants of the Arctic Regions. London: Henry William Dewhurst, 1834. Illustrated with numerous lithographic and wood engravings of whales and some ocean life.
Dianthus. Union of Presence. An audio book. Available from Dianthus Books,
4306 Eagle Fork, Houston, Texas 77084-3514, (281) 550-4310. (New Age)
Dierauf, Leslie A. (, ed. CRC Handbook of Marine Mammal Medicine: Health, Disease, and Rehabilitation. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 1990. (New edition forthcoming 2000.)
Dietz, Tim. Whales and Man: Adventures with the Giants of the Deep.
Dublin, New Hampshire: Yankee Books, 1987.
"You'll meet a man in Maine who risks his life to save whales trapped in
fishermen's nets; witness a sperm whale giving birth in the middle of the
Indian Ocean; and cheer as thousands of whales trapped in Artic pack ice are
lured to freedom by the strains of classical music.
"As you share these adventures, you'll also learn the latest scientific
theories about whales. . . The final section features a unique gallery of whale
behavior, designed especially for whale watchers."
___________. Tales of the Sea. Guy Gannet Books, 1983.
___________. Tales of Whales. Guy Gannet Books, 1982.
Dixon, J. M., and L. Frigo. The Cetacean Collection of the Museum of Victoria:
An Annotated Catalogue. Australia: Deer RF, 1994.
Dizon, Andrew, Scott Baker, Frank Cipriano, et al., eds.
Molecular Genetic Identification of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises: Proceedings of a Workshop on the Forensic Use of Molecular Techniques to Identify Wildlife Products in the Marketplace. La Jolla, California: 14-16 June 1999. U.S. Department of Commerce. NOAA Technical Memorandum, NOAA-TM-NMFS-SWFSC-286. 2000.
___________, S. J. Chivers, and W. F. Perrin, eds. Molecular Genetics of Marine Mammals. Society for Marine Mammalogy special publication no. 3. Lawrence, Kansas: Society
for Marine Mammalogy, 1997.
Doak, Wade. Friends in the Sea: Solo Dolphins in New Zealand and Australia.
Aukland, New Zealand: Hodder Moa Beckett Publishers Limited, 1995.
___________. Swimming with Dolphins in New Zealand. Auckland:
Hodder and Stoughton, 1994.
"In a tour of dolphin-swim locations around the country, this book provides
insights into how to play with dolphins. From north to south, you can meet
five different species of dolphins, at different times and locations, according
to seasonal movements. You will find that swimming with dolphins can be an
unforgettable experience."
___________. Encounters with Whales and Dolphins. Auckland:
Hodder & Stoughton, 1988.
"For the past decade New Zealanders Wade and Jan Doak have devoted
themselves to exploring the cetacean mind through the vehicle of communication.
With mimetic use of the dolphin suit, music and creative play, they found that
dolphins extend their signalling systems to humans. The Doaks' Project Interlock
network linked them with people all over the globe who have had complex exchanges
with cetaceans. They researched the histories of 30 solitary dolphins that have
sought human companionship for prolonged periods. They discovered remote and
special dolphin tribes in close rapport with humans in the Bahamas, Brazil and
Australia. Amazingly they found whales just as ready to communicate: mighty
humpbacks are sensitive to interaction with humans, mother grey whales present
their babies to be stroked, and wild orca seek to establish trust by gently
mouthing human limbs."
___________. Dolphin, Dolphin. New York: Sheridan House, 1980.
"There were further encounters with other dolphins--and sometimes the same
ones--off that charmed Northland coast; tantalizing in their brevity but every
now and then making Wade and Jan Doak feel they were on the brink of a
revelation. The thought of establishing meaningful communication with dolphins
and other cetaceans began to dominate the Doaks' life.
"There were so many ideas to be tried out in the search for a two-way dialogue. Music, but what style and tempo? (Pink Floyd gained quick popularity.) Mimicry, with the development of a dolphin suit to make resemblances more obvious. And was it proper to intrude on their territory, or did one wait for the 'nomadic villagers' to offer an invitation? What kind of boat made the best base? Wade and Jan sold their house and bought a Polynesian catamaran which they transformed into a specially rigged research vessel.
"Dolphin, Dolphin goes on to tell how the dolphins responded to
these and other experiments. Journal entries capture the excitement and wonder
of encounters which gradually developed into a relationship that, a few years
before, would have been beyond belief.
"And so Project Interlock came into being. A study of dolphin-initiated
approaches to humans opened a door to the rest of the world. Dolphins had
deliberately aided mariners in distress; others had set up enduring friendships
with chosen people. Responding to Operation Interlock newsletters, swimmers,
divers, surfers and yachtsmen reported meetings with friendly and strangely
communicative dolphins. Britain and South Africa, Spain, the Bahamas and
Australia, Hawaii and the two Americas furnished fascinating anecdotes.
"The pathway to friendship with dolphins extends to physical contact and
play with the great whales. The future possibilities that Wade Doak outlines are
fascinating. The great brain capacity of the cetaceans can be used in ways that
we earthbound creatures cannot fully comprehend. These possibilities come
excitingly together when Wade Doak, attending the 1980 conference on cetacean
intelligence in Washington, D.C., reviews modern research in this field and
then, in the coastal waters of Hawaii, discovers new horizons for human/
cetacean exploration."
Dobbs, Horace. Dolphin Adoption and Watching Handbook. All of Horace
Dobbs' books are available from International Dolphin Watch, Parklands, North Ferriby,
E. Yorks HU14 3ET, England, voice: 01 482 844468, fax: 01 482 634914.
___________. Dolphin Healing. 2000.
"Horace Dobbs explores possible scientific explanations for the healing power of dolphins which he supports with many heartwarming tales of personal transformation. These range from that of Bill, who, after swimming with dolphins, was completely cured after 12 years in a deep depression, and Lilo, whose terminal cancer regressed, to the incredible story of Eve, a severely autistic girl who uttered her first word, 'good', after meeting a dolphin."
___________. Journey into Dolphin Dreamtime. London: Jonathan Cape,
1992. Part three of the trilogy including Tale of Two Dolphins and
Dance to a Dolphin's Song. Large-print edition available.
___________. Save the Dolphins. London: Souvenir Press, 1992.
___________. Dance to a Dolphin's Song: The Story of a Quest for the Magic
Healing Power of the Dolphin. London: Jonathan Cape, 1990. (Outgrowth of
two television films: Bewitched by a Dolphin and The Dolphin's
Touch.) Part two of the trilogy including Tale of Two Dolphins
and Journey into Dolphin Dreamtime.
___________. Follow a Wild Dolphin: The Story of an Extraordinary
Friendship. Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Sheridan House, 1990/London: Souvenir Press,
1990. Also published in Japanese.
___________. The Magic of Dolphins. Guildford, England:
Lutterworth Press/Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Sheridan House, 1990.
___________. Tale of Two Dolphins. London: Jonathan Cape,
1987. Part one of the trilogy including Dance to a Dolphin's Song and
Journey into Dolphin Dreamtime.
Dolphin, J. G. How
to Shapeshift to Dolphin Form. Torrance, California: Dolphin Society,
1996. (New Age)
Dolphin Awareness: Dolphins, Porpoises and Whales of the Moray Firth.
Scottish Natural Heritage, 1993.
Dolphin Reef Eilat. Educational
Packages. Available from Dolphin Reef Eilat via website, or Southern
Beach, P.O. Box 104, Eilat 88100, Israel, 972-6371846, fax: 972-6375921,
Donio, Sophie. "Summary of Therapy Season 1996-1997: Supportive Experience with the Aid of Dolphins at Dolphin Reef,
Eilat, Israel."
Nathanson, David E., Donny de Castro, Heather Friend, and Marcia McMahon.
"Effectiveness of Short-Term Dolphin-Assisted Therapy for Children with
Severe Disabilities." Anthrozoos, 1997, 10(2-3):90-98.
Package II contents:
Arion - Associazione Scientifica senza fini di lucro. "Dolphin Assisted
Psychotherapy - A Gestalt Approach. ASPIC: Realta e Prospettive in
Psicofisiologia, n. 8/9/10, Roma luglio 1994.
Cusack, Odean, and Elaine Smith. Project Inreach.
Donio, Sophie. "Case Report of Dolphin-Assisted Therapy at Dolphin Reef
Eilat.". (Contents: Introduction, The advantages of the dolphin in therapy,
Survey of studies involving therapy with dolphins, What takes place at the
Dolphin Reef in Eilat. Description and analysis of the working procedure with
a little girl suffering considerably delayed development, Conclusion, Appendix -
description of sessions, Bibliography)
Nathanson, David E. "Using Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphins to Increase Cognition of Mentally Retarded Children." In P. Lovibond, and P. Wilson, eds., Clinical and Abnormal Psychology. Holland: Elsevier Science Publishers, 1989, pp. 233-242.
Nathanson, David E., and Sherri de Faria. "Cognitive Improvement of Children in Water with and without Dolphins. Anthrozoos, 6(1): 17-29.
The Dolphin Report. Sea Frontiers, v. 37, Mar/Apr 1991: 36-55.
Dolphins. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1997. Originally in Japanese.
Dolphins and Whales in Captivity. International Specialized Book, 1984.
Dolphins in Peril. Issue #13, April 1990 of Paws News.
Progressive Animal Welfare Society, P.O. Box 1037, Lynwood, Washington 98046.
Dolphins, Whales, and Porpoises. New York: Macmillan Publishing, 1978.
Donoghue, Michael, and Annie Wheeler. Save the Dolphins. Dobbs Ferry,
N.Y.: Sheridan House, 1990.
"It identifies and describes the threats currently facing these wise and
gentle creatures, such as 'wall-of-death' nets, purse-seining and even hunting
or deliberate harassment by humans.
"Also included is the story of how inshore habitats have become so polluted
that, for example, the belugas of the St. Lawrence Seaway have become sterile
and are doomed to extinction. And dolphins are deliberately pursued and
slaughtered around Japan, South America, and the Black Sea because they compete
with commercially valued fish, and are used for food, fertilizer, or even crab
"From Asia and South America come accounts of the most endangered dolphins
of all: small river-dwelling species like the Ganges River dolphin which are
very restricted in distribution and now extremely rare because of hunting and
habitat destruction."
Chapters include: The Most Threatened Species, The Human/Dolphin Encounter,
An Equal Intelligence in the Sea?, A Remarkable Adaptation to Life Under Water,
The Sad Story of the River Dolphins, The Deliberate Killing of Dolphins, Dolphin
Slaughter in the Tuna Industry, Drift-nets--Stripmining the Oceans, Gill-Nets--
the Quiet Massacre, Last-Minute Reprieve for the Downunder Dolphin, Poisoned
Waters, Dolphins and Whales in Captivity, The Militarisation of Flipper,
International Law for Protecting Dolphins and Small Whales, Saving Dolphins--
Conservation Initiatives, What You Can Do to Help, and Species List. Also
includes brief bibliography, glossary, and index.
Scott: Intense, well documented, excellent photographs. Exceptionally
complete on the subject for its 120 pages. Strong on international law.
Donovan, G. P. Behaviour of Whales in Relation to Management.
Reports of the International Whaling Commission, Special Issue 8. Cambridge:
Whaling Commission, 1986.
Donovan, G. P., C. H. Lockyer, and A. R. Martin, eds. Biology of Northern
Hemisphere Pilot Whales: A Collection of Papers. Reports of the International Whaling Commission, Special Issue 14. Cambridge: International
Whaling Commission, 1993.
"The Faroese studies have provided some . . . new information about the
biology of the pilot whale, particularly in terms of its social organisation and
reproductive biology. Other papers on North Atlantic pilot whales examine historical trends in catches, provide the first direct estimates of current population size and information on distribution and fishery interactions.
"The final three papers in the volume concern the short-finned pilot whale
in the North Pacific."
Dorn, E. W., R. Dietz, and R. R. Reeves. Studies of White Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) and Narwhals (Monodon monceros) in Greenland and Adjacent Waters. Meddelelser Om Gronland, Bioscience 39 series. Denmark: Danish Polar Centre, 1994.
Dornics, Bettina, and Ulrich "Ulisses" Reinartz.
Doud, Forrest. The Gray Whale Pocket Guide. San Luis Obispo, California: E Z Nature Books, 1992.
Dow, Leslie. Whales. Great Creatures of the World Series. New York:
Facts on File, 1990.
Doyle, Mark. Celebrating 50 Wyland Whaling Walls. Laguna Beach,
California: Wyland Studios, 1995.
Doyle, Mark, and Wyland. The Art of Wyland. Laguna Beach, California:
Wyland Studios, Inc., 1993.
Dozier, Thomas A. Whales and Other Sea Mammals: Based on the Television
Series Wild, Wild World of Animals. New York: Little Brown & Co., 1977.
Dudok van Heel, Willem Hendrik. Extraordinaires dauphins. Ed. Rossel, Nature/Sciences, 1974. In French.
___________. Dolfijn, hoe doe je het?. Amsterdam: P. N. van Kampen &
Zoon N.V., 1970. In Dutch.
___________. Sound and Cetacea. Groningen: J. B. Wolters, 1962.
Dudzinski, Kathleen. Communication and Behavior in the Atlantic Spotted
Dolphin (Stenella frontalis): Relationships Between Vocal and Behavioral Activities. Dissertation. 1996. Available for $16.00 from the author. E-mail:, s-mail: 157 Curtis Street, Meriden, Connecticut 06450.
This work presents a description of behaviors and vocalizations of free-ranging
Atlantic spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) in Bahamian waters. The objective
is to elucidate mechanisms of intraspecific communication in these dolphins by
interpretation of associations between vocal structures, social context, and
observed behaviors. The ultimate goal is to evaluate communication and behavior
of spotted dolphins in order to eventually understand how an aquatic mammal's
sensory abilities permit it to adapt to an environment foreign to terrestrial
mammals. While this work does not yield the Rosetta stone to dolphin communication, it does provide a beginning description of associations among their intraspecific interactions, behaviors, and vocalizations. To facilitate this work, I developed a system that allowed concurrent recording of underwater vocal activity and behavior among dolphins. With this system, the vocalizing dolphin could be identified for approximately 38 percent of all recorded vocalizations, thereby facilitating examination of relationships between an individual's vocalizations, behaviors, age, and gender. Behavior units varied with behavioral activity, group type, and age, but not gender.
Some behaviors and vocalizations were produced only by particular ages. For example, melon-to-genital contact was observed between mother/calf dyads, while screams were recorded only from calves and juveniles. Vocal type varied significantly with behavioral activity, group type, and spot class: whistles and chirps were observed mostly during social and play activity, and click trains more during inquisitive and forage modes. No evidence for signature whistles was indicated from the data, although their presence and potential use as contact calls is suggested from anecdotal observations. Spotted dolphins use vocal, visual, and tactile pathways for signal exchange. Behaviors and vocal signals were used concurrently, apparently to maximize or enhance a message. Behaviors and vocalizations were also used separately, but with similar functions. For example, a click train with a chirp produced while one individual approached another appeared to indicate the same message as a pectoral fin to pectoral fin rub between individuals that joined after a separation.
___________, Toni G. Frohoff, and Nicole L. Crane. Behavior of a lone female bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) with
humans off the coast of Belize. Aquatic Mammals, 1995, 21(2):149-153.
Duguy, R., and D. Robineau. Guide des mammifères marins d'Europe. Lausanne, Switzerland: Delachaux et Niestlé, 1982.
Dumont, Jean M. On the Trail of Whales. Hauppauge, New York: Barron's
Educational Series, 1998.
"This book of short essays, each accompanied by a track on the CD, introduces the universal qualities of soundmaking and listening, and is filled with sudden kernels of synthesis and insight. It's a great blend of history, philosophy, personal reflection, deep ecology musings, and cultural context."
Durham, F. E. Biology of the Bowhead Whale (Balaena mysticetus) in
the Western Arctic. Los Angeles, California: University of California,
1972. Unpublished manuscript.
D'Vincent, Cynthia, with Delphine Haley and Fred A. Sharpe. Voyaging with the Whales. Chicago/Toronto: Oakwell Boulton, 1989.
Chapters include: Voyaging with the Whales; Mysticete Whales; Breeding Behavior;
Photo-Identification; Blows; Breaching; Spyhops, Slaps and Lobs; Feeding
Behaviors; Cooperative Feeding; Interactions of Humpbacks with Other Animals;
and Conclusions. Also includes a glossary, a bibliography, and a rudimentary index.
Trisha: A beautifully illustrated oversize book.
Scott: A beautifully published book . . . Wonderful photos, insightful text.
Dyke, Arthur S., and Thomas F. Morris. Postglacial History of the Bowhead
Whale and of Driftwood Penetration: Implications for Paleoclimate, Central
Canadian Arctic. Geological Survey of Canada Paper 89-24. Ottawa: Canadian
Government Publishing Centre, 1990.
Earle, Sylvia A. Sea Change: A Message of the Oceans. New York: G. P.
Putnam's Sons, 1996.
Eaton, Randall L. The Orca Project--A Meeting of Nations: An Anthology.
Enterprise, Oregon: Sacred Press, 1998. WARNING: I placed an order for this
title (sent a check) when it was first announced in 1995 and never received
the book, which was published in 1998. My phone calls were never returned, nor
my inquiries answered.
Economizing at Ecology: Why Big Rare Whales Still Die. 1981.
Eder, Tamara. Whales and Other Marine Mammals of California and Baja. Lone Pine Publishing, 2002.
Edwards, Frank. Stranger Than Science. New York: Lyle Stuart, 1959.
Edwards, Hugh. The Remarkable Dolphins of Monkey Mia. Swanbourne, West
Australia: Hugh Edwards, 1989.
Elliot, Daniel Giraud. The Land and Sea Mammals of Middle America and the West Indies. 2 vol. Chicago, Illinois: Field Columbian Museum, Zoological Series, 1904.
Ellis, Frederick Thomas. Can We Believe Today the Story of Jonah and the
Whale? London: Bible Testimony Fellowship, 1952.
Ellis, Richard. Monsters of the Sea: The History, Natural History, and
Mythology of the Oceans' Most Fantastic Creatures. New York: Alfred
A. Knopf, 1994.
From the book:
"The generic 'whale' has achieved a unique degree of veneration; it has
become more than a biological entity, more than a hunted creature. It has become
a symbol . . . It is not surprising that the whale has been chosen for the
symbol of the environmental movement; to the faithful it represents purity,
goodness, and hope for the future . . . Why do we need whales? As monsters they
are obsolete, and as commercial objects they seem to have outlived their
usefulness. As endangered species, however, they serve to remind us of our
frailty, which may be, in this crucial time of our planet's peril, their most
important function.".
". . . Listen to the words of Loren Eisley, the anthropologist-poet: 'If
man had sacrificed his hands for flukes, he would still be a philosopher, but
there would have been taken from him the power to wreak his thought upon the
world. Instead, he would have wandered, like the dolphin, harmless across currents and winds and oceans, intelligent, but forever the curious observer of unknown wreckage falling through the blue light of eternity. This role would now be a deserved penitence for man. Perhaps such a transformation would bring him once more into the mood of childlike innocence in which he talked successfully to all things living but had no power and no urge to harm. It is worth a wistful thought that someday the whale might talk to us and us to him. It would break, perhaps, the long loneliness that has made man a frequent terror and abomination even to himself.' It was this sentiment that glorified and enshrined the whale."
___________. Men and Whales. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1991.
___________. Dolphins and Porpoises. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1982.
"Often thought of as 'cousins' to man, dolphins and porpoises have been
shrouded in the lore and mythology of the sea since [humankind's] earliest
seafaring days. Richard Ellis assesses the myths that have grown up around
these appealing marine mammals and details what is known--and guessed--about
the anatomy, habitats, feeding habits, and relationships (with each other,
with other sea creatures, with [humans]), of every species."
___________. Marine Mammals: A Sea Guide. San Pedro, California:
American Cetacean Society, 1982.
___________. The Book of Whales. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1980.
Emmons, George Thornton. The Whale House of the Chilkat. Anthropological papers of the American Museum of Natural History, Vol. 19, Part 1. New York: American Museum of Natural History, 1916.
Entrup, Niki, and Doug Cartlidge.
"This report lists a total of 43 bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) exported from the Black Sea countries of Georgia, Russia and the Ukraine to foreign dolphinariums (Appendix 1 & 2). Current information suggests that only 11 (26%) of the 43 dolphins exported are still alive in the dolphinariums to which they were taken. A further nine dolphins (21%) were returned to the Ukraine or Russia. The authors have been unable to obtain sufficient information on the fate of these animals to state if they are alive or dead, although it has been confirmed at least one dolphin (Dicky) was successfully released back into the Black Sea.
"Documentary evidence is available on the death of 20 of the 43 dolphins (47%), but further information indicates that at least another three dolphins are also dead, bringing the potential total to 23 (53%). Therefore, we can surmise that 47%, but potentially 53% of the Black Sea bottlenose dolphins have died following export since 1990.
"The report details several dolphin exports (mainly from the former Soviets, Ukraine, Russia and Georgia) to travelling or temporary shows around the world. After investigating these operations, it seems a well-planned strategy has been initiated to eventually establish long-term captive facilities. Such a plan would result in a more profitable commercial business, as a steady supply of wild-captured dolphins from the Black Sea would be needed.
"Whilst some dolphinariums or travelling shows in Argentina, Hungary, Israel and Turkey have been closed down in the last six years, Black Sea bottlenose dolphins are still kept in Argentina, Cyprus, Israel and Malta. A common justification put forward for the continued trade of dolphins is for the conservation of the species through captive breeding: however, no successful reproduction programmes have been established in any of the facilities, with the exception of Dolphin Reef in Eilat, Israel, and no conservation management plan exists which include a viable captive breeding element.
"This report argues that the export of bottlenose dolphins from the Black Sea is not an efficient Ex-Situ conservation measure, but is simply a disaster for the majority of animals involved. Trade in Black Sea dolphins is a commercial venture, with current practices contributing nothing to the conservation of the species. If the protection and conservation of the bottlenose dolphin population in the Black Sea is to be taken seriously, the trade in dolphins for captive display or breeding should cease immediately."
Environmental Investigation Agency. The Global War Against Small Cetaceans:
The IWC and the Politics of Extinction. London/Washington, D.C.: Environmental Investigation Agency, 1990.
Trisha: Detailed overview of the specific threats to small cetaceans in all
known locations around the planet, including each country's IWC position and,
where known, the total number of small cetaceans killed per year and threatened
species/populations at risk.
___________. The Global War Against Small Cetaceans. A second report.
London/Washington, D.C.: Environmental Investigation Agency, no date.
Trisha: Detailed overview of the specific threats to small cetaceans in all
known locations around the planet.
___________. The Continuing Global War Against Small Cetaceans. A third
report. London/Washington, D.C.: Environmental Investigation Agency, date unknown.
Environment Australia [Australian Federal Department of the Environment]. "Guidelines on the Application of the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act to Interactions between Offshore Seismic Operations and Whales (Large Cetaceans)." URL:
Eschricht, D. F. On the Species of the Genus Orca. Trans. from
Oversigt o. d. Kong. Danske Videnskab. Selskabs. Forhand., 1862, by
W. H. Flower, London, Ray Society, 1866.
___________. Undersögelser over Hvaldyrene, Volumes I-V. Copenhagen. [In Danish.]
Environmental Research Associates. Reactions of Beluga Whales and Narwhals
to Ship Traffic and Ice-breaking along Ice Edges in the Easter Canadian High
Arctic, 1982-1984. Northern Affairs Program. Ottawa, Canada: Indian and
Northern Affairs, 1986.
European Cetacean Society Annual Conference Proceedings. Cambridge: European
Cetacean Society, 1987-present.
Evans, Peter. European Research on Cetaceans. Volumes 1-11, 198?-1997.
European Cetacean Society.
___________. Guide to Identification of Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises in
European Seas. S.N.H.: 1996.
___________. Dolphins. London: Whittet Books, 1994.
___________. Whales. London: Whittet Books, 1990.
Scott: An update on Evans's scholarly works, with a popular format.
Excellent black-and-white illustrations by Euan Dunn. Quite thorough, with pictures of tagging devices, bubble nets, mating patterns, etc.
___________. The Natural History of Whales and Dolphins. London:
Christopher Helm/New York: Facts on File, 1987.
___________. Guide to Identification of Cetaceans in the North East Atlantic.
Evans, W., and A. V. Yablokov. Variation of Coloration of Cetaceans: A New
Approach to the Study of Coloration of Mammals. 1983. In Russian. Available
from Donald Hahn Natural History Books, (520) 634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217.
Fair, P. A., and P. R. Becker. Review of stress in marine mammals. Journal of Aquatic Ecosystem Stress and Recovery, 2000, 7:335-354.
Fairley, James. Irish Whales and Whaling. Belfast, Ireland: Blackstaff,
Fertl, D., and S. Leatherwood. "Cetacean Interactions with Trawls: A
Preliminary Review. Journal of Northwest Atlantic Fishery Science
1997, 22: 219-248.
Fichtelius, Karl-Erik, and Sverre Sjolander. Smarter than Man? Intelligence in Whales, Dolphins and Humans. New York: Pantheon Books/Random House, 1972. (Also sold under the title Man's Place: Intelligence in Dolphins, Whales, and Humans. London: Victor Gollantcz, 1973.)
Topics covered include "intelligence and sex, intelligence and instinct, the evolution of the human brain, dolphin language, sperm whales' social behavior, the function of culture in intelligence, natural selection, and [humans'] place in the intelligence hierarchy."
The author concludes that "there may exist at present animals with brains
that have a greater functional potential than our own, but that these animals
have lived under circumstances promoting the use of this potential in ways that
are foreign to us. [Human] supremacy so far may be attributable to a fortuitous
combination of high intelligence and the opposable thumb, and not to intelligence alone."
Fichter, George S. Whales and Other Marine Mammals. A Golden Guide. New
York: Golden Press/Western Publishing Company, 1990.
___________. Whales, Dolphins, and Other Marine Mammals. St. Martin's Press, 2001. (Probably a renamed version of Whales and Other Marine Mammals described above.
Field Guide to the Identification of the Birds, Mammals and Reptiles of the Galapagos. Pica Press, forthcoming.
Fitzgerald, Rebecca. Dolphins: Dreams and Healing. (New Age)
Although I don't believe that dolphins and whales communicate to humans, as one commonly finds in the New Age and fiction literature (and in Rebecca's book), I do believe that for some humans an emotional opening may occur in the company of dolphins and whales (whether actual or filmed or dreamed) that puts them in touch with aspects of their own deeper selves/wisdom that seems like communication. It comes from an unfamiliar place within, however, not from without.
I also want to emphasize that any interaction with wild dolphins or whales must always be conducted benignly and respectfully, within the bounds of the laws governing these encounters, and with an understanding of the needs of the dolphins and whales for space, peace, and rest. They are currently being besieged in some areas of the world, and anything one apparently gains from such an experience is actually at great and unjustifiable cost to the dolphins and whales.
Flaherty, Chuck. Whales of the Northwest: A Guide to Marine Mammals of
Oregon, Washington and British Columbia. Seattle, Washington: Cherry Lane
Press, 1990.
Flower, Sir William Henry. List of the Specimens of Cetacea in the Zoological Department of the British Museum. London, 1885.
___________. Recent Memoirs on the Cetacea by Professors Eschricht,
Reinhardt, and Lilljeborg. London: Robert Hardwicke, 1866.
Fodor, Beth. The Sperm Whale (Physeter catodon L.): A Bibliography. 1971.
Fontaine, Pierre-Henry
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO). Mammals of the Sea. Vols. 1-3. Rome: FAO, 1981.
Ford, John K. B. Call Traditions and Dialects of Killer Whales (Orcinus orca) in British Columbia. Ottawa: National Library of Canada, 1986. Ph.D. thesis, University of British Columbia, 1985.
___________, and Graeme M. Ellis. Transients: Mammal-Hunting Killer Whales of British Columbia, Washington, and S
outheastern Alaska. University of Washington Press, 1999.
___________, Graeme M. Ellis, and Kenneth C. Balcomb. Killer Whales: The
Natural History and Genealogy of Orcinus orca in British Columbia and
Washington State. Vancouver, British Columbia/Seattle, Washington: UBC
Press/University of Washington Press, 1994.
Fowler, G. Herbert. "Whales, Notes and Labels, Etc." In Science
of the Sea: An Elementary Handbook of Practical Oceanography for Travellers,
Sailors, and Yachtsmen, G. Herbert Fowler, ed. Prepared by the Challenger
Society for the Promotion of the Study of Oceanography. London: John Murray,
Fowler, M. E., ed. Zoo & Wild Animal Medicine. W. B. Saunders Company,
Fraser, Francis Charles. British Whales, Dolphins & Porpoises: A Guide for the Identification and Reporting of Stranded Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises on the British Coasts. London: British Museum (Natural History), 1976.
___________. Guide for the Identification and Reporting of Stranded Whales,
Dolphins and Turtles on the British Coasts. London: British Museum, 1949.
___________. Report on Cetacea Stranded on the British Coasts, London:
British Museum (Natural History), multiple volumes and dates.
Freedom for Dolphins: The Iris and Ivo File. Brussels: Labor, 2000.
Frenette, Deborah A.
How to Connect
with the Living Earth: Telepathic Love from the Dolphins. Lincoln, Nebraska:, 2001. (New Age)
"Spanning three yearly visits to Cuba, you experience a growing connection with these marvelous mammals as the author
shares her . . . encounters with her wondrous new friends. Then, the author's . . . dream comes true as she swims with wild
dolphins in the United States . . ."
Friends of the Earth. The Whale Manual. San Francisco: Friends of the
Earth Books, 1978.
"Members of the whale family have existed for some 45 million years, but
in less than one hundred years of commercial exploitation their populations
have been severely depleted. As a result, some populations are now extinct, and
others, even now, are seriously endangered, including the Blue Whale, the
largest mammal ever to have lived.
"The authors of this book illustrate the incompetence with which
populations have been managed, and that whaling is largely undertaken for short-
term economic gain. They also show that, with the large number of substitutes
for whale products that already exist, the killing of whales on the present
scale is unnecessary, and argue for a 10-year moratorium on all commercial
Chapters and appendices include Why Save Whales?, The Biology of Whales, The
Politics of Whaling, The History of Whaling Legislation and the International
Whaling Commission, Whaling Nations, The Economics of Whaling, Analysis of the
Scientific Basic of Whaling, The Cruelty Aspects of Whaling, Action Guide,
Whales in Ancient History and Mythology, The History of Whaling, Checklist of
the Living Cetaceans, The Currently Exploited Species, The Protected Species
of Whales, Small Whales, Whale Products, Substitutes for Sperm Oil and its
Derivatives, The International Trade in Whale Products, Alternatives to Whaling
in the Antarctic, Research on Cetaceans, The Whale Conservation Movement,
and Whale Population Sizes. Also includes a glossary and bibliography.
Scott: A small book with a tremendous amount of information about the
whales and how to understand the need to save them. Detailed information on
products and their substitutes, etc. Very good.
Friends of the Earth and The Whale Coalition. The Whaling Question: (The
Inquiry by Sir Sydney Frost of Australia). San Francisco: Friends of the
Earth, 1979.
"Australia moved because of this book. The Whaling Question is a
verbatim copy of the independent inquiry undertaken by the Australian government
to consider all the data available from all over the world. This summary report
is of profound importance to all who are concerned for the survival of whales."
Chapters include: Whales and Their Biology; History of Whaling; Development of
Control of Whaling; The Basis of Scientific Advice; International Management
of Whales; Whale Stocks and Whale Research; Whale Products and Alternatives; The
Closure of Cheynes Beach; Whale Brains, Anatomy and Behaviour; Techniques Used
to Kill Whales; Community Attitudes to Whaling; Australia's Future Policy on
Whaling; Conclusions and Recommendations. Also includes multiple appendices
on such topics as legislation, whaling statistics, whale products, and the
whale brain and its intelligence potential, plus a bibliography.
Frohoff, Toni G. Behavior of Bottlenose (Tursiops truncatus) and
Spotted (Stenella frontalis) Dolphins Relative to Human Interaction. Dissertation, 1996. The Union Institute. The author may be reached at
___________. "Dolphin Emotions: Beneath the Surface." Talk given by Dr. Frohoff at the Puget Sound Chapter of the American Cetacean Society, October 17, 2000.
Dr. Frohoff is a behavioral biologist who specializes in the study of
marine mammal behavior. Her research on human-dolphin interactions in
captivity and in the wild has contributed to management regulations in
several countries and has been featured in various publications, television
shows, and documentaries. Currently with the Whale Stewardship Project and TerraMar Research, she is studying free-ranging solitary beluga whales who regularly initiate sociable interaction with people.
___________, and K. M. Dudzinski. "Interactions between Free-Ranging
Spotted Dolphins (Stanella frontalis) and Human Swimmers: A Quantitative Examination." Poster at the American Cetacean Society Conference, San Pedro, California, USA, November 8-9, 1996. Abstract in Whalewatcher (1996) 30(1):25-26.
___________, and Brenda Peterson, eds. Between Species: Celebrating the Dolphin-Human Bond. Berkeley, Calif.: University
of California Press, 2003.
"Now, Between Species brings together for the first time eminent scientists and gifted writers to help shed
light on this intriguing question. The book selections range from tales of transforming dolphin encounters to views on how
to protect cetaceans and their habitats, and from poems honoring dolphins to provocative critiques of swim-with-the-dolphins
programs and acoustic pollution. Pieces include an interview with Jean-Michel Cousteau, Diane Ackerman's essay on 'deep
play' with a wild dolphin; Marc Bekoff's ethical questions concerning our intrusion in dolphins' lives; and the late Dr.
John Lilly's call for a 'Cetacean Nation.'
"This groundbreaking anthology not only explores the depths and beauty of the dolphin-human bond but encourages new
generations to respect the complexities and responsibilities inherent in such interspecies kinship.
Contributors: Diane Ackerman, Ph.D.; Giovanni Bearzi, Marc Bekoff, Ph.D., Leigh Calvez, Rochelle Constantine, Ph.D.,
Jean-Michel Cousteau (interview),Horace Dobbs, Ph.D., Kathleen Dudzinski, Ph.D., Cathy Englehart, Toni Frohoff, Ph.D.,
Howard Garrett, Oz Goffman, Linda Hogan, Erich Hoyt, Cathy Kinsman, John Lilly, M.D., Christina Lockyer, Ph.D., Ashley
Montagu, Ph,D., Sy Montgomery, Monica Müller, Ph.D., Jim Nollman, Mark Orams, Ph.D., Brenda Peterson, Naomi Rose, Ph.D.,
Marcos Santos, Betsy Smith, Ph.D., Paul Spong, Ph.D, Helena Symonds, Lindy Weilgart, Ph.D., Pat Weyer, Ph.D., Richard
Wilbur, Ben White, Bernd Würsig, Ph.D., Melany Würsig, Joana McIntyre Varawa, Suzanne Yin, and Sharon Young.
Fromm, Peter J., ed. Whale Tales: Human Interaction With Whales, Volume One and Volume Two. Friday Harbor, Washington: Whale Tales Press, 1995 (Vol. 1) and 2000 (Vol. 2). Available via the website or by calling 360-378-8378 or 800-669-3950.
I look forward to future volumes, but would encourage a more lively editing
style for subsequent compilations. For more information, visit the Whale Tales Web site.
Frost, The Hon. Sir Sydney., ed. Whales and Whaling. Vol. II. Canberra,
Australia: Australian Government Publishing Service, 1978.
"The Future of Whale and Dolphin Watching." A workshop held Saturday, December 4, 1999, in Kihei, Maui, Hawaii. Sponsored by Pacific Whale Foundation,
101 North Kihei Road, Kihei, Hawaii 96753, voice: 808-879-8860, fax: 808-879-2615,
Gambell, Ray. The Concise Illustrated Book of Whales and Dolphins.
New York: Smithmark Publishers, 1991/London: Grange Books, 1993.
Garcia, Maria Setien, and Sofia Gimenez Alcover. Grey Whale (Eschrichtius robustus). Also published in Spanish as Ballena Gris (Eschrichtius robustus). Benefits "El Vizcaino" Reserve of the Biosphere.
Gardner, Erle Stanley. Hunting the Desert Whale: Personal Adventures in
Baja California. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1960/London: Jarrolds,
Gardner, Robert. The Whale Watcher's Guide. New York: Julian Messner,
Garrett, Howard. Orcas In Our Midst: The Whales That Share Our Inland
Waters. Friday Harbor, Washington: Center for Whale Research, 1996.
Trisha: A nice thirty-two-page overview of the orcas of the region extending
from south of Olympia, Washington, to far north of Vancouver, British Columbia.
Includes history, habitat, biology, status, studying orcas, anecdotes, art and
etiquette of watching orcas, threats, what we can do, a glossary, and a reading
Garrett, Howard, and Candice Keays Garrett. New England Whales. Rockport, Massachusetts: Whalesong Publishing Company, 1985.
Gaskin, D. E. The Ecology of Whales and Dolphins. London/Exeter,
New Hampshire: Heinemann, 1982. Available from Donald Hahn Natural History Books, (520) 634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217.
DISTRIBUTIONAL ECOLOGY OF CETACEA: Seasonal migrations; Possible factors initiating migration; Cetacean orientation and navigation; Cetacean breeding grounds; Oceanographic structure of feeding grounds; Influence of zooplankton distributions and behaviour on feeding of baleen whales; Diurnal feeding patterns in Cetacea.
DIET AND FEEDING BEHAVIOUR OF CETACEA: Odontocete dietary patterns; Use of
echolocation in odontocete feeding; Mysticete feeding and dietary patterns;
Mysticete sound production; Colour patterns--possible roles in predation
of 'energy budget'; Food content; Food intake and feeding rates; Metabolism and
activity; Estimation of heat loss in Cetacea; Energetic cost of locomotion;
Metabolic rate; Energetic cost of growth; Energy budgets; Population energetics;
Concluding remarks
SOCIAL STRUCTURE AND SOCIAL BEHAVIOUR: Introduction; Some comments on the study
of behaviour in Cetacea; Social organization (The cetacean school; Evolution of
polygyny in an odontocete [sperm whale]); Social behaviour (Epimeletic or
'care-giving' behaviour; Dominance hierarchies in captive Cetacea; Possible
co-operative behaviour [argues against intentionality]; Social behaviour,
communication and intelligence [argues there is not sufficient evidence to
support claims of exceptional intelligence in Cetacea])
EVOLUTION OF CETACEA: Palaeocene origins and Eocene differentiation; Colonization of the sea; Evolutionary development and characteristics of the suborders with living representatives; Are the Cetacea monophyletic or polyphyletic? Systematic list of living Cetacea, including probable synonyms which have been used as specific names in relatively recent literature
THE ZOOGEOGRAPHY OF CETACEA: Introduction; Controversies in zoogeographic
interpretation; Patterns of cetacean radiation and dispersal; Mesozoic-Caenozoic
drift and the decay of Tethys; Ocean temperature fluctuations in the Caenozoic;
Did the Mysticeti evolve in the western South Pacific?; Factors modifying
cetacean distribution patterns
OF POLYTYPY: Species and speciation--problems of definition; Differentiation of
populations below the species level; Degrees of polytypy; Conclusions
ANALYSIS OF CETACEAN POPULATIONS: Introductory comments on population dynamics;
Characteristics of populations; Measurements of abundance (Direct visual estimates; Mark-recapture or resighting methods); Methods of calculating population abundance utilizing catch data of exploited species; Summary and conclusions; Summary of best estimates of present population sizes of commercially exploited Cetacea subdivided by regions where possible
MANAGEMENT OF CETACEAN POPULATIONS: Introduction; Safeguarding populations which
are not protected or have never been deliberately hunted (Habitat protection;
Harassment; The problem of 'incidental catch'); Exploitation and management of
whale populations in theory and practice [past and present]; Economics of whale
fisheries and their influence on industry policy; Harvesting strategies and the
route of optimal whale fisheries management; Concluding thoughts: should we
harvest whales at all? [argues that the pressures of human population increase
and climatic changes and uncertainties in grain crops as a result of those change will most probably dictate a return to whaling--in addition to extant whaling--in some parts of the world]
SIGNIFICANCE IN CETACEA: Introduction; Compounds identified in cetacean tissues
(Chlorinated hydrocarbons; Heavy metals; Petroleum hydrocarbons); Contaminant
levels in cetacean species (Chlorinated hydrocarbons; Heavy metals; Impact of
oil on cetaceans); Global patterns of contaminants in cetaceans (Chlorinated
hydrocarbons; Mercury); Variation of contaminant levels; Bay of Fundy harbour
porpoise population: a case history of variation in residue levels; Metabolism
of chlorinated hydrocarbons; Metabolism of mercury; Do high organochlorine and
heavy metal contaminants represent a threat to cetacean populations? [the author's view that there is insufficient evidence to assess the impact of contaminants on cetaceans is now dated]
Indexes: author, scientific and common names, subject
___________. Whales, Dolphins, and Seals, with Special Reference to the New
Zealand Region. London: Heinemann Educational Books, 1972.
Gatenby, Greg, ed. Whales: A Celebration. Boston/Toronto: Little, Brown
and Company, 1983. (See also Whale Sound: An Anthology of Poems
about Whales and Dolphinsin the fiction bibliography.)
"Throughout our history whales and dolphins have been close to humankind,
and Whales: A Celebration shows that our affection and fascination is
as old as art itself. The stories and images from the past highlight and provide
a background for the contemporary works. From Plutarch to John Fowles, from
William Golding to Margaret Atwood, from Allen Ginsberg to Carl Sagan, from
Dali to Rauschenberg, from Shchedrin to Leonard Bernstein, artists have found
inspiration in the great whales. This extraordinary book is a vivid protest
against their slaughter. It contains over 200 stories, essays, and poems, 11
musical scores, 150 black-and-white illustrations, and 75 full-color paintings
and images."
Trisha: A beautifully produced, remarkable collection.
Scott: Beautiful. Extensive exploration of the Jonah story.
Gawain, Elizabeth. The Dolphin's Gift. Mill Valley, California:
Whatever Publishing, 1981.
"A dream? This was a dream come true for Elizabeth Gawain. In an easy,
narrative style she shares with us her personal experiences with a family of
free dolphins [at Monkey Mia, Shark's Bay, Australia], chronicling their
interaction with each other as well as with the humans who come to meet them.
"This . . . book will interest readers of all ages. Scientific information
as well as many personal stories of contact with dolphins present a touching,
comprehensive picture of our friends in the sea."
Genet, Jean C. Dolphin Mind. Denver, Colorado: Jean C. Genet, 1990.
Address: 283 Columbine, Suite 187, Denver, Colorado 80206, USA, (303) 369-1125.
Geraci, J. R., and D. J. St. Aubin, eds. Biology of Marine Mammals: Insights
through Strandings. Based on workshop convened a the University of Georgia
in Athens in 1977. U.S. Marine Mammal Commission Report MMC-77/13. Washington,
D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Technical Information Service,
Document 293890, 1977.
___________. Sea Mammals and Oil: Confronting the Risks. New York:
Academic Press, 1990. (800) 321-5068.
Geraci, J. R., and V. J. Lounsbury. Marine Mammals Ashore: A Field Guide for Strandings. Galveston, Texas: Texas A&M Sea Grant Publications, 1993. New version on CD-ROM, 1999. Email:
"The electronic version features the original book in Adobe Acrobat portable document format (PDF) with full search, cut-and-paste, and print
capabilities. Additional materials include: updates on important topics and
procedures, supplementary sample and data collection protocols, directories
of organizations involved in marine mammal rehabilitation and research, and
a multimedia overview of the CD-ROM contents and project goals.
Geraci, J. R., and J. Sweeney. "Marine Mammals (Cetacea, Pinnipedia, and
Sirenia)." In M. E. Fowler, ed., Zoo and Wild Animal Medicine.
Philadelphia: W. B. Saunders Company, 1986.
Gerald, Hausman. The Day the White Whales Came to Bangor. Freeport, Maine: Cobblesmith, 1979.
Getten, Mary. The Orca Pocket Guide. EZ Nature Books, 1998.
___________. Voice of the Whales: Conversations with an Orca Elder. Forthcoming. (New Age)
Gewalt, Wolfgang. Wale und Delphine: Spitzenkonner der Meere. Berlin:
Springer-Verlag, 1993.
Gibbons, E. F., B. S. Durrant, and J. Demarest, eds. Conservation of
Endangered Species in Captivity: An Interdisciplinary Approach. New York:
SUNY Press, 1995.
Gibbs, Jane M. Whales Off New England. Newbury, Massachusetts: Gibbs and Gibbs, 1982, 1995.
Gierak, Cherie J. The Dolphin Experience. New Frontiers Institute.
Available from Insight Publishing, 5814 Highway 96, Yreka, California 96097,
USA. (New Age)
Gilders, Michelle A. Reflections of a Whale-Watcher. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press, 1995.
"Gilders's encounters with whales occasion reflections on such matters as
speciation and evolution, the diversity of life, the role of politics and science in the treatment of animal populations, and the ethical and moral dilemmas that face us as we contemplate the sentience of nonhuman animals."
Gill, Peter, ed. Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises. Little Guides series (San Francisco). Weldon Owen, 2000.
___________, and Cecilia Burke. Whale Watching in Australian & New Zealand Waters. New Holland/Struik, 2000.
Gill, Peter, and Linda Gibson. Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Reader's
Digest Explores Science & Nature Series. Pleasantville, New York: Reader's Digest, 1997.
Gillespie, T. H. Is It Cruel? London: Herbert Jenkins Limited, 1934.
Gilmore, Brian. Ten Patterns for Carving Whales. Schiffer Publishing, 1995.
Gilmore, Raymond M. The Story of the Gray Whale. 2d rev. ed. San Diego,
California: American Cetacean Society, 1961.
Gingerich, Philip Dean. Marine Mammals (Cetacea and Sirenia) from the Eocene
of Gebel Mokattam and Fayum, Egypt: Stratigraphy, Age, and Paleoenvironments. Ann Arbor, Michigan: The University of Michigan (Museum of Paleontology), 1992.
Gingerich, Philip Dean, and Donald E. Russell. Pakicetus inachus, A New
Archaeocete (Mammalia, Cetacea) from the Early-Middle Eocene Kuldana Formation
of Kohat (Pakistan). Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of Michigan (Museum of
Paleontology), 1981.
GIS (Coastal/Marine) Bibliography (webpage gone).
The resulting database has now been put on the World Wide Web as a fully-interactive, searchable resource (click on GIS (Coastal/Marine) Bibliography above.
Please note that this is the first release of the database and, while it has
been extensively tested by a dedicated intercontinental team of reviewers and
critics, some glitches may still inadvertently have crept in. Please contact
the "webmaster" through the NOAA/CSC home page if you do notice any problems
with the search tool.
Please also note that this is intended to be a "live" and evolving project. The
compilers would therefore welcome any information regarding new publications (or
those that may have escaped our earlier searches) that merit inclusion. They
may be sent to me at the address above, or else to any of the other contributors
as detailed on the Web pages.
Glantz, Margo. Doscientas Ballenas Azules. Mexico: La Maquina de Escribir, 1979. In Spanish.
Glaser, Connie, and Barbara Steinberg Smalley. Swim With the Dolphins: How
Women Can Succeed in Corporate America on Their Own Terms. New York: Warner
Books, 1995.
"Now, there's a navigational map to guide you through the new corporate
waters. Swim with the Dolphins is loaded with specific strategies and
hands-on advice that will help make you, as a woman, a better manager, both for
yourself and for your company. Based on interviews with more than 200 successful
female managers . . . "
Glen, Thomas B., III. The Dolphin and Whale Career Guide: A Sourcebook for Anyone Interested in Cetaceans.
Chicago: Omega, 1997.
"The Dolphin and Whale Career Guide is more than a career guide
for people wishing to work in oceanaria as dolphin trainers. It is a
comprehensive sourcebook for anyone interested in cetaceans on any level,
and contains complete descriptions of the more than 150 dolphin and
whale-related organizations in the United Stated and Canada, including zoos
and aquariums, stranding centers, research groups, government organizations,
conservation groups, swim-with programs, dolphin-human therapy groups,
schools, professional organizations, and interest groups. The book covers
the history, purpose, resources, programs, memberships, publications,
location, and volunteer, intern, and job opportunities for each
Trisha: Written in a user-friendly, often humorous style, this is a
very thorough guide to the employment, internship, volunteer, and other
involvement opportunities available at thirty-six captive-cetacean display
facilities in the United States and Canada, to the research projects and
involvement opportunities at twenty-nine research organizations, and to the
conservation projects and involvement opportunities at twelve conservation
organizations. Also included are descriptions of five professional associations;
five government departments; marine mammal stranding networks in California and
the U.S. northeast, southeast, and northwest; three dolphin-assisted therapy
programs; and four dolphin interest groups. The appendixes include a listing
of schools with marine mammal programs, suggested reading, and a listing by
state and province of all organizations discussed in the main body of the text.
The author also writes briefly about our fascination with dolphins and whales
and provides some basic terminology associated with cetaceans. His twelve-page
discussion of cetacean intelligence, although drawing on some of the research
literature, is somewhat selective and oversimplified, but he does tell you that
"there are many more points of view on dolphin and whale intelligence than
those I've expressed here," so the reader is encouraged to do more
in-depth research on his/her own.
The discussion in which the author seems most at home and provides the most
detail (since he is a former captive-dolphin trainer) is that on the
requirements for becoming a trainer. He describes both what it is like and
how to increase the odds of becoming one. (See also below Ramirez, Ken. Animal Training.)
For research organizations, he provides an overview of what cetacean research
consists of, who conducts it, and some of the best ways to go about becoming
a cetacean researcher. For conservation groups, he provides an overview of
cetacean conservation and how one can become involved.
His inclusion of some New Age cetacean organizations in the "Interest
Groups" section seems out of sync with the orientation of the rest of
the book, and I think I would have confined this section to organizations
working on dolphin rehab/release programs, etc.
Visit the Omega site for samples from each section of the book, links to all
the organizations described in the book that also have Web sites, and
updates on the book's contents.
Trisha: To view an extensive file of information I've compiled on careers
working with cetaceans, click here. Cetaceans
should not be held captive, and I therefore encourage anyone wanting to study or work with them to pursue
field work with wild cetaceans.
Glueck, Nelson. Deities and Dolphins: The Story of the Nabataeans.
New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1965.
"The deities and dolphins were discovered by Dr. Glueck when, as director
of the American School of Oriental Research, Jerusalem, he excavated the
Nabataean temple of Khirbet Tanur, the most complete temple of its kind to be
opened up. Among the deities was a goddess wearing on her head a stone tiara of
two dolphins facing each other in heraldic juxtaposition. In this book the
author searches out and pieces together the evidence explaining why there are
likenesses of dolphins in the desertland of Arabia--the old Roman Provincia
Arabia. The importance of the dolphins lies in the clues they furnish for
increased understanding of the Hellenistic-Semitic cultures of the Near East at
the time of the Nabataeans (who spoke both an Aramic dialect and Greek), and
for revealing in a new light the commerce and other contacts between the Orient
and the Occident."
Gohier, François. Humpback Whales: Traveling on the Wings of Song. San Luis Obispo, California: Blake Publishing, 1991.
___________. A Pod of Gray Whales: An Affectionate Portrait. San Luis
Obispo, California: Blake Publishing, 1988/EZ Nature Books, 1999.
Gold, Joy. Sources of Information on Whales. National Museum, 1981.
Gold, Michele. Angels of the Sea: Sacred Dolphin Art of Atlantis.
Poetry by Scott Huckabay. Carlsbad, California: Hay House, Inc., 1996. (New Age)
"Each of Michele's beautiful works of art is brought to life through heartfelt poetry, personal stories and reflections, myths and legends, and poignant memories. As you gaze at these uniquely inspired paintings, you will awaken your own divinity as you reconnect with long-lost memories of Atlantis. These images serve as oracles, mirrors, cosmic valentines . . . a way of giving thanks to Mother Nature for the blessings she has bestowed upon us through her dolphin children--these very, very special angels of the sea."
From the author: ". . . The challenge in painting dolphins lies in the fact
that their beauty is so dazzling, so luminous, it is nearly impossible to capture. What I have tried to portray are the feelings I experienced while swimming with pods of wild Atlantic Spotted, Spinner, and Bottlenose dolphins. This is a book about the wonder, joy, and mystery of dolphins, the spiritual journey, and life itself. All of the paintings [there are 50 in the book] were inspired by actual experiences, dreams, myths, observations, questions, and understanding . . . "
Goodman, Robert B. Whale Song. Aiea, Hawaii: Island Heritage Publishing/Portland, Oregon: Graphic Arts Center Publishing Co., 1987.
Gordon, David G., and Alan Baldridge. Gray Whales. Monterey, California: Monterey Bay Aquarium, 1991.
Gordon, David G., and Chuck Flaherty. The American Cetacean Society Field
Guide to the Orca. Seattle, Washington: Sasquatch Books, 1990.
Chapters include: A Word About Whales, Orca Facts, Orca Society, One Society or
Two?, Sounds and Language, Diet and Appetite, Orcas in Captivity, An Uncertain
Fate, Orca Behavior, Orca-Watching from Shore, Watching Orcas by Boat, Guide to
Listings, Whale Sighting Log, Sites (Alaska, British Columbia, Washington,
Oregon, California), Suggested Readings, and Information Sources.
Gordon, Jonathan. Sperm Whales. Worldlife Library series.
Stillwater, Minnesota: Voyageur Press/Grantown on Spey, Great Britain: Colin
Baxter Photography, 1998.
Gormley, Gerard. Orcas of the Gulf: A Natural History. San Francisco:
Sierra Club Books; Vancouver/Toronto: Douglas & McIntyre, 1990.
___________. A Dolphin Summer. New York: Taplinger Publishing, 1985.
"In this . . . book--the story of the first eight months of a dolphin's
life--we enter a young dolphin's world to share her experiences, see what she
sees, hear what she hears.
"The world of the young dolphin is an exciting and active one. A variety of
sea life--prey and predator--cross her herd's path. And in her explorations she
cavorts in play, faces dangers, and witnesses a mass stranding.
"Along with the fascinating events of the young dolphin's early months, the
author . . . provides the current facts that are known about dolphins as well
as information about the other creatures she meets [including humpback whales
and orcas] . . . "
Gotto, V. Commensal and Parasitic Copepods Associated with Marine Invertebrates (and Whales): Keys and Notes for Identification of the Species. Synopses of the British Fauna, New Series, No. 46. London: Universal Book Services/Dr. W. Backhuys for the Linnean Society of London and the Estuarine Coastal Sciences, 1993.
Grace, Eric S. Whale: Giant of the Ocean. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Key
Porter Books, 1996/San Diego, California: Laurel Glen Publishing, 1996/Thunder
Bay Press, 1997.
Graves, Eleanor, ed. Whales & Other Sea Mammals. Based on the television series Wild, Wild World of Animals. New York: Time-Life Films, 1963, 1977.
Gray, John Edward. A Synopsis of the Species of Whales and Dolphins in the Collection of the British Museum. London: Bernard Quaritch, 1868.
According to the book The Whale, Gray "did much to rationalize and
reduce to order the confusion arising from many fragmentary and casually
collected specimens, and a great lack of field work."
Gray, William B. Friendly Porpoises. South Brunswick/NewYork: A. S.
Barnes and Company, 1964.
___________. Porpoise Tales. New York: A. S. Barnes, 1964.
Following are two quotes from the author, who spent years capturing and incarcerating dolphins, and by his own admission losing several in the process of capture:
"Of all the multiple, weird, and varied forms of life which the sea produces, I have found that the most endearing is the porpoise. They have a lot of love in their hearts."
"There is much speculation these days about teaching porpoises to communicate with men, or vice versa. If this ever happens, and if they ever turn their high intelligence to international political affairs, I am sure that they will be the allies of the democracies. You can't push them around, regiment them, or force them to do anything. They are free souls. You can only persuade them through love - and fish."
Trisha: After you capture them and lock them up.
The Gray Whale Nursery at Laguna San Ignacio: Briefing Book. Natural Resources Defense Council and International Fund for Animal Welfare, 1997, rev. ed., 1998. [Note: The salt works project has been canceled.]
Contents: Introduction; Background: The proposed project at Laguna San Ignacio, The environmental assessment of the project, The existing salt evaporation facility in Guerrero Negro; Politics: International Whaling Commission, MAB/UNESCO, NAFTA's Commission for Environmental Cooperation, SEMARNAP, Protected Areas; Economics: Mitsubishi Corporation, The existing economy, History of the salt industry in Baja California, A brief analysis of the world salt market, Eco-tourism and Fisheries; Civil society: International Groups, National Groups, Baja Peninsula Groups
Green, D. M., H. A. DeFerrari, D. McFadden, J. S. Pearse, A. N. Popper,
W. J. Richardson, S. H. Ridgway, and P. L. Tyack. Low Frequency Sound and
Marine Mammals: Current Knowledge and Research Needs. Washington, D.C.: National Research Council, 1994.
Greene, Carol. Reading about the Humpback Whale. Hillside, New Jersey:
Enslow Publishers, 1993.
Greenpeace. Disappearing Dolphins. London: Greenpeace, 1991?.
___________. Intelligent, Beautiful, Unusually Sensitive, and Vanishing--Fast.
London: Greenpeace, 1989?.
___________. The Last Ditch Fight of the Dolphin and the Porpoise.
London: Greenpeace, 1989.
Greenwood, Judi. 'With Love, the Dolphins'. Lombard, Illinois: Dolphin
Love Publishing 1993. (708) 629-5069. (New Age)
Gricks, Nathan. Whale Watching in the West Indies: A Guide to Cetaceans
and Sites of the Region. Washington, D.C.: Island Resources Foundation,
1994. E-mail:, snail-mail: 1718 "P" Street NW, Suite T-4,
zip code 20036, (202) 265-9712, fax: (202) 232-0748.
"Part II covers areas of special interest for whale-watching, including
Dominica's west coast to the Dominican Republic's north-east shore. It gives
details of boat trips and land-based watching all over the region."
Also includes an annotated bibliography, a record card, equipment for use in
whale-watching, first aid for stranded cetaceans, and a glossary.
Griffin, Edward I. Namu: Quest for the Killer Whale. Seattle, Washington: Gryphon West Publishers, 1982.
Grose, K. Dolphins, Porpoises and Whales: 1993-1998. World Conservation
Union, 1993.
A Guide to the Whales and Dolphins of the Sultanate of Oman. Natural
History Museum, Ministry of National Heritage and Culture, 199?.
Gubbins, Cara. The Dolphins of Hilton Head: Their Natural History. University of South Carolina Press, 2002.
Author email:
"Framing her study with a general overview of dolphins and their habits, Gubbins explores the natural history, ecology,
and evolution of free-ranging Atlantic bottlenose dolphins in South Carolina. She compares this population with other
throughout the world to reveal South Carolina dolphins' innovative foraging techniques, novel social system, and unconventional
habitat use patterns. Gubbins debunks widely held myths about the animal, addresses conservation issues that will affect
their future in South Carolina waters, and discusses environmental problems that threaten them worldwide.
"While Gubbins looks specifically at the dolphins of Hilton Head, her guide helps readers understand these animals
throughout the world. She offers advice not only for spotting dolphins but also for interpreting such behaviors as feeding,
socializing, resting, travelling, and communication."
Guldberg, Gustav Adolf, and F. Nansen. On the Development and Structure of the Whale. Part I: On the Development and Structure of the Dolphin. Bergens Museums skrifter no. 5. Bergen, 1894.
Haggerty, Betsy Frawley. New York and New Jersey Coastal Adventures: Whales,
Beaches, Packets, Tugs, Tall Ships, Lighthouses, and More. Country Roads
Press, 1995.
Haley, Delphine., ed. Marine Mammals of the Eastern North Pacific and Arctic
Waters. 2d rev. ed. Seattle, Washington: Pacific Search Press, 1986.
___________, ed. Marine Mammals. Seattle, Washington: Pacific Search
Press, 1978.
Contents: Introduction; Origins of Eastern North Pacific Sea Mammal Fauna;
Cetaceans (blue whale, finner whales, humpback whale, graywhale, right whale,
bowhead whale, sperm whales, beaked whales, porpoises and dolphins, pilot whale,
killer whale, false killer whale, belukha whale, narwhal); Pinnipeds; Polar Bear; Sea Otter; Steller Sea Cow; Conservation of Marine Mammals; Classification of Marine Mammals; Further Reading
Hall, Howard. A Charm of Dolphins. San Luis Obispo, California: Blake
Publishing, 1993.
___________, and Ashala Lawler. Dolphins. EZ Nature Books, 1999.
Hall, J. D. Aspects of the Natural History of Cetaceans of Prince William
Sound. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1981.
Hamilton, J. E. A Rare Porpoise of the South Atlantic, Phocaena Dioptrica
(Lahille, 1912). London: Cambridge University Press, 1941.
Hamilton, Robert. The Natural History of the Ordinary Cetacea or Whales. 19th century.
Hamilton, Richard. Mammalia, Vol. VI, On the Ordinary Cetacea or Whales. Edinburgh, 1839.
Hammond, Philip S., et al. Distribution and Abundance of the Harbour Porpoise and Other Small Cetaceans in the North Sea and Adjacent Waters. Final Report, October 1995. Great Britain, 1995.
Hammond, Philip S., Sally A. Mizroch, and Gregory P. Donovan, eds. Individual Recognition of Cetaceans: Use of Photo-Identification and Other Techniques to Estimate Population Parameters. Cambridge: Reports of the International Whaling Commission, Special Issue 12. Cambridge:
Whaling Commission, 1990.
Hand, Douglas. Gone Whaling: A Search for Orcas in Northwest Waters.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1994.
This book "appeals to the part of us all that has pondered the deep rift
between humans and other creatures, between the modern and the primitive. There
is an old Haida belief that a good life is rewarded by death and rebirth as an
orca. Therefore, you should treat the orca well that swims close to shore, for
it may be your ancestor. This special book probes the boundary that separates
and binds humans to killer whales, and humans to the natural order."
Debbie: This is a personal account by Hand which takes you through Vancouver's
natural history, going out with Ken Balcomb's group on San Juan Island, and
visiting Paul Spong at ORCALAB on Hanson Island. It's another "chiller" and
"I want to do that" kind of book. I loved it.
Hankins, Terence N. Interactions and Play between Captive Bottlenose Dolphins and Humans in a "Swim-with-the-Dolphins" Program. 1993.
Hardy, Sir Alister. Great Waters: A Voyage of Natural History to Study Whales, Plankton and the Waters of the Southern Ocean in the Old Royal Research Ship 'Discovery,' with the Results Brought Up to Date by the Findings of the R.R.S. 'Discovery II'. London: Collins, 1962.
Harmer, S. F. Guide to the Whales, Porpoises, and Dolphins Exhibited in
the Department of Zoology, British Museum (Natural History). London, 1909.
Harms, Elvira. Association Patterns and Pod Cohesion in Northern Resident
Killer Whales (Orcinus orca). M.Sc. thesis. E-mail:
(Ms. Harms is presently doing fieldwork and will be unable to respond to
e-mail until September 1997.)
Understanding the social structure of a killer whale community may
give insight into the short-term factors that determine pod-cohesion and
pod-splitting. Social patterns within British Columbia's northern resident
killer whale community were analyzed using a 20-year long photographic
database. Females were found to associate primarily with their mothers when
young, and with their own offspring later in life. They showed a surprising
lack of contact with other females in their pod, and were photographed
more often with females of other pods. Males seemed to be the preferred
associates of all pod members, especially other males. Upon reaching age 21,
males showed an explosion in social contacts of all sorts, especially with
their extended kin.
The results suggest that it is male social bonds that give cohesion
to killer pods, binding two or more related female-offspring units. Female
associations are mainly between mothers and their offspring, and their
associations with females of other pods may give some cohesion to the
community as a whole. These patterns lead to the prediction that without
an adult male and the possibility of male-male bonds between mother-offspring
units, a pod is likely to split after the death of the common mother.
This prediction is consistent with observed cases of pod-splitting.
Harrison, Elizabeth A. Auditory Perception in Cetacea: A Bibliography
with Abstracts. Springfield, Virginia: U.S. Department of Commerce,
National Technical Information Service, 1977.
Harrison, Richard, ed. Functional Anatomy of Marine Mammals. 3 vols.
London/New York: Academic Press, 1972, 1974, 1977. (800) 321-5068.
Harrison, Richard, and M. M. Bryden, eds. Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises. New York/Oxford, England: Facts on File Publications/London: Merehurst/Sydney: Golden Press Pty Ltd., 1988.
"These books vary considerably, from excellent to frankly abominable. More than one has perpetuated ideas that research has long since confounded, or carelessly used fictive notions to fill gaps in our understanding of these enigmatic mammals.
"It's therefore a pleasure to welcome this excellent compendium, edited by
Sir Richard Harrison, a distinguished Cambridge University anatomist, and Michael M. Bryden, an Australian marine mammal biologist with wide field experience. Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises comes perhaps closer than any of its rivals to a seemingly impossible dream: it combines a wealth of accurate information with a feast of spectacular photographs. As a handsome addition to the coffee table, it will evoke satisfying 'oohs' and 'aahs,' and as a comprehensive introduction to the biology and behavior of cetaceans, it will help the college student with his [or her] next essay.
" The first of the three sections, entitled 'Whales of the World,' deals with evolution, taxonomy, and distributional ecology of cetaceans. It includes what is, in effect, a field guide to various species, accompanied by illustrations that are, if not perfect, at least tolerably realistic. The second section, 'The World of the Whale,' contains more detailed information on biology and behavior. As with the rest of the book, each subsection is written by an authority on the topic in questions. The final section, 'Whales and People,' provides the counterpoint to its more didactic predecessors, and offers a history of whaling, a review of whales in art and literature, and articles on captivity, strandings, and 'human contact.' Books that attempt to combine a scientific perspective with more literary musings often result in an unsuccessful marriage of the two, yet this one succeeds. It's not at all jarring to find a reproduction of the famous dolphin fresco from the Minoan palace of Knossos just a few pages beyond a review of the social behavior of baleen whales.
"As one would expect in a work that attempts to distill knowledge from so many sources in a rapidly expanding field, the book isn't devoid of errors. We're told, for example, that fin whales 'avoid . . . coastal waters,' which comes as a surprise to those of us who regularly watch them from the beaches of Cape Cod or Long Island. And a caption says that whale mothers have an 'aunt' in 'constant attendance for protection' of the calf. While this is true of certain toothed whales, the notion has long since been discredited for baleen whales; among humpbacks, for instance, the 'aunts' have turned out to be mature males that are probably waiting for an opportunity to mate with the mother.
"There are also some errors of omission. Given that a great deal of our present understanding of whales comes from long-term studies based on the recognition of individual animals--by the markings on their backs or the shapes of their flukes--one would think this topic deserved an entire article instead of incidental mention. And the article on strandings leans far too heavily on a single hypothesis: the idea of the article's author, Margaret Klinowska of Cambridge University, that they result from a disorientation of the biomagnetic navigation system possibly possessed by certain cetaceans. While there's some interesting evidence to support her theory, it's far from widely accepted, and other researchers have equally convincing data for alternative explanations.
"But my major objection is to the article on captive cetaceans. One doesn't
have to read the biographies of the contributors to discern that the author, Victor Manton, makes his living displaying cetaceans (as curator of Britain's Whipsnade Park). The article reads like a press release, lavishly praising the contributions made by oceanariums to public education and scientific research, yet glossing over or ignoring concerns about the well-being of captive show animals. At points, the article becomes frankly insulting, as when Manton contends that performing dolphins are 'generally extroverted animals that respond to applause or public enthusiasm.'
"These shortcomings nothwithstanding, the editors deserve high marks for their conservative, well-researched approach: if science is largely ignorant about a topic, they say so, and don't attempt to fill up their pages with meaningless guesses based on skimpy data. Overall, they've produced an excellent book that stands out among the gathering crowd of whale publications and will be turned to repeatedly for instruction or simply enjoyment."
Chapters include Evolution, Kinds of Whales, Baleen Whales, Toothed Whales,
Distribution and Ecology, Anatomy, Adaptation to the Aquatic Environment, The
World of the Senses, Reproduction and Development, Social Behaviour, Intelligence, Whales in Art and Literature, History of Whaling, Whales and Dolphins in Captivity, Human Contact, and Strandings--Fact and Fiction. Also included are a checklist of living whales, a bibliography, and an index.
Harrison, R. J., and J. E. King. Marine Mammals. London: Hutchinson
Press, 1980.
Harrison, R. J., and S. H. Ridgway. Deep Diving in Mammals. Durham,
England: Meadowfield Press, 1976.
Hart, Stephen. Scientific American Focus: The Language of Animals.
New York: Holt, 1996.
Hast, Fai Chivell. Where to See Whales and Dolphins in Australia. Melbourne, Australia: Magistra Publishing.
Hatherly, Janelle, and Delia Nicholls. Dolphins and Porpoises. Great
Creatures of the World series. New York: Facts on File, 1990.
Haug, Herbert. Der makroskopische Aufbau des Grosshirns: Qualitative and
Quantitative Untersuchungen an den Gehirnen des Menschen, der Delphinoideae und
des Elefanten (The Macroscopic Structure of the Cerebrum: Qualitative and
Quantitative Examination of the Brains of Humans, Dolphins and Elephants).
Berlin/New York: Springer-Verlag, 1970.
Hawes, Sandra D. An Annotated Bibliography of the Ecology of Co-occurring
Tunas (Katsuwonus pelamis, Thunnus albacares) and Dolphins (Stenella attenuata, Stenella longirostris and Delphinus delphis) in the Eastern Tropical Pacific. La Jolla, California: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, Southwest Fisheries Center, 1982.
Hayes, Ruth. Orca Breaching. Friday Harbor, Washington: The Whale
Museum, 1983. (Art and calligraphy)
Hayter, Adrian. The Dolphins' Message. Nelson, New Zealand: R. W. Stiles, 1981.
Hebden, Mark. A Pride of Dolphins. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich.
Hebert, Marie-Francine. Poppy's Whale. LPC Inbook, 1996. (Fiction)
Heide-Jørgensen, Mads Peter, and Oystein Wiig. Belugas in the North Atlantic and the
Russian Arctic. NAMMCO Scientific Publications Series, Vol. 4. Tromso, Norway: North Atlantic Marine Mammal
Commission, 2003.
Heimlich-Boran, Sara and James Boran. Killer Whales. WorldLife Library.
Stillwater, Minnesota: Voyageur Press, 1994, rev. 2001.
From a review by William Rossiter, Cetacean Society International, in Whales Alive!, July 2001, p. 12: "Written by two scientists with extraordinary familiarity with orcas, this book will please all readers with the presentation of facts, experiences, and incredible photographs. Issues and controversies such as captivity and fisheries interactions are reported objectively. The authors clearly held back their subjective opinions. I would have welcomed a little limb hanging; it would have helped to show how much they care, and stimulated more readers to get involved. Science is learning so much so fast that no book can keep up. Some recent research from New Zealand and Latin America are examples for the next update, but don't hesitate to get this book now."
Heintzelman, Donald. A World Guide to Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises.
Tulsa, Oklahoma: Winchester Press, 1981.
Helm, Thomas. Monsters of the Deep. New York: Dodd, Mead & Company,
Helzel, A. R., and S. J. Stearn. Minke Whales. World Life Library. Voyageur Press.
Hemmi, Sakae. The Beach Where Dolphins Come to Play. In Japanese.
ISBN 7896-0389-X C8095. Telephone: 03 3479 3943, fax: 03 3479 5197.
Henderson, David A. Men and Whales at Scammon's Lagoon. Baja California
Travels Series. Los Angeles, California: Dawson's Book Shop, 1972. Limited
edition--700 copies.
Heptner, V. G., et al. Mammals of the Soviet Union: Pinnipeds and Toothed Whales, Vol. II, Part 3. 1976. Science Pub., 1996.
Herald, Earl S. Field and Aquarium Study of the Blind River Dolphin.
Herman, J. S. Cetacean Specimens in the National Museum of Scotland.
Edinburgh: National Museum of Scotland, 1992.
Herman, Louis M. "Knowledge Acquisition and Asymmetry Between Language
Comprehension and Production: Dolphins and Apes as General Models for Animals" In Interpretation and Explanation in the Study of Animal Behavior, Volume I: Interpretation, Intentionality, and Communication, Marc Bekoff and Dale Jamieson, eds. Boulder, Colorado/Oxford, England: Westview Press, 1990.
___________, ed. Cetacean Behavior: Mechanisms and Functions.
New York: John Wiley and Sons, 1980. Available from Donald Hahn Natural History
Books, (520) 634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217.
___________. Humpback Whales in Hawaiian Waters: A Study in Historical
Ecology. Seattle, Washington: Pacific Search Press, 1978.
___________. Humpback Whales in the Hawaiian Breeding Waters: Population
and Pod Characteristics. Tokyo: Whales Research Institute, 1977.
Hershkovitz, P. Catalog of Living Whales. U.S. National Museum,
Bulletin 246/Smithsonian Institution, 1966.
Herzing, Denise L. "Dolphins in the Wild: An Eight Year Field Study on Dolphin Communication and Interspecies Interaction." Doctoral dissertation. The Union Institute Graduate College, Cincinnati, Ohio, 1993.
___________, and Thomas I. White. "Dolphins and the Question of Personhood." Etica & Animali, 9/98 (special issue on nonhuman personhood).
Hetzel, Bia, and Liliane Lodi. Baleias, Botos e Golfinhos: Baia da Ilha
Grande (Whales, Porpoises and Dolphins: Identification Guide for Ilha
Grande Bay). Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Manati Producoes Editoriais, 1996. In
Portuguese. Available from Cetacean Society International, P.O. Box 953,
Georgetown, Connecticut 06829, USA, (203) 544-8617, e-mail:
___________. Baleias, Botos e Golfinhos: Guia de Identificacao para o Brasil (Whales, Porpoises and Dolphins: Identification Guide for Brazil). Editora Nova Fronteira, 1994. In Portuguese. Available from Cetacean Society International, P.O. Box 953, Georgetown, Connecticut 06829, USA, (203) 544-8617, e-mail:
Heyning, John E. Masters of the Ocean Realm: Whales, Dolphins, & Porpoises. Seattle/London: University of Washington Press in association with the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County, 1995.
Trisha: This is a beautifully illustrated, nicely written introduction to
cetaceans, published in association with a traveling exhibition of the same
Contents: Introduction; The Basic Whale and Dolphin; Evolution (Miocene diversity; Modern diversity); Life Below the Surface (Feeding; Senses; Diving; Behavior and social systems); The Challenges of Research (Tagging and photo-identification; Strandings; How many species? How many whales?); Conservation (Modern whaling; Accidental deaths in fishing gear; Pollution and habitat destruction; The role of research); Whales and People (Greek and Minoan civilization; The Tlingit; Nineteenth-century New England; The Eskimo); Epilogue. Also contains a bibliography, glossary, and index.
Hicks, Takara. When a Dolphin Walks on Land: Healing Body, Mind, and Emotions for Total Success. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: HumInt International, forthcoming.
Hill, David O. Vanishing Giants: The History, Biology and Fate of the Great Whales. New York: Rare Animal Relief Effort (National Audubon Society), 1975. Reprinted from Audubon.
Hill, Ralph Nading. Window in the Sea. New York: Rinehart & Co., 1956.
Hillman, Anthony. Carving Whales and Dolphins. Dover Publications, n.d.
Hindell, Mark, and Cath Kemper. Marine Mammal Research in the Southern
Hemisphere, Volume 1 - Status, Ecology and Medicine. Sydney, Australia:
Surrey Beatty and Sons, 1997.
Hoegel, Vanessa Dyane. Perceptions of Dolphin Therapists and Dolphin Researchers on Using Dolphin Assisted Therapy with Symptomatic HIV Disease. Master's thesis, Pacific Oaks College, Pasadena, California, 1997. Available for $20 U.S./softcover, $50 U.S./hardcover from Vanessa Hoegel, 575 Chino Hills Parkway, #A-327, Chino Hills, California 91709, USA.
* Non-direct dolphin assisted therapeutic techniques are highly encouraged in this application. These methods are: guided dolphin imagery, listening to prerecorded dolphin audio, dolphin visual stimulation achieved through video or film, and the latest technology, Cyberfin (a dolphin virtual reality experience).
* The predominant goals for utilizing dolphin assisted therapy with symptomatic
HIV disease are: to increase positive states of mind, to decrease depressive symptoms, and to decrease anger. The physiological effects of this interaction will increase the state of physical health and stimulate the immune system.
Hoelzel, A. R., ed. Genetic Ecology of Whales and Dolphins. Reports of the International Whaling Commission, Special Issue 13. Cambridge:
Whaling Commission, 1991.
"In October 1989 in La Jolla, California, a Workshop took place that examined the applicability of molecular genetic techniques to studies of cetacean populations, and in particular to the definition of kin-groups, genetic populations and reproductive strategies . . .
"In addition to the report section, there are twenty peer-reviewed scientific papers contributed by cetologists and geneticists. These cover subject matter from the collection of samples at sea and their preservation, through individual population studies, to the final section of the book which considers both the theory of interpretation and the applicability of the techniques for the management of cetacean populations. There has been a sense in some quarters that molecular genetic techniques may be a panacea for troubled behavioural ecologists and population biologists. While the reality falls short of this, as shown in this volume, these techniques will facilitate substantial advancement when combined with non-genetic approaches."
Hoelzel, A. Rus, and S. Jonathon Stern. Minke Whales. Worldlife Library Series. Moray, Scotland: Colin Baxter Photography/Stillwater, Minnesota: Voyageur Press, 2000.
Holts, David B., and James M. Coe. A Preliminary Study of Dolphin Release
Procedures Using Model Purse Seines. La Jolla, California: U.S. Department
of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine
Fisheries, Southwest Fisheries Center, 1982.
Horwood, Joseph. Biology and Exploitation of the Minke Whale. Boca Raton, Florida: C.R.C. Press, 1989.
___________. The Sei Whale: Population Biology, Ecology and Management.
London/New York: Croom Helm/Routledge, Chapman & Hall, 1987.
Howard, Carol J. Dolphin Chronicles: The Two World of Misha and Echo.
New York: Bantam, 1995.
"Scientist and author Carol Howard was involved in all aspects of this
project--as a member of both the capture crew and the release/follow-up team,
as one of the dolphins' trainers, and as a researcher who studied their
echolocation for her doctoral dissertation. Renowned marine mammalogist Dr.
Kenneth S. Norris, director of this 'dolphin sabbatical' program and Carol's
mentor, has written the book's foreword."
Some reviews of this newly released work:
"Fresh, beautiful, and elegantly scientific, Dolphin Chronicles
gives us a cascade of insights into our seagoing mammalian kin. Carol Howard's
sensitive, dedicated research has produced a glorious book, a must for those
who love animals and for those who love the sea."
--Elizabeth Marshall Thomas
"Dolphin Chronicles gives a true and lively report of research into the intelligence and behavior of a large-brained nonhuman animal species.
Emphasizing communication, Dolphin Chronicles' message will have
uncommon appeal for today's networking generation."
--Victor B. Scheffer
Trisha: This book is wonderfully written in a candid, friendly, even chatty
style at times, and provides interesting, and not always pleasant, details on
the process of capturing Echo and Misha, their life and health in captivity,
the training and research process, human attachments to their captives, the
rehab and release of Misha and Echo two years later, and the post-release
follow-up process. Also discusses the dolphins' complex sensory system and
debunks some of the current speculations surrounding dolphin abilities such
as the extent of their ability to see inside other bodies, their ability to
communicate, etc.
While the author discusses the qualms that she and others felt about taking
Misha and Echo captive and acknowledges the stresses implicit in this process,
she, based on the usual arguments, concludes that captivity is justified,
although she does state that her perceived "need for some dolphins in captivity
doesn't necessarily mean we need to capture any more from the wild . . . "
(Based on the experiment with Misha and Echo, she and Ken Norris, her academic
advisor, also conclude that it is not workable to take dolphins from the wild
on a temporary basis.)
In her introduction, the author writes: "My aim in this book has been to
present a view of dolphins that is well grounded in science but within a
framework that allows the heart and soul of these creatures to show through
as well. I have tried to portray Echo and Misha as multifaceted individuals.
They are down-to-earth flesh-and-blood animals who nonetheless seem to inspire
some sense of the mythic, of the mystical in us. They are strangely familiar,
and yet so alien." She does a masterly job of reaching her goal, so
masterly, in fact, that it is difficult to understand her conclusion.
Howard, Edwin B., ed. Pathobiology of Marine Mammal Diseases. Volumes
I and II. Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press, 1983.
Howell, A. Brazier. Aquatic Mammals: Their Adaptations to Life in the
Water. Springfield, Illinois/Baltimore, Maryland: Thomas, 1930. New York:
Dover, 1970 (reprint).
Howorth, Peter C. Whales & Dolphins: Shorelines of America. The Story
Behind the Scenery series. Las Vegas, Nevada: KC Publications, 1994.
___________. Whales-Dolphins-Porpoises of the Pacific. Nevada: KC
Publications, 1985.
How to Build an Inflatable (55 ft.) Finback Whale. J. Michael Williamson, MICS, 20 Moynihan Rd., So. Hamilton, Massachusetts 01982, USA.
Hoyt, Erich. The Best Whale Watching in
Europe. Germany: The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, 2003.
"WDCS has been working for many years with whale watch operators, researchers, fishermen, sailors, local communities
and governments to protect whales and dolphins, by encouraging careful and responsible whale-watching.""
___________. Whale Watching 2000: Worldwide Tourism Numbers,
Expenditures, and Expanding Socioeconomic Benefits. Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts: International Fund for Animal Welfare, 2000.
"Since the last global survey on whale watching, conducted in 1994, the
number of people who took part in a whale watching trip grew 40%. At least
492 communities in 87 countries now have whale watching businesses, while
since 1994, 22 countries have started whale watch tours.
"Africa has the fastest growth in whale watching of any continent. Central
America and the West Indies are second, and Asia is third in growth. In
addition to economic benefits, the whale watching industry makes important
educational, environmental, socioeconomic and scientific contributions.
"'This report is very exciting in that it highlights not only the growth of
whale watching as an economically successful global industry, but that it
signifies a growing global appreciation of whales and marine environments,'
said Dr. Carole Carlson, IFAW Senior Marine Biologist and whale watching
expert, from Provincetown, MA, once a whaling center and now home to one of
the world's most prosperous whale watching industries."
___________. Whale & Dolphin Watching: The Best Way to Look at Cetaceans. Hamburg, Germany: Vier Pfoten, 1999. Available from, fax: 49 40 399249 99. To report on a whale-watching experience: Whale Watch Survey, c/o E. Hoyt, 29 Dirleton Ave., No. 11, North Berwick, Scotland EH39 4BE, UK, Fax 44 1620 895 257
"At its best, whale watching teaches people to appreciate whales and
dolphins, helps researchers study them, contributes to the conservation of the
animals, and helps ensure the economic security of local communities which
serve as protectors of marine habitat.
"Some whale-watch operators, however, have haphazard or unsafe practices.
They may make money from the whales without putting anything back to research,
education, or conservation. As well, careless whale-watch practices can bother
the animals, perhaps causing them to steer clear of boats or even to abandon
an area. Whale watching that is only commercial is a wasted opportunity.
"In an effort to encourage quality whale watching, we have contacted
hundreds of operators around the world involved in whale and dolphin watching,
dolphin swimming, and marine ecotourism which features cetaceans . . . We have
included operators using every type of boat, from kayaks to cruise ships, as
well as operators offering land-based tours. We have asked each to complete a
survey form, and this information has been supplemented in many cases by
reports from independent sources.
What is quality whale watching?
"Probably the most important key indicator of quality whale-watching is
the presence of a good naturalist, or nature guide. Ideally, this guide should
be enthusiastic and personable, combining experience of cetaceans at sea with
good background knowledge about marine species and ecology. A good naturalist
can make or break a trip, turning even a day with no, few, or distant whale
sightings into an exciting, memorable adventure.
"Quality whale watching offers both an educational and scientific component. The operator should be keen to teach people about whales. Many invite students and other interested people from their local communities to see the whales, free or at a reduced rate, as a good will gesture. At minimum, operators
should keep a logbook with accurate information on sightings and take photographs useful for identification of individual animals, which can be contributed to photo-ID programs now or in the future. The better operators also get involved with researchers, allowing them to do research on the boat, sometimes in exchange for acting as a naturalist. Everyone benefits from this arrangement. The researcher gets free boat time to do his work; the operator gets an additional, experienced pair of eyes for finding, identifying and watching the whales; the whale-watching visitor gets a good insight into how science is done and learns much more about the whales.
"Whale watching is also enhanced by the presence of certain equipment and
other items, which can be used on the ship, such as hydrophones for listening
to the whales, binoculars, whale and bird guide books. Providing these and
other extra features is simply good customer care, but some features also add
to the educational experience.
"Two final key items essential for every trip are, first, good safety
practices. For the most part, safety for tour boat passengers is legislated by
government regulations, so this will not be a concern for people travelling
with established operators. But with smaller operators, if in doubt, ask about
safety features, such as life jackets, life boat, radio, survival suits (for
cold temperate and polar waters). The last item is the importance of following
whale-watch guidelines or regulations to ensure the whales are not bothered by
whale watching. Most tour operators are careful around the whales, and the
individual whale watcher can be sure that all care is taken. In some areas,
however, whale watching is new or it has become overly competitive and, in
both cases, may not be properly regulated. Here, whale watchers with some
experience of quality whale watching can be outspoken about how to approach
and observe whales and dolphins. Comments can be made in person or in writing
to tour operators, local conservation groups, or even, for flagrant violations,
to local or marine police.
"It is impossible to make blanket regulations for all cases. Below is a
brief summary of the minimum key points boat operators should follow in most
parts of the world for most species of whales and dolphins.
* Do not charge toward or chase the whales or dolphins with a boat, or drive
through a group, separating them. (For example, do not try to get dolphins to
bowride by driving fast through the pod.)
* Approach whales and dolphins slowly from behind and to the side, not head on
or directly behind.
* Do not approach closer than 300 feet (100 meters) (a few places have even
stricter minimum distances). Of course, sometimes the whales will close the
gap to "inspect" a boat or person in the water or, in the case of dolphins, to
ride on the bow. In this case, allow the animals to control the nature and
duration of the interaction.
* Do not make sudden changes of speed, direction, or noise when close to the
* If other boats want to watch the whales, it is important to take turns, with
no more than 2 or 3 boats whale watching at one time, and to limit the time
that each boat stays with the whales.
* Do not reach out to try to touch whales or dolphins.
* Do not feed whales or dolphins.
* Do not throw litter into the water.
USA: Maine, New Hampshire, Massachusetts, New York, New Jersey, Virginia,
South Carolina, Florida, Texas, California, Oregon, Washington, Alaska, Hawaii;
MIDWAY ATOLL; CANADA: British Columbia, Manitoba, Arctic/Northwest Territories,
Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Newfoundland; MEXICO; BELIZE; THE BAHAMAS;
Trisha: I've not yet seen this book, but Erich Hoyt's other books are excellent,
and based on the description, I find this guide to be the best available resource on whale watching.
___________. The Potential of Whale Watching in Africa. Bath, England:
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, 1998. Available from Whale and Dolphin
Conservation Society, Alexander House, James St. West, Bath, Avon BA1 2BT,
Great Britain, voice: 01225 334511, fax: 01225 480097.
___________. The Potential of Whale Watching in Europe. Bath, England:
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, 1998.
___________. The Potential of Whale Watching in Latin America and the
Caribbean. Bath, England: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, 1997.
___________. Discover Whale and Dolphin Watching in Northern Europe.
Bath, England: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, 1995.
___________. The Worldwide Value and Extent of Whale Watching 1995.
Bath, England: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, 1995.
___________. The Performing Orca--Why the Show Must Stop. Bath,
England: The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, 1992.
___________. Riding with the Dolphins: The Equinox Guide to Dolphins and
Porpoises. Camden East, Ontario, Canada: Camden House, 1992.
___________. Meeting the Whales: The Equinox Guide to Giants of the Deep.
Camden East, Ontario, Canada: Camden House, 1991.
___________. Seasons of the Whale: Riding the Currents of the North Atlantic.
Post Mills, Vermont: Chelsea Green Publishing Company, 1990/Washington, D.C.:
Humane Society of the United States, 1998, 2d. ed. rev.
From a review by Sandra L. Hersh in Sea Frontiers, April 1991:
"This work is a fine example of a new trend in whale books that seeks to
merge the bare facts of cetacean research with the light, easy-reading style of
good fiction . . . The books' flavor is derived mainly from Hoyt's relating
various events in the seasonal cycle of well-studied whale populations, while
interspersing what is known about whales and whale research. In this manner he
educates the reader on a variety of scientific topics, almost without their
noticing . . . One of the most interesting sections in the book deals with
the scientific investigation into the dolphin die-off of 1987-88 . . . "
___________. Orca: The Whale Called Killer. Camden East, Ontario,
Canada: Camden House, 1990. (First published in 1981 under the title The
Whale Called Killer.)
From Discover magazine: "Hoyt's passionate sense of kinship with
orca makes his account effective as both science and literature. He has chronicled his adventures and discoveries . . . with grace, insight, wit--and a
comprehensiveness that might satisfy even Herman Melville."
Trisha: Highly detailed and interesting account with a reasonably good index,
informative appendixes, and an excellent sixteen-page annotated bibliography
(through 1984). Appendices include information on the diet of the orca, live
capture locations in the Northwest (1962-1977), populations in British Columbia
and Washington, local and national names for Orcinus orca, world catch
statistics, live-capture statistics, information on individual captive orcas,
institutions that have kept captives, and a concise history of humans and orcas
(c. 100 B.C. - 1983).
___________. The Whales of Canada. Camden East, Ontario, Canada:
Camden House/Buffalo, New York: Firefly Books, 1988.
Species include: grey, minke, sei, fin, blue, humpback, bowhead, northern right
sperm, Cuvier's beaked, northern bottlenose, beluga, narwhal, long-finned pilot,
and killer whales, white-beaked, Atlantic white-sided, and Pacific white-sided
dolphins, and harbour and Dall's porpoises.
___________. The Whale Watcher's Handbook. Garden City, New
York: Doubleday & Company/Toronto: Penguin/Madison Press, 1984.
___________. 5 Case Studies. Bath, England: Whale and Dolphin
Conservation Society.
___________. Discover Whale and Dolphin Watching in Northern Europe. Bath,
England: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.
___________. Kujira Watching. Bath, England: Whale and Dolphin Conservation
Society. (whale watching in Japan)
Human Marine Mammal Interactions in the Southern Hemisphere. A companion volume to the Southern Hemisphere Marine Mammal Conference, Phillip Island, May 2001.
Humpback Whales, A Catalogue of Individuals Identified by Fluke Marks.
Bar Harbor, Maine: College of the Atlantic, 1983?.
Humpback Whale catalog for the Gulf of Maine Population CD. Available from WhaleNet.
The Humpback Whales of Georgia Strait. Volume 8, 1985 of Waters, the journal of the Vancouver Aquarium.
Humpback Whales of the Central and Eastern North Pacific: A Catalog of
Individual Identification Photographs. University of Hawaii at Manoa Sea
Grant College Program, 1988.
Hunt, Douglas G. The Dolphin Reader. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1996.
Hunter, Robert. Warriors of the Rainbow: A Chronicle of the Greenpeace Movement. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1979.
___________. To Save a Whale: The Voyages of Greenpeace. San
Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1978.
"This is the story of the voyages of Greenpeace and of the whales they came
to know, to love, to respect . . . "
Huntley, A. C., D. P. Costa, G. A. J. Worthy, and M. A. Castellini, eds.
Marine Mammal Energetics. Society for Marine Mammalogy special publication no. 1. Lawrence, Kansas: Society for Marine Mammalogy, 1987.
Ilangakoon, Anouk. Whales and Dolphins Of Sri Lanka. Colombo, Sri Lanka: WHT Publications (Private) Limited.
Publisher email:, tel.: 699219/686579.
Ingles, Lloyd G. Mammals of the Pacific States: California, Oregon, and
Washington. Chapter 10, " Order Cetacea." Stanford, California:
Stanford University Press, 1947, 1954, 1965, pp. 310-333.
International Forum for the Future of the Beluga. Pour l'avenir du beluga:
Compte rendu du Forum international pour l'avenir du beluga/For the Future of
the Beluga: Proceedings of the International Forum for the Future of the
Beluga. Sillery, Quebec: Presses de l'Universite du Quebec, 1990. In
French and English.
International Whaling Commission. Whales. Cambridge:
Whaling Commission, 1978.
___________. Sperm Whales. Reports of the International Whaling
Commission, Special Issue 2. Cambridge: International
Whaling Commission, 1980, 1998.
___________. Sei and Bryde's Whales. Reports of the International Whaling Commission, Special Issue 1. Cambridge: International
Whaling Commission, 1977.
Internet Guide to International Fisheries [and Marine Mammal] Law.
The main sections are:
Compendium of Legal Texts: a collection of more than 140 international
agreements and instruments
Compendium of Fisheries Cases: a collection of the main international fisheries cases, and links
International Organizations: information and contacts for the main fisheries
and marine mammal organizations
Int-Fish Bulletin: news e-zine containing articles and news summaries on
fisheries, whaling, sealing and related subjects
Internet Pathfinder: a collection of around 4,000 links to relevant information
Review: a review database of around 200 relevant books
Glossary: a glossary of relevant terms
Lists: a discussion list and an update/announcement list
Investigative Network, with Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society and Swiss
Coalition for the Protection of Whales. The Gray Zone: Industrial Threats to
Gray Whales in Baja, Mexico.
Isaacs, Ross. Encounters with Whales: A Journey Among Southern Humpback
Whales. Australia: Robert Brown and Associates, 1994.
Ivanova, Elizaveta Ivanovna. Morfologiia krovenosnoi sistemy chemomorsko;
afaliny. Moskva: Izd-vo "Nauka," 1984.
Iwago, Mitsuaki. Mitsuaki Iwago's Whales. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1994.
Jacobs, Lou, Jr. Wonders of an Oceanarium: The Story of Marine Life in Captivity.
A Marineland of the Pacific Souvenir Book. San Carlos, California: Golden Gate
Junior Books, 1965.
Jaffe, David. The Stormy Petrel and the Whale: Some Origins of Moby Dick.
Jahoda, J. C., and D. N. Wiley. "An Educational Program for Reducing Whale
Harassment by Recreational Boaters." In Proceedings of the Tenth
Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals.
James, Joseph. International Management of Tuna, Porpoise, and Billfish:
Biological, Legal, and Political Aspects. University of Washington Press,
Jamieson, Bernie, ed. Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Cetacea. Forthcoming.
Jardine, [first name unknown]. The Natural History of the Ordinary Cetacea
or Whales. London: W. H. Lizars, 1837.
Jasny, Michael. Sounding the Depths: Supertankers, Sonar, and the Rise of Undersea Noise. Washington, D.C.: Natural Resources Defense Council, March 1999.
Jauniaux, T., J.-M. Bouquegneau, and F. Coignoul.
Marine Mammals,
Seabirds, and Pollution of Marine Systems. E-mail:
Jefferson, Thomas A., Stephen Leatherwood, and Marc A. Webber. Marine Mammals of the World. FAO Species Identification Guide.
Rome: Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, 1993. Available in print and on
CD-ROM (click on "CD-ROM Catalogues").
This is a worldwide guide for the identification of marine mammals and those
cetaceans, seals, and sirenians also found in freshwater. The 119 species include a variety of taxa: baleen whales, toothed whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, sea lions, sirenians, marine otters, and the polar bear. There is an introduction with notes on marine mammal distribution in regard to oceanography and marine mammal identification, a glossary of technical terms, illustrated keys to species, illustrated family keys for skulls, species sheets, and a table of species by major marine fishing areas. Every species sheet includes scientific and official FAO names, diagnostic features, notes on similar species, size, distribution, biology, habitat, behaviour, exploitation, and IUCN (World Conservation Union, formerly International Union for the Conservation of Nature and Natural Resources) status. The work is . . . indexed [by scientific and vernacular names] and includes a list of references and sources for further reading.
Jeune, Paul. The Whale Who Wouldn't Die: The True Story of "Miracle". Chicago: Follett Publishing Company, 1979.
Jeunesse: Dauphins et Baleines Livre anime. Paris: Albin Michel, 1991.
Originally published as Whales and Dolphins in Action, Intervisual
Books, Inc, Santa Monica, California, 1991.
Johnson, C. Scott. How to Train Goldfish Using Dolphin Training Techniques. Vantage Press, 1995.
Johnson, Frederick Neil, and Susan Johnson. The Dolphin Story: An Introduction to the Biology of Dolphins. Carnforth: Castlerigg Publications, 1976.
Johnson, Jessica, and Michel Odent. We Are All Water-Babies.
London: Dragon's World, 1994; Berkeley, California: Ten Speed Press, 1995.
Johnson, Tora. Entanglements: The Intertwined Fates of Whales and Fishermen.
University Press of Florida, 2005.
Jones, Anna. Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. London: Mammal Society,
Jones, Charles. When the Whale Came. Bisbee, Arizona: The Studio Press.
Jones, David. Whales. Portland, Oregon: Whitecap Books, 1998. Available
from the publisher, P.O. Box 10306, Portland, Oregon 98296-0306, (800) 452-3032,
fax: (800) 355-9685, e-mail:
Jones, Hardy. The Dolphin Diaries: A Story of Interspecies Friendship. Forthcoming.
Jones, Mary Lou, Steven L. Schwartz, and Stephen Leatherwood, eds. The
Gray Whale: Eschrichtius robustus. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, 1984.
(800) 321-5068. Also available from Donald Hahn Natural History Books, (520)
634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217.
Jones, Michael P. Whales. Sealife Series. Rhododendron, Oregon: Crumb
Elbow Publishing, 1984.
Jones, Tristan. Saga of a Wayward Sailor. Sheridan House, 1995.
Jonsgard, Age. Biology of the North Atlantic Fin Whale Balaenoptera
physalus L.: Taxonomy, Distribution, Migration and Food. Hvalradets
skrifter no. 49. Oslo: Universitetsforlaget, 1966.
Jonsson, Orn D., ed. Whales and Ethics. Reykjavik, Iceland: University
of Iceland Press, 1992.
Judd, Mark, C. Kemper, J. K. Ling, and J. Olman. A Guide to Whales and Whale
Watching in South Australia. South Australian Museum, 1993.
Kastelein, R. A., J. A. Thomas, and P. E. Nachtigall, eds. Sensory Systems
of Aquatic Mammals. Woerden, The Netherlands: DeSpil Publishers, 1995.
(DeSpil Publishers, P.O. Box 23, NL-3440 AA Woerden, The Netherlands.)
Subjects include: hearing, echolocation, communication, influence of human-made
noise, sensory anatomy, cognition, and bycatch reduction.
Kasuya, Toshio,and Yasuharu Izumizawa. The Fishery-Dolphin Conflict in the Iki Island Area of Japan. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Marine Mammal Commission, 1981.
Katona, Steven K. Field Guide: Whales and Seals. Old Tappan, New
Jersey: Macmillan Library Reference, 1983.
Katona, Steven, David Richardson, and Robin Hazard. A Field Guide to
the Whales and Seals of the Gulf of Maine. Rockland, Maine: Steven Katona and David Richardson, 1975.
Katona, Steven K., Valerie Rough, and David T. Richardson. A Field Guide to
the Whales, Porpoises, and Seals of the Gulf of Maine and Eastern Canada: Cape
Cod to Newfoundland. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1983.
Renamed A Field Guide to Whales, Porpoises, Seals From Cape Cod to Newfoundland, 4th rev. ed., Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Press, 1993.
Katz, Jane. Swimming through Your Pregnancy: The Perfect Exercise for
Pregnant Women. Wellingborough: Thorsons, 1983, 1985.
Kaufman, Gregory D., and Paul H. Forestell. Hawaii's Humpback Whales: A
Complete Whalewatchers Guide. Kihei, Hawaii: Pacific Whale Foundation
Press, 1986/Aiea, Hawaii: Island Heritage Publishing, 1997.
"This . . . volume includes a behavior 'key' describing activities and
the contexts in which they occur, detailed information on where and how to
watch for whales; regulations governing human activity in the vicinity of
whales; what to do in the case of stranding; and a discussion of the future
management and conservation of humpback whale populations."
Chapters include: Visitors to Paradise, Cetaceans, External Anatomy, Internal
Anatomy, Breathing, Swimming, Diving, Thermoregulation, Sleep, Sensory Systems,
Intelligence, Feeding, Enemies and Parasites, Age, Identification, Communication
and Song, Status, Behavior Key, Interpreting Behaviors, Migration and Distribution, Social Dynamics, Calving, Mating, Historical Ecology, Conservation, and Looking Ahead. Also includes appendices on Guide to Whales and Dolphins of Hawaii, Whalewatching Tips, Whalewatching Regulations, How You Can Help, and Strandings, as well as a selected bibliography and an index.
Kay, Helen. The Secrets of the Dolphin. New York: The Macmillan Company,
Kayes, Roger J. The Decline of Porpoises and Dolphins in the Southern North
Sea: A Current Status Report. A report prepared for Greenpeace International. Oxford: Political Ecology Research Group, 1985.
Kedar, Karyn D. The Dance of the Dolphin: Finding Prayer, Perspective, and Meaning in the Stories of Our Lives. Jewish Lights Publishing, 2001.
Kellog, Remington. A Review of the Archaeoceti. Carnegie Institution
of Washington, 1936.
Kellogg, Winthrop N. Porpoises and Sonar. Chicago, Illinois: The
University of Chicago Press, 1961.
Chapters include: Whales and Porpoises, The Amazing Dolphin, Sounds Beneath
the Sea, Indications of Porpoise Sonar, The Nature of the Signal, The Acoustic
Analyzer, Perception of Submerged Targets, Distinguishing Between Objects, The
Avoidance of Invisible Barriers, and A Porpoise Obstacle Course. Also includes
references and an index.
Kelly, John, Scott Mercer, and Steve Wolf. The Great Whale Book.
Washington, D.C.: Center for Environmental Education/Lakewood: Acropolis Books,
Kendall, Sarita, Fernando Trujillo, and Sandra Beltran. Dolphins of the Amazon and Orinoco. Bogotá, Columbia: Fundación Omacha, 1995.
Kerrod, Robin. Whales and Dolphins. Nature Watch series. New York:
Anness Publishing, 1998.
Kershaw, J., and H. Capra. L'école des dauphins. Grenoble:
Glénat, 1989.
Kidwell, Al. Main Geographic: Whales and Seals: A Guide to Coastal and Offshore Mammals.
Freeport: DeLorme Publishing Company, 1983.
Killer Whale, the Saga of Miracle. Author and publisher unknown.
Kiem, Thai Van. "The Cult of the Whale." Vietnamese Studies
121 (1996): 145-172.
Kimura, Nobunori. Makko Kujira Kokkaku no Kiroku. Sendai: Zaidan Hojin
Saito Hoonkai, Showa 58, 1983. In Japanese.
Kineon, Forsyth. P ( Acoustic Thermometry of Ocean
Climate: A Case Study in the Effect of Political Pressures on Science.
M. Marine Affairs Thesis, University of Washington, Seattle, 1996.
One of the more controversial issues in the environmental community involves
anthropogenic sound in the ocean. Sources of anthropogenic sound include: SONAR
(SOund NAvigation and Ranging), vessel traffic, seismic exploration, pile driving, military experiments and civilian experiments involving tools such as acoustic tomography. Sounds produced by these sources are controversial because there are little data to determine impacts upon marine organisms. Regardless of this meager data base, research is hindered by a lack of funding, the general difficulty of studying marine organisms, and the restrictive nature of some United States (U.S.) legislation (e.g. Endangered Species Act and Marine Mammal Protection Act). Some sources of anthropogenic sound are restricted by statute, while others do not appear to require permits. The dearth of data, coupled with the lack of an avenue to obtain further information, and regulatory inequity, exemplify the contradictory policies surrounding man-made sources of sound.
Anthropogenic sound in the marine environment has come into the public arena due
to a heightened awareness of marine activities and their effects. In 1990, a
feasibility test designed to determine whether sound signals could be detected
over great distances was announced. This experiment, referred to as the Heard
Island Feasibility Test (HIFT), occurred off a remote island in the Southern
Ocean. Some marine mammal experts, as well as Greenpeace, raised objections to
this experiment where sound would be projected loudly enough presumably to be
heard half way around the world. However, since the experiment was taking place
a great distance from the United States and the newspapers did not carry the
story until the experiment was in progress, there was little public comment on
the Heard Island experiment.
The present focus of attention on anthropogenic sound involves the Acoustic
Thermometry of Ocean Climate (ATOC) experiment, conceived by the same group of
principal investigators involved in the Heard Island study. ATOC is a two-year
test aimed at establishing the feasibility of measuring temperature change in the oceans to verify current climate change models. The experiment will operate two sound sources off California and Hawaii. It is essential that the sound produced be loud enough to travel through thousands of kilometers of ocean to meet the experimental design criteria of accounting for local variations in temperature. The present controversy that surrounds the validity of the ATOC experiment, as well as the potential harm to marine fauna, is caused by: the intensity of the sound source, the innovative hypothesis of the project, and the proximity of the California and Hawaii locations to formally designated marine sanctuaries.
Beneath the principle of ATOC lies the relatively newly introduced science of
acoustic tomography (AT), in which low-frequency sound waves projected over long
distances are used to measure variations in the physical properties of the oceans. ATOC will use AT as a powerful tool for studying global climate change through verifying climate change models. A new set of concerns about the effect of human-generated sound on marine animals has been raised by AT causing the AT
experiment ATOC to become contentious, even though such research offers the
prospect of better understanding global climate change.
Environmentalists have challenged proposed AT experiments, arguing that they
pose a threat to whales and other marine mammals. AT researchers have responded
that there is no evidence that AT is harmful, and that there are many other
natural and human sources of high-energy, low-frequency sound in the marine
environment that have not aroused such concerns.
Government agencies that are responsible for approving permits to conduct AT
experiments are hampered by a dearth of data concerning the effects of such
sound on marine animals. Moreover, there is a lack of a coherent policy framework for evaluating the environmental impacts of AT research. The current case-by-case approach to permitting AT experiments has produced continual challenges in which the same issues are raised, but left unresolved. A growing public discontent has lead to criticism beginning to spread to all forms of anthropogenic sound in the ocean. The need to create a coherent and equitable policy surrounding anthropogenic ocean sound becomes evident as controversy increases.
Many individuals are concerned about the health of the ocean and want to learn
more about how it functions. Subsequently, there are many stakeholders in the ATOC experiment. Physical oceanographers are concerned with how sound travels through the oceans. Behaviorists who study marine mammals, are interested in what type of response or potential physical damage these projections of sound will create. Fishery biologists and fishermen, similarly, are interested in the effects of anthropogenic sound on fish. Climatologists are concerned with the question of global warming and what can be learned from sound regarding this topic. Environmental groups want the ocean and its flora and fauna to be preserved for future generations, and are proponents of responsible management of the resources towards that end. Government agencies want already instituted laws to be adhered to. Finally, there is the Strategic Environmental Research Defense Program (SERDP) that funds ATOC through the Advanced Research Projects Agency. SERDP is a program established by Congress that mandates the Department of Defense to spend money on environmentally relevant issues.
The impetus behind this study is the author's experience compiling the
Environmental Assessment for HIFT, and participating as a marine mammal observer
on the experiment. The politics, misunderstandings of the science, and
controversial scientific hypotheses involved with both HIFT, and later intensified through ATOC, prompted my desire to facilitate a more fundamental understanding and structured set of policies in which to explore the ocean realm by means of sound.
This paper seeks to define the controversy surrounding the ATOC experiment as an
example of human-generated sound in the ocean and stake holder interactions. The
ATOC study becomes instructive as a case analysis because it provides an example
of the effects of public controversy on a scientific experiment. The first
chapter provides context by: characterizing human-generated sound in the ocean;
reviewing the history of sound research in the marine environment; analyzing
research results on the effects of sound on marine animals; providing an overview of the applicable environmental laws, and describing the case study, ATOC. The second chapter discusses ramifications of the controversy that surround the study by characterizing why ATOC is controversial, and addressing the harm this experiment has caused to the individuals involved and society as a whole. Chapter Three examines the causal factors that led to the emerging controversies. Chapter Four consists of a policy analysis focused on decisions made surrounding ATOC. This analysis includes alternative solutions, and through criteria, suggests the best plan to avoid future conflicts.
Conclusions reached through this analysis were derived from current literature,
and interviews with many professionals in the marine mammal research realm,
environmental organizations, physical oceanographers, acousticians, policy
specialists, and academicians. The broader perspective implicit in this thesis
will optimistically be considered with necessary future policy surrounding all
anthropogenic sound in the ocean. With over fifty years of research and an
enhanced effort to understand ocean noise in the past five years, it is time to
lay the foundations for such a policy.
Kirkevold, Barbara C., and Joan S. Lockard, eds. Behavioral Biology of
Killer Whales. Zoo Biology Monographs, Vol. 1. New York: John Wiley &
Sons/Alan R. Liss, Inc., 1986. Available from Donald Hahn Natural History Books,
(520) 634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217.
Kirschvink, J. L., A. E. Dizon, and J. A. Westphal. "Evidence from Strandings for Geomagnetic Sensitivity in Cetaceans." J. Exp. Biol. (1986) 120:1-24.
Klingel, Marianne. Dolphincare: A Therapeutic Recreation Program for Emotionally Disturbed Adolescents. 1991.
Klinowska, Margaret. Marine Mammal Database Review. Available from
OCeans and Coastal Areas Programme Activity Centre, United Nations Environment
Programme, P. O. Box 30552, Nariobi, Kenya.
___________. Dolphins, Porpoises, and Whales of the World:
The IUCN Red Data Book. Gland, Switzerland/Cambridge, England: IUCN, 1991.
Klinowska, Margaret, and [first name unknown] Brown. A Review of Dolphinaria. Cambridge, England: Department of the Environment, 1986. (See also Dolphinaria under the author Steering Group on Dolphinaria.)
Knudtson, Peter. Orca: Visions of the Killer Whale. San Francisco:
Sierra Club Books, 1996.
"In his poetic yet scientifically precise text, author Peter Knudtson offers visions of orcas throughout the ages and across cultures, from the Kwakiutl reverence for and identification with killer whales to scientists' fascination with this intelligent, large-grained counterpart to both humans and wolves on land. Knudtson also describes in vivid detail the savvy, cooperative hunting techniques of killer whales as they race in ever tighter circles around a school of herring; the dramatic birth of a calf as it shoots from its mother's body like a torpedo; and the emerging evidence about the whales' exquisitely refined sonar and communication abilities. This compelling portrait concludes with a discussion of the ethics of orca captivity, environmental threats to wild populations, and a reassessment of orca's place in our world.
"Throughout the book, spectacular full-color photographs capture the
whales spy hopping, breaching, hunting for seals and salmon, and caring for
their young. Photographs of the whales' habitat in various parts of the world
are also included. The result is a shimmering vision of the magnificent,
majestic orca."
From the foreword by David Suzuki: "This magnificent book reveals the long
relationship between humanity and whales, assembling our knowledge about them from many different perspectives. Human beings and nature have been on a dangerous collision course in this century. The fate of orcas will tell us whether our species can learn that we must share the earth with other species, not compete with them."
From a review by William Rossiter in the January 1997 issue of Whales Alive!: ". . . a fascinating and unique portrait of these majestic creatures, glimpsed with the help of the best of Haida myths, eighteenth-century sailors' tales, current scientific facts, and fifty-five outstanding color photographs . . . Knudtson takes us into both the symbolic and real world of the orca, vividly describing their evolutionary origins, complex social structure, and remarkable adaptability to marine ecosystems around the world. He also finds common ground between orcas, wolves, and humans in character, appetite, and activity as he explores the orca-human relationship."
Trisha: An exquisite work.
Contents include: Remembering Orca (early descriptions of killer whales and
dolphins, a Kwakiutl vision, a mythical Haida sea monster), Orca Origins (the
evolution of whales, the killer whale family tree, races of killer whales),
Shaped by the Sea (anatomy of a blowhole, breathing and diving, heat and cold,
colours and contours), Orca Society (a matriarchy of whales, courtship and mating, birth of a killer whale calf, seasons of a killer whale's life, cooperative feeding on herring in Norway, hunting blue whales in Mexico, hunting seals in Argentina, killer whale communication), Imagining Orca (the killer whale's brain, killer whale senses, echolocation: pictures of sound), Epilogue: Honoring Orca, References, and Index.
Konig, Karl. Penguins, Seals, Dolphins, Salmon and Eels: Sketches for an
Imaginative Zoology. Anthroposophic Press, 1990.
Kos, Erih. The Strange Story of the Great Whale, Also Known as Big Mac.
Translated from the Serbo-Croat by Lovett F. Edwards. London: Methuen, 1962.
Originally published in Serbo-Croat as Veliki Mak, 1956.
Kraus, S., and S. Katona. Humpback Whales (Megaptera novaeangliae) in the North Atlantic--A Catalog of Identified Individuals. Bar Harbor, Maine: College of the Atlantic, 1977.
Kraus, Scott, and Kenneth Mallory. The Search for the Right Whale.
Kreitman, R. C., and M. J. Schramm. West Coast Whalewatching: The Complete
Guide to Observing Marine Mammals. New York: HarperCollinsWest, 1995.
Kruetzen, Michael, Janet Mann, Michael R. Heithaus, Richard C. Connor,
Lars Bejder & William B. Sherwin. Cultural transmission of tool use in bottlenose dolphins.
Proceedings of the National Acadamy of Sciences (USA). PDF reprints are available upon request
from For subscribers to PNAS, it can be downloaded from
Abstract: In Shark Bay, wild bottlenose dolphins apparently use marine sponges as
foraging tools. We demonstrate that genetic and ecological explanations for
this behavior are inadequate; thus, "sponging" classifies as the first case
of an existing material culture in a marine mammal species. Using
mitochondrial DNA analyses, we show that sponging shows an almost exclusive
vertical social transmission within a single matriline from mother to
female offspring. Moreover, significant genetic relatedness among all adult
spongers at the nuclear level indicates very recent coancestry, suggesting
that all spongers are descendents of one recent "Sponging Eve." Unlike in
apes, tool use in this population is almost exclusively limited to a
single matriline that is part of a large albeit open social network of
frequently interacting individuals, adding a new dimension to charting
cultural phenomena among animals.
Kroeber, Theodora. The Inland Whale: Nine Stories Retold from California
Indian Legends. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1959.
Krone, Chester. The World of the Dolphin. Tower Publications, 1972.
Every Day a Little Miracle: The Gift of the Dolphins. Smart Publishing, 2002.
___________. Jeden Tag ein kleines Wunder: Das Geschenk der Delphine. Munich: Heyne, 2000. [In German.]
Kyngdon, D. J., E. O. Minot, and K. J. Stafford. "Behavioural Responses of Captive Common Dolphins Delphinus
delphis to a 'Swim-with-Dolphin' Programme." Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 2003, 71(2):163-170.
Laaman, Laura L., and Lillet Walters. The Dolphin Dynamic: How to Make a
Splash in Today's Shark-Infested Business Waters. Franklin Lake, New
Jersey: Career Press, 1996.
From the dust jacket: "The waters of today's business world are teeming
with sharks. These sharks can be small to mega-sized corporate competitors,
salespeople fighting for your customers or even rivals from your own organization. But you can outswim, outmaneuver and outperform them using the techniques Laura L. Laaman has garnered from her years as a winning salesperson, manager and business owner and her avid study of dolphin behavior.
"In The Dolphin Dynamic, Laaman reveals the unique characteristics
of dolphins that, when adopted by humans, will make anyone more successful in any environment. So what do dolphins do that people should emulate? To name just a few characteristics obviously applicable to business situations, dolphins are
master communicators, generate positive feelings, create an elegant image and
are top performers. And dolphins are faster, stronger and more intelligent
than sharks!
"Their most amazing skill--one most apparent to anyone who has ever been
captivated by a dolphin performance--is their ability to connect with those
around them, even with those much different than themselves: humans. Laaman
describes how you can adopt this ability and win over customers and business
associates alike.
"Organized into four sections, this book focuses on the four traits of
dolphins that are especially key to human success. Determination, Instinct,
Vision and Enthusiasm (DIVE). Laaman offers oceans of advice on how to use
these 'Dolphin Dynamics' to overcome obstacles, achieve your goals, motivate
others and make a great impression on everyone who does business with you."
Trisha: Dudley Lynch and Paul Kordis's Strategy of the Dolphin: Scoring a
Win in a Chaotic World also utilizes the dolphin/shark dynamic. I haven't
read Laaman's book yet, so can't comment on it, but I found that Lynch and
Kordis's book stretches and exploits the dolphin metaphor to the point of
Laenen, J. R. Théorie de l'évolution parallèle: Les
ancetres des cétacés n'étainet pas des vertébrés
terrestres mais des vertébrés marins. Thése en
cétologie, 1988.
Laist, D. W. "Overview of the Biological Effects of Lost and Discarded
Plastic Debris in the Marine Environment." Marine Pollution Bulletin
18(6B) (1987): 319-326.
Lambert, Eric. Dolphin. London: Frederick Muller, 1963.
Lambertsen, R. H. "Disease Biomarkers in Large Whales of the North
Atlantic and Other Oceans." In J. McCarthy and L. Shugart, eds.,
Biomarkers of Environmental Contamination. Chelsea, Michigan: Lewis
Publishers, 1990, pp. 395-417.
Lantis, Margaret. The Alaskan Whale Cult and Its Affinities.
Larson, Douglas M., Sabina L. Shaikh, and David F. Layton. Revealing preferences for leisure time from stated preference
data. (Whalewatching). American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2004, 86(2:307-320.
Lassen, Christian Riese. The Art of Christian Riese Lassen. San Rafael,
California: Cedco Publishing Company, 1992.
Lawley, David. A Guide to Whale Watching in the Maritimes. Nimbus
Publishing/Chelsea Green Publishing, 1998.
Lawrence, Mike. The Wild Dolphins of Gibraltar. 2d ed. 1994. Mike Lawrence, 16A
Torre del Ray, Torre Guadario, Cadiz 11312, Spain, voice: 56-616277 or
Gibraltar 71914.
Layne, J. N. Observations on Marine Mammals in Florida Waters. 1965.
Leach, Nicky, and John Gattuso, eds. Whale Watching. Discovery Travel Adventures series. Discovery Channel, 1999.
Leahy, Chris, ed. Whalewatchers Guide to the North Atlantic. Lincoln,
Massachusetts: Masschusetts Audubon Society, 1988, 1996.
Lear, R. J. A Study of the Bottlenose Dolphin Tursiops truncatus in
Eastern Australian Waters. Canberra: Australian National Parks and Wildlife
Service, 1980.
Leatherwood, Stephen, David K. Caldwell, and Howard E. Winn. Whales, Dolphins,
and Porpoises of the Western North Atlantic: A Guide to Their Identification.
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries
Service, NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 396, 1976.
Leatherwood, Stephen, and G. P. Donovan. Cetaceans and Cetacean Research
in the Indian Ocean Sanctuary. Marine Mammal Technical Report No. 3.
Nairobi, Kenya: Ocean and Coastal Areas Programme Activity Centre of UNEP, 1991.
Leatherwood, Stephen, and Randall R. Reeves, eds. Marine Mammal Research and
Conservation in Sri Lanka 1985-86. Marine Mammal Technical Report Number 1,
[1991]. Available from United Nations Environment Programme, Oceans and Coastal
Areas, Programme Activity Centre, P.O. Box 30552, Nairobi, Kenya.
___________. The Bottlenose Dolphin: Tursiops truncatus. San Diego,
California/London: Academic Press, 1990. (800) 321-5068.
EVOLUTION AND FOSSIL RECORD: The Fossil Record and Evolutionary
Relationships of the Genus Tursiops;
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Osteology of the Bottlenose Dolphin; Axial Muscles and
Connective Tissues of the Bottlenose Dolphin; The Central Nervous System of the
Bottlenose Dolphin;
SYSTEMATICS AND TAXONOMY: Comments on Australian Bottlenose Dolphins and the
Taxonomic Status of Tursiops aduncus (Ehrenberg, 1832); Distinctions
between Northwest Atlantic Offshore and Coastal Bottlenose Dolphins Based on
Hemoglobin Profile and Morphometry;
LIFE HISTORY AND BIOLOGY: Preliminary Observations of Bottlenose Dolphins from
the Pacific Coast of South America; Bottlenose Dolphin Mortality Patterns in the
Indian/Banana River System of Florida; Natural History of Bottlenose Dolphins
along the Central Atlantic Coast of the United States;
BEHAVIOR AND ECOLOGY: Review of the Signature-Whistle Hypothesis for the Atlantic
Bottlenose Dolphin; A Long-Term Study of Bottlenose Dolphins on the West Coast
of Florida; Behavior and Ecology of the Bottlenose Dolphin at Sanibel Island,
Florida; Residence Patterns, Group Organization, and Surfacing Associations of
Bottlenose Dolphins in Kino Bay, Gulf of California, Mexico; Aspects of the
Behavioral Ecology of Inshore Dolphins Tursiops truncatus and Sousa
chinensis in Moreton Bay, Australia; Food and Feeding of the Indian Ocean
Bottlenose Dolphin off Southern Natal, South Africa; Food Habits of Bottlenose
Dolphins in the Southeastern United States; Feeding by Bottlenose Dolphins in
Association with Trawling Operations in Moreton Bay, Australia; Review of
Incidents Involving Wild, Sociable Dolphins, Worldwide; Quantitative Description
of a Rare Behavioral Event: A Bottlenose Dolphin's Behavior toward Her Deceased
Offspring; Site and Association Fidelity in Bottlenose Dolphins off Argentina;
DISTRIBUTION, MOVEMENTS, AND ABUNDANCE: Bottlenose Dolphins off the Northeastern
United States; Distribution and Herd Structure of Bottlenose Dolphins in the
Eastern Tropical Pacific Ocean; California Coastal Bottlenose Dolphins;
Northward Extension of the Range of Bottlenose Dolphins along the California
HUSBANDRY AND CAPTIVE BREEDING: Breeding Bottlenose Dolphins in Captivity;
Artificial Insemination of Bottlenose Dolphins; Observations on the Early
Development of a Captive Bottlenose Dolphin Calf; Hematology and Serum Chemistry
Values in Bottlenose Dolphins;
RESEARCH TECHNIQUES: Tagging and Marking Studies on Small Cetaceans; Distribution
and Movements of Freeze-Branded Bottlenose Dolphins in the Indian and Banana
Rivers, Florida; Comparison of Bottlenose Dolphin Behavior in Texas and Florida,
with a Critique of Methods for Studying Dolphin Behavior; Ergometry (Exercise
Testing) of the Bottlenose Dolphin; Reading between the Lines: Analysis of Age
Estimation in Dolphins; Calibrating Dental Layers in Captive Bottlenose Dolphins
from Serial Tetracycline Labels and Tooth Extractions; Use of Chromosome
Heteromorphisms and Hemoglobins in Studies of Bottlenose Dolphin Populations
and Paternities;
MANAGEMENT: Management-Oriented Research on Bottlenose Dolphins by the Southeast
Fisheries Center
Leatherwood, Stephen, and Randall R. Reeves. The Sierra Club Handbook of
Whales and Dolphins. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1983.
Leatherwood, Stephen, Randall R. Reeves, W. F. Perrin, and W. E. Evans.
Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises of the Eastern North Pacific and Adjacent
Arctic Waters: A Guide to Their Identification. Mineola, New York: Dover
Publications, Inc., 1988. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration,
National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA Technical Report NMFS Circular 444,
Leatherwood, Stephen, Randall R. Reeves, and R. S. Lal Mohan. A Future for
Asian River Dolphins: Report from a Seminar on the Conservation of River
Dolphins in the Indian Subcontinent. Bath, Avon, England: Whale and Dolphin
Conservation Society, 1993.
Leatherwood, Stephen, Brent S. Stewart, and Pieter A. Folkens. Cetaceans of
the Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary. Prepared for National Oceanic
Atmospheric Administration, Channel Islands National Marine Sanctuary and NOAA,
National Marine Fisheries Service. Santa Barbara, California: The Sanctuary, 1987.
Ledwell, Wayne.Whales & Dolphins of Newfoundland and Labrador. Portugal Cove,
NL, Canada: Boulder Publications, 2005.
Lee, Gregory. Whale Watching and Tidepools: A Guide to California Marine
Life. Frederick, Colorado: Renaissance House, 1992.
Lentfer, Jack W., ed. Selected Marine Mammals of Alaska: Species Accounts with
Research and Management Recommendations. Washington, D.C.: Marine Mammal
Commission, [1989].
León, Vicki. A Pod of Killer Whales: The Mysterious and Beautiful Life of the
Orca. San Luis Obispo, California: Blake Publishing, Inc., 1989.
___________. A Pod of Grey Whales. San Luis Obispo, California: Blake
Publishing, Inc.
Leung, Y. "An Illustrated Key to the Species of Whale-Lice (Amphipoda,
Cyamidae), Ectoparasites of Cetacea, with a Guide to the Literature."
Crustaceana 12 (1967): 279-291.
Levy, Barbara Ann. Psychoaesthetics and Dolphin Personality. Unpublished
master's thesis. Brooklyn, New York: Pratt Institute, 1990. Barbara Ann Levy,
140 Charles Street, Apt. 16E, New York, NY 10014.
Abstract from the "Psychoaesthetics Dolphin Project" article in
Art Therapy: Four Atlantic bottlenose dolphins' artwork and body and
brush movement were the primary focus of this pilot study. [Dolphins were
taught to paint on t-shirts by holding a brush in their mouths as a trainer
held a t-shirt stretched on a piece of cardboard over the dolphins' heads
at an accessible angle.] Research was conducted by the author at the Dolphin
Research Center, Marathon Shores, Florida, in June 1989. Psychoaesthetics,
child art development theory, and Laban movement analysis were used to
consider the dolphins' painting behavior. Personality and individual graphic
style of the dolphins were also noted."
Lichter, A., and A. Hooper. Guia Para el Reconocimiento de Cetaceos del Mar
Argentino. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Fundaci____ Vida Silvestre, 1986. In Spanish.
Lien, Jon, and Steven Katona. A Guide to the Photographic Identification of
Individual Whales Based on Their Natural & Acquired Markings. San Pedro,
California: American Cetacean Society, 1990.
Lien, Jon, Leesa Fawcett, and Sue Staniforth. Wet and Fat: Whales and Seals of Newfoundland and Labrador. St. John's, Newfoundland: Breakwater Books, 1985.
Lien-siang Chou. Guide to Cetaceans of Taiwan. National Museum of Marine
Biology/Aquarium, 1994. In Chinese. Forward in English by Stephen Leatherwood.
Available from author: Lien-siang Chou, Department of Zoology, National Taiwan
University, Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C., voice: 886+2-3661331, fax: 886+2-3639902,
Lilly, John C. The Scientist: A Metaphysical Autobiography. New York: Bantam,
1978, 1981. Revised, expanded edition: Ronin Publishers, 1996.
The expanded edition contains "'bubbles' of consensus reality--text and
photos--in the hyperspace narrative. It includes an introduction by Timothy
Leary, along with biographical and bibliographic information."
It also includes "an update on John Lilly's work with human/dolphin
communication and the results of reintroduction of captive dolphins and other
cetaceans to the wild."
___________. Communication Between Man and Dolphin: The Possibility of
Talking with Other Species. New York: Julian Press, 1978.
Chapter titles include: The Development of the New Beliefs about Dolphins, The
New Beliefs Arise in Experiments, Sciences Necessary to Interspecies Communication
with Cetacea, Who are the Cetaceans (Dolphins, Porpoises, and Whales)?, Why Are
There No Large Brains in Small Bodies?, Communication by Means of Sound: The
Twin Cases of Cetaceans and Humans, Nonvocal Communication with the Apes, Sonic
Communication with Dolphins through JANUS: Sonipulation, The Evolution of the
Scientific Observer and of Society and Its Laws, Current Laws and the Basic
Assumptions about Cetacea, The Scientific Observer as a Participant in the
Ecology of the Planet Earth, Proposal for New Laws for Cetaceans: Immediate
Strategy, The Problem of Oceanaria/Aquariums and the Cetacea: A New Game,
Projections into the Future: Nonhuman Participant Observers, Projections into
the Future: Commercial Developments, The Rights of Cetaceans under Human Laws,
and The Possible Existence of Nonhuman Language.
Also includes appendices on The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, Annotated
Bibliography, Abstract of Scientific Research Program Proposal; Scientific
Origins of Interspecies Communication (Project JANUS 1977), List of Organizations,
List of Know Locations Where Tursiops are Held in Captivity, The
Cetacean Brain, and The Dolphins Revisited.
Lilly, J. C. L'Intelligenza dei Delfini. Milano, Italy: SugarCo Edizioni, 1978. [In Italian.]
___________. Lilly on Dolphins: Humans of the Sea. Garden City, New
York: Anchor Press/Doubleday, 1975.
___________. The Mind of the Dolphin: A Nonhuman Intelligence. New
York: Doubleday and Company, 1967.
"That the bottlenose dolphin (or Tursiops truncatus) has a brain
larger than [the human's], that it has a sophisticated form of vocal communication,
that it, to a certain extent, 'understands' [humans] has become generally
known. What has been virtually unexplored is the astonishing intricacy
and nonhuman nature of the dolphin's intelligence and yet the profound
relevance of that intelligence to man's place in Nature."
Chapters include: Mental Health and Communication, The Importance of
Interspecies Communication, Differences between the Communication of Man and
of Dolphin, Communication Is between Minds, The Mind of the Dolphin, New
Findings: Double Phonation and Stereophonation, Consideration of the Spiritual
Side, The Medical Problems of Dolphins and Man, Vocal Mimicry: A Key to and
First Stage of Communication, Living with a Dolphin: Learning the Way, Living
with A Dolphin: Seven Days and Nights with Pam, Program for a 2-1/2 Months'
Preliminary Experiment: Living with Peter Dolphin in a Special Facility,
Observations and Thoughts on Four Weeks' Experiences, Who Teaches Whom What:
Mutual Trust, Vocal Exchanges between Margaret and Peter, and Conclusions about
Living with a Dolphin. Also contains a general and a selected bibliography.
For a (positive) Russian commentary on this book, see A. V. Yablokov, "O
knige Dzh. Lilli 'Mir del'fina'." Priroda, no. 5, pp. 61-62.
___________. Man and Dolphin. New York: Doubleday and Company, 1961/
London: Victor Gollancz, 1962.
It is this work upon which the novel The Day of the Dolphinis based and
in which Lilly made his famous prediction that: "Within the next decade
or two the human species will establish communication with another species:
nonhuman, alien, possibly extraterrestrial, more probably marine. And we
may encounter ideas, philosophies, ways and means not previously conceived in
the minds of men."
Chapters include: The Possibilities of Interspecies Communication, My Experiences
with a Whale, My First Experiments with Dolphins, New Research Methods, Early
Results, Avoiding Biased Assumptions, How Dolphins Are Trained, My Laboratory
at St. Thomas, Lizzie and Baby, Elvar and Tolva, The Voices of the Dolphin, and
Implications. Also includes appendices on Anatomical Contrasts: Anatomy and
Physiology of Tursiops truncatus; Intellect, Intelligence, Language,
and the Brain; Origins of Dolphins and Men; and a bibliography.
Lilly, John C., and Francis Jeffrey. John Lilly, so far. . . Los Angeles:
Jeremy P. Tarcher, 1990. For additional writings by John Lilly and Francis
Jeffrey, write to: The Human Dolphin Foundation, P.O. Box 6847, Malibu, California
Lindquist, Ole. The North Atlantic Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus):
An Historical Outline based on Icelandic, Danish-Icelandic, English and
Swedish Sources dating from ca. 1000 A.D. to 1792. Centre for Environmental History and Policy, Occasional Paper 1. St. Andrews:
Universities of St. Andrews and Stirling, 2000.
Ling, J. K., and M. M. Bryden, eds. Studies of Sea Mammals in South Latitudes. Adelaide, Australia: South Australian Museum, [1986].
Liouville, J. Cetacés de l'Antarctique (Baleinopteres, Ziphiides,
Delphinides). Paris, 1913.
Lipari, Paul. Dolphins. Kansas City, Missouri: Andrews McMeel Publishing,
Lockhart, Ryan. Ecco The Dolphin: Versus Books Official Perfect Guide Versus Books, 2000.
Lockley, Ronald M. Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. New York: W. W.
Norton & Co., Inc., 1979.
"For centuries, we have overexploited these creatures, and the need for
world-scale conservation is urgent. This . . . thought-provoking book . . .
explains what has been achieved and what must still be done if we are not to
lose forever these fellow creatures from whom we can learn so much."
Chapters include: Folklore and Fact, Living in the Sea: Evolution and Anatomy,
Sonar: Sound Navigation and Ranging, The Whale's Way: The Ecosystem, The
Whale-Hunters, Modern Whaling, The Great Whales, The Little Whales: Dolphins
and Porpoises, Saving the Whales. Also includes a checklist of living cetaceans
in the world and a brief index.
Lodi, Liliane, and Bia Hetzel. Golfinhos-Rotadores do Arquipelago de Fernando
de Noronha (Spinner-Dolphins of Fernando de Noronha Archipelago). Fundacao
O Boticario de Protecao a Natureza, 1994. In Portuguese. Available from Cetacean
Society International, P.O. Box 953, Georgetown, Connecticut 06829, USA, (203)
544-8617, e-mail:
Loughlin, Thomas R., ed. Marine Mammals and the Exxon Valdez. London/
San Diego: Academic Press, 1994. (800) 321-5068.
Contents include: Overview of the Exxon Valdez Oil Spill; Response Activities;
An Overview of Sea Otter Studies in Prince William Sound; Population Surveys of
Sea Otters in Prince William Sound; An Intersection Model for Estimating Sea
Otter Mortality along the Kenai Peninsula; Impacts on Distribution, Abundance,
and Productivity of Harbor Seals; Impacts on Stellar Sea Lions; Status of Killer
Whales in Prince William Sound, 1985-1992; Assessment of Injuries to Prince
William Sound Killer Whales; Impacts on Humpback Whales in Prince William Sound;
Sea Otter Foraging Behavior and Hydrocarbon Levels in Prey; Observations of
Oiling of Harbor Seals in Prince William Sound; Health Evaluation, Rehabilitation,
and Release of Oiled Harbor Seal Pups; Effects of Masking Noise on Detection
Thresholds of Killer Whales; Cetaceans in Oil; Pathology of Sea Otters; Gross
Necropsy and Histopathological Lesions Found in Harbor Seals; Hydrocarbon
Residues in Sea Otter Tissues; Hydrocarbon Contaminants in Harbor Seals in
Prince William Sound and the Gulf of Alaska; Tissue Hydrocarbon Levels and the
Number of Cetaceans Found Dead after the Spill; Conclusions; Appendixes; Index
Lusseau, D. Male and female bottlenose dolphins Tursiops spp. have different strategies to avoid interactions with tour
boats in Doubtful Sound, New Zealand. Marine Ecology Progress Series, Aug 2003, 257:267-274.
Lowell, R. The Dolphin. New York: Farrar Straus and Giroux, 1973.
Lowenstein, T. Ancient Land, Sacred Whale: The Inuit Hunt and Its Rituals. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 1993.
Contents: The Stories; The Whale; The Whale Hunt: A Sketch; The Land Whale Story; Sun and Moon Story; Tikigaq: Whale; The Name; The Land Grows and Dies; Iglus, Qalgis and Cyclic Change; Time and Stories: Playing Out Myth; Myth Roles; The Land Whale; The Ritual Year
Lusseau, D. The residency pattern of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops
spp.) in Milford Sound, New Zealand, is related to boat traffic. Marine
Ecology Progress Series, 2005, 295:265-272. PDF reprints are available upon request
from the author,, and from the journal's website:
___________, and J. E. S. Higham. Managing the impacts of dolphin-based tourism through the definition of critical habitats:
The case of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops spp.) in Doubtful Sound, New Zealand. Tourism Management, 2004, Author email:
Lydekker, Richard. Library of Natural History, Vol. III. New York: Saalfield Publishing, 1904. See section on cetaceans.
___________. Guide to the Whales, Porpoises, and Dolphins--Order Cetacea. 2d ed. Revised by Sir Sidney Harmer. London, 1922.
Lynch, Dudley, and Paul Kordis. Your Dolphin High-Performance Business Brain--An Operator's Manual: 21st Century Thinking Skills for Ambitious People under Challenge or under Fire. Plano, Texas: Brain Technologies, 1993.
___________. DolphinThink: The Workbook: Mastering the Skills You need to
Get Tough, Get Free, Get Focused & Get Going As a New Kind of Winner.
Plano, Texas: Brain Technologies, 1989.
___________. Strategy of the Dolphin: Scoring a Win in a Chaotic World.
New York: Fawcett-Columbine, 1988. Also published as Strategy of the Dolphin:
Winning Elegantly by Coping Powerfully in a World of Turbulent Change, Arrow,
See also Laura Laaman's The Dolphin Dynamic: Make a Splash in Today's
Shark-Infested Business Waters.
Macaskie, Ian, ed. The Canadian Marine Mammal Journal and Directory, Vol. 3,
1997/98. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: West Coast Whale Research
Foundation. E-mail:, snail-mail: West Coast Whale
Research Foundation, 1348 Barclay St., Vancouver, BC V6E 1H7, Canada.
Macdonald, D., ed. Sea Mammals. New York: Torstar Books, 1984.
MacDonald, Lachlan P. The Guide to Whale Watching: The Grey Whale. Arroyo Grande, California: Helm Publishing, 1990/Padre Productions, 2001.
Mache, Francois-Bernard. Music, Myth, and Nature, or the Dolphins of Arion
(Contemporary Music Studies, Vol. 6). Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Harwood Academic Publishing, 1992.
(See also Arion & the Dolphin, a libretto by Vikram Seth in
Cetaceans in Science Fiction/Other Fiction.)
"Myth and music are represented here as the best tools we have to express a deep longing to connect to nature. Mache's explication of several ancient myths--especially the dolphins who save humans from drowning--draws the intriguing conclusion that the historical evolution of musical thought is codependent on the human understanding of natural phenomena. It seems another way of saying that the environmental crisis is a crisis in human perception. Likewise, to grant myth a genuine power to guide our lives and our actions teaches us that nature and culture need not opposed on another.
"The book is sometimes clumsy in its language, which makes me wish for a better translation."
Magnolia, L. R. Whales, Whaling and Whale Research: A Selected Bibliography.
Long Island, New York: The Whaling Museum, 1977. Publication number WM-1.
Malcolm, Chris. Working title: The Evolution of Cetaceans in the Human Psyche. Project commenced in October 2001. Author email:
Mallory, Kenneth, and Andrea Conley. Rescue of the Stranded Whales. New
York: Simon and Schuster, 1989.
Manning, Janet, R. C. Connor, Peter L. Tyack, and Hal Whitehead, eds. Cetacean Societies: Field Studies of Dolphins and Whales. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2000.
"Cetacean Societies presents the first comprehensive synthesis and review of these new studies. Groups of chapters focus on the history of cetacean behavioral research and methodology; state-of-the-art reviews of information on four of the most-studied species: bottlenose dolphins, killer whales, sperm whales, and humpback whales; and summaries of major topics, including group living, male and female reproductive strategies, communication, and conservation drawn from comparative research on a wide range of species.
"Written by some of the world's leading cetacean scientists, this landmark volume will benefit not just students of cetology but also researchers in other areas of behavioral and conservation ecology as well as anyone with a serious interest in the world of whales and dolphins."
Contributors: Robin Baird, Phillip Clapham, Jenny Christal, Richard Connor, Janet Mann, Andrew Read, Randall Reeves, Amy Samuels, Peter Tyack, Linda Weilgart, Hal Whitehead, Randall S. Wells, and Richard Wrangham.
Contents: Foreword (R. Wrangham); Introduction: The social lives of whales and dolphins (R. C. Connor, J. Mann, P. L. Tyack, and H. Whitehead); Part 1: History and Methods; Flukeprints: A history of studying cetacean societies (A. Samuels and P. L. Tyack); Unraveling the dynamics of social life: Long-term studies and observational methods (J. Mann); Studying cetacean social structure in space and time: Innovative techniques (H. Whitehead, J. Christal, and P. L. Tyack); Part 2: Four Species; The bottlenose dolphin: Social relationships in a fission-fusion society (R. C. Connor, R. S. Wells, J. Mann, and A. J. Read); The killer whale: Foraging specializations and group hunting (R. W. Baird); The sperm whale: Social females and roving males (H. Whitehead and L. Weilgart); The humpback whale: seasonal feeding and breeding in a baleen whale (P. J. Clapham); Part 3. Comparative Studies, Theory, and Conservation; Group living in whales and dolphins (R. C. Connor); Female reproductive strategies of cetaceans: Life history and calf care (H. Whitehead and J. Mann); Male reproductive strategies and social bonds (R. C. Connor, A. J. Read, and R. Wrangham); Functional aspects of cetacean communication (P. L. Tyack); Science and the conservation, protection, and management of wild cetaceans (H. Whitehead, R. R. Reeves, and P. L. Tyack); Epilogue: the future of behavioral research on cetaceans in the
Wild (P. L. Tyack, R. C. Connor, J. Mann, and H. Whitehead).
The Marine Mammal Commission. Annual Reports of the Marine Mammal
Commission. Available from: The Marine Mammal Commission, 1825
Connecticut Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20009. For a copy of the 1995 report,
contact Doretha White via e-mail (, or for s-mail write
to Robyn Angliss, Office of Protected Resources - F/PR2, 1315 East-West Highway,
Silver Spring, MD 20910, USA, (301) 713-2322.
- The new regime to govern interactions between marine mammals and commercial
- NMFS' marine mammal stock assessment program and stock assessment reports
- Dolphin interactions with commercial tuna fisheries in the eastern tropical
- Marine mammal interactions with other human activities (includes information on
small take authorizations, the Herschel-steelhead conflict, and incidental
- Updates on conservation and recovery programs
- A description of ecosystem activities
- Details of the Alaska Native take of marine mammals
- 1995 activities of the permit programs
- A description and update on the Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response
- Updates on international programs and activities
- Updates on ongoing and new legal actions
___________. The Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972 As Amended.
Washington, D.C.: The Marine Mammal Commission, February 1995. Available from
National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources, 1315 East-West
Highway, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, (301) 713-2322.
___________. Marine Mammal Names. Washington, D.C.: The Marine Mammal
Commission, 1976.
The Marine Mammal Commission Compendium of Selected Treaties,
International Agreements, and Other Relevant Documents on Marine Resources,
Wildlife, and the Environment. Available from: Superintendent of Documents,
P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954. Stock number: 052-003-01368-1.
Marine Mammal Fund. Great Whales. San Francisco: Marine Mammal
Fund, 1983. (Booklet.)
Marine Mammal Fund and Lifeline Marine Research. Dolphins. San
Francisco: Marine Mammal Fund and Lifeline Marine Research, 1980. (Booklet.)
Marine Science Activities on a Budget. J. Michael Williamson, MICS, 20
Moynihan Rd., So. Hamilton, Massachusetts 01982, USA.
Marine Science Bibliography. J. Michael Williamson, MICS, 20 Moynihan Rd.,
So. Hamilton, Massachusetts 01982, USA.
Marino, Lori. "Cetacean Brain Evolution: Multiplication Generates Complexity."
Comparative Psychology (2004), 17: 1-16. Reprint requests:
Marino, Lori, and Scott O. Lilienfeld. "Dolphin-Assisted Therapy: Flawed
Data, Flawed Conclusions." Anthrozoos, 1999, 11(4), 194-200.
Marino, Lori, Mark D. Uhen, Nicholas D. Pyenson, and Bruno Frohlich. "Reconstructing Cetacean Brain Evolution Using Computed
Tomography." The Anatomical Record Part B: The New Anatomist, 2003, 272B(1):107-117. Author email: lmarino@emory.
Martin, Anthony R. (Tony). Beluga Whales. World Life Library. Stillwater,
Minnesota: Voyageur Press/Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: Raincoast Books/
Grantown on Spey, Great Britain: Colin Baxter Photography, 1996.
___________. Whales and Dolphins. London/New York: Salamander
Books, 1990.
___________, et al. The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Whales and Dolphins. New
York: Portland House, 1990.
Martin, R. Les mammifères marins. Paris: Elsevier, Nature, 1978.
Martin, Tony. Beluga Whales. WorldLife Library. Stillwater, Minn.: Voyageur Press, 1996.
Contents: Introduction, What is a Beluga?, Patterns of Life, Distribution and Abundance, Making a Living, Getting Close, Belugas and Man, Beluga Whale Facts
Martinez Fernandez, Montserrat. Delfinoterapia en Pacientes con Sindrome de Down [Dolphin Therapy in Patients with Down Syndrome]. Mexico: Trillas, 1999.
Marx, Wesley. The Frail Ocean. New York: Ballantine Books, 1967.
Matkin, C. An Observer's Guide to the Killer Whales of Prince William
Sound. Valdez, Alaska: Prince William Sound Books, 1994.
Matthews, Leonard Harrison. The Natural History of the Whale. New York:
Columbia University Press, 1978.
___________, ed. The Whale. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1968/Crescent Books,
"The Whaleis the ultimate expression of that eternal fascination.
[Beautifully] illustrated, . . . varied, . . . authoritative, it is in part
romantic--for it deals with the myths and stories of whales and whaling
throughout history--and in part descriptive, for it contains a complete natural
history of every species of whale and dolphin, each one illustrated with a
color painting made especially for this volume.
"The text, written by a group of international experts, deals with every
aspect of whales and whaling--the folklore of the whales, the literature of the
whale from Jonah to Moby-Dick, the whale's habits and characteristics,
the [stories] of the men who have hunted whales throughout recorded history,
once with fear and . . . difficulty, now with efficiency and
ruthlessness . . . "
Chapters include: Whales in Mythology and Folklore, The Biology of Whales,
The Different Kinds of Whales, several chapters on whaling, Whale Products,
The Life of Whales, and Some Books About Whales. Also includes a glossary and
a bibliography, but alas no index.
May, John, ed. The Greenpeace Book of Dolphins. New York: Sterling
Publishing Company/London: Century Editions, 1990.
"Everything you'd want to know about the dolphin family's natural history
you'll find here, from its evolution and kinship to whales and narwhals to its
capacity for communication within its own species and with ours. But you can
also wade right into the current controversy over the threats from drift-net
tuna fishing. Or peer into reports of the military's secret training of dolphins
to detect mines and attach explosives to enemy ships, even to kill frogmen. Or
hear people argue whether training dolphins to do circus tricks is harmless and
educational or an exploitive way to entertain and mislead people.
"And . . . Greenpeace spells out things you can do to protect [dolphins]--
to guarantee that future generations can be assured of the joy of a world where
dolphins will always frolic in the sea."
Scott: An activists' book, with numerous pictures and articles on the
dark side of human-cetacean relations. The first half provides an excellent
overview of the evolution, lives, and species of dolphins. Very well illustrated.
Mayer, Sue. A Review of the Scientific Justification for Maintaining
Cetaceans in Captivity. Bath, England: The
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, February 1998. Available by e-mail
from Frances Clarke,
"Normal ranges for haematology and blood biochemistry have been
established for the majority of commonly held whales and dolphins. Whilst
these data are useful for monitoring the health of captive animals, their
relevance to free-living animals is limited because captivity leads to
alterations in basic haematology and blood biochemistry. In addition,
considerable individual variation exists in haematology and blood
biochemistry such that individual baselines are needed to interpret their
significance and this is not feasible for wild animals.
"Some similarities exist between the types of disease seen in captive
and wild cetaceans. Bacterial pneumonia is an important cause of morbidity
and mortality in both categories. However, important differences exist
which make captive animals a poor model for disease in free-ranging
populations. For example, captive animals do not carry a parasite burden
as they are routinely treated with anthelmintics. In contrast, parasitic
disease is ubiquitous in wild cetaceans. In addition, knowledge from
captive studies of disease has given little insight into the recent
outbreaks of morbillivirus disease and large scale mortality of some
species of dolphins.
"Exercise and respiratory physiology has been studied using animals
trained to undertake tasks in a pool or to accompany boats to sea. Whilst
these have provided interesting knowledge about comparative physiology,
they have been limited by the physical dimensions of pools (precluding
studies on diving) together with the relatively sedentary life style and
abnormal diet of captive animals. If such data were to be used uncritically
in management programmes, it could be misleading.
"Experimental psychology and cognition has dominated the research
agenda on captive cetaceans. Bottlenose dolphins have been the primary
species for these studies because of their relatively small size and ease
with which they can be trained. Research on the visual, auditory and
echolocation systems has been driven, in large part, by the US Navy's
interest in the application of such knowledge to improving underwater
detection systems. These studies have revealed that dolphins have
extensive cognitive abilities and sophisticated sensory systems for
exploring their environment. However, the extrapolation of this information
to conservation issues, such as entanglement in nets, is limited by the
barren acoustical and visual environment of captivity. This is further
constrained by the large element of learning that takes place in the use
of these senses. Learning in captivity may give a false impression
of animals' abilities in the wild.
"The social organisation of animals in captivity is controlled by
dominance hierarchies. In contrast, the situation in natural environments
is more dynamic, and aggressive behaviours are much less a feature of the
description of free-living cetaceans. Confinement also results in
stereotyped behaviours such as uni-directional circling of the pool.
Studies of the behaviour of wild animals have been used to improve the
conditions of animals kept in captivity by indicating appropriate group
size and sex composition. However, studies of behaviour in captivity do
not seem to have the potential to improve the conservation of wild
cetaceans in the same way as they are too artificial.
"Zoos and marine parks have improved their survival and breeding
records for some species such as the bottlenose dolphin and orca. Other
species, such as the river dolphins, have extremely poor survival records
in captivity. Basic reproductive data on calving intervals and age at
sexual maturity has been obtained for some species. It would be dangerous
to apply this information directly to the conservation and management of
wild populations as it may overestimate their reproductive capacities.
Feeding has a marked effect on these parameters and the unnatural
composition and idealised nature of zoo diets mean that animals may be
growing more quickly and reproducing earlier and more frequently than in
the natural environment.
"The captive bred populations which exist to date cannot be considered
as self-sustaining populations. No scientifically based plans to conserve
genetic diversity exist. If a plan were to be designed to maintain 90% of
the genetic diversity of the original population over 200 years this could
require several thousands of animals to be kept. Rather than having any
such justifiable target, breeding programmes have consciously and
unconsciously selected for an a captivity adapted population which may soon
be better thought of as 'domesticated'.
"It has been suggested that the knowledge gained from species which
breed well in captivity could be used in developing captive breeding plans
for endangered species such as the baiji. However, species behave very
differently in captivity and what is appropriate to one species may be
misleading for others. Comparing the rather robust bottlenose dolphin to
the shy baiji may prove counterproductive. Understanding a species'
ecology and behaviour in the wild to shape conservation efforts will
provide more relevant knowledge.
"Some research has been conducted which aspires to be directly relevant
to addressing environmental harm including oil pollution and entanglement
in fishing gear. The effects of oil pollution have been studied on captive
bottlenose dolphins which show that there is little physical evidence of
harm but that animals try to avoid oil sheens if possible. This has been
interpreted as meaning oil spills are of little significance to dolphins.
However, such information may be of little use to the policy maker who
should know of the considerable harm that oil spills have on other
"Experiments to attempt to reduce the problem of entanglement in
fishing gear have taken place. The extent to which porpoises can detect
nets of different thickness and whether they can be deterred using sound or
reflectors has been investigated, for example. Noise as a deterrent
shows the most promise but the same sorts of experiments have been
conducted directly in the wild. These studies are obviously more realistic
and have also detected effects on prey, something not identified in
laboratory studies.
"The report concludes that the physically restricted conditions of
captivity, together with animals' behaviour being learnt in a unnatural
environment, the small numbers of highly trained animals involved and the
changing genetic basis of the captive cetacean population means that the
scientific basis for captive animals acting as a models of wild animals is
in increasing doubt. The increased sophistication of studies on
free-living animals and the greater relevance of data from those studies
further throws the justification for research on captive cetaceans into
Mayo, Charles, Carole Carlson, Phil Clapham, and Dave Mattila. Humpback
Whales of the Southern Gulf of Maine. Provincetown, Massachusetts: Center for
Coastal Studies, 1985.
Mayol, Jacques. Homo Delphinus: The Dolphin within Man. Idelson-Gnocchi, 1999.
"Throughout this book Jacques Mayol develops the concept 'Homo Delphinus.' Does man really have an aquatic origin? If
so, how can man reawaken his dormant mental, spiritual faculties and physiological mechanism to develop the potential of his
aquatic origins?
"Mayol shows the similarity of man's 'inner-ocean' with the primordial ocean. He develops the validity of the concept
of underwater birth. This book is about 'The Way' of man's spiritual connection to the sea.
Jacques Mayol's life was the subject of Luc Besson's film The Big Blue. [His] book Homo Delphinus was an
immediate success in Italy, France, Russia, and most recently in Japan where it has become a bestseller. It is considered
to be the bible for all breath-hold divers."
Trisha: A remarkable, exquisitely produced, oversize volume, ranging from dolphins to environmentalism to yogic pranayama
and breath-hold diving.
McCarthy, Elena. International Regulation of Underwater Sound: Establishing Rules and Standards to Address Ocean Noise
Pollution. Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2004.
This book will interest policymakers, acousticians, marine mammal biologists, environmental activists, lawyers,
oceanographers, and those in the shipping, engineering, and offshore oil and gas industries. It is an essential text for
government agencies, regional institutions, universities, and international governmental organizations. Dr. McCarthy
offers a comprehensive examination of a timely and controversial subject that has aroused interest in the scientific,
legal, and environmental communities.
McCoy, J. J. The Plight of the Whales. New York: Franklin Watts, 1989.
"For hundreds of years, whales have been mercilessly hunted, for their oil, their meat, and for other commercial products that could be made from their carcasses. Many species of these gentle giants are now in serious danger of becoming extinct. Yet some nations continue to hunt whales, including Japan, Norway, and until recently, the Soviet Union.
"But it was icebreakers went out by the Soviet Union that ultimately freed the whales, and it was Eskimos, even though they still hunt whales for their survival, who worked day and night to keep the whales alive, while the superpowers, spending hundreds of thousands of dollars and using the most sophisticated available equipment, attempted to cut a path to freedom for them.
"What does this story tell us about ourselves and about the future fate of the greatest mammals of the ocean? What laws and treaties have been passed to stop the carnage? How effective have they been? Is it too late for whales to make a comeback? These and other issues are addressed by J. J. McCoy in his examination of whale hunting today and the various efforts of nations and animal rights' organizations such as Greenpeace to save the creatures from extinction."
McCulloch, Stephen D., Gregory D. Bossart, and Marilyn S. Mazzoil. Dolphin Research for the New Millennium. Idelson-Gnocchi, 2000.
McDonald, L., J. L. Laake, and D. G. Robertson, eds. Marine Mammal Survey & Assessment Methods: Proceedings of the Symposium on Marine Mammal Survey & Assessment Methods, Seattle, WA, 21-25 February 1999. Balkema Publishers, 1999.
McDonough, John. And God Created Great Whales: Whales and Whaling in the Manuscript Collections of the Library of Congress. Washington, D.C.: Library of Congress, forthcoming December 2001.
Mchedlidze, Guram Andreevich. Fossil Cetacea of the Caucausus. Brookfield,
Vermont: Ashgate Publishing Co., 1989/Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution
Libraries and National Science Foundation/Rotterdam: Balkema, 1988. Translated from Russian by P. M. Rao (title in Russian: Iskopaemye Kitoobraznye Kavkaza).
___________. General Features of the Paleobiological Evolution of Cetacea.
Rotterdam: A. A. Balkema/Brookfield, Vermont: Ashgate Publishing Co./New Delhi:
Oxonian Press/Rotterdam: Balkema, 1984. Translated from Russian by R. Chakravarty.
McIntyre, Joan. The Delicate Art of Whale Watching. San Francisco:
Sierra Club Books, 1982.
"Joan McIntyre is a whale watcher who has spent a large part of her life
practicing the delicate art. For five years she headed a well-known group
working to understand and protect cetaceans [Project Jonah]; then, wanting to
be physically closer to her subjects, she moved to a remote Pacific island, a
place where whales and dolphins are seasonal visitors. Living at the edge of
the sea, she learned much of wind and weather, tides and currents, the fine
grain of life around her." She shares many of her experiences in this
book . . . "But the chief subject of her musings is the immense mystery
the natural world presents, however hard we study it."
Scott: An achingly beautiful little book by one of the founders and major
figures in the "Save the Whales" movement. She retired to an island
in the Pacific to mend her wounds and soften her anger about all that she had
experienced, and then wrote this book. Beautiful. Highly recommended.
___________. Mind in the Waters: A Book to Celebrate the Consciousness of
Whales. New York: Scribners/San Francisco: Sierra Club, 1974.
Trisha: Published in 1974, it remains one of the most intriguing collections of
art, myth, science, and speculation about the consciousness of dolphins and
whales and our relationship to them.
McKenna, Virginia. Into the Blue. New York: HarperSanFrancisco/
HarperCollinsPublishers, 1992.
McMorrow, Annelisa. Whales. Monday Morning Books, 2000.
McNally, Robert. So Remorseless A Havoc: Of Dolphins, Whales and Men.
Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1981.
McNulty, Faith. Whales: Their Life in the Sea. New York: Harper & Row, 1975.
___________. The Great Whales. Garden City, New York: Doubleday, 1974.
"Originally published as a Profile in The New Yorker, the book also
describes the author's experiences on whale-watching trips, one of them to
Bermuda to record whale songs and another to Scammon Lagoon in Baja
California . . . The story of Gigi, the first great whale to be kept in
captivity, rounds out the book."
Mead, James G. Biological Observations on Mesoplodon carlhubbsi
(Cetacea: Ziphiidae). Smithsonian Contributions to Zoology no. 344.
Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1981.
___________, and Joy P. Gold. Whales and Dolphins in Questions: The Smithsonian Answer Book. Washington, D.C.:
Smithsonian Institution Press, 2002.
Mead, Tom. Killers of Eden: The Story Killer Whales of Twofold Bay. North Ryde, NSW, Australia/London: Angus and Robertson, 1961, 1985.
"Each year for more than a century, as autumn moved into winter, the killers would return to Eden from the Antarctic and lie in wait there until the last of their prey had journeyed south again from the breeding grounds hundreds of kilometres up the coast. Three generations of the Davidson family used these killers almost as drovers would use sheep dogs to round up the whales, and the skeleton of the pack leader, old Tom, is preserved to this day at Eden, on Twofold Bay."
Scott: The story of the orcas who cooperatively "fished" with
the Davidson family of Eden, Australia, from around 1850 until 1932. The orcas
would harass large whales and corral them into the bay, or keep them from swimming off until the men could arrive in their whaleboats to harpoon the larger whales, which were then left for the orcas to feed on for a day or two. The whale carcass was then towed to shore where it was rendered. A slow read, but a thorough telling of the lifestyle and issues of the time. There is a museum today in Eden, with the skeleton of Old Tom, the leader of the orcas.
Trisha: Although the subject (whaling) is repugnant, the story provides a
remarkable testimonial to orcan intelligence, especially that of Old Tom.
Mebust, Larry E. Gray Whales, a Bird's-Eye View: A Fieldguide for Boat Skippers
and Whalewatchers. Long Beach, California: Offshore Publishing, 1992.
Melteff, B. R., and D. H. Rosenberg. Proceedings of the Workshop on Biological
Interactions among Marine Mammals and Commercial Fisheries in the Southeastern
Bering Sea. 1984. Available from Donald Hahn Natural History Books, (520)
634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217.
Michaud, Robert. Rencontres avec les baleines du Saint-Laurent. Tadoussac, Quebec, Canada: The Group for Education and Research on Marine Mammals (GREMM), 1993. In French. Available via the Web site or from GREMM, C.P. 223, 108, de la cale sèche, Tadoussac, Quebec G0T 2A0, Canada, voice: (418) 235-4701, fax: (418) 235-4325, e-mail:
Michell, Chris, and Sophie Michell. Dolphin Love, Sixty Ways to Live and Love Like a
Dolphin. Illustrated by Sophie Michell. Bath: Delphi books, 1994. (New Age)
Mickelson, Belle. Marine Mammals: Coastal and River Issues, Grade 6.
Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of Alaska, 1984.
Midgley, Mary. Utopias, Dolphins and Computers: Some Problems in Philosophical
Plumbing. New York: Routledge, forthcoming October 1996.
"Utopias, Dolphins and Computers aims to counter today's anti-
intellectualism, not to mention philosophy's twentieth-century view of itself
as futile. Mary Midgley explains the point of philosophy: how to do it, why it
is needed, what difficulties control it and what topics need its attention."
Trisha: I have always found Mary Midgley's no-nonsense approach thoughtful,
thought-provoking, and a pleasure to read, and this work is no exception. It is
a collection of previously published essays (plus one new essay) dealing with
both "the inner, philosophical difficulties and the outward aspect, the
current state of these particular topics in the world."
The relevant chapter for this bibliography is "Is a Dolphin a Person?"
previously published in 1985 in the book In Defense of Animals (edited
by Peter Singer) under the title "Persons and Non-Persons." It examines
the interplay, fluidity, and politics of the legal and moral aspects of defining
personhood and concludes that "emotional fellowship," as indicated by
social and emotional complexity, and not intellectual capacity, should be a
central issue in the recognition of persons.
Mignucci-Giannoni, A. A., G. M. Toyos-Gonzalez, J. Perez-Padilla, R.
Montoya-Ospina, and E. H. Williams. "First Osteological Collection of
Marine Mammals for Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands." Caribbean
Journal of Science 33 (3-4) (1997), pp. 288-292. Reprints may be obtained
electronically by clicking here and selecting "The CJS Online!" to download an Acrobat Reader copy of the publication. Otherwise, reprints may be obtained by contacting the lead author, Dr. Antonio A. Mignucci-Giannoni, Scientific Coordinator-Caribbean Stranding Network, Assistant Professor-University of Puerto Rico, P.O. Box 38030, San Juan, Puerto Rico 00937 USA, voice: 787-766-0000 x4878, 787-767-8009, fax: 787-764-2610, 787-767-8009, emergencies: 787-399-8432, 787-402-2337 (unit 990-0440), e-mail:, Web site: click here.
Miles, P. R. The Acoustic Environment and Noise Exposure of Humpback Whales
in Glacier Bay, Alaska. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Bolt Beranek & Newman,
1983. Techanical memorandum no. 734.
Millais, J. G. The Mammals of Great Britain and Ireland, Vol. 3: Cetacea.
London, 1906.
Miller, Lana. Call of the Dolphins. Portland, Oregon: Rainbow Bridge
Publishing, 1989. (New Age)
Miller, Perry. The Raven and the Whale. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1997.
Miller, Tom. The World of the California Gray Whale. Santa Ana, California: Baja Trail Publications, 1975.
Chapters include, How It Began, How They Survive, What They Eat, Whales and Man,
Primitive Whaling, American Whaling, Modern Whaling, The World of the California
Gray Whale, The Gigi Story, Identification of Marine Mammals, The Cetaceans,
Ideintification of the Cetaceans: Large Whales With Dorsal Fins, Large Whales
Without Dorsal Fins, Medium Whales With Dorsal Fins, Small Whales and Porpoises
With Dorsal Fins, Small Whales and Porpoises Without Dorsal Fins, The Pinnipeds,
Identification of the Pinnipeds, The Sea Otters, Look to the Sea, Excursions,
Expeditions, Museums, Colleges and Universities, and Organizations. Also includes a bibliography and index.
Millson, Peter, and Martin Freeth. Deaf Whale, Dead Whale: Text Adapted from
the [Horizon] Programme Transmitted 7th November 1994. London: BBC
Broadcasting Support Services, 1994. (See also the video Deaf Whale,
Dead Whale. Narrated by Cheryl Campbell. Produced by Martin Freeth. BBC
Horizon, 1994. Horizon, P.O. Box 7, London W3 6XJ, Great Britain.)
Minakuchi, Hiroya. Kyogei. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1990.
Minasian, Stanley. Whales of Hawaii. West Linn, Oregon: Hamilton Publishing, 1991.
___________. The Great Whales. San Francisco, California: Marine
Mammal Fund, 1980.
Minasian, Stanley M., Kenneth C. Balcomb III, and Larry Foster. The Whales of Hawaii and Other Marine Mammals. Aiea, Hawai'i: Island Heritage Publishing, 1999.
___________. The World's Whales: The Complete Illustrated Guide. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Books, 1984.
Contents: The Taxonomy of Whales; Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises; BALEEN WHALES: Rorqual Whales; Gray Whale; Right Whales; TOOTHED WHALES: Sperm Whales; Beaked and Bottlenose Whales; Oceanic Dolphins; Beluga and Narwhal; Freshwater Dolphins; Porpoises; Glossary; Selected Readings
Scott: An extraordinary collection of information and photos of almost
every species of Cetacean. A very few are not represented by pictures, but all
are treated with thoroughness. Beautiful.
Mobley, Joseph R., and Burgess A. Dell. Humpback Whales in Hawaii: Guide for
the Amateur Whale-Watcher. University of Hawaii at Manoa Sea Grant College
Program, 1985.
Modzelewski, Michael.
Inside Passage: Living with Killer Whales, Bald Eagles, and Kwakiutl Indians.
New York: HarperCollins, 1991.
Moffett, Robert Knight, and Martha L. Moffett. The Whale in Fact and in Fiction. London: Harlan Quist, Inc., 1967.
Trisha: The fictional passages are regrettably all related to whaling, except one, and it is equally unfortunate, quoting from Arthur C. Clarke's The Deep Range about herding whales, like huge cattle, as a food source.
Mohan, R. S. Lal. Report on the River Dolphin Awareness Programme in
Assam, 1993-94. Calicut: Conservation of Nature Trust, 1994.
Montagu, Ashley, and John C. Lilly. The Dolphin in History . Los Angeles:
William Andrews Clark Memorial Library, University of California at Los Angeles,
Montgomery, Sy. Journey of the Pink Dolphins: An Amazon Quest. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000.
"As tributaries braid into a single river, Journey of the Pink Dolphins weaves ancient myth and modern science into one woman's search for these exclusive creatures. With their melonlike foreheads and tubular snouts, pink dolphins look eerily familiar, like people in watery beginnings. No one knows for certain what gives the dolphins their distinctive coloring. They may glow pink with exertion, or with age, or their color might change with the temperature of the water. With their flexible bodies -- stretching to eight feet long and weighing up to four hundred pounds -- and finely tuned echolocation abilities, the pink dolphins perform their water ballet on handlike, five-fingered flippers, in a habitat no other dolphin could colonize.
"Since these mysterious creatures appear mostly at dusk and dawn, and their migration patterns are unknown, Sy Montgomery's Amazon quest encompasses four separate journeys. In the Tamshiyacu-Tahuayo region, she follows the pink dolphins to the spirit realm, where shamans commune with the powers of the plants and visit the Encante. With paleontologist Gary Galbreath, she follows them back in time, tracing the history of the species. At Mamiraua, the pink dolphins illuminate the Amazon's present-day conservation dilemma. And in a final, glorious burst, Montgomery follows the dolphins back, down, deep, to the watery womb of the world, touching the very soul of the Amazon.
"'There are so many stories of botos, you will die writing,' says one river guide. Ancient legends tell us that dolphins have guided humans for millennia, and in Journey of the Pink Dolphins Montgomery answers their call, taking us to that perfect place where the Amazon melts into the forest, dolphins swim among treetops, and the twenty-first century dissolves into the beginning of time."
Donna Seaman for Booklist, February 15, 2000: "Naturalist Montgomery, a Boston Globe columnist and author of such superb books as Spell of the Tiger (1995), recounts her adventures and observations with the lyricism and penetrating insights of a poet as well as the logic and factual accuracy of a scientist. Determined to study the famously elusive, hence little-known freshwater pink dolphin, Montgomery travels to the Amazon, where they are called botos. The subject of legend more than of biology, botos, it is believed, are shape-shifters that often fall in love with and seduce humans. Indeed, Montgomery feels a 'shock of recognition' when she finally encounters them and, unsatisfied with fleeting glimpses, gamely swims in dangerous waters and climbs high up into the jungle canopy for an aerial view, besieged by pesty and poisonous creatures. She even attempts to contact the botos on the spiritual plane with the guidance of a shaman. Mesmerizing accounts of her daring feats are linked to hard-hitting disclosures of the cruel human history of this bewildering and beautiful realm, but Montgomery's most impressive accomplishment is her illumination of the overlay of story and science. There is truth in myth, Montgomery reveals, and magic all around us."
"Surely one of the most brilliant books of our time, this enthralling account of the rare and beautiful pink river dolphins of the Amazon is clearly in a class by itself. Montgomery weaves zoology with myth, natural history with poetry, anthropology with the supernatural, and the result is perfection, a picture not only of animal life but also of human life the Amazon Basin. Montgomery has found a new and very perceptive way to present the natural world." -- ELIZABETH MARSHALL THOMAS
"It's a breathtaking book. This account of a naturalist's experiences in the Amazon turns its own pages, drawing the reader deep into the world of pink river dolphins...Exhilarating, vivid, and often horrifying, this is a serious report on the real and mythical life of an enchanting Amazon species and the sumptuous flooded rain forest that provides its several habitats." -- KATY PAYNE
Trisha: A lushly beautiful account of the teeming, voracious Amazonian environment (and its endangered status) and the author's encounters--factual, actual, and mystical--with pink river dolphins.
From the book: "Photographs of the pink river dolphins looked eerily familiar. They resembled no other dolphin I had ever seen, with their melonlike foreheads and long tubular snouts. Yet they reminded me of something. Then I realized: It's us they look like, but in another form. These pink dolphins look like a fetal human, a person in a watery beginning."
Moon [rest of name unknown]. Whales and Dolphins in the Wild. Chelsea
House Publishing, 1984.
Mooney, Jerye. Captive Cetaceans: A Handbook for Campaigners. Bath,
England: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. Available from Whale and
Dolphin Conservation Society, Alexander House, James St. West, Bath, Avon
BA1 2BT, Great Britain, voice: 01225 334511, fax: 01225 480097.
Moore, Gerry. Beluga. Apple Valley, Minn.: Minnesota Zoological Garden, 1978.
Mortenson, Joseph. Whale Songs and Wasp Maps: The Mystery of Animal
Thinking. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1987.
" . . . In the author's words, . . . 'The maps of wasps, the songs of
whales, and the signs of apes compel us to consider the possibility of animal
mind. Reflection on the brain and how it works convinces us that there must be
cnsciousness in other life forms. But once we accept animal consciousness, our
attitude toward science and toward material reality must also change.'"
Morton, Harry. The Whale's Wake. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1982.
Mörzer Bruyns, W. F. J. Field Guide to the Whales and Dolphins.
Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Uitgeverij Tor N.V. Uitgeverij V.H.C.A. mees
Zieseniskade 14, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 1971.
Mountcastle, Andrew M. "The Cultural Response to Stranded Whales and Dolphins." Bowdoin College, Brunswick, Maine. Phone: 207-721-5198, email:
"A major goal of this project is to examine how marine mammal strandings
affect local communities (both scientific and public) and how each community responds. To this end, one aim is to collect regional data on both single and mass cetacean strandings, including frequency of occurrence, species involved and the possible causes. I also hope to gather information on current and past research on strandings in each study location. Furthermore, I intend to document and compare the rescue and rehabilitation procedures of various conservation organizations around the world."
Moutou, Francois. Whales, Dolphins and Seals. Collins Watch Guides series.
New York: HarperCollins, 1997.
Mowat, Farley. Sea of Slaughter. New York: The Atlantic Monthly Press,
1984. (See Part IV, "Lost Giants of the Sea.")
___________. A Whale for the Killing. Baltimore, Maryland: Penguin Books,
Moyer, Jack T. The Mikura-jima Dolphins (Mikura-jima ni iruka).
Photography by Yusuke Yoshino. Tokyo: Kaiyusha Publishers, 1997. ISBN:
4-905930-03-0. In Japanese. English edition forthcoming late 1998.
Mullane, Stephan. Discovering Whales of the East Coast. Elan Pub., 2000.
Mulvaney, Kieran. Whale Warriors: Fighting to Save the Whales. New York:
Bearsville Press, 1998.
". . . The following season, the MV Greenpeace returned, only to
be battered by seemingly endless Antarctic storms anbd confronted by ill fortune
at every turn . . .
"A highly personal account, Whale Warriors traces Mulvaney's
evolution into a campaigner, the founding of WDCS, his work with Greenpeace,
and a series of personal struggles while living in Amsterdam. It covers the
highs and lows of the first two voyages, a dramatic and decisive third voyage,
and the political aspects of the International Whaling Commission and the
Southern Ocean Sanctuary.
"Extensively illustrated throughout . . ."
M.U.N. Whale Research Group. Getting Along: Fish, Whales and Fishermen. Independent Publishers Group, 1987.
Nachtigall, Paul, Jon Lien, Whitlow Au, and Andrew Read, eds. Harbour
Porpoises: Laboratory Studies to Reduce Bycatch. Woerden, The Netherlands:
De Spil Publishers, 1995.
Nachtigall, Paul E., and P. W. B. Moore.Animal Sonar: Processes and
Performance. NATO ASI Series Vol. 156. New York: Plenum Press, 1988.
Subjects include: echolocation signals and their production, auditory systems
of echolocating animals, performance of animal sonar systems, natural history
of echolocation, and echolocation theory and applications.
Naitob, Hidehara. Whale Carton Craft. New York: Japan Publications
(U.S.A.), 1993.
Nakamura, Tsuneo. Dolphins. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1997.
___________. Kujira: Wachingu & Tachingu. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1991.
In Japanese.
___________. Gentle Giant: At Sea with the Humpback Whale.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1988.
National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Fishes, Whales & Dolphins.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1983, 1995.
National Geographic Society. Blue Whale. New York: Random House, 1995.
___________. Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Washington,
D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1995.
"In this book, renowned biologists and longtime associates of the society
explore the enigmatic world of cetaceans."
Chapters and authors include: The Past, by Ken Norris; Deep Divers, by Hal
Whitehead; Seiners of the Sea, by James Darling; Realm of Dolphins, by Bernd
Würsig; and The Future, by Flip Nicklin. Also included are life history
data on cetaceans, additional reading, whale-watching sites, and an index.
Trisha: Beautifully produced oversize work with superb photographs, in the tradition of
National Geographic publications. Profiles the eighty known species of whales,
dolphins, and porpoises.
National Marine Fisheries Service. Environmental Assessment of Proposed
Regulations to Govern Interactions between Marine Mammals and Commercial Fishing
Operations, Under Section 118 of the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Silver
Spring, Maryland: National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected
Resources, June 1995. Available from National Marine Fisheries Service, Office
of Protected Resources, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910,
(301) 713-2322.
___________. Recovery Plan for the Humpback Whale (Megaptera
novaeangliae). Prepared by the Humpback Whale Recovery Team for the National
Marine Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, Maryland. 1991. Available from National
Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources, 1315 East-West Highway,
Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, (301) 713-2322.
___________. Recovery Plan for the Northern Right Whale (Eubalaena
glacialis). Prepared by the Right Whale Recovery Team for the National Marine
Fisheries Service, Silver Spring, Maryland. 1991. Available from National Marine
Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver
Spring, Maryland 20910, (301) 713-2322.
National Research Council (U.S.), Committee on Reducing Porpoise Mortality from
Tuna Fishing. Dolphins and the Tuna Industry. Washington, D. C.:
National Academy Press, 1992.
The Nature Conservancy Council. A World Review of the Cetacea. London:
The Nature Conservancy Council, 1980.
Nayman, Jacqueline. Whales, Dolphins and Man. New York/London: Hamlyn,
Neff, J. M., and J. W. Anderson. Response of Marine Mammals to Petroleum and
Specific Petroleum Hydrocarbons. New York: Halstead Press, 1981.
Nerine, Mary. "A Review of Gray Whale Feeding Ecology." Orlando,
Florida: Academic Press, 1984. (800) 321-5068.
Nickerson, Roy. The Friendly Whales: A Whalewatcher's Guide to the Gray
Whales of Baja California. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1987.
___________. Brother Whale: A Pacific Whalewatcher's Log. San Francisco:
Chronicle Books, 1977.
"In this book you will find answers to many of the questions you may have
about these largest and least understood of mammals. Do whales 'sing'? How
intelligent are they? How do they spout? What is 'spyhopping'?"
Chapters include: Beginnings, Some Basic Cetology, Intelligence and Communication,
Migration, Whalewatching off Maui, and Protection and Enforcement. Also includes
a bibliography and an index.
Nickerson, Thomas. The Loss of the Ship Essex Sunk by a Whale, and the Ordeal of the Crew in Open Boats. Nantucket, Rhode Island: Nantucket Historical Association, 1984. Renamed The Loss of the Ship Essex, Sunk by a Whale: First-Person Accounts. New York: Penguin Classics, 2000. (See also entry above for Chase, Owen.)
Nicklin, Flip. With the Whales. Text by James Darling. Minocqua, Wisconsin:
NorthWord Press, Inc., 1990.
"In his preface to With the Whales, Kenneth Norris . . . summarized
the impact of the book: 'Above all this is a true book about whales. You learn what
we really know about whales. And then you see it, up close, and you too may feel the
swish of the giant animal's flukes and wonder at the unknown that still surrounds
us just beyond the land's edge.'"
Nicol, C. J. A. The Biology of Marine Animals. London: Sir Isaac Pitman
& Sons Ltd., 1960.
Nielsen, Ashleea. Dolphin Tribe: Remembering the Human-Dolphin Connection.
2d ed. Kihei, Maui, Hawaii: Dancing Dolphin Press, 1994. (New Age)
Nielsen, Ashleea. Dolphins, Angels and Mermaids. Forthcoming from Dancing Dolphin Press. (New Age)
Niethammer, Jochen, and Franz Krapp, eds. Handbuch der Saugetiere Europas
(Handbook of European Mammals). Volume 6: Meeressauger (Ocean Mammals),
Part I: Wale und Delphine - Cetacea (Whales and Dolphins - Cetacea).
Part IA: Daniel Robineau, Raymond Duguy, and Milan Klima, eds., Delphinidae,
Monodontidae. Part IB: Daniel Robineau, Raymond Duguy, and Milan Klima, eds.,
with the cooperation of Alex Aguilar et al., Ziphiidae, Kogiidae, Physeteridae,
Balaenidae, Balaenopteridae. (Part IB contains the subject index and name
index for both parts IA and IB). Wiesbaden, Germany: AULA-Verlag, 1995. In
Nievo, Stanislao, and Gaetano Rando. The Blue Whale. Picas Series, no. 14. Guernica Editions, 2000.
Nishiwaki, Masaharu. Distribution and Migration of Marine Mammals in the
North Pacific Area. The Eleventh Pacific Science Congress--Symposium No.
4 (August 24, 1966). In English.
___________. Whales and Pinnipeds. Tokyo: University of Tokyo Press,
1965. In Japanese.
Niskern, Diana. Dolphins Bibliography. Washington, D.C. (10 First St.
SE, Washington, D.C. 20540): Science Reference, Science and Technology Division,
Library of Congress, 1991. Gov't Doc. no. LC 33.10:91-10; GPO item no.
0818-A-02; shipping list no. 91-0744-P.
No Biodome Belugas, Backgrounder. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Zoocheck
Canada, 1995. Available from Zoocheck Canada, Inc., 3266 Yonge Street, Suite
1729, Toronto, Ontario M4N 3P6, Canada, (416) 285-1744, email:
Nogg, Sharon M. A Whale Watcher's Cookbook: Views from the Galley.
Omaha, Nebraska: Actors Etc., Ltd., 1990.
Nollman, Jim. The Beluga Café: My Strange Adventure with Art, Music, and Whales in the Far North. Berkeley, Calif.: University of California
Press (A Sierra Club Book), 2002.
From the publisher: "Animal communication expert Jim Nollman has sung with orcas, plucked a Jew's harp in
waters teeming with humpback whales, and shaken rattles in the company of bottlenose dolphins. Now, in this heartfelt and
quirky true adventure story, Nollman and two artist friends set out for Canada's vast Mackenzie Delta, electric guitar and
underwater sound equipment in tow, to make music with belugas -- the elusive white whales of the Arctic. Traveling the
expanses of this beautiful northern land, the three friends unwittingly find themselves at the center of a heated
controversy over the Beaufort Sea belugas: Why have the whales stopped coming into the Mackenzie Delta, possibly
jeopardizing their own calves, who live the first part of their lives in these shallow, warm waters? As they attempt to
unravel the mystery, they encounter various intriguing characters now laying claim to the resources of the Mackenzie Delta
region-Native people (who are allowed to hunt the whales), wildlife officials, and oil company engineers -- all vividly
described by Nollman. Along the way, he also conveys boththe wonders and the realities of being deep in the
wilderness-experiencing the connectedness of all living things while scratching the bites of the world's most fearsome
mosquitos. With its rich and passionate nature writing evoking lovely and remote landscapes, The Beluga Café
suggests profound metaphors for our time about animal rights and animal intelligence, the role of science in conservation,
the politics of extinction, and the place of art in the epic struggle to save the natural world.
___________. The Man Who Talks to Whales: The Art of Interspecies Communication. Sentient Publications,
2002. (Reprint of Dolphin Dreamtime, with the additions described below. See also the citation for Dolphin
___________. The Charged Border: Where Human Nature Meets Whales and Dolphins.
New York: Henry Holt, 1999.
___________. Spiritual Ecology. New York: Bantam, 1990.
___________. Dolphin Dreamtime: The Art and Science of Interspecies
Communication. New York: Bantam, 1987. (Reprinted with some additions as The Man Who Talks to Whales.
See citation above.)
"From a 'jam session' with howler monkeys in the Panamanian jungle to
'dancing' with dolphins off the coast of Australia and gray whales off
northern California, Nollman offers dramatic examples of our evolving
relationship with the animal kingdom and draws on ecology, zoology, mythology,
and shamanism to challenge us to rethink our ideas about animal consciousness."
From the Preface: "If you ask an Australian aborigine what his 'dreaming' is,
he will most likely give you the name of some animal, a feature of the landscape,
a plant, or a constellation. This is his origin, the place from where his Spirit
came . . . The Dreamtime pertains to the stories and creation myths that accompany
this relationship between a person, his totem, and the environment. The book People
of the Dreamtime, an Australian account of the life and times of these
aboriginal people, describes it so:
". . . Dolphin Dreamtime also describes a relationship between a
person, myself, and an environment, in this case both natural and human. You will
also meet several other characters, both human and nonhuman; all sentient, all
original, and all with stories of their own. These include dolphins, sea gulls,
mosquitoes, buffalo, bears, and mitochondria, to name just a few. I have taken
that old concept of the Dreamtime and its 'promise of the continuance of life' very
much to heart in this writing. If we can properly dream our future, then certainly
it has a much better chance of becoming reality."
Trisha: I always enjoy reading Jim Nollman's writings. I find his eclectic
blend of ideas creative and thought-provoking.
Norman, J. R., and F. C. Fraser. Field Book of Giant Fishes, Whales and
Dolphins. New York: Putnam, 1937/W. W. Norton, 1938. 2d ed. Published as
Giant Fishes, Whales and Dolphins in London in 1948. Published in
German as Riesenfische, Wale und Delphine: Ein Taschenbuch fur Biologen,
Sport- und Berufsfisher und fur Naturfreunde, Hamburg: Verlag Paul Parey,
Norris, Kenneth S. Dolphin Days: The Life and Times of the Spinner Dolphin.
New York/London: W. W. Norton & Company, 1991.
"Along the way he tells us how the dolphins swim, find food, breathe in
rough weather, and how they protect themselves in an underwater world totally
without places to hide. Norris shows us how his scientific ideas evolve, takes
us on a hair-raising trip aboard a tuna vessel where he and his colleagues dive
in the net to search for solutions to the kill, and finally suggests how the
'magic envelope,' the dolphins' group protection system, might be the key to
releasing them unharmed.
"'There is no seam between the doings of wild animals and human affairs,'
Norris asserts. 'We can't go on losing them and not lose part of ourselves.'"
___________. The Porpoise Watcher: A Naturalist's Experiences with Porpoises
and Whales. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1974/London: John Murray, 1976.
___________, ed. Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises. Berkeley, California:
University of California Press, 1966.
Norris, K. S., B. Würsig, Randall S. Wells, and Melany Würsig, with
Shannon M. Brownlee, Christine Johnson, and Jody Solow. The Hawaiian
Spinner Dolphin. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1994.
Northridge, Simon P. An Updated World Review of Interactions Between Marine
Mammals and Fisheries. Fisheries Tech Papers no. 251, Supplement 1. Unipub,
Notarbartolo di Sciara, G., and M. Demma. Guida dei Mammiferi Marini
del Mediterraneo. Padova, Italy: Franco Muzzio editore, 1994. [In Italian.]
O'Barry, Ric, with Keith Coulbourn. To Free a Dolphin: A Dramatic Case for
Keeping Dolphins in Their Natural Environment. Los Angeles, Calif.:
Renaissance Books, 2000.
___________. Behind the Dolphin Smile. Chapel Hill, North Carolina: Algonquin Books, 1989/Los Angeles, Calif.: Renaissance Books, 2000.
Novak, Barbara. The Ape and the Whale: An Interplay between Darwin and Melville in Their Own Words. Homestead Publishing, 1995.
Nozaki, Yurika. What Dolphins Told Me. Tokyo: Kodansha, 2000. Originally published in Japanese. Available from the author, Yurika Nozaki, DL Communications, 3-3-3 Kasuya, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo 157-0063, Japan, email: (New Age)
___________. A Book to Feel Fine, Like Swimming with Dolphins. Tokyo: Daiwa. In Japanese.(New Age)
Obee, Bruce, and Graeme Ellis. Guardians of the Whales: The Quest to Study
Whales in the Wild. Bothell, Washington: Alaska Northwest Books/Vancouver
and Toronto: Whitecap Books, 1992.
"Guardians of the Whales is the story of their fascinating
discoveries. It tells of people and whales, of our historical uses and abuses,
and of our relentless quest to understand the world's most intriguing animals.
Through a fact-filled narrative text by environmental writer Bruce Obee and the
stunning photographs of Graeme Ellis, Guardians of the Whales conveys
the excitement and adventure of studying wild whales and unravels many of the
mysteries surrounding the largest creatures on Earth."
Includes chapters on killer whales, Pacific gray whales, and humpbacks. Also
mentions minkes and Pacific white-sided dolphins.
Trisha: If you are interested in wild-whale research and wild-whale/human
interaction, this is an excellent resource.
O'Brien, Esse Forrester. Dolphins--Sea People. Naylor Co., 1965.
Ocean, Joan. Dolphins into the Future. Kailua-Kona, Hawaii: The
Dolphin Connection, 1997. (New Age)
___________. Dolphin Connection: Interdimensional Ways of Living.
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii/Fitzroy, Australia: Dolphin Connection/Spiral, 1989. (New Age)
"Swimming in the ocean, she experiences a human-dolphin communication that
releases expansive, multi-sensory knowledge in the entire body and its
thoughtforms. With the simplicity and elegance of the dolphins, she is linked
to the Infinite wisdom of Love."
The Oceanic Society Field Guide to the Orca. Seattle, Washington:
Sasquatch Books. [Author and date unknown.]
Oceans Blue Foundation/La Fondation Oceans Bleus
(Canada) Responsible Whale Watching Meeting, April 28 - 30, 2003, Vancouver, B.C., Canada. A report.
The above report provides a summary of Oceans Blue Foundations' Initiative Meeting, at which there were 38 attendees
representing 37 different organizations and whale-watching companies.
Oden, ViAnn. Dialog with a Dolphin: A Journey in Self-Awareness.
Goleta, California: Anvipa Press, 1991. (New Age)
Odent, Michel. Water and Sexuality. New York: Penguin/Arkana, 1990.
O'Donnell, Mabel. From Dolphins to Dunes. New York: HarperCollins,
Oe, Kenzaburo. The Day the Whale Becomes Extinct. In Japanese.
O'Hara, Kathryn, Natasha Atkins, and Suzanne Iudicello. Marine Wildlife
Entanglement in North America. Washington, D.C.: Center for Environmental
Education, 1986.
Oharada, Yasihisa. Dolphin Healing. In Japanese. ISBN 584-18169-1 C0047.
O'Leary, M. A. "Whale Origins." Science, 9 April 1999, 284(5412).
Oliver, Guy W. Right Whale, Balaena glacialis, Bibliography.
Prepared for U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service,
Alaska OCS Region, by Coastal Ecology Research Laboratory, the University of
Maryland, Eastern Shore. Anchorage, Alaska: The Region, 1989.
___________. Bowhead Whale, Balaena mysticetus, Bibliography.
Prepared for U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Alaska
OCS Region, by Coastal Ecology Research Laboratory, the University of Maryland,
Eastern Shore. Anchorage, Alaska: The Region, 1987.
___________. Gray Whale, Eschrichtius robustus, Bibliography.
Prepared for U.S. Department of the Interior, Minerals Management Service, Alaska
OCS Region, by Coastal Ecology Research Laboratory, the University of Maryland,
Easterh Shore. Anchorage, Alaska: The Region, 1987.
Oliver, Rice D. Lone Woman of Ghalas-Hat: The True Story of the Island of the
Blue Dolphins. California Weekly Explorer, 1993.
Oliver, Rupert. Whales and Giants of the Deep. Avenal, New Jersey: Random
House Value Publishing, 1989.
Olivera Santos, Marcos César de. Baleias e Golfinos. Sao Paulo,
Brazil: Série Investigando, Editora Atica S.A., 1996. In Portuguese.
Ommanney, F. D. Lost Leviathan. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1971.
Orams, Mark. Why dolphins may get ulcers: Considering the impacts of cetacean-based tourism in New Zealand.
Tourism in Marine Environments, 2004, 1(1):17-28. Author email:
Ordonnay, Wilfred. All You Must Know about the Whales and Their Secret Life.
Albuquerque, New Mexico: Gloucester Art Press, 1991.
Organisation Cetacea. ORCA No. 1: A Report on the Whales, Dolphins and
Seabirds of the Bay of Biscay and English Channel. England: Organisation Cetacea, 2001.
"The systematic list contains a distribution map of each species and there are colour photographs of Blue Whale, Fin Whale, Common Dolphin, Long-finned Pilot Whale, White-sided Dolphin, Harbour Porpoise and all of the North Atlantic Beaked Whales taken at sea."
Orr, Robert. T., and Roger C. Helm. Marine Mammals of California.
California Natural History Guides: 29. Revised ed. Berkeley, California:
University of California Press, 1989.
Orwell, George. Inside the Whale: And Other Essays. London: Gollancz,
Osborne, Richard. "Trends in Whale Watching and Its Management in the
International Waters of Haro Strait" Poster at the American Cetacean Society
Conference, San Pedro, California, USA, November 8-9, 1996. Abstract in
Whalewatcher (1996) 30(1):28.
Osborne, Richard, John Calambokidis, and Eleanor M. Dorsey. A Guide to Marine Mammals of Greater Puget Sound, Including a Catalog of Individual Orca and Minke Whales. Anacortes, Washington: Island Publishers, 1988. Produced under the auspices of The Whale Museum, Friday Harbor, Washington.
Benjamin Franklin Award Winner
Otsuki, Seijun. Geishi-ko. 1808.
Owen, Weldon. Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Eyewitness series. Checkmark Books, 1999.
Oxenhorn, Harvey. Turning the Rig: A Journey to the Arctic. New York:
HarperCollins Publishers, 1990.
Oyamada, Yosei. Isana-tori-ekotoba. 1829.
Pacheco, A., and S. Smith. Marine Parks and Aquaria. New York: Lyons &
Burford, 1989.
Pacheco, Jose Angel Sanchez. "Regulations on Whale Watching in Ojo de Liebre
and San Ignacio Lagoons, Reserva de la Bisfera 'El Vizcano,' Baja California Sur,
Mexico." Poster at the American Cetacean Society Conference, San Pedro,
California, USA, November 8-9, 1996. Abstract in Whalewatcher (1996)
Packard, Earl L. Fossil Baleen from the Pliocene of Cape Blanco, Oregon . . . .
Corvallis, Oregon: Oregon State University Press, 1947.
Paine, Stefani. The World of the Arctic Whales: Belugas, Bowheads, and
Narwhals. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1995. Also published as
The Nature of Arctic Whales: Belugas, Bowheads, and Narwhals.
Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada: Douglas and McIntyre, 1995.
Contents: WINTER: Living in a World of Ice, The Challenge of Cold Water, Size As a Defence against Cold, Fat As Insulation; SPRING: Springtime Courtship, Migration, Dangers; SUMMER: An Amazing Tooth, Birth of a Whale, A Whale Calf's First Days, Summer Distribution, Bowheads in Watery Pastures, Beluga Banquet, The Mystery of Narwhal Feeding, Summertime Predator; FALL: A World of Sound, Surface Activities, Another Migration; EARLY INUIT WHALING: Hunting the Narwhal, Bountiful Whales, Hunting the Huge Bowhead; COMMERCIAL WHALING: Bowhead Whaling, The End of Commercial Bowhead Whaling, Beluga Hunting, The Narwhal Tusk Trade; THE ARCTIC WHALES TODAY: Quotas, Whalers versus Antiwhalers, Human Disturbance, Other Effects of Industrial Development, Outsiders Are Watching, Who Will Speak for the Whales?
Palazzo, José Truda, Jr., Marcel Ruschel, and Paulo Andre Flores. Mamiferos
marinhos do Sul do Brasil/Marine Mammals of Southern Brazil. Florianopolis,
SC, Brazil: Editora Mares do Sul. E-mail:, voice/fax:
(048) 234 8544. In English and Portuguese.
"Predictably, given the authors' track record, the booklet is strong on
the need for conservation. As the authors point out, 'To meet, and learn to respect
these companions of our evolutionary journey, is the best way to enjoy this
invaluable marine heritage that even today we know very little about,
acknowledging that its protection is an urgent responsiblity for us all.'"
Parker, Melanie. At a Glance Guide 2000. East Yorkshire, England: International Dolphin Watch, 2000.
Parsons, E. C. M., and A. Woods-Ballard. Acceptance of voluntary whalewatching codes of conduct in West Scotland: The effectiveness of governmental versus industry-led guidelines. Current Issues in Tourism, 2003, 6: 172-182. Author email:
Parsons, E. C. M., C. A. Warburton, A, Woods-Ballard, A. Hughes, and P. Johnston. The value of conserving whales: The
impacts of cetacean-related tourism on the economy of rural West Scotland. Aquatic Conservation, 2003, 13:397-415.
Reprints available from Chris Parsons, Department of Environmental Science & Policy, George Mason University, 4400
University Drive, Fairfax, Virginia 22030, USA (e-mail:
Paul, Dameriolus. Psychological Peculiarities of Whales, Whaling, Whalers
and the Dangers from the Sea. Albuquerque, New Mexico: American
Institute for Psychological Research, 1992.
Payne, Roger. Among Whales. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1995/Toronto:
Maxwell Macmillan Canada, 1993.
"Among the Whales addresses a broad scope of important and
penetrating questions: How will the evolving composition of seawater affect life
on earth? What is the device by which whales sing, and why do they do it? How
can we know that whales use rhyme if we don't understand their language? For
what purposes do dolphins use their unparalleled large and complex brains? What
is the purpose of the human brain? What is the nature of wildness? How and why
do creatures come together in peace?"
Trisha: A fine book.
___________, ed. Communication and Behavior of Whales. American
Association for the Advancement of Science Selected Symposium 76. Boulder,
Colorado: Westview Press, 1983.
Peet, Gerard, Hugo Nijkamp, Piet-Hein Nelissen, and Frits-Jan Maas. Bruinvissen,
dolfijnen en walvissen van de Noordzee. Weert, The Netherlands: M&P Uitgeverij,
1992. In Dutch.
Penfound, Holly, and Brian McHattie. Distorted Nature: Exposing the Myth of Marineland. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Zoocheck Canada, 1998. Available from Zoocheck Canada, Inc., 3266 Yonge Street, Suite 1729, Toronto, Ontario M4N 3P6, Canada, (416) 285-1744, email:
. . .
"Five recurrent themes which emerge throughout this report about Marineland
of Canada are concerns about: the well-being of the animals; Marineland's
failure to play a legitimate conservation role; the facility's negative
educational value; inadequate public health and safety measures; and the
absence of adequate legislation governing the capture, trade and maintenance
of captive wildlife.
"In considering these problems, the reader should keep in mind what is
increasingly believed to be the main justification for keeping wild animals
in captivity, i.e., the advancement of legitimate conservation/education
programs that substantially benefit wild species and the environments in which
they live. In contrast, Zoocheck believes the artificial, commercialized
representation of nature provided within an amusement park setting like
Marineland is counter-productive to these aims.
"Further, no captive wildlife facility should keep animals whose physical,
psychological and social needs cannot be meet. The aberrant behaviours
produced in many captive animals by inadequate care and housing result in a
distortion of wild nature."
The report closes by providing recommendations to Marineland of Canada and
to several levels of government.
Contents include: Background, Methodology, Expert Reports, Conclusions and
Recommendations, and Historical Inventory: Killer Whales.
Perera, Victor. Of Whales and Men. New York: Random House, 2000.
Perlberg, Rose. Dolphins & Whales: Their Magic . . . Their Message . . .
Their Teaching . . . A Sharing for All Humans. By Teacher Dolphin and the Whale Consciousness as told to Rose Perlberg, Ph.D. Los Angeles, California: NAZZ, 1993.
Perrin, William F. Biology and Conservation of the River Dolphins: Proceedings
of the Workshop on Biology and Conservation of the Platanistoid Dolphins Held
at Wuhan, People's Republic of China, October 28-30, 1986. Gland, Switzerland:
IUCN, 1989. Occasional papers of the IUCN Species Survival Commission no. 3.
___________. Variation of Spotted and Spinner Porpoise (Genus Stenella) in
the Eastern Tropical Pacific and Hawaii. Berkeley: University of California
Press, 1975.
___________. Chronological Bibliography of the Tuna-Dolphin Problem, 1941-2001. NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS
___________, R. L. Brownell, Jr., and D. P. DeMaster. Reproduction in
Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Reports of the International Whaling
Commission, Special Issue 6. Cambridge: International
Whaling Commission, 1984.
___________, M. L. L. Dolar, and M. N. R. Alava, eds. Report on the Biology
and Conservation of Small Cetaceans and Dugongs of Southeast Asia. UNEP(W)/EAS
WG.1/2. Bangkok: UNEP, 1996. Ordering information available from Ms. Unchalee
Kattachan at
___________, Gregory P. Donovan, and Jay Barlow. Gillnets and
Cetaceans. Cambridge: Reports of the International Whaling Commission,
Special Issue 15. Cambridge: International
Whaling Commission, 1994.
___________, and A. C. Myrick, Jr. Age Determination Age of Toothed Whales
ans Sirenians. Reports of the International Whaling Commission, Special
Issue No. 3. Cambridge: International
Whaling Commission, 1980.
___________, and U.S. National Marine Fisheries Service, NOAA.
Dolphins, Porpoises and Whales: An Action Plan for the Conservation of
Biological Diversity, 1988-1992. 2d ed. Gland, Switzerland: IUCN, 1989.
(See revised edition at Reeves, Randall.)
___________, Bernd Wursig, and J. G. M. Thewissen, eds. Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. Academic Press, 2002.
Perrow, M., ed. The Mammals of Norfolk. Forthcoming 2000.
Peterson, Brenda. Singing to the Sound. Troutdale, Ore.: NewSage Press, 2000.
Also includes an interview with OrcaLab researchers in B.C. who study orcas through underwater hydrophones, and a discussion of water pollution, contaminated cetaceans, and possible environmental solutions.
___________. Living by Water: True Stories of Nature Spirit. New York:
Fawcett Columbine, 1990, 1994.
___________, and Toni Frohoff, eds. Dolphins: A Literary and Scientific Exploration (working title). Sierra Club Books/Random House, forthcoming.
La Petite Encyclopedie des Baleines. Bordas editions. Originally
published by Weldon Owen Pty Limited Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 1990.
___________, and Linda Hogan. Sightings: The Gray Whales' Mysterious Journey. National Geographic Society, 2002.
"In Sightings,celebrated Chicksaw writer Linda Hogan and acclaimed novelist and naturalist Brenda Peterson
look at the rich past and divisive present of the gray whale, including the conflict between environmentalists who seek
to protect the species and Native American tribes who traditionally hunt them. The authors illuminate as never before the
complex and fascinating perspectives that surround this monumental migration -- from tribal members, scientists, and
fishermen to eco-warriors, businessmen, and historical whalers. Suffused with the authors lyricism and clear-eyed passion,
Sightings is a revelatory, often haunting, and altogether triumphant amalgam of accessible science, compelling
history, incisive anthropology, and powerhouse storytelling."
La Petite Encyclopedie des Dauphins et Marsouins. Bordas editions.
Originally published by Weldon Owen Pty Limited Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 1990.
Phillips, Marion. The Whale: Going . . . Going . . . Gone?. Fort
Lauderdale, Florida: Exposition-Phoenix Press, 1988.
Pike, Gordon Chesley. Guide to the Whales, Porpoises and Dolphins of the
North-East Pacific and Arctic Waters of Canada and Alaska. Nanaimo, British
Columbia, Canada: Fisheries Research Board of Canada Biological Station,
Circular No. 32 Revised, August 1956.
Pike, Gordon Chesley, and L. B. McCaskie. Marine Mammals of British
Columbia. Canada: Fisheries Research Board, Bulletin 171, 1969.
Pilleri, Giorgio. The Oligo-Miocene Cetacea of the Italian Waters, with
a Bibliography of the Fossil Cetacea of Italy (1670-1986). Ostermundingen:
Brain Anatomy Institute, 1986.
___________. Cetaceans in Captivity. Berne, Switzerland: Brain
Anatomy Institute, 1983.
___________. Forschungsreise nach China zum Studium der Delphine des Chang
Jiang (Yang Tze Kiang) (Expedition to China to Study the Dolphins of the
Yangtze). Waldau-Bern: Verlag des Hirnanatomischen Institutes, 1980.
___________. Secrets of the Blind Dolphins. Karachi: Sind Wildlife
Management Board, 1980. Also in German: Die Geheimnisse der blinden
Delphine, Berne: Hallway Verlag, 1975.
Pilleri, Giorgio, and O. Pilleri. Zoologische Expedition zum Orinoco und
Brazo Casiquiare 1981. Ostermundigen, Schweig: Hirnanatomischen Institutes,
Pinney, Terry. Dolphins: Angels of the Sea. Available only in Japanese and German (Dolfijnen: Engelen van de Zee).(New Age)
Plourde, Suzie. The St. Lawrence and Its Belugas. Sainte-Foy, Quebec:
Societe Linneenne du Quebec, 1990.
Poikalainen, Väino, and Enn Ernits. Rock
Carvings of Lake Onega: The Vodla Region. Estonian Society of Prehistoric
Art, 1998.
Pörtner, H. O., and R. C. Playle, eds. Cold Ocean Physiology. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1998.
Postle, Deb, and Mark Simmons, Encounters with Whales '93: A Conference to
Further Explore the Management Issues Relating to Human/Whale Interactions. Townsville, Queensland: Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority, 1994. Workshop
series ISSN: 0156-5842; no. 20.
Power, Dale. Carving Dolphins and Whales. A Schiffer Book for Woodcarvers. Schiffer Publishing, 1994.
"Once the dolphin is carved, woodburning and painting techniques are explored in detail to add life to the work. Helpful hints for mounting the finished work are included as well. Patterns for three dolphins and two whales are provided as well as a color gallery showing a variety of dolphins and whales in groupings which are sure to inspire."
Prins, Gwyn. Top Guns and Toxic Whales: The Environment and Global Security.
Chelsea Green Publishing.
Proceedings of the First International Symposium on the Marine Mammals of
the Black Sea. To order, contact Dr. Bayram Ozturk, Faculty of Fisheries,
Istanbul University, Ordu Cad. No:200, Laleli - Istanbul, Turkey, voice/fax:
+90-216-323-9050, e-mail:
Proctor, S. J. Whales: Their Story. Vancouver Public Aquarium Newsletter,
Volume XIX, Number 4, July-August, 1975. Vancouver, British Columbia: Vancouver Public
Aquarium Association.
Pryor, Karen. On Behavior: Essays and Research. North Bend, Washington:
Sunshine Books, 1995.
___________. Lads Before the Wind: Adventures in Porpoise Training.
New York: Harper & Row, 1975; Sunshine Books, 2000, rev. ed.
From a review in the November-December 1975 issue ofOceans magazine:
"Karen Pryor is a highly expert porpoise, whale, and horse trainer. Her
approach is Skinnerian . . . Her style is breezy, informative and entertaining.
She describes the founding of her husband's Sea-Life Park on Oahu, Hawaii, and
her training of porpoises and whales for research purposes and for their marine
___________. A Dog & A Dolphin 2.0: An Introduction to Clicker Training. Sunshine, 1996.
Trisha: Retaliate, whip, fist, punish, etc. -- what an aggressively horrifying way to present your thoughts. Since it is all claimed irrelevant, why even go there?
Pryor, Karen, and Kenneth S. Norris, eds. Dolphin Societies: Discoveries and
Puzzles. Berkeley, California: University of California Press, 1991. For a review of this title by Danny Yee, click here.
"The research tactics vary widely: the researchers have followed dolphins in boats,
tracked them from shore, dived among hundreds of dolphins (and a few sharks) in
tuna fishing nets. They have used computers and airplanes, sailboats and bicycles,
genetic analysis and artificial language. They have learned to read the life history
of a dolphin from the cross-section of a single tooth.
"Pryor and Norris are distinguished writers as well as scientists, and the book
includes entertaining essays, by one or both editors, on the intriguing history
and significance of dolphin research. Dolphin Societies is ingeniously
put together so that both specialist and lay reader will find it appealing. It not
only surveys the most interesting recent research on dolphin behavior but also
provides a fascinating record of the scientific mind at work."
Chapters include: FIELD STUDIES: Herd Structure, Hunting, and Play: Bottlenose
Dolphins in the Black Sea; Dolphin Movement Patterns: Information from Radio and
Theodolite Tracking Studies; The Feeding Ecology of Killer Whales (Orcinus
orca) in the Pacific Northwest; The Interactions between Killer Whales and
Boats in Johnstone Strait, B.C.; Social Structure in Spotted Dolphins (Stenella
attenuata) in the Tuna Purse Seine Fishery in the Eastern Tropical Pacific;
The Role of Long-Term Study in Understanding the Social Structure of a Bottlenose
Dolphin Community [Sarasota, Florida, bottlenose population]; Using Aerial
Photogrammetry to Study Dolphin School Structure; LABORATORY STUDIES: Mortal
Remains, Studying Dead Animals; Some New and Potential Uses of Dental Layers in
Studying Delphinid Populations; An Overview of the Changes in the Role of A Female
Pilot Whale with Age; Some Thoughts on Grandmothers; CAPTIVES STUDIES: THE KEY TO
UNDERSTANDING WILD DOLPHINS: Looking at Captive Dolphins; Changes in Aggressive
and Sexual Behavior between Two Male Bottlenose Dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
in a Captive Colony; Use of a Telemetry Device to Identify which Dolphin Produces a
Sound; The Domestic Dolphin; What the Dolphin Knows, or Might Know, in Its
Natural World; Dolphin Psychophysics: Concepts for the Study of Dolphin
Echolocation; Dolphin Politics and Dolphin Science. Each chapter concludes with
a bibliography of references, and the book is indexed, although not in depth.
Purves, P. E., and G. E. Pilleri. Echolocation in Whales and Dolphins. New York/London: Academic Press, 1983. (800) 321-5068.
Quayle, Louise. Dolphins and Porpoises. New York: Gallery Books, 1988.
Published in French as Dauphins and marsouins, Minerva, 1990.
Chapters include: Of Gods and Dolphins, Origins of the Odontocetes, Dolphin
Biology: Aquatic Adaptations, Families in the Clan, Community Living, Intelligence
and Communication, In Training, A Peaceful Coexistence? (explores dangers of
tuna industry and pollutants). Also contains a selected bibliography and a brief
Rabinovitch, Melitta. Der Delphin in Sage und Mythos der Griechen.
(The Dolphin in Greek Legend and Myth.) Dornach, Germany/Basel, Switzerland:
Hybernia-Verlag, 1947. In German.
Radway, Allen K. Conservation and Management of Whales. Seattle, Washington:
University of Washington Pres, 1980.
Ramirez, Ken. Animal Training: Successful Animal Management through Positive Reinforcement. Chicago, Illinois: Shedd Aquarium Press, 1999.
Ranneft, D. M., H. Eaker, and H. and R. W. Davis. A guide to the
pronunciation and meaning of cetacean taxonomic names. Aquatic Mammals, 2001, 27(2):183-195.
Rare Animal Relief Effort. Vanishing Giants: The History, Biology and Fate of the Great Whales. Rare Animal Relief Effort, 1975.
Rawles, C. J. G., and E. C. M. Parsons. Environmental motivation of whale-watching tourists in Scotland.
Tourism in Marine Environments, 2005, 1(2):129-132.
Read, Andrew J. Porpoises. Grantown on Spey, Great Britain: Colin
Baxter Photography, forthcoming.
Read, Andrew J., Piet R. Wiepkema, and Paul E. Nachtigall, eds. The Biology
of the Harbour Porpoise. Woerden, The Netherlands: De Spil Publishers, 1997.
Sections and chapter titles include: Introduction: The Harbour Porpoise (HP);
Rehabilitation: The Rehabilitation and Release of Stranded HP, A Method of
Tube-feeding Juvenile HP; Anatomy: An Anatomical Atlas of an Adult Female HP,
Blubber Thickness in HP; Physiology: Respiration in HP, Food Consumption and
Body Weight of HP, Swimming Behaviour of HP under Different Conditions in Human
Care, Skin Surface Temperature Changes in a HP While on Land, Passage Time of
Carmine Red Dye through the Digestive Tract of HP; Biomechanics: Pressure Changes
in the Mouth of a Feeding HP; Acoustics: Low-Frequency Aerial Hearing of HP,
Detection of Bone Conductor Signals by a HP, The Ability of a HP to Discriminate
between Objects Buried in Sand, Structure of HP Click Train Signals, Interactions
with Fisheries, The Effect of Various Sounds on HP, The Response of a HP to Nets
of Various Sizes, with and without Deterring Sounds.
Recchia, Cheri Anne. Social Behaviour of Captive Belugas, Delphinapterus
leucas. Woods Hole, Massachusetts: Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, 1994.
Ph.D. thesis.
Reactions of Beluga Whales and Narwhals to Ship Traffic and Ice-Breaking
Along Ice Edges in the Eastern Canadian High Arctic, 1982-1984. Environmental
Studies Series No. 37. Prepared under contract for the Northern Oil and Gas
Action Program. Ottawa: Indian and Northern Affairs Canada, 1986. (Also in
French under the title: Reactions des Narvals et des Belugas a la Circulation
Maritime et au Passage des Bries-Glaces le long de la Banquise dans l'Est de
l'Extreme-Arctique Canadien de 1982 a 1984.)
___________. The Problem of Gray Whale (Eschrichtius robustus)
Harassment at the Breeding Lagoons and During Migration. Report
MMC-76/06 for U.S. Marine Mammal Commission, NTIS No. PB-272506, 1977.
Reed, Missy M.
Swimming with Dolphins in Paradise: A Guide to Professional
Wild Dolphin Swims. Forthcoming.
Reeves, Randall R. "Conservation Status of the Indus River Dolphin in
Pakistan." IBI Reports (1998) no. 8: 1-9.
Reeves, Randall R., Robert J. Hofman, Gregory K. Silber, and Dean Wilkonson.
Acoustic Deterrence of Harmful Marine Mammal-Fishery Interactions: Proceedings
of a Workshop Held in Seattle, Washington, 20-22 March 1996. U.S. Department
of Commerce, NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPR-10. December 1996.
"The workshop's main objectives were to: (a) evaluate experimental and other
evidence concerning the efficacy of acoustic deterrents in preventing or reducing
interactions between marine mammals and fisheries, including aquaculture operation;
(b) identify critical uncertainties about the effectiveness of acoustic deterrent
devices and their effects on marine mammals and other biota; (c) identify and
establish priorities for relevant research; and (d) develop guidelines for when,
how, and under what conditions acoustic deterrents should be incorporated into
management. Workshop participants included representatives of the fishing industry,
environmental groups, and manufacturers of acoustic deterrent devices, staff members
from government agencies in the United States, Canada, and Australia, and scientists
from seven countries and twenty-one institutions. Participants broke into working
groups with specific terms of reference, and the reports of the working groups are
included as part of the overall workshop report."
Reeves, Randall R., and R. S. Lal Mohan. A Future for Asian River Dolphins.
Bath, England: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, 1993. Available from
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, Alexander House, James St. West, Bath,
Avon BA1 2BT, Great Britain, voice: 01225 334511, fax: 01225 480097.
Reeves, Randall R., and Stephen Leatherwood. Dolphins, Porpoises, and Whales:
1994-1998 Action Plan for the Conservation of Cetaceans. Gland, Switzerland:
IUCN, 1994. (Revised edition of Dolphins, Porpoises, and Whales, by
William F. Perrin, 2d ed.,1989.)
___________. The Sea World Book of Dolphins. San Diego/New York/London:
Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987.
Chapters include: The Remarkable Dolphin, How Dolphins Evolved, How Dolphins
Have Adapted, River Dolphins, Coastal Dolphins, Dolphins of the Continental
Shelf, Oceanic Dolphins, Captive Dolphins, Conservation of Dolphins, Scientific
Names, Chart of Dolphins and Porpoises. Also includes suggestions for further
reading and an index.
Reeves, Randall, and Edward Mitchell. Distribution and Migration, Exploitation,
and Former Abundance of White Whales (Delphinapterus leucas) in Baffin
Bay and Adjacent Waters. Ottawa: Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 1987.
Reijnders, P. J. H., A. Aguilar, and G. P. Donovan. Chemical Pollutants and Cetaceans. Special Issue 1 of the Journal of Cetacean Research and Management.
Contents: Introduction, Report of the Workshop on Chemical Pollution and Cetaceans, Practical Guidelines for Postmortem Examination and Tissue Sampling of Cetaceans for Ecotoxicological Purposes, Proposal to the IWC on Furthering the Recommendations of the Pollution Workshop, Planning Workshop to Develop a Programme to Investigate Pollutant Cause-Effect Relationships in Cetaceans: "Pollution 2000+," Biological Factors Affecting Variability of Persistent Pollutant Levels in Cetaceans, Biomarkers as Pollution Indicators with Special Reference to Cetaceans, An Overview of the Concentrations and Effects of Metals in Cetacean Species, Summary of Temporal Trends in Pollutant Levels Observed in Marine Mammals, Polychlorinated Dibenzo-p-dioxins, Dibenzofarans and Polychlorinated Biphenyls in New Zealand Cetaceans, Organochlorine Levels in Cetaceans from South Africa: A Review, A Note on Concentrations of Metals in Cetaceans from Southern Africa, A Review of Organochlorine and Metal Pollutants in Marine Mammals from Central and South America, Induction of Biotransformation Enzymes by Polyhalogenated Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PHAHs): Potential Impact on Animal Physiology and Health, Environmental Pollutants and Marine Mammal Health: The Potential Impact of Hydrocarbons and Halogenated Hydrocarbons on Immune System Dysfunction, Cancer in Beluga Whales from the St. Lawrence Estuary, Quebec, Canada: A Potential Biomarker of Environmental Contamination, Morbilliviral Infections in Marine Mammals
Rein, Betty Brothers. Dolphins Love Our Florida Keys Home!. Big Pine
Key, Florida: Litoky Publishing, 1982.
Reiss, Diane Lynn. Pragmatics of Human-Dolphin Communication. 1983.
___________, and Lori Marino. "Mirror Self-Recognition in the Bottlenose Dolphin: A Case of Cognitive Convergence." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, May 2001, 98(10).
Relei, Carolyn. Marine Animals Stained Glass Pattern Book. (Contains dolphins and humpback whales.)
Rendell, Fred, and Tricia Watterson. Whale. New York: State Mutual Book
and Periodical Service, 1989.
Rendell, Luke, and Hal Whitehead. "Vocal Clans in Sperm Whales (Physeter macrocephalus)." Proceedings: Biological Sciences, February 2003.
Renjun, Liu, et al. "Analysis on the Capture, Behavior Monitoing
and Death of the Baiji (Lipotes vexillifer) in the Shishou Semi-nature
Reserve at the Yangtze River, China." IBI Reports (1998) no. 8:
Report of the International Workshop on the Special Aspects of Watching Sperm Whales: Roseau, Commonwealth of Dominica, East Caribbean, 8th January - 11th
Janaury 1996. East Sussex: International Fund for Animal Welfare, 1997.
Report of the Workshop on the Scientific Aspects of Managing Whale Watching:
Montecastello di Vibio, Italy, 30th March - 4th April 1995. East Sussex:
International Fund for Animal Welfare, 1996.
Report on a Workshop on Problems Related to Humpback Whales (Megaptera
novaeangliae) in Hawaii: Final Report to U.S. Marine Mammal Commission.
NTIS, 1978.
Reynolds, John Elliott, and Daniel K. Odell. Marine Mammal Strandings in the United States. Washington, D.C.: Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Technical Report NMFS 98, 1991.
Reynolds, John Elliott, and Sentiel A Rommel, eds. Biology of Marine Mammals. Washington, D.C./London: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1999. Reviewed by G. R. VanBlaricom in Marine Mammal Science, 2001, 17(1). Review by M. Vieregg in Aquatic Mammals, 2001, 27(1): 70-71.
Reynolds, John Elliott, Randall S. Wells, and Samantha D. Eide. The Bottlenose Dolphin: Biology and Conservation. University Press of Florida, 2000. University Press, 1-800-226-3822. Review by M. E. dos Santos in Aquatic Mammals, 2001, 27(1): 67-69.
From the publisher: "The Bottlenose Dolphin presents for the first time a comprehensive, colorfully illustrated, and concise overview of a species that has fascinated humans for at least 3,000 years. After reviewing historical myths and legends of the dolphin back to the ancient Greeks and discussing current human attitudes and interactions, the author replaces myths with facts--up-to-date scientific assessment of dolphin evolution, behavior, ecology, morphology, reproduction, and genetics--while also tackling the difficult issues of dolphin conservation and management.
"Although comprehensive enough to be of great value to professionals, educators, and students, the book is written in a manner that all dolphin lovers will enjoy. Randall Wells's anecdotes interspersed throughout the work offer a first-hand view of dolphin encounters and research based on three decades working with them. Color photographs and nearly 100 black and white illustrations, including many by National Geographic photographer Flip Nicklin, beautifully enhance the text.
"Readers of The Bottlenose Dolphin will better appreciate what dolphins truly are and do, as well as understand some of the controversies surrounding them. While raising compelling questions, the book provides a wealth of information on a legendary species that is loved and admired by many people."
From a review by William Rossiter, Cetacean Society International, in Whales Alive!, July 2001, pp. 12-13: "I was eager to learn from The Bottlenose Dolphin, thinking it an update of the 1980 classic of the same title edited by Leatherwood and Reeves. The authors declared that '[t]o help people, the dolphins, and the issues we wrote this book.' But I puzzled who the book was really written for from the start, as it stumbled into surprising turf on page two, asking if 'people want to release captive dolphins into the wild to make themselves feel virtuous or do what is most humane for the captives and the wild populations?' By page four they fell off the wall, with '[i]s the natural world a healthier place to live than the captive environment?' With seven dolphins cooking in the Mexican sun, another two abandoned in the mountains of Guatemala, and a Japanese drive fishery scheduled to kill many and sell a few to Asian dolphinariums, I felt some chagrin that the authors didn't seem aware of the realities of dolphin captivity today, at least beyond Florida and the captive dolphins they rely on for much of their research.
"Too many examples were polarized or incomplete. For example, while it is true that a wild dolphin killed a man, it might have been added that the man was drunk, trying to stub out a cigarette in the dolphin's blowhole, and had a heart attack as the dolphin reacted to escape. He died waiting for the Brazilian ambulance. Perhaps I'm just upset because they even misused an out-of-context quote from CSI's 1983 Whales Alive Conference.
"The better title for this book would The Bottlenose Dolphin and Us, referring in part to the personal experiences that shaped the authors' opinions, and in part for the problems humans are causing this species. These three eminent scientists, with so much to tell us about this species, instead spent much effort on an agenda to defame those who oppose captivity, and to deflower anyone with a delight in myths. But they didn't do very well at either. Their agenda only got in the way of the reason most people would want to read this book., unless it was required reading. That's it! Suddenly the language, style and presentation made sense; this book is like a series of lectures, aimed at a captive audience. But the serious lay student of dolphins is not captive, and expects better of science.
"The core of the book finally does get down to basics. There is much to learn from it. The review of scientific research and conservation issues is superb. The many references could take a serious student very far. But then the authors began a section on intelligence and cognition, including a vengeful review of Lilly's now ancient ideas as a basis for cetology's failure to understand the real dolphin's cognitive adaptations and abilities. To be blunt, the innovation and inquiry necessary for today's science to advance our knowledge of what dolphins might think about is stunted at the top. These authors are among the senior peers of the discipline, and should be aware that many aspiring graduate students have been culled for considering cognition an interesting dissertation subject. Perhaps they truly don't know of the perception by students that a small number of established scientists have declared and limited what is acceptable in cognitive studies. I was there when they did it, and watched the defeated faces of grad students eager to explore. Dolphin cognition deserves better study, if only to gently put away the myths. After all, the core fault is our inability to ask the right questions.
"This is an expensive book that doesn't meet its promise."
Rice, Dale W. Marine Mammals of the World. Systematics and Distribution.
Society for Marine Mammalogy special publication no. 4. Lawrence, Kansas: Society for Marine Mammalogy, 1999.
___________. A List of the Marine Mammals of the World. 3d ed. NOAA
Technical Report NMFS SSRF-711, 1977.
___________, and V. B. Scheffer. A List of the Marine Mammals of the
World. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Special Scientific
Report--Fisheries No. 579, 1968.
___________, and Allen A. Wolman. The Life History and Ecology of the Gray
Whale (Eschrichtius robustus). Stillwater, Oklahoma: American Society of
Mammalogists Special Publication No. 3, 1971.
Richardson, W. John, Charles R. Green, Jr., Charles I. Malme, and Denis H.
Thomson, eds. Marine Mammals and Noise. San Diego, California:
Academic Press, Inc., 1995, (800) 321-5068.
Richter, C.F., S. M. Dawson, and E. Slooten. Sperm whale watching off Kaikoura, New Zealand: Effects of current
activities on surfacing and vocalisation patterns. Science for Conservation, 2003, 219. Department of Conservation,
Wellington, New Zealand.
Ridgway, Sam. The Dolphin Doctor: A Pioneering Veterinarian Remembers the
Extraordinary Dolphin That Inspired His Career. New York: Ballantine, 1987.
"This . . . memoir captures the scientific adventure as well as the
intimate relationship that developed between these two mammals."
Documents the author's personal experiences in the early days of the U.S. Navy
program at Point Mugu, California.
___________, ed. Mammals of the Sea: Biology and Medicine. Springfield,
Illinois: Charles C. Thomas, 1972.
Ridgway, Sam H., and Richard J. Harrison, eds. Handbook of Marine Mammals:
Volume 3: The Sirenians and Baleen Whales. London/San Diego: Academic Press,
1985. (800) 321-5068.
___________. Handbook of Marine Mammals: Volume 4: River Dolphins and the
Larger Toothed Whales. London/San Diego: Academic Press, 1989. (800) 321-5068.
___________. Handbook of Marine Mammals: Volume 5: The First Book of Dolphins.
London/San Diego: Academic Press, 1994. (800) 321-5068.
___________. Handbook of Marine Mammals: Volume 6: The Second Book of
Dolphins and the Porpoises. London/San Diego: Academic Press, 1998.
(800) 321-5068.
Key features: A standard reference work on all of the world's marine mammals,
their anatomy, distribution, ecology, and behavior; the most up-to-date
research in a concise reference form; numerous photos of live and specimen
animals, skulls, and anatomical details, plus distribution maps; text specifically
deals with conservation and management issues
Contents include: White-beaked Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus albirostris;
Atlantic White-sided Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus acutus; Pacific White-sided
Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus obliquidens; Dusky Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus
obscurus; Peale's Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus australis; Hourglass
Dolphin, Lagenorhynchus cruciger; Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops
truncatus; Risso's Dolphin, Grampus griseus; False Killer Whale,
Pseudorca crassidens; Pilot Whales, Globicephala; Killer Whale,
Orcinus orca; Harbour Porpoise, Phocoena phocoena; Vaquita,
Phocoena sinus; Spectacled Porpoise, Phocoena dioptrica;
Burmeister's Porpoise, Phocoena spinipinnis; Finless Porpoise,
Neophocaena phocaenoides; Dall's Porpoise, Phocoenoides dalli;
Riedman, Sarah, and Elton Gustafson. Home Is the Sea: For Whales. New
York: Rand McNally & Co., 1966. London/New York/Toronto: Abelard-Schuman, 1971.
Ritter, Fabian. Interactions of Cetaceans with Whale Watching Boats: Implications for the Management of Whale Watching Tourism.
M.E.E.R. e.V., Berlin, Germany, 2003. URL: To order, write to:
"Through the collaboration between the German NGO M.E.E.R. and a local operator, sighting and behavioural data were
collected during regular whale watching trips.
"The responsiveness of different species was quantified by measuring the occurrence of boat-related behaviours (e.g.
bowriding, approaches, etc.). Sightings were classified into four categories reflecting the general reaction of cetaceans
to boats. Results (1995-2001) revealed a significant difference in the responsiveness of the six most abundant odontocetes
species. In the bottlenose dolphin and the Atlantic spotted dolphin, a significant difference in responsiveness according
to behavioural states was found.
"On this basis, species- and behaviour specific whale watching guidelines are proposed. Furthermore, a model of a marine
protected area (MPA) especially designed for the sustainable use of cetaceans is outlined. Specific recommendations are
made for the design of the MPA, as for example the implementation of species- and behaviour-specific guidelines, a maximum
number of licensed boats, a general speed limit, good-quality public education, user group regulation, a levy for the
[financing] of research, monitoring and enforcement, and others.
"This . . . approach constitutes an example for the reconciliation of tourism and conservation, bringing together
economic development and ecologic sustainability."
Robbins, Dianne ( The Call Goes Out: Messages from the Earth's Cetaceans. Livermore, California: Oughten House Publications, 1997.
Available via the publisher's Web site or (888) ORDERIT, (510) 447-2332, fax:
(510) 447-2376, e-mail: oughten@oughtenhouse. com. (New Age)
Roberts, Richard. Save the Whales!. Illustrated by Andrew Annenberg.
San Anselmo: Vernal Equinox Press, 1991.
Robertson, Dougal. Survive the Savage Sea. New York: Sheridan House,
Robinson, Nigel. Free Willy: The World of Killer Whales. London: Fantail,
Robson, Frank. Strandings: Ways to Save Whales, a Humane Conservationist's
Guide. Johannesburg, South Africa: The Science Press Pty Ltd, 1984.
Available from Animal Welfare Institute, P.O. Box 3650, Washington, DC 20007,
From a review by Tom Garret in the Summer 1984 issue of AWI Quarterly:
"Strandings puts to rest the illogical notion of mass suicide.
Robson found that strandings of toothed whales and large dolphins fall into four
categories: individual strandings of aged and inform whales; strandings of
otherwise healthy whales with localized parasite infections; mass strandings of
herds made up of family groups; and strandings from bachelor sperm whale herds
migrating from the Antarctic. He provides perfectly logical, although sometimes
surprising, explanations for each behavior."
___________. Thinking Dolphins, Talking Whales. Wellington, New
Zealand: A. H. & A. W. Reed, Ltd., 1976.
"Man's interest in the Cetaceans--dolphins and whales--has never been
greater, and extraordinary stories such as Frank Robson's remind us that our
intelligence has its match in the ocean. Nowadays, when these friendly
creatures' existence is threatened by polluted waters and world-wide over-fishing,
observations of natural Cetcean behaviour in their wild, ocean habitat and
studies of their ability to learn--and teach--antics and routines in captivity
become all the more valuable.
"Written for the interested layman, the book has anecdotes and new
scientific findings presented in a form that will appeal to young and old alike.
"Particularly exciting are occasions of nonverbal, including mental,
communication between man and dolphin . . .
"The New Zealand coast has unusual numbers of whale strandings. Tackling
the age-old questino of why they strand has led Frank Robson into some
formidable situations . . . and he's got some unpredictable answers for his
___________. Pictures in the Dolphin Mind. Auckland, New Zealand:
Reed Methuen/Dobbs Ferry, N.Y.: Sheridan House, 1988.
"As well as new ideas about the causes of mass strandings and practical
advice on assisting beached cetaceans, this book offers a tantalizing glimpse
of the possibilities of interspecies communication . . . "
Scott: A nicely written account of the author's life and work with
cetaceans; a life of loving attention to the inner side of his much-loved
friends. A gentle man, thoughtful and kind. He pioneered the use of mental
communication with dolphins . . .
___________. My Friends the Dolphins.
Roever, J. Whales in Danger. Steck-Vaughn Co., 1975.
Rogers, C. A., B. J. Brunnick, D. L. Herzing, and J. D. Baldwin. The social structure of bottlenose dolphins,
Tursiops truncatus, in the Bahamas. Marine Mammal Science, 2004, 20(4):688-708. Article available online
in the library of the Wild Dolphin Project
Rogers, Joel W. The Hidden Coast. Alaska Northwest Books, 1991.
Rogers, M. The Dolphins Swim Free. Kenthurst, NSW, Australia:
Kangaroo Press, 1994.
Rose, Naomi. The Social Dynamics of Male Killer Whales, Orcinus orca,
in Johnstone Strait, British Columbia. Ph.D. thesis, University of
California, Santa Cruz, 1992.
Rose, Naomi, and Ricahrd Farinato. The Case Against Marine Mammals in
Captivity. Washington, D.C.: The Humane Society of the United States,
Rose, Tom. Freeing the Whales: How the Media Created the World's Greatest
Non-Event. New York: Carol Publishing Group, 1989.
Ross, Alexander C. Jonah and the Whale: Mystic Interpretation. Devorss, 1938.
Rudolph, P., C. Smeenk, and S. Leatherwood. "Preliminary Checklist of Cetacea
in the Indonesian Archipelago and Adjacent Waters." Zoologische
Verhandelingen 312 (1997): 1-48. Reprints can be ordered from W. Backhuys,
Warmonderweg 80, NL-2341 KZ Oegstgeest, The Netherlands.
Russell, Constance Lorraine. Tales of whales: Whalewatching as
environmental education? Ph.D. dissertation. Department of Curriculum Teaching and Learning, Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of
Toronto, Canada, 2001. Author email: email: Dissertation available for purchase via the
University of Michigan's dissertation service.
From the author's preface: "At first glance, whalewatching and ecotourism may appear to be an ideal blend of conservation and environmental education. On one hand, governments and local communities, encouraged by the potential income to be made, tend and protect the wildlife and natural features that are attractive to tourists. In so doing, the reap both economic and environmental benefits. On the other, environmental activists and educators, looking for ways to introduce others to the wonders of nature, take advantage of opportunities to provide direct, moving experiences. Upon closer examination, however, it becomes obvious that the benefits of ecotourism need to be interrogated further; neither the economic or educational benefits are as straightforward as proponents contend.
"My dissertation has, then, a number of closely related purposes. First, I wish to problematize some of the assumptions underlying the widespread belief that ecotourism is inherently educational. Second, I wish to shed light on an understudied phenomenon, that is, the educational aspects of whalewatching. My third purpose supersedes, or more accurately, provides the rational and motivation for the first two: I wish my research to be of use to the whales themselves. From the moment I began graduate work in 1990, I have understood my scholarly endeavours to be a form of service to nature."
___________. Why study whalewatching? Environmental education, nature experience and the social construction of nature. In D. Hodson, ed., OISE Papers in STSE (Science-Technology-Society-Environment) Education. Toronto: Imperial Oil Centre for Studies in Science, Mathematics and Technology Education, 2001, pp.49-74. Author email: email:
Russell, C.L. & Hodson, D.
"Whalewatching as Critical Science
Education?" Canadian Journal of Science, Mathematics and Technology
Education, 2002, 2(4):485-504. Author email:
Russell, Dick. Eye of the Whale: Epic Passage from Baja to Siberia
. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001.
From the publisher: "Eye of the Whale focuses on one great whale in particular -- the coastal-traveling California gray whale. Gray whales make the longest migration of any mammal -- from the lagoons of Baja California to the feeding grounds of the Bering Strait between Alaska and Siberia (nearly 6,000 miles). That the gray whale exists today is nothing short of miraculous. Whaling fleets twice massacred the species to near extinction -- first during the nineteenth century and again during the early part of the twentieth century. As they moved in for the kill, whalers claimed their prey by naming it: 'Hard-Head'; 'Devil-fish'; 'sea-serpent crossed with an alligator.'
"These ominous tags suggest a fearsome creature, yet today the grays are most commonly known as the friendly whale, the species that inspired the whale-watching industry. Eye of the Whale shows the life-changing effect the gray whale has had upon people past and present -- whalers, hunters, marine scientists, whale watchers, and even businessmen -- who have looked into the eye of a whale and have come away transformed. Over the course of this astonishing book, the gray whale emerges as a millennial metaphor, mirroring a host of ecological, political, and social issues concerning our relationship to nature.
"The book also traces the remarkable story of Charles Melville Scammon, the whaling captain responsible for bringing gray whales to the brink of extinction after discovering the Baja lagoons in the 1850s to 1860s. Paradoxically, he went on to become one of the most renowned naturalist writers of his time, and in 1874 authored and illustrated a still-definitive work, The Marine Mammals of the North-Western Coast of North America.
"More than a hundred years later, author Dick Russell sets out to track the migration of the gray whale and to retrace Scammon's own path. This epic journey stretches from Mexico to California, Oregon, Washington, Vancouver Island, Alaska, and into Siberia and even remote Sakhalin Island in the Russian Far East. In these exotic locales see the current controversies surrounding the gray whale: an effort by Mitsubishi and the Mexican government to build a massive new salt factory within its pristine nursery area; the Makah tribe's renewed hunting of gray whales after a hiatus of seventy years; Japan's recruitment of the Makah and other indigenous peoples in their quest to resurrect commercial whaling.
Eye of the Whale is a . . . work of scientific reporting and travel writing that greatly advances our understanding not only of the gray whale but of the natural world. While it may be impossible to know for certain the fate of this majestic creature, with Russell's sage guidance we may glimpse it -- in the eye of the whale."
From a review by Judith B. Barnett, , Pell Marine Science Lib., Univ. of Rhode Island, Kingston for Library Journal: "This engaging account of the remarkable migration pattern of the gray whale from its breeding area in the lagoons of Baja California, Mexico, to feeding grounds 5000 miles away in the Bering Sea will elicit in the reader a deep respect and empathy for these mammals. Russell, an environmental journalist and activist, draws on scientific, historical, and geographical sources as he follows the whales' migration path by land, sea, and air along the Pacific coast. Along the way he describes meetings with individuals who are involved in conservation and environmental efforts, interspersing his encounters with fishermen and scientists with excerpts from the writings of Charles Melville Scammon, a 19th-century whaling captain and naturalist who was the first to describe the whale migration in detail. Serge Dedina's Saving the Gray Whale: People, Politics, and Conservation in Baja California (Library Journal 2/15/00) covers the Baja California phase in the whales' lives, and a PBS video, Gray Whales with Christopher Reeve (1995), is also pertinent to the subject. Russell's work covers communication among the gray whales, their interactions with the orcas who prey on them, the role of whaling in Native American tradition, and the scientific apparatus used to track whales. It includes a 20-page annotated bibliography arranged by subject and a list of useful web sites. A definitive account; for public and academic libraries." Copyright 2001 Cahners Business Information, Inc.
Saca, Liliana. Through the Eyes of a Dolphin: An Inner Journey Which Can
Only Be Approached in the Imagination, Beyond the Mind, Experienced in the
Heart and Recognized by the Soul. San Rafael, California: VISIGRAF, 1996.
(New Age)
The Saga of the Arctic Whales. 1989.
Sagan, Carl. The Dragons of Eden: Speculations on the Evolution of Human
Intelligence. New York: Random House, 1977.
Samansky, Terry S. Starting Your Career as a Marine Mammal Trainer. 2d, rev. ed. Napa, Calif.:, 2002.
Sammons, V. O. Dolphins (a bibliography). Washington, D.C.: Library
of Congress, Science and Technology Division, Reference Section, 1972.
Samuels, Amy, and Lars Bejder.
Chronic interaction between humans and
free-ranging bottlenose dolphins near Panama City Beach, Florida, USA. Journal
of Cetacean Research and Management, 2004, 6(1): 9-77. Author email:
Of equal importance to the findings of this study is the methodology. A
systematic behavioural methodology was designed that can be adapted to study
potential impacts of nature tourism on coastal communities of cetaceans in
which individuals are readily distinguished. The focus was on the behaviour
of individual animals in order to describe and quantify in-water interactions
between dolphins and humans, to make behavioural comparisons for the same
individual dolphins in the presence and absence of swimmers, and to make
behavioural comparisons for individual dolphins in the same region that do and
do not interact with swimmers. Coupled with standard photo-identification
techniques, these methods can be used to identify the class of animals, or
proportion of a local community, that is more likely to interact with, be
detrimentally affected by, and/or avoid human interaction. Sequential
observations of the same individuals taken over time can be used to document
habituation or sensitisation to human interaction.
___________, Lars Bejder, R. Constantine, and Sonja Heinrich. A review of swimming with wild cetaceans with a specific focus
on the Southern Hemisphere. In N. Gales, M. Hindell, and R. Kirkwood, eds. Marine Mammals: Fisheries, Tourism and
Management Issues. CSIRO Publishing, 2003, pp. 277-303.
___________, Lars Bejder, and Sonja Heinrich. A review of the literature
pertaining to swimming with wild dolphins. Bethesda, Maryland: Marine Mammal Commission, April 2000. Contract No. T74463123. Available from Marine
Mammal Commission, 4340 East-West Highway, Room 905, Bethesda, MD 20814, USA.
Category 1: Lone, Sociable [Dolphins]
Conclusion: Although lone, sociable dolphins typically make first contact with humans, habituation to humans and in-water encounters is usually a gradual process achieved through considerable effort on the part of humans. Unfortunately for the dolphins, habituation to humans puts the dolphins at risk of injury or death. Strict management programs may reduce this risk.
Recommendation: Lone, sociable dolphins of any species are particularly vulnerable to impacts of human activity, and all interactions with humans should be strictly prohibited and enforced in each situation.
Category 2: Food-Provisioned [Dolphins]
Conclusion: Uncontrolled food provisioning is the primary basis for in-water encounters with dolphins at several locations worldwide. Research findings and anecdotal evidence are unequivocal that uncontrolled food provisioning is harmful to wild cetaceans. Whether there are detrimental effects of strictly controlled food provisioning has not yet been determined.
Recommendation: Enforcement of the no-feeding ban is urgently needed for food-provisioned bottlenose dolphins in the Florida Panhandle and Gulf coast areas.
Category 3: Habituated [Dolphins]
Conclusion: There are a few locations where swim-with operations regularly interact with habituated dolphins. In some cases, the dolphins' "freedom of choice" to interact or not with humans is achieved through considerable effort on the part of humans to habituate the animals. There is virtually no research that specifically addresses short- or long-term impacts of regular swim-with operations on the behavior and well-being of habituated individuals or affected cetacean communities.
Recommendations: For habituated bottlenose dolphins in the Florida Keys, more information is needed to assess the extent of human activities, the number and identity of affected animals, the proportion of targeted animals that are habituated, the methods used for habituation, etc.
In the absence of the above information, and given the accessibility of these dolphins to large numbers of tourists, a precautionary approach is appropriate. The National Watchable Wildlife Program provides a set of explicit recommendations designed to minimize disruption to wildlife. These include viewing wild animals from a distance using binoculars, not attempting to interact with wild animals, avoiding areas critical for foraging, resting, parental care, etc. (Duda 1995).
Category 4: Unhabituated [Dolphins]
Conclusion: There are several locations worldwide where tour operators provide opportunities for swimmers to interact with unhabituated dolphins and whales. In some cases, lack of habituation is likely to be related to the infrequency of encounters. In other cases, cetaceans remain unhabituated despite regular and long-term exposure to human activity. Several recent studies focus on responses of unhabituated cetacean groups to vessel approaches and swimmers. These studies provide a first step in assessing the impacts of this type of activity on the animals. Reports from Hawaii and overseas provide quantitative data and anecdotal information to indicate that swim-with operations are associated with disruption the behavioral patterns of targeted cetaceans, at least for some approaches and for some subset of approached animals. Results of longitudinal studies are only starting to emerge, but available findings point towards detrimental effects of tourist activity on targeted dolphins (Constantine 1999, Forest 1999). For unhabituated cetaceans, studies have yet to be conducted that document details of human/cetacean in-water interactions or the short- and long-term impacts of swim-with activities on individual animals and affected cetacean communities. However, even in the absence of more specific information, a conservative interpretation of available data indicates that swim-with activities clearly constitute "harassment" as defined in the U.S. Marine Mammal Protection Act. Recent data show that even strict sets of regulations as in New Zealand may not be sufficient to safeguard the animals.
Recommendations: For unhabituated spinner dolphins in Hawaii, research results are preliminary but sufficient to indicate that these animals are disturbed by tourist activity in areas that are critical for their well-being. This clearly constitutes "harassment" as defined in the Marine Mammal Protection Act. Ideally, more research would be useful to determine what proportion and which individuals or age/sex classes are or are not affected by human activity. However, preliminary findings of detrimental effects, and the ready accessibility of these animals to human incursion, dictate a precautionary approach, even without further research. Watchable Wildlife guidelines would recommend that these animals not be approached at all in protected bays that are critical for rest.
Constantine, R. Increased avoidance of swimmers by bottlenose dolphins in the Bay of Islands, New Zealand. Maui, Hawaii: Absracts of the 13th Biennial Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, 1999.
Duda, M. D. Watching Wildlife. Helena, Montana: Falcon Press, 1994.
Forest, A. M. The Hawaiian spinner dolphin, Stenella longirostris: Effects of tourism. In K. M. Dudzinski, T. G. Frohoff, and T. R. Spradlin, eds., Wild Dolphin Swim Program Workshop. Maui, Hawaii: 1999.
___________, and Trevor R. Spradlin. "Quantitative Behavioral Study of
Bottlenose Dolphins in Swim-with-the-Dolphin Programs in the United States."
Marine Mammal Science, 11(4) (October 1995): 520-544. Final report to
National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources, 25 April 1994.
Available from National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources,
1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910, (301) 713-2322.
Sananjaleen. The Dolphin Ones. Rectortown, Virginia: Sananda, 1991.
(New Age)
Sandoz, Bobbie. Listening to Wild Dolphins: Learning Their Secrets
for Living with Joy. Hillsboro, Oregon: Beyond Words Publishing, 1999. (New Age)
Sanford, William R., and Carl R. Green. The Bottlenose Dolphin. Mankato, Minnesota: Crestwood House, 1987.
Sathasivam, Kumaran. Marine Mammals of India. Hyderabad, India: Universities Press, 2004. Copies are available
from Kurinji Sathasivam:
Savage, Steven. Dolphins and Whales: A Survey of Species Under Threat and the Struggle for Their Conservation. Secaucus, New Jersey: Chartwell
Books, 1990/London: New Burlington Books, 1991.
Scammon, Charles M. The Marine Mammals of the Northwestern Coast of North
America Together with an Account of the American Whale-Fishery. Mineola,
New York: Dover Publications, 1968. Reprint of original published in 1874 by
John H. Carmany and Company, San Francisco, and G. P. Putnams Sons, New York.
According to the book The Whale, this is a brilliant work which
"describes the whale fisher, but also gives a splendid account of the
natural history of whales that was a standard work for many years."
Scanlan, Phillip M. The Dolphins Are Back. Productivity Press, 1998.
Scarpaci, Carol, Dayanthi Nugegoda, and Peter J. Corkeron. No detectable improvement in compliance to regulations by "swim-with-dolphin"
operators in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia.
Tourism in Marine Environments, 2004, 1(1):41-48. Author email:
Scheer, M., B. Hofmann, and I. P. Behr. Ethogram of selected behaviors initiated by short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala macrorhynchus)
and directed towards human swimmers during open water encounters. Anthrozoos, 2004, 17:244-258.
Scheffer, Victor. The Natural History of Marine Mammals. New York:
Charles Scribner's & Sons, 1976.
"For anyone wanting to better understand the life histories of marine mammals and avoid the random search through overly technical journals or romanticized paperbacks, this is the best place, so far, to begin . . . "
___________. Der Wal, das frohlicke Ungeheuer. Reinbek bei Hamburg:
Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag, 1973. In German.
___________, and John W. Slipp. The Whales and Dolphins of Washington State with a Key to the Cetaceans of the West Coast of North America. Notre Dame, Indiana: University Press, 1948. (A reprint from the March 1948 issue of The American Midland Naturalist.)
Schevill, W. E., ed. The Whale Problem: A Status Report. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1974.
Schmidly, David J. Marine Mammals of the Southeastern United States and the Gulf of Mexico. U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Biological Services Program FWS/OBS-80/41, 1981. Contains maps, tables, records of occurrence, literature records, text, and references.
Species accounts include descriptions and identification, distribution, seasonal movements, status and abundance, life history, and records of occurrence. Species covered include: whales--right, blue, sei, fin, Bryde's, minke, humpback, sperm, pygmy sperm, dwarf sperm, Blainville's beaked, Antillean beaked, True's beaked, goosebeak, pygmy killer, false killer, killer, Atlantic pilot, and short-finned pilot; dolphins--rough-toothed, saddleback, Atlantic bottlenose, grampus, bridled, Atlantic spotted, striped, spinner, and short-snouted spinner; harbor porpoise; California sea lion; and seals--harbor, hooded, and West Indian.
Schmitt, Frederick P. The Whale's Tale as Told with Postage Stamps.
Chippenham, Wilts, England: Picton Publishing, 1975.
Schultz, Elizabeth A. Unpainted to the Last: Moby Dick & Twentieth-Century
American Art. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 1995.
Schusterman, Ronald J., Jeanette A. Thomas, and Forrest G. Wood, eds. Dolphin
Cognition and Behavior: A Comparative Approach. Hillsdale, New Jersey: Lawrence
Erlbaum Associates, 1986.
Scoresby, William. Journal of a Voyage to the Northern Whale-fishery,
including Researches and Discoveries in the Eastern Coast of West Greenland,
Made in the Summer of 1822, in the Ship Baffin of Liverpool. Edinburgh,
Scotland: Archibald Constable and Co., 1823.
___________. An Account of the Arctic Regions, with a History and Description
of the Northern Whale-fishery. 2 vol. Edinburgh, Scotland: Archibald
Constable and Co., 1820.
Scott, Andrew. "Killing Them Softly: Have We Become a Threat to the Orcas?"
Waters Spring/Summer 1998: 10-14.
Scott, Susan. Oceanwatcher: An Above-Water Guide to Hawaii's Marine Animals.
Honolulu, Hawaii: Green Turtle Press, 1988.
The section on whales and dolphins includes a brief overview; information on
humpback whales, false killer whales, short-finned pilot whales,
Pacific bottlenose dolphins, rough-toothed dolphins, spotted dolphins, and
Hawaiian spinner dolphins; a few words on the future of whales and dolphins
along with some guidelines for dolphin and whale watchers; and a brief look
at the surprisingly small role of whales and dolphins in Hawaiian mythology.
Sea of the Whale. In Japanese. c. 1990.
Sears, Richard, Frederick Wenzel, and J. Michael Williamson. The Blue
Whale: A Catalogue of Individuals from the Western North Atlantic (Gulf of St.
Lawrence). Longue-Pointe-de-Mingan and St. Lambert, Quebec: Mingan Island
Cetacean Study (MICS Inc.), 1987.
Sebeok, T. A., ed. Animal Communication. Bloomington, Illinois: Indiana
University Press, 1968.
Sebeok, Thomas A., and Robert Rosenthal, eds. The Clever Hans Phenomenon: Communication
with Horses, Whales, Apes, and People. Annals of the New York Academy of
Sciences, volume 364. New York: New York Academy of Sciences, 1981.
Seed, Alice, ed. Baleen Whales in Eastern North Pacific and Arctic Waters. Seattle, Washington: Pacific Search, 1972.
___________, ed. Toothed Whales in Eastern North Pacific and Arctic Waters. Seattle, Washington: Pacific Seed, 1971.
Selke, Ilona. Journey to the Center of Creation: Entering the World of Dolphins and the Dimensions of Dreamtime. Stanwood, Washington: Living from Vision, 1997. Available from Living from Vision, P.O. Box 1530, Stanwood, Washington 98292, USA, (360) 387-5713. Also available in German as Weisheit der Delphine: Begegnung mit dem kosmischen Bewußtsein (Munich: Heyne, 1999). (See also the audiotape of the same name in the
Cetacean Audiography and Dolphins in the Wild with Ilona Selke in the
Cetacean Videography, available free of charge with the purchase of Journey to the Center of Creation from Living from Vision.) (New Age)
Sergeant, D. E. The Biology of the Pilot or Pothead Whale Globicephala
melaena (Traill) in Newfoundland Waters. Fish. Res. Board. Can. Bull.
132, 1962.
___________. Sea Mammals and Man: A Look at the Future. Unpublished
manuscript, 1970. Available from the Canadian Department of Fisheries and Oceans,Institut Maurice Lamontagne Library, C.P. 1000, Mont-Joli, Quebec, Canada G5H 3Z4.
___________. Whales and Dolphins of the Canadian East Coast. Montreal,
Quebec, Canada: Fisheries Research Board, Arctic Unit Circular 7, 1961.
Sergejev, Boris. Zivyje Lokatory Okeana (The Living Radars in the Ocean). USSR: MIR, 1980. Translated by Vilho Jokela into Finnish, Valtamerien Elävät Tutkat.
Severin, Tim. In Search of Moby Dick: The Quest for the White Whale. Basic Books, 2000.
Seymour, F. All Hearts on Deck: A Personal Account of the 1981-2 Campaigns
of the Marine Mammal Conservation Ship Sea Shepherd. Australia, 1993.
Shallenberger, Edward D. The Status of Hawaiian Cetaceans. Springfield, Va.: National Technical Information Service, U.S. Department of Commerce, 1981.
Shane, Susan H. The Bottlenose Dolphin in the Wild. Felton, California: Susan H. Shane, 1988/Hatcher Trade Press, 1988.
___________. The Behavioral Ecology of the Bottlenose Dolphin. Ph.D. thesis,
University of California, Santa Cruz, 1987.
Sheffer, V. B. A Natural History of Marine Mammals. New York: Scribner's, 1976.
Shetland Sea Mammal Group. The Shetland Sea Mammal Report. Shetland, U.K.: Shetland Sea Mammal Group, 1998 (published annually). To order, contact Edward G. Brown,, or Shetland Sea Mammal Group, 9 Twageos Rd., Lerwick, Shetland ZE1 0BB, United Kingdom.
Shore, William H., ed. The Nature of Nature: New Essays from America's Finest
Writers on Nature. New York/London: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1994.
Shrestha, Tej Kumar. The Ganges River Dolphin. DOPHONE, P.O. Box 6133,
Kathmandu, Nepal.
Sidenbladh, Eric. Waterbabies: A Book about Igor Tjarkovsky and his Method
for Delivering and Training Children in Water. New York: St. Martin's Press,
Sielfeld, W. Mamiferos Marinos de Chile. Santiago, Chile: Universidad
de Chile, [1986]. In Spanish.
Sifaoui, Brigitte. Le Livre des Dauphins et des Baleines. C.L.E.S. -
Albin Michel, 1996.
Silber, Gregory K., et al. "Cetaceans of the Northern Gulf of California:
Distribution, Occurrence, and Relative Abundance." Marine Mammal Science
10(3) (July 1994): 283-288.
Simmonds, Mark P., and Judith D. Hutchinson, eds. The Conservation of Whales
and Dolphins: Science and Practice. Chichester, England/New York: John Wiley
& Sons, 1996.
Chapters include: An Introduction to the Whales and Dolphins; International Law
and the Status of Cetaceans; The Ethics and Politics of Whaling; Directed Kills
of Small Cetaceans Worldwide; Incidental Catches of Small Cetaceans; Fisheries
Interactions: The Harbour Porpoise--a Review; Ecological Interactions Between
Cetaceans and Fisheries; Organohalogen and Heavy Metal Contamination in Cetaceans:
Observed Effects, Potential Impact and Future Prospects; Cetaceans and Environmental
Pollution: The Global Concerns; Habitat Loss and Degradation; Underwater Noise
Pollution and its Significance for Whales and Dolphins; Whales and Climate Change;
Infectious Diseases of Cetacean Populations; The River Dolphins: The Road to
Extinction; Science and Precaution in Cetacean Conservation; Defining Future
Research Needs for Cetacean Conservation; The New Zealand Experience--One Country's
Response to Cetacean Conservation; Conservation in Practice: Agreements, Regulations,
Sanctuaries and Action Plans.
Simmonds, Mark., Anna Moscrop, and Rachel Irish. The Dolphin Agenda.
Bath, England: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, 1997. Available from
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, Alexander House, James St. West, Bath,
Avon BA1 2BT, Great Britain, voice: 01225 334511, fax: 01225 480097.
Simms, Eric. Wildlife Sounds and Their Recording. London: Paul Elek,
Simon, S. Whales. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell, 1989.
Simon, Seymour. Killer Whales. J. B. Lippincott Co., 1978.
Skaptason, Ann. The Fin Whale (Balaenoptera physalus L.): A
Bibliography. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Departement of the Interior, Office
of Library Services, 1971.
Slater, Candace. Dance of the Dolphin: Transformation and Disenchantment in the
Amazonian Imagination. Chicago/London: The University of Chicago Press, 1994.
Slater discusses the tales from the viewpoints of genre, performance, and gender,
but centers on them as responses to the great changes sweeping the Amazon today.
This book crosses the boundaries of folklore, literature, anthropology, and
Latin American studies, and is one of the very few studies to offer an overview
of the changes taking place in Amazonia through the eyes of ordinary people.
Sleptsov, M. M. Cetaceans of Far East Seas. Wladyvostock, 1955.
Sliggers, B. C., and A. A. Wertheim, eds. Op het strand gesmeten: Vijf
eeuwen potvisstrandingen aan de Nederlandse kust. Walburg Pers, 1992. In
Slijper, Everhard J. Walvissen. Amsterdam, 1958.
___________. Whales. Translated by A. J. Pomerans. 2d ed.
(with a new foreword, concluding chapter and bibliography by Richard J.
Harrison). London: Hutchinson/Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press, 1979;
New York/Basic Books, 1962.
" . . . a classic work first published in Dutch in 1958 and translated into
English in 1962, [it] was written by an internationally recognized authority on
Cetacea who combined an . . . interest in the history of whaling [Slijper was
pro-whaling, 'Let us hope there will be whales in the sea, and whale-meat in
our larders, as long as man continues on earth.'] . . . with a varied background
in comparative and veterinary anatomy . . . [See contents below.]
"Professor Harrison's new material includes a brief description of Slijper's work and ideas, and an account of the principal areas in which research on whales has been carried out since the book was first published. His last chapter, finished after the summer 1978 meeting of the International Whaling Commission, gives the latest information on whales and whaling, including current international agreements and estimates of population . . . "
Contents: Historical Introduction (minimally about ancient history, primarily
about whaling and also the slaughter of smaller cetaceans); Evolution and
External Appearances; Locomotion and Locomotory Organs; Respiration; Heart,
Circulation, and Blood; Behaviour; Hearing; The Production of Sounds; Senses
and the Central Nervous System; Feeding; Metabolism; Distribution and Migration;
Reproduction; Whales and Whaling; Classification of Cetacea; Names of Cetacea
in Different Languages; a bibliography and a brief index.
___________. Whales and Dolphins. Ann Arbor, Michigan: University of
Michigan Press, 1976. Available from Donald Hahn Natural History Books, (520)
634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217.
___________. Pseudorca crassidens (Owen): Ein Beitrag zur vergleichenden
Anatomie der Cetaceen. Leiden, 1939. In German.
___________. Die Cetaceen: Vergleichend-anatomisch und systematisch.
Capita Zoologica Bd. VI and VII (1936). The Hague: Martinus Nijhof,
1936. Reprinted in 1973 by Asher & Co., Amsterdam. In German.
Slooten, Elizabeth, and Steve Dawson. Down Under Dolphin. Canterbury
University Press, 1996.
From a review by William Rossiter in the October 1996 issue of Whales Alive!:
"Yes, this book can tell the general reader almost everything about this
dolphin and its cousins, but more, it will show how superb science can be when done
by experts who really care."
Small, George L. The Blue Whale. New York: Columbia University Press,
Smith, Captain Scott. Dolphin Tales: True Stories of the Atlantic Spotted Dolphins. Lake Park, Florida: Wayne "Scott" Smith, 2000. Website:
Smith, Shirleen. Bibliography of Bowhead Whales, Whaling, and Alaskan
Inupiat and Yupik Whaling Communities. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: Boreal Institute for Northern Studies, University of Albert, 1986.
Smith, Roland, and William Munoz. Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises in the
Zoo (The New Zoo). Millbrook Press, 1994.
Smith, Thomas G., and Michael O. Hammill. A Bibliography of the White Whale,
Delphinapterus leucas. Ste. Anne de Bellevue, Quebec: Department of Fisheries
and Oceans, Arctic Biological Station, 1990. Canadian manuscript report of
fisheries and aquatic sciences; ISSN: 0706-6473; 2060.
Smith, Thomas G., D. J. St. Aubin, and J. R. Geracci, eds. Advances in Research on the Beluga Whale, Delphinapterus leucas. Canadian Bulletin of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 224. Ottawa: Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 1990. ISSN: 0706-6503. Minister of Supply and Services Canada 1990 Cat. No. Fs 97-4/2060E.
Smithsonian, The. Masters of the Ocean Realm: Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises Exhibition. Octobe 12, 2001 - January 2, 2002. Smithsonian online:
"Visitors will probably appreciate the change in people's attitude toward whales between the times of the Yankee whalers hunting on the seas and today's efforts to protect and conserve these animals, added Charley Potter, collection manager for marine mammals at the museum.
"William Hogarth of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration said the show will help people understand the science involved in the study of marine mammals . . .
"NOAA scientists were active in helping create the exhibition, which traces whales from their ancient land-bound ancestor, the wolf-like mesonychid, through a long evolution to the massive creatures we know today.
"One exhibit offers a full-size model of a dolphin, showing smooth skin and smile-like mouth. Walking around to the other side, the viewer can see inside the mammal and study its skeleton, including a long tooth-filled jaw . . .
"Dolphins, whales and porpoises have horizontal tails, in contrast to the vertical tales of fish and sharks. Visitors can see how the two types of tail work in the water and what the different swimming motions are.
"A section on narwhals provides a close look at the long, twisted tusk that in Medieval times gave birth to the legend of the unicorn . . .
"Baleen whales are also featured, the ones with mouths full of long flexible structures that they use to filter food out of the water.
"In centuries past, baleen were used as stiffeners in women's corsets. For those who can't remember the corset, one is on display.
"The exhibit concludes with whales and dolphins in art, featuring replicas of ancient Greek mosaics and coins, Tlingit carvings, the beautiful scrimshaw carvings done by sailors on whalebone and even images of whales in advertising."
Smolker, Rachel. To Touch a Wild Dolphin: The Lives and Minds of the Dolphins of Monkey Mia. New York: Doubleday, 2001.
From the dust jacket: " In 1982, frustrated by the limitations of observing dolphins in captivity, Smolker moved to Monkey Mia, a remote beach on the west coast of Australia where 'tame' wild dolphins regularly interact with humans. Gradually, Smolker and a team of fellow scientists extended the human-dolphin community to encompass dolphins that did not come toward shore. By 1990, they could recognize and chart the behavior of more than 250 individuals. Smolker's . . . chronicle of her experiences in Monkey Mia, To Touch a Wild Dolphin, unravels many of the mysteries about these appealing animals. It offers an up-close look at their society and the diversity of characters that inhabit it. From the intriguing differences between the sexes to the nature of mother-infant relationships, to the wide repertoire of sounds used for social communications, the author reveals the inner workings of dolphin life. In delightful portraits of individual dolphins, she profiles personalities ranging from the playful to the moody to the incredibly silly."
The Society for Marine Mammalogy. Strategies for Pursuring a Career in Marine
Mammal Science. Supplement to Marine Mammal Science, Vol. 10, No. 2, April 1994.
Lawrence, Kansas: Allen Press, 1994. Updated 1996. (800-627-0629). (
Or click here to download from the Web.)
Trisha: To view an extensive file of information I've compiled on careers
working with cetaceans, click here.
Sokolov, V. E. Amazonian Dolphin. International Scholars Publications,
Sokolov, V. E., and E. V. Romanenko, eds. Chernomorskaia Afalina: Tursiops truncatus ponticus: Morfologiia, Fiziologiia, Akustika, Gidrodinamika. (The Black Sea Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus ponticus): Morphology, Physiology, Acoustics, Hydrodynamics). [In Russian. Table of contents and summary in English. Published in English by International Scholars Publications, 1998.] Available from : NHBS Mailorder Bookstore.
Contents: The Black Sea Bottlenose Dolphin, The Numbers and Distribution, Integuments Morphology of the Black Sea, Ultrastructural Organization of the Epidermis, The Skin Glands, The Structure of the Mouth Cavity, Stomach and Duodenum, The Morphology of the Reproductive System, The Reproduction, The Respiration System, The Blood System, The Cardiovascular System, The Hydroadaptive Mechanisms of the Gas-Exchange Function, The Excretory System: The Specific Features of Water-Salt Exchange, The Water Balance, The Periphery Nervous System, The Structure of Sleep, Histochemical Structure of the Muscle, Structure and Adaptive Peculiarities of the Postcranial Skeleton, Some Anatomical Peculiarities of the Musculature, Structure-Functional Organization of the Peripheral Acoustic System in Pre- and Postnatal Development, The Ethological-Acoustic Correlates, The Echo-location Analyzer, The Acoustic Parameters of melon, The Characteristics of the Hearing System, Some Results of Acoustic Studies, The Hydrodynamics, The Conditions of Rest and Activity
Southern, Henry Neville, ed. The Handbook of British Mammals, edited for the
Mammal Society of the British Isles. "Cetacea" by Eric Thorn.
Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1965.
Southwell, Thomas. The Seals and Whales of the British Seas. London:
Jarrold, 1881.
Spalding, David A. E. Whales of the West Coast. Harbour Publishing Co., 1999.
Spalding, M. J. "Workshop on Legal Aspects of Whale Watching, Punta Arenas,
Chile." The Journal of Environment and Development (1998) 7: 184.
Spender, Stephen. Dolphins. New York: St. Martin Press, 1994.
Stacey, P. J., and S. Leatherwood. The Irrawaddy Dolphin, Orcaella
brevirostris: A Summary of Current Knowledge and Recommendations for
Conservative Action. Draft. 1996.
St. Aubin, D. J., J. R. Geraci, and V. J. Lounsbury. Rescue, Rehabilitation,
and Release of Marine Mammls: An Analysis of Current Views and Practices:
Proceedings of a Workshop Held in Des Plaines, Illinois, 3-5 December 1991..
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1996. NOAA Technical
Memorandum NMFS-OPR-8.
Contents include: Introduction; Summary of Current Practices; Ethics,
Responsibilities, and Issues (Why Intervene?); Responsible Intervention (Standards
of Care, Medical Treatment, Need for Quarantine, Public Health, Euthanasia);
Release (Preparation, Monitoring, Associated Risks); The Regulatory Process;
Critical Needs and Recommendations; Changing Views of Animals: The Ethical Framework
of Rehabilitation Programs; Rehabilitating Stranded Cetaceans and Pinnipeds:
Management Issues and Data Summary; Disease and Reintroductions: An Overview;
Models for Disease Containment in Captive Terrestrial Mammals Destined for
Reintroduction; Behavioral Issues in Returning Marine Mammals to Their
Habitat; The Release of Seals from Captive Breeding and Rehabilitation Programs:
A Useful Conservation Management Tool? (conclusion: " . . . captive-bred
and rehabilitated seals can be sucessfully reintroduced into their natural
environment . . . After several weeks in the wild, seals show normal activity
patterns and disperse as expected within their habitats. Rehabilitated seals
appear to adapt most readily, followed by captive-born animals released as
juveniles; seals born in captivity and released as adults appear not to
fare as well.)
Stebbins, Eunice B. The Dolphin in the Literature and Art of Greece and
Rome. Menasha, Wisconsin: George Banta, 1929.
In her conclusion, Stebbins states: "As we look back over the examples of
the dolphin in both Greek and Roman art, it is evident that its value as an
accessory decorative motif has quite as much to do with the frequency with
which it is used, as does its symbolic meaning. In fact, the feeling of symbolism
definitely retreats behind the decorative element in the art of the later periods.
This may possibly account for the increasingly fantastic modifications of the
animal, especially in Roman art . . .
"The dolphin in literature does not, perforce, fare so badly as the dolphin
in art. Its treatment readily falls into two great groups, the stories, and
the allusions in figures of speech. The former are simple, pretty for the most
part, and childish. The latter range from the grandiose follies of Nonnus to
the pretty foolishness of Martianus Capella. The greater artists use the
figure sparingly, seeming to feel, as did Evaenetus, the restraints imposed by
a sense of proportion. Homer barely touches upon it, and Aristophanes makes fun
of Euripides for using it too fancifully. To two Romans falls the honor of
employing the dolphin most effectively in literature. Nowhere is the swiftness
of the animal more beautifully expressed than in Pliny's words, ocior volucre,
acrior telo, while the music of Vergil's line is a note to be remembered
always: Orpheus in silvis, inter delphinas Arion."
Steele, Philip. The Blue Whale. New York/London: Kingfisher, 1994.
Steering Group on Dolphinaria. Dolphinaria. London; Department of the
Environment, 1988. (See also A Review of Dolphinaria under the authors
Margaret Klinowska and [first name unknown] Brown.)
Steiner, Todd, David Phillis, and Mark J. Palmer. The Tragedy Continues:
The Killing of Dolphins by the Tuna Industry. San Francisco, California:
Earth Island Institute/Oakland, California: Whale Center, 1988. Available from
Earth Island Institute, 300 Broadway, Suite 28, San Francisco, California 94133,
USA, (800) 3-DOLFIN, (415) 788-3666.
Sten, Christopher. Sounding the Whale: Moby-Dick as Epic Novel. Kent,
Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1996.
Stenuit, Robert. The Dolphin, Cousin to Man. New York: Bantam, 1972.
French edition: Dauphin, mon cousin, translated by Catherine Osborne,
London: J. M. Dent & Sons, 1969.
Chapter titles include: Graceful, Living Torpedoes; Friends of Gods, Children
and Men; From the Sea to the Land, From the Land to the Sea; Two Eyes Plus Two
Ears Make Four Eyes; Will Men Talk with Dolphins?; The Challenge to
Hydrodynamics; Decompression? What For?; The Intellectual of the Sea; The
Aquanaut's Companion; Dolphin, Who Are You?. Also includes an index.
Stephen, D. Dolphins, Seals and Other Sea Mammals. New York: Putnam's/Glasgow: Collins, 1973.
Sterba, O., Milan Klima, and B. Schildger. Embryology of Dolphins: Staging and Ageing of Embryos and Fetuses of Some Cetaceans. Advances in Anatomy, Embryology, and Cell Biology, Vol. 157. Springer Verlag, 2001.
Stewardson, Carolyn L. Mammals of the Ice: An
Introductory Guide to the Seals, Whales and Dolphins in the Australian
Subantarctic and Antarctica, Based on Records from ANARE Voyages, 1977-90.
Braddon, Australia: Sedona Publishing, 1998. Available via Web site or from
Sedona Publishing, Unit 8, 14 Lonsdale Street, Braddon ACT 2612, Australia,
voice: +61-2-6257 4155, fax: +61-2-6247 2394.
This field guide presents unpublished records of marine mammals (3,515 marine
mammals: 773 seals and 2,742 cetaceans: 20 species) observed from Australian
national Antarctic Research Expeditions (ANARE) and resupply vessels during
1977-90. The guide includes key diagnostic characteristics; monthly sighting
tables; information on group size; and general notes concerning biology,
behavior, and conservation satus. An anatomical key, species directory, and
checklist of important points to look for when recording mammals at sea (e.g.,
size and shape of blow, color patterns or markings) assist readers in the
identification of individual species . . . Nomenclature follows Bannister,
Kemper and Warneke (1996) . . . Much of the information presented in this guide
is also applicable to a wider sector of the Southern Ocean (e.g., south of New
Zealand, Africa, and South America).
Contents include: Introduction (ANARE ships, Marine mammal sightings recorded
during ANARE cruises); Recording Sightings of Mammals at Sea; Anatomical
Characteristics for Distinguishing Seals, Whales and Dolphins; Characteristics
for Identifying the Species of Seals, Whales and Dolphins; Seals; Baleen Whales
(rorquals, blue whale, fin whale, sei whale, minke whale, humpback whale, right
and bowhead whales, southern right whale); Toothed Whales and Dolphins (sperm whale,
beaked whales, southern bottlenose whale, Arnoux's beaked whale, Cuvier's beaked
whale, Shepherd's beaked whale, Blainville's beaked whale, Gray's beaked whale,
Hector's beaked whale, True's beaked whale, Andrews' beaked whale, strap-toothed
whale, ocean dolphins and small whales, killer whale, long-finned pilot whale,
hourglass dolphin, southern right whale dolphin, Commerson's dolphin);
Appendixes (including dive profiles); Glossary and Acronyms; Bibliography; Index.
Stewart, Frank, ed. The Presence of Whales: Contemporary Writings on the Whale. Seattle, Washington: Alaska Northwest Books, 1995.
Stewart, Hilary. Looking at Indian Art of the Northwest Coast. Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Press, 1979.
Stoutenburg, Adrien. Tigers, Trainers, and Dancing Whales: Wild Animals of
the Circus, Zoo, and Screen. MacRae Smith Co., 1968.
St. John, Patricia. Beyond Words: Unlocking the Secret to Communicating. Walpole: Stillpoint Publishing International, 1994.
___________. The Secret Language of Dolphins. (Also titled Speaking
with Dolphins: One Woman's Quest to Uncover the Secrets of Dolphin Communication.) New York: Summit Books, 1991.
Stonehouse, Bernard. Sea Mammals of the World. Harmondsworth, England/New York: Penguin Books, 1985.
Includes sections on Whales, Porpoises and Dolphins; Dugongs and Manatees; Seals, Sea Lions and Walruses; and Bears and Otters, plus a worldwide distribution map.
___________. A Visual Introduction to Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises. Animal Watch series. Checkmark Books, 1998.
Stoops, Erik D., Jeffrey L. Martin, and Debbie Lynne Stone. Whales. New
York: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 1995.
Struthers, Sir John. Memoir on the Anatomy of the Humpback Whale,
Megaptera longimana. Edinburgh: Maclachlan and Stewart, 1889.
Sugarman, Peter. Field Guide to the Orca Whales of Greater Puget Sound and
Southern British Columbia. Friday Harbor, Washington: The Whale Museum, 1984.
Supin, A. Ya., V. V. Popov, and A. M. Mass. The Sensory Physiology of Aquatic Mammals. New York: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 2001. Available from the publishers at: Author Supin's email:
Swartz, S. L. Demography, Migration, and Behavior of Gray Whales
Eschrictius robustus (Lilljeborg, 1861) in San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja
California Sur, Mexico and in Their Winter Range. Ph.D. thesis. Santa Cruz,
California: University of California Santa Cruz, 1986.
Sweeney, J. A Pictorial History of Sea Monsters. New York: Crown
Publishing, 1972.
Sylvestre, Jean-Pierre. Guide des mammifères marins du Canada. L'Acadie, Quebec, Canada: Broquet, 1998.
___________. Dolphins and Porpoises: A Worldwide Guide. New
York: Sterling Publishing Co., 1995. Originally published as Guides des
dauphins et marsouins, Lausanne, Switzerland: Delachaux & Niestlé,
___________. Baleines et cachalots. Lausanne, Switzerland: Delachaux
et Niestlé, 1989.
Talbot, [first name unknown]. Out of the Blue: Whales and Dolphins.
Beyond Words Publishing, 1992.
Talbot, Bob. Oceans of Light. Bob Talbot Photography, P.O. Box 3126,
Rancho Palos Verdes, California 90274, USA, 1994.
Talbot, Jennifer. Whales. Collingwood, Victoria: Greenhouse Publishing,
Tan, Jose Ma. Lorenzo. A Field Guide to Whales and Dolphins in the
Philippines. Philippines: J. M. L. Tan and Bookmark, 1995.
Tavolga, W. N., ed. Marine Bio-Acoustics. Vol. I and II. Pergamon Press,
Taylor, David. The Wandering Whale and Other Adventures from a Zoovet's
Casebook. Bath: Chivers, 1985, 1986.
___________. Is There a Doctor in the Zoo? Philadelphia: J. P.
Lippincott Company, 1977.
Taylor, Scott. Souls in the Sea: Dolphins, Whales, and Human Destiny. Berkeley, Calif.: Frog, Ltd., 2003. (New Age)
From the publisher: "Author Scott Taylor argues . . . that these highly evolved creatures are intelligent,
compassionate, and self-aware, and possess an advanced soul. According to Taylor's definition, a soul enables a creature
to be aware of its life through the entire spectrum of its biosystems, coordinating those systems for uses other than
Tenzin-Dolma, Lisa. The Dolphin Experience. London/New York: W. Foulsham
& Co., 1992. Reissued, slightly revised, as Swimming with Dolphins: A
Healing Experience. London/New York: W. Foulsham & Co., 1997. (New Age)
Section and chapter titles include: The Natural History of Dolphins--Origins
and History, Common Dolphins, Bottlenose Dolphins, Swimming Feats, Breathing,
Feeding, Sleep, Reproduction, Care of the Young, Mortality, Dolphin Intelligence,
Social Behaviour, Auditory Sense and Communication, Captivity; Interaction
with Human Beings--The Dolpin Mind, 'Speaking' Dolphins, Dolphins and the
Military; Dolphin Mythology--Are Dolphins Here to Help Us?, 'Dolphin Energy';
Dolphin Experiences; The Present Situation--Dolphin Slaughter by the Fishing
Industry, Pollution of the Seas; What We Can Do--Awareness and Regeneration.
Trisha: This book, Whale Tales (Fromm), Encounters with Whales and
Dolphins (Doak), Swimming with Dolphins (Doak), and Horace Dobbs's
books are the primary resources I am aware of that contain numerous personal
accounts of cetacean-human interaction. In the second edition of Tenzin-Dolma's
book, one of the personal accounts from the first edition has been replaced by
a new one. Otherwise, the changes are minimal.
Thewissen, J. G. The Emergence of Whales: Patterns in the Origin of Cetacea. Advances in Vertebrate Paleobiology series, vol. 1. New York: Plenum Publishing, 1999.
Thomas, Jeanette A., and Ronald A. Kastelein, eds. Sensory Abilities of
Cetaceans: Laboratory and Field Evidence. NATO ASI Series A, Life Science,
Vol. 196. New York: Plenum Press in cooperation with NATO Scientific Affairs
Division, 1990.
SENSORY ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY: Forehead Anatomy of Phocoena phocoena
and Cephalorhynchus comersonii: 3-Dimensional Computer Reconstructions
with Emphasis on the Nasal Diverticula; Structure and Thalamocortical Relations
of the Cetacean Sensory Cortex: Histological, Tracer and Immunocytochemical
Studies; A Potential Neural Substrate for Geomagnetic Sensibility in Cetaceans;
Immunocytomchemistry of Neurotransmitters in Visual Neocortex of Several Toothed
Whales: Light and Electron Microscopy Study; Evolution of the Nasal Anatomy of
Cetaceans; Three-dimensional Reconstructions of the Dolphin Ear; Sensory Neocortex
in Dolphin Brain; Evolutionary Morphology and Acoustics in the Dolphin Skull;
Tactile Sensitivity, Somatosensory Responses, Skin Vibrations, and the Skin
Surface Ridges of the Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncatus; A Potential
System of Delay-lines in the Dolphin Auditory Brainstem; Concluding Comments on
Sensory Anatomy and Physiology
by Echolocating Dolphins; Preliminary Notes on Behaviour of a Blindfolded
Free-swimming Dolphin Performing a Target Echolocation Task in a Pool; On the
Two Auditory Subsystems in Dolphins; A Proposed Echolocation Receptor for the
Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): Modelling the Receive
Directivity from Tooth and Lower Jaw Geometry; Studies on Echolocation of
Porpoises Taken in Salmon Gillnet Fisheries; Very High-frequency Acoustic Emissions
from the White-beaked Dolphin (Lagenorhynchus albirostris); High Intensity
Narwhal Clicks; Investigations on the Control of Echolocation Pulses in the Dolphin
(Tursiops truncatus); Purposeful Changes in the Structure of Echolocation;
Echolocation Characteristics and Range Detection Threshold of a False Killer Whale
(Pseudorca crassidens)
ACOUSTIC SENSES: B. HEARING: Preliminary Hearing Study on Gray Whales (Eschrictus
robustus); Inferences about Perception in Large Cetaceans, Especially Humpback
Whales, from Incidental Catches in Fixed Fishing Gear, Enhancement of Nets by
"Alarm" Devices, and the Acoustics of Fishing Gear; Formation of an
Adaptive Structure of the Peripheral Part of the Auditory Analyzer in Aquatic,
Echo-locating Mammals during Ontogenesis; Frequency-selectivity of the Auditory
System in the Bottlenose Dolphin, Tursiops truncatus; Masked Hearing
Abilities in a False Killer Whale (Pseudorca crassidens); Electrophysiological
Studies on Hearing in Some Cetaceans and a Manatee; Localization of the Acoustic
Window at the Dolphin's Head; Concluding Comments on Cetacean Hearing and Echolocation
CHEMICAL/TACTILE/VISUAL SENSES: Preliminary Results from Psychophysical Studies on
the Tactile Sensitivity in Marine Mammals; Taste Reception in the Pacific Bottlenose
Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus gilli) and the California Sea Lion (Zalophus
californianus); Cognitive Performance of Dolphins in Visually-guided Tasks;
Anatomical and Histological Characteristics of the Eyes of a Month-old and an
Adult Harbor Porpoise (Phocoena); Chemical Sense of Dolphins: Quasi-olfaction;
Best Vision Zones in the Retinae of Some Cetaceans; Visual Ecology and Cognition
in Cetaceans; Non-acoustic Communication in Small Cetaceans: Glance, Touch, Position,
Gesture, and Bubbles; Visual Displays for Communication in Cetaceans; Concluding
Comments on Vision, Tactition, and Chemoreception
COMMUNICATION: Acoustic Behavior of Mysticete Whales; Acoustic Behavior in a Local
Population of Bottlenose Dolphins; Organization of Communication System in
Tursiops truncatus Montagu; Signalization of the Bottlenose Dolphin
during the Adaptation to Different Stressors; Concluding Comments on Acoustic
OTHER SENSES: Geomagnetic Sensitivity in Cetaceans: An Update with Live Stranding
Records in the United States; Geomagnetic Orientation in Cetaceans: Behavioural
Evidence; Attention and Decision-making in Echolocation Matching-to-Sample by a
Bottlenose Dolphin (Tursiops truncatus): The Microstructure of
Decision-making; Stimulus Equivalence and Cross-modal Perception: A Testable
Model for Demonstrating Symbolic Representations in Bottlenose Dolphins; The
Ability of Bottlenose Dolphins, Tursiops truncatus, to Report Arbitrary
Information; Concluding Comments on Other Sensory Abilities
Trisha: As someone who has made my living for the past dozen years both
indexing (primarily technical works) and teaching technical indexing, I am a
fair judge of indexes to technical/scientific material, and the 8-page index
in the present volume is, to be polite :-), completely inadequate.
Primer on indexes to technical material (for those who wish to provide a
useful instrument for the users of such volumes): The length of an index to
technical material should typically fall somewhere in the range of 5-10% of
the length of the text. Since the present volume contains 701 pages of text, a
high-quality, user-helpful index would fall somewhere between 35-70 pages in
length, probably somewhere toward the lower end of the range for this
particular volume.
Thomas, Jeanette A., Ronald A. Kastelein, and A. Y. Supin. Marine Mammal
Sensory Systems. New York: Plenum Press, 1991.
Subjects include: hearing, echolocation, sound production, communication,
sensory systems, sensory anatomy and morphology, neurology, and behavior.
Thomas, Jeanette A., and Cynthia Moss, eds. Echolocation in Bats and Dolphins. University of Chicago Press, 2002.
"Echolocation in Bats and Dolphins consists of six sections: mechanisms of echolocation signal production; the anatomy
and physiology of signal reception and interpretation; performance and cognition; ecological and evolutionary aspects of
echolocation mammals; theoretical and methodological topics; and possible echolocation capabilities in other mammals,
including shrews, seals, and baleen whales. Animal behaviorists, ecologists, physiologists, and both scientists and
engineers who work in the field of bioacoustics will benefit from this book."
Thompson, Paul, and Ben Wilson. Bottlenose Dolphins. WorldLife Library
series. Stillwater, Minnesota: Voyageur Press/Grantown-on-Spey: Colin Baxter
Photography, 1994.
Chapters include: Introduction, Mammals in the Sea, The Search for Food, Life
and Death in a Dolphin Society, Getting Involved, and Bottlenose Dolphin Facts.
Tiede, Tom, with Jack Findleton. The Great Whale Rescue: An American Folk
Epic. New York: Pharos Books, 1986.
From the dust jacket: "It started in mid-October 1985 when two windsurfers
on the Sacramento River saw a long, black, bulging bump shining in the autumnal
sun, and--swimming. It was a whale, a huge humpback whale.
"What in tarnation was going on? Whales live in the oceans and seas. They
do not go into estuaries with the trout.
"This is the story of that whale, often called Humphrey, and how more than
500 people united to work to get him safely back into the ocean where he belonged.
"Humphrey, it's safe to say, shan't soon be forgotten. He was the rarest of
creatures, an inspiration. He was celebrated by the big candles and small, and
he stopped the clock of an otherwise unhappy earth. Presidents and governors
paused for his arrival, generals and admirals secured the way.
"The whale in the river was the most thrilling arrival from another place
in 1985. A good many lives were touched for the better.
"One was that of Jack Findleton. Thirty-seven at the time. Fishing guide,
Vietnam veteran, married and with two children; boisterous, ambitious, daring
and sometimes profane. He had never seen a whale in person before October of
that year. He was nonetheless to become the best friend the beast had in the
human world. He led a waterborne rescue that science and common sense say saved
the large animal's life."
Tillman, M. F., and G. P. Donovan, eds. Special Issue on Historical Whaling
Records. Reports of the International Whaling Commission, Special Issue 5.
Cambridge: International
Whaling Commission, 1983.
Tilt, W. C. "Whales and Whalewatching in North America with Special Emphasis
on Whale Harassment." (If anyone knows the source of this article, I would
be grateful to receive this information--Trisha)
Time-Life Television Editors. Whales and Other Sea Mammals. Alexandria,
Virginia: Time-Life, 1977.
Tinker, Spencer Wilkie. Whales of the World. New York: E. J. Brill Publishing
Company/Honolulu, Hawaii: Bess Press, 1988.
"Whales of the World emphasizes anatomy and classification because
knowledge of these fields will most assist the reader who wants to learn the
identity and characteristics of the various species. The book, therefore, contains
very little physiology, information on the life habits of whales, or information
on whaling. In describing the various anatomical sytems of the whales, I usually
refer to these systems as they occur in typical mammals and in man. This affords
readers a wider point of view, offers a basis for comparing the whales with
other mammals and with [humans], and reminds us of our membership in the great
group of the mammals. In addition, I have supplied ample illustrations to give
readers visual images of the anatomical structures of the species described."
Chapters include: The Dim, Uncertain Past, The Early Fossils, The Families of
the Archaeoceti, The Whales in Ancient Times, The Life Span of the Families of
Whales, The Fossil and Recent Families of Whales, A Comparison of the Toothed
Whales and the Whalebone Whales, Introduction (to anatomy), The Skeletal System,
The Integumentary System, The Muscular System, The Digestive System, The
Respiratory System, The Circulatory System, The Endocrine System and the
Endocrine Glands, The Nervous System and the Sense Organs, The Excretory System,
The Male Reproductive System, The Female Reproductive System, The Position of
the Whales in the Animal Kingdom, The Classification of the Whales, several
chapters on The Toothed Whales and The Whalebone Whales, a bibliography, an
index, and an appendix containing a Cetacean Data Record for recording data on
stranded cetaceans.
Tobayama, Teruo. Iruka no ai: Oyko-ai, yujo, soshite ren'ai. Tokyo:
Kobunsha, 1994. (Dolphins.)
Todd, B. Whales and Dolphins of Kaikoura, New Zealand. Nelson, New
Zealand: Nature Downunder and Craig Potton Publishing, 1991.
Tomilin, Avenir G. V mire kitov i del'finov (In the World of Whales and
Dolphins). Moscow: Znanie, 1980.
___________. Del'finy sluzhat cheloveku (Dolphins Serve Man). Moscow:
Nauka, 1969.
___________. Mammals of the U.S.S.R. and Adjacent Countries. Vol. 9:
Cetacea (Kitoobraznye). V. G. Heptner, series ed. Moscow: Izdatel'stvo Akademi Nauk USSR, 1957/Jerusalem: Israel Program for Scientific Translations, 1967. Russian edition available from Donald Hahn Natural History Books, (520) 634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217. English edition available from U.S. Department of Commerce, Clearinghouse for Federal Scientific and Technical Information, Springfield, Virginia 22151.
___________. Istoriia slepogo kashalota (The History of the Blind
Cachalot). Moscow: Nauka, 1965.
___________. Cetaceans of the Fauna of the U.S.S.R. Seas. Moscow:
Academy of Sciences U.S.S.R., 1962. In Russian. Available from Donald Hahn
Natural History Books, (520) 634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217.
___________. On the Behavior and Sonic Signalling of Whales. Translated
by A. De Vreeze and De. E. Sergeant. Fish. Res. Board Canada, 1955.
Tougaard, Svend, and Carl Chr. Kinze (, eds. Proceedings from the Worskshop Sperm Whale Strandings in the North Sea - The Event - The Action - The Aftermath, Romo, Denmark 26-27 May 1998. Biological Papers series no. 1. Esbjerg, Denmark: Fisheries and Maritime Museum, 1999. Available from Fisheries and Maritine Museum, Tarphagevej 2, DK 6710 Esbjerg V, DENMARK.
Towery, Twyman. Wisdom of Dolphins. Brentwood: Lead Dog Publishing/Wessex House Publishing, 1996. (business theme)
Traks, Claude. Aà la Recherche du Message des Dauphins ou l'Hypothèse Cétacés. Bruxelles, Belgique: Éditions CommuniCare, 1999. (New Age) [In French]
True, Frederick W. The Whalebone Whales of the Western North Atlantic
Compared with Those Occurring in European Waters with Some Observations on the
Species of the North Pacific. Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge Series,
Vol. XXXIII. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1983. Reprint of
1904 edition. NHBS Mailorder Book Store has acquired the last remaining copies.
___________. An Account of the Beaked Whales of the family Ziphidoh in the
Collection of the United States National Museum, with Remarks on Some Specimens
in Other American Museums. Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office,
___________. Contributions to the Natural History of the Cetaceans, a Review
of the Family Delphinidae. U.S. National Museum, Bulletin 36, 1889.
Townsend, Charles Haskins. The Porpoise in Captivity. New York Aquarium Nature Series. New York: New York Zoological Society, 1914. Reprinted from Zoologica, 1(16).
From the book: "One of the five porpoises, put into the pool apparently uninjured, soon became deformed in the hinder portion of the body and cannot participate in the rough gambols indulged in by the others, keeping mainly to the outer circle of the pool. Its injuries are probably due to rough handling at the time of capture, as some of the porpoises were dragged away from the net with a rope tied around the tail. Its present appearance suggests two dislocations of the vertebrae back of the dorsal fin. This porpoise always swims slowly and is without doubt permanently crippled . . ."
Truitt, Deborah, ed. Dolphins and Porpoises: A Comprehensive, Annotated
Bibliography of the Smaller Cetacea. Detroit, Michigan: Gale Research, 1974.
Tryckare, Tre, ed. The Whale. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1968.
Tucker, Mark. Whales and Whale Watching in Australia. Canberra:
Australian National Parks and Wilflife Service, 1989.
Turner, James Ernest. The Dolphin's Skin: Six Studies in Eccentricity.
London: Cassell & Co., 1956.
Turner, Sir William. The Marine Mammals of the Anatomical Museum of the
University of Edinburgh. London: 1912.
Twiss, John R., and Randall R. Reeves, eds.. Conservation and Management of Marine Mammals. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1999.
Tyack, P., R. Connor, J. Mann, and H. Whitehead. Dolphins and Whales: Field
Studies of Behavior. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press, in press.
Underwater Drilling--Measurements of Sound Levels and Their Effects on
Belukha Whales. American Petroleum Institute, 1986.
U.S. Dept. of Commerce, National Oceanic nd Atmospheric Administration, National
Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources. Final Environmental
Impact Statement on the Use of Marine Mammals in Swim-with-the-Dolphin Programs. Silver Spring, MD: The Office, 1990.
Utrecht, W. L. van. On the Growth of the Baleen Plates of the Fin and Blue Whale. Amsterdam, 1965.
Valencic, Joe and Robin. The Complete Whale Watcher's Guide Rev. ed.
Hawaii: Joe Valencic, 1978. (1st ed.: Dana Point, California: Joe Valencic, 1975.)
Van der Post, Laurens. The Hunter and the Whale. London: Hogarth Press,
Van Eersel, Patrice. The Fifth Dream. In French.
Viallele, Serge. Dolphins and Whales from the Azores. Portugal, 1997.
"Viewing Marine Mammals in the Wild: Emerging Issues, Research and Management Needs" workshop. 15th Biennial
Conference on the Biology of Marine Mammals, Greensboro, North Carolina, USA, December 14, 2003.
Visser, Ingrid, and Rob Williams, eds. The Antarctic Killer Whale ID Catalogue. Data collection began June 2001. Images and sightings information can be mailed or e-mailed to either Ingrid Visser, The Orca Project, P.O. Box 1233, Whangarei, New Zealand, COURIER: "Aorangi," Matapouri Road, RD 3, Whangarei, New Zealand, or Rob Williams, Sea Mammal Research Unit, Gatty Marine Lab, University of St. Andrews, St Andrews KY16 8LB Scotland,, voice: 011.44.1334.462.630, fax: 011.44.1334.462.632.
Vladykov, Vadim Dmitrij. Chasse, biologie et valeur economique du marsouin
blanc ou beluga (Delphinapterus leucas) du fleuve et du golfe Saint-Laurent.
Quebec: Department des Pecheries, 1944.
Wade, Paul R., and Robyn P. Angliss. Guidelines for Assessing Marine Mammal
Stocks: Report of the GAMMS Workshop April 3-5, 1996, Seattle, Washington.
Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Naitonla Marine Fisheries Service, 1997. NOAA Technical
Memorandum NMFS-OPR-12.
Walker, Doris. The Whales of Capistrano Bay: Habits and History of
California Gray Whales. Dana Point, California: To-the-Point Press, 1981.
Walker, Terry J. How to Swim with Dolphins: A Guide to Being. Pahoa,
Hawaii: DolphinHeart Press, 1998. Available from DolphinHeart Press, P.O. Box
1077, Pahoa, Hawaii 96778, USA, e-mail:, URL: (descriptive, with New Age themes)
Trisha: Terry is more at home in the water and has spent more time swimming
with wild Hawaiian spinner dolphins than almost anyone I know. The guidelines
in her book are based on thousands of hours of experience, and she provides
detailed observations on wild dolphin behaviors, how to approach and interact
with them respectfully (as well as when not to approach), and how to
read their bodily warning signs--signs that unprepared swimmers often
mistakenly interpret as cute or friendly behaviors.
The information in the book is presented as a metaphor for personal growth
with a New Age orientation, but if this is not your orientation, it can be
read for its practical guidelines alone.
___________. Dolphin Healing, Dolphin Heart: Adventures in Consciousness. Pahoa, Hawaii: DolphinHeart Press, 2001. Available from DolphinHeart Press, P.O. Box 1077, Pahoa, Hawaii 96778, USA, e-mail:, URL: (New Age)
___________. The Dolphin Swimmer. Pahoa, Hawaii: DolphinHeart Press, 2001. Available from DolphinHeart Press, P.O. Box 1077, Pahoa, Hawaii 96778, USA, e-mail:, URL: (New Age)
Told in short 1-2 page vignettes.
Walker, Theodore J. Whale Primer, with Special Attention to the California
Gray Whale. Washington, D.C.: Cabrillo Historical Association, 1962, 1979.
Wallace, Robert K. Frank Stella's Moby-Dick Series: Of Whales and Waves in Paint, on Metal, in Space. The University of Michigan Press, 2000.
"Robert K. Wallace, an expert on Melville, has written a clear and comprehensive interpretation of Stella's artistic evolution during the creation of this series. Frank Stella's Moby-Dick Series describes the development of the series, traces its distribution and reception around the world, analyzes its rich and complex relation to the novel, and addresses the joint value of Stella's series and Melville's novel in expanding the consciousness of a shrinking world in the late twentieth century.
"Items from the Moby-Dick series have been exhibited in the United States, Europe, and Japan, but never before has there been a way to view them as a whole. Frank Stella's Moby-Dick Series provides the definitive documentation of this artistic achievement. Accompanied by more than 200 illustrations, Robert Wallace's text includes a chronology and a catalog raisonné of the artwork, as well as a list of exhibitions.
Waller, Geoffrey. The Great Whales. Pica Press, forthcoming December 1998.
Waller, L. L., S. M. Peterson, S. Muloin, and R. E. I. Otis. "The Impact of
Boat Traffic on the Satisfaction Levels of Killer Whale (Orcinus orca)
Watchers Both on Shore and on Boats in the Waters around San Juan Island, WA."
Poster at the American Cetacean Society Conference, San Pedro, California, USA,
November 8-9, 1996. Abstract in Whalewatcher (1996) 30(1):29.
Waples, Kelly A., and Clifford S. Stagoll. "Ethical Issues in the Release
of Animals from Captivity." Bioscience, February 1997, 47(2): 115-121.
Ward, Nathalie. Stellwagen Bank: A Guide to the Whales, Sea Birds, and Marine
Life of the Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary. Camden, Maine:
Down East Books, 1995.
Chapters include: The Pageant of Life; The Geology of Stellwagen Bank; Harbors;
The Stellwagen Bank Ecosystem; Sea Birds; Fish and Fishermen; Vessel Traffic in
Sanctuary Waters; Whales, Porpoises, and Dolphins; Encounters with Whales; Seals;
Sea Turtles; and Conservation Issues. Also includes an index.
___________. Whales and Dolphins of the Caribbean. Natural History series. Caribbean Macmillan, forthcoming. Author email:
Warnek, R. M., ed. Victoria Whale Rescue Plan: A Contingency Plan for the
Strandings of Cetaceans (Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises) on the Victoria Coastline.
Melbourne, Australia: Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands, 1986.
Water Quality for Captive Marine Mammals: USDA Symposium Proceedings. Washington, D.C.: United States Department of Agriculture/Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, 1992. Technical Bulletin No. 1868. Available from Animal Welfare Information Center, National Agricultural Library, 10301 Baltimore Avenue, Beltsville, MD 20705, USA, tel: 301-504-6212, fax: 301-504-7125, email:, URL:
Waters, John. Marine Animal Collectors. New York: Hastings House, 1969.
Watson, Lyall. The Dreams of Dragons: Riddles of Natural History. New
York: William Morrow and Co., 1987.
___________. Whales of the World. London: Hutchinson and Co. Ltd.,
1985. (Previous edition published as Sea Guide to Whales of the World.)
___________. Sea Guide to Whales of the World: A Complete Guide to the
World's Living Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1981.
From a review in Oceans magazine:
"In an effort to make his book complete, Watson included every bookwise
device short of recorded sounds and scratch and sniff whale breath. Whale
enthusiasts need an in-depth and concise book about cetaceans, and to an extent
Watson's work approaches this need. But like a new car that fails to run properly
despite a profusion of nifty gadgets, the book falters under the weight of too
many insidious breaches of fact.
"As a naturalist Watson is not completely at fault. His exhaustive research
of the literature adds interesting but obscure facts about the history of
scientific investigation into cetaceans. Therein lies the flaw. Much of the
information found in the literature is contradicted by recent research.
Unfortunately, Watson wrote emphatically about those facts most subject to
debate. Since the work was not a scientific treatise, supporting data was [sic]
omitted or simply unavailable, leaving the reader with questionable information.
"Despite its shortcomings, Watson's [book] does contain a good amount of
interesting facts. The experienced marine mammal naturalist will find useful
information presented in a unique form incorporating many charts, graphs, and
keys. The most interesting of these are the several wet and dry keys for
identifying whales based in form on the 'tree finder' idea. However, the casual
reader must be wary to quote from the book for fear of passing on misinformation,
which appears too often in this otherwise noble attempt."
___________. Whales. New York: Basic Books, 1962.
Watson, Paul. Ocean Warrior: My Battle to End the Illegal Slaughter on the
High Seas. Toronto, Ontario, Canada: Key Porter Books, 1994.
Watson, Paul, as told to Warren Rogers. Sea Shepherd: My Fight for Whales
and Seals. New York: W. W. Norton & Company, 1982.
Weinrich, Mason T. Observations: The Humpback Whales of Stellwagen Bank.
Hanover and London: University Press of New England, 1985.
Wells, Randall S. Structural Aspects of Dolphin Societies. Ph. D. thesis,
University of California, Santa Cruz, 1986.
Wells, Randall S., Michael D. Scott, and A. Blair Irvine. "The Social Structure
of Free-Ranging Bottlenose Dolphins." Current Mammalogy, v. 1, 1987:
The West Edmonton Mall Dolphins: Options for the Future. Toronto,
Ontario, Canada: Zoocheck Canada, 1996. Available from Zoocheck Canada, Inc., 3266 Yonge Street, Suite 1729, Toronto,
Ontario M4N 3P6, Canada, (416) 285-1744, e-mail:
Weyler, Rex. Song of the Whale. Anchor Press, 1986.
"Physiological psychologist Paul Spong was something of an academic prodigy
when he first started his research on Orcinus orca . . . at the
Vancouver Public Aquarium in 1967. That research would change his life forever.
Observing Skana, his first whale subject and the first killer whale ever to
survive captivity, Spong discovered many startling new facts about the nature of
whales' intelligence, their curiosity, impulse to communicate, powers of dexterity,
and even sense of humor. As his research led him to a deeper appreciation of
Skana's intellect and sensitivity, he fought for her freedom, arguing that
keeping her captive in a small pen was inhumane. It was an argument that got
him fired. He did, however, convince the University of British Columbia to
support his idea for a field station in the northern islands of the province.
It was there that Spong observed for the first time the remarkable cooperative
social behavior of orcas and their highly evolved communication in the wild. It
was there, too, that he became increasingly aware of the dangerous threat of
commercial whaling. As his involvement with the killer whales intensified,
Spong slowed his research to head up the Greenpeace Foundation's efforts to
protect the whale. That endeavor would ultimately lead to a successful ban
on whaling and a safe haven [for the orcas]."
The Whale. Communications/Research/Machines, Inc., 1970. In English and
Contains the following sections and chapters: WHALES: The Nature of Whales, The
Humpback Whale; THE SONG OF THE WHALE: The Discovery of the Humpback Whale Songs,
The Study of the Songs; THE TRAGEDY OF THE WHALE: How Whales Are Killed, The Business
of Killing Whales, Why Whales Are Killed; TURN BACK: What the Whale Song Says, The
Whale Campaign.
The Whale. New York: Simon and Schuster, 1968.
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. Sonar. Bath, England: Whale and
Dolphin Conservation Society, 1989. Available from Whale and Dolphin Conservation
Society, Alexander House, James St. West, Bath, Avon BA1 2BT, Great Britain,
voice: 01225 334511, fax: 01225 480097.
Biting the Hand that Feeds: The Case Against Dolphin Petting Pools booklet. Wiltshire, U.K. and
Portland, Ore.: The Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society and Washington, D.C.: The Humane Society of the
United States, 2003.
___________. International Whale Bulletin No. 8--Pollution Special.
Bath, England: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.
___________. Factsheets. Bath, England: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society.
Whale Intelligence Manual: Submarine or Whale. Pearl Harbor, Hawaii:
U.S. Navy Fleet Intelligence Center, 1961.
Whale Nation, Heathcote Williams. New York: Harmony Books, 1988.
Scott: An Extraordinary collection of items related to cetaceans, which
follows a very beautiful and powerful book-length poem about the history of the
whale/human story. Excellent, highest recommendation.
Whales and Dolphin in Action. Santa Monica, California: Intervisual
Books, Inc., 1991.
Whales and Dolphins of Western Australia. Author unknown. Bush Books
series. Australia: C.A.L.M., 1995.
Whales, Dolphins and Seals. Lebanon, New Hampshire: Whitman Publishing
and Distribution Company, 1997.
The Whale's Story: Passages from the Life of a Leviathan. London, 1868.
The Whalewatching Industry. 1993.
Whitehead, Hal. Voyage to the Whales. Post Mills, Vermont: Chelsea Green,
1990. (Indian Ocean, sperm whales)
"Through their journeys the crew would come to know the ocean-going habits
of the largest of all whales, the 200-ton great Blue Whale, and its smaller but
sportier cousin the Pilot Whale.
"But it was the Sperm Whale that would be the focus of their investigation,
bringing Whitehead and his team new insights into the social behaviour, mating
rituals, communication skills and migration habits of this fascinating mammal.
They would also witness an event few people ever see--the birth at sea of a baby
Sperm Whale."
___________. Sperm Whales: Social Evolution in the Ocean. Chicago: The University of Chicago
Press, 2003.
Some findings: They are very shy and can be easily spooked. They belong to clans, each identified by a series of clicks.
They seem to have a culture of some kind, in which the elders (who can live to be 100 years old or older) show family
groups where and how to find food. Dr. Whitehead writes that this culture "might encompass abstract concepts, perhaps
even religion." When swimming with the sperms, he found them gentle, nurturing, and skittish. He also observed moments
of play and of greeting. He and other scientists discovered that sperm whale societies are remarkably similar to elephant
societies, in which elders preserve the group's cultural memories and help the group survive. Early whalers, who hunted the
elder sperms may thus have damaged the whales' society.
The book concludes with warnings about modern threats to these magnificent whales and the need for conservation on "a
grand scale."
___________, L. Rendell, R. W. Osborne, and B. Wursig. Culture and conservation of non-humans with reference to whales and
dolphins: Review and new directions. Biological Conservation, 2004, 120(3):431-441. This paper is available at:
Whitfield, William K., Jr. An Annotated Bibliography of Dolphin and Porpoise
Families Delhinidae and Platanistidae. St. Petersburg, Florida: Marine
Research Laboratory, Florida Department of Natural Resources, 1971.
Whither the Whales? Entire issue of Oceanus 32, 1 (1989).
Whittell, Giles. The Story of Three Whales. Vancouver, British Columbia:
Douglas & McIntyre, 1988.
Whitty, Julia. Return of the Great Whales. 2000.
Wilkes, Tim, ed. Project Interspeak. San Francisco, 1979.
Wilkinson, D. National Contingency Plan for Response to Unusual Marine Mammal
Mortality Events. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Commerce, National
Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine Fisheries Service, 1996.
NOAA Technical Memorandum NMFS-OPR-9.
___________. Program Review of the Marine Mammal Stranding Network.
Report to Assistant Administrator for Fisheries. Washington, D.C.: Department
of Commerce, National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, National Marine
Fisheries Service, 1991. (See also the
Literature on Marine Mammal Strandings bibliography prepared by Wilkinson.)
Wilkinson, Pete, with Julia Schofield. Warrior: One Man's Environmental
Crusade. Lutterworth.
Williams, Heathcote. Whale Nation. New York: Harmony Books, 1988; London:
Jonathan Cape Ltd.
Endorsement by Ted Hughes, Poet Laureate of England: "The poem is overwhelming.
I can't tell you how much I admire it. You have a great theme, great subject
matter, but the way you deal with it seems to me brilliant, cunning, dramatic,
and wonderfully moving.
"I don't know anything like your poem. It's a breakthrough of some sort--
that cosmic scope and arena, and that remorseless deployment of the poetry of
fact, and the overall beauty of it . . . . I really treasure it."
Williams, Vanessa. Captive Orcas: Dying to Entertain You. Bath, England:
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, last updated 1998. Available from Whale and Dolphin
Conservation Society, Alexander House, James St. West, Bath, Avon BA1 2BT,
Great Britain, voice: 01225 334511, fax: 01225 480097.
Willughby, Francis. Ichthyographia. London: 1685.
Wilson, Ben. Dolphins of the World. Worldlife Library series. Grantown-on-Spey: Colin Baxter Photography, 1998/Stillwater, Minnesota: Voyageur Press, 2001.
From legend to science, exploitation to conservation, Dolphins of the World introduces readers to the beauty, biology, and mystery of dolphins. . . . This volume describes not only dolphins' differences but the way humans fit into their lives. The latest scientific research, personal experiences, and stunning photographs combine to create an awe-inspiring portrait of these fascinating creatures."
From a review by C. B. Delaney at "Introductory chapters about the dolphin's evolution, physique, and lifestyle are followed by sections devoted to the three major dolphin classifications: oceanic dolphins like the bottlenose and the clymene; coastal dolphins like the dusky and the Chilean; and river dolphins like the tucuxi and the Irrawaddy. Wilson's writing is learned but not overly dry. He is at his best when he turns to subjects very near his heart, such as dolphin conservation and research. One brief chapter entitled 'Getting to Know a Wild Dolphin' recounts his eight-year study of Kess, a dolphin who lived off the northeastern coast of Scotland. Wilson concludes the book with suggestions for further reading and information on how you can support research and conservation efforts. A full-color diagram of 30 of the dolphin species displays their diversity of shape, size, and color--from the reddish-pink boto to the huge, grey Risso's dolphin. Nearly 70 beautiful photos of many of these species accompany the text and help make this handsome book a treat for dolphin fans."
From a review by William Rossiter, Cetacean Society International, in Whales Alive!, July 2001, p. 12: "I enjoyed the very expressive analogies in this book, such as equating the river dolphins' home to the mazed undergrounds of London and subways of New York, or a pelagic dolphin's dive to a human taking a breath at the top of the Empire State Building, running to the basement, and back to the top for another breath. Wilson's lyrical descriptions of species and their environmental adaptations could fill many school reports. The photographs are incredible and beautiful. Not every image identifies the species, challenging the reader to learn enough to figure it out."
Winchell, J. M. A Field Manual for Small Cetacean Dissection. Bar
Harbor, Maine: College of the Atlantic, 1982.
Winn, H. E., and B. L. Olla, eds. Behavior of Marine Animals. Current
Perspectives in Research, Vol 3: Cetaceans. New York: Plenum Press, 1979.
Winn, Lois King, and Howard E. Winn. Wings in the Sea: The Humpback Whale.
Hanover and London: Published for University of Rhode Island by University Press of New
England, 1985.
___________. Whales. New York: Basic Books, 1962.
Wong, John. Chinese Resident Dolphins: Chinese White Dolphin with
Finless Porpoise & Baiji. Hong Kong: Green Power, 1997.
Wood, Forrest G. Marine Mammals and Man: The Navy's Porpoises and Sea Lions. Washington/New York: Robert B. Luce, Inc., 1973.
Wood, M. "Development and Operation of Human/Dolphin Swim Program."
In Proceedings of the 16th IMATA Conference, San Antonio, Texas,
pp. 123-128.
Woodings, Simon. "A Plausible Explanation for
Live Cetacean Mass Strandings." Thesis presented as partial fulfilment of the requirements for the Bachelor of
Science (Honours) degree at The University of Western Australia Physics Department, 1995.
World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF). "Northern Right Whale: The Most Endangered Great Whale in the World." World Wide Fund for Nature, 2000.
Wray, Phoebe. The Sperm Whale. Ayer, Massachusetts: Center for Action
on Endangered Species, 1979.
___________. The Whalebook, A Conservation Manual, Source Book, Teaching
Tool. Washington, D.C.: The Whale Protection Fund, The Center for Environmental Education, Inc., 1978/Boston: Endangered Species Productions, 1974.
___________, ed. Cetaceans, Brains, and Ethics. Washington, D.C.:
Center for Action on Endangered Species.
Würsig, Bernd. "Swim-With-Dolphin Activities in Nature: Weighing the
Pros and Cons." Whalewatcher (1996) 30(1):11-15.
___________, Thomas A. Jefferson, and David J. Schmidly. The Marine Mammals of the Gulf of Mexico. Paintings by Larry Foster. College Station, Texas: Texas A & M University, 2000.
___________, et al. "Behaviour of Cetaceans in the Northern Gulf
of Mexico Relative to Survey Ships and Aircraft." Aquatic Mammals
(1998) 24(1): 41-50.
Wurtz, Maurizio. Baleines et Dauphins de la Mediterranee. Monaco: Musee Oceanographique de Monaco, 1991. (Include 30 leaves of plates and
16 leaves of text in English. Each plate has caption title in French, Italian,
and English.)
Wurtz, Maurizio, and Nadia Repetto. Whales and Dolphins: Biological Guide to
the Life of Cetaceans. Swan Hill Press, 1998.
Wyland. The Undersea World of Wyland. Foreword by Sylvia Earle. Time Life, 1998.
___________. Celebrating 50 Wyland Whaling Walls. Wyland Studios, Inc., 1995.
___________. Whale Tales: Tales from America's Leading Marine Artist.
Wyland Studios, Inc., 1995.
Wyllie, Timothy. Dolphins, Telepathy & Underwater Birthing: Further Adventures among
Spiritual Intelligences. Santa Fe, N.M.: Bear & Co., 1993. (New Age)
___________. Dolphins, ETs & Angels: Adventures among Spiritual Intelligences.
Santa Fe, N.M.: Bear & Co., 1984. Republished as Adventures among Spiritual Intelligences: Angles, Aliens, Dolphins,
and Shamans. Rev. ed. Wisdom Publications, 2001. (New Age)
Wynne, Kate. Guide to Marine Mammals of Alaska. Illustrated by Pieter
Folkens. Marine Advisor Bulletin
MAB-44. Fairbanks, Alaska: Alaska Sea Grant College Program, University of
Alaska, 1992, 2d ed. 1997.
Contents include: Family Characteristics of Alaska Cetaceans, Morphology of
Cetaceans, Bowhead Whale, Northern Right Whale, Blue Whale, Fin Whale, Sei Whale, Minke Whale, Humpback Whale, Gray Whale, Sperm Whale, Belukha Whale, Baird's Beaked (Bottlenose) Whale, Cuvier's Beaked (Goosebeak) Whale, Stejneger's (Bering Sea) Beaked Whale, Killer Whale (Orca), Pacific White-sided Dolphin, Dall's Porpoise, Harbor Porpoise, other marine mammals, marine mammal names in various languages, and glossary
Trisha: Entries for each species are accompanied by full-color illustrations
and photos and provide information about size, body characteristics, color,
dorsal fin, blow, behavior, dive pattern, habitat, food habits, life history,
status, and human interactions.
Wynne, Kate, and Malia Schwartz. Guide to Marine Mammals and Turtles of the U. S. Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico. University of Rhode Island, Sea Grant Publications Unit, 1999.
Yablokov, Alexey. Beluga (Delphinapterus leucas): Investigation of
the Species. 1969.
___________. "O knige Dzh. Lilli 'Mir del'fina'." ("On J. Lilly's
Book 'The World of the Dolphin'" [the latter is the Russian substitution
for the actual title of Lilly's book, The Mind of the Dolphin]).
Priroda, no. 5, pp. 61-62.
Yablokov, A. V., V. M. Bel'kovich, and V. I. Borisov. Whales and Dolphins
(Kity i Del'finy). Moscow: Izd-vo Nauka, 1974. Jerusalem: Israel Program
for Scientific Translations, 1974. Arlington, Virginia: Joint Publications
Research Service, No. 62150, 1974. Russian edition available from Donald Hahn
Natural History Books, (520) 634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217.
Yates, Steve. Orcas, Eagles and Kings: A Popular Natural History of Georgia
Strait and Puget Sound. Seattle, Washington/Boca Raton, Florida: Primavera
Press, 1992.
___________. Marine Life of Puget Sound, the San Juans, and the Strait of
Georgia. Old Saybrook, Connecticut: Globe Pequot Press, 1988.
Yoder, Susan, and Major Benton. The Wisdom of Dolphins. Naperville, Illinois: Sourcebooks, 2000. (Combination of New Age and fact.)
From the authors: "We were extremely fortunate to have spent over 10 years among dolphins in the Florida Keys, the Bahamas, and along the Virginia and North Carolina coasts. Our book contains numerous stories from our own experiences, and many confirmed stories from others in the marine mammal community we have come to know.
"People learn from personal stories and direct experiences, as well as from scientific research. We know personally and through observation the positive effects that can result from being around dolphins. We've watched members of the general public come away from guided tours of dolphin facilities with a renewed interest in conservation of the marine environment. We've participated in and observed research being done with both wild and captive dolphin populations, and had personal experiences that changed our lives. We've taught programs involving dolphins interacting with people of all ages, and we've seen the results of therapy programs based on dolphin-human interactions that defy sober explanation.
"The "Flipper" movies and TV programs from the 50's and 60's were responsible for introducing millions of people to the fascinating world of dolphins, but there was a negative side as well. Many of us came away thinking of dolphins as cute little humans with flippers. Not! Though we have some characteristics which are comparable, there is more wisdom to be gained by seeking to understand dolphins just as they are - unique creatures with many abilities we cannot begin to duplicate, and are only just beginning to comprehend.
"The goal we set when deciding to write this book was to have readers come away with a better understanding of dolphins and of themselves, as well as a deeper reverence for all life. The book includes ideas and simple meditations which may help you along your own life's path. Dolphins can be a catalyst for people to experience living in the moment, opening of the heart, laughter, healing, and acceptance. The Wisdom of Dolphins provides an intimate sense of what it is like to be in the presence of dolphins, both in the wild and in facilities."
Trisha: Based primarily on observations/interactions with captive dolphins at Dolphin Research Center in Florida, this book is better than most New Age cetacean books in that it presents a somewhat more balanced view than those that hyper-idealize/mythologize dolphins and the larger whales. The latter books tend to portray cetaceans as one-dimensional, saintly beings (often from outer space) rather than as the complex, earthbound beings they are, with the full range of both positive and negative qualities.
Zahn, Karen. Whales. New York: Gallery Books (W. H. Smith Publishers, Inc.), 1988.
Contains chapters: Mankind's Eternal Muse, The Creation of the Cetacea, Family
Planning, The Intelligent Alien, Mating and Motherhood, Mysteries of the Migrating
Minstrels, The Lure of the Shore, Tributes to the Sea Monster, A History of Greed
and Shame, and Last Call to Humanity. Also includes a glossary, bibliography, and
an index.
Zhou Kaiya, and Zhang Xingduan. Baiji: The Yangtze River Dolphin and Other
Endangered Animals of China. Translated by Luo Changyan. Nanjing, China:
Yilin Press/Washington, D.C.: Stone Wall Press, 1991.
Zimmer, Carl, and Carl Buell. At the Water's Edge. New York: Free
Press (Simon & Schuster), 1998.
Chapter contents:
Introduction--Life's Warps: Introduces the puzzle of major evolutionary
transitions: how did major groups of organisms arise, how did new body
plans emerge, and how did they move into habitats that would have killed
their ancestors?
Chapter 1: After a Lost Baloon. The first century of the search for the
transition from fish to tetrapods, beginning with the discovery of the
lungfish in Brazil in the 1830s to the discovery of Ichthyostega in
Greenland in the 1930s.
Chapter 2: Limitless Air, Ho! How the habitat of the first tetrapods turned
out not to be arid and harsh but wet and lush, and the discovery in 1986 of
the full skeleton of Acanthostega, the best-known early tetrapod.
Chapter 3: How to Make a Hand. The coming together of embryology, genetics,
and paleontology, as exemplified by our new understanding of how fins were
transformed into limbs with digits.
Chapter 4: Darwin's Saplings. Our present understanding of the rise of
early tetrapods, based on the phylogeny of newly described animals such as
Chapter 5: The Mind at Sea. An overview of cetaceans--their physiology,
biomechanics, and behavior--and a difficult question: how did they evolve?
Chapter 6: The Equation of a Whale. The history of the study of ancient
whales: from the discovery of the first whale fossils (initially taken to
be giant marine reptiles) to the discovery of their closest relatives on
land, the mesonychids.
Chapter 7: Along the Tethyan Shores. The work of Philip Gingerich, who
discovered Pakicetus, the oldest whale, as well as a Basilosaurus skeleton
with hind legs complete with toes.
Chapter 8: Walking to Swimming. The discovery of Ambulocetus, the oldest
whale fossil with feet.
Chapter 9: A Voyage Out. A summary of our current understanding of the
origin and rise of cetaceans, including a discussion of the conflicts
between molecular and morphological phylogenies.
Chapter 10: On the Trails of Macroevolution. Some general principles that
emerge from a comparison of the origins of tetrapods and cetaceans, as well
as other transitions.
Zitwer, Barbara J. Dolphins. Magic of the Ocean Series. New York:
Warner Books, 1995.
___________. Whales. Magic of the Ocean Series. New York: Warner Books,
Sample contents (volume 23, issue 3): a book review by Sam Ridgway,
sonar observations of killer whales feeding on herring schools by Tiu Simila,
descriptions of the behavior of wild humpback dolphins in South Africa by
Karczmarski et al, a survey of captive odontocetes in Japan by Nakahara and
Takemura, a description of the variations in external appearance of Fraser's
dolphins by Jefferson et al, association indices of reproductively active
female Atlantic spotted dolphins by Herzing and Brunnick, and habitat use by
bottlenose dolphins by Grigg and Markowitz.
To subscribe, click on Aquatic Mammals above, or contact: Jeanette Thomas, Editor, Western Illinois University, 3561 60th St., Moline, Illinois 61265, USA, voice: 309-762-9481, fax: 309-762-6989, e-mail:
Caribbean Journal of Science. Archival CD-ROM containing the complete text of every article from the first issue of 1961 to the last issue of 1997, for PC or Mac. Caribbean Journal of Science, College of Arts and Sciences, University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez, Puerto Rico 00680. Jose A. Mari Mutt, editor, e-mail:
Cetacea Informa
Cetology (defunct; back issues only)
Investigations on Cetacea. G. Pilleri, ed. Berne, Switzerland, 1969 on
(defunct; back issues only)
Journal of Cetacean Research and Management. A publication of the International Whaling Commission (IWC).
Marine Mammal Science
Volumes 1-13 are available on CD.
Click here for a downloadable bibliography of the contents of Marine Mammal Science and the Society's special publications.
The downloadable bibliography is formatted for importation into a commercially available literature citation program and in a generic format that can be imported into a variety of database programs.
The bibliography is also available via the Papyrus Bibliography System (DOS/Windows and Macintosh). Click here for further details and to download the files.
MMPA Bulletin. To subscribe (free of charge) send your mailing address to, or write to National Marine Fisheries Service, Office of Protected Resources, Marine Mammal Division--MMPA Bulletin, 1315 East-West Highway, Silver Spring, Maryland 20910.
Ocean Realm: International Magazine of the Sea
Right Whale News. Edited by Hans Neuhauser. To subscribe, send your mailing address to
Sea Frontiers
Society for Marine Mammalogy Newsletter.
Whale and Dolphin Magazine. Rachel Saward, Publishing Editor, URL:
Whale World
"Whale World's objective is to disseminate news, views and
information, to as wide an audience as possible, on issues facing whales,
dolphins and porpoises around the globe. Broadly speaking, its content will
be a blend of feature articles and a summary of news from the previous few
Contents of first two issues: July 1998: The Killers of Alaska; New Law for the
Galapagos?; Mekong River Dolphins on Brink of Extinction; Conservation of
Dolphins in Senegal: An Indigenous Experience; Dolphin-Watching in the Philippines;
Cetaceans off the Scottish Islands; Kaikoura: Home of the Sperm Whale; For
Grey Whales, Salt in the Wounds; Turning the World Upside-Down (about
human-gray whale interaction in Baja California); Grey Whales: One Population
Down--One More to Follow?; Mass Stranding of Beaked Whales in South Africa;
Protecting Humpback Whales in Brazil; Book Reviews; January 1999: Dolphin
Encounters; Hong Kong's Pink Dolphins; Bottlenose Dolphins of the Moray Firth,
Scotland; A Place Called Frederick Sound; Gairloch, South-West Scotland . . .
1998 Update; Shetland--Whales and Dolphins; Mass Stranding of Goosebeak Whales
in Puerto Rico; South Africa's Whale Haven; Maldives; Tropical Cetacean Paradise;
Whales in Antarctic Waters: Historical and Scientific Issues
To subscribe to this biannual publication,
contact Nature Alert, P.O. Box 1060, Bath BA1 3YB, England, e-mail:, tel/fax: +44 1225 444929.
Trisha: This nicely produced, full-color/black-and-white combination, glossy,
small newspaper-size, eight-page magazine combines articles on the behaviors and
status of, and threats to, various species of cetaceans with ecotourism articles
on various whale- and dolphin-watching destinations around the world, and the
problems and legislation associated with increasing numbers of watchers and
Allen, K. Radway. Conservation and Management of Whales. Seattle,
Washington: Univeristy of Washington Press, 1980.
Animal Welfare Institute. Whales vs. Whalers 1971-1995: A Continuing
Commentary. Rev. ed. Washington, DC, USA: Animal Welfare Institute, 1995.
"This compilation of articles from the AWI Quarterly (formerly
Information Report) is presented in the order in which they appeared.
None of the articles have been edited with hindsight but, rather, carry the
flavor of the campaign at the time they were written."
Trisha: This broad collection contains over 250 articles.
Baker, C. S., and P. J. Clapham. "Modeling the Past and Future of
Whales and Whaling." Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 2004, 19:365-371.
Abstract: Historical reconstruction of the population dynamics of whales
before, during and after exploitation is crucial to marine ecological
restoration and for the consideration of future commercial whaling.
Population dynamic models used by the International Whaling Commission
require historical catch records, estimates of intrinsic rates of
increase and current abundance, all of which are subject to considerable
uncertainty. Population genetic parameters can be used for independent
estimates of historical demography, but also have large uncertainty,
particularly for rates of mutation and gene flow. At present,
demographic and genetic estimates of pre-exploitation abundance differ
by an order of magnitude and consequently, suggest vastly different
baselines for judging recovery. Here, we review these two approaches and
suggest the need for a synthetic analytical framework to evaluate
uncertainty in key parameters. Such a framework could have broad
application to modeling both historical and contemporary population
dynamics in other exploited species.
Birnie, Patricia. International Regulation of Whaling: From Conservation of
Whaling to Conservation of Whales and Regulation of Whale Watching. Dobbs
Ferry, New Jersey: Oceana Publications, 1985.
Blichfeldt, Georg, ed. 11 Essays on Whales and Man. 2d ed. Reine i Lofoten,
Norway: High North Alliance (a pro-whaling organization).
Blichfeldt, Georg, and Elisabeth Hallenstvedt, eds. Additional Essays on
Whales and Men. Reine i Lofoten, Norway: High North Alliance (a pro-whaling
Burns, Williams C. G. 1999. "From Harpoon to the Heat: The International Whaling Commission and Climate Change." Leiden International Law Journal, 1999, 5(3).
Caulfield, Richard A. Greenlanders, Whales, and Whaling: Sustainability
and Self-Determination in the Arctic. Arctic Visions series. Hanover, New
Hampshire: Dartmouth College/University Press of New England, 1997. To order,
contact University Press of New
England, 23 South Main Street, Hanover, New Hampshire 03755, USA, fax:
(603) 643-1540, e-mail:,
___________, and Alexander Gillespie. The Future of Cetaceans in a Changing World. Ardsley, N.Y.: Transnational
Publishers, 2003.
___________, and Geoffrey Wandesforde-Smith. "The International Whaling Commission and the Future of Cetaceans in a
Changing World. Review of European Community and International Environmental Law, 2002, 11(2):199-210.
Richard Caulfield is assistant professor of rural development at the
University of Alaska, Fairbanks.
Clapham, Phil. "Too Much Is Never Enough: Can the Whaling Industry Be
Trusted?" Whalewatcher, 1996, 30(1):4-7.
Clapham, P.J., P. Berggren, S. Childerhouse, N. A. Friday, T. Kasuya, L. Kell, K.-H. Kock, S. Manzanilla, G. di Sciara,
W. F. Perrin, A. J. Read, R. R. Reeves, E. Rogan, L. Rojas-Bracho, T. D. Smith, M. Stachowitsch, B. L. Taylor, D. Thiele,
P. R. Wade, and R. L.Brownell, Jr. "Whaling as Science." Bioscience, 2003, 53:210-212.
Creswell, Joel. "The Exploitative History and Present Status of Marine Mammals in Barbados, W.I.". Macalester Environmental Review, 28 May 2002.
There is no historical or current record of dolphin exploitation, although several different species are present in the area. There is no reliable evidence than manatees were ever present in the area, due mainly to the island's outlying position from the arc of southeast Caribbean islands.
Present exploitation is limited to very rare incidental catches of dolphins in fishing nets. Barbados is under pressure, however, to join the International Whaling Commission in order to promote commercial whaling. The resumption of commercial whaling, the financial feasibility of which is questionable, would seriously threaten the conservation status of Barbados' marine mammals.
Currey, Dave. "The Evolution of the IWC: A Report from Kyoto." The
Animal Welfare Institute Quarterly, Spring 1993.
D'Amato, A. and S. K. Chopra. "Whales: Their Emerging Right to Life." In
American Journal of International Law 85(1):21-62.
Environmental Investigation Agency. Dying by Degrees: Global Warming and the
Environmental Crisis Threatening the World's Whales and Dolphins. London/
Washington, D.C.: Environmental Investigation Agency, date unknown. EIA can be
contacted at 15 Bowling Green Lane, London EC1R 0BD, voice: (44) 171 490 7040.
___________. The Global War Against Small Cetaceans: The IWC and the Politics
of Extinction. London/Washington, D.C.: Environmental Investigation Agency,
___________. The Global War Against Small Cetaceans. A second report.
London/Washington, D.C.: Environmental Investigation Agency, 1991.
___________. The Continuing Global War Against Small Cetaceans. A third
report. London/Washington, D.C.: Environmental Investigation Agency, date unknown.
Donovan, G. P. Aboriginal/Subsistence Whaling (with special reference to
the Alaska and Greenland Fisheries). Reports of the International Whaling
Commission, Special Issue 4. Cambridge: International
Whaling Commission, 1982.
Freeman, M. Recovering Rights: Bowhead Whales and Inuvialuit Subsistence in
the Western Canadian Arctic. Circumpolar Institute Occassional Publications
31. Canada: Circumpolar Institute, 1992.
Freeman, Milton M. R., R. A. Bogoslovskaya, R. A. Caulfield, I. Egede, I. I.
Krupnik, and M. G. Stevenson. Inuit, Whaling, and Sustainability.
AltaMira Press: 1998.
Contents include: Foreword by Aqqaluk Lynge, President of the Inuit Circumpolar
Conference; Introduction: A Book on Inuit Whaling?; The Importance of Inuit
Whaling Today; Whaling by Inuit: Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow; Human Rights
and the International Whaling Commission; A Review of Whaling Management Regimes;
Challenges to the Sustainable Use of Whales by Inuit; Securing the Future of
Inuit Whaling; Epilogue: Inuit and Whales; Glossary; Index
Freeman, Milton M. R., and Urs P. Kreuter, eds. Elephants and Whales: Resources
for Whom? Basel, Switzerland: Gordon and Breach Publishers, 1994.
Friedheim, Robert L., ed. Toward a Sustainable Whaling Regime. Edmonton, Alberta, Canada: CCI Press ( and Seattle, Washington: University of Washington Press (, 2001.
"Fifty-five years ago Canada was a founding member of the International
Whaling Commission. Today the IWC is still the recognized world
authority on whale management. Canada, meanwhile, has quit the
organization it helped create and is now the only developed nation on
earth killing great whales without belonging to the IWC. Canada's
Eastern Arctic bowheads are classified as 'highly endangered' by the IWC
Scientific Committee. And in the opinion of the world's foremost
bowhead scientist, Kerry Finley of Victoria B.C., Canada's quota on
Eastern Arctic bowheads is 'scientifically indefensible.'
"Who turned this once law-abiding nation into a pirate whaler using bogus
science to kill an endangered species? According to the report, the
answer is Canada's Department of Fisheries and Oceans. Canada's DFO has
become a bureaucratic fortress with a catastrophic and much publicized
history of mismanaging Atlantic cod and Pacific salmon, and of
subverting scientific inquiry to serve political objectives. In the
case of the bowhead whale, DFO bureaucrats have dogmatically ignored or
disputed the research of all independent scientists, relying instead on
their own dubious population estimates to justify a hunt."
H?gh, Helle. Bowhead whaling in Nunavut: A symbol of self government.
In: Jens Dahl, Jack Hicks & Peter Jull, eds. Nunavut: Inuit Regain
Control of the Lands and their Lives. Copenhagen: IWGIA
Document 102, 2000, pp. 196-204.
Hess, Bill. Gift of the Whale: The Inupiat Bowhead Hunt, a Sacred Tradition. Sasquatch Books, 1999.
Holt, S. "Creating Confidence." Marine Pollution Bulletin.
___________. "Norway's War on the Little Leviathan of the North Atlantic.
" IFAW Technical Briefing 94:3. East Sussex, England: International Fund for Animal Welfare, 1994.
___________. " Resignation of the Chairman of the Scientific Committee of the IWC: A Commentary." IFAW/IOI Technical Briefing 93:9. East Sussex, England: International Fund for Animal Welfare, 1993.
Hoyt, Erich. Whale Watching 2000: Worldwide Tourism Numbers, Expenditures, and Expanding Socioeconomic Benefits. Yarmouth Port, Massachusetts: International Fund for Animal Welfare, 2000.
"Since the last global survey on whale watching, conducted in 1994, the
number of people who took part in a whale watching trip grew 40%. At least
492 communities in 87 countries now have whale watching businesses, while
since 1994, 22 countries have started whale watch tours.
"Africa has the fastest growth in whale watching of any continent. Central
America and the West Indies are second, and Asia is third in growth. In
addition to economic benefits, the whale watching industry makes important
educational, environmental, socioeconomic and scientific contributions.
"'This report is very exciting in that it highlights not only the growth of
whale watching as an economically successful global industry, but that it
signifies a growing global appreciation of whales and marine environments,'
said Dr. Carole Carlson, IFAW Senior Marine Biologist and whale watching
expert, from Provincetown, MA, once a whaling center and now home to one of
the world's most prosperous whale watching industries."
___________. "Commercial Whaling: A Corrupt Industry." IFAW Technical
Briefing 94:6. East Sussex, England: International Fund for Animal Welfare,
___________. "Implications of Revelations of Soviet Under-Reporting of
Antarctic Whale Catches." IFAW Technical Briefing 94:7. East Sussex,
England: International Fund for Animal Welfare, 1994.
___________. "How Many Minke Whales in the Northeast Atlantic?" IFAW
Technical Briefing 94:8. East Sussex, England: International Fund for Animal
Welfare, 1994.
___________. "Comment on a Proposal by the Government of Norway to Downlist
the Minke Whales from the Northeast Atlantic from CITES Appendix I to Appendix
II." IFAW Technical Briefing 94:9. East Sussex, England: International
Fund for Animal Welfare, 1994.
___________. "The Un-Ethics of Whaling." In Nick Davies, Alison M.
Smith, Sean R. Whyte, Vanessa Williams, eds, Why Whales?. Bath, England:
Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, 1991. Available from Whale and Dolphin
Conservation Society, Alexander House, James St. West, Bath, Avon BA1 2BT,
Great Britain, voice: 01225 334511, fax: 01225 480097.
Hrynyshyn, James, and Annelise Sorg.
Candada's Bowhead Hunt: In the Whales' Best Interest?. Vancouver, B.C., Canada: Canadian Marine Environment
Protection Society, 2003.
Contents: Fourth Sanctioned Bowhead Hunt in Nunavut; CMEPS Presidents Message; Executive Summary; 1996 - 2002 Bowhead Hunts
in Nunavut; Introduction; History of Canadian Bowhead Hunts; Politics & Science; The Small Cetacean Example; Narwhal Hunts
Chart; Health Risks; A Future in Tourism; Things to Do in Nunavut; Conclusion; Nunavuts Whale Watching Tour Operators; End
International Fund for Animal Welfare. "Whale for Sale." East Sussex,
England: International Fund for Animal Welfare, 1998.
International Network for Whaling Research Digest. For hardcopy, contact the editor at For additional information regarding the Canadian Circumpolar Institute Web site, contact
Whaling Commission. Annual and special reports. Address: IWC, The Red
House, 135 Station Road, Histon, Cambridge, United Kingdom, voice: +44 (0)1223
233971, fax: +44 (0)1223 232876, e-mail:
International Whaling Commission. Resolutions from the 42nd-51st meetings (1990-1999). Full text provided by American Society of International Law - Wildlife Interest Group.
International Whaling Statistics. Annual reports. Committee for Whaling
Statistics, Oslo, Norway, 1930 on. Available from International
Whaling Commission, Cambridge, England.
Iwasaki-Goodman, Masami, Masahiro Nomoto and Norihito Fujishima. Ainu
Minzoku no Kujira Riyou Bunka [Whale Culture of the Ainu]. Geiken Tsushin, 2000,
Jamieson, Dale, and Tom Regan. "Whales Are Not Cetacean Resources."
In Michael W. Fox and Linda D. Mickley, eds., Advances in Animal Welfare
Sciences. Boston: Martinus Nijhof, 1985.
Jenkins, Leesteffy, and Cara Romanzo. "Makah Whaling: Aboriginal
Subsistence or a Stepping Stone to Undermining the Commercial Whaling
Moratorium?" Colorado J. Int. Environ. Law Policy (1998) 9(1): 71-114.
Jonaitis, Aldona, with Richard Inlis. The Yuquot Whalers' Shrine.
Seattle & London: University of Washington Press, 1999.
Jones, Mary Lou, Steven L. Schwartz, and Stephen Leatherwood, eds. The
Gray Whale: Eschrichtius robustus. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, 1984.
(800) 321-5068. Also available from Donald Hahn Natural History Books, (520)
634-5016, fax: (520) 634-1217.
The Journal of Sustainable Use, Vol. 2. (Pro-marine mammal slaughter.)
Kalland, A., and B. Moeran. Japanese Whaling: End of an Era?. Curzon Press,
Kemf, Elizabeth and Cassandra Phillips. Whales in the Wild: 1998 WWF Species
Status Report. Gland, Switzerland: World Wide Fund for Nature, 1995.
___________. Whales in the Wild: 1995 WWF Species Status Report.
Gland, Switzerland: World Wide Fund for Nature, 1995.
Kulasinghe, Chandima. Investigation into Local Whaling Communities in Japan.
Undergraduate dissertation, University of Sheffield, School of East Asian Studies,
Larsen, Helge Eyvin, and Froelich Gladstone Rainey. Ipituak and the Arctic
Whale Hunting Culture. New York: Anthropological Papers of the American
Museum of Natural History, Vol. 42, 1948.
Mackintosh, N. A. The Stocks of Whales. Buckland Foundation series. London: Fishing News Books Ltd, 1965. (Included for historical purposes.)
McCartney, Allen P. Hunting the Largest Animals: Native Whaling in the Western
Arctic and Subarctic. Circumpolar Institute Occasional Publications 36.
Canada: Circumpolar Institute, 1995.
Mitchell, Edward D. Bibliography of Whale Killing Techniques. [publisher unknown].
Motluk, Alison. "From Harpoon to Plate: A DNA Database Could Prevent the
Illegal Export of Whalemeat. But Who Will Control It?" New Science
(1998) 158 (2136): 14.
Mulvaney, Kieran. The Whaling Season: An Inside Account of the Struggle to Stop Commercial Whalin. Washington, D.C.:
Island Press, 2003.
"Over the past decade, Kieran Mulvaney led four such expeditions as a campaigner and coordinator. In The Whaling
Season, he recounts those voyages in all their drama, disappointments, strain, and elation, giving readers a
behind-the-scenes look at the hazards and triumphs of life as an environmental activist on the high seas. The author also
explores the larger struggles underlying the expeditions, drawing on the history of commercial whaling and Antarctic
exploration, the development of Greenpeace, and broader scientific and political efforts to conserve marine life. He presents
a rich portrait of the current struggles and makes an impassioned plea for protection of some of the worlds most spectacular
Nagasaki, Dr. F. "On the Whaling Controversy." In Whaling Issues and
Japan's Whale Research. Tokyo: Institute of Cetacean Research, 1993.
Nihon Kujirarui Kenkyujo, ed. Whaling Issues and Japan's Whale Research.
Tokyo: Institute of Cetacean Research, 1993.
Osterwoldt, Ralph U. International Law and Politics of Conservation: The
Case of the Whales. Master of Philosophy (Politics) thesis (Spine title:
Whale Conservation). Oxford: University of Oxford, 1982.
Pacific Center for International Studies. "The International
Whaling Commission and the Regulation of Consumptive and Non-Consumptive Uses of Small
Cetaceans: A Critical Agenda for the 1990s." PCIS International Environmental
Law & Policy Occasional Paper Series, No. 5, February 1995. Madison, Wisconsin:
The Pacific Center for International Studies. Available from PCIS, 33 University
Square, Ste. 184, Madison, WI 53715, (608) 256-6312,, for
$13.00. Add $2.00 for overseas shipping.
___________. "The International Whaling Commission in the 1990s: Problems
and Prospects." PCIS International Environmental Law & Policy Occasional
Paper Series, No. 6, February, 1995. Madison, Wisconsin: The Pacific Center for
International Studies. Available from PCIS, 33 University Square, Ste. 184,
Madison, WI 53715, (608) 256-6312,, for $13.00. Add $2.00
for overseas shipping.
Palazzo, José Truda, Jr. "Whose Whales? Developing Countries and the
Right to Use Whales by Non-Lethal Means." Journal of International Wildlife Law & Policy, 1999, 2(1):69-78).
Paul, Dameriolus. Psychological Peculiarities of Whales, Whaling, Whalers
and the Dangers from the Sea. Albuquerque, New Mexico: American
Institute for Psychological Research, 1992.
Payne, Roger. "Is Whaling Justifiable on Ethical and Moral Grounds?" In Nick Davies, Alison M. Smith, Sean R. Whyte, Vanessa Williams, eds, Why
Whales?. Bath, England: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, 1991.
Available from Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, Alexander House, James
St. West, Bath, Avon BA1 2BT, Great Britain, voice: 01225 334511, fax: 01225
Phillips, C. "The Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary." WWF International
Discussion Paper. Gland, Switzerland: World Wide Fund for Nature, 1993.
Reeves, Randall R. History of the White Whale (Delphinapterus leucas):
Exploitation in Eastern Hudson Bay and James Bay. Canada: C.C.G., 1987.
Regan, Tom. "Why Whaling Is Wrong." In Tom Regan, All That Dwell
Therein: Essays on Animal Rights and Environmental Ethics. Berkeley:
University of California Press, 1982, pp. 102-112.
Roman, J., and S. R. Palumbi. Whales before whaling in the North Atlantic. Science, 2003, 301:508 - 510. See
opposing view in Tom Clarke, Whale numbers disputed: Pre-whaling population estimates upset conservationists,
Nature, 25 Jul 2003.
Sandoe, Peter. "Etikk og hvalfangst." In Nils Chr. Stenseth et al.,
eds., Vagehvalen Baerekraftig forvaltning av en biologisk felles ressurs.
Oslo: Ad Notam/Gyldendal, 1993.
Scarff, James E. "Ethical Issues in Whale and Small Cetacean Management."
Environmental Ethics 2, 2 (1980): 241-280.
Trisha: An excellent overview.
___________. "The International Management of Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises:
An Interdisciplinary Assessment." Ecology Law Quarterly 6 (1977):
Scheiber, H. N. "Historical Memory, Cultural Claims, and Environmental Ethics
in Jurisprudence of Whaling Regulation." Ocean and Coastal Management
38(1) (1998): 5-40.
The Scientific Evaluation of Proposals to Cull Marine Mammals. A Report of the Scientific Advisory Committee of the UNEP Marine Mammal Action Plan submitted to the United Nations Environmental Programme, October 1999.
Singer, Peter. "Why the Whale Should Live." Habitat (Australian
Conservation Foundation), June 1978, 6(3): 8-9.
Stevenson, Marc G. Inuit, Whalers, and Cultural Persistence: Structure in
Cumberland Sound and Central Inuit Social Organization. New York/Toronto:
Oxford University Press, 1997.
Stevenson, Marc. G., A. Madsen, and A. L. Maloney. The Anthropology of
Community-Based Whaling in Greenland. Circumpolar Institute Occasional
Publications 42. Canada: Circumpolar Institute, 1997.
Stoett, Peter J. The International Politics of Whaling. Vancouver, British
Columbia: UBC Press, 1997. Reviewed by P. W. Birnie in Arctic (1998) 51(1): 68-69.
___________. Atoms, Whales, and Rivers: Global Environmental Security and
International Organization. Nova Science Pub., 1995.
___________. "International Politics and the Protection of Great Whales
". Environmental Politics 2(2) (1993):277-303.
Sullivan, Robert. A Whale Hunt: Two Years on the Olympic Peninsula with the Makah and Their Canoe. New York: Scribner's, 2000.
Tynan, Cynthia T., and Douglas P. DeMaster. "Incorporating Climate Chantge
Effects into the Process for Evaluating Management Regimes for Aboriginal
Subsistence Whaling." Reports of the International Whaling Commission
47 (1997): 619-624.
Votier, Mark, interview.
From the radio program One World: An Environmental Awareness Program for the
Pacific, Radio Australia.
Wray, Phoebe, ed. Cetaceans, Brains, and Ethics. Washington, D.C.:
Center for Action on Endangered Species.
WWF, IFAW, Greenpeace. "Report of a Workshop to Outline a Programme of
Non-Lethal Whale Research in the Southern Ocean Sanctuary." World Wide
Fund for Nature, International Fund for Animal Welfare, Greenpeace, 1995.
Young, O. R., M. M. R. Freeman, G. Osherenko, R. R. Anderson, R. A. Caufield,
R. L. Friedheim, S. J. Langdon, M. Ris, and P. J. Usher. "Subsistence,
Sustainability, and Sea Mammals: Reconstructing the International Whaling
Regime." Ocean and Coastal Management 23 (1994):117-127.
Compilation provided by:
Trisha Lamb (Note: I will be in meditation retreat from September 2005 through January 2009 and
will be out of communication during that time.)
to Cetacean Bibliographies, Audiography, and Videography
From the website: "The Way of the Dolphin will be structured around stories that demonstrate the profound and startling nature of dolphin being and Dolphinism. These tales will illustrate specific messages about the natural way to breathe, to move, to feed, to learn, to play, to communicate, to relate, to rest . . . descriptions of a simple and essential art form that most of us have lost. This will then develop into practical instructions on how to use the flow of physical energy to maintain the right level of awareness and consciousness in our various daily activities. As readers begin to rediscover the lost bond, they will be led to a new way of relating to themselves, their loved ones and the universe. The Way of the Dolphin will bring home . . . a better understanding of the sacred nature of our animal soul and the way to realize our true potential for spiritual bliss and happiness."
Standard work on acoustic signals of various dolphin species, including
sound production, hearing system, and a review of the results of many studies
done by the author.
___________, Arthur N. Popper, and Richard R. Fay, eds. Hearing by Whales and Dolphins. Springer Handbook of Auditory Research series, no. 12. New York: Springer Verlag, 2000. Reviewed by M. Vieregg, Aquatic Mammals, 2001, 27(2):196-198.
From the publisher: "Cetaceans inhabit oceans, seas, and even some rivers throughout the world. Hearing and sound production are thought to serve crucial functions in the behavior, natural history, or life cycle of all of these animals. Although difficulties in studying large aquatic animals have limited experimental auditory research on many species, knowledge about the acoustic behavior of these animals has been increasing dramatically. In this volume, experts in different areas of the field provide an overview of the bioacoustics of whales and dolphins as well as a thorough introduction to the subject for investigators of hearing in other animals. Topics covered include the structure and function of cetacean auditory systems, the unique sound production system of odontocetes, acoustic communication, psychoacoustics, echolocation, and models of sound propagation."
"This comprehensive field guide has been produced for the growing number of people who are watching whales from headlands, boats and aircraft. It describes when and where to see whales and includes a set of whale-watching guidelines that aim to ensure that whales are protected from undue disturbances. Coastal locations where whales can readily be seen are listed and there is concise information on whale biology, history, strandings and conservation. Superb illustrations identify the 23 most commonly sighted species of dolphins and whales in Australian waters."
From the Executive Summary: "In April 2000, a workshop was held to discuss the status of Southern Resident killer whales.
The workshop concluded that the population was in trouble, and that a number of factors were likely to be responsible.
Subsequent to the workshop, the Center for Biological Diversity and co-petitioners petitioned NMFS to list Southern Residents under the Endangered Species Act. In 2002, Earth
Island Institute, Orca Conservancy, the University of Washington, and the Canadian Consulate General, Seattle, collaborated
to organize a discussion of the framework for a Recovery Plan for the population and to identify data gaps that would need
to be filled before a final plan could be completed. Development of a Recovery Plan is required under the Endangered Species
From the publisher: "Killer Whales of the World [provides] an in-depth introduction to a ubiquitous, easily
recognized, and popular species of marine mammal. Those interested in marine biology, marine animals, and coastal
conservation issues as well as animal lovers in general are sure to appreciate this book. This comprehensive and highly
informative book explains the origin of the name Killer Whale, where they can be found, their traveling behaviors and
feeding habits, and some of the threats they face as a species. It also examines this well-known whale's place in popular
Standard reference to Australasian cetaceans. A comprehensive and authoritative
Excerpt: "Before you die, you will have achieved a certain amount of fame and acclaim and a fortune of whatever size. But when you die, you will leave it here. But if you help save God's whales, that will go to heaven with you."
"After more than a decade of research, Mary Baker has produced the definitive illustrated guide to the seventy-five species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises.
Contains circa 100 examples of cetacean reintroductions, primarily for Tursiops sp., but for several other species as well, and concludes with a section on considerations for future releases and research on reintroduction.
Field guide to the Hawaiian whales, dolphins, and monk seal. Includes more than
100 color photographs.
The first book to be published on the whales and dolphins of Oman and the Arabian region in general. It provides introductory chapters on general cetacean biology, and where to watch whales and dolphins in Omani waters, followed by descriptions of sixteen species illustrated with color photographs and plates. Final chapters discuss threats and conservation, and recording of cetacean sightings.
Abstract: "We conducted a cetacean survey in the pelagic western tropical
Indian Ocean (WTIO) aboard an 85-m research vessel from March to July 1995,
covering 9,784 linear km. Using 25X binoculars and line-transect methods, we
recorded 589 sightings of 21 species. Stenella longirostris was the
most abundant cetacean, in terms of number of individuals sighted, by an order
of magnitude above any other species, while Physeter macrocephalus was
the most frequently sighted, in terms of numbers of schools. Twelve species
were wide-spread, seven were rare, and two were localized; our sightings
include new distributional records for 12 species. Significant observations
included the following: (1) Delphinus cf. tropicalis was
abundant off the coast of Oman (16 sightings) and readily distinguishable in
the field from D. delphis and D. capensis, (2) Balaenoptera musculus was fairly common and localized in the area of the Maldives (17 sightings), and (3) three sightings were made of an unidentified bottlenose whale tentatively referred to as Indopacetus (i.e., Mesoplodon) pacificus. We recorded 26 mixed-species cetacean schools, 43 schools with which seabirds associated, and 17 schools associated with tuna. Notable among these were mixed aggregations of Stenella attenuata, S. longirostris, yellowfin tuna, and seabirds.
Describes the habits and characteristics of the blue whale, as well as how whaling over the
years nearly destroyed the species.
Introductory chapters include: The Uniqueness of Cetaceans, Kinds of Cetaceans,
Marine Mammals, The "Great Whales," Breathing, Moving, and Feeding,
followed by several chapters on the various baleen whales, the sperm whale,
other toothed whales, and dolphins and porpoises. The book concludes with
three chapters on whales and humans entitled: Killing vs. Saving, A New Era, and
Mutual Enrichment. Also contains appendices on classification, recommended
resource materials, and Cetacean Society International.
Includes sections on: Legal Aspects, Benign Research, Value of Protected Areas,
Ecological Value of Cetaceans, Recreational Whale-Watching, Cetaceans in Captivity, Educational and Cultural Uses and Values, Conflicts of Use, and Some Moral Questions.
This is one of the first manuals published on swimming with dolphins. It
contains a list of sites around the world where dolphin swims take place. The
word "DOS" in the title refers to "dolphin ocean swim."
Beale was a whaling-ship surgeon, and the information for this book was gathered
on his voyages.
Beamish presents his theory along with supportive data that whales communicate
using both signal-based and rhythm-based communication, the latter allowing for
time compression and time expansion. Also includes appendices on A Philosophy
of Recreation and Being a Whale or Animal Guide, and a postscript entitled
Step to Scientific Sign of Deity (Scientific Fiction Derived From 'Message
Time-Expansion'). Trisha: One of the more interesting books in this
"The components of this program [which includes marine mammal species
from all marine waters of the United States] are: The National Marine Mammal
Tissue Bank (NMMTB), the Stranding Network, Monitoring, and Quality Assurance.
The NMMTB was established to provide a resource of research materials for future
retrospective analyses. The NMMTB provides for the long-term cryogenic
preservation of tissues using standard protocols for collection and archival.
The Stranding Network consists of regional teams that respond to the stranding
of marine mammals and are equipped to collect biological information and samples
that can be used to understand the health, population dynamics, and life
histories of marine mammals. The Monitoring Component conducts routine analysis
of tissues in order to determine the baseline concentrations of chemical
contaminants, biochemical components, and biotoxins in marine mammals. The
Quality Assurance Component is a program that insures accuracy, precision,
level of detection, and inter-comparability of data resulting from chemical
analyses of marine mammal tissues. This program consists of interlaboratory
comparison exercises and the production and distribution of control and
standard reference materials for chemical analysis."
According to the book The Whale, edited by L. H. Matthews, this work
"was almost the only book solely about whales published up to the end of
the nineteenth century. F. E. Beddard was for thirty years prosector to the
Zoological Society of London, and was a zoologist of wide interests; his book
of whales admirably summarized what was known about the anatomy, physiology,
general biology and systematics of whales in 1900 . . . He derived much of his
information from the work of other zoologists that had been published during
the preceding century in the journals of the learned societies."
Jaap: Overview and case studies of marine mammal-fisheries interactions. Covers
bycatches as well as competition issues. Case studies include several seal and
dolphin species.
A small book describing most of the great whales, with short sections on military use, conservation, whaling, etc. (Thanks to Julia/Nai'a for providing this information.)
Abstract: Theodolite tracking (61 days; 251 hours) was used to quantify dolphin reactions to boats and swimmers in
Porpoise Bay, New Zealand, in the austral summers of 1995/96 and 1996/97. Dolphins were accompanied by swimmers (within
200m) for 11.2% of the total observation time, whereas boats accounted for an additional 12.4%. Dolphins were not
displaced by either of these activities. Swimmers caused only weak, non-significant effects, perhaps because dolphins
could very easily avoid them. Reactions to the dolphin watching boat were stronger. Analyses of relative orientation
indicate that dolphins tended to approach the vessel in the initial stages of an encounter, but became less interested as
the encounter progressed. By 70 minutes into an encounter dolphins were either actively avoiding the boat or equivocal
towards it, approaching significantly less often than would be expected by chance. Analyses of group dispersion indicate
that dolphins were significantly more tightly bunched when a boat was in the bay.
From the dust jacket: "Longtime mates Turbo and Kachina get agitated whenever the other is even briefly out of sight. Kanzi, jealous of his younger sister, throws temper tantrums when she outperforms him. Tulip giggles when she's tickled and loves to play games. And Ake gets angry when scolded; she once hurled a plastic pipe at her teacher when the instructor rebuked her for failing a task.
From Science News:
"An inhabitant of the Saint Lawrence River in northern North America since
the last glacial melt some 10,000 years ago, the beluga whale is one of the most
intriguing and perceptive animals on the planet, says Béland. But mass harvesting wiped out much of the species and by 1979 belugas were classified as endangered. Now, a new plague--toxins, which are evident in their blubber--has reduced their numbers to only a few hundred. Filled with anecdotes and facts about the beluga, such as the modeling of echolocation systems for U.S. Navy submarines on these whales, this celebration of their life may also serve as their epitaph."
Beluga whale.
Chapters in this field guide include: Whale Evolution, Gray Whale Facts, Gray
Whale Life Cycle, Whaling & Whale Conservation, Tips on Whalewatching (from
land and by boat), Guide to Listings, Whale Sighting Log, Whalewatching Sites
(Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, Northern California, Southern
California, and Baja California). Also includes a list of suggested readings
and information sources.
A field guide to the behavior and body language of zoo animals.
This book tells how Olivia De Bergerac and William McDougal started the Dolphin
Society, and about how they applied what they learned from the dolphins in
personal development, therapy, and business consulting. Click on the title above
to read the preface.
"Der Beduinenjunge Abid'allah ist fünf Jahre alt, als er bei einem Sturz sein Gehöaut;r fast vollstäaut;ndig
verliert. Er bleibt taubstumm und zieht sich zurüaut;ck. Sein einziger Freund ist ein Delphin. Beim täaut;glichen
Spiel mit dem freundlichen Tier findet Abid'allah zunäaut;chst seine Sprache, dann sein Gehöaut;r wieder. Pascale
Noa Bercovitch erzäaut;hlt die wahre Geschichte einer wunderbaren Freundschaft."
The story of "how a dolphin changed the life of Abid'allah, a Bedouin boy, who had been deaf since the age of five.
He became a mute loner, spending time swimming in the Red Sea. There he struck up a relationship with a lone dolphin and
began to talk."
McGinty interviews Mark Berman of Earth Island Institute about Keiko and about
marine mammals in captivity in general.
Chapters in this field guide include: A Word About Whales, Humpback Whale Facts,
Diet and Feeding, Vocalizations, Humpback Behavior, Annual Life Cycle of the
Humpback Whale, Hunting the Humpback Whale, Saving Humpbacks, Whalewatching
from Shore, Whalewatching by Boat, Photographing Humpbacks, Whalewatching Guide,
Sites (Alaska, British Columbia, Washington, Oregon, California, Mexico, and
Hawaii), Whale-Sighting Logs. Also includes a list of suggested readings and
information sources.
From the publisher: "What did the persecution of Galileo have to do with
dolphins? Who was the famous astronomer accused of piracy? Who made a car with
an engine the size of a grain of rice? . . . Discover the true stories behind
these and other fascinating questions in this thought-provoking and captivating
collection of tales from popular science . . . Galileo and the Dolphins
even includes a section of brainteasing, fact- and fun-filled quizzes to test
your own knowledge of science.
From the publisher: "This book, by two leading marine mammalogists, is a
succinct yet comprehensive text devoted to the systematics, evolution,
morphology, ecology, physiology, and behavior of marine mammals. With chapters
on the evolutionary history of the principle lineages, major organ systems,
diving physiology, diet, sound production and echolocation, reproductive
behavior, and conservation biology, this book will be required reading for
all marine biologists concerned with marine mammals."
Chapters include: Facts and Figures, Fellow-Travellers, Making the Right Match,
The Annual Cycle, The Mating Game, Behavioural Patterns, Hunting the Right Whale, Saving the Right Whale, Legislation, Whale-Watching Trips, and Whale-Watching Maps. Also includes suggestions for further reading and a field identification table.
Contents include: An Encounter, Development of [the] Study, Resident vs. Transient [Pods], General Facts about Killer Whales, Whale Identification, Maternal Genealogies, Watching Killer Whales, How to Behave around Killer Whales, How to Photograph Killer Whales, Identification Photographs [of all known individual killer whales found along the coast of British Columbia and Washington State as of 1987], a table of information about each whale shown in the photographic collection, a glossary, a bibliography of photo-identification studies, and additional recommended reading.
"The whales of myth are godlike creatures with formidable powers. The whales of the whalers promise wealth and adventure. The whales of whale watchers and scientists provide a bridge between the known and the unknown and invite reflection on the human condition. Whales fascinate us and inspire us. This collection of images, legends, stories, and first-hand accounts explores the unique and ever-changing relationship we have with these awe-inspiring creatures. Starting with myths and legends, the text explores how different cultures have viewed and treated whales through the ages. Whaling narratives describe the rush to exploit whales as commercial resources. Poems, short stories, and accounts of personal encounters with whales illustrate how we are creating new relationships with these marvelous creatures. Together with the text, the remarkable four-color images of whales, black-and-white historical photographs, multicultural artifacts, and artwork truly capture the spirit of the whale."
Contains a brief history of the U.S. Navy's Marine Mammal Program and
research citations broken down into the following categories: Sound/Sonar/
Communications, Physiology/Anatomy/Growth and Aging, Health Care/Nutrition/
Pathology, Breeding, Behavior/Psychophysics, Open Sea Release, Tagging/
Telemetry/Surveys, Hydrodynamics, and Miscellaneous.
From the publisher: " . . . Beneath the North Atlantic takes the
reader on a journey to the depths of the North Atlantic as no other book has.
A combination of science and adventure, [this work] offers something for everyone. The book includes the first ever underwater images of Northern Right Whales, the most endangered whales on Earth, as well as seals, sharks, fish, mating squid, and many colorful invertebrates like nudibranchs, anemones, sponges, sea squirts, and much more . . . "
Contents: Introduction, The Whale's Tale, The Hunters and the Hunted, Sense and Sensibility, Social Behaviour, The Cycle of Life, Masters of the Ocean, Cetaceans and Humans
"A guide to the identification of whales dolphins and some birds seen during years of surveying by the Biscay Dolphin Research Programme. It is a descriptive account of the area and 17 of the 20 species recorded so far. (It was written before the other 3 species were recorded). It is 40 pages with 32 colour plates."
". . . The Phocoenids are subject to harvest by coastal communities in many
areas and are particularly vulnerable to incidental mortality in coastal fishing
operations. In addition, human activities impose indirect threats particularly to the coastal porpoises through the detrimental impact on their environment. This includes habitat degradation from pollution, disturbance by ship traffic and boats, noise, physical changes to the habitat and depletion of important prey species by overfishing.
"Shows you how to supercharge your effectiveness at work and home using the positive trust-building techniques learned from training killer whales at Sea World."
Contents include: Introduction; The Debate on the Transition from Fordism to
Global Post-Fordism; Global Post-Fordism and Transformations of the State; The
Tuna Fishing Industry in the Fordist Period; The Restructuring of the Global
Tuna Industry; Lawsuits, Compromises, and Embargoes; and Global Post-Fordism:
Restructuring and the Conditions of Solidarity. Also includes a bibliography
and an index.
See pages 31-40, "The Dolphins: An Alien Intelligence," by D. Reiss.
See sections on cetaceans for detailed technical information on behavior,
physiology, and population biology.
This book on carving totem poles and masks of northwest Pacific Indians includes
chapters on tools, techniques, and materials, a whale-eagle dish, and other
Describes physical characteristics, feeding habits, migration routes, and
vulnerability to hunters. Also discusses efforts by such groups as Greepeace
to preserve them.
"A comprehensive collection of fact, folklore and fiction about whales and
whaling, from the art of scrimshaw to the legend of Moby Dick. Featuring essays,
historical and literary references, industrial and commercial uses, photographs,
drawings and etchings." Also includes a list of projects and organizations
devoted to saving the whales and an index.
Beautiful oversize book about Bill Curtsinger's ten years of undersea photography. The book "immerses the readers, surrounds them, with the world he saw and photographed, or which escaped his lens but Kenneth Brower remembered. It tells of the great difficulty of getting where you must be to photograph a whale--an animal not likely to come back and pose for you again if you miss the picture the first time, but willing to lift a fluke to avoid harming you in passing by . . . Kenneth Brower has remarkably portrayed the unassuming man who slipped below the junction of sea and sky, and kept swimming there until his senses could tell ours of wonders we had not dreamed of."
From the publisher: ". . . From the golden mouse and manatee to the Florida
panther and bottle-nosed dolphin, Mammals of Florida portrays all 96
mammal species known to inhabit the region with up-to-date information on their
life history and distribution . . . "
Contains information on cetacea, pinnipedia, and sirenia.
Trisha: IMO, one of the best popular works about dolphins. Combines scientific
knowledge (through 1978) with mythology, popular perceptions, and speculations.
Abstract Knowledge of one's own states of mind is one of the varieties of self-knowledge. Do any nonhuman animals have the capacity for
this variety of self-knowledge? The question is open to empirical inquiry, which is most often conducted with primate subjects. Research
with a bottlenose dolphin gives some evidence for the capacity in a nonprimate taxon. I describe the research and evaluate the
metacognitive interpretation of the dolphin's behaviour. The research exhibits some of the difficulties attached to the task of eliciting
behaviour that both attracts a higher-order interpretation while also resisting deflationary, lower-order interpretations. Lloyd Morgan's
Canon, which prohibits inflationary interpretations of animal behaviour, has influenced many animal psychologists. There is one defensible
version of the Canon, the version that warns specifically against unnecessary intentional ascent. The Canon on this interpretation seems
at first to tell against a metacognitive interpretation of the data collected in the dolphin study. However, the model of metacognition
that is in play in the dolphin studies is a functional model, one that does not implicate intentional ascent. I explore some
interpretations of the dolphin's behaviour as metacognitive, in this sense. While this species of metacognitive interpretation breaks the
connection with the more familiar theory of mind research using animal subjects, the interpretation also points in an interesting way
towards issues concerning consciousness in dolphins.
"Right whales were the first whales to be taken by a regular, organised
whaling industry (the Basques in the 12th century), the first to be brought close to extinction by man's activities and the first to be protected by international agreement. The North Atlantic right whale is probably the most endangered species of large whale in the world today. However in contrast to its Northern Hemisphere counterparts, Southern Hemisphere right whales are now showing positive signs of recovery in several areas, notably Argentina, South Africa and Australia. The 24 papers in this volume cover many aspects of right whale biology and conservation. They are grouped under four headings: North Pacific Ocean, North Atlantic Ocean, Southern Hemisphere, Historic Whaling."
"The four species of the genus Cephalorhynchus are among the least
known of the dolphins. This volume draws together current knowledge on the biology these small, strikingly patterned dolphins."
"In stunning photographs and an intriguing text, Fred Bruemmer explores
the unicorn myth and natural history of the narwhal. Interesting information
about migration patterns, physiology, hunting methods, predators, breeding and
young reveal the narwhal's world for the first time in book form. The author's
own experiences with scientists studying the narwhal and with the Inuit of
Greenland and Canada who hunt it add a personal note to this story of one of
the world's most mysterious creatures." Includes a bibliography and an
Trisha: Dolphins on cover of book, contents unknown, but looks like standard New Age.
Reports on "a study in the eastern Gulf of Mexico on the effects of
feeding non-captive (wild) dolphins by human beings."
Trisha: This provocative essay compares the patriarchal Pavlovian paradigm,
which insists that Man is superior (the "grandfatherification of Soviet
civilization"), with the matriarchal humanized dolphin/noble savage
counterculture paradigm (the "grandmotherification").
Trisha: An excellent cultural study of the various human fascinations with
From the back cover: "Applying recent thinking on gender and the environment to original research in science and technology, this unique book explores postcolonial relationships with 'the wild' using the U.S. and Russia as examples. The authors analyze contemporary categorizations of 'human self' versus 'wild other' through three twentieth century icons that best illustrate
ambivalent ideas about self and other: spaceships, horoscopes and
Subtitle: Should "Nature" Be Integrated in the Extended Framework of Feminist
Cultural Analysis?
Abstract: Watercraft may provide the greatest source of anthropogenic noise for
bottlenose dolphins living in coastal waters. A resident community of about 140
individuals near Sarasota, Florida are exposed to a vessel passing within 100 m
approximately every six minutes during daylight hours. I investigated the
circumstances under which watercraft traffic may impact the acoustic behavior
of this community, specifically looking for short-term changes in whistle
frequency range, duration, and rate of production. To analyze whistles and
received watercraft noise levels, acoustic recordings were made using two
hydrophones towed from an observation vessel during focal animal follows of 14
individual dolphins. The duration and frequency range of signature whistles did
not change significantly relative to vessel approaches. However, dolphins
whistled significantly more often at the onset of approaches compared to during
and after vessel approaches. Whistle rate was also significantly greater at
the onset of a vessel approach than when no vessels were present. Increased
whistle repetition as watercraft approach may simply reflect heightened
arousal, an increased motivation for animals to come closer together, with
whistles functioning to promote reunions. It may also be an effective way to
compensate for signal masking, maintaining communication in a noisy environment.
Describes sixteen whale species, ten dolphins species, and two porpoise species,
and includes appendixes on: Where to See Whales; Keeping a Log; Information on
Local Whalewatching Activities; Species List of Whales, Dolphin, and Porpoises
of the Western North Atlantic and the Eastern North Pacific Waters; and
Institutions that have Scientific Concerns About Whales. Also contains a select
bibliography and an index. Black-and-white photos and illustrations.
An introduction to whales with chapters entitled: When Whales Walked the Land,
A Whale Is a What?, A Sea Full of Whales (describes various species), A Family
Affair, Fin Out in the Water! (describes whaling), The Killer Kiss, and Getting
to Know Them (describes research). Also includes a bibliography and an index.
Discusses seabird-whale interactions.
The definitive work on the bowhead whale.
From the publisher: "Why are humans so fascinated by dolphins? World cultures log hundreds of stories from the
mythical to the personal that exalt this aquatic creatures intelligence, playfulness, and tolerance for humans. Lore
of the Dolphin gathers the best of those stories from ancient times to the present. Among the true-life accounts is
the dolphin who tossed her own calfs favorite toy into the lap of a boy with cerebral palsy, when the boy didnt respond
during a therapy session; a dolphin who was caught in a bait net and rescued by a boater -- and visited the boaters family
for days afterward bearing gifts from the sea. Other tales of wonder will appeal to wildlife and dolphin lovers, as well as
those interested in interspecies communication.
" Projected climate change over the next two centuries may have profound and adverse ramifications on many stocks of cetaceans. This article examines these potential impacts and the role of the International Whaling Commission in addressing this issue, as well as other regimes that may be germane to protecting cetaceans from environmental change."
Part I, the Life of Whales, contains the following chapters: Whales Defined and
Described, The Study of Whales, Life at Sea, Submarine Senses, Sieving Shrimp
and Catching Squid, Behavior: Routine and Incredible, Birth and Death. Part II
is about whaling.
Complete natural history of the gray whale, including details of the life
history (evolution, intelligence, social behavior, relationship with other
species, etc.), exploitation by humans, comeback from the brink of extinction,
and current and future management issues.
Contains several papers on dolphin echolocation.
From the dust jacket: "With full-color photographs by world-renowned photographers Bill Curtsinger and Flip Nicklin and a fascinating text by diver Gaetano Cafiero and naturalist Maddalena Jahoda, Whales and Dolphins tells the story of these magnificent animals and traces the history of their uneasy coexistence with mankind.
From the website: "Dolphins [a companion book to the IMAX film of the same name] . . . is an oversize, lavishly illustrated book with over 125 photographs, including many images from the film. With Cahill's characteristic wit and humor, Dolphins leads readers on a lively adventure into the lives and careers of three marine scientists featured in the film-Dr. Kathleen Dudzinski, Alejandro Acevedo-Gutierrez, and Bernd Wursig. Over twenty marine biologists have contributed fascinating essays on all aspects of dolphin life, from anatomy and intelligence, to communication and environmental threats."
Jaap: Natural history, ecology, and conservation of whales and dolphins.
Beautiful photographs and information on the blue whale's origins, history,
habitats, behaviors, movements, and future.
"Through co-creating with the dolphins and whales, Kamala deeply believes
that they are a vital key to our evolution, and the next step for us is to
learn from them how to communicate beyond language."
Covers over fifty species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Each is illustrated with a photograph, and the text includes information on evolution, identification, biology, feeding habits, and predators.
This booklet provides an introduction to WDCS's work around the world and was
published to mark the Society's tenth anniversary.
Contents include: The Dolphin Family, Dolphin Design, Sensing the Environment, A
Day in the Life of a Dolphin, Dolphin Research, Dolphin Mysteries, Dolphins and
People, Dolphin Watching, and Save the Dolphin. Also contains a species identification chart, how you can help, and further reading.
"Authoritative text, detailed illustrations, and a systematic approach make
this the most comprehensive pocket guide to cetaceans of the world. Packed with
more than 900 illustrations, [this guide] is designed to enable you to recognize
each species quickly and easily.
From Book News, Inc., 1999: "This highly-illustrated book's subjects range form evolution, biology, and behavior to the history of commercial whaling and legends of whales and dolphins. Chapters discuss whale watching, conservation, anatomy, the origin of the whale, social behavior and intelligence, whales in art and literature, strandings, and the potential for communication between humans and whales. -- Copyright (c) 1999 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR. All rights reserved.
Trisha: I haven't had a chance to do anything other than thumb through this work, but I can say that it is beautifully produced, packed with photos and
illustrations, and the authors' comments on captivity are right on the mark.
After debunking the common justifications for holding cetaceans captive, they
write: "At the end of the day, it is not essential to see whales and
dolphins in real life to understand and appreciate them. After all, it is
possible to learn about the Moon without actually standing on it. So while a
live animal is more likely to trigger the emotions than words, photographs,
or films, these could all be used as strong second bests. Meanwhile, there
are some exciting possibilities for the future, including computer technology
that could simulate virtual reality encounters with whales and dolphins where
they really belong--in the oceans, wild and free."
From Whales Alive!, January 2003: This paper "gives a sophisticated national history and update, including
whaling, whale watching, and many conservation issues and solutions."
This book is tied to the U.S. Public Broadcasting System special and explores
dolphin intelligence and society and the human-dolphin relationship. Chapters
include: Dolphins in Ancient Mythology, Modern Encounters, What is a Dolphin?,
Senses, The Hunter and the Hunted, Living in Groups, Rearing the Young and
Sexual Relations, Interpreting Information, Communication and Language, Dolphins
in Captivity, Meeting Dolphins for Ourselves, and The Survival of the Species.
A selected bibliography, classification of dolphins, and an index also are
included. Bern Wursig serves as scientific consultant.
Contains an overview of the whaling industry, alternatives to whale products,
statistics on whale kills, IWC info, an action guide, and a good bibliography,
audiography, and videography.
From a review by Jim Nollman in the Fall 2001 issue of The Interspecies Newsletter: "Approach this book with
an open mind and be rewarded with a provocative exploration of the human/whale interface. The author, an award-winning
fiction writer, takes us on a journey through channeling, trance states, past lives, and personal soul searching to discover
why she feels a profound connection to whales. It's a risky book, because Charnas dares to explore and articulate ideas many
of us have had about cetacean souls, intelligence, sexuality, linguistics. This is not fiction, but it reads with the pace
of a mystery story. Charnas is no fuzzy bunny New Ager, but a woman in search of wisdom, skeptical, but with an overwhelming
needs to know. What she finds may surprise you."
"This is the story of declining profits and mounting pig-headedness . . .
The pig-headedness of Norwegians determined to kill 400 minke whales in
1986 and being unable to find them; of Icelanders catching 4,000 tons of
whalemeat for 'local consumption' and being unable to eat [it]; of Americans
enacting protection laws and being unable to use them; and of the Japanese,
vehemently committed to an industry they are unable to justify . . . It involves
a catalogue of crass carelessness--the killing, for instance, of 10 million
dolphins as a waste-product of the post-war tuna fishery--and at the heart of
the story, of course, are the whales themselves . . . Jeremy Cherfas brings a
fresh eye to [his] material--one unclouded by sentiment, as alert, for example,
to the minor chicaneries of Greenpeace as to the major misdeeds of the Japanese.
". [The Times Literary Supplement]
From a review in the Spring 1994 issue of AWI Quarterly:
This booklet, "tells of the complete change in one Japanese person's view
of whales, brought about by the sincere sorrow expressed by a young American
graduate of Oberlin College over the fact that many Japanese continue to eat
whale meat.
A well-illustrated and authoritative work on the great whales of the world. The author, who is recognized as one of the
world's leading experts on large whales, describes the biology and behavior of the rorquals (humpback, blue, fin, minke, sei,
Bryde's), the balaenids (right and bowhead), the gray whale, the sperm whale, and the orca. The origins, whaling, and future
(conservation and research) of blue whales is also discussed. Includes a cetacean classification table, recommended reading,
and an index.
From the back cover: "Humpback Whales introduces the general reader to the life history, the many fascinating traits, and the environmental and human threats to this massive sea mammal. From their gigantic fins to the their elaborate song patterns, Phil Clapham highlights the unique characteristics that set humpbacks apart from other whales.
___________. Right Whales: Natural History and Conservation. Stillwater, Minn.: Voyageur Press/U.K.: Colin Baxter
Photography, 2004.
From the publisher: "Right Whales covers the characteristics (life history, group life, reproduction, mortality)
and ecology of these creatures. Phil Clapham also discusses the serious threats that right whales face, and informs readers
about what can be done to protect them."
Reviewed by Ian Stirling, Canadian Wildlife Service, in the December 1997
issue of Marine Mammal Society Newsletter, the newsletter of the
Society for Marine Mammalogy,
and reprinted here with permission: "The value of this book is that it
provides a broad, objective, and clearly written overview of anthropogenic
factors that have the potential to influence the ecology of the world's
marine areas. Two facets seem to me to be of particular importance to all
of us and maybe especially to students: 1) an emphasis on the need to
determine cause and effect on the basis of objective data and application of
scientific method, and 2) the addition of a chapter on methodology which
includes toxicity testing and statistical approaches to analysis. Earlier
editions of this book have had a largely European focus but in this edition
new information has been included from other parts of the world to keep the
volume relevant to the rapidly changing world. For example, some observations
from events familiar to North American and European biologists, the wrecks
of the Exxon Valdez and the Braer, have been included. Individual
chapters deal specifically with a wide range of topics including oxygen-demanding
wastes, oil pollution, metals, halogenated hydrocarbons, radioactivity, and industrial wastes.
From the perspective of marine mammalogists, the book is not very informative. Specific references
to seals or whales are few and not very detailed where they occur. Clearly, the principal value of
the book is as a good quality introductory text and, as such, it deserves a place in any university
or research lab where student teaching or studies are involved."
"Whales & Dolphins provides a richly illustrated and thoroughly
researched celebration of the best loved, and most misunderstood, mammal on
our planet."
"For centuries, myths and legends from the world over have attested to the
healing influence that dolphins have on humans. Numerous recent case studies,
described here by Cochrane and Callen, emphatically confirm that close contact
with these graceful mammals can trigger our inherent healing powers, enhance
the learning abilities of the mentally handicapped, bring relief to the
emotionally disturbed, and encourage recovery from life-threatening illness. In
a rich and detailed study, the authors explore the dolphins' life cycle,
behavioral patterns, and methods of communication . . . This book gives careful
consideration to the well-being of the dolphins themselves, emphasizing that
our encounters with them should, whenever possible, occur in their natural
habitat and on their terms. Only in this way can we participate in a genuinely
empathetic relationship that honors the exhilarating freedom of dolphin life.
Describes in alphabetical order more than 120 species and sub-species of sea
mammals (including pinnipedia, sirenia, and the sea otter). Every aspect of
their anatomy, behavior, evolution, reproduction, and conservation is covered
in detail. Also describes what scientists know about sea mammals' intelligence,
complex social orders, methods of communication, and rearing of their young.
Also includes a brief chapter on the dangers of pollution, and an index.
From the publisher: "Anne Collet has ridden the tail of a white whale -- for ten seconds off the coast of Argentina. She has taken children diving in the Azores to see dolphins and led teenagers on ocean voyages. And she has heard the song of beluga whales in the Arctic Ocean. In Swimming with Giants, Collet describes the power and majesty of being close to some of nature's most magnificent creatures. Combining science with a sense of adventure, she conveys the sheer excitement of her work with marine mammals, from the sublime gaze of a whale's eye to the race to save animals harmed by pelagic drift nets or toxic spills. A contemporary eco-hero in the tradition of Jacques Cousteau, Collet is an inspiration not only for the many who have accompanied her on her research trips, but also for those who will see in her journey a call to follow their own dreams."
Contents: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY, INTRODUCTION: The ATOC Concept, Low-Frequency Sound and Marine Vertebrates, Origin of Study, EVALUATION OF THE MARINE MAMMAL RESEARCH PROGRAM: Description of MMRP Results (California ATOC Source, Hawaii ATOC Source), Comparison of the Recommendations of NRC (1996) and MMRP Responses (Maintenance of the Shore Station and Playback Equipment, Need for Prompt Data Analysis, Ensonified Species Other than Marine Mammals), Significance of the MMRP to Research Uses of Sound, ASSESSMENT OF CONTINUING RESEARCH NEEDS: Behavior of Marine Mammals in the Wild, Structure and Function of Marine Mammal Auditory Systems, Effects of Low-Frequency Sounds on the Food Chain, Potential Nonauditory Acoustic Effects on Marine Animal Health, Long-Term Acoustic Monitoring of Critical Habitats, REGULATORY ISSUES: Acoustic Harassment (Definition of Level A Acoustic Harassment, Definition of Level B Acoustic Harassment, Scientific Research Permits, Incidental Harassment Authorization), Cumulative Impacts, FINDINGS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: Results of the MMRP, Future Research and Observations (Priority Studies, Response to Stranded Marine Mammals, Multiagency Research Support, Population-Level Audiograms, National Captive Marine Mammal Research Facility), Regulatory Reform, Comprehensive Monitoring and Regulation of Sound in the Ocean, REFERENCES, APPENDIXES: A - Committee Biographies, B - Summary from NRC (1994), C - Relevant U.S. Legislation and Regulations for Marine Mammals, D - OSHA Regulations, E - Glossary of Acronyms, F - Species Mentioned in This Report
From a review by William Rossiter in Whales Alive!, July 1998:
"Razorback is a unique book about finback whales by a man who
knows them well. John Conlon has been a naturalist aboard one of Provincetown's
whale watch vessels for fifteen years, carefully observing finbacks, or razorbacks, that are commonly seen near there. He watches with the zeal of someone fascinated by the sheer majesty and awesome power of this fast, sleek, aloof whale species. He writes to tell us why. This book is more than a natural history of the species. While Conlon expertly blends in the facts from a full array of references his book is a work of love. As you read it you become a finback fan also, as you should be if you knew this whale as John does."
"Moving through a dark, cool, watery world of their own, whales and dolphins are ancient creatures that have kept humans lost in amazement for thousands of years. This lively, highly accessible, generously illustrated book--the second in a series on animal behavior produced with the American Museum of Natural History--takes readers on a richly detailed, awe-inspiring journey through the lives of these intelligent and versatile mammals.
Abstract: "Two contrasting results emerge from comparisons of the social
systems of several odontocetes with terrestrial mammals. Researchers have
identified remarkable convergence in prominent features of the social systems
of odontocetes such as the sperm whale and bottlenose dolphin with a few
well-known terrestrial mammals such as the elephant and chimpanzee. In contrast,
studies on killer whales and Baird's beaked whale reveal novel social solutions
to aquatic living. The combination of convergent and novel features in odontocete social systems promise a more general understanding of the ecological determinants of social systems in both terrestrial and aquatic habitats, as well as the relationship between relative brain size and social evolution.
Abstract: Over the last decade there has been considerable growth in
marine mammal-watching tourism throughout the world. Due to the
species use of coastal habitats, bottlenose dolphins are most
frequently exposed to dolphin-watching tourism. We conducted
boatbased focal follows of schools of bottlenose dolphins to
determine the effect of boats on dolphin behaviour. A CATMOD analysis
showed that behaviour differed by boat number, in particular, resting
behaviour decreased as boat number increased. Dolphins rested less
and engaged in more milling behaviour in the presence of permitted
dolphin-watching boats compared to non-permitted boats. An increase
from 49 to 70 permitted trips per week and a change in their
departure times resulted in a further decrease in resting behaviour.
Currently the effects of boats, in particular permitted boats, on
dolphin resting behaviour whilst they are in the Bay of Islands, are
substantial. In the light of these findings we suggest that current
legislation in New Zealand is not affording this isolated population
protection from disturbance.
Topics covered include the story of Jonah and its more modern counterpart (the
tale of James Bartley from 1891), evolution of cetaceans, overview of sperm
whale structure and behavior, collisions between sperm whales and ships,
strandings, "rogue" whales, and history of slaughter.
"Here is a factual account of man's knowledge of the most savage of
animals. The authors present the killer whale in attacks on fish, fellow
mammals and man, tracing recorded onslaughts from the Roman historian Pliny
to the present time.
Trisha: You won't find a more thorough resource (and I don't accord this
accolade readily!) on North-American whale-watching tours and related museums,
aquariums, science centers, national parks, marine sanctuaries, and monuments.
Also included are great tips on whale watching, as well as lists of whale
conservation and research organizations, adopt-a-whale programs, and suggested
From the author: "The study was conducted on the big island of Hawaii in Kealake'akua, Honaunau, and Kauhako Bays.
If anyone is interested in receiving a copy of this thesis, I would be happy to forward it to you."
" . . . join Captain Cousteau and the crew of the Calypso for an
intriguing look into their twenty-five years of encountering, following and
observing dolphins in the open seas. With its playfulness, intelligence and
uncanny goodwill toward human beings, the dolphin has made many an exciting
adventure for Cousteau and his crew."
"Travel the seas with Jacques-Yves Cousteau and the Calypso, as
they journey from the far reaches of the Pacific and Indian Oceans to the
California coast, in search of [the whale]."
Beautiful, comprehensive, oversize book covering the evolution, behavior, social
life, and complex "language" of the whale, the "relentless
pursuit of these placid beasts for profit, using ever more deadly means in a
greedy and senseless hunt," and the nature of human fascination with the
whale. Also includes a bibliography and an index.
Trisha: This booklet, first published in 1911, and revised in 1930 by adding
some additional facts and some Maori legends about Pelorus Jack (a Risso's
dolphin, Grampus griseus), describes the route of travel Jack kept
both day and night for twenty years when accompanying coastal steamers and
other vessels near French Pass, New Zealand. (Jack never actually entered
French Pass, but always stopped just outside the entrance). The booklet
includes maps and other illustrations and the Government Order-in-Council
protecting all fish [sic] or mammals of Pelorus Jack's species in the waters
of Cook Strait.
Synopsis: Describes the characteristics of beluga whales and how mother beluga
whales living in aquariums are taught to care for their babies.
This book addresses the questions: "What is the nature of animal
consciousness? Can a gorilla tell us about its inner life? What can we learn
from whalesong? Do dolphins have an ethical system superior to our own? Are we
humans smart enough to communicate across species barriers?
"The rural population of Brazilian Amazonia of mixed African, European,
and indigenous ancestry possesses a rich corpus of beliefs and practices concerning the Amazon river dolphin (Inia geoffrensis). Some of these dolphins are believed capable of transforming into human beings at night and causing harm to humans on land. In general, the beliefs about these animals are isomorphic with understandings about human conduct and express preoccupations of these people, as well as explain some episodes of illness. Dolphin narratives encountered in the village which was the focus of this study are more conservative than some in a larger-scale study by Slater (1994)."
From the publisher: "This informative and clearly-written booklet gives clear instructions on how, where and when to see (and swim with) dolphins and whales around the world. It explains the importance of 'cetacean etiquette' to ensure that all encounters are safe and enjoyable for both people andcetaceans, and includes a 'top 20' list of the world's best places to encounter dolphins and whales. There are also sections on what to take with you on dolphin/whale excursions, what to ask when making bookings for dolphin-swim trips and whale-watch tours, and how to get the most out of your experience."
From the authors: ". . . the first comprehensive photographic guide to the cetaceans of the European Atlantic. There are over 80 color photographs/14 plates which depict typical views of cetaceans at sea. The color plates have been produced using the latest digital image technology. The text covers the key identification features of each species, emphasizing the differences between similar species and includes information on status, behavior, and distribution. Color distribution maps accompany the text for each species."
From the preface: "This report summarises the available knowledge on odontocete (the toothed whales) distribution,
behaviour, migration and threats and was compiled for the Bonn secretariat of CMS.
Dolphins in Greek and Minoan art.
Reference manual and field guide to the identification of species, behavior,
popular whale-watching spots, natural history, conservation, and research.
"Known to whalers as the 'devil fish' because of the ferocity with which it resisted capture, the gray whale is an unusual animal in many ways. Alone in its taxonomic family, it's different from other baleen whales in its appearance and in some of its habits. With a dorsal hump rather than a fin, a large gray may also carry a load of up to half a ton of crustacean hitchhikers on its skin. In Gray Whales, Jim Darling describes the social organization and behavior, life history, distribution, and movement of this coastal species. He considers why gray whales may have disappeared from the North Atlantic and examines the remaining threats to what has been one of the great success stories of conservation.
This primarily photographic (and beautifully so) work includes chapters on:
Whale Basics, Killer Whales, Gray Whales, Humpback Whales, Whale Watchers'
Questions Answered, plus sections on the researchers and photographers who
contributed, The West Coast Whale Foundation, and a short bibliography.
From the dust jacket: "For centuries whales have exerted a profound influence on the human psyche. The subjects of countless myths, legends and fables, whales have fascinated the writers, poets, artists and philosophers since the Greeks. Today whales still fire our imaginations and stab at our emotions. They continue to inspire our art, literature and music. As Jim Darling states in his opening chapter, 'the indescribable blend of grace, power and beauty of a whale as it glides underwater, leaps toward the sky, or simply lifts its flukes and slides into the sea symbolizes the vanishing poetry of the wild.'
The first edition, published in 1965, contains chapters on: Modification of
Marine Mammals, Records of Marine Mammals, Cetacea, Marine Mammal Descriptions
(25 species of cetaceans are described), Pinnipedia, The Sea Lion Controversy,
Tooth Counts, Meanings of Scientific Names, Suggested Reading, and a Marine
Mammal Checklist.
This special publication of WDCS includes chapters titled: A Personal Message
(Her Highness The Begum Aga Khan), Whales are Uniquely Special (Dr. Robbins
Barstow), The Un-Ethics of Whaling (Dr. Sidney Holt), Why Should We Care About
Whales? (Dr. Victor Scheffer), Is Whaling Justifiable on Ethical and Moral
Grounds? (Dr. Roger Payne).
Trisha: An exceptionally detailed, painstakingly researched analysis of the
credibility of turn-of-the-century reports about whalers being swallowed by
Publisher's annotation: " This is the story of Sea World, a theme park where the wonders of nature are performed, marketed, and sold. With its trademark star, Shamu the killer whale--as well as performing dolphins, pettable sting rays, and reproductions of pristine natural worlds--the park represents a careful coordination of shows, dioramas, rides, and concessions built around the theme of ocean life. Susan Davis analyzes the Sea World experience and the forces that produce it: the theme park industry; Southern California tourism; the privatization of urban space; and the increasing integration of advertising, entertainment, and education. The result is an engaging exploration of the role played by images of nature and animals in contemporary commercial culture, and a precise account of how Sea World and its parent corporation, Anheuser-Busch, succeed. Davis argues that Sea World builds its vision of nature around customers' worries and concerns about the environment, family relations, and education.
Covers the essential themes that are explored in detail in the author's book
Spectacular Nature.
Trisha: The title Night of the Dolphins refers to the evening in
May 1977 when Ken LeVasseur and Steve Sipman removed the bottlenose dolphins
Puka and Kea from Louis Herman's lab at Kewalo Basin Marine Vertebrate
Laboratory in Honolulu, Hawai'i, and released them back into the wild.
Includes chapters on: Whale and Dolphin Biology, Natural History, Strandings, and
New Zealand Cetaceans, plus a bibliography and an index.
"'The whale is at the heart of a guerilla war of resistance that has spread
over all the world: it is the symbol of the ecology movement and emblematic of
the fate of all species on the planet. The battle line has been drawn here. If
this amazing animal, the largest ever to exist on the planet, cannot be saved
from the ruthless exploitation of a handful of men, what chance of survival
have other species?'
"Everyone who's ever patted a whale needs to read this . . . The gray whale is a symbol for one environmental success, but it may also symbolize the great perils of failure. Serge Dedina has written an excellent book, a must-read for all who think saving gray whales is a simple issue." -- Ann Zwinger, author of A Desert Country Near the Sea: A Natural History of the Cape Region of Baja California
Identifies activities that could have a negative impact on the gray whale calving/breeding habitats of Laguna San Ignacio and Bahia Magdalena.
From the author: This work "is not just about dolphins; it explores other kinds of myths that relate to my relationship with other species, such as my waking dream about the White Mare (White Goddess), and also language myths involving not just dolphins but other species like prairie dogs and chimps.
Kacey Komloski: Explains "how the dolphins are set up with minute sonar equipment to aid in the search for victims in shipping accidents, coastal war situations, and bomb detection . . . [S]ending a dolphin to do the military's dirty work sounds like animal cruelty and suicide runs to me [and] I did not agree with the view of this book."
From the publisher: "From Shamu the dancing whale at Sea World to Hawaiian lu'au shows, Staging Tourism analyzes issues of performance in a wide range of tourist venues. Jane C. Desmond argues that the public display of bodies--how they look, what they do, where they do it, who watches, and under what conditions--is profoundly important in structuring identity categories of race, gender, and cultural affiliation. These fantastic spectacles of corporeality form the basis of hugely profitable tourist industries, which in turn form crucial arenas of public culture where embodied notions of identity are sold, enacted, and debated.
Contents: Whispering Waters . . . An Introduction, The Silver Lei, Jupiter and the Dolphins, Unconditional Love from the Orcas, Night of the Orcas . . . a Poem, Soaring with Underwater Eagles, Hearts, and Symbols in the Sand
According to the book The Whales, this is not a particularly good
book. "Dewhurst styled himself 'surgeon-accoucheur' and based his claim
to speak with authority about whales on his voyage to the 'Greenland seas' as
surgeon in the ship 'Neptune' of London in 1824--but his book is obviously much
derived from the writings of William Scoresby, who included excellent scientific
observations on whales in his Account of the Arctic Regions, with a History
and Description of the Northern Whale-fishery, 1820. Dewhurst, who called himself 'professor', was more than a little of a charlatan . . . "
Includes the author's experiences "in swimming with wild dolphins and
information about our oceans and whales gained through a scientist [she] met, . . .
a whale, dolphin, and seal rescuer."
This book "examines the evolving relationship between whales and humans by
telling the stories of those who meet whales at sea.
"Presents the story behind Project Interlock, a global network set up by
Wade and Jan Doak to learn about dolphins in the wild. Wade reveals a
fascinating collection of encounters recorded between humans and dolphins in
New Zealand. It seems that something magical has happened: dolphins are accepting
visits from humans at locations all around the coast. Dolphin swimming is a
rapidly growing form of ecotourism.
"In the waters of this planet dwell cetacean creatures with brains as
large and as complex as our own. Yet the capacity of theirs remains one of the
world's most elusive mysteries. Their immense power and benign attitude towards
humans both intrigue and inspire. Deeper understanding of whales and dolphins
can only be on their terms--more than any creature, they have the ability to
avoid us, if perturbed. And they cannot be studied in captivity because mutual
respect and openendedness are essential.
"On an April day in 1975, a tribe of dolphins interrupted their journey up
the east coast of northern New Zealand to frolic in the sea with a boatload of
humans. They played games, acting with an indescribably good humour and ease.
When the meeting was all over and Wade Doak had talked to his family and friends
about it, a teasing thought began to intrude. Was it more than just a game? Were
the dolphins ready and willing to meet humans, their peers in intellect, on an
equal footing? Did they want to communicate with friends of another culture in
the sea?
From the website: This work explores " the healing power of dolphins. [The author] tells . . . of over two decades' work with dolphins, and reveals new research that shows dolphins can inspire us not only with their beauty and intelligence, they can also heal us physically and emotionally.
The optimistic voyage of discovery recounted in this volume begins and ends in
Australia. Along the way, readers meet Aborigines in Australia; Freddie, the
Amble dolphin; JoJo, the Caribbean dolphin; and travel to Japan to ponder the
mysteries of dolphin healing.
The story of the life of the solitary dolphin Donald until his mysterious
disappearance. Calls for the freedom of all dolphins and takes the reader around
the world discovering dolphins in the wild and in captivity. Recounts the
anguish of the Iki Island dolphin massacre and the joy of Rocky's successful
release from the Morecambe dolphinarium.
Explores the development of Operation Sunflower and tells the story of Simo, a
wild dolphin who lived near Solva in Pembrokeshire, and Funghie, the famous
Dingle Dolphin, and the people whose lives were changed by their experiences
with these dolphins.
About Dobbs' life-changing friendship with Donald and Percy, two lone wild
bottlenose dolphins in Cornwall, as well as his interaction with wild dolphins
off the coast of Ireland, his experience of dolphins in Florida associating
with humans in "open confinement," and his acquaintance with JoJo, a
lone wild bottlenose dolphin in the Turks and Caicos Islands.
This account of encounters with dolphins is set mainly off the romantic
coast of Cornwall. Introduces a friendly wild dolphin named Percy who gently
responds to a woman who cannot swim yet is courageous enough to get into
the sea with Percy. It was this remarkable encounter that later led Horace
Dobbs to set up Operation Sunflower, a research project which investigates the
uplifting effect of dolphins on the human spirit. Also tells the story of
Horace Dobbs' encounter with Jean Louis, a lone female dolphin off Brittany in
Package I contents:
Includes articles on dolphin intelligence and communication and on therapeutic
swim-with-dolphins programs, plus a collection of news items about dolphins.
This book "celebrates the beauty and wonder of the world's dolphins and
small whales, and makes a plea to save the many species that are acutely
"The papers are divided into four sections: a review of aspects of cetacean
behaviour in the light of current behavioural thought on other mammalian species; methodological studies incl. acoustics and other benign methods; species specific studies, particularly bowhead and gray whales; a review of photographic mark-recapture methods for estimating population size."
"The first (and larger) section of this volume mainly concerns papers arising out of a field programme to examine catches of long-finned pilot whales taken in the Faroese fishery. Some thirteen papers discuss the analyses of the resultant data, including: external characteristics; age determination and growth; genetic studies and social organisation; reproductive biology; feeding and energetics; pollution; and parasitology.
Vital research data charting the status and distribution of belugas and narwhals
in Greenland, the Canadian Arctic, Baffin Bay and Davis Strait, Scoresby Sound,
Svalbard, Eclipse Sound, North Baffin Island, and other arctic waters.
From the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society Booklist:
" . . . A mixture of colour photos and illustrations in an easy-to-read
style provides a compelling introduction to these amazing creatures."
(Companion volume to Dolphins and Porpoises, by Hatherly and Nicholls.)
Jaap: Natural history and general biology of whales and dolphins.
From the Web site: quot; How did our culture come to lose its appreciation for the voices of our planetary companions? What can paying attention to sound offer us, individually and collectively? In this wide-ranging and accessible book and accompanying CD, David Dunn-sound recordist, composer, eco-philosopher-leads us to ask such questions, while showing how sound offers connection with nature, and ourselves, in profoundly direct ways.
"For eight years Cynthia D'Vincent has sailed the Pacific from Alaska to
Hawaii and back, voyaging as much as 30,000 miles a year, observing the humpback
whales in all their moments, private and social, spectacular and serene. From
[her research platforms] every visible and audible detail of humpback whale
behavior was recorded . . . "
This is not a book about cetaceans, but rather about the ever-degrading status
of their home. Dr. Earle discusses the problems and concludes with a blueprint
for change and offers suggestions for guaranteeing the survival of the seas.
(She also describes some of her encounters with cetaceans and the specific
problems they face.)
From the publisher: "After twenty years of study of orca whales
and dolphins in the wild and in captivity, Dr. Eaton has written a collection
of twenty-four stories and essays [that reflect] on the behavior, intelligence,
and interspecies communication of orcas and dolphins and our relationship to
them. Dr. Eaton and his Orca Project volunteers actually made friends with
wild orcas."
Describes and depicts 37 cetacean species, 6 pinniped species, and 2 otter species. Covers origin and evolution,
behavior and adaptations, dentition, conservation, and whale-watching regions.
Scott: A collection of strange stories that defy scientific explanation,
including the tale of James Bartley, the man who survived being swallowed by a
Matte Bille: Good chapter on the sperm whale and one on the contest between the
whale and its chief prey, the giant squid. I would indeed recommend it to anyone
interested in the way humans view whales or in the sperm whale in particular.
". . . Richard Ellis delineates in this copiously illustrated book the
complex history of men and whales." He tells the [complete] history of
whaling, and there are also sections on "whale-watching, whales on
exhibition, whales and whaling in film, and whales in captivity. In addition,
Ellis describes the origins of the unicorn myth (a whale was responsible), the
use of baleen in the manufacture of corsets and skirt hoops (for which millions
of whales were killed), and the profound influence of Moby-Dick on the
perception of whales in contemporary culture"
"This . . . comprehensive account of the forty-three species of dolphins
and porpoises is a companion volume to the author's highly acclaimed The
Book of Whales. [The author] . . . now captures the essence of the small
cetaceans in his enlightening text and . . . artwork . . .
Scott: Black-and-white drawings and brief description of 75 whale and
dolphin species.
Executive Summary
Chapters include: The IWC and the Politics of Extinction, The International
Whaling Commission, IWC Competence Over Small Cetaceans--A Legal Opinion, Japan,
The Driftnet Fisheries of Japan, Taiwan and South Korea, South-East Asia,
Australasia/South Pacific, North America, The Soviet Union, Scandinavia,
Latin America/Caribbean, Europe, Africa, Middle East, India, Sri Lanka,
Conclusions and Recommendations. Also includes an extensive reference section.
Sections and chapters include: Introduction, Legal Analysis of IWC Competence
to Conserve Small Cetaceans in EEZ's and Territorial Seas, DIRECT KILLS: Belugas/Narwhals, Japan, The Tuna Dolphin Slaughter, Chile, Peru, Denmark (Faroe Islands), Sri Lanka, Turkey, Live Capture, INDIRECT KILLS: Driftnets (includes pirate driftnetters, sperm whales killed in Indian Ocean sanctuary, South Africa, Mauritius, Japan and the EC, driftnet piracy, France, Ireland, Italian ban on driftnets, and Spain), Gillnets (includes the vaquita, harbour porpoise, and gillnets worldwide), Environmental Destruction of Small Cetaceans (includes PCBs, mass die-offs, and oil spills), Conclusions and Recommendations. Also includes an extensive reference section and indexes to countries and species.
" The purpose of these Guidelines is to assist proponents of offshore seismic operations [in addressing] certain of their obligations under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 relevant to interactions with whales or large cetaceans."
Proceedings of the annual conferences of the European Cetacean Society.
Contents: Preface, Whale Origins--Evolution, A Diversity of Whales, Whales in Europe, Whales as Sea Mammals, Whale Motion, Breathing and Diving, Whale Senses, Feeding, Whales as Social Animals, Moving around the World--Migration and the Annual Cycle, Obtaining a Mate, Rearing a Calf, How Long Do Whales Live?, Causes of Death, Hunting the Whale, Whales in Folklore and Legend, Saving the Whale, Counting and Managing Whales, Competing for Food, Pollution and Disturbance, Modern Whale Research, A Whale of A Time, Further Information, Organizations to Join
Scott: Technical book, with many charts, graphs, and detailed descriptions.
Excellent basic reference.
Abstract: There has been a growing concern over the last few decades about the effects of environmental stress, including anthropogenic impacts, on marine mammals. This paper provides an overview of the wide range of anthropogenic stressors that marine mammals may encounter and the level of understanding on their potential effects. Sources of stress and physiological responses of the animals are explored. Many of the life history traits of marine mammals (i.e., long-life spans, late maturity, relatively low reproductive potential, and feeding high in the food chain), make them susceptible to various anthropogenic stressors. Since marine mammals are exposed to a diverse array of multiple stressors, this paper focuses on three case studies (acute and chronic effects from oil spills; chronic effects from environmental contaminants; and fishery-induced stress) to emphasize potential relevant hazards and to provide a perspective on the use of marine mammals in assessing ecosystem health. Additional research to enhance our understanding of stress on marine mammals and to provide the science needed to guide management decisions is recommended.
Provides a detailed account of all species of whale found in Irish waters -- from the common porpoise to the blue whale. Also includes a chapter on whales in Irish archaeology and folklore.
Contains an extensive bibliography, including numerous articles on
cetacean-fishery interactions.
"[Are humans] the most intelligent of mammals? Do whales and dolphins reason? What is the relationship between brain size and intelligence? [Dr. Fichtelius], a Swedish professor of medicine who spent five years studying and trying to communicate with dolphins, presents in this book his comparative study of large-brained animals, using recent scientific findings to show that in many areas the intelligence capacities of whales and dolphins are superior to those of [humans]."
Contains a brief survey of the major groups and species of marine mammals, plus
chapters on whale watching, animal welfare organizations, marine mammal exhibits, and scientific names. Also includes suggestions for further reading and an index.
See cetacean chapter by Dylan Walker (Galapagos Cetacean Project, 17 Stanmore Road, Thorpe St., Andrew, Norwich, NR7 0HB, U.K., voice: (0)1603 433566; email: Contains photographs (mostly above surface) and color plates of all of the cetacean species present in the region. The text concentrates on identification with notes on status and distribution. (Species include minke, sei, Bryde's, blue, fin, humpback, sperm, pygmy sperm, dwarf sperm, Blainville's beaked, gingko-toothed beaked, Hector's beaked, lesser beaked, Cuvier's beaked, pygmy killer, short-finned pilot, orca, and false killer whales, and common, striped, long-snouted spinner, pantropical spotted, rough-toothed, bottlenose, Risso's, and Fraser's dolphins.
Trisha: Beautifully orchestrates the dolphin experience without in any way limiting it or dispelling its mystery. No one else I've read in the New Age genre (and I've read extensively) has done this so well. Other New Age authors tend to hyperidealize dolphins and whales, casting them as one-dimensional, perfect, superior, always gentle, etc., off-world beings, with not much sense conveyed of their complex earth-born character, depth, and mystery (or ours) left intact. Mainstream authors, on the other hand, keenly intent on avoiding anthropormorphism, etc., may dismiss the luminous dimensions altogether that may open in us in the company of our heart totems, whether they be dolphins or some other nonhuman or human being.
Fitzgibbon, Ronnie. The Dingle Dolphin. Athlone: Temple Printing, 1988.
An update of Gray's Catalogue of Seals and Whales in the British Museum
written in 1868.
"Careful to ensure the accuracy and quality of the information presented, the first part explains key topics on cetaceans -- their specific environmental adaptations, pollution and its effects, strandings, feeding, and others. The second part of the work consists of fact sheets that provide detailed, complete descriptions of each species."
Review in Book News, Inc., 1999: "Describes the natural history of killer whales and provides a catalogue of
identification photographs for whale enthusiasts. With a focus on transient killer whales, Ford (director of marine mammal
research, Vancouver Aquarium Marine Science Centre and professor at the University of British Columbia) and Ellis (marine
mammal research technician, Pacific Biological Station) give the latest information on their feeding habits, social lives,
and distribution patterns. The catalogue section contains color and b&w photographs of and notes on about 200 individual
whales, and sidebars present interesting observations on encounters with transients as well as where and how to watch for
them. Lacks an index . . ." -- Copyright (c) 1999 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR All rights reserved.
From Book News, Inc., November 1, 1994: "The three authors have been studying killer whales since the 1970s, when they began photographing dorsal fins and the gray saddle patches at the base of the fins in order to identify individual whales. They present the latest information on killer whale natural history; suggestions on how, when, and where to best watch killer whales; and a catalog of some 300 photographs of 'resident' killer whales which can be used to identify individuals and their family groups." Copyright (c) 1994 Book Neews, Inc. All rights reserved
See the following chapters: Marine Mammals: Introduction and Identification;
Marine Mammals: Husbandry; Marine Mammals: Nutrition and Nutritional Disorders;
Clinical Techniques; Infectious Diseases
From the 2001 Brussels Delphinaria Conference announcement: "From 1994 until now, some associations in Belgium have been fighting together against the cruel captivity conditions of Iris and Ivo, the two last dolphins of Antwerp Delphinarium (now closed). A huge campaign was [started] in 1998 and [has not stopped] so far. Iris and Ivo were sent to Duisburg zoo - despite the presence in the pool of another dominant male, Play Boy (now dead) - but Belgian press and Belgian public keep a close eye on them and a petition is now still turning through Belgium, [asking] for their release. A collective book was even written by the concerned associations, under the title of Freedom for Dolphins: The Iris and Ivo File . . . An abstract of this book was also used for pedagogic purposes and sent to all schools in Belgium."
From the publisher: "It was an ordinary vacation on the beautiful, still pristine beaches of Cuba. But the guided
tour to the natural aquarium was much more than an excursion -- the tiny island in the Caribbean Sea was the home of
dolphins! This true story of interspecies love and communication will . . . fill your soul with a longing to feel the
tenderness and the devotion of the dolphins.
Provides "a comprehensive assessment of the whaling controversy.
"It's not often that a government changes a longstanding policy overnight.
It's even less frequent that one makes a dramatic and abrupt change because of
citizens' pressure. But this is what happened to Australia's whaling policy in
early 1979: Australia closed its whaling industry and became a leader in the
international movement against commercial whaling.
Abstract: This document examines the behavior of dolphins relative to interaction with humans across a variety of conditions. First, each of the three captive facilities in the Bahamas offering swim-with-the-dolphin programs were examined relative to U.S. guidelines. Behavior of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) as well as facility management and maintenance were assessed. Second, a population of spotted dolphins (Stenella frontalis) that has regularly initiated contact with vessels and swimmers in the Bahamas was examined with respect to human activity. Differences in duration of interactions for five dolphin group types were significant . . . ; mixed groups and adult females with juveniles were most frequently associated with long encounters . . . Differences in encounter duration between six dolphin behavior activities were also significant . . . Observations of interspecific play and short-term behavioral indicators of stress were noted. One obseration of avoidance in response to swimmer activity was observed. Lastly, the behavior of a lone, sociable dolphin in Belize was examined. First-order Markov analysis revealed that selected dolphin behaviors were significantly non-random given the previous behavior of adjacent swimmers . . . This dolphin was most likely to direct threat display toward a swimmer following the latter's touch of the anchor or anchor rope . . . and by a swimmer's attempt to climb up the swim ladder. In summary, both qualitative and quantitative techniques proved valuable in assessing dolphin behavior relative to human interaction. These studies indicate that research and regulations for human-cetacean interactions need to be specific relative to biology, behavior, and environment because the risks to dolphins and humans appear to vary accordingly. The species, individual history, gender, age, and social and environmental context of dolphins should be addressed in both research and management.
Synopsis: "New insights into dolphin behavior that provide compelling indications that dolphins experience rich and complex emotional lives will be discussed. This will be addressed with respect to how we may attempt to study emotions in dolphins and how this endeavor may lead us to re-evaluate the ways in which we interact with them."
From the publisher: "Dolphins and humans have always been curious about each other, and since ancient times the
kinship between our species has been celebrated across cultures and continents in myth, art, literature, and science. Only
recently, however, have we gone beyond our own view of this interspecies connection and begun to ask: What might this bond
look like from the dolphins' perspective?
Trisha: This is a collection of first-person accounts of interactions with whales all over the world, which together provide insight into the human-cetacean relationship. A broad range of interactions is included ranging from whale sightings to making contact in the dark (one of the most moving accounts is Guy D'Angelo's description of how he and Physty, a rescued juvenile sperm whale, explored each other in the dark), to swimming with pilot whales and the
complexities of rescuing trapped and stranded individuals. There are sections on orcas, minkes, humpbacks, gray whales, sperm whales, whales approaching boats, swimming with whales, feeding whales, collisions with whales, research with whales, calling whales, dying whales, and rescues.
Contains papers on the brain and intelligence of whales.
Speakers included:
Dr. Carole Carlson, Senior Marine Biologist, International Fund for
Animal Welfare, and Adjunct Scientist, Center for Coastal Studies, Massachusetts
Rochelle Constantine, Marine researcher and author of a report on marine-mammal based tourism by New Zealand's Department of Conservation
Paulo Flores, International Wildlife Commission, Brazil
Dr. Paul Forestell, Marine Science Professor, Southampton College, Long
Island University
Greg Kaufman, Founder and President, Pacific Whale Foundation
Chris Malcolm, an organizer of a workshop on whalewatching at the World Marine Mammal Science Conference in Monaco, and Ph.D. Candidate, Whale Research Lab, University of Victoria
Clark Lee Merriam, Researcher, The Cousteau Society, and guest writer for "Calypso Log"
Dr. Rob Wilder, Marine biodiversity specialist; author of Listening to
the Sea. Director of Education at Pacific Whale Foundation.
Topics discussed included:
* Trends in whale- and dolphin-watching around the world
* Predictions about the future status of whale and dolphin populations
* Approaches by different cultures and communities
* Challenges to, and the responses by, regulatory agencies
* The future of the industry: Is whale- and dolphin-watching leveling off - or growing?
More than 40 species of cetaceans are briefly described and illustrated.
Also includes a glossary.
Trisha: An elegantly produced slim volume on the gray whale with no publisher or
date of publication given.
Scott: An odd and rare book about two trips Gardner made to Scammon's
Lagoon in Baja California to observe the gray whale. It is as much a defense
of the Mexican character and a promotion of the wonders of Baja California
before its eventual exploitation as it is a very personal story of Gardner's
adventures in attempting to be one of the first to take boats by trailer to
the lagoon and to photograph the whales. Includes the first photo of a gray
feeding there.
Contents include: Whale Watching; What Is a Whale and How Can I Tell One from
Another?; Facts about Whales; Whale Watchers' Questions; A Few of the World's
Special Giants; Whale Biology; Whale Psychology; Whales on the Move; Whale
Sounds, Songs, and Talk; Whaling: Giant-Killing at Sea. Also contains a
bibliography and an index.
This booklet has been "prepared for readers of all ages who share an
interest in the orcas that inhabit the inland waters we live by--to celebrate
the whales' presence here, and to help our orca neighbors live healthy lives
in their chosen home."
"Whales: A Celebration is a magnificent tribute to the massive
beauty and intelligence of whales and dolphins by many of the world's leading
artists. Never before has one volume gathered such a group of renowned
contemporary painters, novelists, poets, sculptors, and composers, all addressing themselves to a single social issue: saving those most majestic and friendly creatures, the whales and the dolphins. This book brings together 250 of the most eminent artists from 30 countries, and displays their work, in most cases created especially for Whales, beside the portraits of the past, to create a splendid worldwide pageant of art from paleolithic days to the present.
"Imagine yourself wading into the open sea to have two or three dolphins
glide up to your knees. You reach down to stroke them and they press
affectionately against your hand as they slide past.
See chapter "Physiologic and Toxic Effects on Cetaceans."
"[The] CD-ROM is an updated version of Marine Mammals Ashore: A Field Guide for Strandings, published in 1993 and now out of print. The book was
designed to provide marine mammal stranding network participants with the
information necessary to understand and deal with strandings: an overview of
marine mammal biology, behavior, and health; guidelines for response and
rescue operations; advice for dealing with the media and the public; and
protocols for collecting data and specimens.
See sections on marine mammals.
Relates "the early days of the [New Frontiers Institute] Interspecies
Communication project [involving dolphin/human communication utilizing remote
viewing and telepathy]."
"'The first time I saw a whale, I looked into its eye and saw myself
reflected.' For Michelle Gilders, this moment was revelation. It becomes for us
the start of a marvelous journey into the realm of the great whales. Gilders
weaves a spellbinding account of her voyages through the Sea of Cortez and the
Pacific Ocean in search of whales. Along the way, she takes us to the desert of
Baja California to witness its diverse and remarkable wildlife. She recounts the
whaling history of the area and the pressures brought to bear on this region and
its wildlife. In the rough beauty of Baja, Gilders ponders ecological complexity, environmental issues, and ethical concerns, while immersing the reader in the sights and sounds of a desert awash in the whale-haunted seas.
"A study bringing together the latest findings on the evolution, biology,
habits, and behavior of the great sea mammals by marine biologists. Also includes more than four hundred . . . illustrations and photographs."
Rauno Lauhakangas: A study of the condition of captive and performing animals.
This book was published in 1934--before the time of dolphin captivity problems.
It deals with the question "To keep or not to keep" animals in captivity, and
it contains some positive viewpoints which would not necessarily stand up
to present-day criticism.
From the publisher: "Brian Gilmore provides patterns and easy to follow carving instructions for 10 species of whales. More than 150 color photographs lead the carver step-by-step through the carving and painting of the Great Right Whale and the Killer Whale and provide direction for the alterations needed to carve the other species."
Information provided on MARMAM January 17, 1998, by Darius Bartlett ( For the past twelve months, teams from the Sea-Grant Institute at the University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA), at the Coastal Services Centre of NOAA (South Carolina, USA) and the Coastal Resources Centre at University College Cork (Ireland) have been compiling a bibliography of scientific literature relating to coastal and marine applications of geographic information systems (GIS) and related technologies.
From the dustjacket:
"Unlike sharks, who prefer working in rigid traditional hierarchies, dolphins thrive in teams organized around networks. Comfortable with power, they rarely abuse it, viewing themselves as leaders rather than bosses. And although they value the bottom line as much as any shark, they know that the bottom line grows fastest in a flexible workplace where people are satisfied and motivated to do their best. With their tough but caring ways, women have the very characteristics America's forward-thinking corporations are looking for in today's fiercely competitive and ever-changing business environment.
From the author, a former trainer at Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, Illinois:
"The title of explorer-archaeologist Nelson Glueck's latest book is not
whimsical. It captures accurately and in the fewest possible words the results
of some of the author's archaeological discoveries in present-day Transjordan,
once the land of the Nabataeans, who flourished in the first centuries B.C. and
A.D. . . .
Publisher's annotation: "In 30 photographs and 6,000 words of text, Gohier
gives a detailed and accurate portrait of the humpback whale, perhaps the most
beloved and recognizable of the great whales . . . This engrossing books, written in simple terms by a man who has followed the humpbacks for many years, contains a wealth of recent data on the whales. Social behavior, play, courtship, birth, male aggression, and numerous feeding techniques are talked about and depicted in oversized photos. Excerpts from humpback whale song are shown in easy-to-understand sonograms. The text further elaborates on what is known about humpback singing. Like other Blake nature titles, the type of both text and captions are very generously sized, making the books especially attractive to youngsters and to adults who have difficult with standard type. A favorite with whale-watchers and report-writers too."
A well-illustrated, brief overview of gray whales and gray-whale watching.
"Acclaimed multimedia artist Michele Gold brings her lyrical and spiritual
vision of the world of dolphins to the pages of this exquisite coffee-table book. Having lived among these angelic creatures herself, Michele has truly captured the profound ability of dolphins to 'touch our hearts and bring us instantly into the moment, into pure joy, into the Light.'
"You'll travel along the gray whales' journey from warm breeding lagoons
to icy feeding grounds. You'll read the latest findings about how grays feed,
play, mate, communicate, and navigate on these heroic journeys, and learn about
the dangers that grays face along the way."
"This practical and informative field guide . . . shows you how to observe
orcas up close and understand these elusive and often misrepresented creatures of the sea. You'll find facts on the orca's life cycle, tips on planning a
whalewatching trip, maps, and a sighting log to help you enjoy the unrivaled
experience of orca-watching."
First general survey of the natural history of the sperm whale.
William Rossiter writes on the back cover:
"Orcas of the Gulf will be a pleasure to anyone who wants to explore the realities of nature. Mr. Gormley's awe and respect for these magnificent whales is shared with us as a small pod of orca pass through the familiar waters off New England. We find ourselves enveloped in the interlocked, interwoven spectrum of the sea; everyday life to the orca, white water drama and magical beauty to Man. Much seems incredible, impossible, even mythical, yet the author has included every available bit of science in his exciting and educational narrative. He takes us a few steps farther than science has yet gone with common sense and realism, challenging the scientists to discover the full world of the orca. His narrative theories on perception, communication, pod society and chillingly realistic assessment of human impact are most interesting. The values and perceptions expressed in this work are not human, but they may just be the orca's, and we can all learn from that."
Trisha: This is actually primarily a fictional work, but is based on years of
the author's and others' observations and a solid grounding in scientific
literature, so I've included it in the nonfiction list as well.
This beautifully produced, oversize book with many color photographs contains
the following chapters: Beneath the Waves, Hunters and Gatherers, In the Body of
a Whale, Family Life, Saving the Whales, Families of Whales, and Conservation
Groups. Also contains a bibliography and an index.
Discusses baleen and toothed whales (including dolphins and porpoises), manatees
and dugongs, seals, sea lions, walruses, and otters.
Ten pages of scientific text/nomenclature followed by 37 lithograph plates of complete whales, skulls, and other anatomical views.
Primarily about capturing and training dolphins for the Miami Seaquarium.
Primarily about capturing and training dolphins for the Miami Seaquarium, plus a chapter on captive dolphins Lalla and Palooza held in a canal in Italy and their death from freezing temperatures.
"This report describes plans by the Mitsubishi Corporation and the Mexican government to build a massive salt works in Laguna San Ignacio, Mexico, the last untouched breeding and calving grounds of the Gray Whale. The report, originally published in February 1997 by the Natural Resources Defense Council and the International Fund for Animal Welfare, was revised in January 1998."
Extensive information about physical characteristics, behavior, migration routes, and threats to existence.
"Channeled" session with "the Dolphins."
"The guide is divided into two parts. The 26 species included in Part I
represent every likely whale and dolphin that an observer might come across in
this geographic area . . . Key features to identification of each species are
presented in both the physical description and behaviour sections. You can use
the range section to help confirm your sighting. The status of each species is
noted in accordance with the IUCN Red Data Book criteria . . .
From the publisher: "The Dolphins of Hilton Head introduces readers to the unique population of bottlenose
dolphins that inhabit the warm waters and brackish salt marshes of South Carolina's inland coastal waterways. Drawing on
years of research in Hilton Head and the latest discoveries of scientists throughout the world, Cara Gubbins describes this
atypical habitat and explains how distinctive behaviors of Hilton Head dolphins distinguish them from other populations.
She identifies their particular behavior patterns, vocalizations, behavioral ecology and local traditions. Gubbins also
offers practical suggestions on how best to view and understand these animals while visiting the island.
Discusses cetaceans, pinnipeds, polar bear, sea otter, and steller sea cow.
Cetaceans include fin, humpback, blue, gray, right, bowhead, sperm, beaked,
pilot, killer, false killer, and belukha whales, narwhal, dolphins, and
From the preface: "This book is factual in approach, centered--within the
space available--on what is known of the unique adaptations, biology, and behavior of the marine mammals. It contains no poems, no legends, no mystical stories--only facts . . . "
"In recent years several . . . non-lethal techniques have been developed
which enable information required for management to be obtained for at least some species and populations. In recognition of this, the IWC sponsored a Symposium (attended by some 200 people), and Workshop in La Jolla, California. Emphasis was given to those techniques using individual identification of whales (primarily by photo-identification) to estimate population parameters. A major goal of the Workshop, attended by 37 scientists from five continents, was to provide a forum for exchange of expertise between researchers who are primarily field workers and those who are primarily analysts. . . It addressed questions of the development of common terms of reference for coding and matching of photographs, comparison of various field techniques and equipment and the evaluation of current and potential levels of precision of population parameters estimated from such data. The volume . . . contains 49 peer reviewed papers on a wide range of topics, including: (1) theoretical application of such data to the estimation of abundance and life history parameters; (2) guides to handling large data bases of individual recognition data efficiently; (3) general reviews of the applicability of such techniques to groups of species, e.g., small cetaceans; (4) results from groups of animals that have already been the subject of many years of study; (5) early results from studies of species for which it has only relatively recently been realised that photo-identification techniques can be used; (6) feasibility studies on new species: (7) the use of genetic 'fingerprinting' to identify individual animals."
Explores the meaning of orcas in the art and consciousness of the Pacific
Reviewed by Phil Clapham in the Spring 1989 issue of Oceanus:
"A sobering thought: there are now probably more books about whales than
there are right whales in the North Atlantic. Since whales first became symbols
of the environmental movement, there has been a seemingly endless line of books
about whale biology, whale identification, whaling history, whale art, and even--heaven help us!--whale mysticism.
See section on whale song.
". . . With dozens of key places right round the coast, this book shows you how to get there, where to stay and where to see migratory whales and their ever-present cousins, the dolphins. Also included is a host of whale and dolphin stories, whale identification diagrams and access numbers to the many organizations devoted to the protection of cetacea."
From the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society Booklist:
" . . . Learn about these playful, intelligent and often friendly creatures
in this fully illustrated book." (Companion volume to Whales, by
Lesley Dow.)
Scott: Privately published booklet of author's ideas about the essence
of the Dolphin Mystery. Oddly written, but quite insightful, inspirational.
From the website: "The background for the compilation of [this] monograph is the ongoing assessment of belugas in the
North Atlantic, started by the North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission in 1999 (NAMMCO 2000, 2001, 2002). Most of the
information presented in this volume has been presented at scientific working group meetings within NAMMCO and the
Canada/Greenland Joint Commission on Conservation and Management of Narwhal and Beluga (JCNB). The information from these
meetings is both of general interest to scientists dealing with Arctic wildlife and of value for future scientific
assessments of beluga stocks. As a consequence it was decided that the information should be compiled as a volume in the
series of Scientific Publications from NAMMCO. There has been special concern in both NAMMCO and JCNB about the
conservation status of beluga that winter off West Greenland, and this is reflected in the subject matter of the
compilation. However the volume is . . . broad in scope, covering beluga populations from the St. Lawrence River in
southern Canada to the Russian eastern Arctic, Information on the two other Arctic cetaceans, the narwhal (Monodon
monoceros) and the bowhead whale (Balaena mysticetus), often are by-products of studies specifically targeting belugas, so
some information on these species is included in the volume as well."
Trisha: This is an excellent introduction to orcas, with an informative and
interesting text and wonderful and plentiful photographs.
Contents include checklists of whales, dolphins, and porpoises; species accounts; whale-watching equipment; watching and identifying whales, dolphins, and porpoises; whale migrations, whale-watching lookouts and sanctuaries; and appendixes on whale conservation organizations, member nations of the IWC, U.S. federal laws and marine mammal protection, recent estimates of numbers of great whales, and whale sighting report forms. Also contains a glossary, suggested reading, and an index.
See chapter 2, "True Monsters of the Deep," which briefly describes
the evolution and behavior of whales, attacks of sperm whales on whaling
ships, the Jonah legend, sperm whale-squid encounters, ambergris, narwhals
(including associated unicorn lore), orcas ("vicious killer whales"
to give you some idea of the orientation), belugas, and strandings.
From a review in the March-April 1973 issue of Oceans magazine:
"In scholarly yet readable fashion, David A. Henderson of California State
College, Northridge, has introduced the California gray whale and the history
of man's contact with this unique mammal, from Indian times and the early
Spanish accounts to the whaling years climaxed by Charles M. Scammon and his
dwindling successors as salt replaced whale oil and baleen on ships outward
bound from the twin lagoons midway along Baja's Pacific coast. As befits a
work of history, human and natural, the volume is concluded with compendious
notes and an exhaustive bibliography. Appended also are certain tables of
historiographic interest relative specifically to whaling.
Contents: Sound Emission and Detection by Delphinids; The Cetacean Eye; Social and Ecological Correlates of Cetacean Vision and Visual Appearance; The Communication System of Cetaceans; The Structure and Function of Cetacean Schools; The Social Ecology of Inshore Odontocetes; The Behavior and Training of Cetaceans in Captivity; Cognitive Characteristics of Dolphins; Classification of the Cetaceans
Ilha Grande Bay cetacean identification guide.
Brazilian cetacean identification guide.
" . . . a colorful, accessible introduction to the cetaceans that shows how
scientists study these elusive creatures and reveals what they have learned. The
book gives examples of the interaction of whales, dolphins, and porpoises with
human cultures around the world and discusses such conservation issues as modern
whaling, habitat degradation, pollution, and the threat of extinction. Short
essays address additional topics such as whale intelligence, the mystery of mass
strandings, the lessons of DNA analysis, and the tuna-dolphin controversy. The
book features numerous color illustrations, including images by leading nature
photographers . . . " Also includes a glossary, and index, and a brief
Synopsis: "The book is in two sections. The first contains information about dolphins and how to connect with them. The second includes techniques for overcoming limiting beliefs, fears, and judgments which prevent a person
from exhibiting their own dolphin-like qualities. These qualities are joy,
laughter, playfulness, spontaneity, unconditional love, creativity, and
An overview of the history, biology, and demise by whaling of sperm, gray, minke, Bryde's, sei, fin, blue, humpback, right, and bowhead whales.
Scott: The story of the first twenty years of Marineland, near St.
Augustine, Florida, where the first dolphin was "trained" to perform
tricks for people.
From the description in the December 1997 issue of Marine Mammal Society
Newsletter, the newsletter of the Society for Marine Mammalogy: Presents the proceedings of a marine mammal symposium conducted by the Australian Mammal Society in July 1994 in Hobart, Tasmania. It comprises 22 chapters arranged in four parts: Status and Management (6 chapters), General Ecology (4), Foraging Ecology (8) and Medicine and Husbandry (4). Chapters cover whales, dolphins, and seals of Australia, New Zealand, subantarctic islands, and Antarctic waters. There are many good photographs of animals, in color and in black and white.
* A strong majority of experts agree that dolphin assisted therapy is beneficial for persons who are HIV+ symptomatic.
"This is in many ways a companion volume to special issue 12 on photo-identification and other individual recognition techniques . . .
"In 1988 a group of scientists began a revolutionary experiment: they
'borrowed' a pair of wild dolphins from the sea, studied them in captivity for
two years, and then set them free to continue studying the animals in their
home waters. Dolphin Chronicles is the extraordinary story of that
experiment, a coast-to-coast odyssey that began when two Atlantic bottlenose
dolphins--dubbed Echo and Misha--were captured in Tampa Bay, Florida, and
transported to Long Marine Laboratory in Santa Cruz, California.
author of The Hidden Life of Dogs
author of The Year of the Whale and A Natural History of Marine Mammals
A brief introduction to dolphins and whales and our relationship to them. Large,
full-color photos and illustrations.
From the publisher: "This comprehensive guide to whale and dolphin watching in Europe focuses on the best whale watch
operators in 14 different countries, from Greenland to Greece. The guide offers a choice of location as diverse as Norway,
with one of the most successful Arctic whale-watch options, and the Azores, where you can laze on a sun-baked deck,
watching massive sperm whales diving deep into the bluest waters imaginable. There are many opportunities to watch for free
from special lookouts on land, or at the other end of the scale, you can spend £1,000 or more to watch whales on research
ships, thus helping to contribute to whale and dolphin conservation. The Best Whale Watching in Europe helps whale
watchers understand, identify and photograph the animals they see, whilst ensuring that their chosen whale watch trip does
not harm the animals . . .
From an IFAW press release: "The report notes that whale watching tourism expenditures more than doubled from 1994-1998; expenditures now are more than a billion dollars per year. In the US alone, more than 4.3 million people went whale watching in 1998, accounting for 47% of the global whale watching industry.
From Erich Hoyt and the publisher: "Over the past decade, whale and
dolphin watching has come of age as an exciting, inspiring activity of growing
popularity around the world. More and more people are making whale watching a
part of their holidays. As of 1995, more than 5 million people in 65 countries
and overseas territories went whale watching.
Concise guide to the available tours and best look-out sites. Coverage includes
all U.K. waters.
In this book, the author offers "a remarkable chronicle of a year in the
life of about a dozen humpback, right, and blue whales. Moving through their
migration cycles in the North Atlantic Ocean, the whales--Comet, Beltane, Talon,
Stripe, June, and their companions--sing, fight, play, mate, and feed. In their
travels, they meet many other animals, predators and prey, each of which plays
a role in the ocean ecosystem. They also encounter toxic waste, oil slicks, and
'ghost' fishing nets, and at times, their prey is contaminated. Many of the
whales' activities are recorded in more than 75 color photographs by some of the
world's finest marine photographers." Also contains a reading list and an
"Intent on dispelling the killer myth, Erich Hoyt and his colleagues spent seven summers following these splendid creatures in the waters off northern Vancouver Island and found them to be intelligent, playful, and even friendly. This book, the first ever published on killer whales, is Hoyt's fascinating account of those seven summers of adventure and discovery."
"The Whales of Canada will help you identify and understand all 20
species of whales, porpoises and dolphins found in Canadian waters. Included are
feeding, breeding, and social habits, size comparisons, drawings, photographs,
range maps and firsthand observations from biologists and experienced whale
Contains the locations of hundreds of coastal lookouts, detailed information
on hundreds of specially chartered whale-watching tours, more than 90 photographs, 75 illustrations by Pieter Folkens, 15 maps and charts, a selection of facts about the various species, tips and guidelines, helpful advice on how to take whale photographs and tape-record whale sounds and calls, and a glossary, index, and recommended reading list.
In-depth look at how whale watching has grown in five communities in Norway,
Iceland, New Zealand, Argentina, and the United States.
"The CD includes software with which one can identify a particular humpback
whale from the fluke pattern and natural history information on 20 marine
mammals common to the Gulf of Maine area."
"In the summer of 1975 a Greenpeace crew set out on an eighty-foot halibut
seiner to confront the Russian whaling fleet off the coast of California. Their
most successful tactic was to place their Zodiac rubber boats between the Russian killer boats and the fleeing whales, forcing the harpooners either to hold their fire or risk hitting one of the Greenpeace crew. Because of their successes that summer, the group could send out a retired minesweeper as well as the seiner for the campaign of 1976. And by the summer of 1977, the Greenpeace message was being heard around the world.
From the publisher: "The first comprehensive guide to the identification of whales, dolphins and porpoises (Order
Cetacea) inhabiting the Indian Ocean waters around the island of Sri Lanka. This compact field guide gives a general
description of cetaceans including their evolutionary history, unique natural history characteristics and behavioural
traits followed by a detailed description of the 26 species identified thus far from Sri Lanka's waters. These
descriptions are based on over fifteen years of observation and research undertaken by the author and are accompanied by
over 50 full colour photographs and technically precise paintings that illustrate the unique features of each species.
This guide is meant not only for the serious researcher, but also for the layman who is interested in these unique
denizens of the waters around Sri Lanka."
Notebook format, pictorial work.
"In the late 1970s, the management of sperm whale catches in the Southern
Hemisphere and North Pacific was a major scientific issue. This volume documents
the approach adopted by the Scientific Committee at that time. The 41 authored
papers cover a variety of subjects including: stock [sic] identity; pregnancy
and mortality rates; population models; whaling statistics and strategies."
"This volume is concerned with two morphologically similar balaenopterid
species, the sei (Balaenoptera borealis) and Bryde's (B. edeni). The 20 papers consider a number of topics ranging from biological parameters to stock [sic] identity and feeding studies. It contains the first paper to identify inshore and offshore forms of a balaenopterid species."
Chris Hedley ( This site "deals comprehensively with all aspects of marine living resource conservation and management. It contains information and documents on marine mammal organizations and agreements and contains a large collection of links. Recent additions to the site also include a discussion list for law and policy aspects of marine living resource conservation and management and a monthly news bulletin (the latter requires a subscription fee) . . ."
Explores how recklessly expanding industry in Baja California--in particular the
salt, oil, and gas industries--threatens the gray whale's survival.
Recounts the author's personal journey among the southern population of humpback
whales. Filled with spectacular photographs of whales and their underwater world.
A spectacular tribute to the humpback whale. Photographs taken in the waters off
southeastern Alaska, the Hawaiian Islands, and the Bonin Islands. Includes informative captions and an essay on the author's experiences while photographing the whales.
A sad, but revealing, paragraph you would never see in any oceanarium publication today: "Scientists are not sure how long a marine animal can adjust to being away from the open ocean, but they know a tank may begin to seem like a prison after several years. Marineland's large male whale was perfectly at home in the tank for four years, and then it slowly stopped eating and performing. None of the regular medicines seemed to help, so the curator decided the whale must be simply depressed. He bought a large supply of a new drug, the same kind doctors give to people with mental breakdowns. In a few days the whale ate again but it would not do its tricks. For more than a year the 19-foot whale was sluggish and languid, but people still could enjoy looking at it through the windows of the tank. Life in captivity seemed to have affected the whale's mind, but the drug saved its life . . ."
Contents: The Proliferation of Undersea Noise, The Laws of Noise, Floodlights and Hotspots, Findings and Recommendations, Sidebars: Defining the Problem, by Dr. Sylvia Earle, Masking the Great Whales, by Dr. Lindy Weilgart, Calling Long Distance, by Dr. Roger Payne, The LFA Scientific Research Program, by Dr. Peter Tyack, The ATOC Scientific Research Program, by Drs. Dan Costa & John Calambokidis, Tables: A Preliminary List of Acoustic Hotspots, U.S. Naval Exercises Using Low-Frequency Active Sonar
Contents: Geohydrodynamic Variability; Biological Oceanography and Marine Food
Webs: Role of Marine Mammals and Seabirds; Systematics and Ecology of Seabirds
and Marine Mammals; Coastal Eutrophication of the Southern Bight of the North
Sea: Assessment and Modelling; Problematic and Methodological Approach of the
Study of the Bioaccumulation of Trace Elements in Delphinids; Ecotoxicology of
Stable Pollutants - Organochlorines and Heavy Metals - in Seabirds and Marine
Mammals; Oil Pollution and Seabirds; Parasitology of Marine Mammals;
Parasitology of Marine Birds; Basic Concepts of Veterinary Pathology; Pathology
of Marine Mammals; Marine Bird Necropsy Findings; Virus Infections in Feral
Birds, a General Review; Rehabilitation of Seabirds: Improved Protocols in the
Light of Continual Review and Practice
From Erich Hoyt's annotated bibliography in his book Orca: The Whale Called
Killer: "Journalist's account of the rescue of the bullet-wounded baby orca Miracle as well as his theories about how it was separated from its pod."
About the relationship of humans with water, its special role during pregnancy,
and the dolphin connection; absolutely stunning photographs--Trisha.
From the publisher: "Entanglements explores the clash of cultures and personalities among fishermen, scientists, and whale advocates
struggling to save both the endangered North Atlantic right whale and the livelihoods of thousands of Atlantic coastal families. By most
counts, just over 300 of these whales remain in the North Atlantic, and scientists warn that collisions with fishing gear are contributing
to their decline. Without pointing fingers or laying blame, Tora Johnson explores every side of the issue. She takes us to sea with
fishermen who struggle to stay in business, setting traps and gillnets in the whale's habitat, and with members of the rescue teams who
attempt to cut away deadly rope and net from whales in the wild. Weaving their stories and her personal observations into a discussion of
the science and history of the conflict, she offers an admirable balance of perceptions, backgrounds, and agendas. Her thoughtful
discussion of the plight of fishermen and whales and of the frustrations between fishing communities and conservationists presents an
authentic microcosm of the global conflict between human demands on the environment and nature's finite capacity for supporting those
From the publisher: ". . . With captivating text and spectacular color photographs, Whales celebrates the struggles [with
whaling, pollution, and increasing marine traffic] and survival of these ocean giants. From the orcas of the Pacific to the belugas of the
Arctic, author David Jones examines the habits of these creatures and reveals fascinating aquatic facts . . . "
". . . the story of fifteen years of contact between a group of humans and
a school of free-swimming spotted dolphins in a remote area of the Bahamas. The
story includes related contacts in the Galapagos with the dolphins' larger
cousins, the sperm whales. It also depicts how the work in the Bahamas was
effective in the struggle to save dolphins from slaughter in Japan and in the
nets of tuna fishermen. A continuing theme in the book will be hitherto
unreported examples of animal intelligence and curiosity and illustrations of
the remarkable relationships that are possible between humans and animals when
they meet as equals. The book will include an expose of how marine parks capture
their dolphins and examine the ethics of capturing dolphins in the wild and
keeping them in captivity for commercial display purposes."
Contents: The Fossil Record and Phyletic Relationships of Gray Whales; Atlantic
Gray Whales; History of Gray Whales in Japan; Aboriginal Whaling from the
Aleutian Islands to Washington State; Gray Whales and the Aborigines of the
Pacific Northwest: The History of Aboriginal Whaling; Shore Whaling for Gray
Whales along the Coast of the Californias; Nineteenth Century Gray Whaling:
Grounds, Catches and Kills, Practices and Depletion of the Whale Population;
Modern Commercial Pelagic Whaling for Gray Whales; Assessing Gray Whale
Abundance: A Review; Census of Gray Whales at Unimak Pass, Alaska,
November-December 1977-1979; Distribution and Migration of Gray Whales in
Alaska; Gray Whales off Vancouver Island, British Columbia; Gray Whale
Migrations along the Oregon Coast, 1978-1981; Demography and Phenology of Gray
Whales and Evaluation of Whale-Watching Activities in Laguna San Ignacio, Baja
California, Mexico; Reoccupation of Laguna Guerrero Negro, Baja California,
Mexico, by Gray Whales; Migration Corridors of Gray Whales along the Central
California Coast, 1980-1982; Soviet Studies of the Distribution and Numbers of
the Gray Whale in the Bering and Chukchi seas from 1968-1982; A Review of Gray
Whale Feeding Ecology; Foraging of the Gray Whale along the West Coast of
Vancouver Island, British Columbia; A Review of Russian Research on the Biology
and Commercial Whaling of the Gray Whale; Investigations of Gray Whales Taken
in the Chukchi Coastal Waters, U.S.S.R.; Sound Production by the Gray Whale and
Ambient Noise Levels in Laguna San Ignacio, Baja California Sur, Mexico; Gray
Whales in the Beaufort, Chukchi, and Bering Seas: Distribution and Sound
Production; Dive Characteristics and Movements of Radio-tagged Gray Whales in
San Ignacio Lagoon, Baja California Sur, Mexico; Ocean Movements of Radio-tagged
Gray Whales
". . . chronicles the author's adventures aboard a wooden lifeboat converted into a cruising sailboat . . .
[including] being sunk by whales."
Much of this volume is dedicated to acoustics and contains 38 papers from a
symposium held in Harderwijk, The Netherlands, in 1994.
Contents include: Introduction; Summary of Occurrence of Whales of the Gulf of Maine; Species Accounts, Baleen Whales (Finback, Minke, Humpback, Right, Sei, and Blue Whales); Species Accounts, Toothed Whales (Harbor Porpoise, Pothead, White-Sided Dolphin, White-Beaked Dolphin, Saddleback Dolphin, Killer Whale, Bottlenose Dolphin, Gray Grampus, Striped Dolphin, Beluga, Sperm Whale, Pygmy Sperm Whale, Northern Bottlenose Whale, True's Beaked Whale, Dense-Beaked Whale); Key or the Identification of Stranded Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises in the Gulf of Maine; Sample Whale Sighting Report Form; Derivations of Species Names for Whales and Seals in the Gulf of Maine; Further Reading
Presents maps and revised species accounts of 22 whales and porpoises and 7
species of seals, along with sea turtles, basking shark, and ocean sunfish,
characteristic markings, feeding habits, behavior and reproductive cycle, a
regional listing of whale watching tours, guidelines for photographing the
mammals, and more.
Trisha: I've not seen this book, but it comes up in a library catalogue
search on the term "dolphin."
"An informative and richly illustrated description of the humpback whale
and its behavior. This book is unique in providing the opportunity to learn
about one species of whale in sufficient degree to recognize the behaviors
and displays, and perhaps even to interpret the significance of many of them.
A collection of "anecdotes, history, legends, and scientific facts"
about the dolphin.
Trisha: Not about dolphins, but utilizes the dolphin metaphor as indicated in a review from Cahner's Business Information: "Kedar (God Whispers) breaks ground in the fertile field of Jewish inspirational literature with this collection of essays that navigate the crossings between the rational and spiritual worlds. Departing from the spate of how-to books on Judaism, Kedar, a rabbi, offers reflective and eloquent perspectives on how to find meaning in the tension between wondering and doing, questioning and acting. As the dolphin arches out of the water and into the air, then submerges again, so Kedar urges readers to dance between life's contradictions . . ."
"The ancient Greeks suspected that the porpoise . . . had a keen sense of
hearing, and it was well known that it made sounds in water. Winthrop N. Kellogg
first realized in 1951 that the true function of these abilities had not been
gauged, and it occurred to him that the porpoise might be using its own echo-
ranging system to perceive the nature of its environment. This is the story of
how he, and other researchers, investigated the elaborate method of 'seeing
with ears' used by the porpoise, a method that antedates by millenniums man's
electronic sonar achievement."
Contents: Scientific Classification Table, Introduction, Finback Whale, Minke Whale, Sei Whale, Blue Whale, Humpback Whale, Right Whale, Sperm Whale, Pygmy Sperm Whale and Beluga Whale, Pilot Whale, Killer Whale, Harbor Porpoise, Gray Grampus and Striped Dolphin, Bottlenose Dolphin and Saddleback (Common) Dolphin, White-sided Dolphin and White-beaked Dolphin, Harbor Seal, Gray Seal, Harp Seal, Hooded Seal, CHARTS: Generalized Whale Types, Spouts, Flukes, Relative Whale Sizes
"The story of a young orca injured by human hands and, after an immense
human effort, restored to health."
From Dolphin Data Base News, Winter 1995/1996:
"Provides a review of marine mammal information held in computer databases
around the world."
From the dust jacket: "Quietly cruising through a northern fiord, diving
underwater with astonishing grace, or hurtling their bodies skyward in a leaping
breach, killer whales have long been admired as one of the most intriguing and
mysterious of all animals. This lavishly illustrated portrait of the killer whale, or orca, which inhabits all oceans throughout the world, presents this almost mythical sea mammal in all its mystery and grandeur.
See first story, "The Inland Whale", and commentary.
From the back cover: "A thorough discussion of one of the world's most intelligent mammals and its relationship to man."
"Seit seinem Unfall in einem stillgelegten Schwimmbecken ist der kleine Junge Tim stark behindert. Weder Äaut;rzte noch Therapien köaut;nnen ihm helfen. Als seine Mutter, die Autorin Kirsten Kuhnert, von den Erfolgen der Delfin-Therapie höaut;rt, reist sie mit ihm nach Florida. Dort bekommt Tim neuen Lebensmut, er beginnt auf seine Umgebung zu reagieren und sogar zu lachen. Ermutigt von diesen Fortschritten grüaut;ndete Tims Mutter den gemeinnützigen Verein 'dolphin aid'. In ihrem Buch erzäaut;hlt sie die Geschichte ihres Sohnes und seiner schwimmenden Freunde, den Delfinen. Ein Bericht, der Hoffnung weckt und Mut macht."
Synopsis: [Shows] readers how to use dolphin communication
techniques and therapy principles to achieve success in business and in
life. Not intended to make the reader an expert on dolphins, this book is about
the unique characteristics of dolphins that, if adapted by humans, will make
them more successful in any environment.
Documents the whaling past and relationship to the whales of the people of the
Diomede Islands.
"This booklet is written by a man who has achieved what so many only dream
of doing. For the past twenty years, the author has been taking visitors out from
Sheppards Marina in Gibraltar to observe the whales and dolphins who use this
gateway to the Mediterranean as home and as a port of call. This booklet is not
intended as an in-depth treatise but as a joyful evocation by a man who has
enabled thousand to experience the magic of cruising in the company of
Features more than sixty species of whale, dolphin, bird, and turtle that might
be spotted during a marine cruise.
Trisha: Excellent general guide to all cetacean species. Indexed with a
selected bibliography.
Trisha: Excellent identification guide.
If there is a more current resource, I would be grateful to receive info about
The Psychoaesthetics Dolphin Project is discussed and a five-minute video of
the project reviewed in volume 9, issue 4 (1992) of Art Therapy. For
more information on the video, see the
Cetacean Videography.
Chapters includes an introduction to photo-identification, Photographing Whales,
How to Behave Near Whales, How to Photograph Whales for Individual Identification, Where to Submit Your Photos, Information Sources, and Whale Anatomy. Also contains a bibliography and a glossary.
Stephen Leatherwood: ". . . a well-written and well-illustrated introduction
to the whales and dolphins of Taiwan . . . "
John Lilly's autobiography, which uses fictional forms. Covers his early
experimentation with dolphins and includes a chapter entitled "Simulation
of the Future of Man, Dolphin, and Whale."
Recounts the results of Lilly's research through 1978, describes the programs
he was currently undertaking, and predicts potential future relationships
between humans and dolphins.
Includes Man and Dolphin (shortened version), The Mind of the
Dolphin: A Non-Human Intelligence, his lecture on "Modern Whales,
Dolphins, and Porpoises, as Challenges to Our Intelligence, from The
Dolphin in History, other scientific papers, extensive bibliographies,
and an index.
"Continues the progress report started six years [prior] in Man and
Dolphin. In his earlier book, Dr. Lilly documented a dramatic first: the
idea and basic first steps of epochal scientific experiments to find ways to
communicate with another species. In [The Mind of the Dolphihn], he
details the discoveries about the dolphin's abilities, current ideas about his
intellect, and the paradoxes of inter-species communication, developed since
In this work "Dr. Lilly [documents] a dramatic first: the idea and basic
first steps of epochal scientific experiments to find ways to communicate with
another species."
Trisha: Small-size (3x4 inches), brief introduction to dolphin facts and myths,
with a chapter on Pelorus Jack. Many photographs.
From the description at "Ecco The Dolphin features dozens of levels, huge worlds, and awesome gameplay. The Versus Books Official Perfect Guide helps players complete every area of the game using swimming techniques, sonar, and exploration. The guide will offer insanely detailed full-color maps, secrets, strategies, boss tactics, a complete walkthrough, and everything about the world of Ecco. Every gameplay secret is revealed along with full appendices covering all characters and events. Incredible secret tricks and codes are also revealed but absolutely no story spoilers! "
"With his well-known blend of natural history expertise and personal
experience, [the author] tells how the whales and dolphins . . . once lived on
land and then returned to the sea, equipped with sophisticated means of
survival in deep water, such as sonar and hydrophonics, which we are only just
beginning to understand and imitate.
Booklet about the spinner dolphins of Fernando de Noronha Archipelago.
From the publisher: "The oil spill disaster that occurred when the Exxon
Valdez ran aground has become part of the iconography of ecological disaster.
This book synthesizes confidential data only recently released by the U.S.
government concerning the effects of this nightmarish spill on marine mammals
(i.e. sea otters, harbor seals, killer whales, and humpback whales). Many of
the contributors were on site within twenty-four hours of this 11-million-gallon
catastrophe. Their results establish a baseline worst case scenario. This
certain-to-be-influential data should assist marine biologists, pathologists,
toxicologists, environmentalists, engineers, and coastal planners in assessing
the nature of this now legendary disaster."
Abstract: [The author] assessed the short-term reactions of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiopsspp.) to interactions with tour boats and
their long-term implications. Vertical avoidance of boats, showed by an increase in time spent underwater, is a typical
response in cetaceans, and has been likened to predator avoidance strategies. This study looked at the variation in diving
pattern of bottlenose dolphins in Doubtful Sound, New Zealand in relation to boat interactions. An observing vessel was
used to collect the data. A regressive approach showed that the research vessel did not have a significant effect on the
diving pattern of the dolphins. The analysis would have allowed the detection of a small difference (6.35sec.) in dive
interval (PV= 0.05) with a high certainty (power = 0.86). Dolphins avoided tour boats vertically by increasing their mean
diving interval. Dolphins started to react before boats were in visual contact. An information theoretic approach indicated
that the behaviour of the boat was the predominant factor affecting the diving interval. Males and females responded
differently to interactions with boats. Males started to avoid boats as soon as they were present, while females switched
to a vertical avoidance strategy only when interactions became intrusive. This difference in avoidance strategy may be
related to the different metabolic regime of the sexes. Males would be more likely to match the cost of vertical avoidance
of boats because of their greater energy stores. Females vertically avoid boats, an energetically expensive exercise for
them, only when the risk incurred by interacting with boats is high.
From the dust jacket: "For the Tikigaq people of Point Hope, Alaska--the oldest continuously settled Native American site on the continent--the annual cycle of myth and magic that culminated in the spring [bowhead] whale hunt shaped every aspect of life for over 1,500 years . . . Ancient Land, Sacred Whale . . . gives an account of Tikigaq lives and culture, formed in part by a long sequence of poems detailing the ritual year and its stories, narrated by the Tikigaq storytellers who were the author's teachers . . ."
Abstract: A population of bottlenose dolphins inhabits seven of the fourteen
fjords that compose Fiordland, New Zealand. One of these fjords, Milford
Sound, supports a large tourism industry that results in intense boat
traffic. Bottlenose dolphins regularly visited Milford Sound and tour
boats interacted with them during these visits. I studied the factors
affecting the frequency of visits to Milford Sound by relating the
residency pattern of dolphins in this fjord to oceanographic parameters
and variations in boat traffic between December 1999 and February 2002.
Boat traffic was the only variable that could explain the frequency of
dolphin visits to Milford Sound. Dolphins spent less time in Milford
Sound during seasons of intense boat traffic. Moreover, when dolphins
visited this fjord they spent more time at the entrance of the fjord
when boat traffic was intense, out of the reach of tour boats. It seems
that dolphins avoid Milford Sound when traffic is heavy. This avoidance
could have long-term implications for the demography of the population.
Abstract: Marine ecotourism in New Zealand presents a challenging tourism-environment management context. This is
demonstrated in the case of Doubtful Sound (New Zealand) where the recent proliferation of tour operators has brought
pressures to bear upon a population of bottlenose dolphins resident in the sound. Strict methodologies are necessary to
objectively interpret responses to tourism-induced anthropogenic impacts upon cetaceans. Previous research in this field
has established that boat interactions with dolphins in Doubtful Sound affect the behavioural budget of the dolphin
population, and that dolphins are more sensitive to interactions with boats when they are resting and to a lesser extent
when they are socialising. This article reports on a programme of research that employed observational data to explore the
applicability of tourism management techniques grounded in spatial ecology. The data provided scientific evidence that
determining critical habitat through spatio-ecological analysis is a powerful tool to protect marine mammals in New Zealand,
and elsewhere, from biologically significant tourism-induced impacts. The delineation of multi-levelled marine sanctuaries
may, therefore, be an effective approach to managing the impacts of tourism upon marine mammals.
"A thorough summation of pre-20th century knowledge of the animal kingdom, strikingly illustrated with chromolithographic plates and text engravings."
Trisha: On business strategy. IMO, this book stretches and exploits the dolphin
metaphor to the point of inaccuracy.
Contains a feature article about Canada and the International Whaling Commission,
plus 15 briefs on some of the marine mammal research occurring in Canada,
including research on belugas, right whales, bowhead whales, killer whales, sea
otters, Steller sea lions, and other species. The directory section consists of
addresses and research interest information for 112 Canadian researchers and
educators, as well as location and trip information for 74 marine mammal
watching companies in Canada.
From a review by Jim Nollman in his publication The Interspecies Newsletter, Spring 2000: "During a recent trip to Europe, I spent time with ethnomusicologist, Dario Martinelli, an authority in the growing discipline of animal aesthetics. He recommended this essay written by the well-known French composer. Dario regards it as the best intellectual overview of interspecies communication.
Presents 1,000 English-language references on cetacea, whaling techniques, research
on cetaceans, and substitutes for whale-derived products. The majority of the
references were published between 1946 and March, 1976. Included are other
bibliographies and works that contain bibliographies.
From the publisher's Web site: "Long-lived, slow to reproduce, and often hidden beneath the water's surface, whales and dolphins (cetaceans) have remained elusive subjects for scientific study even though they have fascinated humans for centuries. Until recently, much of what we knew about cetaceans came from commercial sources such as whalers and trainers for dolphin acts. Innovative research methods and persistent efforts, however, have begun to penetrate the depths to reveal tantalizing glimpses of the lives of these mammals in their natural habitats.
The 1995 report of the Office of Protected Resources includes chapters on the
following topics:
Chapters include: Whales, The Evolution of Whales, Whale Sounds--Meaningless
Noise or Communication?, Whale Echo-Location, The Physiology of Whales, Nature's
Largest Brains, Whales as Social Animals, Gentle Giants, Mothers and Calves, How
Do Whales Feed?, Whale Migration, What Causes Whales to Strand?, Why Are Whales
Hunted?. Also includes an appendix containing descriptions of various species,
a taxonomical classification, a glossary, and a bibliography.
Introductory booklet on dolphins containing the following chapters: Dolphins,
Dolphin Evolution, How Do Dolphins Make Sounds?, Echo Location, Are Dolphins
and Porpoises Different?, Are Dolphins Intelligent?, Dolphin Physiology, Dolphin
Physiology, Dolphins as Social Animals, Mothers and Calves, Killer Whales (Orcas),
Are Orcas Dangerous?, The Orca's Menu, Dolphin and Human Encounters, What Causes
Dolphins to Beach Themselves?, Why Do People Kill Dolphins?, and Taxonomical
Classification. Also includes a brief bibliography and glossary.
Abstract: Over the past 55-60 million years cetacean (dolphins, whales and
porpoises) brains have become hyper-expanded so that modern cetacean
encephalization levels are second only to modern humans. At the same
time, brain expansion proceeded along very different lines than in other
large-brained mammals so that substantial differences between modern
cetacean brains and other mammal brains exist at every level of brain
organization. Perhaps the most profound difference between cetacean and
other mammal brains is in the architecture of the neocortex. Cetaceans
possess a unique underlying neocortical organizational scheme that is
particularly intriguing in light of the fact that cetaceans exhibit
cognitive and behavioral complexity at least on a par with our closest
phylogenetic relatives, the great apes. The neurobiological complexity
underlying these cognitive capacities may involve the extreme
multiplication of vertical structural units in the cetacean neocortex.
Trisha: Marino and Lilienfeld provide an in-depth critique of the only extant
peer-reviewed research (conducted by David Nathanson et al.) on dolphin-assisted
therapy. Nathanson's studies fail to meet multiple criteria for valid research,
and thus, as Marino and Lilienfeld state, "a plethora of serious threats
to validity and flawed data analytic procedures render the findings of Nathanson
and colleagues uninterpretable and their conclusions unwarranted and premature."
Abstract: Until recently, there have been relatively few studies of brain mass and morphology in fossil cetaceans (dolphins,
whales, and porpoises) because of difficulty accessing the matrix that fills the endocranial cavity of fossil cetacean skulls.
As a result, our knowledge about cetacean brain evolution has been quite limited. By applying the noninvasive technique of
computed tomography (CT) to visualize, measure, and reconstruct the endocranial morphology of fossil cetacean skulls, we
can gain vastly more information at an unprecedented rate about cetacean brain evolution. Here, we discuss our method and
demonstrate it with several examples from our fossil cetacean database. This approach will provide new insights into the
little-known evolutionary history of cetacean brain evolution. (c) 2003 Wiley-Liss, Inc.
"Learn where, when and how to get close to belugas in their natural environment
in this engaging introduction. Anthony Martin--who has been studying belugas for
more than seventeen years--will acquaint you with the beluga's physical
characteristics and behavior, along with conservation issues, and the practical
and moral issues raised by keeping belugas in captivity. In addition, you can enjoy
more than fifty spectacular pictures of this photogenic whale known for its wide
range of facial expressions."
From the back cover: "Learn where, when and how to get close to belugas in their natural environment . . . Anthony Martin--who has been studying belugas for more than seventeen years--will acquaint you with the beluga's physical characteristics and behavior, along with conservation issues, and the practical and moral issues raised by keeping belugas in captivity." Includes more than fifty photographs.
Scott: A work covering ocean pollution and its effects on the whales,
especially gray whales.
Chapters include: Cetology from Its Beginning to 1945; The Cetacean Diversity;
Food and Feeding; Breeding and Growth; Swimming and Diving; Migration;
Communication with Echolocation; Behaviour and Social Relations; and Parasites,
Diseases and Enemies. Also included are a list of the living species of cetacea,
references, and an index.
"From earliest times, [humans have] been fascinated with the whale--that
huge, mysterious and enigmatic creature, about which humans have developed an
unending body of legend and story, and toward which they still retain an
enduring sense of wonder.
"The book's hundreds of photographs, . . . along with dozens of maps and
charts, showcase a . . . report on the dolphin's awesome, sometimes shocking,
sometimes inspiring, increasingly threatened existence.
Summary: "Increasingly, zoos and marine parks are arguing that research
is an important part of their role and that knowledge acquired in this way is
essential for conserving cetaceans in the wild. This report reviews the
research that has been conducted on whales and dolphins in captivity. It
documents the information that has been gathered on haematology and blood
chemistry; disease; physiology; experimental psychology and cognition;
behaviour; reproduction; captive breeding; and environmental protection.
The report questions the relevance of these studies to free-living whales
and dolphins, their conservation and the justification for experiments on
captive animals.
Synopsis: "Jacques Mayol is a sea researcher, a world-famous diver widely acclaimed for his pioneering work in deep
breath-hold diving and dolphins, . . . mostly known for his historic, record-setting dive of 330 feet (100 meters) during a
program of experimental and medical research. He was the first man to reach this depth, diving the way dolphins do, with one
breath, defying the predictions of physiologists! Therefore, he became the father of free-diving and later he plunged 344
feet deep (105 meters) when he was 56 years old. He developed his physical performance with Yoga and an intimate knowledge
of oriental philosophies.
From the publisher: Concern over the effects of noise on marine life, particularly marine mammals, has emerged as a topic of considerable
interest to both professionals and laypersons alike. The controversy has been fueled by a series of international events
that suggest a relationship between man-made sound and marine mammal behavior, resulting in mass strandings and death.
International Regulation of Underwater Sound offers a refreshingly objective and responsible look at how ocean
noise should be addressed given the lack of regulatory structure and the considerable scientific uncertainty that exists
over the effects of noise on marine life.
From the dust jacket: "In October 1988, one of the headline stories for over a week involved the fate of three California gray whales trapped off the coast of Alaska on their annual migration to the warmer waters of Mexico. The story of the plight of these whales and the unprecedented international efforts to rescue them presented one of the greatest ironies of this century.
On research on the Indian River dolphin population in Florida.
From Book News, Inc.: "Presents proceedings of a February 1998 symposium, "Surveys, Status and Trends of Marine Mammal Populations," held in Seattle, Washington. Papers discuss state-of-the-art methods and theories for estimating marine mammal abundance for determining population status and trends, and present both survey design and analysis procedures for a variety of cetacean, pinniped, and carnivore species. Papers are organized in sections on survey design and application, visibility bias and missed observations, and modeling, and examine areas such as survey planning, combining line-transect and capture-recapture techniques, and Bayesian population dynamics modeling. -- Copyright (c) 1999 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR. All rights reserved.
"The urge to approach and observe the great marine mammals, whales and
dolphins, seems to come from somewhere deep within us. A pilgrimage to watch
whales is as much an internal voyage of discovery as an expression of objective,
scientific curiosity. But many of those who go on whale-watching expeditions
find themselves misled by their expectations and burdened by the impedimenta
of observation--cameras, binoculars, tape recorders, and the like. Somehow
the search for whale is emblematic of the frustrated desire that characterizes
our relationship with the natural world.
"Mind in the Waters convincingly presents the engaging theory
that whales and dolphins are aware, can think, have consciousness. Drawing on
mythology as well as the most advanced scientific finds, on poetry as well as
natural history, on statistics as well as photographs, it is a basic compendium
of information about whales and dolphins and their capabilities. Richly designed,
filled with passion and urgency, [it] is a book of revolutionary force. It asks
readers to reconsider both themselves and the life in the waters around them
and to examine what may be a common thread of consciousness."
Beautifully produced book discussing myths and legends about dolphins, their
life and threats in the wild, the starkness of life in captivity, the
rehabilitation and release of Joe, Rosie, Rocky, Missie, and Silver, and the
human-dolphin relationship. Exquisitely illustrated and elaborated with
cetacean art, artifacts, photos, poetry, and quotations.
The author tells the story of the natural history of whales in "simple,
but imaginative language that captures the poetry as well as the facts of their
lives. The Great Whales is as much sonnet as science.
On Hubb's beaked whale.
From the publisher: "This comprehensive book is a collective response to thousands of letters and phone calls received
annually by the Smithsonian's National Museum of Natural History. Students, teachers, and scientists all have amazingly
varied questions about whales and dolphins, and the most revealing inquiries are presented here with detailed answers."
From the back cover: "The 'killers of Eden' were killer whales, known for their ferocious attacks on the giant whales of the deep oceans. At only one place in the world--Twofold Bay on the south coast of New South Wales--have killer whales ever co-operated with men to hunt whales; and then it was mainly with one family of whalemen. In Killers of Eden, Tom Mead tells this extraordinary story of a bizarre contact between man and one of nature's most dangerous creatures.
Written specifically with the St. Lawrence in mind, this book presents the whales and the scientific efforts to understand them better. It includes an identification guide and 40 photos.
This volume concentrates on marine mammals in Alaska and also introduces a
broad range of marine and wetland topics to students, including community
planning, weather, pollution, oil development, and the connections among
logging, fishing, and wildlife.
"In Utopias, Dolphins and Computers Mary Midgley offers a way to
solve some highly contemporary problems through philosophical means. She proposes
that philosophy can be brought into the real world by using it to consider
environmental, educational and gender issues. From 'Freedom, Feminism and War'
to 'Artifical Intelligence and Creativity,' this book searches for what is
distorting our judgement and helps us to see more clearly the dramas which are
unfolding in the world around us.
Summary provided by Dr. Mignucci-Giannoni: An osteological collection of
marine mammals provides a source of valuable information for researchers and
is often used for academic teaching and education. Skeletal remains are used
in systematics to determine the physical maturity of specimens, and in
documenting injuries, illnesses, and abnormalities. This contribution notifies
the scientific and academic community of the establishment of such a collection
at the University of Puerto Rico Biology Museum, Rio Piedras Campus. To create
the collection, the Caribbean Stranding Network (CSN) collected between 1989
and 1995 skeletal remains from animals stranded in the waters of Puerto Rico
and the Virgin Islands. Additionally, location and catalog numbers of
previously collected specimens were requested from other museums and collections
to prepare a list of skeletal voucher material available from the Northeastern
Caribbean. We collected 79 marine mammal specimens and found a total of 25
specimens from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands catalogued in collections
throughout the world, including 32 West Indian manatees, 71 cetaceans, and one
phocid. Of the specimens listed, 32 are complete skeletons, 72 are partial
skeletons or skeletal parts, and 77 are skulls. In the University of Puerto
Rico collection, 18 species and 74 specimens are catalogued, including 25 West
Indian manatees, 53 cetaceans, and 1 phocid. Of the specimens listed, 29 are
complete skeletons, 50 are partial skeletons or skeletal parts, and 58 are
skulls. The collection at the University of Puerto Rico is the first dedicated
and curated marine mammal collection for the Caribbean. It will help researchers
and the scientific community, both local and international, to study and better
understand this protected and endangered Caribbean fauna.
From the cover:
"Dolphins in the desert? Dolphins calling people to the desert? What is
going on here? I had to know. I sold and gave away nearly everything I owned
to pursue the mystery . . . Dolphin spirits and ascended masters lured me to
ancient ruins, vortex sites and dolphin conscious people from Florida to
Hawaii . . . Businessmen, psychologists, musicians, artists, nurses, laborers,
dolphin trainers, a political science professor and many others told me how
'pod consciousness' transformed their lives . . . I learned about Homo
Delphinous, the evolving human/dolphin; . . . the healing power of sonar;
underwater birthing with dolphins; . . . and more."
On Poe, Melville, and the New York Literary Scene.
From a review in the May 1975 issue of Oceans magazine:
"Tom Miller's book is a fascinating bouillabaisse of whale facts and fancy,
pictures, illustrations--even a flip chart of sequential drawings depicting a
whale, followed by three playful dolphins, swimming toward the reader. He has
chapters on the history of whaling, the routine of the California gray whale,
on marine mammals such as porpoises and otters, places to observe whales, and
what to look for. This is not just a picture book, but an informative, lively
Explores the acoustic sense and its primacy in cetaceans, as well as humanmade
threats to it, including ATOC, underwater explosions, and ship noise.
Chapters include: Whales, The Evolution of Whales, Whale Sounds--Meaningless Noise
or Communication?, Whale Echo-Location, The Physiology of Whales, Nature's Largest
Brains, Whales as Social Animals, Gentle Giants, Mothers and Calves, How Do Whales
Feed?, Whale Migration, What Causes Whales to Strand?, Why Are Whales Hunted?,
Also includes identification charts, taxonomical classification, a glossary, and
a bibliography.
Species include: Fin Whale, Bryde's Whale, Minke Whale, Humpback Whale, Right Whale, Sperm Whale, Pygmy Sperm Whale, Dwarf Sperm Whale, Baird's Beaked Whale, Blainville's Beaked Whale, Cuvier's Beaked Whale, Short-finned Pilot Whale, False Killer Whale, Melon-headed Whale, Pygmy Killer Whale, Killer Whale, Risso's Dolphin, Bottlenose Dolphin, Rough-toothed Dolphin, Striped Dolphin, Spinner Dolphin, Spotted Dolphin, Blue Whale, Ginkgo-toothed Beaked Whale, Fraser's Dolphin, Southern Bottlenosed Whale, and Hawaiian Monk Seal
From the dust jacket: ". . .The World's Whales presents all 76 generally recognized species of whales, dolphins, and porpoises in hundreds of photographs (most in full color, many never before published), drawings, and thousands of carefully verified facts and figures."
"After graduating from college, Modzelewski met a true wilderness pioneer,
Will Malloff, who led him to an island in the Blackfish Sound in the Inside
Passage, the coastline between Seattle and Alaska. In Inside Passage,
Modzelewski chronicles the adventure of an eighteen-month stay on this island,
during which time he spent only $240 . . . [He] not only met the challenge to
survive, but also became immersed in the mysticism of the land, the inspiration
of nature, and the satisfaction of thriving in the wild."
Chapters include: The Largest Giant, The Baleen Whales, The Sperm Whale, The Smaller Toothed Whales, The Hunt for the Whale, The Birth of Modern Whaling, and A Gam of Whales (first-person accounts and fictional passages).
Contains papers delivered by Montagu and Lilly at a symposium at the Clark
Library, October 13, 1962. Montagu's paper, "The History of the Dolphin",
discusses Greek writings on dolphins, the lone wild dolphin Opo, reports of
dolphin rescue, cooperation between dolphins and fishermen, and includes an
appendix of dolphin species and their distribution. Lilly's paper, "Modern
Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises, as Challenges to Our Intelligence",
discusses the cetacean brain, cetacean intelligence and communication, the
position of cetaceans in the competitive environment of the sea, and our
attitudes toward them.
From the publisher: "Scientists call them Inia geoffrensis, an ancient species of toothed whale whose origin dates back about 15 million years. To the local people of the Amazon, pink river dolphins are 'botos,' shape shifters that, in the guise of human desire, can claim your soul and take you to the Encante, an enchanted underwater world.
From a review by William Rossiter in Whales Alive!, April 1988: "A
complete resource guide to the facts and issues of the captive display of whales
and dolphins . . . Using data from all available resources this document provides
inventories and histories of many facilities, primarily in North America, and
outlines the evolution of our society's attitude about displaying cetaceans in
captivity. It will clarify the issue to all readers and empower those who choose
to become involved. Sample excerpt: 'The difference between confining cetaceans
and terrestrial species lies in our inability to provide appropriate conditions
to accommodate the physiological, social and environmental needs of a wholly
aquatic species. Cetaceans are large, complex mammals which maintain close family
bonds, travel long distances together, and feed and communicate as a cohesive
group. Captivity severely compromises their quality of life to an unacceptable
degree, through confinement in minuscule tanks. Such confinement is often
characterised by forced associations, sensory deprivation and adverse intrusion
by visitors. Marine parks can no longer justify their captivity under the false
premise of education, conservation and research. Today's society is sophisticated
enough to recognise these facilities as aquatic circuses, but the public must be
encourage to openly express its growing unease.'"
Trisha: A pictorial essay romanticizing the capture of a beluga whale for the Minnesota Zoological Garden.
"Do animals think? What do we know about their minds? And what might
animal thoughts be like? With perceptive humanism and hard scientific evidence,
[the author] answers these questions by leading us into the mysterious world of
animal intelligence. With him we watch the enigmatic signals of the octopus in
its lair, visit the leafy dens of apes and chimpanzees, reconstruct the inner
workings of a rattlesnake's brain, and explore the highly developed nervous
systems of the great cetaceans--whales, dolphins, and porpoises . . .
From the author, March 27, 2001: " I have recently been awarded a Thomas J. Watson Fellowship to study 'The Cultural Response to Stranded Whales and dolphins' in several locations, including the Azores, Scotland, the Faroe Islands, Norway and New Zealand. This is a 12-month project of independent study and travel abroad, beginning in August of this year.
From a review by Donald Rutherford in the May 1973 issue of Oceans
". . . This is a book about the great whales, slaughtered to the brink of
extinction, and Mowat's personal battle to save an eighty-ton pregnant finback
stranded in a tidal pond near his Newfoundland home. Woven through the book is
a sense of tension and deep concern for the ultimate destruction, by man, of all
From a review in the July 1998 issue of Whale World: "In 1991,
Kieran Mulvaney, formerly co-founder and director of the Whale and Dolphin
Conservation Society and then an oceans campaigner with Greenpeace International
in Amsterdam, set off with twenty-sven others on a voyage to Antarctica. Their
mission: to find and intercept the Japanese 'scientific' whaling fleet, operating
somewhere in three million square kilometres of storm-tossed, iceberg-strewn
ocean, and try to stop them from killing whales. It was to be one of the longest,
most arduous and most ambitious voyages ever undertaken by Greenpeace. For over
eighty days, Mulvaney and the crew of the MV Greenpeace were at sea,
including sixty spent chasing after--or even being chased by--the whalers.
Describes entanglement in fishing nets, effects of acoustic alarms in nets,
and behavior in response to ropes, acoustic signals, and source level in both
light and dark conditions. Studies wee carried out in the Harderwijk Marine
Animal Park Research Institute.
Ninety papers from a symposium held in Helsingor, Denmark, in 1986 on
echolocation in cetaceans and bats.
"If you've always wanted to swim with dolphins in their natural habitat,
but can't afford to go to the Bahamas, Tsuneo Nakamura will bring them to you.
Although he is modest enough to state that he was sometimes lucky to press the
shutter at the right moment in taking these pictures, it is impossible to find
fault with a single image. There's little point in trying to interpret the
behaviors and motivations of dolphins through our human perspective, says Dr.
Randall Wells, a renowned dolphin researcher. We can admire and appreciate their
beauty, grace, and intelligence on its own terms, he notes, and even the
aquaphobic will get to know them intimately through Nakamura's viewfinder."
"Here is the humpback whale as rarely seen, in stunning photographs
[it is an exquisite collection--Trisha] taken from both above the water and
below its surface. Photographer Tsuneo Nakamura has captured these gentle
behemoths in all of their variety: swimming serenely through the aquamarine
depths off the coast of Hawaii, making breathtaking displays by breaching and
slapping their powerful tails against the water, surging to the surface to
engage in titanic struggles with one another."
Includes descriptions and thirty photographs and forty-five paintings of whales and
dolphins found in North American waters, plus brief whale-watching guidelines.
"Only a century ago many people viewed whales more as a resource ripe for
plunder and profit than as intelligent fellow mammals worthy of study. Some still
do even today. Yet a growing appreciation of these creatures has inspired
worldwide conservation and has led to numerous scientific breakthroughs. The
National Geographic Society has supported and chronicled much of the work
leading to these discoveries.
Contents include: Natural History, Current Status of North Atlantic Populations,
Current Status of North Pacific Populations, Known and Potentional Impacts
(Subsistence Hunting, Entrapment and Entanglement in Fishing Gear, Collisions
with Ships, Acoustic Disturbance, Habit Degradation, Competition for Resources
with Humans), Recommended Recovery Actions, and Existing Regulations and
Protective Measures.
Contents include: Natural History, Protective Legislation, Human Impacts
(Vessel Interactions, Entrapment and Entanglement in Fishing Gear, Habitat
Degradation, Hunting), and Recovery Actions for the North Atlantic and North
Pacific Populations.
Chapters include: Introduction, Some Policy and Economic Considerations, Background
on Fishing Gear, Biology and Ecology of Yellowfin Tuna, The Behavior of Dolphins
and Tuna in the ETP, Dolphin Mortality and Abundance, Techniques for Reducing
Dolphin Mortality, and Recommendations. Also contains a bibliography, optional
regulations for tuna fishermen from the Code of Federal Regulations,
October 1990, forms and data format for documenting flotsam locations and
characteristics, notice sent by the IATTC to tuna-seiner owners and operators
in 1987 asking for their cooperation in tracking tagged flotsam, and an index.
Contents include: Introduction, The Whale and Dolphin in Myth and Story (includes
color and black-and-white photos of ancient artifacts), Biology and Evolution,
The Whale--Hunter and Hunted, Heyday of Whaling, The Whale Today: The Importance
of Conservation, The Playful Dolphins, and an index.
From the back cover: Describes "the California Gray [and encounters with it]
and the placid, turquoise lagoons of Mexico's Baja Californa. [The author] also
introduces the sea birds, seals, and sea lions, the elephant seals that inhabit
the rocky islands of the Sea of Cortez, the playful dolphins, and a remarkable
assortment of exotic plants and animals indigenous to Mexico's unique desert
peninsula. In a special section, Mr. Nickerson discusses whalewatching tours and
other nature expeditions available to the public. The Friendly Whales is
a richly illustrated and very readable natural history of one of he most
fascinating regions of North American and its amazing inhabitants."
"Brother Whale gathers together what is known--from recent research,
from the diaries of New England whalermen of the past, and from the author's
personal observations--to provide an informal introduction to the world of
whales. The emphasis is on those the average person has the most chance of
seeing: the humpbacks and grays . . . and the killer whales . . .
From the publisher: " In 1820, the Nantucket whaleship Essex, thousands of miles from home in the South Pacific, was rammed by an angry sperm whale. The Essex sank, leaving twenty crew members floating in three small boats for ninety days. The incident was the Titanic story of its day, and provided the inspiration for Melville's Moby-Dick. The Narrative of the Wreck of the Whaleship Essex, by the ship's first mate, Owen Chase, has long been the fundamental account of the Essex's doomed voyage. But in 1980, a new account of the disaster was discovered, penned by Thomas Nickerson, the fifteen-year-old cabin boy who was steering the ship when the whale attacked. Now, Nickerson's harrowing tale can be read alongside Chase's in one authoritative edition, which includes more than a dozen other accounts from articles and newspapers, many of which have never appeared in book form."
From the dust jacket: "In word and image, Darling and Nicklin have captured
the substance and symbols of these compelling creatures. Taken throughout the world's
oceans, most of the 130 arresting photographs were taken by Nicklin free-swimming
with the whales. Called by National Geographic magazine one of the 'world's
leading whale photographers," Nicklin has collected amazing underwater photographs
of most of the world's whales including the intriguing belugas, the improbable
narwhals . . . , the powerful sperm whale, the playful humpbacks and the immense
blue whale . . .
A brief introduction to the New-Age dolphin/whale phenomenon/mythology. Includes
exercises for "tuning in to dolphins and whales," a consideration of captivity,
and a resource guide.
From Zoocheck's Web site: "An overview of the Montreal Biodome's plans to
acquire beluga whales for public display, and a discussion of marine mammal
captivity issues."
Publisher's annotation: "This naturalist's gourmet cookbook celebrates a
mix of cultures and cuisines. The more than 200 easy-to-prepare dishes were
compiled and tested while Nogg was on board the Delphinus, a boat out
of southeast Alaska studying whales. Her photographs of whales, and information
about whales, are sprinkled throughout the book."
From the author: "It's the best thing I've written so far, an irreverent true story of three working artists trying
to deal with the psychological issues of spending a month in an intense Arctic wilderness."
From the publisher: "l;Includes a new chapter, 'Interspecies Protocol,' on the idea that an animal is an individual
with its own personality, deserving of respect from humans. There is also a substantial new epilogue that brings readers
up to date on the current state of dolphin research."
Trisha: Keep an eye out for this one, folks. Combining myth and fact and Jim
Nollman's acute observations, this promises to be the first book-length,
in-depth consideration of the nature of humans' attraction to cetaceans.
Contains chapters on cetaceans.
In this book, Jim Nollman, "an internationally known pioneer in interspecies
communication, vividly describes his experiences of forging new relationships
with animals and the environment. Using music as a common language, this
musician and ecologist has been able to 'talk' with dolphins, seagulls, whales,
buffalo, bears, and even a mosquito."
Until recent times these stories constituted a total system of belief for the
aboriginal people--an explanation of the universe, of the tribal territories, and
of the animate and inanimate features of the countryside, a validation and
reinforcement of the workings of aboriginal society, a book of rules for
conducting normal and abnormal circumstances, a promise of the continuance of
life for one's children and one's children's children.
"Focusing on the spinner dolphins off Hawaii, Norris carries us through his
earliest contacts with these graceful animals (including work with Gregory
Bateson), his attempts with teams of students to learn about their complex
lives in the sea, and finally to the tragic dolphin kill in the yellowfin tuna
This book contains the results of the work of the scientists who attended the
International Symposium on Cetacean Research, the first global meeting of whale
zoologists, which was held in Washington, D.C., in 1963 and conducted by the
American Institute of Biological Sciences.
From the publisher: ". . . in To Free a Dolphin, [O'Barry] discusses his continuing campaign to release captive dolphins back into the wild. He introduces readers to dolphins . . . that he has helped over the past decade. He also chronicles the extreme opposition he has faced, including bureaucratic red tape, the captive dolphin industry, rival wildlife groups, and well-meaning but misinformed individuals who had other plans for the animals . . . "
How O'Barry became involved in working with dolphins, including his employment
as Flipper's trainer, and why he came to realize that "it was wrong to
remove them from their normal environment for casual commercial exploitation."
From the back cover:
"In the early 1970s a new breed of whale scientist began to shun the
collect-and-dissect research methods of the day. They left behind the spurious
environments of public oceanaria and the slimy slipways of whaling stations to
share the seas with wild whales. Now they have photo-identified thousands of
individual whales from the subtropics to the Arctic Ocean. They have radio-
tracked the incredible migrations of Pacific gray whales; they have recorded
the eerie songs of courting humpbacks and the complex dialects of orca families.
"This . . . book is about [the author's] intimate friendships with cetaceans, as she '. . . creates a field of innocence where the dolphin is the teacher.'
Oceans Blue Foundation is initiating the cooperative development of an International Whale Watching Charter for the Baja
California to Bering Sea Region. The Charter aims to strengthen the whale watching industry's stewardship of the marine
environment by developing a voluntary program to develop industry standards and practices that exceed regulatory guidelines
and ensure local communities are supported in the development of policies and practices that provide for responsible marine
mammal viewing.
"In this . . . metaphysical narrative, [the author] discovers the image of
her soul in the spiritual connection between humans and dolphins."
See Chapter 24, "Man and Dolphin," for an interesting comparison of
humans, apes, and dolphins which shows that humans have many characteristics more
similar to dolphins than to apes. For further discussion of these characteristics,
see Elaine Morgan's The Scars of Evolution: What Our Bodies Tell Us About
Human Origins, New York: Oxford University Press, 1990.
From a review by William Rossiter in the October 1996 issue of Whales Alive!:
". . . the first modern cetacean book written in Portuguese for the general
reader . . . Marcos has demonstrated extraordinary maturity and skill at a
young age, and his book is excellent science written as a work of art, a
culturally astute description of creatures he knows well and cares deeply about,
and a remedial and certain influence on public attitudes for the future . . . "
Abstract: The growth of tourism based upon cetaceans (whales, dolphins, and porpoises) has been relatively recent -- but spectacular.
Thus, these marine mammals have now become valuable as a tourism resource. Accompanying this growth are concerns regarding the potential
impacts on "target" species. In New Zealand, marine mammal tourism has grown rapidly and a variety of studies have shown that
dolphins and whales are affected by these activities. However, these impacts vary greatly with the species, location, and type of tourism
activity. Thus, these studies show, not surprisingly, that generic management regimes are seldom appropriate. It can be concluded from
what has been learned in the New Zealand situation that sound management of marine mammal tourism must be based on solid research that
provides information regarding the needs and sensitivities of specific species and particular locations. A conservative approach is
essential given the difficulties in accurately assessing the long-term implications of this growing industry for cetaceans.
___________, and Vicky Binedell. Interactions of Cetaceans with Whale Watching Boats: Implications for the Management of Whale
Watching Tourism. Fabian Ritter, 2004. Author email:
" This 105-page report reveals the exceptional diversity of whales and dolphins that can be seen relatively close to the shores of western Europe, detailing the distribution, current knowledge, and behaviour of an incredible 20 species of cetacean recorded in the English Channel and Bay of Biscay during 1999.
Descriptions, line drawings, and a few color and black-and-white photos of
whales, dolphins, porpoises, sea otters, seals, and sea lions of California.
Includes sections on whales, dolphins, porpoises, seals, sea lions, and otters,
as well as chapters on marine mammal conservation, whale-watching guidelines,
reporting stranded marine mammals, guides to individual orcas and minke whales,
classification of Greater Puget Sound marine mammals, and further reading.
Unfortunately, there is no index.
According to the book The Whale, this work "is more accurately
scientific" than the following book by Yosei Oyamada.
From Book News, Inc.: This highly illustrated book's subjects range form evolution, biology, and behavior to the history of commercial whaling and legends of whales and dolphins. Chapters discuss whale watching, conservation, anatomy, the origin of the whale, social behavior and intelligence, whales in art and literature, strandings, and the potential for communication between humans and whales. -- Copyright (c) 1999 Book News, Inc., Portland, OR All rights reserved
According to the book The Whale, this work "describes the
differents sorts of whales and their structure."
Offers insights on the natural history of the only three whale species who live
their entire lives surrounded by ice, explores their role in the lives of the
peoples of the northern world, and considers their precarious future.
From a review in the July 1998 issue of Whale World: "With text in
English and Portuguese, and beautifully illustrated with colour photographs
throughout, this 48-page booklet is a worthwhile addition to any cetacean-lover's
library. In particular, the book focuses on the southern right whale, dolphins
such as the tucuxi and bottlenose dolphin, and southern sea lions and South
American fur seals. The 18 pages on the right whales, for example, as well as
including many first-rate photographs, examine the species' migration, exploitation
and recovery, and discuss the growth of whale-watching in the area.
From the foreword: "Having a dolphin encounter is a wonderful experience, the memory of which will almost certainly stay with you for the rest of your life. The aim of the guide is to help you have just such a memorable moment. However, organisations offering dolphin watching and swim facilities are constantly changing. The accuracy of the information in this guide cannot therefore be guaranteed. We try to update constantly. . . ."
Abstract: During the tourist season of 2000, thirty whalewatching tour-operators were interviewed as to whether they
referred to a whalewatching code of conduct or guidelines during their activities. Eighty-six percent stated they referred
to a code of conduct. The most frequently used code was one produced by a tour operators' association (43%). Three codes of
conduct produced by environmental non-governmental organisations were also used frequently to occasionally. Only 27% of the
operators surveyed were aware of whalewatching guidelines produced by the UK government and none of the operators referred
to these guidelines when watching whales. This study indicates that the majority of whalewatching tour operators had
accepted codes of conduct but preferences were for locally, or operator-produced, codes. It is suggested that in West
Scotland whalewatching tour operators should be actively involved, alongside statutory bodies, in the monitoring and
managing of whalewatching.
Abstract: 1. During the tourist season of 2000, interview surveys were conducted with those involved in whale-watching in
West Scotland. The groups included in the study were boat operators (32), visitor-centre managers (8), tourists on
whale-watching trips (324), general tourists to West Scotland (673) and local residents (189). The latter two groups were
interviewed for comparison of responses of those engaged in whale-watching against the views of the local community and
tourism in general. From the data provided by these interviews, estimates for the economic value of this specialist
sector of the Scottish tourism industry were calculated. 2. Extrapolating from the surveys, in the year 2000, an estimated
total of approximately 242,000 tourists were involved in cetacean-related tourism activities in West Scotland. 3. In 2000,
fifty-nine full-time and one part-time jobs were estimated to be created as the direct result of cetacean-related tourism,
with 38% of these positions being seasonal. 4. Cetacean-related tourism was estimated to account for 2.5% of the total
income from tourism in the region. In remote coastal areas, cetacean related tourism may account for as much as 12% of the
area's total tourism income. 5. The direct economic income (i.e. expenditure on excursion tickets) from cetacean tourism
activities was estimated to be 1.77 million pounds sterling per annum. 6. 23% of surveyed whale-watchers visited West
Scotland specifically to go on whale-watching trips. The associated expenditure (accommodation, travel, food etc) from
tourists being brought to rural West Scotland solely due to the presence of whales represented an additional 5.1 million
pounds sterling in additional tourism income for region. 7. In addition to the above tourists, 16% of surveyed
whale-watchers stayed in West Scotland an extra night as a result of going on a whale-watching trip. Extrapolating from
these tourists who stayed in the region extra nights as a result of whale-watching, a further 0.9 million pounds sterling
of additional associated expenditure (extra accommodation, food etc) is generated. 8. The total gross income generated
(directly and indirectly) by cetacean-related tourism in rural West Scotland was estimated at 7.8 million pounds sterling.
9. In comparison with established whale-watching industries (in countries such as the USA, Canada and New Zealand) the
total expenditure by tourists on whale-watching in West Scotland is low. However, cetacean tourism in West Scotland is
still a relatively young industry and still developing. 10. The value of the non-consumptive utilisation of cetaceans
(i.e.whale-watching) to rural, coastal communities in West Scotland was three times greater than the value of the
consumptive utilisation of cetaceans (i.e. commercial whaling) for rural, coastal communities in Norway. 11. This study
demonstrates that live cetaceans in Scotland can provide notable financial benefits and, therefore, their conservation has
an economic value.
". . . Roger Payne is a scientist, first, last, and always--the world's
leading cetacean biologist. But he is more. He is an activist and a romantic,
an explorer, and a musician. And just as Barry Lopez's classic Of Wolves and
Men was more than a simple treatise on wolves, so is this work much more
than a book about whales . . . Among Whales presents the state of our
most advanced knowledge about whales, but in doing so also embraces a rich
variety of subjects and disciplines. It is a work of biology--cetacean, marine,
and human; of exploration, of sociology, of cultural mythology, of philosophy,
and most certainly, of literature. As Payne takes us on a journey from the home
territory we thought we knew and across the spectrum of life forms, we realize
we are also on a journey of the heart, of discovery about the larger questions
of life on earth.
"This volume documents some of the core studies that ushered in a dramatic
change in focus and methodology. Research on dead whales gave way to studies of
live populations in which identifications of natural markings of individual
animals made possible long-term observations of communication and behavior. The
authors present new findings on the changing songs of humpback whales, now
considered evidence for the vocal transmission of a cultural trait in a non-human
animal; the population dynamics of southern right whales, including the discovery
of an unexpected function of callosities; the pod-specific vocalizations of killer
whales; the behavior of gray whales and how it relates to tides; the behavior and
migratory destinations of humpback whales; and several proven benign techniques
for studying the biology of free-ranging marine mammals. An exhaustive annotated
bibliography covers the literature on humpback and right whales from 1864 to the
present. The volume demonstrates how broader knowledge of whales can come from
these new research techniques, knowledge that is vital for preservation of the
vast habitats required for the survival of these animals."
Jaap: Review of the porpoises, dolphins, and whales in the North Sea.
From the executive summary: "Distorted Nature . . . is a critique
by 13 wildlife experts [John Hall, marine mammal scientist; Naomi Rose, marine
mammal scientist; Doug Cartlidge, former dolphin trainer; Paul Spong, orca
scientist; Hugo Castello, marine mammal scientist, CITES scientific authority;
Ronald Orenstein, zoologist, lawyer, CITES specialist; Samantha Lindley,
veterinarian, animal behaviorist; John Gripper, verterinarian, zoo inspector;
Brendan Price, biologist, former zoo keeper; Richard Farinator, former zoo
keeper, director Captive Wildlife Protection Program, The Humane Society of the
United States; Dragos G. Filoti, former veterinarian, Bucharest Zoo; Mike
McIntosh, bear rehabilitation specialist; Lloyd Brown, wildlife/dolphin
rehabilitation specialist] regarding the conditions experienced by animals
exhibited at Marineland [of Canada in Niagara Falls, Ontario], the
conservation/education merits of the facility, and broader wildlife concerns.
Trisha: See also Perera's moving essay of the same title in
William H. Shore, ed., The Nature of Nature: New Essays from America's
Finest Writers on Nature. New York/London: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1994.
"The 38 peer reviewed papers cover the following topics: reviews of
cetacean reproduction; problems and new approaches in methodology; case studies
of populations; density dependence; morphology, behaviour and physiology."
Report of workshop in Dumaguete, Philippines, 27-30 June 1995.
"This volume presents the most complete and current account of the world-wide
problem that probably represents the most serious threat to cetaceans today. It
represents the culmination of over four years work, beginning with the organisation
of a Symposium and Workshop held in La Jolla in 1990. The volume includes the
report of the Workshop, the IWC Scientific Committee's report on [populations] of
small cetaceans that are subjected to 'significant' directed and incidental takes
as submitted to the 1992 United Nations Conference on Environment and Development
and a total of over 50 peer-reviewed papers presented to the Workshop, subsequent
IWC Scientific Committee meetings or requested to address important relevant
issues not covered by the presented papers. The papers in the volume are
organised into the following sections: North Atlantic (incl. Baltic and
Mediterranean), Central America and Caribbean, Western South Atlantic, Africa
and Indian Ocean, Asia and North Pacific Pelagic, Eastern North Pacific,
Southeastern Pacific, Causes and Solutions."
"Age determination is a tool central to the development of life history
parameters. This essential reference volume examines the practical problems in
age determination of toothed whales and Sirenians and reviews current and new
techniques of specimen preparation and reading. In addition to an extensive
report agreed to by over 50 experts from around the world, the 16 papers
included cover theoretical, histological and practical aspects of this topic,
including case studies for a number of species. Over 15 years after its appearance
it remains the leading volume on this subject . . . "
Chapters include: The Problems Faced by Cetaceans, Status of the Species and
Populations, Recommended Conservative Action, and Other Issues and Projects to
be Monitored. Also includes appendices on members of the Cetacean Specialist
Group of the IUCN Species Survival Commission; a list of agencies, research
institutions, and conservation organizations in problem areas; and a progress
From the publisher: ". . . a comprehensive, scientifically accurate work devoted to all aspects of marine mammals,
including their anatomy, physiology, evolution, behavior, reproduction, ecology, and disease, as well as issues of
exploitation, conservation, and management. Special emphasis is given to marine mammal interaction with humans.
"Articles provide definitive facts about seals and sea lions, whales, dolphins and porpoises, and manatees and sea cows,
as well as sea otters and polar bears. Each article is authoritative and up to date, prepared by one or more internationally
recognized experts on the topic. In addition to providing information for scholars and researchers, the entries offer
material for a high school or university level student, or even an interested general reader.
". . . includes the following features: Over 1,400 pages of informative articles arranged alphabetically for convenient
location of information; 283 separate articles commissioned especially for this volume and thoroughly peer-reviewed for
accuracy; articles written by the leading authorities on marine mammology from 20 different countries around the world; 840
figures and tables to support and amplify the written text, including 16 pages of special color plates; 1,700 cross
references within the articles, providing links to other articles elsewhere in the book that amplify the subject at hand or
give information about a related subject; approximately 3,000 bibliography entries that accompany the articles, presenting
sources chosen by the authors to provide additional material on the article topics; extensive appendix including biographies
of famous scientists, definitive list of all marine mammal species, and glossary of more than 1,000 terms; comprehensive
subject index that directs the reader to specific subjects discussed within the articles."
See cetacean chapter by Graeme Creswell, Norfolk Mammals 2000,
c/o 35 Melrose Road, Norwich, Norfolk NR4 7PN, U.K., Tel + 44 (0)1603 222765,
Fax + 44 (0)1603 223219, email:
From the publisher: "Singing to the Sound reveals darker and more troubled waters [than Peterson's earlier works] - from the Makah whale hunt to the feared extinction of Northwest salmon. For the first time in book form, Peterson unravels the complexities of the highly controversial Makah whale hunt - the first off U.S. mainland shores in nearly a century. As mediator and reporter (Seattle Times) of this international story for five years, Peterson now writes as historian with an eye for the future of both people and whales. She moves beyond the polarized view of 'Indians versus environmentalists' to portray a multi-faceted, human drama with no easy answers to a story that is still unfolding."
The following essays are about, or contain references to, dolphins or whales:
Introduction: Soundings from the Sea; Animals as Brothers and Sisters; Watching
for Whales in Winter; On Drowning. Includes accounts of the author's swims
with dolphins at the Dolphin Research Center and Dolphins Plus in Florida.
From the publisher: "For 50 million years, the gray whale -- the most ancient of all great whales -- has evolved along
the western shores of North America. Its 10,000-mile migration from its summer feeding grounds in the Bering Sea to its
winter birthing lagoons in Baja, Mexico, represents a timeless story -- one that exceeds the rational boundaries of science
and speaks to many worlds, both human and cetacean.
Trisha: A 16-page booklet with some general descriptive illustrations of
cetacean body parts and blowing and diving characteristics, followed by
illustrations and one-paragraph descriptions of blue, fin, sei, minke, humpback,
gray, North Pacific right, bowhead, sperm, pygmy sperm, Atlantic bottlenosed,
Baird's beaked, Stejneger's beaked, Cuvier's beaked, Pacific killer, pilot,
false killer, and white whales; Risso's, Pacific striped, Baird's, long-snouted,
spotted, right whale, and Atlantic bottlenose dolphins; harbour and Dall
porpoises; and narwhals. Closes with a form for recording observations of
cetaceans at sea and a form for recording measurements and observations of
stranded cetaceans.
Dolphins of the Orinoco River, Venezuela and Columbia.
Rauno Lauhakangas: Contents include cetacean rock carvings (petroglyphs)
within thousands of rock carvings from the Neolithic age, dated 6,000-7,000
ago. Carvings of whales, swans, deer, and other animals are arranged in some
kind of constellations, which one might conclude are meant to convey symbolic
messages. (Lake Onega is located at 63 N 37 E, Northeast from St. Petersburg,
"The majority of marine mammals live in temperate or polar oceans so it is important to know something of the ecology and adaptations of species other than the seals and whales that most of us spend the majority of our time thinking about. This volume contains papers on both general concepts as well as specific mechanisms of adaptations, from the molecular level to reviews of the diving response in phocids and otariids and the physiology of polar birds. Among other subjects, there are overviews of subjects such as cold ocean physiology, contrasts between polar and deep-sea animals, antifreeze proteins and other molecular adaptations in fish, and metabolism in Antarctic marine ectotherms. This is another book that should be in the libraries of labs and universities with marine programs and one that is well worth a look by good . . . marine mammal biologists as well."
Proceedings of a conference held at Lady Eliot Island, Australia, September
6-10, 1993.
From the publisher: "All of the techniques necessary for capturing the sleek beauty and strength of dolphins and whales in wood are presented here. In direct and basic language and color photographs Dale Power takes the carver through each step in the process of creating a dolphin from basswood with a combination of hand and power tools.
Proceedings of the symposium held in Istanbul in 1994, involving representatives
from all the Black Sea riparian countries. The subjects ranged from pathology
to dolphin fisheries, monk seal conservation to marine pollution.
See chapter "Why Porpoise Trainers Are Not Dolphin Lovers."
"In this book the reader learns almost as much about human behavior as
about porpoise behavior. Starting from scratch, with a report on operant
conditioning in one hand and a bucket of fish in the other, Karen Pryor learned
to train porpoises, learned to train trainers, and gradually came to be
recognized as an international authority on whale and porpoise behavior and
Excerpt: "The first thing to understand about dolphin training is that we are working with animals you can't punish. No matter how mad you get -- even if the animal makes you mad on purpose, by splashing you from head to foot, say -- you can't retaliate. You can't use a leash or a whip or even your fist on an animal that just swims away. You can't starve a dolphin into being cooperative. Dolphins get their fresh water from the fish they eat; if you take away the fish, they rapidly become dehydrated, they lose their appetites altogether, and then they die. Finally, you can't even yell at a dolphin, because they don't care. Maybe you're thinking 'I bet I could think up a way to punish a dolphin . . .' and I bet you could; but it doesn't matter, because dolphin trainers don't need it."
From the dust jacket: "In this unusual anthology, two of America's best-known
scientists in the marine mammal field have assembled an astonishing variety of
discoveries about dolphins. The contributions range from students' first published
research to senior scientists' summarizing of a lifetime of work. The dolphins
studied are a diverse mix, including tiny spinners, majestic pilot whales and killer
whales, and the familiar bottlenose dolphins.
This is a richly illustrated volume that "provides a close up look at
[dolphins and porpoises] in stunning, revealing, and sometimes controversial
text and photographs."
For a twenty-five page excerpt translated into English by Richard M. Brown, see
the article "The Dolphin in Greek Legend and Myth" in Alexandria,
volume 2 (1993), edited by David Fideler, Phanes Press, P.O. Box Box 6114,
Grand Rapids, MI 49515, USA, e-mail:
Jaap: History of whaling; population estimates and population dynamics, population
models, management procedures. Gives a good overview of population modeling techniques
and the associated mathematics.
From the review in The Society for Marine Mammology newsletter, Winter 1999: "[This] book [written by the director of training and husbandry, Shedd Aquarium, Chicago, Illinois] is designed for professional animal trainers in a zoological setting. It discusses animals as diverse as the smallest pet puppy to the largest elephant, while drawing on Mr. Ramirez' extensive background with marine mammals and many other species. The book is a manual describing the practical application of positive reinforcement for training animals, a text book for the serious student of applied behavior analysis in a zoo setting, and a reader for professional trainers featuring articles by over 150 authors."
"Taxonomic names, frequently made-up of Greek and/or Latin elements, are
mysterious and difficult to pronounce for those who never studied ancient
languages. This simple guide is designed to help English speakers understand
and pronounce the scientific names used to classify cetaceans . . . The Appendix shows how orders, suborders, superfamilies, families, and subfamilies may be distinguished by their endings."
This 24-page booklet features the following species: Sperm, gray, minke, Bryde's sei, fin, blue, humpback, and right whales.
Abstract: In 2001 and 2002 a survey was conducted to investigate levels of environmental awareness and motivation in Scottish whale watchers.
Eighty-three percent of respondents regularly recycled items, 60% used energy-saving light bulbs, and 42% used other energy-saving devices
in their homes. Forty-six percent regularly purchased organic or environmentally friendly products and 73% only purchased cosmetic/hygiene
products that had not been tested on animals. Nearly half (46.6%) were members of environmental or animal welfare organizations, with
27.1% having participated in voluntary work for such organizations. The results demonstrate that Scottish whale watchers are much more
environmentally motivated than the general public, and furthermore demonstrated higher levels of environmental motivation than
whale-watching tourists studied in other parts of the world.
On the husbandry and rehabilitation, as well as morphology, anatomy, physiology,
behavior, and sensory systems of (stranded) harbor porpoises.
From the author: ". . . lists 20 popular destinations worldwide to swim with dolphin in the wild. Through 2 years
of . . . research Missy has [collected] valuable information on locations, the dolphin experience, professional operators,
dolphin etiquette, dolphin statistics, FAQs, insider tips, resources, and more . . ."
Examines "problems and uncertainties related to the use of acoustic deterrents
in the conservation and management of marine mammals. Acoustic deterrent devices
have been used to help solve two distinct types of fishery-marine mammal conflict:
(1) bycatch of marine mammals in fishing gear, and (2) depredation by marine mammals
on fish caught in fishing gear, confined in aquaculture enclosures, or aggregated
or constrained at 'choke points' in river systems. Acoustic alarms (mainly small,
low-intensity sound-generators called 'pingers') have been developed for 'alerting'
marine mammals to the presence of fishing gear, with the goal of reducing bycatch
rates. High-intensity acoustic 'harassment' devices (AHDs) have been used widely to
reduce depredation on fish, especially by pinnipeds.
Report from a seminar on the conservation of river dolphins in the Indian
The authors survey the habits and history of dolphins in an "engaging and
readable text highlighted by dozens of . . . full-color photographs."
This volume traces the work of the IWC (International Whaling Commission) Scientific Committee on the issue of chemical pollutants and cetaceans. It culminates in the major research initiative, POLLUTION 2000+, agreed upon by the Committee and the Commission at the 1999 Annual Meeting held in Grenada.
Abstract: Mirror self-recognition (MSR) is an exceedingly rare capacity in the animal kingdom. To date, only humans and great apes have shown convincing evidence of MSR. In this study we present the first conclusive evidence for self-recognition outside of the primate domain in a species phylogenetically distant and neuroanatomically different from primates, the bottlenose dolphin. Two dolphins were exposed to reflective surfaces under conditions of control, sham-mark and marking of the body. Analysis includes measures of frequency, duration, and latencies of behaviors under different experimental conditions. Behaviors were categorized as either mark-directed or not. Results demonstrate that both subjects are capable of using a mirror to investigate parts of their own body. These results indicate that bottlenose dolphins possess the capacity for self-recognition. These findings provide a striking example of evolutionary convergence in cognitive capacity.
Abstract: Cultural transmission may be a significant source of variation in the behaviour of whales and dolphins, especially
as regards their vocal signals. We studied variation in the vocal output of "codas" by sperm whale social groups. Codas are
patterns of clicks used by female sperm whales in social circumstances. The coda repertoires of all known social units (n =
18, each consisting of about 11 females and immatures with long-term relationships) and 61 out of 64 groups (about two social
units moving together for periods of days) that were recorded in the South Pacific and Caribbean between 1985 and 2000 can be
reliably allocated into six acoustic "clans," five in the Pacific and one in the Caribbean. Clans have ranges that span
thousands of kilometres, are sympatric, contain many thousands of whales and most probably result from cultural transmission
of vocal patterns. Units seem to form groups preferentially with other units of their own clan. We suggest that this is a
rare example of sympatric cultural variation on an oceanic scale. Culture may thus be a more important determinant of sperm
whale population structure than genes or geography, a finding that has major implications for our understanding of the
species' behavioural and population biology.
"This volume serves as an introduction for upper level undergraduate and graduate students, a reference for professionals, and a comprehensive resource for marine mammal biologists and managers. It takes an integrated approach to the biology of marine carnivores, cetaceans, and sirenians, comparing marine mammals with one another, and with terrestrial mammals, providing a framework for fundamental biological and ecological concepts, including functional morphology, physiology, sensory systems, population biology, behavioral ecology, and feeding ecology."
Contents: A Crisis at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century?, Bottlenose Dolphins: Special or Not?, Dolphin Evolution: Origins and Outcomes, Function and Structure, Life History Strategies, The Daily Lives of Dolphins, Intelligence and Cognition, Human Interactions with Dolphins, The Stock Question: Lumpers vs. Splitters, Conservation Strategies and Legislation, Glossary, Notes, Bibliography, Index
From Dolphin Data Base News, Winter 1995/1996:
"Review of the known and potential effects of human-made noise on marine
mammals, with an emphasis on underwater noise. Sources include boat, aircraft,
and offshore oil and gas industry noise, as well as the effects of other noise
sources, including icebreaking, sonar, marine construction, and explosions.
Written for both specialists and non-specialists."
Abstract: Off Kaikoura, South Island, New Zealand, sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) are the focus of a whale watching
industry which uses boats and aircraft to view the animals year-round. This study employed boat-based and shore-based
observations to determine the impacts of current whale watching activities on the whales. Over four years (1998-2001), we
recorded 1676 sightings from the research vessel and 435 from shore. Several aspects of whale behaviour were significantly
affected by the presence of whale watching vessels. Blow interval (mean and median) decreased in the presence of the
research vessel and/or whale watching boats. Whale watching boats and aircraft, individually or together, caused increases
in the time whales spent at the surface and in the frequency and amount of heading changes. Boats caused a decrease in the
time to the first click. Aerial behaviours were more frequent when only the research vessel was present. Two groups of
sperm whales are distinguishable off Kaikoura: resident whales, which typically stay in the study area for weeks or months
at a time, often returning in different seasons and/or years; and transients, which are seen on one day only. Transients
reacted more frequently and more strongly to boats. However, they are rarely visited by whale watching trips because of their
further offshore distribution. Residents reacted less and received most of the whale watching activity. Our study showed
that whale reactions to whale watching boats varied significantly among different individuals. Some whales were very
tolerant. Whale reactions also varied with season. Our survey indicates that effects of whale watching on resident whales,
while statistically detectable, appear to be sustainable, and of no serious biological consequence. However, current whale
watching effort on residents is high, and some individual whales may spend approximately half of their surfacings during
the busy summer season accompanied by one or more boats. Given management options of reducing, maintaining or increasing
the level of permitted whale watching activities, we recommend that the current level be maintained.
"In 1962, Dr. Sam Ridgway, a native Texan just two years out of medical
school, knew nothing about dolphins. Drawn by the mystery of the sea and a love
for its creatures, he moved to California. There, over the next eight years, he
formed a remarkable partnership with a pugnacious dolphin he came to call Tuffy.
[Tuffy was a dolphin who worked with the aquanauts in the Sea Lab II program in
1965.] With Tuffy's intelligent cooperation, Ridgway made major advances in the
understanding of dolphin physiology. Man and dolphin also put their heads
together to explore the ocean's new frontiers.
Chapters include: Dugong, Dugong dugon; Manatees: Trichechus manatus,
Trichechus senegalensis, and Trichechus inunguis; Gray Whale,
Eschrichtius robustus; Minke Whale, Balaenoptera acutorostrata;
Bryde's Whale, Balaenoptera edeni; Sei Whale, Balaenoptera borealis;
Fin Whale, Balaenoptera physalus; Blue Whale, Balaenoptera musculus;
Humpback Whale, Megaptera novaeangliae; Right Whales: Eubalaena
glacialis and Eubalaena australis; Bowhead Whale, Balaena
mysticetus; Pygmy Right Whale, Caperea marginata.
Chapters include: Amazon River Dolphin, Boto: Inia geoffrensis (de
Blainville, 1817); Baiji, Lipotes vexillifer Miller, 1918; Franciscana,
Pontoporia blainvillei (Gervais and d'Orbigny, 1844); Susu: Platanista
gangetica (Roxburgh, 1801) and Platanista minor Owen, 1853;
Irrawaddy Dolphin, Orcaella brevirostris (Gray, 1866); The White Whale,
Delphinapterus leucas (Pallas, 1776); Narwhal, Monodon monoceros
Linnaeus, 1758; Pygmy Sperm Whale, Kogia breviceps (de Blainville, 1838),
and Dwarf Sperm Whale, Kogia simus Owen, 1866; Baird's Beaked Whale,
Berardius bairdii Stejneger, 1883, and Arnoux's Beaked Whale,
Berardius arnuxii Duvernoy, 1851; Cuvier's Beaked Whale, Ziphius
cavirostris G. Cuvier, 1823; Shepherd's Beaked Whale, Tasmacetus
shepherdi Olivier, 1937; Bottlenose Whales: Hyperoodon ampullatus
(Forster, 1770) and Hyperoodon planifrons Flower, 1882; Beaked Whales
of the Genus Mesoplodon.
Chapters include: Rough-toothed Dolphin, Steno bredanensis (Lesson,
1828); Humpback Dolphins: Sousa chinensis (Osbeck, 1765), Sousa
plumbea (G. Cuvier, 1829), and Sousa teuszii (Kukenthal, 1892);
Tucuxi, Sotalia fluviatilis (Gervais, 1853); Pantropical Spotted
Dolphin, Stenella attenuata; Spinner Dolphin, Stenella longirostris
(Gray, 1828); Striped Dolphin, Stenella coeruleoalba (Meyen, 1833);
Clymene Dolphin, Stenella clymene (Gray, 1846); Atlantic Spotted
Dolphin, Stenella frontalis (G. Cuvier, 1829); Common Dolphin,
White-bellied Porpoise, Delphinus delphis Linnaeus, 1758; Fraser's
Dolphin, Lagenodelphis hosei Fraser, 1956; Commerson's Dolphin,
Cephalorhynchus commersonii (Lacépède 1804); Chilean
Dolphin, Cephalorhynchus eutropia (Gray, 1846); Heaviside's Dolphin,
Cephalorhynchus heavisidii (Gray, 1828); Hector's Dolphin,
Cephalorhynchus hectori (van Beneden, 1881); Right Whale Dolphins:
Lissodelphis borealis (Peale, 1848) and Lissodelphis peronni
(Lacépède 1804); Melon-headed Whale, Peponocephala electra
Gray, 1846; Pygmy Killer Whale, Feresa attenuata Gray, 1874.
From the publisher: "Volume 6 covers the remaining dolphins and porpoises
in a series of seventeen chapters, each written by a specialist author with
extensive personal research experience of the species. Each chapter provides a
description of the species, and includes sections on the aspects of distribution
and abundance, anatomy, physiology, behavior, reproduction, parasites and
diseases, and the impact of human activity on the animal's population and
well-being. Numerous maps, photos and drawings illustrate the text."
Chapters include: What About Whales?; Early Ancestors and Living Relatives; Weighing
a Whale; Swimming, Diving, Blowing; Heartbeat under the Sea; Living off the "Fat
of the Sea" Always Warm, but Never Hot; The Private Life of a Whale; The Sea
Through Their Senses; Whistles, Clicks, Echoes; Of Brains and "Talking"
Dolphins; What's Ahead for Whales; Which Whale Is Which? Also contains suggestions
for further reading and in index.
From the publisher: "This report presents the results of six years of research conducted off La Gomera (Canary Islands),
revealing cetacean abundance, distribution and their behavioural interactions with whale watching boats.
The Call Goes Out consists of "a series of messages channeled from
the cetacean species" concerning their purposes and needs.
Synopsis: In June 1972, the 43-foot schooner Lucette was attacked
by killer whales and sank in 60 seconds. The book recounts the thirty-seven
days Robertson and his family spent, using every technique available, surviving
harsh seas and lack of rations in a 9-foot fiberglass dinghy.
From the cover: "Following the amazingly successful film, here is your
guide to the world of killer whales."
Includes step-by-step instructions for assisting stranded marine mammals, and also
presents "a carefully documented, logically coherent account of the factors
that contribute to strandings, dispelling the notion of suicide and presenting
solid evidence for the existence of altruistic behaviour in species other than
"Can dolphins and men communicate? How are dolphins born? Why do whales
strand? How can we communicate with our cousins of the sea?
"Frank Robson's personal account of human association with dolphins,
extending from the Napier Marineland in his native New Zealand to the friendly,
free-spirited dolphins of Monkey Mia in Western Australia; from the Dolphin
People of Aboriginal dreamtime to the horrors of Iki Island in modern Japan.
From the helplessness of his early encounters with stranded leviathans to his
close friendship with Horace, a 'wild and wayward dolphin' who befriended boaters
and bathers at a popular beach, Frank Robson brings a wealth of observation and
experience with these gentle and friendly creatures of the sea.
Debbie: This is a beautiful book about kayaking from Alaska to Baja. The chapter
called "Orca" gives me chills. It contains quite a bit of general orca
information, a section on Paul Spong and Skana, etc., but the great part is
the narrative of a Northern Lights Expeditions kayak trip and their encounter
with C pod in Johnstone Strait. I was ready to pack up and leave right then!
You have to read it!
About the reintroduction of captive dolphins into the wild.
About the international cooperative effort to free the gray whales trapped in
ice in Barrow, Alaska. A "rather terrible book" according to Richard
Ellis. Ellis also gives a synopsis of the events on pages 382-385 of his book
Men and Whales.
Contents: Jonah, Jonah and the whale, Mastering your emotions, Application of the principles, Meditations, Discouragement, Self-Pity, Individuality, Meditation hour, A sunset meditation, Jonah the whale
Abstract: Records of 29 species of cetaceans from the Indonesian
Archipelago [Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore] have been gleaned
from published and unpublished sources, representing five families:
Phocoenidae (1 species), Delphinidae (16), Ziphiidae (3), Physeteridae(3),
and Balaenopteridae (6). The presence of 26 species could be confirmed by
material in museum collections, photographs or documentation by specialists.
The occurrence of three species is still unconfirmed.
Abstract: "This dissertation, based on a case study conducted in 1996 in Tadoussac, Quebec, critically examined the educational potential of whalewatching. Data collection consisted of participant observation, interviews with thirty-one whalewatchers, and pre-trip, post-trip, and follow-up questionnaires given to these same whalewatchers. The first three chapters are introductory in nature. The first provides an overview of different approaches to environmental education as well as the role of nature experience and the social construction of nature within critical or transformative approaches to environmental education. The second chapter reviews the ecotourism and whalewatching literature. The third describes the research site and methods. The fourth chapter is a presentation of the results and focuses on three central themes: Learning Outcomes and Desires; The Social Construction of Whales; and Opinions on Whalewatching. Although there was diversity in responses, many whalewatchers were dissatisfied with the learning opportunities available during whalewatching and most desired more emphasis be placed on holistic, critical, and activist-oriented interpretation. As well, many were concerned that whalewatching, despite its educational potential, was harming the whales. Overall, the whalewatchers constructed whales in exceedingly positive and general ways (Superwhales), were moved by the opportunity to get close to whales (Intimates), and were in awe of their size and behaviours (Spectacle). The educational implications of these findings are discussed in the fifth chapter, and the dissertation concludes with a sixth chapter containing recommendations for whalewatching practice in Tadoussac and a call for future research."
"In this chapter (excerpted from my dissertation 'Tales of Whales: Whalewatching as Environmental Education?'), I offer a rationale for my study of the educational aspects of whalewatching. I provide an overview of environmental education, focusing on the pedagogical potential and pitfalls of nature experience. I also discuss the ways in which the evolving literature on the social construction of nature influenced my study. I do NOT report results in this chapter."
Abstract: While the educational value of whalewatching has often been proclaimed, there has been little research on the
topic. This article, based on a case study conducted in Tadoussac, Quebec, focuses on whalewatching's ability to act as a
form of critical science education. Discussion of learning outcomes and learning desires of 31 whalewatchers forms the
core of the article. Key issues that emerge include the need for interpreter training, epistemic responsibility of scientists,
and the role of conservation and advocacy in whalewatching interpretation. While the whalewatching experience described in
this case study did not live up to its potential as a form of critical science education, we believe that such goals are
worth pursuing and may enhance whalewatching interpretation in the future.
From the author ( "The book covers natural history, history (Scammon primarily), current topics such as the San Ignacio Lagoon saltworks controversy and the Makah hunt, and my travels along the gray's migration trail, from Baja to Russia."
Scott: Numerous comparisons between human and dolphin intelligence and
Trisha: To view an extensive file of information I've compiled on careers
working with cetaceans, click here. Cetaceans
should not be held captive, and I therefore encourage anyone wanting to study or work with them to pursue
field work with wild cetaceans.
Abstract: Swim-with activities, in which humans enter the water to interact with
free-ranging cetaceans, are a popular form of nature tourism; however, there
is considerable disagreement as to whether these encounters constitute a
threat to the animals. At the request of the US Marine Mammal Commission, a
systematic study was designed to quantify effects of swim-with activities on
the behaviour of bottlenose dolphins in waters near Panama City Beach,
Florida. Certain dolphin behaviours were identified as indicative of chronic
interaction with humans, and based on presence of these behaviours, at least
seven dolphins were identified that permitted people to swim nearby. Because
these dolphins accepted food handouts from people, they were considered to be
conditioned to human interaction through food reinforcement. Specific
human-dolphin interactions that posed a risk for dolphins or humans were
identified, and it was calculated that human interaction put a specific
juvenile dolphin at risk once every 12 min, including being fed by humans once
every 39-59 min. Humans interacting with that dolphin were estimated to be at
risk once every 29 min. Although the study was of limited duration, the
observations were so clear-cut and the nature of interactions so potentially
hazardous it was concluded that food provisioning was the probable basis for
swimming with free-ranging dolphins near Panama City Beach, Florida, and
therefore, human interaction at this location was likely to be harmful to the
dolphins and in clear violation of the US Marine Mammal Protection Act.
Conclusions and Recommendations
Conclusions based on 107 hours of observing swims at swim-with-the-dolphins
"Channeled" material from "The Dolphin Ones."
From the back cover: "If you could listen to dolphins, what would you hear? Might their message be intelligent, spiritual, or wise? And what could you learn from these mesmerizing beings?"
From the publisher: "[This] book is aimed at a wide range of readers including serious students and wildlife enthusiasts.
A significant part of the book is devoted to the more than 30 species accounts. Glimpses of the lifestyles of marine
mammals are given through several essays dealing, for example, with the phenomenon of mass strandings of whales or the
reputed ferocity of the killer whale. Color illustrations and photographs and character matrices are provided for
identification of animals in the field and 'specimens in the hand.' An extensive bibliography and accounts of whaling and
threats faced by marine mammals are provided."
"In Scammon's words, 'The chief object is to give as correct figures of the
different species of marine mammals, as could be obtained from a study of them
from life, and numerous measurements after death.' . . . The text is divided
into three parts. The first is a species-by-species account of whales and
dolphins, with physical descriptions, including precise measurements, a
discussion of their habits; and their economic value. The second section is a
similar description of other sea mammals: sea elephant, sea lion, seals, sea
otter, and the walrus. The third part is a thorough discussion of the history
of whaling . . . Appended to the work is the original catalog of Cetacea
of the North Pacific Ocean by W. H. Dall of the Smithsonian Institution."
From Booknews: "The vice president for quality at AT&T shares his experiences with improving both the quality of the product at his company and the water on the New Jersey shore. He shares his philosophy of how to achieve a 'culture of continuous improvement' that can be useful in a variety of contexts. The book also covers many specifics of the pollution problems on the New Jersey coastline and some solutions that were effective, culminating in the return of dolphins and other marine species that had been driven away by the poor water quality."
Abstract: This article reports on operator compliance with regulations regarding humans swimming with free-ranging bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiops sp.) in Port Phillip Bay, Victoria, Australia. The objective of this study was to compare if the level of compliance to
three conditions (approach type, swim time, and time in proximity to dolphins) in the tour operators' permits changed after state
government conducted a review on the existing operators. An additional fourth condition (number of swimmers participating in a
dolphin-swim) was also studied. A total of 128 commercial dolphin-swim trips from September 1998-April 1999 and September 1999-April 2000
(prereview) and 16 commercial dolphin-swim trips from February-March 2002 and January 2003 (postreview) were studied. Data were collected
using 1-minute scan samples and continuous observations from all three operating human-dolphin-swim tourist vessels. There was no
detectable change in the level of compliance for rules regarding the way boats approached dolphins, their time in the proximity of
dolphins, and the length of time people swam with dolphins. Operators always complied with regulations regarding the number of people
participating in a dolphin-swim. Investigations of the extent to which tourism affects cetaceans have tended to ignore whether tourist
vessels obey existing regulations. This study demonstrates that compliance cannot be assumed, and that operators appear to comply better
with conditions that are easily quantified. Further, studies are needed to determine the statistical power required to detect changes in
tour operator behavior to conditions in their permits. This will inform agencies whether the changes they have implemented to improve
compliance levels are actually working.
Abstract: In order to establish an ethogram of interactive behaviors initiated by free-ranging short-finned pilot whales (Globicephala
macrorhynchus) and directed to human swimmers, we initiated encounters with non-habituated pilot whale groups during open water encounters
southwest of Tenerife, Canary Islands, over two field seasons (1996 and 2001). Human swimmers followed a precautionary set of rules during
approaches. Encounter durations ranged from 3-44 min (mean 14.14 = SD 7.62 min; n = 35). We describe 11 interactive behaviors and compare
them with previously described interactive behaviors reported in the scientific literature on the same and other toothed whale species.
In contrast to other researchers focusing on reports of aggressive behaviors initiated by free-ranging as well as captive short-finned
pilot whales, we observed with one exception ("headshake") apparently affiliative and non-aggressive behaviors during this study.
Several interactive behaviors were found to match descriptions from other researchers observing the same as well as other toothed whale
species. During this study swimmers behaved carefully and swimmer number was low. We strongly recommend to follow the code of conduct based
upon the methodology described in the paper, e.g., low numbers of swimmers and no contact initiations by swimmers during human-pilot whale
interactions, in order to reduce the likelihood of potentially dangerous aggressive interactions.
From a review by John Dillon in the March-April 1977 issue or Oceans
"Victor Scheffer has that rare and precious ability to excel in the two
worlds of top-drawer science and top-notch literature . . . [His] newest work
is a popular introduction to . . . the natural history of the six mammalian
groups which have taken to a fully ocean dependent existence: the sea otter,
the walking seals, the crawling seals, sirenians, toothed cetaceans, and baleen
cetaceans. Peter Parnall's illustrations add the appeal that has made him one
of the leading wildlife illustrators in the country. He does, however, succumb
to the common 'blimp-body' misconception of the great whales which has plagued
scientists and artists alike for so many years.
Contents: Introduction, History of Whaling in Washington, Species Accounts, Cetaceans of Uncertain Identity, Synoptic Key to the Cetaceans of the West Coast of North America, Tables, References
Biology, "management," and conservation of whales, including field
methods. Provides whale census for South Africa, North Atlantic, North
Pacific, Chile, Antarctica, and Australia.
"The purpose of this paper is to synthesize all available data and literature about cetaceans and pinnipeds in the region of study. The study area includes the coast and adjacent continental shelf of the U.S. from Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, to the Florida Keys; and from the Florida Keys to the U.S. Mexico boundary near Port Isabel/Brownsville, Texas. Data sources are scattered reports in the literature, papers that have synthesized other reports, records from the Smithsonian's Scientific Event Alert Network, museum records, miscellaneous sources, and reports of aerial sightings."
This black-and-white survey of cetacean postage stamps include chapters on:
"In the beginning", Jonah and the Whale, Types of
Whales and What They Eat, Some Baleen Whales, Some Toothed Whales, Dolphin
Legends, Dolphin Art, Whaling.
An extensive collection of papers on the following topics: Evolutionary
Morphology of the Dolphin Brain; Physiological Observations on Dolphin Brains;
Middle- and Long-Latency Auditory Event-Related Potentials in Dolphins; Vision,
Audition, and Chemoreception in Dolphins and Other Marine Mammals; Dolphin
Audition and Echolocation Capacities; The Perceptual Worlds of Dolphins; How
Can You Tell If an Animal is Intelligent?; Describing Intelligence; Suggestions
for Research on Ethological and Comparative Cognition; Cognition and Language
Competencies of Bottlenosed Dolphins; Reinforcement Training as Interspecies
Communication; Dolphin Behavior and Cognition: Evolutionary and Ecological
Aspects; Dolphin Vocal Mimicry and Vocal Object Learning; Acquisition of
Anomalous Communicatory Systems: Implications for Studies on Interspecies
Communication; Awareness; Intentionality; and Acquired Communicative Behaviors:
Dimensions of Intelligence; Signaling Behavior: Contributions of Different
Repertoires; Delphinid Social Organization and Social Behavior; Delphinid
Foraging Strategies; and Social Complexity and Cooperative Behavior in
Delphinids. Also includes an author index and a subject index.
According to the book The Whale, this work includes "excellent
scientific observations on whales" and "laid the foundation of
On the potential harmfulness of the scores of whale-watching boats off Washington
and British Columbia.
Trisha: A very accessible and simply written book by a marine biologist that
provides some basic details and interesting extras on Hawaii's marine
invertebrates, reptiles, sharks and rays, fish, birds, and mammals, plus
sections on discovering Hawaii's marine life and legends and lore about it.
See chapter "Marine Mammals," pp. 405-465.
Papers from a conference on the above subject matter held by the New York Academy
of Sciences, May 6-7, 1980.
Chapters include: Introduction, History of Bowhead Whaling, Greenland or Bowhead
Whale, Gray Whale, Indian Whaling, Balaenopterine or Finner Whales, Blue Whale,
Humpback Whale. Also contains a bibliography.
Recounts the author's encounters and "inter-dimensional" connection with dolphins and whales.
See sections on cetaceans.
"In In Search of Moby Dick Severin sets about determining the likelihood of the existence of one of our most iconic modern myths -- the Great White Whale. To do so he travels to Nuku Hiva in the Marquesas Archipelago where the twenty-one-year-old Melville deserted his whaling ship in 1842 and began to cobble together the legends, tall tales, sea lore, and firsthand accounts garnered from the whalers he encountered, filtering all this material through his own fertile imagination to create his monumental novel. It is here that Severin begins to perceive the lush weave of fact and fiction, actual experience and extravagant yarn, that is Moby Dick, and the complex richness of Melville's tapestry becomes even clearer as Severin sails on throughout the South Pacific."
The author's personal account of sailing on the Sea Shepherd on its
hunt for the Russian whaling ship Zvesdney in the Bering Sea and
in the subsequent campaign against the killing of dolphins by the Japanese
fishermen of Iki Island.
Chapters: Introduction, Meet the Dolphins, Techniques of Study, A Day
in the Life of a Bottlenose Dolphin, Feeding Behavior, Social Behavior, Dolphin
Ecology, Dolphins in Texas and Florida: A Comparison, Controversy: Intelligence,
Language and Captivity, Frequently-Asked Questions and Answers.
The 1998 report contains articles on the following:
* Systematic list of cetacean sightings around Shetland
* Details of cetacean strandings in Shetland
* An article on unidentified dolphins at UyeaSound, Shetland
* Killer whales in Shetland waters
* Sightings of beaked whales in the Faroe-Shetland channel
The 1998 report also includes color plates of sperm and humpback whales, mystery dolphins, and a stranded common dolphin.
See Victor Perera's essay, Of Whales and Men, and Robert Finch's essay, Saving
the Whales. See also above Perera's in-progress book Of Whales and Men.
A review of the biology, conservation, and possible future of this threatened
Scott: Includes a section on children swimming with and being trained by
dolphins. Fantastic photos.
Plus de 1000 contacts et idées pour les recontrer les protéger
et communiquer avec eux.
From the publisher: "Experts from both the scientific and conservation
communities provide contributions that, firstly, review the threats that
cetaceans face in a modern world, some of which are now understand and, secondly,
critically assess responses which have been made to these threats. The chapters
reflect the diversity of opinion that exists in this field. Topics covered include
pollution issues, habitat degradation, boise, global change, disease and the
special case of the river dolphins. Apposite authors also consider the
international agreements that affect cetaceans (including the International
Whaling Commission) and the role of sanctuaries and action plans.
Examines the threats to cetaceans that visit, or live in, U.K. waters. Presents
a series of recommendations that together form an outline strategy aimed at
ensuring their future conservation.
The author explains the techniques he uses to record wildlife in their natural
settings, including whales.
Scholarly study by a professor of Spanish and Portuguese at the University of
California at Berkeley of the dolphin folktalkes told throughout much of the
Brazilian Amazon. In these tales dolphins take on human form, attend raucous
dances and festivals, seduce men and women, and carry them away to a city
beneath the river. They are encantados, or Enchanted Beings, capable of
provoking death or madness, but also called upon to help shamanic healers. Male
dolphins reportedly father numerous children. The females are said to lure away
solitary fishermen. Both sinister and charming, these characters resist
definition and thus domination. Greedy and lascivious outsiders, they are
increasingly symbolic of a distinctly Amazonian culture politically, socially,
economically, and environmentally under siege.
Jaap: Historical overview of sperm whale strandings on the Dutch coast in the
last five centuries. [Trisha: Also includes whales in art.]
From the dust jacket: " . . . Unique in its thoroughness and broad coverage, [Whales] blends scientific observations, museum studies, and laboratory experiments with history, art, and anecdote.
A complete resource on the Hector's dolphin of New Zealand by two scientists
who helped to create a sanctuary to protect this species.
Contents: Introduction to Tragedy, The Blue Whale, Decimation, Antarctic Pelagic Whaling, Industrial Economics and Extermination, National Whaling Policies, International Whaling Control, Epilogue or Epitaph?
From the author: " In Dolphin Tales, Captain Scott Smith shares . . . many true and fascinating stories from his 20 years studying the Atlantic spotted dolphins. The book also contains [lots] of factual information plus many of Scott's magnificent photos gathered throughout the years among his dolphin friends. The book is a wonderful journey into the unique relationship Scott has forged with the dolphins. These are wild dolphins, they are not trained or fed; they come out of curiosity and playfulness, but stay out of friendship and trust."
From a press release: "It's the story of science and legends and the interaction of whales and humans through time,' said Dennis O'Connor, Smithsonian under secretary for science.
From the publisher: "The first intimate account of dolphin life in the wild, this revolutionary portrait of a much-beloved animal and its behavior in its natural surroundings will take a place alongside Jane Goodall's classic investigation into the world of chimpanzees, In the Shadow of Man. Rachel Smolker cofounded the Monkey Mia dolphin project in 1982 and has participated in the study of dolphins in Hawai'i and the Bahamas, as well as studying whales in British Columbia and New Zealand."
This booklet answers questions commonly asked by young people seeking a career
in marine mammal science in the United States. It tells about kinds of jobs
available, salaries, and ways to get practical experience. Also provided are
an excellent list of resources and suggestions on how to plan education.
From the publisher: A collection of fourteen papers on the ecology, biology,
and physiology of the Amazonian dolphin, the data representing the results of
research during a Soviet-Peruvian joint expedition.
From the publisher: A monograph treating the Black Sea bottlenose dolphin in
the framework of the "Man and the Biosphere" project of UNESCO.
Report of a workshop conducted by the Marine Mammal Commission and the National
Marine Fisheries Service on the issues involved in releasing rehabilitated
marine mammals back to the wild. This report applies to stranded animals only
and does not apply to the release of long-term captive marine mammals. The report
also does not contain the release guidelines that are in development, but served
as a departure point for developing those guidelines.
This Ph.D. dissertation contains the following chapters: The Nature of the
Dolphin; Types of the Dolphin in Art/Conventions in the Representation of the
Dolphin in Art; The Dolphin in Minoan Art; Helladic and Cycladic Art/The Art of
Cyprus; Geometric Art; The Dolphin in Legend and Literature; and The Dolphin in
Art and in Archaelogical Remains of the Historical Periods of Greece and Rome.
Comprehensive report offering a complete analysis of the background and practices
of the international tuna industry and the tuna-dolphin controversy.
Addresses not only Moby-Dick, but also whales in literature in general.
"Filled with fascinating news about our not-so-distant relatives from the
From the publisher: "The study of intrauterine development and growth while consistently respecting the time factor enabled the authors to determine the time course of organogenesis of all organ systems. The resulting comparison with other mammals detected the time lag in ossification, retardation of odontogeny, the time of the origin and development of the fluke, dorsal fin and flipper, etc. The authors believe the Staging and Ageing Method serves for much more efficient evaluation of existing embryological collections which very often contain embryos of unknown age."
From the preface: Mammals of the Ice is an illustrated guide for the
identification of seals, whales, and dolphins in the Australian sector of the
Southern Indian Ocean, from 45 degrees-160 degrees east and 40 degrees-69 degrees
south, featuring artwork by Canberra artist Peter Child.
Contributors include Diane Ackerman, K. C. Balcomb III, Kenneth Brower, Christopher W. Clark, John K. B. Ford, Gerard Gormley, Barry Lopez, Faith McNulty, W. S. Merwin, Farley Mowat, Kenneth S. Norris, Bruce Obee, Katherine B. Payne, Roger Payne, Joel W. Rogers, Frank Stewart, David Rains Wallace, Linda S. Weilgart, Jonathan White, and Hal Whitehead.
Trisha: Numerous examples of North American Northwest Coast Indian killer whale art, with explanations of structure and meaning.
Trisha: This seems to be either a reprinting or a slightly revised edition of
The Secret Language of Dolphins.
Chronicles St. John's personal process after she began interacting with captive
dolphins and also her work with captive dolphins and autistic children.
From the Foreword: "[This book] is partly a field guide, but mainly an
identification book--one that gives identity to the animals in it. Few of its
readers may ever meet Fraser's Dolphins, Leopard Seals or West African Manatees,
or need to put names to them. If they do, this book is enough of a field guide
to help, though that is not its main purpose. But many readers hear of whales
and other sea mammals, see films and pictures of them, and learn all too often
of one species or another in danger from pollution, over-exploitation or
mismanagement. This book should help to give identity--to show what the species
look like, to give a little information on their background, numbers and ways
of life, and to summarize what is interesting about them."
Profiles humpback, bowhead, right, grey, beluga, killer, sperm, bottlenose, and pilot whales, narwhals, dolphins, and porpoises.
Structured in a question-and-answer format, the chapters include: How Whales Live,
The Whale's Body, The Whale's Senses, Eating Habits, Whale Reproduction, Self-Defense,
Whales and People, and Great Whales. Indexed.
INTRODUCTION: 1.1. General, 1.2. Aquatic Mammals as Subjects of Experimental Studies, 1.3. The Physical Properties of Water as a Sensory Medium, 1.3.1. Acoustics, 1.3.2. Optics, 1.4. Psychophysical Measurement Procedures, 1.4.1. The Operant Conditioning Method, 1.4.2. Conditioned Reflex, 1.4.3. The Statistical Basis for Threshold Evaluation, 1.4.4. Data-Collection Procedures; HEARING IN CETACEANS: 2.1. Ear Morphology, 2.1.1. Outer Ear and Middle Ear, 2.1.2. Inner Ear and Peripheral Neurons, 2.2. Auditory Evoked Potentials in Cetaceans, 2.2.1. Intracranial Evoked Potentials, 2.2.2. Auditory Brainstem Responses (ABR), 2.2.3. Noninvasively Recorded Cortical Evoked Responses, 2.2.4. Rhythmic Evoked Potentials, 2.2.5. Contribution of Various Frequency Bands to ABR, 2.3. Evoked-Potential Procedures in Hearing Measurements, 2.3.1. ABR Threshold Measurements, 2.3.2. EFR and RFR Threshold Measurements, 2.4. Hearing Sensitivity and Frequency Range, 2.4.1. Psychophysical Data, 2.4.2. Evoked-Potential Data, 2.5. Temporal Resolution, 2.5.1. Psychophysical Studies, 2.5.2. Dependence of ABR on Stimulus Duration, 2.5.3. ABR Recovery at Double-Click Stimulation, 2.5.4. Gap-in-Noise Detection Measurements, 2.5.5. Derivation of the Temporal Transfer Function of the Auditory System, 2.5.6. Rhythmic Amplitude-Modulation Test and Modulation Transfer Function, 2.5.7. Rhythmic Click Test, 2.6. Frequency Tuning, 2.6.1. Critical Ratios and Critical Bands, 2.6.2. Tuning Curves, 2.6.3. Notch-Noise Masking, 2.6.4. Frequency-Discrimination Limens, 2.6.5. Frequency Resolving Power, 2.7. Sound-Intensity Discrimination, 2.8. Directional Sensitivity, Spatial, and Binaural Hearing, 2.8.1. Psychophysical Studies, 2.8.2. Directional Sensitivity: Evoked-Potential Studies, 2.8.3. Binaural Hearing: Evoked-Potential Studies, 2.9. Frequency-Temporal and Frequency-Spatial Interactions, 2.9.1. Temporal Interaction of Frequency-Colored Sound Pulses, 2.9.2. Paradoxical Lateral Suppression, 2.9.3. Interaction of Directional and Frequency Sensitivity, 2.10. Sound-Conduction Pathways, 2.11. Central Representation of the Auditory System, 2.12. Implements to Echolocation, 2.12.1. Hearing Frequency Range, 2.12.2. Frequency Tuning and Temporal Resolution, 2.12.3. Recovery Functions as a Basis of Invariant Perception of Echo
Signals, 2.12.4. Rippled Spectrum Resolution and Echolocation, 2.12.5. Frequency-Temporal Interactions, 2.12.6. Spatial Resolution, 2.13. Summary; HEARING IN PINNIPEDS AND SIRENIANS (Chapter 3); VISION IN AQUATIC MAMMALS: 4.1. Vision in Cetaceans, 4.1.1. Eye Morphology, 4.1.2. Visual Abilities of Cetaceans: Psychophysical Studies, 4.1.3. Topographic Distribution of Retinal Ganglion Cells, 4.1.4. Visual Projections to the Cerebral Cortex, 4.2. Vision in Pinnipeds, 4.3. Vision in Sirenians, 4.4. Summary; SOMATIC SENSE IN AQUATIC MAMMAL: 5.1. Somatic Sense in Cetaceans, 5.2. Somatic Sense in Pinnipeds, 5.2.1. Morphological and Psychophysical Data, 5.2.2. Somatosensory Projections to the Cerebral Cortex, 5.2.2. Tactile Sensitivity of Vibrissae, 5.3. Summary
Fact sheets on 48 marine mammals, including classification, characteristics, biology, and distribution range. This book also provides information on sites in Canada where these marine mammals may be observed as well as a list of contacts.
Guide to 40 species. Includes information on taxonomy, common and scientific
names, physical characteristics, reproduction cycles, population, diet, field
identification, methods of communication, disribution, how humans have interacted
with dolphins and porpoises throughout history, and theories of stranding.
Abundantly illustrated in color photos and black-and-white drawings.
Chapters include: Myths and Legends, Biology, A Brief History of Whaling, The International Whaling Commission, Project Jonah
Well-illustrated book, which includes an identification guide, advice on whale-
and dolphin-watching equipment, and comments on the future prospects of dolphins
and whales in the Philippines.
Scott: The story of Taylor and his decision to focus on wild and zoo
animals in his veterinary practice. Numerous tales, many humorous. He spent
time with Dr. Sam Ridgway at Pt. Mugu naval lab studying dolphins and in
Florida assisting in their capture.
From the author: "Souls in the Sea is a work of history, philosophy, nature, science, and mythology.
It gathers many streams of information about our ancient relationship with the Cetaceans and brings to the surface the
esoteric nature of that relationship."
The first half of the book provides a brief introduction to the natural history
of dolphins, their interactions with humans, and dolphin mythology. The second
half contains thirteen personal accounts of interaction with primarily the lone
wild dolphin Fungie (the "Dingle Dolphin"), and concludes with a consideration
of ecology and conservation issues and the steps we need to take.
Proceedings of a NATO advanced research workshop andsymposium of the Fifth
International Theriological Congress on Sensory Abilities of Cetaceans,
held August 22-29, 1989, in Rome, Italy.
Forty-eight papers from a symposium held in Moscow in 1991.
From the publisher: "Although bats and dolphins live in very different environments, are vastly different in size,
and hunt different kinds of prey, both groups have evolved similar sonar systems, known as echolocation, to locate food
and navigate the skies and seas. While much research has been conducted over the past thirty years on echolocation in bats
and dolphins, this volume is the first to compare what is known about echolocation in each group, to point out what
information is missing, and to identify future areas of research.
In this beautifully produced book (wonderful photographs-Trisha), "voyage
under the sea with researchers Paul Thompson and Ben Wilson who are currently
studying dolphins off the coast of Scotland. The authors explain the bottlenose
dolphin's oceanic habitat and range, and delve into their complex social
relationships. The authors also share their concerns for the future of these
belove seafarers and suggest steps to protect them." In addition, they explore relationships with humans and whales, dolphins, and porpoises."
Synopsis: A chronicle of the people and politics and techniques used to steer
Humphrey, the humpback whale who ventured up the Sacramento River in 1985,
back out to sea.
Presents the biological information residing in the thousands of whaling logbooks
and journals and other historical documents dating back as far as the 16th century.
From the Preface:
"I wrote Whales of the World to gather in one volume enough
information on the anatomy and classification of whales so this book could
serve as a handbook, a simple reference book, and even a textbook for readers
wishing to learn about this fascinating, largely unknown group of aquatic
mammals. I hope this book wil lalso be of use to people who, sometime and
somewhere, may find a whale stranded on a beach and want to identify and review
the anatomical features of the specimen.
Proceedings of a workshop held on Romo, the island where two mass strandings of sperm whales took place in March 1996 and December 1997 respectively. The venue brought together participants from the U.K., Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, and Denmark in order to discuss various aspects of sperm whale strandings.
Contents include: Recommendations of the workshop, A historical review of strandings in the North Sea, Details of the 1996 and 1997 mass strandings in Denmark, Answers to questions like "Can we prevent strandings?" and "Is euthansia possible?", A short review of recent scientific findings (e.g., ecotoxicology, age detemination, and diet analyses), An overview of management procedures and related public education activities in each country, and an appendix by T. Jauniaux, M.G. Hartmann, and F. Coignoul: Postmortem examination and tissue sampling of sperm whales Physeter macrocephalus.
According to the book The Whale, True "took advantage of the
establishment of shore whaling stations on the western Atlantic seaboard to
study the whales killed," and wrote this classic.
Describes capture of bottlenosed dolphins for the New York Aquarium at Cape Hatteras, North Carolina, November 12, 1913, and their ife in captivity prior to death from pneumonia a few months later.
Trisha: This book's focus is whaling, but I have included it because it
contains sections on cetacean mythology and folklore.
"This volume provides insight into a complex mix of scientific, social, economic, and political considerations relative to the diverse issues surrounding the conservation of marine mammals. Contributors to this volume review the history of marine mammal conservation, nationally and internationally, and discuss future implications based on specific efforts directed at single species. A case is made for heavy reliance on sound science and a fundamental understanding of ecological relationships as well as the cooperative involvement of leaders from many disciplines, non-governmental organizations, and affected nations."
Includes chaptes on the California Gray Whale, Whales--Early Conception to Present Scientific Classification, Features Common to All Whales, Whales Particular to
California, Whaling Today, and Whale Identification Key.
In this book, Van Eersel raises questions about "the origin of mankind and
the evolution of species. He follows a cherokee legend which says that the
dolphins are 'dreaming mankind.'"
A guide to the twenty-one species of cetaceans found in the waters around the
The editors' preference is for "sharp images that clearly show dorsal fin, saddle patch, and/or eye patch, however sightings records alone will be accepted gratefully as well. Photographers will retain copyright [for] their work, and . . . contact addresses will not be supplied to third parties. The Antarctic Killer Whale ID Catalogue will not sell images, but will forward requests for use on to the respective photographers. Once a reasonable number of photos have been submitted, [the editors] will post the images and sightings database on a web page to allow contributors access."
From the back cover: "A delightful, yet practical guide to swimming with
dolphins. It includes information about: Hawaiian spinner dolphins, the
human/dolphin connection, [and] the future of human/dolphin interactions. It
also includes tips and techniques for: swim preparation, interspecies
communication, dolphin etiquette, and dolphin warning behaviors . . . "
From the back cover: ". . . a tale that weaves together the author's search for a life of meaning and joy, her friendships with wild spinner dolphins, and [the] . . . discovery that she truly creates her world . . ."
From the back cover: "The story of a woman swimming through the ocean of her own consciousness with wild dolphins."
Chapters include: Two General Migration Routes, Whale Waters--Summer and Winter,
Feeding--Filter Whales, Evolution of Whales, Whale Types, Significance of Blubber,
Sexual Maturity, Life Span, Whale Intelligence, Whale Senses, [Social] Habits,
Enemies, Whale Abnormalities, Inadequate Knowledge of Whales, California Gray
Whale, Whaling, Gray Whale Protected, Value of Gray Whale, Natural Population
Controls, and Current Scientific Inquiry. Also includes an appendix on
classification and a bibliography.
From the publisher: "One of the world's leading painters and printmakers, the artist Frank Stella spent over a decade creating a huge series of works linked with Herman Melville's classic novel Moby-Dick. The completed series consists of more than 135 pieces: large metal reliefs, prints, a major sculpture, a large mural, and other items. Each work relates to one chapter of Moby-Dick, and the entire series is a highly ambitious, subtle, and liberating response to the novel. Frank Stella's Moby-Dick series is an extraordinary venture on a massive scale, by a major artist.
A comprehensive, scientifically based monograph on thirty-four of the largest
cetacean species. Highlights many of the scientific research results of the
last decade, including much previously unpublished information. Field identification
and behavior at sea are treated in detail, and color plates meticulously illustrate
the morphological characteristics of each of the species.
Trisha: Good overview article, with an extensive reference section, which focuses
on how release projects should be conducted, although it also briefly discusses
four principal grounds for release of captive animals and provides examples of
releases to date. In the section entitled "Responsibilities of Caretakers,"
three basic animal rights philosophical positions are examined, including Bernard
Rollins's interests approach, Peter Singer's utilitarian approach, and Tom
Regan's inherent value approach. This discussion is followed by sections
entitled "Elements of a Responsible Release Project" and "Selection of
Candidates for Release" and the authors' conclusions.
A vivid, and the only, guide to the whales, sea birds, and marine life of the
Stellwagen Bank National Marine Sanctuary, with images and text reflecting the
diverse animal life of an area encompassing 842 square miles of the Gulf of
Maine. Draws together the work of whale researchers, marine biologists,
oceanographers, and expert photographers.
Chapters discuss saltwater, ozonation, ultraviolet sterilization, chlorination, copper and other algicides, coliform testing, filtration and sterilization maintenance, sirenians, polar bears, habitat design, life support systems, information resources, and regulatory standards under the Animal Welfare Act.
Scott: Watson is a remarkable writer, spinning elegant phrases together
to create lucid tapestries of insight into natural phenomena. Here he explores
the wildly improbable theories that have come to the fore in the natural
sciences to see whether they might hold truth. He shows that many do. His
exposition on the Aquatic Ape Theory is excellent.
"TheSea Guide to Whales of the World is the result of ten years'
intensive observation aboard marine research vessels throughout the world. Lyall
Watson . . . provides the reader with a brief description of the science of
cetology and its founders, an explanation of the evolution of whales, their recent
classification, status and distribution, and a discussion of their natural
history. In the natural history section Dr. Watson deals not only with the
biology and anatomy of whales, but also with such fascinating questions as their
intelligence relative to our own, linguistic potential, social and sexual habits.
Each species description includes a summary of all known facts about the whale's
appearance, distribution, and habits in the wild; each is illustrated with a
full-color portrait, map, skull drawing, and diagrams of distinctive behavior
patterns. Much of this information is published here for the first time. The
picture that emerges is of creatures with astonishing intelligence, sensitivity,
self-awareness, and adaptability."
From a review in the September 1983 issue of Oceans magazine:
"Paul's story is reasonably well told in Sea Shepherd. The book's
chronology is sometimes confusing, and the lists of names at times seemingly
endless, but [the reviewer, whose name I unfortunately don't have] strongly
recommends reading the book for those interested in sea adventure, animal
conservation, and the internal politics of current conservation movements."
From Zoocheck Web site: "A nontechnical discussion of possible alternatives
to captivity for the four bottlenose dolphins held at the West Edmonton Mall
in Alberta."
Journalist Rex Weyler recounts Paul Spong's true-life adventures with killer
whales--adventures that "began as a scientific quest for knowledge and led
to a heroic crusade to save these fascinating creatures from extinction."
Published with an album of whale song to benefit the New York Zoological Society
Whale Fund. Roger Payne produced the album, and his work forms the basis of the
From the press release: "Illustrates the unsafe, unsanitary and overcrowded conditions of petting pools
in which many captive bottlenose dolphins are forced to live.
Effect of today's pollutants on cetaceans.
Information on whales and dolphins, river dolphins, studying cetaceans,
whaling, pollution, and the fishing industry.
Contains both a beautiful long prose poem by Williams and a remarkable
selection of excerpts from various texts on the nature of whales. (See also
Williams's Falling for a Dolphin in the fiction bibliography for an
equally beautiful long prose poem on dolphins.)
Introductory guide which identifies 33 species.
From the dust jacket: "Between 1981 and 1984, Hal Whitehead, aboard the
yacht Tulip, led a research team studying whales in the Indian Ocean. Voyage
to the Whales is the story of the team's expeditions--a time of adventure
and scientific discovery.
Based on an article by Dean Beeby in the Canadian Press, June10, 2003: For three years commencing in 1982 Hal Whitehead and
his crew from Cambridge University studied sperm whales in the Indian Ocean, photographing them, listening underwater for
their distinctive sounds, and observing their social habits. This and other information gathered over the past two decades
are presented in Dr. Whitehead's new book. It is one of only four scientific volumes published about sperm whales and the first
to draw upon non-lethal observations.
Abstract: There is increasing evidence that culture is an important determinant of
behavior in some non-human species including great apes and cetaceans
(whales and dolphins). In some cases, there may be repercussions for
population biology and conservation. Rapidly evolving "horizontal" cultures,
transmitted largely within generations, may help animals to deal with
anthropogenic change and even allow them to exploit it, sometimes with
negative consequences for both the animals and humans. In contrast,
stable "vertical" or "oblique" cultures, transmitted principally
between generations, may impede adaptation to environmental change, and
confound range recovery, reintroductions and translocations. Conformist stable
cultures can lead to maladaptive behavior, which may be mistaken for the
results of anthropogenic threats. They can also structure populations into
symaptric sub-populations with distinctive cultural variants. Such structuring
is common among cetaceans, among which sympatric sub-populations may face
different anthropogenic threats or respond to the same threat in different
ways. We suggest that non-human culture should be integrated into conservation
biology when considering populations with such attributes, and also more
generally by refining definitions of evolutionarily significant units and
considering how cultural attributes may change our perspectives of
Articles include: Introduction: Facts & Fantasy; The Plight of the 'Forgotten'
Whales; Watching Habits and Habitats from Earth Satellites; How Brainy Are
Cetaceans?; The Marine Mammal Act: A First of Its Kind Anywhere; To Icelanders,
Whaling Is a Godsend; Getting to Know You; Why the Japanese Are So Stubborn About
Whaling; Eskimos, Yankees, and Bowheads; Harbor Porpoises and the Gillnet Fishery;
Dolphins in Different Worlds; Unraveling the Dolphin Soap Opera; Those Dolphins
Aren't Just Whistling in the Dark; Watching the Whales; The Lost Whales of Tierra
del Fuego; A Rescue That Moved the World; Let's Have Less Public Relations and
More Ecology; How Much Is a Whale's Life Worth, Anyway?; and The Whale, A Large
Figure in the Collective Unconscious.
Quoting Wade Doak in his book Dolphin, Dolphin, this "superbly illustrated"
book "seems like a prolongation of Joan McIntyre's work [Mind in the Waters."
Contents include: Marine Mammal Health and Stranding Response Act, Development
of a Contingency Plan, Unusual Mortality Events, Baseline Information and Stranding
Networks, Objectives of Contingency Plan, Discharges of Oil and Hazardous Chemicals,
Resources, Safety and Hygienic Precautions, Aviation Safety, Carcass Disposal,
Live Animals, Equipment, Protocols and Training, Compilation of Lists, Early
Monitoring Activities, Criteria for Determining an Unusual Mortality Event,
Appointment of Onsite Coordinator, Notifications to Accelerate Response,
Assessment of Capacities, Capabilities, Aerial Surveys, Environmental Parameters,
Data Requirements, Financial Administration, Public Information, Tracking of
Animals and Samples, Available Facilities and Requirements, Release Conditions,
Protocols and Available Trained Personnel, Sea Otter Provisions, Shipment and
Tracking of Samples, Specific Types of Analyses (Blood, Histopathology,
Life History, Biotoxins, Heavy Metals/Organic Contaminants, Virology,
Bacteriology, Mycology), Conditions on Disclosure of Results, Litigation,
Live Captures, Independent Research, Mass Strandings, Report, Follow-up
Activities, Tissue Access, Post-Event Monitoring, Stranding Network Members,
Federal Beachfront Agencies, State Wildlife Resource Agencies, State Public
Health Organizations, Native American Organizations, Facilities for Holding
Live Animals, Sources for Gross Necropsies and Tissue Preparation, Veterinary
Colleges, References
The former director of Greenpeace and leading environmental campaigner charts
the progress of the Green movement from its infancy in the 1970s up to the
present day, from the early days of dressing up as giant plastic bottles
and dumping radioactive mud outside the DEP to the drama of the warfare
between Greenpeace vessels and Japanese whaling ships.
Contains both a beautiful long prose poem by Williams and selected excerpts from
various texts on the nature of whales. (See also Williams' Falling for a
Dolphin for an equally beautiful long prose poem on dolphins.)
Contents include: Introduction, The Showbiz Orca, Life in the Wild (FINgerprinting
techniques, community living, social behaviour, intelligence, communication, orca
studies in other parts of the world), The World Orca Trade (capture sites and
methods, legislation, holding areas [USA/Canada/Iceland/Japan], transport from
the wild, transport from tank to tank, "orca laundering", breeding loan, special
deals), Life in the Tank (standards and regulations for captive display [USA/
Canada/UK/Japan], conditions in captivity: pool size, pool design and
water quality, feeding, acoustics and ambient noise, social composition and
companionship, solitary confinement; health of captive orcas: survival rates and
longevity, causes of death, stress, aggressive behaviour towards other orcas,
aggression toward trainers), Marine Park Myths (education, conservation,
captive breeding, research), The Display Industry Makes a Killing (marketing the
image, lobbying, dubious bedfellows, drive fisheries, over-capturing), The Times
They Are A-Changing (the future of marine parks, changing climate of public
opinion, ethics, alternatives to display, whale watching, cetacean-free facilities,
future of current captives, release programmes), Conclusions and Recommendations,
and References.
An early history of fish and whales.
From the back cover: "In Dolphins of the World Ben Wilson gives an overview of dolphins from the perspective of a biologist whose life has been immersed in theirs. He describes the characteristics common to all dolphins, then divides them into three groups according to the environments that shape them: dolphins as oceanic wanderers, coastal dolphins, and dolphins that have left the sea and now make their home in the world's greatest rivers. The final chapter explores the future of dolphins, including scientific discoveries, opportunities for the public to see and experience dolphins, and our responsibility for the dolphin's fate.
"This comprehensive [introduction to the humpback whale] brings together
current and reliable information on whales, much of it never before published
outside the scientific community. Organized around the mammal's annual life
cycle, the book includes historical accounts of whales going back to Roman times,
legends and folklore, material from the logbooks of whalers, explorers, and
naturalists, and vivid personalized accounts of the authors' own research
experiences and difficulties in obtaining information." Includes a
bibliography and a brief index.
From a review by Joseph E. Brown in the January 1974 issue of Oceans
". . . Forrest G. Wood adds immeasurably to [the] storehouse of dolphin lore
and, to a limited extent, to that concerning other marine mammals. As the subtitle
implies, the book is limited to the Navy's program of research; since in this
country, at least, the Navy has taken the lead in this field, most of the areas
of this fascinating science are more than adequately covered . . . Readers may
quibble with details; for example, the book lacks an index and its bibliography
is limited almost entirely to papers published by colleagues of the author, a
senior scientist and consultant at the Naval Undersea Center in San Diego. And
Wood devotes an entire 12 pages to a rather unconvincing defense of the Navy
against charges that it trained porpoises as self-destructing underwater
kamikazes . . . But the balance of the book more than compensates for these
questionable faults."
Abstract: "One of the common causes presented in explanation of cetacean (whale and dolphin) mass strandings is that
of reduced effectiveness of sonar as a navigational tool. Attenuation of sound and ultrasound by an ocean surface layer of
resonant bubbles over a gently sloping beach is proposed as a significant mechanism for disrupting echolocation. A full
analysis of reflections and sound attenuation was completed along with preliminary laboratory tests providing basic
qualitative support. Prevailing weather, coastal topography and cetacean sonar data pertaining to West Australian strandings
[were] combined to evaluate the theory's plausiblity as a physical cause of cetacean mass strandings."
Scott: Compiled by The Center for Action on Endangered Species, Inc. A
handbook for activists divided into the following sections: Action Guide, What
You Can Do, Whaling, The Mechanics of Death, Alternatives for Whale Products,
etc. Slightly outdated, but still powerful. Has very good bibliography. Black/white drawings by Richard Ellis.
Proceedings of the 1980 International
Whaling Commission, Conference on Cetacean Behavior and Intelligence and
the Ethics of Killing Cetaceans.
Introductory natural history of whales and dolphins covering evolution, feeding
habits, biology, and their complex relationship with humans.
Includes reproductions of many of Wyland's wall murals and others of his paintings. 110 color photos.
From the cover:
" . . . an adventure story full of surprises that will take you around the
world, into human and dolphin psyches . . . and beyond . . . [the author] plunges
into a . . . journey of the heart that takes him into strange and magical
encounters with Australian Aborigines, Maoris from New Zealand, an American
walk-in, a Russian midwife, and a Balinese shaman. All these and more join him
as he explores the spiritual nature of dolphins, their involvement with
underwater birthing, and the nature of dolphin telepathic communication."
From the publisher: "[This book] is the only book that exclusively covers
all 29 marine mammal species of Alaska. Each whale, porpoise, dolphin, seal, sea
lion, walrus, sea otter, and polar bear is described and illustrated. Color photos
and surface profile drawings show all Alaska marine mammals and compare similar
species, and color range maps show distribution. Mammal characteristics and
descriptions are presented in a format that allows fast, accurate identification
at sea. The 80-page, richly illustrated book is printed on durable water resistant
paper, and is spiral bound to give years of service outdoors and in the office,
classroom, and home. The second edition has text updates and a few new photos."
From a review in the Spring-Summer 1995 issue of AWI Quarterly:
This work "is the most comprehensive book on the beluga. The text of
Beluga is strictly scientific, but the introduction expresses the
powerful aesthetic impact of these magnificent and highly social whales . . ."
From Erich Hoyt's annotated bibliography in his book Orca: The Whale Called
"Russian scientists report on many aspects of whale behavior and biology."
From the back cover: "The allure of the dolphin - its beauty, grace and intelligence - is strong. People are drawn to their 'humanlike' personalities, and are inspired by their close relationships to one another and to their surroundings. . . . With both respectful wonder and scientific fact, The Wisdom of Dolphins uses the knowledge of [dolphins], such as how to nurture, communicate and cope, to open our hearts and access the wisdom within ourselves."
"From the often-sighted California grays to the perilously low numbers of
Arctic-dwelling bowhead whales, Whales presents a full-color visual
celebration of the over 80 species of whales living today."
Trisha: For a file of additional information, references, and world experts on
the baiji and pink dolphin, please e-mail me at
Carl Zimmer: Intended for a popular audience, describes how scientists come
to understand major evolutionary transitions, using as its prime examples the
origin of tetrapods and the origin of cetaceans.
Trisha: This palm-sized book is full of misinformation, ranging from a
failure to understand that dolphins are small whales, and not "cousins of
whales" to "_many scientists_ [emphasis added] believe dolphins to
be smarter than apes, perhaps smarter than humans" to "their ability
to mimic sounds is an ability that dolphins share only with humans" [what
about parrots, for example?] to "how do dolphins make their sounds? One
thought is that the sounds emerge through their blowholes . . . how dolphins
can make sounds through their foreheads remains a mystery!" to "their
psychic, telepathic, and sonar abilities are only just being discovered."
This is just a sampling, and then the book concludes with a section on
"rules for swimming with dolphins," which advises swimmers to
"keep your arms behind your back," and yet the illustration for this
section stereotypically shows a swimmer holding on to a dolphin's dorsal fin
and being taken for a ride.
Aquatic Mammals is the peer-reviewed journal of the
European Association for Aquatic Mammals. Three issues are produced within each annual volume. The journal has subscribers in 29 countries, and more than 60 libraries subscribe.
Dr. Antonio Mignucci-Giannoni of the Caribbean Stranding Network writes:
"Researchers conducting studies on Tropical Atlantic, Gulf of Mexico, and
Caribbean marine mammals know how difficult it is at times to obtain literature
from the area, in addition to find[ing] a suitable place to later publish
information and studies of a regional nature . . . we have published a
number of articles with the Journal and they have characterized themselves
as rapid and efficient (an normal article is reviewed in a couple of
months, and accepted articles may be printed . . . between 6 months and
10 months).
Journal of the Fondazione Cetacean (in Italian, summaries in English). For
subscription information contact: Fondazione Cetacea, Viale Milano, 63, 47036 Riccione (RN), Italia, voice:
39 (0)541 691557, fax: 39 (0)541 606590, e-mail:
This peer-reviewed journal has been established to publish papers on those matters of most importance to the conservation and management of whales, dolphins, and porpoises, and in particular papers that are relevant to the tasks of the IWC Scientific Committee. These will include papers on: population assessment and trends, population dynamics, population biology, taxonomy, risk averse management strategies, direct and indirect exploitation, environmental changes and threats in the context of cetaceans, and scientific aspects of whale watching and sanctuaries.
Journal of the Society for Marine
Mammalogy. For subscription information contact: Marine Mammal Science,
P.O. Box 368, Lawrence, Kansas 66044, USA, 800-627-0629, fax: 785-843-1274, email:
As part of the National Marine Fisheries Service's implementation of the Marine Mammal Protection Act Amendments of 1994, the Office of Protected Resources publishes a quarterly newsletter called the MMPA Bulltin. The Bulletin provides information to the public about NMFS actions and policies under the MMPA.
For subscription information contact: Ocean Realm, 4067 Broadway, San Antonio,
Texas 78209, USA, voice: (210) 824-8099, fax: (210) 820-3522.
Right Whale News is a quarterly newsletter that seeks to improve recovery efforts for the North Atlantic and North Pacific right whales. Thanks to the Massachusetts Environmental Trust, the National Marine Fisheries Service, the Grays Reef National Marine Sanctuary, the Northeast Implementation Team and the Savannah Presbytery, subscriptions to Right Whale News are free. Articles and news are always welcome.
Journal of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society. For subscription information
contact: Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, Alexander House, James Street
West, Bath, Avon BA1 2BT, Great Britain, voice: 44 (0)1225 334511, fax: 44 (0)1225
Tourism in Marine Environments. Submit articles to: Michael
Luck, Dept. of Recreation & Leisure Studies, Brock University, 500 Glenridge Ave., St. Catharines, ON, Canada, L2S 3A1.
Newsletter of the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society, Bath, England
Launched the first week of May 2004 in the U.K., this magazine is "essentially U.K. and Europe focused, but will
include international news, research updates and overseas travel articles in every issue." Cetacean researchers are
invited to keep the editor posted with news items and feature article ideas suitable for the general reader.
Journal of the American Cetacean Society. For subscription information contact:
The American Cetacean Society, P.O. Box 1391, San Pedro, California 90733, USA,
voice: (310) 548-6279, fax: (310) 548-6950.
Produced by the non-profit, UK-based Nature Alert, which was formed in September
1995 and is active in animal rescue projects in various locations around the
world. Nature Alert also has "provided modest support for whale and dolphin
conservation projecs in Ecuador, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, Great Britain and
South Africa."
Jaap: Covers history of whaling, population estimates and populations dynamics,
population models, and management procedures. Provides a good overview of
population modeling techniques and the associated mathematics.
From the introduction by Christine Stevens, AWI president:
"Since 1971, a major focus of the work of the Animal Welfare Institute has
been the campaign to save the great whales.
Jaap: Essays on intelligence, ethics, whaling, and cultural aspects.
Jaap: Essays on the IWC management procedure, marine mammal resources, and
political issues.
From the publisher: "Whaling has been central to the life of Greenland's
Inuit peoples for at least 4,000 years, but political, economic, technological,
and regulatory changes have altered this ancient practice. Caulfield's research
connects traditions of indigenous peoples, the promises and pitfalls of
co-management, international whaling policies, the complexities of sustainability,
and the power of culturally determined views shaping relationships between
humans and their environment. He finds that controversy over whaling often arises
from conflicting idea systems, rather than disagreement over biological resource
Contents: The Future of the International Whaling Commission, The North Atlantic Marine Mammal Commission and the World
Council of Whalers, The Threat to Small Cetaceans and Institutional Responses, Anthropogenic Threats to Cetaceans, The
Ecosystem Role of Cetaceans
Abstract: This paper examines the decisions of the parties to the International Whaling Commission at its most two recent meetings. The analysis and
assessment of the prospects for breaking the current impasse over lifting the moratorium on commercial whaling and the IWC's capacity to
address environmental change issues.
" . . . while the IWC is today undoubtedly using much better principles of
management than before, I for one do not believe that the heart of the industry
has been moved to change . . . If commercial whaling is to resume, it must be
accompanied by watertight inspection practices - and this means not only at sea
but also at every stage on the path to market . . . But should whales be killed
at all? I would argue that they should not be . . ."
No abstract or summary, but the paper begins: "In an open letter published last year in The New York Times,
21 distinguished scientists (including three Nobel laureates) criticized Japan's program of scientific research whaling,
noting its poor design and unjustified reliance upon lethal sampling. In a recent forum article in Bioscience, Aron, Burke,
and Freeman (2002) castigate the letter's signers and accuse them of meddling in political issues without sufficient
knowledge of the science involved in those issues. As members of the Scientific Committee (SC) of the International Whaling
Commission (IWC), we can attest that the signers of the open letter correctly summarized criticisms made by researchers
very familiar with Japanese scientific whaling. One such critique (Clapham et al. 2002) was presented and discussed last
year at a meeting of the SC. It was authored by SC members representing a broad range of countries, yet mention of this
paper and others like it was absent from Aron and his colleagues' commentary, betraying a selectiveness that pervades their
article. The authors quote lines from SC reports to support their contention that the IWC regards scientific whaling as
valuable, but they fail to acknowledge many other sections that are highly critical of the Japanese program (IWC 1998,
2001, 2003).
Abstract: Marine mammal exploitation in Barbados was different in nature and intensity than that of the surrounding islands, yet its impact on local whale stocks was similar: severe reduction. Yankee whalers were present in the area as early as 1765, and a shore whaling industry developed in 1867, relying heavily on Yankee influences. The success of the shore whaling industry peaked around the turn of the 20th century with catches as high as 36 whales per year, but the population crashed shortly after that, and the industry shut down in 1920. The end of the Barbadian whale fishery is similar to that of Grenada's, Trinidad's, and Bequia's. Although the whaling industry at each place developed under different influences, used different equipment and methods, and operated in a different time period, each one was shut down due to a lack of whales caused by over-exploitation.
Draws on evidence from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, provides
an examination of the impact of global warming and environmental degradation on
whales and dolphins, and argues for a fifty-year extension of the current ban on
commercial whaling.
This title is also included in the main bibliography above, where contents are
This title is also included in the main bibliography above, where contents are
"This volume contains the reports of three panels of experts called in by
the IWC to examine various aspects of aboriginal subsistence whaling: Wildlife;
Nutrition; and Cultural Anthropology. Although largely called in response to the
Alaskan bowhead whale fishery the volume also contains . . . information on the
Greenlandic fisheries."
From the publisher: ". . . based on extensive ethnographic, ecological,
and policy research sponsored by the Inuit Circumpolar Conference, [this book]
presents Inuit perspectives on the integral role whales play in cultural,
economic, philosophical, and nutritional aspects of Inuit life . . ."
"Examines the international management of whales and whaling, centering upon conflict within the current international whaling regime. A preface by former U.S. Commissioner to the IWC, John A. Knauss, is followed by eleven essays: The IWC as a Contested Regime; A New Whaling Agreement and International Law; Whales, the IWC, and the Rule of Law; Science and the IWC; Is Money the Root of the Problem? Cultural Conflict in the IWC; Food Security,
Food Hegemony, and Charismatic Animals; Distorting Global Governance: Membership, Voting, and the IWC; Negotiating in the IWC Environment; The Whaling Regime: 'Good' Institutions but 'Bad' Politics?; Summing Up: Whaling and Its Critics; Whaling Sausage: Why the Whaling Regime Does Not Need to Be Fixed; Fixing the Whaling Regime: A Proposal
Goldberg, Kim. "Canada's War on Whales: Will the Bowhead Survive?" British Columbia, Canada: Canadian Marine Environment Protection Society (CMEPS), 2001. Author email:, telephone: 250-741-8577. To receive a copy of the report, call Doug Imbeau 604-313-1597 in Vancouver, British Columbia, or download it by clicking above.
"A report on the Canadian government's mismanagement of whales, suppression of science, and hunting quotas on a highly endangered species."
Nancy Hess, for Booklist, September 1, 1999: " The yearly hunt for bowhead whales of the Inupiat (Eskimos) living around Barrow, Alaska, is central to their culture and traditions. A new book that is part anthropology [and] part documentary . . . captures the lives of these people. Hess, a photographer and writer who has worked for years among Native Americans, spent a number of years living with the hunters and documenting their hunts for bowhead and beluga whales and smaller prey, such as sews. The Inupiat initiated the author into the hunt the same way they initiate their own teenagers--by putting him to work cooking for the hunters, cleaning the camp, and helping to move the umiak (whale boat) to its launch site by snow machine. The skill of the hunters and their knowledge of the biology of the whales generally allow for a successful hunt, and the blubber, meat, and other whale products not only provide food but are the basis for the entire culture as the sharing of the whale ties the community together. The aboriginal right to hunt bowhead whales (an endangered species) remains controversial, but Hess' book presents a strong case for the cultural and spiritual side of the argument . . ."
From an IFAW press release: "The report notes that whale watching tourism expenditures more than doubled from 1994-1998; expenditures now are more than a billion dollars per year. In the US alone, more than 4.3 million people went whale watching in 1998, accounting for 47% of the global whale watching industry.
Abstract: A report on the federal and territorial governments case for hunting bowhead whales, its importance to Canadian
Inuit health and culture, and the argument that a properly managed hunt will lead to better conservation measures than
would a moratorium on the hunt.
Suggests that illegal hunting and smuggling of whale meat and whale products may
be common in both Korea and Japan. Researchers for IFAW purchased whale meat
samples from markets in both countries and then subjected them to DNA analysis
by scientists from Harvard University, the University of Hawaii, and the
University of Auckland.
See the following chapters: History of Gray Whales in Japan; Aboriginal Whaling
from the Aleutian Islands to Washington State; Gray Whales and the Aborigines
of the Pacific Northwest: The History of Aboriginal Whaling; Shore Whaling for
Gray Whales along the Coast of the Californias; Nineteenth Century Gray Whaling:
Grounds, Catches and Kills, Practices and Depletion of the Whale Population;
Modern Commercial Pelagic Whaling for Gray Whales; Assessing Gray Whale Abundance: A Review; A Review of Russian Research on the Biology and Commercial Whaling of the Gray Whale; Investigations of Gray Whales Taken in the Chukchi Coastal Waters, U.S.S.R.
Papers in this issue pertaining to whaling: Marine mammals: a class case of the triumph of emotion over science, Traditional humpback whale hunting in St. Vincent & the Grenadines, The government of Japan's whale downlisting proposals for CITES, CITES and IWC, Aspects of regional management: Science, sustainable use and conservation of marine mammals in the North Atlantic, Utilization or preservation? The battle over management of whales, CITES, IUCN and the precautionary principle, as they relate to classifying marine species as "endangered," Sustainable use and the law, Challenges to Inuit sustainable resource use in Canada, Inuit cultural dependency on hunting -- and protectionists and global ethics
An anthropological account of whaling culture and the history of whaling in Japan.
A report on the work of the World Wide Fund for Nature to keep whales at the
forefront of conservation issues.
A report on the work of the World Wide Fund for Nature to keep whales at the
forefront of conservation issues.
From the dust jacket: "[This volume] is concerned largely with the biological facts relating to the populations {or 'stocks'}, but it gives an account also of the development of modern whaling, the system of international regulation, the effects of exploitation of the stocks, and the problems of their conservation. The analysis of the biological and statistical evidence is clear and convincing . . ."
"From the publisher: Despite a decades-long international moratorium on commercial whaling, one fleet has continued to
hunt and kill whales in the waters surrounding Antarctica. Refusing to let this defiance go unchallenged, the environmental
organization Greenpeace began dispatching expeditions to the region in an effort to intercept the whalers and use nonviolent
means to stop their lethal practice.
Contents: On the Whaling Controversy, Japanese World-view on Whales and Whaling,
Japanese Research Whaling.
This paper examines one of the most controversial and pressing issues facing the
IWC: whether the organization has legal competence to regulate the taking of
small cetaceans. The paper examines the dangers faced by the world's small
cetacean species and provides extensive legal analysis on the competence issue,
utilizing the text of the ICRW, customary international law, and principles of
This paper examines the IWC from a historical perspective, assesses the
judiciousness of the resumption of commercial whaling, including a critique of
the Revised Management Procedure, and proffers several suggestions on how to
strengthen the International Convention for the Regulation of Whaling should
the moratorium be lifted.
The authors' genetic analysis suggests that about 12 times more humpback and fin whales once existed compared with previous
Includes extensive bibliographical material and is "must" reading for
anyone interested in the ethics of whaling.
Sections include: Whales--A Description of the Resource, The History of Whaling
and Early Regulation, The International Whaling Commission, The Conservation of
Small Cetaceans, Ethics and Management, Biological Assessment, Economic Assessment,
Legal Assessment, and Conclusions.
See chapter 5: Whales: The Normative Transition of the International Whaling
Transcription of an interview with Mark Votier, a British freelance filmmaker who
was permitted by the Japanese Institute of Cetacean Research to video the Japanese
whaling fleet in operation during the 1992/93 Antarctic season. Mark subsequently
released his graphic footage of the suffering endured by minke whales speared
by electric lance and was sued by the Institute for breach of contract. When asked
why he took this action, he said "The moral obligation to release the
pictures, so that authorities around the world could see them and judge for
themselves, I felt was much greater than any contractual obligation to the
Japanese authorities not to release the information. Indeed if I'd been complicit
in such an ugly secret, I don't think I could have lived with that decision."
Proceedings of the 1980 International Whaling Commission Conference on Cetacean
Behavior and Intelligence and the Ethics of Killing Cetaceans.
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