Last update: July 1, 2005
Note: A very special thank-you to Gayle Julien ( for her suggestions, and for her many interesting and delightful commentaries on various books in this bibliography. Thanks, too, to Julia (aka Nai'a, for her recommendations and commentaries and to Scott Taylor for his commentaries.
My adult fiction bibliography contains some young-adult fiction titles that are not duplicated in the present bibliography (although several appear in both places). Cetacean video titles for children from the National Geographic Society, Walt Disney, and other sources appear in the Cetacean Videography, and cetacean songs and taped stories for children (most of which are marked "For children") appear in the Cetacean Audiography.
The "Other Resources" section of this bibliography contains information about non-book items (such as games and exhibits) and resources for educators. Please note, however, that there are also some book resources for educators in the main section of the bibliography that are not repeated in the "Other Resources" section.
Suggestions for additions, and commentary on any title by both adults and children, are most welcome (please send to Trisha Lamb,
Acres, A. Opo, the Gay Dolphin. Wellington: A. H. & A. W. Reed, 1956. (Nonfiction)
Adams, Pam, and Annie Kubler. Dolly Dolphin's Play School. Auburn, Maine: Child's Play-International, 1981. Grades baby to preschool. (Fiction)
"Dolly Dolphin squeaks as she teaches tricks."
___________. Wally Whale and Friends. Auburn, Maine: Child's Play-International, 1981. Grades 4 and up. (Fiction)
Adamson, Deb. Stormy the Baby Dolphin: A Gulf Coast Rescue. Illustrated by Susan Schaub MacKay. Eakin Publications, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
From the author, public relations director at Mystic Aquarium: "Shark-bitten, bleeding, and clinging to life is how Stormy was first discovered on a Texas beach. His successful rehabilitation and subsequent journey to Mystic Aquarium in Mystic, Connecticut, has riveted so many young children nationwide because he is such a miracle story. Children are fascinated by Stormy because they can relate to the drama of being separated from one's mother and are in awe of the brutal shark attack. Children routinely log on to the Mystic Aquarium web-site . . . to get a live 'Stormy cam' glimpse at this young dolphin that beat the odds. Less than 5% of all dolphins that strand on beaches actually survive, so Stormy is a true success story. I wrote Stormy's story because I saw an opportunity to teach young children and adults about an animal they are so enamored with. Dolphins have a special mystique for many. Stormy's story also provides a chance to inform the children about the caring and humane efforts made by thousands of volunteers who spend countless hours rescuing and caring for stranded marine animals. Stormy puts a name to one of those thousands of animals that wash ashore annually. Now, at about three-years old, Stormy is doing well . . ."Trisha: Stormy died January 16, 2001, at age four at Mystic Aquarium.
Adkins, Leona. Ollie the Orca and His Friend the Nurse. New York: Carlton Press, 1995.
Albert, Burton. Sharks and Whales. Illustrated by Pamela Baldwin Ford. New York: Putnam Publishing Group/Platt & Munk, 1979. Grades 1-6. (Nonfiction)
Allen, Joseph. Mikey Goes Whale Watching. Illustrated by W. Woodaman. San Diego, California: Ocean Allen Publishing, 1986. Grades 1-5. (Fiction)
Allen, Judy. Whale. Illustrated by Tudor Humphries. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Candlewick Press, 1992. Grades preschool - 2. (Fiction)
Beautifully illustrated story about a young girl and her parents who witness the seemingly magical rescue of a humpback whale and her baby from an oil slick by "the spirits of dead whales." Includes a whale fact sheet.
Allen, Laura Jean. Ottie and the Star. Early I Can Read, Weekly Reader Book. New York: Harper & Row, 1979. (Fiction)
"A little otter encounters a shark, a dolphin, and a startfish while trying to catch a star."
Althea. Whale. Illustrated by Barbara McGirr. Save Our Wildlife Series. Chicago, Illinois: Longman, 1988. (Nonfiction)
Alvarez, Cynthia. Moby Dick's Revenge. New York: David McKay Co., 1996. Grades preschool-2. (Fiction)
Alvarez, Cynthia, Kathy Suter, and Jack Bernstein. Ace Venture: Pet Detective. New York: Random House Children's, 1995. Ages 4-8. (Fiction pictureback) (See also below the book of the same name by Marc Cerasini for older readers.)
From the publisher: "America's favorite pet detective embarks on a hilarious search for the Miami Dolhpin's mascot [a rare bottlenose dolphin named Snowflake] while risking life and fin coming nose to snout with a killer shark, in an adaptation of the . . . [Ace Ventura] movie."
Amato, Carol A. Captain Jim and the Killer Whales. Illustrated by Patrick O'Brien. Hauppage, New York: Barron's Educational Series, 1995. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
From the publisher: "Captain Jim is a wise old fisherman who tells young Zach and Mandy about the creatures of the sea--especially about orcas, or killer whales. Here are dozens of fascinating facts, not only about whales, but about many other sea creatures.quot;
Amery, Heather. Jonah and the Whale. BIble Tales Series. Tulsa, Oklahoma: EDC Publishing, 1997. Grades: preschool and up.
Ames, Lee J. Draw 50 Sharks, Whales and other Sea Creatures. New York: Doubleday, 1989. Ages 8-14.
Anastasio, Dina. Flipper Junior Novelization. Los Angeles: Price Stern Sloan, 1996. Ages 7-12. (Fiction)
___________. Dolly Dolphin and the Strange New Something. Shamu and His Crew Adventure. Seattle, Washington: Third Story Books, 1994. Grades K-3. (Fiction)
Anderson, J. I. I Can Read About Whales and Dolphins. Illustrated by Pamela G. Johnson. Mahwah, New Jersey: Troll Associates, 1996. Grades 2-4. (Nonfiction)
___________. Yo puedo leer sobre las ballenas y los delfines. Illustrated by Judith Frinquello. Mahwah, New Jersey: Troll Associates, 1981. Grades 2-4. In Spanish. (Nonfiction)
Andrews, Roy Chapman. All About Whales. New York: Random House Books for Young Readers, 1964. Grades 4-5. (Nonfiction)
Annixter, Jane, and Paul Annixter. Vikan the Mighty. New York: Holiday Hosue, 1969. Grades 7 and up. (Fiction)
Appleton, Victor, II. Tom Swift and the Electronic Hydrolung. Tom Swift Jr. Adventure series, no. 18. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1961. (Fiction)
Contents: Undersea Survey, Porpoise Tag, Enemy Frogmen, Gunman's Surprise, A Lucky Blast, and more
Archambault, John. The Birth of a Whale. Illustrated by Janet Skiles. Parsippany, New Jersey: Silver Burdett Press, 1996. Also available on audiocassette from the same publisher. Ages 6-8. (Nonfiction)
Lauren Peterson, in Booklist, March 15, 1996: " . . . Archambault shows his serious side here, with a melodic poem describing the birth of a humpback whale. He is more concerned with capturing the grace and majesty of the magnificent creature than he is with presenting information, but a few basics are included, woven smoothly into the text without interrupting the rhythmic flow of the verse. Skiles follows suit with pleasing watercolor illustrations that are realistic but not very informative or detailed. Esbensen's Baby Whales Drink Milk (1994) will be of more instructional value, but Archambault's book will provide excellent enrichment and be of interest to teachers searching for material to integrate science and language arts in the curriculum," Copyright 1996, American Library Association. All rights reserved.From Kirkus Reviews, February 1, 1996: "Archambault . . . writes brief verse about the birth of a humpback whale that makes a usually majestic event somewhat trite and even boring. 'A humpback whale sings it song, diving deep through the deep water dark./The deep water dark, the deep water dark, singing, dancing in the deep water dark.' The refrain and accompanying illustration are repeated seven times during the course of the book, adding length but little content. The words are never compelling as poetry, and there aren't enough facts to compete with other books on the humpback whale. The illustrated spreads in washed shades of aqua and deep blue are accurate but not very engaging." Copyright 1996, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved..
Arena, Felice. Dolphin Boy Blue. London: Collins, 1996. (Fiction)
Ariel Books Staff. Whales. Kansas City, Missouri: Andrews and McMeel, 1996. (Nonfiction)
Aristeen, Katy K. Jonah, the Whale and the Vine. KidScripts Series. Boston: Pauline Books and Media, 1997. Grades 2-5. (Fiction)
Armour, Michael C. Orca Song. Illustrated by Katie Lee. Narrated by Peter Thomas. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1994/Norwalk, Connecticut: TMC/Soundprints, 1994. Grades preschool-2. (Fiction)
Trisha: This book (full size or mini-book) may come bundled with a small stuffed orca and/or an audiotape and tells the story of a young orca who gets caught in an abandoned cargo net, frees himself before he drowns, strands, is rescued by humans, and then finds his pod again.
Armour, Richard. Sea Full of Whales. McGraw-Hill Book Co., 1974. Grades preschool-2. (Nonfiction)
" Very good. What's that out at sea like a ship with no sail? the chances are good what you see is a whale. There are blue whales and killers and humpbacks galore, finbacks and right whales and narwhals and more. If you would know them, they're all in this book. You'll learn much about them by taking a look."
Armstrong, Richard. The Secret Sea. Illustrated by Roger Payne. London: Dent, 1976. (Fiction)
Arnold, Caroline. Baby Whale Rescue: The True Story of J.J.. Illustrated by Richard Hewett. BridgeWater Books, 2000. Ages 5-9.(Nonfiction)
From Kirkus Reviews: "Arnold and Hewett . . . record the harrowing rescue of a baby gray whale who had become separated from her mother off the coast of California. She was discovered on January 10, 1997, exhausted, hungry, and near death. J.J. was 14 feet long when she was brought to SeaWorld as a young calf. Gaining 900 pounds in the first month, she had to be moved to a new home by crane. Her caretakers started planning on giving J.J. skills so that she could be released and survive on her own in the ocean. Divers put her food on the bottom of the pool, each day in a different location, so she could practice searching. Arnold is relaxed in her telling, allowing the already dramatic events to unfold naturally: 'Everyone cheered as J.J. took a big breath, dove deep, and disappeared. The young whale was on her own.' Full-color photos capture the excitement of J.J.'s release, but also the hard work of preparing her for her return to the sea." -- Copyright (c)1999, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
___________. Killer Whale. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1994. Grades 2 and up. (Nonfiction)
About training captive orcas.
Arnov, Boris. Bally the Blue Whale: Life Story of the Largest Living Mammal. Illustrated by John Mack. Criterion Books, 1964.
Arnsteen, Katy Keck. Jonah, the Whale and the Vine. Kid Scripts. Daughters of St. Paul, 1997. (Fiction)
From the publisher: "Instead of obeying God, Jonah tries to run away and ends up inside a whale, until he repents and goes on to warn the people of Nineveh to change their ways."
Asato, Dennis. A Dolphin Day in Hawaii. Anoai Press, 1999. (Fiction)
An adventure story of friendship and sharing between a dolphin and a bear - in the spirit of Hawaiian Aloha.Trisha: A kind and beautiful story with some of the most endearingly sweet and pure illustrations I've ever seen--they could not be better. Even though the bear sprays water on the dolphin to keep him wet, bringing the dolphin on land to share in the bear's world is not realistic physically for the dolphin and that would need to be explained.
Asimov, Isaac. Why Are the Whales Vanishing?. Ask Isaac Asimov Series. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Gareth Stevens, Inc., 1992. Grades 2-3. (Nonfiction)
"Discusses how modern whale hunting methods have caused many species of whales to become endangered and what can be done to help protect the whales."
Atkinson, [first name unknown]. Jonah's Whale of a Time Book. Lion Pub., 1999. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
Baby Bubbles. Swindon: Child's Play International, 1986. (Fiction)
A plastic-covered sponge bath book containing: Baby Bubbles, Dolly Dolphin's Play School, Noah's Ark, and Wally Whale and His Friends.
Baby Whale. Los Angeles: Price Stern Sloan, 1991. (Nonfiction)
From The Horn Book: "Following the life of a baby humpback whale through the first years of its life, the book has undistinguished illustrations showing feeding habits, natural and man-made hazards, habitats of the humpback whale, and the whales' migration patterns. Useful and interesting for early readers." Copyright 1991 The Horn Book, Inc. All rights reserved.
Baglio, Ben M. Dolphin Diaries: Into the Blue. Dolphin Diaries Series, no. 1. Scholastic, 2002. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
From the publisher: "Jody McGrath and her family are sailing around the world researching dolphins, and Jody records all their exciting adventures in her Dolphin Diaries. In the series' first book, the yacht begins its journey in the waters off Florida. A sudden storm puts Jody's life in danger, but a dolphin rescues her from the water and brings her back to safety."
___________. Dolphin Diaries: Touching the Waves. Dolphin Diaries Series, no. 2. Scholastic, 2002. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
From the publisher: "On the second leg of their world trip to research dolphins, the McGraths arrive in Key West. Young Jody can hardly wait to meet the 'dolphin teachers' at the special dolphin center, but when one of the teachers goes missing, it is up to Jody and her friends to solve the case."___________. Dolphin Diaries: Riding the Storm. Dolphin Diaries Series, no. 3. Scholastic, 2002. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
From the publisher: "Jody and her family have arrived in the Bahamas, to study the dolphins. Jody then hears rumors of a sunken treasure ship nearby that has never been found. Jody hopes that she and her crewmates can find the treasure, but a gang of obnoxious teenagers are also on the trail!"
___________. Dolphin Diaries: Under the Stars. Dolphin Diaries Series, no. 4. Scholastic, 2002. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
From the publisher: "Jody McGrath and her family are sailing around the world researching dolphins, and Jody records all their exciting adventures in her dolphin diaries. In the series' fourth book, Jody is at Dolphin Haven in the Bahamas, where dolphins Bella, Misty, and Evie are about to give birth. Everyone is excited, but also worried. In the past, Evie's calves have died, and this may be her last chance to become a mother. Misty's and Evie's calves survive, but Bella's does not. Although the crew is saddened by the stillborn calf, they still rejoice in the two new dolphins."
___________. Dolphin Diaries: Chasing the Dream. Dolphin Diaries Series, no. 5. Scholastic, 2003. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
From the publisher. "Jody McGrath and her family are sailing around the world researching dolphins, and Jody records all their exciting adventures in her Dolphin Diaries. In the series' fifth book, Jody and the crew arrive in the Caribbean and make a new dolphin friend, Frida. But other dolphins there have been captured and taken to live in dirty, unhealthy conditions -- just to entertain tourists! Jody is outraged. Can she help win freedom for these dolphins?"
___________. Dolphin Diaries: Racing the Wind. Dolphin Diaries Series, no. 6. Scholastic, 2003. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
___________. Dolphin in the Deep. Animal Ark Series, no. 22. Scholastic, 2001. (Fiction)
From the publisher: "Mandy's been spending most of her Florida vacation at the local animal park, playing with two tame dolphins, Bob and Bing. The dolphins are happy performing together -- but when Bob dies, Bing seems lonely and depressed. Mandy and her friend, Joel, worry about Bing's future. But then they come up with a daring plan to set him free. Can Mandy and Joel help the lonely dolphin . . . before it's too late?"
Bailer, Darice. Humpback Goes North. Illustrated by Steve Marchesi. Smithsonian Oceanic Collection. Norwalk, Connecticut: Soundprints Corp. Audio, 1996. Ages 4-8. (Fiction), 1998.
Book, tape, and small and large stuffed humpbacks.
Bailey, Donna. Dolphins. Austin, Texas: Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 1992. Also available in Spanish as Los Delfines. Grades 1-4. (Nonfiction)
A simple introduction to dolphins with good photographs.
___________. Different Kinds of Dolphins. Green Level Set 2-D. Austin, Texas: Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1990. (Nonfiction)
Bailey, Jill. Earth's Endangered Creatures: Project Dolphin. Austin, Texas: Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1992. Grades 3-7. (Nonfiction)
Contains sections on diving with dolphins, captive dolphins, and the tuna industry and other threats.
Bailey, John. The Wonderful Dolphins: Man's Oldest Underwater Playmates and Newest Scientific Discovery. New York/London: Rutledge Books/Hawthorn Books, 1965.
From the dust jacket: "Porpoises and dolphins have long been man's favorite underwater playmates, and sailors' tales about the high-leaping mammals have been a part of sealore since antiquity."In this book, naturalist John Bailey tells all about these extraordinary creatures--their habits and habitats, their past and promised future helping man. When scientists discovered how similar the dolphin's brain is to man's, they began their . . . search for knowledge about the dolphin . . . "
Chapters include: The Alien in the Sea, Dolphins Long Ago, Fun with People, The Thinking Dolphin, and The Mystery of the Dolphins. Indexed.
___________. Project Whale. Chatham: Raintree Steck-Vaughn, 1991. Grades 3-7. (Fictional vignettes combined with nonfiction)
Walter Coleman takes six tourists on his boat to observe gray whales giving birth in a protected lagoon. Other fictional vignettes like the latter are combined with nonfiction accounts of the behavior and threatened status of several species of whales.
Bainbridge, Beryl. The Dolphin Connection. CollinsDove Publishers. (Young adult fiction)
Bair, Diane. Whale Watching. Mankato, Minnesota: Capstone Press, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Baker, Barbara B., and Donna Wysinger. Duke, the Whale. Pre-Readers Series, Vol. 9. Sandy, Utah: The Learning Crew, 1994. Grades K-1. (Fiction)
Baker, Laura Nelson. From Whales to Snails. New York: Atheneum, 1970.
The author describes two members of each of eight branches of the animal family, including whales; bats; snakes; chameleons; frogs and toads; salamanders; sharks and rays; gobies and other bony fishes; hummingbirds; owls; ants; butterflies; spiders and scorpions; octopi; snails; and first animals, sponges, starfish, and others.
Baker, Sanna Anderson. Who's a Friend of the Water-Spurting Whale?. Hand-lettered and illustrated by Tomie de Paola. Elgin, Ill.: Chariot Books, 1987/Burns & Oates, 1989. (Fiction)
"A simple retelling of the story of Job."
Bakoske, Sharon, and Margaret Davidson. Dolphins. Illustrated by Courtney. Step into Reading Series: Step 2. New York: Random House Books for Young Readers, 1993. Grades 1-3. (Nonfiction)
Ballantine, Betty. The Secret Oceans. New York: Bantam Books, 1994. (Young adult fiction)
Lavishly illustrated with original paintings by twelve award-winning artists.Excerpted from the dust jacket: David Schlessinger and the crew of the Turtle descended to the ocean depths with an ambitious objective--to establish communication with the whales. They had no idea they would encounter a species more intelligent than humankind, and even less could they imagine being captured for study themselves.
Their captors were honorable and kind, and intended to eventually release them back to the wild . . . Professor Schlessinger was avid with curiosity. He saw the intelligence of the creatures he dubbed "cetasapiens" as a path to communication.
Unknown to them all, the cetasapiens were members of a high order of civilization and had been monitoring the activities of homosapiens for some time. The secret watchers had carefully noted the Turtle's test dives, assessing both the ship and each individual aquanaut, in preparation for an experiment of their own . . . .
With only 1-1/2% of the oceans explored by humans, the cetasapiens had found it easy to keep their existence a secret for millennia. But secrecy was no longer a protection: Their very existence was threatened by human destructiveness-- and they intended to do something about it . . .
Bambaren, Sergio. Samantha: A Story of Friendship. Illustrated by Michele Gold. Giger, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
"The story begins with Samantha, a young girl, who spends most of her time on her own, and often feels misunderstood. But after meeting Delphi, a very special dolphin, she discovers a whole new world! Delphi takes Samantha on a wonderful journey though the seas. She meets Delphi's friends and listens to their loving messages and their words of wisdom. Through her adventure, Samantha learns how to be a friend, a good friend. She learns about True Friendship!"
Banks, Carol. Frank the White Dolphin. Whitby, Ontario, Canada: Plowman, 1989.
Barden, Cindy. Whales: Easy Theme Reader. Easy Readers series. Westminster, California: Teacher Created Materials, 1997.
Barlowe, Sy. Learning About Whales. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications/Toronto, Ontario, Canada: General Publishing Company/London: Constable and Company, 1997. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
From the back cover: "How many of nature's largest deep-sea creatures can you identify? In this fact-filled little activity book you'll learn about 12 different whales--from the narwhal, with its long, spiral tusk, to the fierce [sic] killer whale. Each page describes special characteristics of one kind of whale and also contains space for a sticker illlustration."As you learn about the right, fin, minke, gray, [short-finned] pilot, bowhead, blue, humpback, [sei, sperm, narwhal, and killer] whales, you can have fun placing the stickers of the whales in their proper places. This book is an easy, enjoyable way to learn about whales that's perfect for use at home or in the classroom."
___________. Learning About Dolphins. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications/Toronto, Ontario, Canada: General Publishing Company/London: Constable and Company, 2001. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Barrett, Norman S. Delfines. Danbury, Connecticut: Franklin Watts, 1991. Grades 3-5. (Nonfiction)
___________. Dolphins. Picture Library. Danbury: Franklin Watts, 1991. Grades K-4. (Nonfiction)
___________. Ballenas. Danbury, Connecticut: Franklin Watts, 1990. Grades 3-5. (Nonficton)
___________. Whales. Picture Library. Danbury: Franklin Watts, 1989. Grades K-6. (Nonfiction)
Barron, T. A. The Merlin Effect. Philomel Books, 1994. (Fiction)
From the publisher: "13-year-old Kate Gordon travels to a remote lagoon in Baja California, hoping to help her father discover a sunken Spanish galleon that disappeared centuries ago. In time, she learns that the ship may have carried something far more valuable than all the gold and silver aboard -- a mysterious drinking horn out of Arthurian legend, which may have led to the demise of the wizard Merlin. As she explores alone in her sea kayak, Kate encounters several pieces of the puzzle; a terrible whirlpool, a group of ever-singing whales, a seemingly ageless fish, and a prophesy that, under certain conditions, the ancient ship may rise and sail again. She plunges into an undersea world of bizarre creatures and terrifying foes. But to save the life of her father, she must find some way to regain her own free will, and to succeed where even Merlin failed. This . . . tale weaves together mystery and fact, history and myth, science and faith, all in the course of a compelling adventure."
Barstow, Robbins. Grandiosas Criaturas del Mar: Una Introduction al Mundo de las Ballenas y Otros Cetaceaos. Translated by Accent, Inc., staff. Illustrated by Donald Sineti. Wethersfield: Cetacean Society International, 1988. In Spanish. Grades 7-12. (Nonfiction)
___________. Meet the Great Ones: An Introduction to Whales and Other Cetaceans. Wethersfield: Cetacean Society International, 1987. Grades 7-12. (Nonfiction)
Baruch, Dorothy Walter. I Would Like to Be A Pony, and Other Wishes. Illustrated by Mary Chalmers. New York: Harper, 1959.
Synopsis: "Poems which express wishes children may have to be like different animals--a crabe, a whale, a pony, or a lizard."
Bayes, Ronald H. Porpoise. Red Clay Books, n.d.
Beaty, John Yocum. The Baby Whale, Sharp Ears. Illustrated by Helene Carter. New York: J. P. Lippincott Company, 1938.
Beauchamp, Charlie. A Whale's Tale. Salem, Massachusetts: Pacific Tower, 1995. Grades 1-4. (Fiction)
Bechard, Margaret Another Jonah. New York: Viking Penguin, forthcoming 1998. (Fiction)
Befelar, Roger. Tale of the Whale. Fisher-Price Great Adventures series. Illustrated by Rose Berlin and Will Foster. Grand Haven, Michigan: School Zone Publishing, 1997.
Behrens, June. Dolphins!. Chicago, Illinois: Children's Press, 1989. Grades 1-4. (Nonfiction) ___________. Whales of the World. Chicago, Illinois: Children's Press, 1987. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whalewatch! Chicago, Illinois: Children's Press, 1978. Grades K-4. (Nonfiction)
Describes the experience of a group of school children on a whalewatch in California where they observe the Pacific gray whale.
Benchley, Nathaniel. Demo and the Dolphin. Harper & Row, 1981. (Fiction)
___________. Edgar, The Super Dolphin. Illustrated by Mamoru Funai. An I Can Read Book. New York: Harper & Row, 1970. Grades K-3. (Fiction)
Trisha: Whereas the inappropriately titled The Happy Little Whale shows a little whale being netted and taken from its family and forever confined to captivity, in the present book, the young dolphin Edgar cleverly outwits the captors who net him, leaps from his tank "straight up into the air--and over the side of the ship--home to his mother."From the book: "One man tried to put a funny hat on him. But Edgar shook it off. 'He'll learn to like it,' the man said. 'In time, we can teach him to like anything.' 'Not me, you can't!' Edgar wailed, 'I'm a dolphin. I'm supposed to live in the ocean! I want to go back to my mother!'"
___________. Kilroy and the Gull. New York: Harper and Row, 1977. Grades 4-6. (Fiction)
Kilroy is a killer whale.
___________. The Deep Dives of Stanley Whale. Illustrated by Mischa Richter. New York: HarperCollins Publishers, 1973/Tadworth: World's Work, 1976. Grades preschool-3. (Fiction)
Bender, Lionel. Whales & Dolphins. First Sight Series. Shooting Star Press, 1993.
Contents: Seagoing Mammals, Breathing, Moving, Baleen Whales, Toothed Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises, Senses and Sounds, Migration, Breeding, Giant Babies, Intelligence, Survival File, Identification Chart, Making a Whale Mobile
The Book of Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises. Smithmark, 1992. (Nonfiction)
Eight toothed whales and eight baleen whales are described.
___________. Whales. First Sight Series. Danbury, Connecticut: Franklin Watts, 1988. Grades K-9. (Nonfiction)
Bennett, David. The Lonely Whale. Kingfisher, 1991. (Fiction)
Berendes, Mary. Beluga Whales. Chicago: The Child's World, Inc., 1998. (Nonfiction)
Beresford, Elisabeth. The Smallest Whale. Illustrated by Susan Field. London: Orchard, 1996. (Fiction)
Berg, Cami. D Is for Dolphin. Illustrated by Janet Biondi. South Harpswell: Windom Books, 1991. Ages 5-10.
Scott: A very beautiful book of the alphabet for youngsters, using the aspect of Dolphins for each letter. Very nicely done.
Berger, Gilda. Whales. Illustrated by Lisa Bonforte. New York: Doubleday, 1987. Grades 4-7. (Nonfiction)
Provides biological and behavioral information for twenty some whale species, including killer whales, blue whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Also discusses their relationship to humans and their threat of extinction.
Berger, Melvin. A Whale Is Not a Fish--and Other Animal Mix-Ups (Baleine ou Poisson? Meli-Melo Ches les Animaux). New York: Scholastic, 1995. (Nonfiction)
___________. As Big As a Whale: Theme Pack. Ranger Rick Science Spectacular Series. New York: Newbridge Communications, Inc., 1993. Grades 2-4. (Nonfiction)
Berger, Melvin, and Gilda Berger. Splash: A Book about Whales and Dolphins. A Hello Science Reader, Level 3. Scholastic, 2001. (Nonfiction)
___________. Do Whales Have Belly Buttons? Questions and Answers about Whales and Dolphins. Illustrated by Higgins Bond. New York: Scholastic, 1998. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Bernard, Stephan. Interactive: Dolphins. New York: Scholastic, 1997. (Nonfiction)
Bernstein, Jack, Tom Shadyac, and Jim Carrey. Adapted by Cynthia Alvarez and
Kathy Suter. Ace Ventura, Pet Detective. New York: Random House, 1995.
(See also video of the same name in the
Berres, Francis B., William S. Briscoe, James C. Coleman, and Frank M. Hewett.
Whale Hunt. Illustrated by Frank M. Hewett. Deep Sea Adventure series.
Harr Wagner Publishing, 1967. (Fiction)
Bertrand, Diane. Jonah, the Whale. Econo-Clad Books, 1999. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
Betty, Stafford. Sunlit Waters: The Whale and the Girl Who Cared. Mystic, Connecticut: Twenty-Third Publications, 1990.
Bible Stories. San Francisco: Chronicle Books.
Biemiller, Carl L. Follow the Whales: The Hydronauts Meet the Otter-People. New York: Doubleday.
Bird, Bettina. Whale Wonder. Trend Facts series. Melbourne, Australia:
Longman, 1995. (Nonfiction)
Blackerby, Alva W., and Linn Argyle Forrest. Tale of an Alaska Whale.
Portland, Oregon: Binfords & Mort, 1955. (Fiction)
Blake, Richard R.
From the author: ". . . about one of the legends of the Amazon River dolphins and how a young female dolphin saves
the life of a young boy she falls in love with."
Blanchet, M. Wylie. A Whale Named Henry.
Bonham, Frank. The Loud, Resounding Sea. New York: HarperCollins Children's Books/Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1963. (Young adult fiction)
"After a surfboarding accident, Skip Turner's life was apparently saved by
a dolphin. Moreover, the boy thought he heard the dolphin speak to him! Repeated
experiments with a trained oceanographer showed that not only could the dolphin
talk, but it might have other startling talents. When the news suddenly leaked
out, Skip found himself involved in a swirl of publicity and 'business opportunities.' With events completely out of hand, he had to decide what was most important in all the hullabaloo. Clearly, his developing friendship with the dolphin came first, and this was being jeopardized by curiosity seekers.
"Mr. Bonham presents a delightful picture of dolphins and their amazing
capabilities. Whether a dolphin and a boy could have the adventures
they have here is a timely question and one which combines with Skip's very real
problems to draw the reader into a fascinating story."
From "A Note from the Author": "I don't know why the sight of a
dolphin close at hand excites one so much. There seems to be a kindship of some
sort between dolphins and men--or should I say children? Antony Alpers says,
'Children have always been accorded first rights to their friendship.' And in
Patrick Leigh Fermor's words: 'These creatures bring a blessing with them. No
day in which they have played a part is like other days.'"
Borchard, Therese Johnson. Whitney Rides the Whale With Jonah : And Learns She Can't Run Away. Illustrated by Wendy Vannest. The Emerald Bible Collection. Paulist Press, 1999. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
Borovsky, Paul. The Fish That Wasn't. Hyperion, 1994. (Fiction)
Boschini, Henny, and Luciano Boschini. Chasing Whales off Norway. Merrick, New York: Scroll Press, Inc., 1973. Grades K-4. (Fiction)
Bosworth, J. Allan. A Wind Named Anne. Garden City, N.Y.: Doubleday, 1970. (Young adult fiction)
"A half-grown killer whale . . . some looted lobster pots . . . an old sailor, beached and measuring out his life ashore . . . a boy with a streak of Yankee independence and a reverence for living things . . . a New England town in the process of joining the twentieth century . . . and a wind of hurricane force called Anne on the weather charts . . . these are some of the strands J. Allan Bosworth has woven together into a beautiful and compelling novel."
Bour, Laura. Whales. Illustrated by Laura Bour. First Discovery Books.
New York: Scholastic, 1993. Grades preschool-3. (Nonfiction)
Bourque, Joan. Dreams of Dolphins Dancing. Illustrated by Joan Bourque. Cornville, Arizona: Curtis Books, 1996. Address: P.O. Box 1112, Cornville, Arizona 86325, USA, e-mail:, (800) 484-9681-#9112. Ages 7-10. (Fiction plus nonfiction workbook)
"While on an island vacation, a young girl [Alyssa] and her imagination
become members of the underwater world by befriending a spirited, lone dolphin.
The two embark on a journey of discovery on their way to find the spinner
dolphins. Along the way, the dolphin guides [Alyssa] through delightful scenes
of fish and coral living peacefully and happily, sharing food and shelter.
Sadly, they also discover evidence of underwater destruction. Alyssa is
saddened and questions what a child can do to fight the destruction and pain
she's witnessed in the sea.
"Her helpless perspective fades as she is introduced to the self-contained
island home of a local fisherman and his wife. Alyssa's future involvement is
clarified as the fisherman's wife weaves a basket and explains how individual
blades of grass work together to create beauty and strength. She realizes that
one small, but committed, person might really make a difference."
The eight-page workbook that accompanies the book contains "exciting
activites and discussion ideas that encourage children to: get involved in
animal protection organizations, imagine living on an island, strengthen
their vocabulary, weave a basket from recycled magazines, and discuss
interconnectedness, animal communication, and recycling."
Trisha: This is an *exquisitely* illustrated book with a story about a family
that goes on vacation by a tropical reef. It is chock full of interesting
and lively information about various species of marine life encountered in the
reef, with a message about environmental responsibility, and a vocabulary that
will challenge younger children. As is common in cetacean books usually intended
for somewhat older, young-adult audiences, the dolphin in the present story
communicates with his young human friend, Alyssa, via telepathy, although it
is not labelled as such. It is the dolphin who teaches Alyssa about the reef
residents, and he and Alyssa also exchange life stories with each other.
The section on dolphins caught in a fishing net by a large commercial fishing
boat may be disturbing to younger readers, as it is left unresolved, but the
story is otherwise gentle, even when addressing other forms of environmental
The eight-page workbook contains thoughtful and interesting activities in the
areas of science, social studies, geography, vocabulary, interconnectedness,
communications, and recycling.
North American Bookdealers Exchange Best Children's Book of the Year 1996
Bown, Deni. Shark and Whale. Ultimate Sticker Books series. New York:
D. K. Publishing, 1994.
Boyle, Charles. Tailey Whaley: A Tale of a Whale with a Whale of a Tail. Illustrated by Everett Davidson. Annapolis, Maryland: Trident Publishing, 1996.
Trisha: A delightfully illustrated book about friendship and kindness, even toward the whalers, whose whaling boat and weapons are disabled by Tailey so that no whales may be injured, but whose transport boat is left intact so that they may return home.
Bradman, Tony. Wow! I'm a Whale! A Swoppers Story. Illustrated by Clive
Scruton. London: Bloomsbury, 1996. Ages 6-9. (Fiction)
Braithwaite, Althea, and Carolyn Rubin. Whales. Illustrated by Peter
Gill and Barbara McGirr. Save Our Wildlife Series. Chicago, Illinois: Dearborn
Trade, 1988. Grades K-3. (Nonfiction)
Brandel, Marc. The Mystery of the Kidnapped Whale. The Three Investigators series, no. 35. New York: Random House, 1983, 1991 (Bullseye series)/London: Armada, 1985. (Fiction)
Brett, Caroline. The Whale: The Sovereigns of the Sea. London: Boxtree
Limited, 1991/Ada, Oklahoma: Garrett Educational Corp., 1992. Grades 3-6.
"This book, illustrated with . . . colour photographs on every page,
provides . . . insight into the lives of whales . . . A glossary explains key words in the text, making this an ideal book for young learners."
Species covered include an overview of the great whales, the humpback whale, an
overview of the toothed whales, the beluga and the narwhal, an overview of
dolphins and porpoises, killer whales, and freshwater dolphins. Other topics
covered include: reproduction, whaling, and saving the whales. Indexed.
Bridge, Linda McCarter. The Playful Dolphins. Photographs by Lowell Georgia. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1976. Preschool. (Nonfiction)
Bright, Michael. Humpback Whale. Project Wildlife Series. Danbury,
Connecticut: Franklin Watts, 1990. (Nonfiction)
___________. Saving the Whale. Danbury, Connecticut: Franklin Watts,
1987. Grades 4-9. (Nonfiction)
Brill, Marlene Targ. Jonah and the Whale. Children's Bible Stories
Series. Publications International, 1993. (Fiction)
Brittain, Mary Ann. A Whale Called Trouble. Raleigh, North Carolina:
North Carolina State Museum of Natural Sciences, 1985. Grades 1-12.
Brogery, Achim. Buenos Dias Querida Ballena (Good Morning, My Dear Whale). Editorial Juventud, S.A., 1984. (Fiction)
Bronson, Wilfrid S. Children of the Sea. New York: Harcourt, Brace and
Company, 1940. (Fiction)
"The dolphin was born in a backwater of the Florida Everglades, and the first part of the book describes with excitement and charm his life among the sea creatures of both southern and northern waters. Then comes the story of Smudgy, the boy of Nassau, and finally the enchanting account of the friendship between boy and dolphin. As Mr. Bronson says, this is not based on actual fact, but there is no reason why it could not happen."
Brooks, Marshall. A Visit to Pinky Ryder's: A Book to Read Inside a Whale. Brooklyn, New York: The Smith, 1995.
Bruger, Achim. Good Morning Whale. Translation of Gutten Tag,
lieber Wal. New York: Macmillan, 1974.
Brust, Beth Wagner. Zoobooks: Dolphins and Porpoises. San Diego,
California: Wildlife Education, Ltd., 1990/Mankato, Minnesota: Creative Education, 1990/Econo-Clad Books, 1999. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction, Young Adult)
Buettner, Debi. Discover Bottlenose Dolphins: The Dangers of Dolphin Life. Illustrated by Jason Karecki. K & M International, 1998. Grade 5. (Nonfiction)
Buffett, Jimmy, and Savannah Jane Buffett. Jolly Mon. Illustrated
by Lambert Davis. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1988.
I just bought the book for my daughter at a school book fair. It even
has a song with the music at the end of the book. I played it for her
on guitar the other day. The guitar that the man finds in the ocean
has a beautiful picture of a dolphin on it. I'm so taken with this book
that I just bought it for a nephew as well.
According to the back of the book, there's a cassette that goes with it
also called Jolly Mon.
Bunting, Eve. The Day the Whale Came. Illustrated by Scott Menchin. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1998. Ages 6-10. (Fiction)
___________. The Sea World Book of Whales. San Diego, California/
London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1980, 1987. Grades 4-7. (Nonfiction)
___________. A Gift for Lonny. Ginn. (Fiction)
Burke, Terrill Miles. Mind One: Pt. 1/Mind One: Pt. 2.
Fiddletown, California: Alpha-Dolphin Press, 1993, 1996. Grades 6 and up.
___________. I Love Gee-Gees, Book One. Fiddletown, California:
Alpha-Dolhin Press. Ages 9 and up. (New Age)
Burrows, Elizabeth. Judy of the Whale Gates: The Strange Happenings That Followed the Stranding of the Yacht Aphoon Among the Volcanic Islands of Alaska. Illustrated by James Daugherty. Doubleday, Doran, & Co., 1930.
Burton, Martin Nelson. The Whale Comedian. Illustrated by Charles Jordan. London Town Press, 1999. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
"This story combines two things that children love best: whales and jokes. What elementary school child doesn't want to pet a whale or swim with dolphins? And who doesn't want to impress one's classmates with the funniest joke they've ever heard?
"Serious little Finston faces a problem common to many children when he tries to tell jokes to whales. They don't think he's funny. But his determination and the resourcefulness he draws upon to reach his goal will inspire young readers and grown-ups alike never to give up on their dreams.
"Our website -- listed in the book -- carries with it games, more jokes, and a 'Think About This!' page with interesting facts and stories about whales and dolphins, so that educators, parents, and kids themselves can learn more even after they've finished the book."
From the author: "When our boy, Patrick, was in preschool, his teacher asked him what he wanted to be when he grew up. He answered, 'I want to be a whale comedian who tells whales jokes, and when the whale hears jokes he spits water at me.'
"After my wife told me this story, I thought, what a great job to have! What could be more fun than to tell jokes to whales and make them spit water all over you? I started reeling off one-liners that whales might like -- 'I used to be funny but now I'm all WASHED UP!' -- and couldn't stop myself until I had written a story about how a boy became a whale comedian.
"Four years and over 100 rewrites later, the story is now ready to swim freely in the big ocean of children's picture books. I cannot be happier with the incredible, brilliantly colored illustrations of Charles Jordan which bring The Whale Comedian to life. It is my pleasure to share the delightful adventure of Finston with you and your family."
Barbara Pahk, Library Manager, Palm Crest Elementary School, La Canada, California: "The Whale Comedian is full of clever jokes and silly antics that will engage readers of all ages. This imaginative story is about a boy whose dream it is to make whales laugh. Charles Jordan's colorful illustrations capture perfectly his humorous attempts. All in all, this is a wonderful read-aloud with a message about compassion and perseverance that is sure to delight."
Butterworth, Ben, and Bill Stockdale. Jim and the Dolphin. Illustrated
by Maureen and Gordon Gray. London: Methuen/U.S.: Lake Publishing, 1975. (A
reader for slow-learning adolescents)
Butterworth, Christine. The Sand Dolphin. Hodder & Stoughton, 1990.
Callenbach, Ernest, and Christine Leefeldt. Humphrey the Wayward Whale.
Illustrated by Carl Dennis Buell. Berkeley, Calif.: Heyday Books, 1986.
Cameron, Anne. Orca's Song. Madeira park, British Columbia: Harbour
Publishing Co., Ltd., 1987. (Fiction)
Campbell, Anne. Whale--That's Me!. Illustrated by Bob Young. Melbourne:
Longman Cheshire, 1978. (Fiction)
Carpelan, Bo. Dolphins in the City. Delacorte, 1973. (Young adult fiction)
Carris, Joan D. A Ghost of a Chance. Illustrated by Paul Henry. New York: Little, Brown & Co., 1992. Grades 3-7. (Fiction)
Carter, Samuel, III. Happy Dolphins. New York: Pocket Books, 1972. Grades 7-9. (Nonfiction)
Carvajal S.A., Cali, Columbia. The Kingdom of the Sea. A Troll Pop-Up
Book. Hallmark Cards, 1987. Distributed by Troll Associates, Mahwah, New Jersey.
Carwardine, Mark. Killer Whale: Habitats, Life Cycles, Food Chains, Threats
. Natural World Series. Chatham, New Jersey: Raintree/Steck-Vaughn, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whales, Dolphins and Porpises. Illustrated by Martin Camm. See & Explore Series. London/New York: Dorling Kindersley, 1998. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises: The Visual Guide to All
the World's Cetaceans. Eyewitness Handbook Series. London/New York: Dorling
Kindersley, 1995. Ages 7 to adult. (Nonfiction)
"Authoritative text, detailed illustrations, and a systematic approach make
this the most comprehensive pocket guide to cetaceans of the world. Packed with
more than 900 illustrations, [this guide] is designed to enable you to recognize
each species quickly and easily.
"Expertly written and thoroughly revised, each entry combines a precise
description with annotated illustrations to highlight the chief characteristics
and distinguishing features of each whale, dolphin, and porpoise. Additional
illustrations show the animals 'in action' and depict other forms and color
variations. Maps show the distribution of every species, while color-coded
band provides at-a-glance facts.
"For beginners and established enthusiasts alike, this handbook explains
where in the world to look for cetaceans, how to find them, how to tell one
species from another, and how to interpret their different forms of behavior. A
visual color key at the front of the book aids immediate identification in the
wild, then guides you to the detailed species entry."
Scott: A beautifully illustrated (no photos) young person's book. It is
designed as a mass of sidebars with illustrations intertwined. Very informative,
Trisha: An excellent visual reference work. I use it often.
Case, Charles C. Talking Trees & Singing Whales. Review and Herald
Pub. Association.
Cassidy, T. K. Dolphin, Dolphin. Illustrated by Livvy Schemanski.
Translated by Hiroshi Maeshiro. Micronesia Series. Tamuning, Guam:
Cassidy: the Wordsmith, 1997.
In English and Japanese. Grades 3 and up. (Fiction)
Cerasini, Marc. Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. New York: Random House, 1995. Ages 9-12. (Fiction) ((See also above the book of the same name by Cynthia Alvarez for younger readers.)
Cerullo, Mary M. Dolphins: What They Can Teach Us. Photographs by Jeffrey L. Rotman. Dutton Books, 1999. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
From Horn Book:"This well-written profile focuses on dolphins' social behavior, communication, and interaction with humans (in both recreation and research, in captivity and the wild), and explores how our two species can benefit each other. The scientific and anecdotal information is elucidated with analogies readers will find fascinating and accessible, and the color photographs deftly capture the character of these intriguing animals. Bib., glos., ind." Copyright (c) 1999 The Horn Book, Inc. All rights reserved
Chapin, Henry. The Remarkable Dolphin and What Makes Him So. Illustrated by Richard D. Rice. New York: William R. Scott, 1962. (Nonfiction)
Chapin, Tom, and John Forster. Sing a Whale Song. Illustrated by Jerry
Smath. New York: Random House, 1993. (Fiction)
Chbosky, Stacy. Who Owns the Sun?. Kansas City, Missouri: Landmark Editions, 1988. Grades 3-12. (Fiction)
Cheng'an, Jiang. Delightful Dolphins. Beijing, China: Dolphin Books,
Chesebrough, Lois B. Spermy: A Story for Little Children. Mystic,
Connecticut: The Marine Historical Association, 1950.
Chessen, Betsey. A Dolphin Is Not a Fish. Illustrated by Pamela Chanko.
Science Emergent Readers series. New York: Scholastic, 1998. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Chottin, Ariane. The Curious Little Dolphin. Illustrated by Olivier
Raquois. Westport: Reader's Digest Young Families, 1992. Grades Preschool-3.
Ciampi, Elgin. Those Other People the Porpoises. Grosset, 1972.
Clark, John, and Julie Ashworth. Does a Whale Eat Ice Cream?.
Walton-on-Thames, England: Thomas Nelson, 1993. (Fiction)
Clarke, Arthur C. Dolphin Island: A Story of the People of the Sea.
New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963. (Young adult fiction)
"Dolphin Island is science fiction master Arthur C. Clarke's
beloved classic of the young stowaway who is rescued by 'The People of the Sea,'
and who in turn helps them defeat an enemy [killer whales are the bad guys in
this book] even more ancient and more ruthless than Man!"
Scott Taylor: Early 60s teen sci-fi novel. Quite bland, but futuristic for its
time. A resource for ideas used in this book was an article in the March 1962
issue of Scientific American entitled "Electrically Controlled
Trisha: I think young adults will find it a worthwhile read. It raises some strong ethical issues the reader must consider and contain's Clarke's usual imaginative/practical problem-solving.
From the book (Professor Kazan speaking): "Every dolphin is a person in his
own right, an individual with more freedom than we can ever know on land. They
don't belong to anyone, and I hope they never will. I want to help them, not
only for science, but because it's a privilege to do so. Never think of them
as animals; in their language they call themselves the People of the Sea, and
that's the best name for them."
(Professor Kazan speaking again): "We're not dealing with wild animals but
with intelligent people. They're not human people, but they're still
Clymer, Eleanor. Adventures of a Whale. Illustrated by Ingrid Fetz.
Grades 2-5. (Fiction)
Cochrane, Oran. Reading Experiences in Science Series: Beavers, Bats, Bees,
Frogs, Apes, Whales, Dinosaurs, Spiders. Peguis Pub. Ltd., 1988. (Nonfiction)
Coerr, Eleanor B., and William E. Evans. Gigi: A Baby Whale Borrowed for
Science and Returned to the Sea. New York: Putnam Publishing Group, 1980.
Grades 6-8. (Nonfiction)
Cohen, Daniel: Talking with the Animals. Northbrook, Illinois: W.
Clement Stone, P.M.A. Communications, 1971. Grades 7 and up. (Nonfiction)
Coleman, Leslie. Wilberforce the Whale. London: Beaver Books, 1976.
Coleridge, Ann. Stranded. Eric David, illustrator. New York: Delacorte
Press, 1987. Ages 9-12, a little younger for proficient readers. (Fiction)
From the dust jacket: "When Tony finds a young whale marooned and helpless
on the beach, it's only the beginning. For that creature's distress calls summon
more whales. All are doomed to die in a mass stranding unless they can be returned to the sea.
"But how can they be saved?
"A huge rescue operation is begun, with all the people of Tony's small seaside town working together. They are trying to remember everything they have ever heard or read about strandings--and they are racing against time.
"When it looks as though time and luck have run out, the rescuers develop a bold last-ditch plan. But will their only hope be enough?"
The author hopes her novel "will contribute to the awareness of whale strandings and to means of handling them.
Collard, Sneed B. A Whale Biologist at Work. Wildlife Conservation Society Books. Danbury, Connecticut: Franklin Watts, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Collazos, Oscar. The Beached Whale (La Ballena Varada). New Braunfels,
Texas: T. R. Books, 1994. Grades 5-7.
Collis, Joan. The European Iron Age. New York: Schocken Books, 1984.
Colton, Minna. The Tea Cup Whale. Illustrated by Hugh Price. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: Educators Publishing Service, 1968.
Compere, Mickie. Dolphins!. Scholastic, 1964. (Nonfiction)
Conklin, Gladys. Journey of the Gray Whales. Illustrated by
Leonard Everett Fisher. New York: Holiday House, 1974. Grades 1-3. (Nonfiction)
Cook, Joseph J., and William L. Wisner. Blue Whale: Vanishing Leviathan. Illustrated by Jan Cook. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1973. Grades 4-9. (Nonfiction)
Cooper, Jason. Baleen Whales. Read All About Whales Series. Vero
Beach, Florida: Rourke Corp., 1996. (Nonfiction)
___________. Toothed Whales. Read All About Whales Series. Vero
Beach, Florida: Rourke Corp., 1997. (Nonfiction)
___________. Watching Whales. 1996. Read All About Whales Series. Vero
Beach, Florida: Rourke Corp., 1996. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whales and People. 1996. Read All About Whales Series. Vero Beach, Florida: Rourke Corp., 1997. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whales of the Seas. 1996. Read All About Whales Series.
Vero Beach, Florida: Rourke Corp., 1997. (Nonfiction)
___________. The Whale's World. Read All About Whales Series. Vero
Beach, Florida: Rourke Corp., 1997. (Nonfiction)
Corrigan, Patricia. Dolphins for Kids. Illustrated by John F. McGee.
Photos by Flip Nicklin. Minocqua, Wisconsin: NorthWord Press, 1995. Also titled
Dolphin Magic for Kids. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Gareth Stevens, 1995.
Grades 3 and up. (Nonfiction)
Trisha: Provides many interesting facts and tales about several species of
dolphins, including the orca. Spunkily told, with Nicklin-quality photographs
nicely complemented by both humorous and informative illustrations.
___________. Whales. Our Wild World series. Creative Publishing International, 2001. (Nonfiction)
Cosgrove, Stephen. Captain Smudge. Illustrated by Robin James.
___________. Maui-Maui. Illustrated by Robin James. Los Angeles:
Price Stern Sloan, 1995. (Fiction)
___________. Feather Fin. Illustrated by Robin James.
___________. Song of the Sea Trilogy. Illustrated by Michael
Casad. Book 1: Harmony, 1989; Book 2: Sharing, 1991; Book 3:
Laughter Ring, 1990. Portland, Oregon: Graphic Arts Center Publishing
Company. Grades 7 and up. (Fiction)
Trisha: Lavishly illustrated oversize hardcover books. Lyrical allegory about the relationship of humans with nature, approached through listening to the history of the earth as it is recorded by the whales.
The Cousteau Society Staff. Whales. New York: Simon and Schuster Children's, 1993. Translation of Baleines a Bosse. Grades preschool-1. (Nonfiction)
___________. Dolphins. New York: Little Simon, 1992.
Cowden, Frances Brinkley, ed. To Love a Whale: Learning about Endangered
Animals from the Young and Young-at-Heart. Germantown, Tennessee:
Grandmother Earth Creations, 1995.
Craft, Sarah S. Mother Beluga Whales and Their Babies. Powerkids Press, 1999. (Nonfiction)
Craig, Janet. Discovering Whales and Dolphins. Illustrated by Pamela
Johnson. Mahwah, New Jersey: Troll Communications, 1990. Grades 2-4. (Nonfiction)(See audiotape of the same name in
Craig, Judy. Wally Whale: Wally's Wonderful Wish. AWHALUVA Series.
Virginia Beach: A. R. E. Press, 1994. Grades 1-3. (Fiction)
Crewe, Sabrina. The Whale. Illustrated by Colin Newman. Life Cycles Series. Chatham, New Jersey: Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 1997. Grades 2-5.
Cross, Beverley. The Singing Dolphin and The Three Cavaliers: Two Plays for
Children. Illustrated by Graham Oakley. London: Rupert Hart-Davis, 1960.
___________. The Singing Dolphin: A Christmas Play for Children in Two
Acts. Based on an idea by Kitty Black. London: Samuel French, 1959. (Fiction)
Crowe, Carole. Waiting for Dolphins. Boyds Mills, 2000. (Fiction, Young adult).
Crow, Sandra Lee. The Wonderful World of Seals and Whales. Books for Young Explorers series. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 1984. (Nonfiction)
Crozat, Francois. I Am a Little Whale. Little Animal Series.
Hauppage, New York: Barron's Educational Series, 1994. (Fiction)
Cummings, Jim. A Friend in the Water: Tales of Sea and Sky. Hampton,
Connecticut: Healing Earth Publications, 1988. (Young adult fiction)
In richly poetic imagery, the dolphin's deep dreams come alive, and the human
path of return, inspired by our connections with nature is vividly personalized.
A myth for our time, this lively visionary tale provides the flesh and bones
(human and dolphins) that bring the often abstract views of today's changing
times into new focus and clarity.
Cutting, Jillian, et al. Sunshine Spirals. Set 4. Oxford: Heinemann
Dahl, Michael. Do Whales Have Wings? A Book about Animal Bodies. Illustrated
by Sandra D'Antonio. [Publisher unknown, 2003.]Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction
Dahlin, Bill. The Pig and the Whale. Bill Dahlin, 1999. (Fiction)
Trisha: Since the author's biodata at indicates that the author was a bull rider,
and the cover of The Pig and the Whale shows a pig riding on the back of an orca,
this book may not convey a positive message.
Daly, Kathleen N. The Golden Book of Sharks and Whales. Illustrated by
James Spence. New York: Western Publishing, 1989. (Nonfiction)
Daniels, Lucy. Dolphin in the Deep. Animal-Ark series. London: Hodder Children's Books, 1998/Galaxy
(large-print edition), 2001. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
"Mandy's been spending a lot of time at the local dolphinarium, playing with two tame dolphins, Bob and Bing . . .
when Bob dies, the lonely Bing pines for company. Mandy and her friend Joel are worried about his future -- until they
come up with a daring plan . . ."
___________. Dolphin Diaries: Into the Blue. Galaxy, 2002. Young adult (grades 7-9). (Fiction)
Davidson, [first name unknown]. The Dolphin. Animal World Books series.
Mahwah, New Jersey: Troll Communications, 1988. Grades 2-5.
Davidson, Carson. Fast-talking Dolphin. Illustrated by Sylvia Stone.
New York: Scholastic Book Services, 1978, 1989. Grades 4-6. (Fiction)
Davidson, Margaret. Nine True Dolphin Stories. Illustrated by Pamela
Johnson. New York: Scholastic, Inc., 1974. French edition, with Roger Wilson:
Neuf histoires vraies de dauphins. New York: Scholastic, n.d. (Nonfiction)
___________. Dolphins! Illustrated by Ian Andrew. New York: Four Winds
Press, 1964/London, New York: Scholastic, 1964. (Nonfiction)
Davidson, Margaret, and Sharon Bakoske. Dolphins. Illustrated by Courtney. New York: Random House Books for Young Readers, 1993. Grades 1-3. (Nonfiction)
Davidson, Susan. Whales & Dolphins Internet Linked. Discovery Program. [Publisher unknown], 2003.
Davies, Nicola. Big Blue Whale. Illustrated by Nick Maland. Cambridge,
Massachusetts: Candlewick Press, 1997, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
From Midwest Book Review: "How big is the blue whale? Elementary-level kids receive a coverage which invites
size comparisons and which creates an interactive atmosphere whereby kids imagine they are touching and seeing the whale
itself. Color photos may have made more of an impact than Nick Maland's gentle illustrations - but the latter succeeds in
putting the whale's size into comparable perspective."
A reader from Olympia, Washington: "I'm a whale researcher who has spent much of the last 12 years studying blue
whales in the North Pacific. I'm also a mom who loves children's literature. Rarely do I see a book that is so accurate
factually while it is captivating and magical! The illustrations are beautiful. I highly recommend it to anyone who has
children who are fascinated by whales."
Davis, Maggie Steincrohn. A Garden of Whales. Illustrated by Jennifer Barrett O'Connell. Firefly Books, 1997. (800) 878-3590. Preschool to early reader. (Fiction)
"A young boy dreams of the whales of the world, and seeing the dangers that threaten them today, he and his friends try to rescue them. His plan: planting the tears of whales in a secret garden. Jennifer O'Connell's drawings of the whale garden--belugas, humpbacks, orcas, sperm whales peeking out of large, colorful flowers--will leave an indelible impression on readers of all ages! An enjoyable modern fable, this book is also a call to action, one to which children will be eager to respond."
Scott: An Exquisite Work! Play and Beauty dance with Magic and Dreams,
and Whales are born . . . Janice Otero has produced a play based on this. Highly
Davis, John W. Edited and translated by Carolyn M. Della Chiesa. Pinocchio under the Sea. New York: The Macmillan Company, 1913.
Davoisin, Roger. The Christmas Whale. New York: Knopf, 1945. (Fiction)
Dawson, Steve, and Elizabeth Slooten. Down-under Dolphins: The Story of Hector's Dolphin. Silver Spring, Maryland: Aubrey Books International, 1996/Christchurch, New Zealand: Canterbury University Press, 1997. (Nonfiction)
"Now, in this new book, [the authors], who have been studying these creatures for the past thirteen years, tell the story of Hector's dolphin. Among their most important discoveries is the fact that these dolphins are seriously
threatened by accidental entanglement in gillnets. This led to the establishment
of a marine mammal sanctuary around Banks Peninsula in 1988.
"With many excellent color photographs and tips on where you can see and
enjoy the dolphins, the book even tells what you can do to help the conservation
Awards: New Zealand Best Children's Book Awards Finalist 1997
DeCaprio, Anne. Willie and the Whale. Illustrated by Allen Shapiro and
others. New York: I.T.A. Publications, 1965. (Fiction)
De Jonge, Joanne E. Jonah and the Whale. Illustrated by Samuel J. Butcher. Precious Moments, 2000. (Fiction)
Dekkers, Midas. Whale Lake: Arctic Adventure (Het walvis meer). Translated from Dutch by Jan Michael. New York: Orchard Books, 1987/London: Deutsch, 1986. Grade 5 and up. (Fiction)
DeMares, Ryan. Dolphins, Myths & Transformation. The Dolphin Institute Press, 2002.
Trisha: A major contribution to the human-dolphin connection literature.
DeSaix, Frank. The Girl Who Danced with Dolphins. Illustrated by Debbi
Durland DeSaix. New York: Farrar Straus Giroux, 1991. (Fiction)
Dickson, Gordon R. The Secret Under the Sea. Illustrated by Jo Ann
Stover. New York: Scholastic Book Service,. 1960/Holt-Rinehart-Winston, 1960.
(Junion fiction)
From the back cover: "It is the year 2013, and Robby Hoenig lives in an
Underwater Research Station [at Point Loma] with his scientist parents. Most of
the time he has fun exploring the ocean caves with the dolphin [Balthasar] who
is his favorite companion.
"But something has frightened the dolphin, and Robby sets out to investigate.
Then he finds giant footprints. And he knows that something enormous and unknown is
walking here across the bottom of the sea!"
Dijs, Carla. Who Sees You? At the Ocean. Preschoolers. (Fiction)
___________. Pretend You're a Whale. Preschoolers. (Fiction)
Diprima, Richard. Great Whales: Endangered Monarchs of the Deep.
Education Industries, 1981. (Nonfiction)
Disney Staff. A Whale of a Time. New York: Mouse Works, 2002. (Fiction)
Divine, David [Arthur Durham Divine]. Boy on a Dolphin. London:
John Murray, 1955/Pan Books, 1957. (Fiction)
Dixon, Franklin. The Treasure at Dolphin Bay. New York: Pocket Books,
1994. Ages 8-11. (Fiction)
"Frank and Joe are convinced that the disappearance is linked to the notorious Hawaii Heist. A cache of hot jewels was lost at sea in a plane crash, and the race to recover them has turned into a deadly battle of wits, fists, and spear guns. The Hardys are headed for treacherous waters--stirring up trouble and swimming with the sharks!
Trisha: Dolphins come to the rescue of the Hardy boys and aid them in their sleuthing at the Institute for Cetacean Studies.
___________. The Mystery of the Whale Tattoo. A Hardy Boys book. New York: Grosset and Dunlap, 1968/London: Armada, 1974, 1993. (Fiction)
D K Publishing staff. Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. See and Explore
Library series. New York: D K Publishing, 1998. (Nonfiction)
Dobbs, Horace. Dilo and the Isle of the Gods. England: forthcoming 1998.
___________. Dilo and the Call of the Deep. Illustrated by Rico.
North Ferriby, Humberside, England: Watch Publishing, 1994. 2nd ed.,
forthcoming 1998. Japan: Gakken, 1996 (translated by Sakae Hemmi, illustrated
by Takayuki Terakado). Italy, 1997. (Italian edition illustrated by Sally
Galotti). Ages 6-7 and up. All of Horace Dobbs' book are available from
International Dolphin Watch, Parklands, North Ferriby, E. Yorks HU14 3ET,
England, voice: 01 482 844468, fax: 01 482 634914. (The International Dolphin
Watch mail-order catalogue also contains many nice/fun gifts for
children--Trisha) (See also below Petch, Robin, the play Dilo and the
Grots.) (Fiction)
Dilo and the Call of the Deep is book one of a five-part series. (The
name "Dilo" was chosen for the dolphin because it can be used without
changes in many languages.) This first book (also available on tape) introduces
Dilo and the world he inhabits. Dilo's mother loses her companions in a mysterious tragedy, and she brings up Dilo on her own. When he is old enough the two set off on a long journey for Seal Island and have many adventures along the way. They eventually reach Seal Island where Dilo's mother is accidentally caught in a net. As she dies, the ghosts of her former companions come to ferry her into the next world. Dilo wants to go with his mother, but the dolphins tell
Dilo he cannot accompany her because he has a mission. To show this he has a
star on his dorsal fin. But only those who are aware that he is a very special
dolphin can see the star. Although Dilo is saddened by the loss of his mother
he knows her spirit will always be around him. At night he can see her outlined
in the stars.
___________. Dilo Makes Friends. Illustrated by Rico. North Ferriby,
Humberside, England: Watch Publishing, 1995. Ages 6-7 and up. (Fiction)
Pat, a confirmed bachelor, has his life changed by the presence of Dilo in the
bay and the arrival at the lighthouse of the "Terrible Twins," Robin
and Debra. After a frightening start, Debra develops a very close friendship
with Dilo, and they share many joyful times together.
Mysterious activities on board a sinister boat, Sea Wolf, have dire
consequences for Dilo. With the help of his human friends, especially Debra,
the injured dolphin pulls through.
___________. Dilo and the Isle of the Gods. England: forthcoming 1998.
___________. Dilo and the Treasure Hunters. Illustrated by Rico. North
Ferriby, Humberside, England: Watch Publishing, 2000. Ages 6-7 and up.
With the help of Dilo, Debra finds a gold ring engraved with mysterious symbols.
A violent storm then uncovers the ribs of a wrecked ship at Black Rock, where
Debra and Mike recover a goblet and silver coins. A bronze cannon could provide
valuable evidence on the identity of the wreck, but before it can be raised
for archaeological investigation it is removed during the night by divers from
Sea Wolf. Dilo is witness to the operation and is nearly killed by the
explosives used to free the cannon. Debra and her friends help Dilo through the
crisis. Postie researches the origins of the wreck. The goblet helps to solve a
mystery. The presence of the ring, however, remains puzzling. Debra invents her
own theory about its presence at Black Rock.
___________. Dilo Becomes a Clown. Illustrated by Rico. North Ferriby,
Humberside, England: Watch Publishing, forthcoming. Ages 6-7 and up. (Fiction)
Fortunately for Dilo, his human friends, including Debra, Pat, Postie, etc.,
track him down. After more adventures Dilo is returned to his rightful home
in the sea.
Dobbs, Horace, Robin Petch, and Kris Simpson. Dilo's Fun and Activities
Book. Drawn by Rico. E. Yorks, England: International Dolphin Watch.
___________. Fascinating Facts About Dolphins. Illustrated by Rico.
E. Yorks, England: International Dolphin Watch.
Doinet, Mymi. The Dolphin. Illustrated by Clara Nomdedeu and C. Merlin. Abbeville Animals series. Abbeville Press, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
"When the cries of a female dolphin in distress wake a young male dolphin from his dreams, he discovers that she is caught in coral and being menanced by a white shark. With the team effort of the other dolphins, a blue whale, and a school of hungry parrot-fish, the female is rescued! Leaving the furious shark, the dolphins celebrate her escape."
The Dolphin. Mahwah, New Jersey: Troll Communications, 1988. Grades
2-5. (Nonfiction)
Dolphin Adventures. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1992. Grade 3. (Fiction)
The Dolphin Chase. Read with Me Key Words to Reading Series. New York:
Penguin USA, 1990. Grades preschool-2.
Dolphins. Mankato, Minnesota: Capstone Press, 2001. (Nonfiction)
Dolphins. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2001. Grades 2-5. (Nonfiction)
Dolphins--Our Newest Allies?. Zaner Bloser, 1990. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Dolphins in the Sea. Color by Number Kid's Kit. Pencil Works. Ages 5 and up.
Donahue, Shari F. The Zebra-Striped Whale with the
Polka-Dot Tail Arimax, 2001. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Dow, Lesley. Whales. Great Creatures of the World series. New York:
Facts on File, 1990. Grades 5 to adult. (Nonfiction)
Downing, Julie. Jonah and the Whale. My First Bible Board Books.
DK Pub. Merchandise, 1997. Ages baby-preschool. (Fiction)
Driggs, Lorin, ed. The Voyage of the Mimi: The Book. New York: Holt,
Rinehart and Winston, 1985. (Nonfiction)
Driscoll, Laura. Dolphin Party. Illustrated by Alisa Klayman-Grodsky. Stanley series, no. 2. Disney Press, 2002. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Duane, Diane. Deep Wizardry. New York: Delacorte Press, 1985. New York:
Laurel-Leaf Books, 1987. United Kingdom: Corgi Books, 1991. New York: Harcourt,
Brace & Co., 1996. (YA)
"Very briefly, Deep Wizardry details the involvement of a couple of young human wizards, a boy and a girl, with a group of cetacean wizards who
are about to re-enact a ceremonial which "keeps the Sea divided from the
land" (among other things). One celebrant has an accident, and one of the
human wizards volunteers to replace her--not fully understanding that the
ceremony ends in the sacrifice of that particular celebrant (who is to be eaten
by a very VERY large shark, who may have been participating in this ceremony
for a very long time . . . ). Needless to say, complications ensue."
From the back cover: "When Kit and Nita come to the aid of a wounded whale,
they are plunged into deep wizardry. The whale is a wizard, and she enlists Kit
and Nita in battle against the sinister Lone Power. Becoming whales themselves,
Nita and Kit join in an ancient ritual performed by whales, dolphins, and single
fearsome shark. But which poses more of a danger: the Lone Power, or ed'Rashtekaresket, the enormous shark as old as the sea?"
From customer at "The story revolves
around a deceptively simple moral dilemma--choose freely to accept a painful
death, or break your promise and thousands will die. Deep indeed, this is one
of the most intriguing books I have read; even though it is meant for teens, I
still keep coming back to it as an adult."
From customer at "This is a young
adult book about adolescents, but at twenty-three I find that it's still my
all-time favorite. It's moving without being pretentious, and the dilemma
presented is morally complex. Duane doesn't pull punches or talk down to
readers (save for a few comic relief missteps which don't detract from the
impact of the book). Deep Wizardry is fascinating and fun, easy to
read with some simple yet beautifully lyric turns of phrase. I reread my
well-worn copy of it at least once or twice a year and still find it
satisfying. Playful, emotional, beautiful, realistic and a must-have for any
intelligent fantasy-lover."
A School Librarians' Journal Best Book of 1985
An ABA Best Book (young adult) of 1985
Dubin, Patricia B. Tweak and the Absolutely Right Whale. Seattle, Washington: Storytellers Ink, 1993. Grades K-3. (Fiction)
Dudzinski, Kathleen.
From a review by Shelle Rosenfeld in Booklist: "Marine biologist Dudzinski provides an engaging, informative introduction to dolphin life and behavior as seen through her own experiences and scientific research. The lively, first-person narrative incorporates abundant facts and entertaining anecdotes, infused with Dudzinski's infectious enthusiasm for her subjects and her work. Beautiful, full-color photos are breathtaking and well chosen for explication, showing diverse dolphins and the complex equipment. There are also many stills from the IMAX film in which the author was featured (and which readers may clamor to see). The challenges, responsibilities, and rewards of studying dolphins are detailed and well conveyed in text and visuals, allowing children to get up close and personal with the fascinating creatures. The book includes a two-page spread portraying dolphins of the world, as well as a list of organizations. A very effective and appealing approach to the subject." Copyright (c) American Library Association. All rights reserved.
Duke, Elinar Olsen. Adrift on a Raft. Oddo Publishing, 1970. Ages 8
and up. Includes a cassette.
Review from The Horn Book: "After his father tosses his son's musical pipe overboard and orders him to become a fisherman, Indigo receives a magical pipe and charms a whale ashore. When the beached whale begins to die, Indigo breaks the pipe, freeing his colossal catch. His old ebony pipe suddenly
reappears at his feet, and Indigo charms the townspeople and his father with
whale music. Vibrant, impressionistic illustrations sweep across the pages,
enlivening this moral tale." Copyright (c) 1996 The Horn Book, Inc.
Dunlop, Beverley. The Dolphin Boy. Illustrated by Sandra Morris.
Auckland, New Zealand/London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1982. (Fiction)
Dunn, David.
"This book of short essays, each accompanied by a track on the CD, introduces the universal qualities of soundmaking and listening, and is filled with sudden kernels of synthesis and insight. It's a great blend of history, philosophy, personal reflection, deep ecology musings, and cultural context."
Dunn, Roger. The Story of a Whale. Illustrated by Peter Freeman. London: Macdonald Educational, 1980. (Nonfiction)
DuTemple, Lesley A. Whales. Early Bird Nature Books. Minneapolis,
Minnesota: The Lerner Group, 1996. Grades 1-3. (Nonfiction)
Duvoisin, Roger. The Christmas Whale. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1945,
1965. Grades K and up. (Fiction)
D'Vincent, Cynthia. The Whale Family Book. Saxonville, Massachusetts:
Picture Book Studio/New York: Simon and Schuster Children's/Salzburg: Verlag
Neugebauer Press, 1992/North-South Books, 1998. Ages 6-10. (Nonfiction)
Eagarm Frances. The Dolphin of the Two Seas. Illustrated by Krystyna
Turska. London: Hamilton, 1973.
Edwards, Monica le Doux. Dolphin Summer. London: Collins, 1963. (Fiction)
The Whale's War, Tom L. Eisenman. Intervarsity Press, 1997. (Christian fiction, all ages)
Eisemann, Henry. Hump-Free Goes to Galapagos.. Illustrated by Jay
Campbell. Salinas, California: Emprise Publications, 1989. Grades K-6. (Fiction)
___________. Hump-Free Heads for Hawaii. Salinas, California: Emprise
Publications, 1989. Grades K-6. (Fiction)
___________. Hump-Free: The Wrong Way Whale. Salinas, California: Emprise Publications, 1985. Grades K-6. (Fiction)
Eisenman, Tom L. The Whale's War. Downers Grove, Illinois: InterVarsity Press, 1997. (Christian fiction, all ages)
"There they meet the wise dolphins Goerfin and Tiafin, the loyal sea horese Porce, the courageous walrus Crylan and the many watery citizens of Sunside, who all bear allegiance to the great whale Thale. But like the upper world, the underwater kingdom is sick. Pollution and the evil work of the shark Baldark have threatened its very existence. Thale has called the children to aid him in a great crusade to defeat the minions of Baldark and secure the future of Sunside."
Ellis, Ella Thorp. Swimming with the Whales. New York: Ballantine Books, 1995/Henry Holt & Co., 1995. Ages 9-12. (Fiction) Click here
for Ballantine's teacher's guide for this book.
Ellis, Judith. The Adventure Begins. Illustrated by Loren Chantland. Wonder Whales Series - Book 1. Minneapolis, Minnesota; Wonder
Whales, Inc., 1996. Ages 4-9. (Fiction)
Trisha: Delightful in every way.
___________. O-O Beneath the Arctic Ice. Wonder Whales Series - Book 2.
Minneapolis, Minnesota: Wonder Whales, Inc., 2001. Ages 4-9. (Fiction)
___________. Mysti and the Mystery of Manana. Wonder Whales Series - Book 3. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Wonder Whales, Inc., forthcoming. Ages 4-9. (Fiction)
Ellis, Richard. Physty: The True Story of a Young Whale's Rescue.
Philadelphia: Running Press, 1993. Grades 3 and up. (Based on a true story.)
Elrick, George S. Flipper: Killer Whale Trouble. A Big Little Book.
Racine, Wisconsin: Whitman Publishing Company, 1967. (Fiction)
Trisha: Orcas are described as other whale-eating and possibly human-eating
beings, with a nasty temper. The one in this story, however, it is eventually
decided, has probably recently lost her baby and adopts Flipper to take her
baby's place. A side story involves hammerhead sharks, and in the end the
white orca comes to Sandy and Flipper's rescue.
Every other page of this 250-page small-size (3" x 4") book is a full-color
Erdrich, Louise. Grandmother's Pigeon. Illustrated by Jim La Marche.
Hyperion, 1996.
Erickson, Amy. Sea Animals. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1998.
Ericson, Anton. Whales and Dolphins. Illustrated by Robin Lee Makowski An Eyes on Nature book. Chicago, Illinois: Kidsbooks, 1994.
Ages 5 and up.(Nonfiction)
Esbensen, Barbara Juster. Baby Whales Drink Milk. Illustrated by Lambert Davis. Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science Series, Stage 1. New York: HarperCollins Children's Books, 1994. Grades preschool-1. (Nonfiction)
From Kirkus Reviews, January 1, 1994: "The title epitomizes Esbensen's creative presentation of an important concept: how whales differ from the fish they seem to resemble and share characteristics with other mammals. Beginning with a direct comparison with humans, dogs, cats, etc., the author describes a humpback's care of her calf, working in other behaviors, more contrasts with fish and basic facts on mammals. Davis's blue-green underwater scenes are nicely varied with changes in light, points of view, and surroundings; his heavy, sculptural style is well suited to the massive whales, and though his land mammals seem stiff, a whale's eye in close-up shines with intelligence. A concluding spread of six species and a diver is the only key to relative sizes (oddly, the featured humpback isn't included). An excellent addition to the Let's-Read-and-Find-Out series." Copyright 1994, Kirkus Associates, LP.
Esterl, Arnica. Okino and the Whales. Illustrated by Marek Zawadzki.
San Diego: Harcourt Brace, 1995. Translation of Okino und die Wale.
Evans-Smith, Deborah. The Whale's Tale. Illustrated by Valeria Evans.
San Francisco: Sea Fog Press, 1986. Grades 2-6. (Fiction)
Evernden, Jeanne. The Time the Whale Came to Jackson's Bay; A Skokomish
Legend. Illustrated by Bruce Miller. Coast Area Planning Committee.
Washington, D.C.?: National Institute of Education?, 1978. For sale by the
Supt. of Docs, U.S. Government Printing Office, 1981.
Facklam, Margery. Bees Dance and Whales Sing: Mysteries of Animal Communication. Illustrated by Pamela Johnson. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books for Children, 1992. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Farber, Norma. A Ship in a Storm on the Way to Tarshish. Illustrated by
Victoria Chess. New York: Greenwillow Books, 1977.
Farias, Juan. Por Donde Pasan Las Ballenas. Espasa Juvenil no. 37. Espasa-Calpe, S.A., 1998. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
Farris, Diane. In Dolphin Time. New York: Four Winds Press, 1994.
Faulkner, Keith. Runaway Whale. Illustrated by Jonathan Lambert.
Stamford, Connecticut, Longmeadow Press, 1990. Grades 1-3. (Fiction)
Fiarotta, Phyllis. Snips and Snails and Walnut Whales: Nature Crafts for
Children. Workman Publishing, 1975. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Fichter, George S. Whales and Other Marine Mammals. New York: Western
Publishing Co., 1990. (Nonfiction)
Field, Nancy, and Sally Machlis. Discovering Marine Mammals: A Learning
and Activity Book. Corvallis, Oregon/Middleton, Wisconsin: Dog-Earing
Publications, 1987, 1992.
Fine, John Christopher. The Boy and the Dolphin. Illustrated by Aleksander Kardas. Mount Desert: Windswept House Publishers, 1990. Grades 4-8. (Fiction)
From The Horn Book: "After his father's death, a boy takes out the
family fishing boat and follows a dolphin to a discarded net and suffocated young dolphin. As the boy and the dolphin together mourn the two deaths, the boy finds the strength to face the world. The text is wordy and self-conscious, and the moral takes precedence over the story, but the seagoing illustrations are
handsome." Copyright 1991 The Horn Book, Inc. All rights reserved.
Recipient of the 1991 Herman Melville Literary Award.
Finn, James. "Mother Nature and the First Dolphins." [Formerly available at The Dolphin Circle website.]
Fisher, Jane, and Paul Harvey. Baby Dolphin. Tiny Bubble Books.
The Prince of Whales: A Fantasy Adventure (humpback), Robert L. Fisher. New York: Carroll & Graf, 1986/New York: Tor Books, 1985/E-dition, 1999. (YA*)
"But then a strange, ghostly spirit appeared, setting Toby on a quest that
led from the depths of the haunted oceans to the mystery of an enslaved, sunken
city. A quest in search of his true voice. Somewhere in Toby's song was a secret
that reached from the seas to the stars. And only Toby's music could united all
the beings of the land and the water, to save Earth from a dark, evil creature who hated whales, hated humans, hated Nature and, most of all, hated--Dreams."
From a review in Publisher's Weekly: "Readers who enjoyed
Jonathan Livingston Seagull and Watership Down . . . will
welcome Toby."
Trisha: Readers of alt.animals.dolphins find this novel dark.
Fisher, Ronald M. Namu: Making Friends With a Killer Whale. Washington,
D.C.: National Geographic, 1973. (Nonfiction)
Flack, Marjorie, and William Rose Benet. Adolphus, or the Adopted Dolphin
and the Pirate's Daughter. Boston: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1941. (Fiction)
Tuck, Lynne. Investigate Whales. Illustrated by Garry Fleming. North Vancouver, British Columbia: Whitecap Books, 2000. (Nonfiction, with stickers)
Foley, Mark. Free Willy. A novelization by Todd Strasser based on the
screenplay by Keith A. Walker and Corey Blechman, story by Keith A. Walker,
retold by Mark Foley. London: Penguin, 1997. (Fiction) (See also Horowitz,
Jordan; Krulik, Nancy; and Strasser, Todd)
Forest, Jim. The Whale's Tale. Illustrated by Len Munnik. Rydalmere,
New South Wales: Alresford, Hunt & Thorpe, 1992. (Fiction)
Foster, Kimberly. A Dolphin Up a Tree!. Illustrated by Bradley Marcus, Kevin Marcus, and Kurt Wilberding. Telos
Publications, 2002. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
A Dolphin Up a Tree! is based on the author's experience with the Keirseyan Temperament popularized in the
book Please Understand Me and Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences. ยDuring my early school years
I knew I was different, not being good at math or sports,ย says the author, Kimberly Foster. ยThe four animals, representing
four human temperaments, learn they must coexist despite their differences.ย
From the author: "When I was first introduced to the four temperaments in a Myers-Briggs session, it changed my life
instantly. A Dolphin Up A Tree! gives kids hope. Even if they feel stuck, with a little tolerance and
understanding, there can be a happy ending."
Foster, Larry, Kenneth Balcomb III, and Stanley M. Minasian. The Whales of
Hawaii: Including All Species of Marine Mammals in Hawaiian and Adjacent Waters. San Francisco: Marine Mammal Fund, 1987, 1991. Grades 9 and up. (Nonfiction)
Fowler, Allan. Friendly Dolphins. Rookie Read-About Science series.
Danbury, Connecticut: Children's Press, 1997. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. The Biggest Animal Ever. Danbury, Connecticutt: Children's
Press, 1992. Grades preschool-2. (Nonfiction)
___________. El Animal Mas Grande del Mundo (The Biggest Animal Ever).
Rookie Read-About Science Big Books. Danbury, Connecticut: Children's Press, n.d. In Spanish. Ages 5-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. Podria Ser un Mamifero - Libro Grande (It Could Still Be a
Mammal Big Book). Spanish Rookie Read-About Science Series. Danbury, Connecticut: Children's Press, n.d. Ages 5-8. (Nonfiction)
Fox, F. G. Jean Laffite and the White Whale. Illustrated by Scott Cook. New York: Farrar Straus & Giroux, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
Fox, Michael. The Way of the Dolphin. Illustrated by Betty J. Lewis.
Sarasota, Florida: Acropolis South, 1981. Grades preschool-6. (Nonfiction)
Frahm, Randy. The Humpback Whale. Wildlife of North America Series.
Mankato, Minnesota: Capstone Press, 1998. Grades 3-7. (Nonfiction)
Franklin, Kristin L. The Gift. Illustrated by Barbara Lavallee.
San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1999. (Fiction)
Frank Schaffer Publications Staff. Jonah and the Whale. Torrance,
California: Frank Schaffer Publications, 1997.
Fraser, F. C. British Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises. Woodland Hills:
Rudolph William Sabbot Natural History Books, 1976.
French, Vivian. Whale Journey. Illustrated by Lisa Flather. New York:
Larousse Kingfisher Chambers, 1998. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Frissen. Yann et le Baleine/Yann and the Whale. Illustrations by Hanze.
Brooklyn, New York: Kane/Miller Book Publishers, 1997. Grades preschool-3. In
English and French. (Fiction)
Fuge, Charles, and Karen Hayles. Whale Is Stuck. Books for Young Readers. New York: Simon & Schuster, 1993. Grades preschool-1. (Fiction)
Heintze, William Ty. Valley of the Eels: A Science Fiction Mystery.
Illustrated by William Ty Heintze. Austin, Texas: Eakin Press, 1993. (Fiction)
Fuhr, U., and R. Sautai, illustrators. Baleine. Gallimard - Mes Premieres Dcouvertes Series. Cambridge: Schoenhof's Foreign Books, Inc., 1991. Grades preschool-1. In French. (Nonfiction)
Fulton, Barbara. Daffy Dolphin. Florida Experience Press, 1973. (Fiction)
Fun, J. J. The Partners and the Dolphins Who Moved In. Chestnut Hill:
J. J. Fun Inc., 1992. Grades K-8. (Fiction)
Funston, Sylvia. St. Lawrence Beluga. Illustrated by Olena Kassian. Endangered Animals series. Buffalo, New York: Firefly Books, 1992. Grades 1-5. (Fiction)
Gambell, Ray. Whales. How They Live Series. New York: B.D.D. Promotional Book Co., 1990. Grades preschool and up. (Nonfiction)
Gardner, Robert. Investigating the Supernatural. New York: Henry Holt
and Co., 1997.
Gay, Tanner O. Whales and Dolphins in Action. Illustrated by Jean Cassels. Early Reader Pop-Ups Series. New York: Simon & Schuster/Swindon: Childs Play International, 1991. Grades K-4. (Nonfiction)
Geistdoerfer, Patrick. Whales, Dolphins and Seals. Illustrated by Joelle Boucher. Pocket Worlds: The Animal World series. London: Moonlight, 1990.
___________. Undersea Giants (Grands animaux sous la mer). Young
Discovery Library, 1988.
Gendron, Val, and David A. MacGill. Whales. Dolphin Science Books series, no. 12.
London: University of London Press, 1966. California State Series. Sacramento, Calif.:
California State Department of Education, 1967.
George, Twig C. A Dolphin Named Bob. Illustrated by Christine Herman
Merrill. New York: HarperCollins Children's Books, 1996. Ages 7-10. (Fiction)
"When he was born, Bob was a scrawny dolphin, with an unusual, comet-shaped
mark on his drooping dorsal fin. Like his mother, Bob was ornery, and he
stubbornly struggled with health problems to survive. He, too, loved to jump
high in the air and perform dolphin tricks. One day he jumped into more trouble
than any other dolphin in the history of the Aquarium."
From a review in Marine Conservation News: ". . . Bob got his name
because of the way he bobbed in the pool when swimming in circles. And while Ms.
George infuses Bob with many fascinating traits, and makes it possible for humans to peek inside the imagined inner life of dolphins, she also teaches us the science: how these amazing creatures live, swim, sleep, breathe, play, learn, and care for their young."
Trisha: Twig George is the wife of David Pittenger, director of the National
Aquarium in Baltimore, Maryland, which explains the pro-captivity orientation
of this book.
Gibbons, Gail. Whales. Illustrated by Gail Gibbons. New York: Holiday
House, 1991/Pine Plains, New York: 1993. Grades preschool-3. (Nonfiction)
Gibson, Wynne. Tippy Tail the Gentle Gray Whale. Illustrated by Barbara
Thomas. Medford, Oregon: Wynne Publishing Co., 1994. Grades 2-5. (Fiction)
Gilbert, Harry. The Dolphin That Spoke. Illustrated by Susan Hunter.
Chilling Tales series. London: Picadilly Press, 1985. (Fiction)
Gilmore, R. M. The Story of the Gray Whale. 2d rev. ed. San Diego,
California: Gilmore, 1972.
___________. Bubbles and Other Pilot Whales. Del Mar, California:
Gilmore, 1962.
Ginsberg, Daniel. Whales and Dolphins: An Educational Coloring Book.
Boulder, Colorado: Roberts Rinehart Publishers, 1989. Grades 1-4. (Nonfiction)
Girard, Betsy. Orca Whale: With Plush Animal. Bronxville, New York:
Adventure Quest, Inc., 1997.
Glease, Hannah E. Whales. Illustrated by George Thompson. Learning Tree
1 2 3 Series. Bath, England: Cherrytree, 1991. (Nonfiction)
Glendinning, Sally. Doll: Bottle-Nosed Dolphin. Illustrated by Arabelle
Wheatley. Champaign, Illinois: Garrard Publishing Co., 1980. (Fiction)
Glover, Jane. Whales and Sharks. Illustrated by Brian Watson. Newmarket: Brimax, 1991. (Nonfiction)
Gobble, Kevin. Whales and Dolphins. Illustrated by Ron Evans. Los
Angeles: Price Stern Sloan, 1995. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Gohier, François. Humpback Whales: Traveling on the Wings of Song. Marine Life Series. San Luis Obispo, California: Blake Publishing, 1991/Parsippany, New Jersey: Silver Burdett Press, 1994. Grades 5 and up. (Nonfiction)
___________. A Pod of Gray Whales: An Affectionate Portrait. Illustrated by Cathi Von Schimmelmann. San Luis Obispo, California: Blake Publishing, 1988/EZ Nature Books, 1999. Grades 5 and up. (Nonfiction)
Goldman, Dara. Humphrey the Wrong Way Whale.
Gordon, Sharon. Dolphins and Porpoises. Now I Know Series. Illustrated
by June Goldsborough. Mahwah, New Jersey: Troll Communications, 1985, 1989/Econo-Clad Books, 1999.
Grades K-2. (Nonfiction)
Gordon, Sharon, and June Goldsborough. Acerca de los Delfines y las Marsopas
(Ahora Se). Troll Associates, 1994. (Nonfiction). In Spanish.
Gouck, Maura. Whales. Chicago: The Child's World, Inc., 1991. Grades
2-6. (Nonfiction)
Goudey, Alice E. Here Come the Dolphins!. Illustrated by Garry Mackenzie. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1961. (Nonfiction)
___________. Here Come the Whales!. Illustrated by Garry MacKenzie. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1956. (Nonfiction)
Gowell, Elizabeth Tayntor. Whales and Dolphins: What They Have in Common. Animals in Order series. Danbury, Connecticut: Franklin Watts, 1998, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Graham, Ada and Frank. Whale Watch. Illustrated by D. D. Tyler. An Audubon Reader. New York: Delacorte Press/Dell Publishing, 1978, 1983. Grades 4 and up. (Nonfiction)
Scott: A book intended for young readers, but remarkable in its power.
To enliven the tale, it uses the experiences of a young scientist sent on a
bird-collecting expedition in 1912 on board a whaling ship. Highly recommended,
it offers a very thorough picture of why the whales are worth saving. The
illustrations are unique also in that they are almost all of whales in a very
foreshortened front view.
Graves, Jack A. What Is a California Gray Whale? Illustrated by Cameron
K. Daines. Phoenix, Arizona: America Educational Press, 1991. Grades 1-4.
Graves, Sara Bridge. The Short-Tailed Whale. Boston: John W. Luce, 1949.(Poetry)
Gray, William Bittle. Flipper the Star.
Green, Carl R., and William R. Sanford. The Bottlenose Dolphin.
Parsippany: Silver Burdett Press, 1987. (Nonfiction)
___________. The Humpback Whale. Wildlife Habits and Habitats series/
Animals in Danger series. Mankato, Minnesota: Crestwood House, 1985/London:
Macmillan, 1988. Grade 5. (Nonfiction)
Green, Jen. Dolphins. Nature's Children series. Grolier Educational Corp., 1999.
Green, John. Whale and Dolphins Coloring Book. New York: Dover
Publications, 1990.
Greenaway, Shirley. Dragons, Dolphins, and Dinosaurs: Wacky Facts about Animals. Boston: Whispering Coyote Press, 1993.
Greenaway, Theresa. Secret World of Whales. Raintree/Steck Vaugh, 2001. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Greenberg, Judith E., and Helen Carey. Whales. Chatham: Raintree
Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 1990. Grades 2-4. (Nonfiction)
Greenburg, Dan. How to Speak Dolphin in Three Easy Lessons.
The Zack Files Series, Vol. 11. New
York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1997.
Greenburg, Daniel A. Whales. Animals, Animals series. Benchmark Books, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Greene, Carol. Reading about the Humpback Whale. Friends in Danger Series. Springfield, New Jersey: Enslow Publishers, 1993. Grades K-3. (Nonfiction)
Gregory, O. B. Whales. Illustrated by Maurice Hutchings. Windmere,
Florida: The Rourke Book Company, 1981. (Nonfiction)
Griffin, Donald R. Echoes of Bats and Men. New York: Doubleday Anchor,
Griggs, Tamar, ed. There's a Sound in the Sea: A Child's-Eye View of
the Whale. San Francisco: The Scrimshaw Press, 1975. Grades 1-6.
Trisha: A wonderful collection of full-color and black-and-white drawings,
poems, and stories, ranging from happy to sad (the latter in conjunction
with whaling). The original pictures in There's a Sound in the Sea
are available in an exhibition through General Whale, P.O. Box Whales,
Alameda, California 95401, USA.
For a quote from the section entitled "Teaching about whales . . . , ", see the entry in the Other Resources section below for "Griggs, Tamar. Whale Workshops."
Grosvenor, Donna. The Blue Whale. Paintings by Larry Foster. Books for
Young Explorers series. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1977.
Grover, Wayne. Dolphin Freedom. Illustrated by Jim Fowler. New York:
Greenwillow Books, 1999/Avon Books, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
From a review by Shelle Rosenfeld in the May 15, 1999, issue of Booklist: "In the third book of this marine adventure series that began with the nonfiction Dolphin Adventure (1990) and continued in the novel Dolphin Treasure (1996), diver Wayne Grover becomes involved in trying to save dolphins from being captured by an illegal poaching ring off the coast of Florida. Aided by friends Amos and Jack, Wayne embarks on a dangerous mission to rescue and free Baby, the beloved dolphin whose life Wayne saved years before, and the members of its family. Action and suspense combine with an informative account of dolphin life, and an environmentally aware message about the dangers of poaching. Grover includes many fascinating facts about dolphins, including their gentle nature and potential for human bonding, as well as the hazards of the flip side: how taming wild animals can have tragic repercussions. Alternating chapters contrast the dolphins' plight with Wayne's responses and action for a fast-paced read; age-appropriate and reader-friendly, the book is a boon for fans of wildlife-and action-adventures in general."
From Kirkus Reviews: "Rife with adventure, this title from Grover . . . continues the story of his ongoing relationship with a special group of dolphins in Florida. When poachers from nearby Bahamas capture Baby and several other dolphins, Grover, with the assistance of friends Amos and Jack, sets out to rescue them. Their daring plan takes them to Dead Man Cay, a notorious island where they discover not only Baby and the members of his pod, but a shocking total of 14 wild dolphins penned in fetid concrete tanks, bound for amusement centers throughout Mexico. The danger to Grover and his allies is real; the poachers interrupt their escape and are clearly intent on killing them. The dolphins ultimately save their human friends. For those keeping tallies, dolphins emerge as more civilized than humans in most of this tale. Grover details the poachers' brutal treatment of the creatures and several violent interactions between them and the rescuers, while the dolphins merely play 'seamen soccer' with the villains. References to Grover's inexplicable mental connection to the creatures, especially in times of crisis, combined with intimations that the tale may be autobiographical, will encourage readers to explore the complex lives of dolphins. The fast-paced action never overwhelms the cause of protecting the dolphins that is so obviously dear to the author's heart."--Copyright (c) 1999, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
___________. Dolphin Treasure. Illustrated by Jim Fowler. New York:
William Morrow & Co., 1996. Grades 2 and up. (Nonfiction)
School Library Journal endorsement: "Will thrill youngsters who
enjoy reading about treasure hunts as much as those who love animals stories.
A treat for anyone looking for a fast and fascinating read."
Trisha: A well-written, suspenseful adventure, in which dolphins come to the
rescue. I look forward to more stories in this series.
___________. Dolphin Adventure: A True Story. Illustrations by Jim
Fowler. New York: Scholastic Inc., 1990; Avon Books, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Based on a true story.)
Trisha: This is one of the most remarkable dolphin stories I've ever read about
two wild adult dolphins who bring their youngster to Wayne Grover so that he
can remove a fish hook embedded near its tail.
Gunston, David. The Sea of Whales. Round the Globe Stories. London:
Warne, 1948. (Caution: May be about whaling.)
Haas, Patti. The Cry of the Last Whale. Illustrated by the author.
Grass Valley, California: Hupai Publishers, 1988. (Fiction)
Before all the whales have died, the last few comment on both the folly of
humans (the "spindly ones") as well as their ocassional kindnesses,
until there is only one great blue whale remaining. He raises his head and
emits a piercing cry heard around the world, then dives to the ocean floor,
never to surface again.
Hainey, Michael. Blue: Featuring Blueprint, the Blue Sky, Blue Sky Laws,
the Deep Blue Sea, Blue Whales, Blue-Tongued Skinks, Bluenoses, Blue Plate
Specials, [etc.]. Illustrated by Robert Brook Allen and Leslie Watkins.
New York: Addison Wesley, 1997. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Hall, Elizabeth, and Scott O'Dell. Venus among the Fishes. New York:
Houghton Mifflin, 1995. Grades 5 and up. (Fiction)
"Reluctantly, Coral's father and mother send her in search of her older
brother, Silver, and safer waters. The journey is not easy, as Coral confronts
hungry sharks, menacing killer whales, and hazardous fishing nets. Inevitably,
she encounters the greatest danger of all--the finless creatures with long bony
tentacles who live inside boats.
"Coral's brave quest, which leads her through unexpected perils and into
[several months of] captivity [by marine researchers], climaxes with a conflict
between her desire for freedom and her affection for her human trainer . . ."
Hall, Howard. A Charm of Dolphins. San Luis Obispo, California: Blake
Publishing, 1993. (Nonfiction)
Hall, Tony. Whales. Fact Finders Series. Avenal, New Jersey: Random House Value Publishing, 1990. (Nonfiction and fiction)
Hammond, Diane Coplin. Keiko's Story: The Real-Life Tale of the World's Most
Famous Killer Whale. Illustrated by Nyna Somerville. Waldport, Oregon:
Peduncle Press, 1998. Available from (877) 4KEIKOS (free field guide to the
orca with purchase of Keiko's Story). Grades K-6. (Nonfiction)
Hansen. Petzi et la Baleine. Casterman, 1958. (Fiction) [In French.]
Hardwick, Richard. Flipper: The Mystery of the Black Schooner. Illustrated by Al Andersen and Robert Allen. Racine, Wisconsin: Whitman Publishing Co., 1966. Ages 9-11.
Harrar, George, and Linda Harrar. Signs of the Apes, Songs of the Whales:
Adventures in Human-Animal Communication. Aladdin Paperbacks, 1989. (Nonfiction)
Harrell, Sara G. Cottage by the Sea. Saint Louis, Missouri: Concordia
Publishing House, 1978. Grades 5-9. (Fiction)
___________. Semo: A Dolphin's Search for Christ. Saint Louis, Missouri: Concordia Publishing House, 1977. Grades 5-7. (Legends and stories)
Harris, Susan. Whales. Danbury, Connecticut: Franklin Watts, 1981. Grades 2-4. (Nonfiction)
Harvey, Gareth. Cleanse and His Friends, and Donny the Dolphin.
London: Avon, 1994. (Fiction)
Harvey, Richard. Dolphin Dee and the Chimpanzee. Illustrated by Stuart
Kettle. Maidenhead: Purnell, 1980. (Fiction)
Harvey, Winifred S. The White Whale and Other Stories. London: George G.
Harrap & Co. Ltd., 1931. (Fiction)
Hatherly, Janelle, and Delia Nicholls. Dolphins and Porpoises. Great
Creatures of the World series. New York: Facts on File, 1990. Ages 7 to adult.
Hebert, Marie-Francine. Poppy's Whale. Second Story Press, 1996. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
Helm, Thomas. Dangerous Sea Creatures: A Complete Guide to Hazardous Sea
Life. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1976. (Nonfiction)
Helman, Andrea. O Is for Orca. Illustrated by Art Wolfe. Sasquatch
Books, 1995.
Henderson, Gordon. Dolphina: Queen of the Ocean Blue. Illustrated by
Abira Ali. McConnellsburg, Pennsylvania: Bow Tie Enterprises, 1995. Includes a
doll. Available from Bow Tie Enterprises, HC75, Box 45, McConnellsburg,
Pennsylvania 17233, USA, (800) 626-9843. (Fiction)
Hepworth, Peter. Ocean Girl. New York: Hyperion Paperbacks for Children, 1995. Ages 9-13. (Fiction) (See also the television series of the same name in the
Adrianna Mesquita (, an customer: "I
think Ocean Girl is the best book I have ever read in my life! It is about an alien girl from The Planet of the Oceans. She is the princess of her planet. That is why she can communicate with a humpback whale named Charley (Jali). Then she meets two boys named Jason and Brett. My advice to those who have not read this book: Read it!"
Hernandez, Dorothy L. Stormy the Dolphin. Illustrated by Mary Redman.
Las Vegas, Nevada: Dorothy L. Hernandez, 1988. Grades 3-8. (Fiction)
Hesse, Karen. The Music of Dolphins. Scholastic Press, 1996/New York:
Henry Holt.
"At first, being human is astonishing. Mila rejoices in the use of her hands, the use of her feet. She can play music. She can communicate complicated ideas through language. She enchants her doctors even as Shay, another girl at the center, disappoints them. But when scientists begin demanding from Mila behavior she cannot reconcile with her dolphin nature, she backs away. With the dolphins there were no boundaries, no secrets. Now walls surround her. People lie. They fear what they do not understand. And they do not understand Mila.
"Karen Hesse writes in a style that echoes Mila's own gradual acquisition
of language in this breathtaking novel about what it means to be a human being."
From the author: "The Music of Dolphins began as a book about speech development, and evolved into something very different . . . Mila proved to me she was more than a clinical specimen, just as she did to the characters in the book."
From Kirkus Reviews 8/15/96: "Her mind and spirit shaped by the
dolphins who raised her, a feral child views herself and her human captors from
a decidedly unusual angle in this poignant story from the author of A Time
for Angels (1995). The rescuers who find her on a key off the coast of Cuba
dub her Mila--Spanish for "miracle"--for although she weighs barely
100 pounds and bears sucker and barnacle scars, she is healthy and alert, human
in form but with strange gestures, sounds, and behavior she learned from the
dolphins with whom she has lived for at least 10 years. Taken to a research
facility, Mila launches into her new life with enthusiasm, spurred by the hope
that she will soon be returned to her marine family. She excels at her studies
and displays a genius for music. As someone whose inner resilience has allowed
her to develop a dual nature, Mila is utterly convincing; in a highly individual
voice, she describes her old and new lives--e.g., 'the sea is a big home where
all the time is swimming and all the time is singing and all the time is touching in the big wet.' Changes in type size and style signal Mila's inner shifts as she turns toward humanity, then human captors . . . " Copyright 1996, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
Julia (aka Nai'a): It's a really neat book about a girl, Mila, who was raised
from age four by wild dolphins and found by people and taken to a little
research place . . . It's a really kewl book.
Trisha: Unusual, interesting, well-written book that raises ethical and
cultural considerations.
Hetzel, Bia. Rosalina, a Pesquisadora de Homens (Rosalina, the Humans'
Researcher). Illustrated by Graca Lima. 6th ed. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: Editora
Nova Fronteira, 1994. In Portuguese. Available from Cetacean Society International, P.O. Box 953, Georgetown, Connecticut 06829, USA, (203) 544-8617, e-mail: (Nonfiction)
Trisha: I've not yet had this translated so I can't comment on the text, but it
is beautifully illustrated.
Heuer, Margarita. La Nina y El Delfin (The Girl and the Dolphin).
Trillas/Mexico, 1983. (Fiction)
Heus, John, and Tom Robinson. The Tale of Humphrey the Humpback Whale.
Illustrated by Victoria Brost. San Francisco: Brost/Heus, 1985. Grades
preschool-3. (Nonfiction)
Hicks, Linda Ashman. A Sail with a Whale. Illustrated by Susan Winter. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2001. (Fiction)
Hill, Prescott. Follow the Whales. Econo-Clad Books, 1999. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Hillert, Margaret. Mabel the Whale. Morristown, New Jersey: Modern
Curriculum Press/Chicago: Follett Publishing Co., 1958. Grades preschool-2.
Himmelman, John. Ibis: A True Whale Story. New York: Scholastic, 1990.
(Based on a true story.)
Trisha: In the Afterword, the author tells how he saw Ibis on a whale-watching
trip, and the marine scientist on board told how she had been caught in
the strands of a fishing net a year earlier. She was rescued by attaching floats
to the net, so that she could be kept at the surface while the rescue team
reached into the water to free her. She was the first whale ever saved from
A portion of the proceeds from this book will be donated by the author to the
Provincetown Center for Coastal Studies Entanglement Fund.
Hirschi, Ron. Where Are My Puffins, Whales, and Seals? New York: Bantam
Books, 1992. Grades preschool-3. (Fiction)
Hirschmann, Kris. Humpback Whales. Creatures of the Sea series. Kidhaven, 2002. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Hodge, Deborah. Whales: Killer Whales, Blue Whales and More. Illustrated by Pat Stephens. The Kids Can Press Wildlife Series. Kids Can Press, 1997. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Hodge, Judith. Dolphins: Animals of the Oceans. Animals of the Oceans
Series, no. 3. Lake Forest, Illinois: Forest House Publishing, 1998. Ages 7-11.
___________. Whales. Animals of the Oceans Series. Barrons Juveniles,
1997. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Hofmeyr, Diane. Do the Whales Still Sing? Illustrated by Jude Daly.
New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, 1995. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
"Diane Hofmeyr's lyrical story . . . will be cherished by everyone who
loves nature, fairness, and amity."
___________. When Whales Go Gree. Tafelberg. (Fiction)
Hogan, Paula Z. The Whale. Illustrated by Rod Ruth. Chatham: Raintree
Steck-Vaughnk, 1979. Grades 1-4. (Nonfiction)
Hogner, Dorothy Childs. Sea Mammals. Illustrated by Patricia Collins. New York: Thomas Crowell, 1979.
Hoke, Helen, and Valerie Pitt. Whales. Illustrated by Thomas R. Funderburk. First Book series. New York: Franklin Watts, Inc., 1973. Grades 4 and up. (Nonfiction)
Holbrook, David. A Bad Trip in a Tired Whale. 1st Library Books, 2001. (Fiction)
Holder, Greg, ed. Jonah and the Whale. A Play-a-Sound Board Book.
Cincinnati, Ohio: Standard Publishing Co., 1997.
Holding, [first name unknown]. Mystery of Dolphin Inlet.
Holland, J. Patty the Porpoise. T. S. Denison & Co., 1973. Grades 2-3.
Holler, Paul. Nicholas and the Whales. Crossroads, 2001. (Fiction)
Holman, David. Whale: The Story of Putu, Siku, and K'nik, a Family Audience
Play for a Multi-racial Cast. London: Methuen Drama, 1989.
Holmes, Kevin J. Dolphins. Danbury, Connecticut: Bridgestone Press, 1999. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whales. Mankato, Minnesota: Bridgestone Books/Danbury,
Connecticut: Children's Press, 1997. Grades preschool-3. (Nonfiction)
Holt, Ronald. The Dolphin and the Crown. Macmillan, 1992.
Hood, Alex. Bill Jinks and the Whale. Illustrated by Bob Smith. Sydney/
London: Angus and Robertson, 1974. (Fiction)
Whale Song book and CD. Text/lyrics and music by Jennifer Hopson. Illustrations by Marion and Steve Isham. Tasmania: Bandicoot Books, 1999.
Trisha: The CD provides a delightful and peppy collection of songs about various ocean beings and experiences. The song "Whale Song" describes the journey a little girl takes with a humpback whale and some of the other beings they encounter along the way. This song (and accompanying illustration in the book) perpetuates the mistaken notion that whales blow water from their blowholes, but it is otherwise fine." The illustrations in the book are wonderful, a feast for the eyes.
Horowitz, Jordan. Free Willy. New York: Scholastic, 1993. Grades 9-12.
(Fiction) (See also Foley, Mark; Krulik, Nancy E.; and Strasser, Todd)
___________. Free Willy 2. New York: Scholastic, 1994. Ages 7 and
up. (Fiction)
"So when the whales are threatened by a dangerous oil spill, Jesse is
determined to keep them together. He risks his own life to save Willy and
Willy's brother and sister from oil company executives who have plans to
separate the whales from their mother. And through this fight, he discovers
he is part of a family after all."
Horton, Casey. Whales. Endangered! Series. Tarrytown, New York: Marshall Cavendish Corp., 1996. Grades 3-5. (Nonfiction)
___________. Dolphins. Endangered! Series. Tarrytown, New York: Marshall Cavendish Corp., 1996. Grades 3-5. (Nonfiction)
Houghton, Sue. Dolphin. Life Story Series. Mahwah, New Jersey: Troll
Associates, 1993. Grades 4-6. (Nonfiction)
Houk, Randy. Chessie, the Travelin' Man. Illustrated by Paula Bartlett.
Fairfield: Benefactory, Inc., 1997. (Nonfiction) (Animal migration)
Houston, James. Ice Swords. New York: Atheneum, 1985.
Ages 8-12. (Fiction)
Howard, F. Martin. The Porpoise of Pirate Bay. Illustrated by Lynd Ward. New York: Random House, 1938. (Fiction)
"Plumpy's adventures included chasing and catching food in the form of
mullet, being attached by an octopus, a sawfish and other monsters of the deep,
guiding a boat during a storm and thus saving the lives of the human excursionists aboard,
and finally becoming leader of his herd."
Trisha: A treasure of illustrations by Lynd Ward. They don't make books like this anymore.
Howell, Joyce, and B. G. Hennessy. Meet Winslow Whale. New York:
Viking Children's Books, 1994. Preschoolers. (Fiction)
Hoyt, Erich. Meeting the Whales: The Equinox Guide to the Giants of the
Deep. Illustrated by Pieter Folkens. Camden East, Ontario, Canada: Camden
House, 1991. (A companion volume to Riding with the Dolphins). Ages 11
to adult. (Nonfiction)
___________. Riding with the Dolphins: The Equinox Guide to Dolphins and
Porpoises. Illustrated by Pieter Folkens. Camden East, Ontario, Canada:
Camden House/Buffalo, New York: Firefly Books, 1992. (A companion volume to
Meeting the Whales). Grades 5 and up. (Nonfiction)
Hromic, Alma Alexandra. The Dolphin's Daughter. Illustrated by Daniel
Payne. Harlow: Longman, 1995. (Fiction)
Hughes, Ted. How the Whale Became. Illustrated by Jackie Morris. Orchard Books, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Humpback Whales. Morristown, New Jersey: Modern Curriculum Press, 1990.
Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Hunt, Robert. Baleena the Blue Whale. Adventures of the Wild Series.
Chicago, Illinois: Society for Visual Education, 1978. Grades 2-5. (Fiction)
Hunt, Roderick. The Dolphin Pool: A Story about Wilf and Wilma.
Illustrated by Alex Brychta. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1986.
Hurd, Edith Thacher. What Whale? Where?. Illustrated by Clement Hurd.
New York: Harper, 1966. Grades K-3. (Fiction)
___________. The Mother Whale. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1973. Grades preschool-3. (Fiction)
Hurt, Freda. Benny and the Dolphin. Illustrated by A. J. Jackson. New York: Roy Publishers Inc., 1968.
"A very mysterious message leads to Operation 'Rescue.' And there's more adventure when a strange ship arrives, with Captain Croc at the helm. The governor holds a conference, and the children are on their own. Benny has to use all his initiative, and learns something new about himself too."
Trisha: A perfectly delightful, intelligently written story for older children, with five orphan children of various nationalities, the governor and his eccentric wife, the children's governess, a mad (but delightful) professor and his robots and other inventions, a kidnapped princess, a fort, and pirates.
Benny befriends Bella, a wild dolphin, and she is instrumental in saving the day.
Hutchins, Ross E. The Saga of Pelorus Jack. Illustrated by Jerome P.
Connolly. New York: Rand McNally & Co., 1971. (Nonfiction)
Hynds, Marie. Dolphin Boy. Illustrated by Douglas Phillips. Blackie's
Fun to Read Books series. Glasgow, Scotland: Blackie, 1979. (Fiction)
Ikhlef, Anne. Happy Little Dolphin. Illustrated by Anne Laffolay. New
York: Random House Books for Young Readers, 1991. Preschoolers. (Fiction)
Immel, Norma. The Story of Keiko. Albany, New York: Partner Productions, 1998. Grades preschool-3. (Nonfiction)
Ingoglia, Gina. Pinocchio and the Whale: Walt Disney. Golden Very Easy
Readers Series - Level 1. New York: Western Publishing Co., 1992. Grades
preschool-3. (Fiction) (A puppet play)
It Could Still Be a Dolphin. Rookie Read-About Science Series. Danbury,
Connecticut: Children's Press, 1997.
Iwai, Kunio. A Whale of a Discussion: Japanese Children's Debate on Whaling. Tokyo, Japan: Institute for Cetacan Research, 1990. In English and Japanese. (Nonfiction)
Jacka, Martin. Waiting for Billy. New York: Orchard Books, 1990.
Jacobs, Francine. Sounds in the Sea. New York: William Morrow and Co.,
Jacobs, Lou, Jr. Shamu: The Killer Whale. Indianapolis: Bobbs-Merrill,
___________. Duncan, the Dolphin. Chicago: Follett Pub. Co., 1966.
___________. Wonders of an Oceanarium: The Story of Marine Life in Captivity. A Marineland of the Pacific Souvenir Book. San Carlos, California: Golden Gate Junior Books, 1965.
James, Simon. Dear Mr. Blueberry. New York: M. K. McElderry Books/
Maxwell Macmillan International Pub. Group, 1991. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
From Kirkus Rviews, August 1, 1991: "A sweet, rather fey exchange
of letters between Emily, who reports seeing a whale in her small goldfish pond,
and her teacher, who assures her (politely, then 'forcibly') that she must be
mistaken. Meanwhile, Mr. Blueberry shares facts that Emily finds useful in
caring for the whale--which is hugely corporeal in James's deftly drawn,
endearing illustrations. Ever undaunted, Emily claims a final sighting at the
beach, and 'I said you loved him, too,' A nicely open-ended balance between the
real and the imaginary in a child's world." Copyright 1991 Kirkus
Reviews, LP. All rights reserved.
___________. My Friend Whale. New York: Bantam, 1991/London: Walker,
1990. (Fiction)
From the back cover: "Imagine being friends with a blue whale. How wonderful it would be to learn about and share adventures with such a companion. And how sad it would be if it all came to an end because the whale disappeared. This is a story of friendship and much more. More than ever, the whale needs friends."
Trisha: Softly, sweetly illustrated, simple story of friendship. Illustrations and text slightly inaccurate in their depiction of a whale's exhalation and abilities, but this is a minor point. Ends with a lovely plea to stop killing whales and provides names of organizations that can provide more information.
Jenner, Caryn. Journey of a Humpback Whale. DK Readers, level 2, beginning to read alone. Dorling Kindersley, 2002.
Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Jennings, Richard W. The Great Whale of Kansas. Houghton Mifflin, 2001. (Nonfiction, archaeology)
Jensen, Patricia, Olivier Raquois, and Ariane Chottin. The Curious Little
Dolphin. Little Animal Adventures Series. Readers Digest. (Fiction)
Jeunesse, Gallimard, et al. Whales. Illustrated by Ute Fuhr and Raoul
Satai. First Discovery Series. London: Moonlight, 1992. (Nonfiction)
Johnson, Jinny. How Big is a Whale?. Illustrated by Michael Woods. Rand McNally for Kids. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whales. Highlight Animal Books.
Johnson, Laura and Jack. The Leaky Whale. Illustrated by Charles Darby. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1946. (Fiction)
Johnston, Johanna. Whale's Way. Illustrated by Leonard Weisgard. Garden
City, New Jersey: Doubleday, 1965. (Fiction)
Johnston, Marianne. Giant Animals. New York: Rosen Publishing Group,
1996. (Nonfiction)
Johnston, Tony. Whale Song. Illustrated by Ed Young. New York: G. P.
Putnam's Sons, 1987, 1992. Grades preschool-3. (Fiction)
Jonah and the Whale. Baby Flaps Series. New York: McClanahan Book Co.,
1997. Grades K and up. [Note: There are several more "Jonah and the Whale"
titles in this bibliography under various authors.]
Jonah and the Whale. Play a Sound Book. Standard Publishing, 1997.
Ages baby-preschool. (Fiction)
Jonah and the Whale with Cassette. Tyndale Publishers, 1998. Ages 4-8.
Jonah Meets the Whale. Beginners Bible Very First Adventures. New York:
Random House Childrens Publishing, 1995. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Jordan, Bill. Penda the Dolphin. Bill Jordan, 1991. (Fiction)
Josephs, Mary. Jonah and the Whale. Illustrated by Benrei Huang. A Bible
Story Chunky Flap Book. New York: Random House Childrens Publishing, 1994. Ages
baby-preschool. (Fiction)
Kafoure, Anne E. The Whale Dancers: Relationship Between Dory and Humpback
Whales. Westerville: Raspberry Publications, 1995. Grades 5-9. (Fiction)
Kahn, Peggy. The Care Bears and the Whale Tale. Illustrated by Ronald
Fritz. Pictureback Series. New York: Random House, 1992. Grades preschool-1.
Kallen, Stuart A. Dolphins and Porpoises. Endangered Animals and Habitats Series. Farmington Hills: Gale Group, 2002. (Nonfiction)
Kalman, Bobbie. A Dolphin's Body. Crabtree Publishing, 2003. Ages 6-9. (Nonfiction)
___________. What is a Whale?. The Science of Living Things series. New York: Crabtree Publishing, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
-- flukes, flippers, and fins
___________. Dolphins. Crabapple series. New York: Crabtree Publishing Co., 1995/Econo-Clad Books, 1999. Grades preschool-3. (Nonfiction)
___________. Arctic Whales and Whaling. Toronto: Crabtree Pub., 1988.
Ages 8-14. (Nonfiction)
Kassian, Olena. Flip the Dolphin Saves the Day. Illustrated by author.
New York: Golden Books Family Entertainment, 1984. Grades preschool-2. (Fiction)
Kastner, Paul, Joan Kastner, and Jessica A. Porter. Gentle Giants of the
Sea. 2d ed. Friday Harbor, Washington: The Whale Museum, 1986. (Nonfiction)
Katz, Welwyn Wilton. Whalesinger. New York: Margaret K. McElderry Books, 1990/New York: Dell Publishing Co., 1993. (Fiction)
"When Nick and Marty learn that the conservation project is a front for a
scheme to plunder the treasure of Sir Francis Drake's sunken frigate, a tense
confrontation occurs that brings all the strands of this remarkable story together.
"Love, hate, anger, and forgiveness fill this many-layered, deeply felt,
and vividly written novel by one of Canada's leading authors."
Kay, Helen. A Lion for a Sitter. London/New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1969. (Fiction)
___________. The Secrets of the Dolphin. New York: Macmillan, 1964.
Keefe, Donald. Wally, the Hiccupping Whale. Mankato, Minnesota: Baker
Street Productions, 1986. Grades K-2. (Fiction)
Keene, Carolyn. The Secret of the Silver Dolphin (Misterio del Delfin de Plata). The Dana Girls Mystery Stories #27. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1965,
1972/London: Severn House, 1972, 1983. (Fiction)
"The Danas' sleuthing is hindered by a hostile fortuneteller and a
hoarse-voiced man wanted by the police. It soon becomes apparent to the young
detectives that Maria Castone and 'Throaty' Sensky are engaged in a sinister
conspiracy to get the reward--and will stop at nothing to ensure the success
of their criminal scheme.
"Louise and Jean's quest for the silver dolphin leads them and Judy Platt
to Miami, Florida, and then to a deserted Caribbean island called Job's Coffin.
"How a dangerous skin-diving chase, followed by an amazing undersea discovery,results in the Danas uncovering the strange mystery will thrill Carolyn Keene's . . . fans."
Trisha: Good, although somewhat bland, mystery story for young readers, but with
very outdated and inappropriate views of captivity and keeping dolphins as
Kelleher, Victor. Donde Las Ballenas Cantan (Where Whales Sing). Illustrated by Sanchez de Tagle Andres. Continenta, 1997. (In Spanish.) (Fiction)
___________. Riding the Whales. Illustrated by Vivienne Goodman.
New York: Dial Books for Young Readers, n.d./Penguin, 1995. (Fiction)
Kellerhals-Stewart, Heather. The Whale's Way. Polestar. Distributed
in the U.S.A. by Slawson Communications. (Fiction)
Kelly, John. The Great Whale Book. Washington, D.C.: The Center of
Environmental Education/Acropolis Books, 1981. (Young adult nonfiction).
Kelsey, Elin. Finding Out about Whales. Science Explorers series. Owl, 1998. (Nonfiction)
"Monsters of the deep or intelligent, social mammals? For centuries the lives of whales have remained hidden beneath
the sea. This book highlights fascinating new ways of looking at whales and the scientific studies and technological
advances that lie behind these discoveries."
Kempton, Kate. The World Beyond the Waves: An Environmental Adventure.
Illustrated by Larry Salk. Santa Monica, California: Portunus Publishing Co.,
1995. (Young adult fiction)
After her return to the ocean's surface, Sam succeeds in demonstrating how one
person can make a difference. With her newfound understanding of how important
it is for humans to think about our behavior and its effects on animals and
habitat, Sam prevents a serious threat to the enchanting World Beyond the
Kendall, Sarita. Ransom for a River Dolphin. Minneapolis, Minnesota:
The Lerner Group, 1993/Piper, 1992. Grades 3-6. (Fiction)
Kennedy, Paul E. Fun with Whales Stencils. Dover Publications, 1997.
Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Kerrod, Robin. Whales and Dolphins. Nature Watch series. London: Anness Publishing, 1998. Ages 8-12. (Nonfiction)
"Each two-page spread begins with a page number and topic in vertical style in the upper left hand of the page. This is an excellent addition for young children to assist in understanding the organization of material. Headings are in larger, darker print, and subheadings are also slightly larger and darker than the text. For example, 'Whale Bodies' is the topic of pages 10 and 11. Subheadings include 'Big Mouth,' 'Jonah and the Whale,' 'Lousy Whales,' 'Leaping Dolphins,' 'Hangers On' and 'Body Lines.' Subheadings add a variety of information and interest to the various topics.
"Each two-page spread contains a 'Did you know?' one liner written in a circular or shaped format which provides added information for the interest of the reader. For example, on the 'Whales Bodies' pages, the 'Did you know?' is 'Whales have whiskers on their faces.' Other additions include a relative size chart on the 'Whales Large and Small' page, a map on 'Migration,' a bar graph on the Decline of Whale Populations on 'Whale Conservation' and a 'Whale Myth' section.
"The photographs are very effective, both in adding information and for visual effect. The pages are well laid out so that readers can enjoy the book at a variety of levels and a multitude of readings. The language is very suitable for the intended readership. The author has included a two page glossary with short phrases suitable for younger readers. A detailed index is also included which makes this book an excellent choice for research and study both at school and home. Highly recommended. Copyright (c) 1999 the Manitoba Library Association.
___________. Mammals: Primates, Insect-Eaters and Baleen Whales.
Encyclopedia of the Animal World Series, no. 4. New York: Facts on File, 1988.
Kessler, Deirdre. Lena and the Whale. Illustrated by P. John Burden.
Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island, Canada: Ragweed, 1991. Published in
English and in French. French version entitled Lina et la Baleine.
Available from Ragweed, P.O. Box 2023, Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island,
Canada C1A 7N7.
Kidd, Nina. Draw Science: Whales, Sharks, and Other Sea Creatures.
Lowell House, 1993. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Kids Core. Hump-Free the Wrong Way Whale and Hump-Free Heads for Hawaii. Kids Core Books on Video, 877-861-4126. (Note: These are books on video, but I've included them in the bibliography because of their format.)
Hump-Free Heads for Hawaii: "Follow more of Hump-Free's travels. With a little help from his new love, Henry-Etta, Hump-Free begins a new adventure in Hawaii."
"Help teach your kids to read by watching these books on video. Children see the words to the stories displayed on the television screen, and hear the words read out loud by other children! . . . [The Kids Core] product line encourages children to take control of their learning and provides them with the incentive to read."
Kids in Room 14, Old Mill School, Mill Valley, California. Our Friends in
the Waters. Mill Valley, California: Old Mill School, 1979. (Nonfiction)
quot;This little volume is a remarkable work by a group of fourth and fifth
grade pupils who have delved into the structure, habits, and adaptations of
mammals inhabiting the sea. Their writing not only shows the depth of their
knowledge about this subject but indicates an understanding of the problems
that man [sic] has brought about for many other living things that are either
commercially valuable or interfere with his own activities.
"Those who read this book will learn much about whales, dolphins, seals,
sea lions and their relatives, as well as sea otters and manatees. They will
also be touched by the feeling of sympathy that a group of grade school children
have developed for another group of highly evolved mammals that eat, breathe
and sleep just like ourselves."
Killer Whales. 4th ed. San Diego, California: Sea World, Education
Department, 1996.
Killer Whales and Other Frozen World Wonders. Julian Messner, 1991.
Kim, Melissa. The Blue Whale. Illustrated by Shirley Felts. Nashville,
Tennessee: Hambleton-Hill Publishing, 1993/London: Hutchinson, 1994. Grades 1-5.
Trisha: This nicely illustrated book poses and answers the questions: Are there
different types of whales? How big are blue whales? Are whale fish? What do blue
whales eat? Where do blue whales live? What are blue whales like? How can you tell one whale from another? Is the blue whale still endangered? Are all whales
protected? How are whales caught? Why are whales hunted? Aren't there any
alternatives? Who are the whalers? Why save the whales? What can you do to help?
Also includes a board game, The Whaling Game, and an index.
Kimura, Shuji. Yasha and Orca. Japan. (Fiction)
King, Patricia. Mabel, the Whale. Chicago, Illinois: Follett Publishing
Co., 1958. Also published in French as Mabelle las Baleine. Chicago, Illinois: Follett Publishing, 1960.
Kirchharr, Colleen. Open Your Eyes and See the Ocean. (Link points to an archived version)
Kirk, Ruth. Hunters of the Whale: An Adventure of Northwest Coast
Archaeology. New York: Morrow & Co., 1974.
Kipling, Rudyard. How the Whale Got His Throat Readalong. Spoken Arts
Cassettes, 1995.
___________. How the Whale Got His Throat. Illustrated by Pauline
Baynes. New York: Peter Bedrick Books, 1987. Grades 1-5. (Fiction)
___________. Otkuda u kita takaia glotka (How the Whale Got His
Throat). Translated into Russian by Korneia Chukovskogo. Moskva/Leningrad:
Gosudarstvennoe izdatel'stvo, 1926.
Kita, Suzanne. Three Whales Who Won the Heart of the World. Aiea,
Hawaii: Island Heritage, 1997.
Klevansky, Rhonda, Michael Bright, Robin Kerrod, and Barbara Taylor. Illustrated Wildlife Encylopedia Big Mammals: Elephants, Whales, Big Cats, Bears. Southwater, 2001. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Klobas, John. Life Cycle of the Pacific Gray Whale. Illustrated by Ane
Roveta. Life Cycles Series. Torrance, California: Heian International Publishing,
1993. Grades 6-9. (Nonfiction)
Knapp, Toni, ed. The Six Bridges of Humphrey the Whale. Illustrated by
Craig McFarland Brown. Colorado Springs, Colorado: Rockrimmon Press/Seattle:
Travis Isle Publishers, 1989/Boulder, Colorado: Roberts Rinehart Publishers,
1993. Grades 4 and up. (Nonfiction)
Knowlton, Laurie Lazzaro. Jonah and the Whale. Frank Schaffer Publications, 1997. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Konsler, Runelle. Math Activities With a Porpoise. Scott Foresman & Co., 1980. (Elementary school mathematics)
Korb, Arthur. Popeye the Sailor Man: A Whale of a Tale. Illustrated by
George Peed. It's Fun to Read as Your Hear series. Newark, New Jersey: Peter Pan
Industries, 1975. (Fiction)
Korte, Steven. Free Willy: Cry of the Dolphin. New York: Scholastic,
1995. (Fiction)
Kostka, Manfred, and Frank Kliemt. Whales and Dolphins. Start Me Up series, Vol. 5. Quadrillion Media, 1998. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Kovacs, Deborah. All about Dolphins. The Sea World All about Library.
Seattle, Washington: Third Story Books, 1994. Grades 1-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. All about Whales. The Sea World All about Library. Seattle, Washington: Third Story Books, 1994. Grades 1-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whales: Activities Based on Research from the Center for
Coastal Studies. New York: Scholastic, 1992.
Krantz, Hazel. For Love of Jeremy. New York: Dutton Children's Books,
1990. Grades 5-9. (Fiction)
Kraus, Scott D., and Ken Mallory. The Search for the Right Whale. New
York: Crown Publishers, 1993. Grades 2-6. (Nonfiction)
Kroll, Virginia L. I Saw a Whale!. Portsmouth, New Hampshire: Seacoast
Publications of New England, 1994. Grades 1-4. (Fiction)
Krulik, Nancy E. Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home. New York: Scholastic
Inc., 1995. Ages 5-7. (Fiction ) (See also Foley, Mark; Horowitz, Jordan; and
Strasser, Todd)
Kurth, Linda Moore. Keiko's Story: A Killer Whale Goes Home. Twenty First Century Books, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
"Sandwiched between the story of Keiko's journeys is a myriad of fascinating detail about orcas and the logistics involved in ecological enterprises of this magnitude. Included are photographs, diagrams, and statistics describing Keiko and his homes in Mexico, Oregon, and Iceland."
Contains a glossary, suggested reading, videos, and Web sites.
Labrack, Joy. Whale Baby. Bathtime Books and Cuddle Cloth Books series. Illustrated by Dana Regan. New York: Random House, 2000. Ages Baby-Preschool. (Fiction)
Lack, Eddie. The Crazy Dolphin Game. New York: Penguin Putnam Books for Young Readers, 1996. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
LaGrange, Lynn M. Winnie, the Humpback Whale and Her Second Tale.
Illustrated by Kelly K. Wilcox. Littleton, Colorado: Fables, Inc., 1990. Grades
preschool-3. (Fiction)
Landon, Lucinda. Meg Mackintosh and the Case of the Curious Whale Watch. A Solve-It-Yourself Mystery. Meg Mackintosh Mysteries Series, Vol. 2. Boston: Toy Street Books, 1987/North Scituate, Rhode Island: Secret Passage Press, 1996.
Lanzano, [first name unknown]. Whales Can Sing. MacMillan Publishing,
1979. (Fiction)
Larsen, Carolyn. Jonah and the Whale. Illustrated by Carole Boerke.
Wee Sing Bible Songs and Stories series. Price Stern Sloan Audio, 1998.
Includes cassette. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Lasky, Kathryn. Shadows in the Water. A Starbuck Family Adventure.
San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1992. (Young adult fiction)
"In this second Starbuck Family Adventure, the Starbuck twins encounter the
fascinating creatures of the tropics, from dolphins and sea turtles to
crocodiles, as they set out to solve an ecological mystery that could spell
disaster for the Florida Keys."
Lauber, Patricia. Great Whales: The Gentle Giants. New York: Henry Holt
and Co., 1991. Grades 2-4. (Nonfiction)
___________. The Friendly Dolphins. New York: Random House Books for
Young Readers/Scholastic, 1963. (Nonfiction)
Lay, Artie K., and Gayle S. Runnels. Amigo, the Friendly Gray Whale. A
Blubber Buddy Adventure Series. McAllen, Texas: Blubber Buddies, Inc., 1991.
Grades 2-6. (Fiction)
Leboas, Renee, and Jerome Julienne. The Dolphin, Prince of the Waves.
Photography by Francois Gohier. Animal Close-Ups Series. Watertown, Massachusetts: Charlesbridge Publishing, 1997. (Nonfiction)
___________. Orca: Admiral of the Sea. Animal Close-Ups series. Charlesbridge Publishing, 2001. (Nonfiction)
Lee, Justin. How to Draw Whales. Kid's Guide to Drawing series. Powerkids Press, 2002.
Leeson, Cole. El Ballena/the Whale. Animales Marinos Salvajes/Wild Marine Animals series. [Publisher unknown], 2002. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
___________. El Delfin/the Dolphin. Animales Marinos Salvajes/Wild Marine Animals series. [Publisher unknown], 2002.
Leeuw, Adèle de. Horseshoe Harry and the Whale. Illustrated by Quentin Blake. London: Dobson, 1979. (Fiction)
Le Guin, Ursula. Solomon Leviathan's Nine Hundred and Thirty-First Trip Around the World. Illustrated by Alicia Austin. New York: Philomel Books, 1983.
"The two philosophers recite Runes and Odes, and the whale tells tales
from History, such as the story of King Louis the Fourteenth, whom he once saw
walking on a French beach with a crown and red high-heeled shoes on . . . The
three friends have already been around the world; they have not caught up
with the horizon yet, but they are having such a good time trying that they
intend to go right on."
L'Engle, Madeleine. A Ring of Endless Light. New York: Dell, 1980.
(Young adult fiction)
Once again, Madeleine L'Engle has written a story that reveals through vividly
portrayed characters and events the spiritual and moral dimensions of common
human experiences.
Trisha: Gayle Julien's second favorite, her first being Steve Senn's A
Circle in the Sea. I found A Ring of Endless Light well written,
interesting, and educational in the sense that it helps the young reader
to confront difficult life/values issues.
___________. Arm of the Starfish. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux,
Leon, Vicki. A Pod of Killer Whales: The Mysterious and Beautiful Life of
the Orca. Parsippany, New Jersey: Silver Burdett Press, 1994/EZ Nature Books, 2000. Grades 5 and up. (Nonfiction)
Leonard, Rhoda, and William S. Briscoe. Skipper the Dolphin. Illustrated by Joseph Capozio. Wildlife Adventure series. San Francisco: Field Educational Publications, 1964/Sacramento, California: California State Department of Education, 1969. (Fiction)
Includes "Choose the right sentence ending" exercises for each
chapter and uses a vocabulary of 390 different words, which are listed at the
end of the book.
LeSieg, Theo. I Wish That I Had Duck Feet. Illustrated by B. Tobey.
New York: Beginner Books, 1965. (Fiction)
Lesser, Stephanie. Interactive Animal Kit: Dolphins. New York: Scholastic, 1997.
Lever, E. Melanie, Steve Parish, Kate Lovett, and Pat Slater. Dolphins. Animals Are Fun series. Gareth Stevens, 2000. (Fiction)
Levin, Nancy E. Free Willy: Talking to Animals. New York:
Scholastic, 1995. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Levitt, Harry. Goodness Gracious: The Story of a Very Unusual Whale, or a
Whale of a Story. Guilderland, New York: Ranger Associates, 1980. Grades
K and up. (Fiction)
Levy, Constance. When Whales Exhale: And Other Poems. Illustrated by
Judy Labrasca. New York: Margaret McElderry, 1996. Ages 4-8. (Poetry)
Lewis, Catherine, and Lionel Goldstein. The Weather Cooks and Wally the
Whale. Illustrated by Jenny Tulip. London: Catherine Lewis Foundation, 1994.
Lewis, Gary A.Shamu's Best Friend: A Book about Self-Esteem. A Shamu
and His Crew Adventure. Third Story Books, 1994. (Fiction)
Lewis, Sharon. Orca! The Killer Whale. Illustrated by Linda Roberts.
San Diego: Wildcap Books/New York: HarperCollins Children's Books, 1990. Grades
preschool-4. (Fiction)
Lindvall, Ella K. Jonah and the Whale. Moody Press, 1996. Ages 4-8.
___________. Jonah and the Whale Book with Toy. Moody Press, 1996.
Ages baby-preschool.
Lines, Kathleen, ed. Stories for Girls. London: Faber & Faber, 1957.
Lingemann, Linda. Beluga Passage. Illustrated by Jon Weiman. Smithsonian
Oceanic Collection. Soundprints Corp. Audio, 1996. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Book, tape, and small stuffed beluga whale.
Lipman, Matthew. Kio & Gus. Montclair, New Jersey: First Mountain
Foundation for the Institute for the Advancement of Philosophy for Children,
Montclair State College, 1986.
Livingston, Myra Cohn, ed. If You Ever Meet a Whale. Illustrated by
Leonard Everett Fisher. New York: Holiday House, 1992. (Poetry)
Llamas, Andreu. Dolphins: Animals With Sonar. Illustrated by Gabriel
Casadevall and Ali Garousi. Secrets of the Animal World Series. Milwaukee,
Wisconsin: Gareth Stevens, 1996. (Nonfiction)
Lloyd, Emily. Catch of the Day: The Case of the Helpless Humpbacks.
Kinetic City Super Crew Series, No. 4. McGraw-Hill, 1997. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
Lobato, Arcadio. Sora o tonda kujira. Tokyo: Kodansha, 1994. In
___________. The Greatest Treasure (Groste Schatz). Saxonville,
Massachusetts: Picture Book Studio, 1987, 1989.
Loesch, Joe. A Whale of a Tale about a Guy Named Jonah. Book and CD.
Toy Box Productions, 1995. (Fiction)
London, Jonathan. Baby Whale's Journey . Illustrated by Jon Van Zyle. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1999. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Selected as one of the National Science Teachers Association/Children's Book Council Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children 2000
Lowe, Paula C., and Richard F. Ferraro. Dolphin KidKit: Discovery Edition: Set.
Seattle, Washington: BigEye, 1994. Includes tape and book. Grades 2-7. (Nonfiction)
Lucas, Christopher. Tiki and Dolphin: The Adventures of a Boy in Tahiti.
New York: Vanguard Press, 1974. Grades 4-6. (Fiction)
The son of a poor fisherman, Tiki lives with nature and loves the island's craggy
peaks, its rich green hils, its plunging ravines hung with cascades, its turquoise
But more than these, Tiki loves Toa, the baby dolphin he has found trapped in a
pool on the beach, separated from his family by the surging tides. Together, the
boy and the dolphin become almost as one, playing recklessly in the deep deep
blue of the ocean, communicating with each other, and, finally, in the turmoil
of colonial intrigue, endangering their very lives for each other in order to
outwit the authorities.
But Tiki has another friend: a strange white man who squeezes bright colors of
paint onto sackcloth. He teaches Tiki to look at the world with his own eyes,
to be unafraid of seeing something he does not know, to understand that a pony
can sometimes be red, sometimes blue, that tree trunks can be purple instead of
gray or brown. And it is only to this strange, intense man that Tiki can speak
his heart. The painter's name is Paul Gaugin.
In the terrible chaos of the hunt for the dolphin by authorities, Tiki and Toa
manage to escape. Gaugin's fate is otherwise--he must leave the island. But the
wonderment Tiki has learned from him remains. Tiki will also see with his own
eyes; he will always abide by the painter's advice: "Keep your feet on the
ground and your head in the clouds." Even when he must free Toa, even when
he feels the sharp pangs of loneliness for his missing friend, Tiki remembers,
and the understanding he carries within himself brings him new joys as he becomes
a man.
Luke, Melinda. Casey and the Dolphins: A Snork Adventure. New York:
Random House, 1984. Grades preschool-3. (Fiction)
Macdonald, David. All the World's Animals: Sea Mammals. Torstar Books, 1984. (Nonfiction)
Mackay, Margaret Mackprang. ___________. Die dolfynseun 'n Verhaal van
Hawaii (Dolphin Boy: A Story of Hawaii). Translated into Afrikaanse by
Anna C. Human. Kaapstad & Pretoria: Human & Rousseau, 1964. (Fiction)
___________. Dolphin Boy: A Story of Hawaii. Illustrated
by Peggy Fortnum. London: George G. Harrap & Co., 1963. (Fiction)
MacLean, Nadine Thomas. It's a Whale of a Tale. Dorrance Publishing, 1999. (Fiction)
MacMahon, Bryan. Mascot Patsy-O; Patsy-O and the Dolphin; The President and
Patsy-O. Swords, County Dublin: Poolbeg, 1992. (Fiction)
Maddocks, Peter. Jimbo and the Whale. Illustrated by Peter Maddocks.
London: Purnell, 1986. (Fiction)
___________. The Sneezing Whale. London: Hodder & Stoughton, 1983.
Maden, Mary. A Dolphin Adventure: Touched by a Dolphin. Illustrated by Stephanie K. Geib. Dog & Pony Publishing. Grades 1-7. (Nonfiction)
Madison, Arnold. The Secred of the Carved Whale Bone. Van Rees Press, 1969. (Fiction)
Making Friends with Killer Whales, and Other Stories of Life in the Water.
Zaner-Bloser. (Nonfiction)
Mallory, Kenneth, and Andrea Conley. Rescue of the Stranded Whales. New
York: Simon & Schuster Books for Young Readers in association with the New England
Aquarium, 1989/Morristown: Silver Burdett Press, 1991. Grades 3 and up. (Fiction)
Malone, Margaret G. Dolly the Dolphin. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey:
Julian Messner, 1978. Grades 4 and up. (Fiction)
Malone, Peter. Star Shapes. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 1997.
Trisha: This is indeed an exquisite work, with embossed stars overlaying
a full-page painting of each of the twelve animals whose constellation is
described. I've included it here because the constellations Cetus (the whale)
and Delphinus (the dolphin) are among the twelve.
Malone, Tyrone. Little Irvy: A Tale of a Whale. Adventures of Tyrone
Malone series. Danbury, Connecticut: Children's Press, 1981. Grades 4 and up. (Fiction)
Mammals: Whales, Panthers, Rats, and Bats: The Characteristics of Mammals
from Around the World. Voyages of Discovery Series. Scholastic Trade, 1997.
Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Man-Kong, Mary. Theodore and the Whale. Illustrated by Bernat Serrat. Pictureback Series. New York: Random House Books for Young Readers, 1999. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Mannion, Sean. Ireland's Friendly Dolphin. Dingle (Co. Kerry, Eire):
Brandon Book Publishers/Minneapolis, Minnesota: Irish Books and Media, Inc.,
1991. Grades 7-11. (Fiction)
Marko, Katherine D. Whales: Giants of the Sea. Illustrated by Bettye
Beach. Nashville, Tennessee: Abindgon Press, 1980. Grades K-3. (Nonfiction)
Markova, Meg. Who Will Rescue Del the Dolphin?. Illustrated by Tracey
Boyd. London: Little Brown, 1994. (Fiction)
Martin, Ann. Free Willy: The Shark Master. Scholastic Trade, 1995.
Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Martin, Ken. Giants of the Sea. Gallery Books; The Image Bank, 1988.
Martin, Kevin. Daniel and the Ivory Princess. Pompano Beach, Florida:
Distinctive Publishing, 1994. (Fiction)
Martin, Louise. Ballenas. Fauna Silvestro en Peligro Series. Vero Beach,
Florida: Rourke Corporation, 1998? In Spanish. Grades K-5. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whales. Wildlife in Danger Series. Vero Beach, Florida:
Rourke Enterprises, 1988. Grades K-5. (Nonfiction)
Martin, Russell. Flipper: The Movie Storybook. Based on the (1990s) motion
picture screenplay written by Alan Shapiro. Los Angeles: Price Stern Sloan, 1996/New York:
Scholastic (for school market only), 1996. Grades preschool and up. (Fiction)
"Just when he's sure his summer is ruined, Sandy meets Kim, Marvin, and
a dolphin named Flipper. Together, the new friends uncover an environmental
hazard in the farthest depths of the ocean.
"Can Sandy help save Flipper and keep the ocean clean? Find out in this
deluxe storybook packed with full-color photos from the movie."
Mason, Donald B. The Dolphin's Dream: Healing Tales and Stories for Young People. Prairie Schooner Publishing, 1997. (Fiction)
Masters, Anthony. Sad Song of the Whale. Scholastic, 1990. (Fiction)
Mateja, Wendy. Alana and the Dolphins. San Anselmo, California: Magic
Unicorn Publications, 1978.
Matero, Robert. The Birth of a Humpback Whale. Illustrated by Pamela
Johnson. New York: Simon & Schuster Children's, 1996. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
From Booklist, April 1, 1996: "The beauty and majesty of humpback
whales and the story of their migration begins with the birth of a calf in this
chronicle that stretches from Hawai'i to the Arctic. A pleasant narrative form
and soothing pencil illustrations ease the reader through the slender but
fact-filled book. A glossary and appended resource lists provide valuable
information and enhance this heartfelt introduction to one of nature's most
intriguing creatures." Copyright 1996, American Library Assocation.
All rights reserved.
Trisha: Beautifully illustrated work.
Max, David. Fun and Facts All about Flipper. Los Angeles: Price Stern
Sloan, 1996. Grades K and up. (Nonfiction)
McAllister, Angela. When the Ark Was Full. Illustrated by Michaela
Bloomfield. New York: E. P. Dutton, 1990.
McBarnet, Gill. A Whale's Tale. Puunene, Hawaii: Ruwanga Trading, 1988.
Grades K-2. (Fiction)
___________. The Wonderful Journey. Puunene, Hawaii: Ruwanga Trading,
1986. (Fiction)
___________. The Whale Who Wanted to Be Small. Puunene, Hawaii:
Ruwanga Trading, 1985. Grades K-2. (Fiction)
Each of Kanani's friends then makes suggestions based on their own ways of
hiding. The octopus suggests hiding behind ink, the spotted eel hiding in
a rocky cave, the anemones covering herself with flowers and swaying like
a hula dancer as they do, the hermit crab hiding in a shell, and the sea
turtle lying on the bottom like a rock. But none of these things works at all
because of Kanani's size, and she begings to cry.
Just then, Kapunekane, the great big grandfather whale, swims up to
her and asks "in his deep gentle voice" why she is crying. When
Kanani tells him that she wants to be small so that the whale hunters will
not catch her, Kapunekane tells her that humans stopped hunting whales in
these waters long ago and now only want to watch them swimming in and
leaping from the ocean. Grandfather whale then shows Kanani how to leap,
and all the people on a nearby whale-watching boat cheer for her.
In the end, Kanani wants to be "the biggest whale in the whole wide
The book concludes with a delightfully illustrated page of basic facts
about the size of adult and baby humpbacks and also tells when you can see
them in Hawaiian waters.
McCloskey, Robert. Burt Dow: Deep-Water Man. New York: Viking Children's
Books, 1963. Grades 4-6. (Fiction).
McClung, Robert M. Thor, Last of the Sperm Whales. Illustrated by
Bob Hines. New York: Morrow, 1971/North Haven, Connecticut: Shoe String Press, 1988/
Linnet Books, 1988. Grades 3-7. (Fiction)
McCoy, J. J. The Plight of the Whales. Danbury, Connecticut: Franklin
Watts, 1989. Grades 7-12. (Nonfiction)
McCullagh, Sheila Kathleen. The Mystery of the Blue Whale. Illustrated
by Derek Collard. Buccaneers series. Leeds: E. J. Arnold, 1980, 1981. (Fiction)
McDonald, Mary Ann. Blue Whales. Chicago: The Child's World, Inc., ]
forthcoming 1998. (Nonfiction)
McFarlane, Sheryl. Waiting for the Whales. Illustrated by Ron Lightburn.
New York: Philomel books, 1993/Custer, Washington: Oregon Book Publishing, 1998.
Grades preschool-3. (Fiction)
McGovern, Ann. Little Whale. Illustrated by John Hamberger. New York:
Four Winds Press, 1979/London: Scholastic Book Services, 1985. Grades K-3.
McGowen, Tom. Album of Whales. Illustrated by Rod Ruth. New York: Rand
McNally & Company/Checkerboard Press, 1980. Grades 4-7. (Nonfiction)
McHargue, Georgess. The Mermaid and the Whale. Illustrated by Robert
Andrew Parker. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1973.
"Not one to accept defeat lightly, the Mermaid enlisted the aid of Ichabod
Paddock, the greatest whalemaster of the time. Now she was sure Long John would
be hers. However, Long John had also been in New England waters for some time, and
the struggle of wit and will which took place between him and his ardent admirer
was a credit to all Yankees' love of independence."
Trisha: I've included this title because the whale ultimately prevails, but
otherwise it is a story of a petulant mermaid who attempts to use all the
tradtional feminine wiles to get what she wants, and when that fails she resorts
to such things as deceit, blackmail, and attempted kidnap. Although she gets
her comeuppance in the end, she is clearly not a good role model! (This book
also perpetuates the myth that whales spout water.)
This mermaid lends credence to Mary Pope Osborne's observation in the introduction to
her book Mermaid Tales from Around the World: "When I first began
searching for tales about water maids, I expected to find the typical legendary
heroine--beautiful, kind, and in need of rescue. What I found instead startled
me: a fiercely strong female character. Universally. Regardless of which country
she came from, the water maid was a force to be reckoned with. Self-assured,
independent and self-contained, she determined her own fate and could wreak
havoc as well as bliss."
The moral of the story: Beware of fierce strength and self-assertion
unaccompanied by a sense of connectedness and compassion.
McHugh, Patricia. Scholastic Reading Guide to Island of the Blue Dolphin by Scott O'Dell. Scholastic, 2003. (Nonfiction)
McKay, Hilary. Dolphin Luck. Illustrated by Alex Ayliffe. Aladdin Paperbacks, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
Trisha: One young reader who posted a review at found the story's structure confusing and thus difficult to read.
McKenna, Virginia. Back to the Blue. Illustrated by Ian P. Andrews.
Born Free Wildlife series. Brookfield, Connecticut: Millbrook Press, 1998.
Available from Born
Free Foundation, Coldharbour, Dorking, Surrey RH5 6HA, England,
voice: 01306 713320. Ages 8-11. (Fiction)
From a review by Patricia Manning, School Library Journal: "Inspired by actual programs under the aegis of the Born Free Foundation (an animal welfare/conservation charity cofounded by Travers and McKenna), [the volumes in this series] present fictionalized accounts of real animal rescue/relocation. Each one also includes a 'journal' of the actual incident described, garnished with full-color photos that allow readers to see the program at work, and closes with a page or two of facts on the species covered, ranging from physical characteristics to lifestyles. Back to the Blue follows the rehabilitation and release into the wild of three dolphins whose combined performance time in marine exhibits in Great Britain exceeded 50 years. The rather heavily anthropomorphized text and the soft-edged, marine-blue illustrations will certainly raise the consciousness of readers, and the notation that the project is over (having managed to release all captive dolphins in the United Kingdom) may inspire children to consider the plight of captive marine mammals in their own areas . . ."
McMillan, Bruce. Going on a Whale Watch. New York: Scholastic, 1992.
Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
McNeil, [first name unknown]. Do Whales Jump at Night?. Douglas & McIntyre
Ltd., 1991. Ages 4-8.
McNulty, Faith. How Whales Walked into the Sea. Illustrated by Ted Rand. New York: Scholastic, 1999. (Nonfiction)
Trisha: Terrific illustrations. Basic information succinctly presented.
___________. Listening to Whales Sing. Illustrated by Lena Shiffman.
Hello Reader! Series - Level 4. New York: Scholastic, 1996. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
___________. Playing with Dolphins. Illustrated by Lena Schiffman. (Fiction)
___________. Whales: Their Life in the Sea. New York: Harper & Row,
1975. Grades 5 and up. (Nonfiction)
___________. How Whales Walked into the Sea. New York: Scholastic.
McVeity, Jen. On Different Shores. New York: Orchard Books, 1998.
Grades 5 and up. (Fiction)
Meddaugh, Susan. Maude and Claude Go Abroad. New York: Houghton
Mifflin, 1980. (Fiction)
Mell, Jan. The Atlantic Gray Whale (Gone Forever). New York: Crestwood
House/Parsippany: Silver Burdett Press, 1989. Grades 5-6. (Nonfiction)
Melville, Herman. Moby Dick. Short Classics Learning Files Series.
Chatham: Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 1988, 1993. Grades 4-7. (Fiction)
___________. Moby Dick. Donna Carlson, ed. Chicago, Illinois:
Kidsbooks, 1992. (Fiction)
___________. Moby Dick. Adapted by Patricia Daniels. Chatham: Raintree
Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 1982. Grades 4 and up. (Fiction)
___________. Moby Dick. Adapted by Allan Drummond. New York: Farrar,
Straus & Giroux, 1997. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
___________. Moby Dick. Adapted by Elaine Kirn. Englewood Cliffs,
New Jersey: Prentice Hall, ESL Department, 1987. Grades 7 and up. (Fiction)
___________. Moby Dick. Introduction by Lauriat Lane. New York: Airmont
Publishing Co., 1964. Grades 11 and up. (Fiction)
___________. Moby Dick. Edited by Irwin Shapiro. Illustrated by Alex
Nino. West Haven, Connecticut: Pendulum Press, 1973.
___________. Moby Dick. Adapted by Bernice Selden. Illustrated by
Gary Gianni. Mahwah, New Jersey: Troll Associates, 1988. Grades 3-6. (Fiction)
___________. Moby Dick. Adapted by Bill Sienkiewicz and Dan Chichester.
Norwalk, Connecticut: Classics International Entertainment, n.d. (Fiction)
___________. Moby Dick. Adapted by Malvina Vogel. New York: Playmore, 1990.
Grades 3-6. (Fiction)
___________. Moby Dick. Illustrated by Alex Nino. Illustrated Classics
Book Series. Carson, California: Educational Insights, 1998. Grades 3 and up.
___________. Moby Dick. Illustrated Classics Series, No. II. Ashland,
Ohio: Landoll, n.d. Grades preschool-6. (Fiction)
___________. Moby Dick. Chicago, Illinois: Kidsbooks, n.d. (Fiction)
Metaxas, Eric. The Boy and the Whale: A Christmas Fairy Tale. Illustrated
by Paul Lopez. Seattle, Washington: Third Story Books, 1994. (Fiction)
Metral, Yvette. The Dolphin. Animal World Series, vol. 3. Vero Beach,
Florida: Rourke Enterprises, 1983. (Nonfiction)
Meuller, Tobin James. To Save the Planet. A 55-minute musical play.
Grades 4-9.
EARTH's founder, Dori Wolfe, says that the idea for her theater group, founded
in August 1997, is an extension of her lifestyle. "How can we live with
modern conveniences today and still be gentle with the earth?" she asked.
To Save the Planet is a "55-minute educational and inspiring
musical for grades four through nine. It's designed to heighten students' awareness
of ecology issues as well as educate them as to what can be done to contribute
to the healing of our environment.
"The children take center stage in this production. A young girl, daughter
of a scientist, witnesses how the adutls have trashed the world, polluted the
water, caused holes in the ozone, and made the rainforest frogs disappear.
Disgusted at how the older generation has depleted the environment and severely
threatened the living ecosystems of earth, she hitches a ride on the last whale
she finds at sea, leading all the world's children to a pristine island. The
girl's father goes on a rescue mission for her and her companions. After a
joyful reunion, he convinces the children that they have to clean up the
earth wherever they are, rather than just making another mess in a new place.
"'The cast is trained to break into small groups and talk (to audience
members) about photovoltaics, biodegradability, and the four R's--recycling,
reusing, reducing, and restoring. They work with a wind turbin display to
explain alternative uses of electricity,' said Wolfe. In this way, the audience
becomes like the children of the play, gaining information and learning how to
take action to restore damaged environments."
Micro Squad. Whales and Dolphins. (Book and 48K disk & cassette.)
Ages baby to preschool. Troll Associates Software, 1984.
Mikaelsen, Ben. Stranded. New York: Hyperion Books for Children, 1995.
Ages 9-13. (Fiction/physically handicapped)
Reviewed by Chris Sherman in Booklist: "Mikaelsen's latest has many of the same elements that made Sparrow Hawk Red (1993) so successful: strong, well-developed characters, an intriguing plot in which an engaging main character is repeatedly placed in danger, and an exotic setting so clearly described that readers will feel they have been there to visit. When 12-year-old Koby saves the lives of two injured pilot whales near her home in the Florida Keys, she doesn't imagine that her own life will change as a result. Koby's parents have separated, and the ugly artificial foot she wears seems to have ensured her isolation: she feels as stranded and wounded as the whales. Yet as part of a team that is nursing the whales, Koby gains a new sense of self-worth and learns that breaking down self-imposed obstacles to friendship and truly exposing herself may be as risky, and as satisfying, as rescuing the great beasts. Then, in a desperate attempt to save her father's boats from a hurricane, Koby and her parents not only must confront the raging storm, but also the emotional barriers that threaten to destroy the family. Mikaelsen's dramatic conclusion is full of hope as Koby, surrounded by new friends and her reconciling parents, helps release the healthy whales."
Miller, Geoff. Orcas. Nature's Children series. Grolier Educational Corp., 1999. (Nonfiction)
Miller, Susanne Santoro. Whales and Sharks and Other Creatures of the Deep.
Illustrated by Lisa Bonforte. New York: Simon and Schuster, Inc., 1982/Julian Messner,
1983. (Nonfiction)
Miller-Schroeder, Patricia. Blue Whales. The Untamed World Series.
Austin, Texas: Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 1997/Minneapolis, Minnesota:
Abdo and Daughters, 1998. Young Adult. (Nonfiction)
Milton, Joyce. Whales: The Gentle Giants. Illustrated by Alton
Langford. Step into Reading, A Step 2 Book. New York: Random House, 1989.
Grades 1-3. (Nonfiction)
Trisha: Very nicely illustrated, mostly accurate factually. The sections on
captivity and whaling leave something to be desired.
___________. Whales and Other Creatures of the Sea. New York: Random House, 1993. (Nonfiction)
Mitral, Yvette. The Dolphin. Rourke Enterprises, 1983.
Mizumura, Kazue. The Blue Whale. Illustrated by Kazue Mizumura.
Let's-Read-and-Find-Out Science Books. New York: HarperCollins Children's Books,
1971/London: A. and C. Black, 1972. Grades K-3. (Nonfiction)
Moffett, Martha, and Robert Moffett. Dolphins. First Books. Danbury,
Connecticut: Franklin Watts Inc., 1971. Grades 4-6. (Nonfiction)
Moffett, Robert Knight. The Whale in Fact and Fiction. New York: H.
Quist, 1967.
Montgomery, Rutherford George. Dolphins as They Are. New York: Duell,
Sloan and Pearce, 1966. (Nonfiction)
Montgomery, Sy. Encantado: Pink Dolphin of the Amazon. New York: Houghton Mifflin,
2002. Grades 3-7. (Nonfiction)
Moon, Cliff. Whales and Dolphins in the Wild. Hove: Wayland, 1984.
Moore, Eva. The Wild Whale Watch. Illustrated by John Spiers. The Magic School Bus -- A Science Chapter Book series, no. 3. Scholastic, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Moore, Jo E., and Joy Evans. Whales. Monterey, California: Evan Moor
Educational Publishers, 1990. Grades 3-6. (Nonfiction)
Moray, Jeremy. Timmy and the Whales. Illustrated by Dee Gale. Timmy the Tug Series. Harbour Publishing, 1989, 1997. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Morpugo, Michael. Why the Whales Came. New York: Scholastic, Inc.,
1985, 1990. Grades 5-7. (Fiction) (See also the audio version of the same name
in the
Gayle: This one deals with legend and superstition about whales in WWI England.
Literarily excellent; whale information thin, but about narwhals, and not 100
percent accurate (but close); evokes lots of feelings in a variety of areas.
Definitely not my favorite, but I'm not really sure why.
Morris, Robert A. Dolphin. Illustrations by Mamoru Funai. An I Can
Read Book. New York: HarperTrophy/HarperCollins, 1975/Burr Ridge: Irwin
Professional Publishing, 1983. Grades 1-5. (Nonfiction)
Morris, Tony. Jonah and the Whale. Now You Can Read Bible Stories.
Newmarket: Brimax Books, 1994. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
___________. Jona a'r Morfil (Jonah and the Whale). Llandysul: Gomer,
1992. In Welsh.
Morton, Alexandra. Siwiti--A Whale's Story. Photography by Robin and
Alexandra Morton. BC Book Prize Winner. Victoria, BC, Canada/Point Roberts,
Washington: Orca Book Publishers Ltd., 1991. Ages 6 and up. (Fiction)
Siwiti explores the inlets and channels of the Pacific Northwest. Chasing
salmon, playing with harbour seals and Dall porpoises, escaping from aggressive
sea lions, Siwiti learns the do's and don't's of undersea life. As curious as any
child, she also watches the humans who seem so intent on observing her and her
From a review by Susan Short: "Alexandra Morton has done a wonderful job
conveying the strong sense of family that all whales have. Because whales do not
live in a den or a cave, their families are their main security, and these family
ties are lifelong. The close ties many humans feel with whales are linked, I believe,
to this fact: Family ties are important to both of us. Siwiti's story is greatly
enhanced by the beautiful photographs by Alexandra nad Robin Morton, her late
_________. In the Company of Whales: From the Diary of a Whale Watcher.
Victoria, BC, Canada/Point Roberts, Washington: Orca Book Publishers Ltd., 1993, 1999. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Through diary entries, field notes, and photographs, this book explores the
author's fourteen years of studying orcas in the wild. As a fascinating
introduction to the life of a scientist working in the field, this book will
entertain and inspire all readers.
From a review by Susan Short:"In the Company of Whales is presented
in the form of a diary, which chronicles a year in the life of six resident pods
(family units) and a loose group of transients. This distinction between residents
and transients is important because not only do the two groups eat different
foods but they occupy the region at different times of the year. The diary format
gives us the opportunity to see these changes occur. Morton also includes numerous
sidebars which discuss in detail such elements of orca behavior as echolocation,
whale dialects, whale interactions with other animals, and how scientists tell
killer whales apart. The photography is stunning--and touching. It's one thing
to read that killer whales stay in their mother's pod their whole life, that
family ties are the most important constant in their lives[, but] to see this
closeness in the photos is simply amazing.
"This is a book for all ages. Even young children will enjoy the photos of
killer whales, while other children of any age, and that includes you parents,
will marvel at the excitement of learning about another species that Alexandra
Morton brings across in this book. Morton hopes this book will inspire children
to learn about their world. I don't see how it can fail to do so."
Moses, Antoinette. Dolphin Music. Level 5. Cambridge University Press, 1999. Also available as a 2-cassette boxed set in the Cambridge English Readers Series (Level 5), read by Patricia Tomlinson. 3 hours, 4 minutes. (Fiction)
Mulkerns, Val. Very Like a Whale. London: Murray, 1986. (Fiction)
Mullin, Penn. High-Five Series: Whale Summer. Novato, California:
High Noon Books, 1991. (In a set with Spirits of the Canyon and
Trail to Danger.)
Mulville, Frank. Dear Dolphin: Iskra's Atlantic Adventures.
Munitich, Brenda. Tuff Guy. De Jager-HAUM. (Fiction)
Murphy, Catherine Frey. Songs in the Silence. New York: Simon & Schuster
Children's/Canada: Maxwell Macmillan Canada, 1994. Grades 3-7. (Fiction)
From Kirkus Reviews,, May 1, 1994: "Her little brother Josh has
been burned in an accident, and Hallie is deeply troubled. She misses her
parents, mostly at the hospital with Josh; she feels excluded (she's not quite
12, so can't join them) and suffers guilt because, frozen with horror, she watched
while others rushed to Josh's aid. She's sure that if she can be with Josh it
will help him--a sound hope since the two, who live on a small Maine island, are
unusually close. Grieving, Hallie goes out in a neighbor's dinghy (she is
implausibly inept at rowing), nearly drowns, but is saved by a whale, Melae,
whose singing she somehow understands. Melae too is trying to save one of her
kind, the ailing Globo, an effort hampered by curious people flocking to the
scene and by well-meaning experts and Coast Guard personnel who try to
separate the whales in the mistaken belief that Globo will surely ground
himself but that Melae, on her own, will be safe. Though the fantasy is a bit
contrived, Melae (a sort of consoling, otherworldly godmother) is intriguing
and the parallels nicely reinforce the theme; Hallie's ultimate success in
helping Globo find his way back to Melae and in getting together with Josh
make a satisfying conclusion. A strong sense of place, deftly drawn characters,
and an undercurrent of tenderness to humans and cetacean[s] add up to a fine
second novel by the author of Alice Dodd and the Spirit of Truth."
Copyright (C) 1994, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
Murphy, Elspeth C. The Mystery of the Dolphin Detective. Illustrated by
Joe Nordstrom. Three Cousins Detective Club Series, Vol. 8. Minneapolis,
Minnesota: Bethany House Publishers, 1995. Ages 7-10. (Fiction)
"Theme: Gentleness"
___________. The Mystery of the Silver Dolphin. Ten Commandments Mysteries.
Murphy, Jim. Gone A-Whaling: The Lure of the Sea and the Hunt for the Great
Whale. Clarion Books, 1998. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Murray, Julie. Beluga Whales. Animal Kingdom series. Abdo & Daughters, 2002. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
___________. Humpback Whales. Animal Kingdom series. Abdo & Daughters, 2002. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
___________. Spotted Dolphins. Animal Kingdom series. Abdo & Daughters, 2002. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Myers, Arthur, and Jean Zallinger. Sea Creatures Do Amazing Things.
Step-Up Books Series. New York: Random House, 1981. (Nonfiction)
My First Photo Book with Dory Dolphin. Camera Books series. Penton Overseas, 2000. Ages 4-8.
Nakatani, Chiyoko. Fumio and the Dolphin: A Picture Story from Japan.
Illustrated by Chiyoko Nakatani. New York: The World Publishing Co.
Narvaez, Cynthia de. My Dear Dolphin. Photographs by Jerry Greenberg.
New York: American Heritage Press, 1969. (Nonfiction)
National Geographic Society. Amazing Animals of the Sea: Marine Mammals. Books for World Explorers series. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1981. (Nonfiction)
Naughton, Bill. My Pal Spadger. Illustrated by Charles Mozley. London:
Dent, 1978. (Fiction)
Nayer, Judy. Whales and Dolphins at Your Fingertips. Illustrated by Greg Harris. At Your Fingertips series. New York: McClanahan Book Co., 1998. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Nechodom, Kerry. The Rainbow Bridge: A Chumash Legend. Los Osos,
California: Sand River Press, 1992. (Fiction)
Neill, John R. Lucky Bucky in Oz. Illustrated by John R. Neill. Chicago: Reilly & Lee, 1942/New York: Books of Wonder, 1996. (Fiction)
Trisha: I've only skimmed through this one, but it looks like Lucky Bucky and Davy Jones have many rousing adventures on their journey to the Emerald City.
New England Aquarium Teacher Resource Center. Whale Kits. Joel Rubin,
Teacher Resource Center, New England Aquarium, Central Wharf Boston, Massachusetts
02110-3399, USA, (617) 973-6590.
Nickel, Scott. Freddie Fish: A Whale of a Tale. Humongous Entertainment, 2001. Baby - Preschool. (Fiction)
Nicklin, Flip, and Valerie Weber. The Wonder of Whales. Milwaukee,
Wisconsin: Gareth Stevens Inc., 1992. (Nonfiction)
Nielsen, Nancy J. Killer Whales: Orcas of the Pacific Ocean. Animals
and the Environment Series. Mankato, Minnesota: Capstone Press, 1994. Grades
3-4. (Nonfiction)
Nobisso, Josephine. Shh! The Whale is Smiling. Illustrated by Maureen
Hyde. New York: Green Tiger Press, 1992/Gingerbread House, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Reviewed in Horn Book, 1992: "An older sister helps her younger brother fall asleep by sharing with him a lullaby-like story about an encounter with a whale. The rhyme is coy and belabored, and the figures are clumsily composed." -- Copyright (c) 1992 The Horn Book, Inc. All rights reserved.
Nobody Listens to Me. New York: Scholastic Paperbacks, 1991.
Norris, Kenneth, as told to Jane Werner. The Happy Little Whale.
Illustrated by Tibor Gergely. A Little Golden Book. New York, 1960. (Fiction)
Norroy, pseud. A Tale of a Whale. Illustrated by Norroy. London:
Dean & Son, 1884.
O'Brien, Seumas. The Whale and the Grasshopper, and Other Fables.
Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1916/London: T. Fisher Unwin/Dublin: Talbot
Press, 1920. (Fiction)
Oakley, Mark. Whales and Dolphins. New York: Penguin USA, 1997/
Ladybird Books, 1997. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
O'Dell, Scott. Zia. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press, 1976.
(Young adult fiction)
___________. Island of the Blue Dolphins. Newberry Award winner. New
York: Dell Publishing/Yearling Books, 1968. (Young adult fiction) (See also
Lone Woman of Ghalas-Hat: The True Story of the Island of the Blue Dolphins,
by Rice D. Oliver in the
Cetacean Nonfiction Bibliography.)
Olsen, E. A. Adrift on a Raft. Illustrated by L. Le Blanc. Fayetteville:
Oddo Publishing, 1970. Grades 3 and up. (Fiction)
O'Mara, Michael. Bath Time with Whale. (A Waterproof Plastic Book). Trafalgar Square, 1999.
Oppel, Kenneth. Peg and the Whale. Illustrated by Terry Widener. New York: Simon & Schuster, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Oppenheim, Shulamith Levey. The Selchie's Seed. Illustrated by Diane Goode. San Diego, California/New York/London: Harcourt Brace & Co., 1996. Ages 10 and up.
"One storm-wracked night, a magnificent white whale comes to the harbor
by young Marian's house. The whale casts a spell on Marian stronger than that
of family, stronger than that of home, a spell whose power is rooted in a dark
family secret of which even Marian is unaware."
Trisha: If you liked the mysterious, foreboding quality of the jewel of a
film The Secret of Roan Innish, you will enjoy this story as well.
Oram, Hiawyn. Dolphin SOS! The Story of Nemo and Lemo. Illustrated by
Judith Lawton. London: Orchard, 1996. (Fiction)
Orr, Katherine. Discover Hawaii's Marine Mammals. Illustrated by Katherine
Orr. Aiea, Hawaii: Island Heritage, 1995.
___________. Story of a Dolphin. Illustrated by Katherine Orr.
Minneapolis, Minnesota: Carolrhoda Books, Inc., 1993. (Based on a true story.)
Orstadius, Brita. The Dolphin Journey (Delfinresan). Illustrated by
Lennart Didoff. Translated by Eric Bibb. Stockholm/New York: R & S Books, 1989.
(Distributed in the U.S.A. by Farrar, Straus and Giroux.)
Osborne, Mary Pope. Dolphins at Daybreak. Illustrated by Sal Murdocca.
First Stepping Stone Books. Magic Tree House Series. Random House Books for Young
Readers, 1997. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
O'Sullivan, Patrick V. A Girl and a Dolphin. Niwot, Colorado: Irish
American Book Co., 1997/Dublin: Wolfhound Press, 1994. Young adult. (Fiction)
Overbeck, Cynthia. Splash, the Dolphin. Translated by Dyan Hammarberg.
Minneapolis: Carolrhoda Books, 1976. (Originally in French). Grades K-4. (Fiction)
Owen, Oliver S. Calf to Dolphin. Lifewatch Series. Minneapolis,
Minnesota: Abdo and Daughters Publishing, 1994. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Owen-Lewis, Paul O. Storm Boy. Hillsboro, Oregon: Beyond Words Publishing, 1995/Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Gareth Stevens, 1998/Tricycle Publishing, 1999. Ages 5-10. (Fiction)
From Marilyn Courtot, Children's Literature: "Native Americans from the Northwest Coast provide the background and setting for this original heroic adventure story. A chief's son is lost and ends up under the waves, living with a strange people who appear to be killer whales when they go out in to the water. They share knowledge and help the boy return to his people. After he relates his adventures, he is granted the right to display a killer whale crest and his story becomes a legend among his people. Extensive notes about the culture and paintings that display clothing, totems, and other Native American artifacts make this book a useful one for social studies or multicultural programs."
From Publisher's Weekly: "Lewis . . . draws on folkloric and artistic traditions of the Pacific Northwest coastal tribes for this somewhat attentuated tale. Thrown from his canoe during a storm, a boy is 'washed ashore under a strange sky he had never seen before.' Inhabitants of the coastal village, who are very large and dressed in vivid garb, welcome him with a feast and a celebration. The chief recognizes the boy's homesickness and returns him to 'his very own village'--where he discovers that a year has passed in his absence. Though the totem-like motifs of Lewis's boldy colored and sharply defined artwork provide drama, several illustrations are repetitious. Also, despite a few clues (fish swimming in what appears to be the sky, killer whales displayed like trophies in one of the strangers' houses) the story's key element may perplex younger readers--these 'finely dressed people' are in fact whales in human form. A comprehensive--and sophisticated--author's note credits the mythological motifs encountered in the story (Separation, Initiation, and Return) to the writings of Joseph Campbell."
___________. Davy's Dream. Hillsboro, Oregon: Beyond Words
Publishing, 1988/Tricycle Press, 1999. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Packard, Edward. Secret of the Dolphins. Choose Your Own Adventure
Series, No. 134. Illustrated by Tom La Padula. New York: Bantam Books, 1993.
Grades 4-7. (Fiction)
"You are a summer intern at the renowned Dolphin Institute in Hawaii, hoping
to help find the fabled underwater city of the dolphins and make scientific
history. As you're nearing the spot where the treasure-filled city is believed
to lie, your group is approached by some boaters. When they press you for details
about what you're doing, your suspicions are aroused. How much should you reveal?
"If you decide to tell them the truth, turn to page 30. If you make up
another story, turn to page 70. Think carefully before you decide! If you trust
the boaters, they might do as you ask and leave the area. Or they could double-cross
you and claim the treasures of the dolphin city for themselves!
"What happens next in the story? It all depends on the choices you
make. How does the story end? Only you can find out! And the best part is
that you can keep reading and rereading until you've have not one but many
incredibly daring adventures!"
___________. Spy Trap. Choose Your Own Adventure, No. 6. New York:
Bantam Books, 1989. Grades 4-7. (Fiction)
___________. Your Code Name Is Jonah. Choose Your Own Adventure Series.
Grey Castle Press, 1988. Grades 4-7. (Fiction)
Packard, Mary. Jonah and the Whale. Illustrated by Nancy Pistone.
Golden Super Shape Books. Artist and Writers Guild Books, 1996. Ages 4-8.
Page, Deborah. Orcas Around Me: My Alaskan Summer. Illustrated by
Leslie W. Bowman. Albert Whitman & Co., 1996. (Nonfiction)
From Kirkus Reviews: "Page chronicles the real events of her family's
fishing life from the perspective of her oldest son, Taiga, making him the voice
of the first-person narration. Taiga and his brother, Ryland, spend a summer
assisting their parents on fishing boats in Alaska, where experience becomes
their best teacher. Taiga, by necessity, must help out, catching and cleaning
fish, but the entire day is filled with unique and valuable interactions with
the natural world. Taiga's father tells of the time he accidentally hooked a
porpoise and was unable to free the thrashing creature; the family dog began
to 'sing,' an act that somehow calmed the porpoise. Taiga is sleeping when the
fishing boat gets grounded on a rock, but wakes up in time for an encounter
with orcas--killer whales--that surround them. He is scared, but the whales
eventually pass by, and the family is unscathed. In this setting, nature is
neither cute nor predictable--an attitude that recognizes that humans don't
control or even completely fathom the workings of the natural world. Bowman's
watercolor scenes exhibit an attention to detail and make these stories ring
true, capturing the many moods of a summer spent mostly shipboard. Taiga's
adventures combine natural history and good storytelling, and will captivate
young listeners if read aloud." Copyright 1997, Kirkus Associates,
LP. All rights reserved.
Paige, Joy. The Blue Whale: World's Largest Mammal. Animal Record Breakers series. Powerkids Press, 2002. (Nonfiction)
Paine, Stefani. The World of the Arctic Whales: Belugas, Bowheads, and
Narwhals. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1995. (Nonfiction)
Palazzo-Craig, Janet, and Pamela Johnson. Descubriendo Ballenas y Delfines
(Discover Whales and Dolphins). Troll Associates, 1994. In Spanish. (Fiction)
Palmer, Sarah. Narwhals. The Whale Discovery Library. Vero Beach,
Florida: Rourke Publishing Group, 1998. (Nonfiction)
___________. Tiburones Ballenas. Translated into Spanish by Lois
Sands. Vero Beach, Florida: Rourke Corp., 1992. (Nonfiction)
___________. World of Whales. Avenal, New Jersey: Random House Value
Publishing, 1990. (Nonfiction)
___________. Blue Whales. Vero Beach, Florida: Rourke Enterprises,
1989. Grades K-5. (Nonfiction).
___________. Dolphins. Vero Beach, Florida: Rourke Enterprises, 1989.
Grades K-5. Also available in Spanish as Delfines. (Nonfiction)
___________. Fin Whales. Vero Beach, Florida: Rourke Enterprises, 1989.
Grades K-5. (Nonfiction)
___________. Gray Whales. Vero Beach, Florida: Rourke Enterprises,
1989. Grades K-5. (Nonfiction)
___________. Humpback Whales. Vero Beach, Florida: Rourke Enterprises,
1989. Grades K-5. (Nonfiction)
___________. Killer Whales. Vero Beach, Florida: Rourke Enterprises,
1989. Grades K-5. (Nonfiction)
___________. Narwhals. Vero Beach, Florida: Rourke Enterprises, 1988.
Grades K-5. (Nonfiction)
Papastavrou, Vassili. Whale. Photographs by Frank Greenway. An
Eyewitness Book. New York: Alfred A. Knopf/London: Dorling Kindersley, 1993/Econo-Clad Books, 1999 Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Chapters include: Marine Mammals; Whale Evolution; Whales Big and Small; Inside
the Whale; Seals and Sea Lions; Ocean Giants; Teeth for Grasping...; ..And Baleen for Filtering; Clicks, Barks, and Songs; Courtship and Birth; Social Life; Dolphins and Porpoises; The Killer Whale; The Amazing Narwhal; The Sperm Whale; The Elephant Seal; I Am the Walrus; Sea Cows; Hunting the Mighty Whale; Whaling in the 20th Century; Oils, Brushes, and Corsets; Seal Hunting; Myths and Legends; Stranding and Whale Watching; Fishing and Pollution; Studying Sea Mammals; and Save the Whales! Indexed.
Review in Horn Book, 1994. "Most aspects of cetacean biology are glossed over in this illustrated introduction to whales and other marine mammals. The lack of substantive information renders the book useful mainly for browsing. Full-color photographs and drawings of the animals, skeletons, and artifacts from the whaling industry are scattered collage-style across each page." -- Copyright (c) 1994 The Horn Book, Inc. All rights reserved.
Trisha: Each topic is covered in brief, but each is lavishly and beautifully
illustrated via crisp color photographs.
Parisi, Dan. The Legend of Doll Fin. Illustrated by Dan Parisi. West
Sacramento, California: A & D Publishing, 1996. (Fiction)
Trisha: A story about Doll Fin, who is teased by whales but becomes the heroine
in the end. Story includes dolphin-herring races and shark ramming, and could
have been better written. Interesting illustrations.
Park, Ruth. My Sister Sif. Puffin Books, 1997. (Fiction, Young Adult)
Parker, Steve. Inside the Whale and Other Animals. Illustrated by Ted
Dewan. New York: Delacourt Press/London: Dorling Kindersley, 1992. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whales and Dolphins. San Francisco: Sierra Club, 1994. Ages 8 to 11. (Nonfiction)
Parker, Victoria. Jonah and the Whale and Other Old Testament Stories. Discovering the Bible Series. Lorenz Books, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
Parr, Letitia. Dolphins Are Different. Illustrated by Patricia Mullins.
Sydney/London: Angus and Robertson, 1972. (Nonfiction)
Pascoe, Elaine. Animal Intelligence: Why Is This Dolphin Smiling?. New
Explorers Series. Woodbridge: Blackbirch Press, 1998. Ages 9-12.
From Kirkus Reviews, September 15, 1997: "An entry in The New
Explorers books, adapted from the PBS [U.S. Public Broadcasting System] series
of the same name. The television techniques of overly dramatic prose, tightly
framed images, and quick cut-away discussions do not translate well into print.
There are too few details given on the contemporary scientists who are mentioned, and too little context provided for their work in animals intelligence, brain size, languages, etc. A busy format includes marginal full-color photographs from the programs, colored captions, pull-quotes, and borders; readers may be dazzled, but they won't come away with integration information . . . " Copyright 1997, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
Patent, Dorothy Hinshaw. Alex and Friends: Animal Talk, Animal Thinking.
Lerner Publications, 1998. Grades 6-10.
Contains a glossary and is indexed.
___________. Looking at Dolphins and Porpoises. New York:
Holiday House, 1989. (Nonfiction)
___________. Humpback Whales. New York: Holiday House, 1989. Grades
preschool-3. (Nonfiction)
___________. All About Whales. New York: Holiday House, 1987. Grades
preschool-4. (Nonfiction)
___________. Dolphins and Porpoises. New York: Holiday House, 1987.
Grades 4 and up. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whales, Giants of the Deep. New York: Holiday House, 1984.
Grades 3-7. (Nonfiction)
Paterson, Diane. Pinocchio and the Great Whale. Illustrated by Diane
Paterson. Mahwah, New Jersey: Troll Assoc., 1982. (Fiction)
Patterson, Geoffrey. Jonah and the Whale. New York: Lothrop, Lee &
Shepard Books, 1992/Frances Lincoln, 1991.
Paul, Frances Lackey. Kahtahhah: A Tlingit Girl. Illustrated by
Rie Munoz. Portland, Oregon: Graphic Arts Center Publishing Company, 1996.
Ages 6 and up. (Nonfiction)
A Smithsonian Notable Books for Children selection for 1996
Pearce, Q. L. Whales and Other Wonders - Frozen Worlds. Amazing Science
Series. Parsippany: Silver Burdett Press, 1991. Grades 4-6. (Nonfiction)
Peggie, Andrew. Whale Song: An Oratoria for Children. Music by Andrew
Peggies, lyrics by Stephen Clark. Colchester: SchoolPlay Productions, 1988.
Penny, Malcolm. Let's Look at Whales. Danbury, Connecticut: Franklin
Watts, 1990. Grades K-4. (Nonfiction)
Perry, Phyllis J. Freshwater Giants: Hippopotamuses, River Dolphins, and Manatees. Watts Library: Animals series. Franklin Watts, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Petch, Robin, and Dave Renninson. Dilo and the Grots. To obtain a
copy of the script of this play or to organize a Dilo play in your school (in
England), call Robin at 01482 634 028 or contact International Dolphin Watch,
Parklands, North Ferriby, E. Yorks HU14 3ET, England, voice: 01 482 844468,
fax: 01 482 634914.
Peters, David. Giants of Land, Sea & Air, Past & Present. New York:
Alfred A. Knopf/San Francisco: Sierra Club Books, 1986. (Nonfiction)
Marine animals described include the seagoing reptiles Elasmosaurus, Kronosaurus,
Shonisaurus, and Tylosaurus, the modern whales Sperm Whale, Killer Whale, Blue
Whale, and Bowhead Whale, and an evolutionary offshoot of modern whales, the
Zeuglodon. Also contains an evolutionary time chart, a glossary, and an index
to the animals.
Petty, Kate. Whales. Small World Series. New York: Gloucester Press/
Danbury, Connecticut: Franklin Watts, 1988. Grades 1-3. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whales Can Sing: And Other Amazing Facts about Sea Mammals. Illustrated by Jo Moore and Darren Harvey. I Didn't Know That series. Brookfield, Connecticut: Millbrook Press, 1998. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Pfeffer, Wendy. Dolphin Talk. Let's-Read-and-Time-Out Science Series. New York: HarperCollins Children's Book Group, 2003. (Nonfiction)
Pfister, Marcus. Rainbow Fish and the Big Blue Whale. Illustrated by
J. Alison James. New York: North-South Books, 1998. Ages 5-8. (Fiction)
___________. Penguin Pete's New Friends. New York: North-South Books,
1997. Ages 1-3. (Fiction)
___________. El Pinguino Pedro y Sus Nuevos Amigos. Translated by
Emilio Mayorga. North South Books, 1996. Ages 4-8. In Spanish. (Fiction)
Pfrimmer, Mildred. The Tale of a Whale: Book 5. Altadena, California:
Triumph Publishing Co., 1977.
Phleger, Fred B. The Whales Go By. Illustrated by Paul Galdone.
I Can Read It All by Myself Beginner Books. New York: Beginner Books, 1959.
Grades 1-2. (Fiction)
Trisha: A very basic, somewhat blandly written story about a gray whale's
behaviors and the sites along the way during migration, including the sudden
appearance of a baby and the requisite (unsuccessful) pursuit by killer whales.
Bold, colorful illustrations.
Picture Me with Jonah and Whale. Randolf Productions, 1997. Ages 4-8.
Pidgeon, Pauline. The Whale Who Wanted a Waistcoat. Illustrated by W.
Grant Gordon. Speedwell Graded Junio Supplementary Readers, series 1, no. 3.
London: Thomas Nelson & Sons, 1948. (Fiction)
Pinkham, Daniel. A Biblical Book of Beasts: For Two-Part Chorus of Treble
Voices and String Quartet or Piano. Boston, Massachusetts: E. C. Schirmer,
Pinkham, Julia. The Polar Seas Encyclopedia Coloring Book. Stemmer
House Publishing, 1996. Ages baby - preschool.
Pinocchio and the Whale. Disney's Wonderful World of Reading. London:
Collins, 1977, 1983. (Fiction)
Pitcher, Caroline. The Snow Whale. Illustrated by Jackie Morris. San
Francisco: Sierra Club Books for Children, 1996. Ages 4-8.
From School Library Journal: "A well-intentioned, but disappointing, attempt to provide a small amount of information on the hydrological cycle. As a brother and sister build a snow whale, the girl explains where snow comes from and where it goes when it melts. That night the whale disappears and the younger brother tells his weeping sister that is has returned to the ocean. The sweet but slight story may be confusing to literal-minded children. The sun that brings about the thaw is said to cause the snow sculpture to 'glisten like silver,' not specifically to melt. The accompanying illustration, in three panels, pictures water droplets, a river, and the ocean in which the gray-black tail of a real whale swims. In the final page of text, the children are seen at their window while the sister sobs, 'Where has the whale gone?" Readers must deduce that the sun has caused it to melt. This process, central to the story, is not supported clearly enough by the pictures, although in the final one the white tail of a whale may be interpreted as melting into the grass or diving into the sea. This would be a novel addition to snowy-day story times if supported by nonfiction picture books such as Eleonore Schmid's The Water's Journey (North-South, 1990) and Mark Rauzon and Cynthia Bix's Water, Water Everywhere (Sierra Club, 1994).--Kate McClelland, Perrot Memorial Library, Greenwich, Connecticut
Play and Learn: Dolphin. Book Buddy series. Safari. (Nonfiction)
Playschool Staff. My First Whale: A Bath Book and Toy. New York:
NAL/Dutton, 1997. (Fiction)
Pluckrose, Henry, ed., Small World of Whales. Illustrated by Norman
Weaver. Danbury, Connecticut: Franklin Watts, 1979. Grades K-3. (Nonfiction)
Podendorf, Illa. I Want to Know About Minerals/Whales. I Want to Know
About series (two subjects per volume). Children's Press/Grolier's, 1972.
Polakoff, P. Byron. Arnold Palmer and the Golfin' Dolphin. Illustrated
by Deborah Mackall. Chicago: Turnbull & Willoughby, 1984. (Fiction)
Pom-Pom and the Dolphin. Illustrated by Bosch Battle. Hemma, [n.d.]. (Fiction)
The Porpoise-Ful Mad. New York: Warner Books, 1991. (Humor)
Posell, Elsa Z. The True Book of Whales and Other Sea Mammals. A New True Book. Chicago: Children's Press, 1982. (Nonfiction)
Postgate, Oliver, and Peter Firmin. Noggin and the Whale. London: Edmund Ward, 1965. (Fiction)
Powell, Richard. If You See a Whale. Illustrated by Ana Larranaga. Golden Books, 1999. Baby - Preschool. (Fiction)
___________. The True Book of Whales and Other Sea Mammals. Chicago:
Children's Press, 1963. (Nonfiction)
Presnall, Judith Janda. Navy Dolphins. Animals with Jobs series. Kidhaven, 2001.
Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Prevost, John F. Bottlenose Dolphin. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Abdo and
Daughters, 1996. Ages 5-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. Beluga Whales. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Abdo and Daughters,
1995. Ages 5-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. Blue Whales. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Abdo and Daughters,
1995. Ages 5-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. Common Dolphin. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Abdo and Daughters,
1995. Ages 5-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. Freshwater Dolphins. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Abdo and
Daughters, 1995. Ages 5-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. Gray Whales. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Abdo and Daughters,
1995. Ages 5-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. Humpback Whale. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Abdo and Daughters,
1995. Ages 5-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. Sperm Whale . Minneapolis, Minnesota: Abdo and
Daughters, 1995. Ages 5-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. Spinner Dolphin. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Abdo and Daughters,
1995. Ages 5-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. White-Sided Dolphin. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Abdo and
Daughters, 1995. Ages 5-8. (Nonfiction)
Priestly, Doug. All about Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises of the Southern Oceans [Australia and New Zealand]. Ages 9-15. (Nonfiction)
Pringle, Laurence. Dolphin Man: Exploring the World of the Dolphins.
New York: Simon & Schuster, 1995. (Nonfiction)
Propper, Erica and Arthur. The Dolphin: Reading Level 3-4. Illustrated
by Roy Coombs. Vero Beach: Rourke Corporation, 1983/London: Macdonald Educational,
1979. Grades 2-5. (Translated from the French.) (Nonfiction)
Provoost, Anne. My Aunt Is a Pilot Whale. Translated by Ria Bleumer.
Women's Press, 1994. Young adult. (Fiction)
From the author ("Anna is not at all happy when she hears
that her cousin Tara Myrold and her parents are moving from Cleveland to Cape Cod
and renting the beach house where the sea witch Goody Hallett used to live. 'If
you talk about things that are secret, Goody Hallett will turn your mouth into
stone,' says Anna. Tara presses her lips together and does not reveal her secret.
She only wears red T-shirts, because red means 'stop.' She gathers cork bottles
to send messages to Europe. She draws fish and tells strange stories. When Tara's
mother dies, she sits for days in the dunes and talks to no one. Until the day
when a pod of whales beaches. Tara and Anne experience the entire rescue operation
and through the dififculties with the small pilot whale, Baby, Tara begins her
story. Through talking, she realizes that her mouth cannot turn into stone.
Anne Provoost lives in Belgium. She was born in 1964 and has two children. This
book if her first . . . It received several major awards . . . "
Quadrillion Media Staff. Whales and Dolphins. Start Me Up series, vol.
5. Scottsdale, Arizona: Quadrillion Media, 1998. Translation of Wale und
Delphine. Grade levels 3-8. (Nonfiction)
Quinn, Kaye. Dolphin's Cave. Amazing Mazes Story Series. Price Stern, 1989.
Grades K-3.
Rabley, Stephen. Maisie and the Dolphin. White Plains, New York:
Longman Publishing Group, 1989.
Raff, Courtney Granet. Giant of the Sea: The Story of a Spermaceti Whale. Smithsonian Oceanic Collection. Soundprints Corp. Audio, 2002. Ages 4-8. Book and tape. (Fiction)
Raffi. Baby Beluga. Raffi Songs to Read Series. Illustrated by Ashley
Wolff. New York: Crown Books for Young Readers, 1990. Grades preschool-2. (Fiction)
Raintree Publishers Inc. Staff. Dolphins. Science and Its Secrets Series.
Austin, Texas: Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 1990. Grades 5-9.
Randall, Ronne. Get Off My Tail, Little Whale: Touch and Play. Little Friends series. Illustrated by Caroline Church. Silver Dolphin, 2002. Ages baby - preschool. (Fiction, popup)
Raschka, Chris. Whaley Whale. Thingy Things series. Hyperion, 2000. Ages Preschool - Beginning Readers. (Fiction)
Rea, C. J., and Ba Rea. A Whale's Tale from the Supper Sea. Glenshaw,
Pennsylvania: Bas Relief Publishing Group, 1999. (Fiction) (Humpback whales)
Read, Andrew J. Porpoises. Voyageur Press, 1999. Ages 10 and up. (Nonfiction)
Reader's Digest Editors. The Whale's Tale. Illustrated by Trace Moroney.
Little Bible Playbooks, vol. 2. Pleasantville, New York: Reader's Digest Young
Families, 1998. Grades preschool and up. (Fiction)
Reed, Betty Jane. Golfin' with a Dolphin. Illustrated by June Talarczyk. Minneapolis, Minnesota: T. S. Denison & Co., 1983. Grades preschool-2. (Fiction, rhyme)
Story of boy who takes his dolphin golfin'.
Reed, Don C. The Dolphins and Me. Illustrated by Pamela and Walter
Carroll. San Francisco: Sierra Club Books/Boston: Little, Brown and Company,
1989. (Nonfiction)
Reese, Bob. Dale the Whale. Danbury, Connecticut: Children's Press,
1983. Grades preschool-2. (Fiction)
Reeves, Randall R., and Stephen Leatherwood. The Sea World Book of Dolphins.
San Diego/New York/London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1987.
Chapters include: The Remarkable Dolphin, How Dolphins Evolved, How Dolphins
Have Adapted, River Dolphins, Coastal Dolphins, Dolphins of the Continental
Shelf, Oceanic Dolphins, Captive Dolphins, Conservation of Dolphins, Scientific
Names, Chart of Dolphins and Porpoises. Also includes suggestions for further
reading and an index.
Reid, Alexandra. Sea Starr's Day at the Beach. A Sky Dancers doll story.
Illustrated by John Gentile and Anthony Gentile. HarperTrophy, 1996. (Fiction)
Rein, Betty Brothers. Dolphins Love Our Florida Keys Home!. Miami,
Florida: Litoky Publishing, 1982.
Reiss, Diana. The Secrets of the Dolphins: What Are Dolphins and Where Did
They Come From?. Illustrated by Laurie O'Keefe. New York: Avon Books,
1991. Grades 7 and up. (Nonfiction)
Naturalist Diana Reiss runs a program that lets dolphins teach
humans how to better understand their secrets. In this book, she
describes how these astonishing mammals are born, how they grow up, how they
learn their language--and how you can learn to communicate with
dolphins. She also tells about the dangers that dolphins face in our world and
what you can do to help protect them in their environment.
Reiter, Chris. The Blue Whale. Endangered and Threatened Animals Series.
[Publisher unknown], 2003. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Resnick, Jane. All About Training Shamu. Sea World All About Books.
Third Story Books, 1994. (Nonfiction)
Reynolds, Susan Lynn. Strandia. New York: Farrar/Straus/Giroux, 1991.
(Young adult fiction)
"Sand is taken in by some Midislanders, people who have no telepathic powers
or wealth, and she begins to make a new life for herself among women and men who
live and work as they choose. It is not long, though, before Sand is found, captured,
and punished for defying her duties as a raeth. When she is put to sea in an oarless
boat, it is M'ridan who comes to save her.
"She wakes up, barely alive, far away from Strandia, and unable to use her
talent. Sand misses M'ridan terribly, and she never stops yearning for Strandia--
in spite of all that happened. When she hears a warning that a tidal wave is
coming, she knows that somehow she must find her way to the island to tell her
people of the imminent danger.
"Sand's struggle and triumph in her search for independence and a home make
Strandia a stirring and exciting fantasy adventure."
Trisha: Good book.
Ricciuti, Edward R.. Catch a Whale By the Tail. Science I Can Read Books.
Illustrated by Geoffrey Moss. New York: Harper & Row, 1969. Grades preschool-4.
Richardson, Adele. Dolphins: Fins, Flippers, and Flukes. The Wild World of Animals series. Bridgestone Books, 2001. (Nonfiction)
Riedman, Sarah Regel, and Elton T. Gustafson. Home Is the Sea: for Whales.
New York: Rand McNally & Company, 1966/London/New York: Abelard-Schuman, 1971.
Contents include: What About Whales?; Early Ancestors and Living Relatives;
Weighing a Whale; Swimming, Diving, Blowing; Heartbeat Under the Sea; Living Off
the "Fat of the Sea" Always Warm, But Never Hot; The Private Life of
a Whale; The Sea Through Their Senses; Whistles, Clicks, Echoes; Of Brains and
"Talking" Dolphins; What's Ahead for Whales?, Which Whale Is Which?,
Suggested Reading, Index
Rinard, Judith. Whales: Mighty Giants of the Sea. Illustrations by Ned
and Rosalie Seidler. A National Geographic Action Book. Washington, D.C.:
National Geographic Society, 1990/Vol. 2, 1996. (Volume 2 is the same as volume
1, but also includes a two-and-a-half minute, 33 rpm sound sheet of humpback
songs.) Grades preschool and up. (Nonfiction)
___________. Dolphins: Our Friends in the Sea. Books for World
Explorers. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 1986. Grades 4-5. (Nonfiction)
Ripple, William J. Keiko the Whale, the Star of Free Willy. Photography
by Paul VanDeVelder and Tim Jewett. Corvallis, Oregon: Nu, 1998. Grades preschool-4. (Nonfiction)
Ritchie, Rita, and Patricia Corrigan. The Wonder of Dolphins. Illustrated by John F. McGee. Animal Wonders Series. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Gareth Stevens, 1996. (Nonfiction)
Rivers, Karen. Dream Water. Orca Book Publishers, 2000. (Fiction, Young Adult). For two reviews of this title by librarians in the January 21, 2000 issue of CM, click here.
Further description: "The book catches up to Cassie, a promising dancer, and Holden, a burgeoning artist, several years later as each struggles to deal with the effects of what they saw, while all the while coping with the pains of growing up, discovering their sexuality, and struggling with their inner demons.
Holden's life is complicated by an alcohol addiction, and his mother's illness, while Cassie moves away from home to attend a School for the Arts. Each has more than their share of things to deal with, but the accident with the orcas still haunts their dreams and nightmares . . . until each is able to finally find some kind of resolution."
From the author's website: "Dream Water was my first attempt at writing a book for a [young adult] audience. I wrote it many years after a tragic incident which involved a girl in my home town being drowned by a killer whale after falling into the pool at the aquarium where she worked. I remember being shocked, horrified, and shattered when it happened -- it truly changed my perspective on the whole idea of keeping whales in captivity, an issue which I confess I was ignorant about until that point. Like many of you, I'm sure, I'd seen endless 'killer whale shows' at aquariums in my home town of Victoria, in Vancouver, in San Diego, and even in Hawaii. What I didn't know about was the appalling conditions the whales are kept in, or about the ways they are caught, or about what happens to an animal that relies on sonar when it is kept in a tank the size of a bath-tub. I learned. Boy, did I learn. The amount of information on the internet alone is staggering. A few years back, PBS did a very informative series on the subject. Watch it if you get a chance. Please."
Trisha: The tragedy is magnified by dysfunctional families.
Roberts, Ruth. Whale Watching. Book and cassette. Michael Brent Publications, 1992. (Nonfiction)
Robinson, Claire. Dolphins. In the Wild series. Heinemann Library, 2001. Age 5. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whales. In the Wild series. Heinemann Library, 1999. Age 5. (Nonfiction)
Robinson, Jane W. The Whale in Lowell's Cove. Illustrated by Jane W.
Robinson. Camden, Maine: Down East Books, 1992. Grades 1-4. (Based on a true story.)
Robinson, Jeremy. The Dolhpin-Boy. Crescent Moon, 1991. (Fiction)
Rock, Nora. The Silver Dolphin. Illustrated by Penny Simon. London:
Hamilton, 1981. (Fiction)
Rockett, Bernard William. Whales and Dolphins. Baltimore, Maryland/
Harmondsworth, Great Britain: Puffin Books (Penguin Books Ltd.), 1975. (Nonfiction)
Rockwell, Anne. Tuhurahura and the Whale. New York: Scholastic/Parents'
Magazine Press, 1971. Grades K-3. (Fiction)
This story is based upon several different Maori legends, but principally upon
one about a child named Tuhurahura who had a pet whale called Tutunai. These
stories were collected from various Maori chieftains and translated into
English by Sir George Grey, who was governor-in-chief of New Zealand in 1845.
Aside from the legend of Tuhurahura, there are other casual references in
Maori mythology to tame sperm whales. Perhaps they may have actually been
common among these people.
Rodgers, Jesse. Esp McGee and the Dolphin's Message. (Fiction)
Rogers, Marianne. The Dolphins Swim Free. Illustrated by Martin
Thompson. Kenthurst, NSW, Australia: Kangaroo Press, 1994. (Nonfiction)
Trisha: In this nicely illustrated book, the trauma associated with the
capture of seven bottlenose dolphins, Rajah, Nero, Frodo, Rani, Mila, Lulu,
and Karleen is glossed over ("they had to be treated gently and selected
carefully . . ." " . . . it was hoped they would provide a great
tourist attraction." ). Note to dolphins: If anyone ever tries to capture
you, hold your breath much longer than usual, as the sole individual who did
this during the Atlantis capture process was let go.
The training of the new captives is then described, as well as unsuccessful
and successful pregnancies among the females, bearing Echo, Nakita, and Kia.
When the marine park must close due to poor attendance and new standards for
dolphin tanks, rehabilitation is attempted in a large sea pen at nearby Two
Rocks Marina. Karleen and Lulu die (Lulu apparently due to being ostracized
by the other female dolphins following her second unsuccessful pregnancy)
and another calf is born.
Following the dolphins' release into the wild, the calf disappears and is
presumed dead, and three of the adults are recaptured due to failure to thrive,
although "it is hoped they will learn to work around the boats [in the
boat harbour where they are being held] so they may be taken out to sea and
brought back again]."The remaining five dolphins, three of the original
seven captured and two that were born in captivity, are, "to the best of
the knowledge" of their captors, doing well.
The final paragraph gets it right: ". . . it is good to know that at least
some of the dolphins are back in their rightful place in the wild."
Rogriguez, K. S. The Dolphins of Coral Cove. The Little Mermaid
Series, No. 11. Illustrated by Philo Barnhart. New York: Disney Press, 1994. Ages
9-12. (Fiction)
Roels, Iliane. The Dolphin. After an idea by Iliane Roels, adapted
from the text written by Claude Nicolas. Illustrated by Pauline Baynes.
Edinburgh: W. and R. Chambers, 1977. (Nonfiction)
___________. Animals at Home: The Whale. New York: Grosset & Dunlap,
Rogers, Marianne. Dolphins Swim Free. lllustrted by Martin Thompson.
Cincinnati, Ohio: Seven Hills Book Distributors, 1994.
Rolland, Della, and Wendy Wax. Ten Things I Know about Whales. Chicago,
Illinois: Contemprary Books, 1990. (Nonfiction)
Romyn, Elizabeth. Introducing Dolphins. Send, Surrey, Great Britain:
Cartbridge Press, 1972. (Nonfiction)
Roo, Anne de. Boy and the Seabeast. Publisher unknown. (Fiction)
Roop, Peter. Whales and Dolphins. Illustrated by Carol Schwartz. Hello Science Reader, Level 1. Scholastic, 2000. (Nonfiction)
Rorby, Ginny. Dolphin Sky. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1996. Ages 10-14. (Fiction)
From Kirkus Reviews, March 1, 1996: "A flawed but worthy first novel about
Buddy, 12. Her classmates call her 'dummy' and 'Dumb Buddy,' and her widower
father hasan equally low opinion of her. But Buddy's grandfather, the Admiral,
loves and understands her because he sees words backwards just as she does. It's
1968 and nobody has heard of dyslexia in this backwater Florida Everglades
community. Buddy is a keen observer of the natural world; when wildlife biologist Jane Conroy arrives to conduct research, the young girl finds her first ally outside the family, somebody who speaks up for the mistreated dolphins at Stevens Everglade Eden. With the support of Jane, the Admiral, and even her father, Buddy takes the courageous step of setting the captive dolphins free. The events and dialogue of this novel are occasionally at the mercy of the need to convey information and mov the plot forward. Certain gestures or phrases
are overused. Outweighing these concerns are the book's strong points: Buddy's
distinctive voice and well-developed characterization, a beautifully evoked
setting, and an emotionally satisfying conclusion." Copyright 1996
Kirkus Reviews, LP. All rights reserved.
From a review by Susan Oliver, Hillsborough County Science Library at MOSI, Tampa, Florida: "Buddy's life is not much brighter than that of the mistreated dolphins she sees at Stevens Everglade Eden. School is a torment to her; her crippled grandfather loves and respects her, but her father barely notices her except to express his disappointment at her apparent lack of intelligence. When Jane Conroy, a biologist, befriends Buddy, the woman recognizes her learning disability, does something about it, and opens up her eyes to the rights of animals. A lot happens in the three-month span of this story set in 1968, not all of it plausible. One visit to a psychologist seems to offer a cure for dyslexia; the problem barely surfaces again. Also, Buddy develops a strong enough relationship with one of the captive dolphins to engineer a daring escape for them. Readers will surely recognize the story's similarities to Jordan Horowitz's Free Willy (Scholastic, 1993), but some may question the wisdom of Buddy's actions . . . The writing is occasionally awkward and lacks subtlety early on, but the characters are sensitively drawn and undergo convincing changes, from Buddy's father's awakening to her grandfather's gradual decline and death. While the treatment of dyslexia is disappointing, the issue of animal rights is provocatively and emotionally discussed. Buddy's glossary of terms relating to her Everglades world is informative and a nice touch."
Ross, Judy. Wolves and Whales: Getting to Know Nature's Children. Grolier, 1985. Age: Grade school. (Nonfiction)
Rothberg, Abraham. The Boy and the Dolphin. Illustrated by Imero
Gobbato. A Thistle Book. New York: Grosset & Dunlap, 1969. (Fiction)
"When you learn to play it and to sing with its voice, the dolphins will
come to listen," his father explained.
So began Basil's friendship with the wise dolphin named Simo. The boy and the
dolphin became like brothers, with a love and understanding so great that they
were willing to die for each other.
Rowland, Della. Whales & Dolphins. Explorer Books. New York: The
Trumpet Club, 1991. (Nonfiction)
Contents: Whales Today, What Is a Whale?, Whale Babies, Baleen Whales,
Toothed Whales, The Smallest Whales
Roy, Ronald. A Thousand Pails of Water. Illustrated by Vo-Dinh Mai.
New York: Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, 1978. Grades 1-3. (Fiction)
Roy, Thomas Albert. The Vengeance of the Dolphin. Illustrated by Rex
Backhaus-Smith. London: Bodley Head, 1980. (Fiction)
Royston, Angela. The Whale. Illustrated by Jim Channel. Animal Life
Stories Series. New York/London/Toronto/Sydney: Warwick Press/Nashville:
Hambleton-Hill Publishing/London: Kingfisher, 1989, 1993. Grades K-3. (Fiction)
Trisha: A nicely illustrated, very basic overview of a blue whale's life,
including the birth of a calf. Also includes humpbacks, orcas and a sperm whale.
There are illustrations and discussion of orcas attacking penguins (successfully)
and the blue-whale calf (unsuccessfully), as well as of a sperm whale fighting
with a giant squid (the whale wins), which may be disturbing to a young child.
Rubin, Susan Goldman. Dolphin Rescue. Illustrated by John Blumen. Burger King Kids Club Series. Los Angeles, California: The Book Partnership, 1993.
Rush, Christopher. Venus Peter Saves the Whale. Illustrated by Mairi
Hedderwick. Gretna, Louisiana: Pelican Publishing Co., 1992. Grades 4-7. (Fiction)
From The Horn Book, Inc.: "Messy sketches depict a coastal town
with talking gulls and whales in this story about a young boy who helps save a
grounded whale. Unfortunately, the tale is not magical enough to be a fantasy
or fantastic enough to be a tall tale and so merely seems unlikely."
From Deborah Zink Roffino, Children's Literature: "The frenetic
activity of coastal gulls is mimicked in this picture book with enormously
busy sketches and long, breathless text that tells the tale of a child determined
to save an old beached whale. The Scottish fishing village, salty characters,
and enthusiasm of young Peter make an imaginative and exhilarating story."
Rushford, Patricia H. Silent Witness. Jennie McGrady Mystery Series, No.
2. Bethany House, 1993. Young adult. (Fiction)
Rustad, Martha E. H. Dolphins. Ocean Life series. Pebble Books, 2001. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whales. Ocean Life series. Pebble Books, 2001. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Ryan, John. Jonah: A Whale of a Tale. Oxford: Lion, 1992.
___________. Jonah ym Mol y Morfil (Jonah: A Whale of a Tale).
Aberystwyth: Gwasg Cambria, 1994. In Welsh.
Ryder, Joanne. Winter Whale. Illustrated by Michael Rothman. A Just for
a Day Book Series. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1991. Grades K and up. (Fiction)
Rylant, Cynthia. The Whales. Illustrated by Cynthia Rylant. New York:
Scholastic, 1996. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Sabin, Francene. Whales and Dolphins. Illustrated by Pamela Johnson.
Troll Communications, 1985. Grades 3-6. (Nonfiction)
Sachs, Elizabeth-Ann. Kiss Me, Janie Tannenbaum. New York: Simon &
Schuster's Children's Books, 1992. Grades 5-9. (Fiction)
Samuels, Amy. Follow That Fin!: Studying Dolphin Behavior. A Turnstone Ocean Pilot Book. Chatham, New Jersey: Raintree/Steck Vaughn, 1999. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Sanchez, Isidro, Eulalia Garcia, Andreu Llamas, and Josep Pique. Whales: Giant
Marine Mammals. Illustrated by Gabriel Casadevall and Ali Garousi. Secrets of
the Animal World Series. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Gareth Stevens Inc., 1996. Grades
3 and up. Originally in Spanish. (Nonfiction)
___________. Dolphins: Animals with Sonar. Illustrated by Gabriel Casadevall.
Secrets of the Animal World Series. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Gareth Stevens Inc., 1995.
Grades 3 and up. Originally in Spanish. (Nonfiction)
Sanchez-Silva, Jose Maria. Adios, Josefina. 1962. In Spanish.
Translated into English as The Boy and The Whale and into Finnish from
English as Poika ja Valas, 1965. English edition: London: Bodley Head,
Sandberg, Harold William. Pudgy the Porpoise. Illustrated by Lawrence
Spiegel. T. S. Denison & Co., 1960. (Fiction)
Sanders, Addie. The Dolphin Pool. Forthcoming.
Please note that there is no conclusive evidence that "dolphin-assisted
therapy" differs in any significant way from "pet-assisted therapy,"
and for a critique of some of the existing research on the former see L. Marino
and S. Lilienfeld's "Dolphin-Assisted Therapy: Flawed Data, Flawed Conclusions,"
Anthrozoos, 1998, 11(4):194-200.
Sanford, William R., and Carl R. Green. The Bottlenose Dolphin. Mankato,
Minnesota: Crestwood House, 1987. (Nonfiction)
Chapters include: The Bottlenose Dolphin in Close-Up, The Bottlenose Dolphin
and Its Ocean Habitat, A Bottlenose Dolphin Grows Up, People See Dolphins in
Many Ways, What Are Those Dolphins Saying? Also includes a map showing the
distribution of bottlenose dolphins in the northern hemisphere and a glossary
and an index.
Sattler, Helen Roney Sattler. Whales, the Nomads of the Sea.
Illustrated by Jean Day Zallinger. New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1987.
Describes physical characteristics, habits, natural environment, and relationship
of whales and dolphins with humans.
Saunders, Susan. The Dolphin Trap. Neptune Adventures No. 3. New York:
Avon Books, 1998. Grades 4-6. (Juvenile fiction)
Saunier, Nadine. The Dolphin. Illustrated by Marcelle Geneste. Animal
Companions Series. Hauppage: Barron's Educational Series, 1989. Grades preschool and up. (Nonfiction)
Saville, Malcolm. The Gay Dolphin Adventure: A Lone Pine Adventure.
Wendover: Goodchild, 1983. (Fiction)
Saylor, Florence. Orbit the Dolphin. New York: Carlton Press, 1993. (Fiction)
Scheffer, Victor B., Little Calf. Illustrated by Leonard F. Fisher. New
York: Scribner, 1970. Grades 3-7. (Fiction)
Schlein, Miriam. Sleep Safe, Little Whale: A Lullaby. Illustrated by
Peter Sis. New York: Greenwillow Books, 1997. Grades: baby - preschool.
From Kirkus Reviews, August 1, 1997: "Each soothing verse of this
lullaby is paired with a soft drawing of the animal watched over by the mother,
father, or, in the case of the baby elephant, the whole herd. On the reverse
side of the fold-out pages is a long map where children--if they haven't already
fallen asleep--can pick out the sleeping creatures in their habitats."
Copyright 1997, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
Schneider, John. My Friend the Porpoise. Schneider Educational Products,
Scholastic Inc. staff. Free Willy 3. New York: Scholastic, 1997. (Fiction)
Scholes, Katherine. The Boy and the Whale. Illustrated by David Wong.
Ringwood, Vic., Harmondsworth: Viking Kestrel, 1985. (Fiction)
Schomp, Virginia. The Bottlenose Dolphin. A Dillon Remarkable Animals
Book. New York: Dillon Press/Maxwell Macmillan International/Toronto: Maxwell
Macmillan Canada, 1994. (Nonfiction)
Schuch, Scott. A Symphony of Whales. Illustrated by Peter Sylvada. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1999/Voyager Books, 2002. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
From a review by Gillian Engberg in Booklist, January 1, 2000: "Smart, gifted Glashka has always heard unique music in her head, which the elders of her Siberian tribe tell her is the song of the whales that sustain their culture. To be able to hear the music is a rare gift. When Glashka and her family come across a group of Beluga whales trapped in a bay, the village swings into action, keeping the ice open until a Russian ice-breaker can arrive. When the ship finally comes, Glashka suggests drawing the whales back to sea with music. It's a shame that Glashka's specific culture is never identified in the story, although historical source notes cite the Chukchi Peninsula, where the incident on which the story was based occurred. But this is a quiet, powerful story, beautifully extended by Sylvada's paintings of ghostly whale shapes and glowing, fin-shaped skies. In broad strokes and muted colors, they convey the region's extremes of light and temperature, and the blurry distinctions between the landscape and its inhabitants."
A reader from Billings, Montana: "Heard about this book on NPR and bought it for nephew [because] I liked the idea and the story. What wasn't clearly told was just how incredibly rich Peter Sylvada's illustrations are . . . all oil paintings . . . they capture the beauty and harsh environment of Alaska, as well as slices of life from a native Alaskan village. Even southern dwellers can see some of why those who love it do so. The story is clearly and simply told, with a very likable heroine, and gave me shivers at the end . . . but it was really the illustrations that blew me away."
Awards: 1999 Parents' Choice Silver Honor Winner
Scott, Carlton. "Grin's Message." [Formerly available on the Web.] Speech language therapy ideas for this short story. (Link points to an archived version)
Scott, Michael. Fungie and the Magical Kingdom. Illustrated by Steve
Simpson. Dublin: Sonas, 1994. (Fiction)
Scott, Susan. Oceanwatcher: An Above-Water Guide to Hawaii's Marine Animals.
Honolulu, Hawaii: Green Turtle Press, 1988.
The section on whales and dolphins includes a brief overview; information on
humpback whales, false killer whales, short-finned pilot whales,
Pacific bottlenose dolphins, rough-toothed dolphins, spotted dolphins, and
Hawaiian spinner dolphins; a few words on the future of whales and dolphins
along with some guidelines for dolphin and whale watchers; and a brief look
at the surprisingly small role of whales and dolphins in Hawaiian mythology.
Scrace, Carolyn. The Journey of a Whale. Lifecycles Series. Danbury,
Connecticut: Franklin Watts, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Secret at Dolphin Bay. LEGO series. Beginning to Read, level 1. Dorling Kindersley Publishing, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Seed, Alice. Toothed Whales: In Eastern North Pacific and Arctic Waters.
Illustrated by Maxine Morse. Sea Mammal Series. Florence: Pacific Search Press, 1971.
Seidler, Ned, and Rosalie Seidler. Whales: Mighty Giants of the Sea.
Washington, D.C.: National Geographic Society, 1990, (888) 225-5647. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
National Geographic sells this book through its catalogue bundled with a 14-inch
plush dolphin toy.
Trisha: This is an elaborate pop-up and pull-tab book, with pull tabs to
demonstrate tail slapping, pectoral fin slapping, jumping, spyhopping, etc.
Seligson, Marcia. Dolphins at Grassy Key. Photographs by George Ancona.
New York: Macmillan Publishing Company, 1989. (Nonfiction)
Selsam, Millicent E., and Joyce Hunt. A First Look at Whales. New York:
Walker and Co., 1980. Grades K-3. (Nonfiction)
Seminario, Jose R., and Allison Higa. Jonah and the Whale. Pop-Up Books.
New York: Random House Childrens Publishing, 1996. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Semro, Jennifer. A Dolphin of Many Colors: An Inter-Species Friendship.
Bonita Springs, Florida: Dolphin Defenders, 1995. Address: P.O. Box 933, Bonita
Springs, Florida 34133, USA, (941) 947-2268, fax: (941) 498-2879. (*YA - adult)
Senn, Steve. A Circle in the Sea. New York: Atheneum, 1981.
(Young adult fiction)
Robin Shaw was a girl. She lived on Lando Key, Florida, where her father worked
for Costain Lab and did secret deep-sea missions for the Lab and the Navy. From
his most recent mission, he brought Robin a gift--a strange ring embedded in
rock, taken from the floor of the ocean from ruins.
It was after she got the ring that Robin Shaw began to dream when she slept that
she was a dolphin. In fact, it was more than a dream. Her mind actually inhabited
the body of the dolphin named Breee. And as Breee, she learned not only how
dolphins lived, how they communicated, and how they saw their watery world, but
met many fascinating dolphins and whales and learned that dolphins had a history,
a tradition. They called themselves "The Returned," since they, too, had once
lived on land. Now, made desperate by attacks of the Others and the pollution of
the sea environment, they were about to turn, to show their power to those who
were destroying them. And Robin-Breee was a part of this.
Trisha: Gayle Julien's favorite; I liked this one very much too.
Serostanova, Lyudmila. Sarmatian Whale. Translated by Walter May. Russia: Kudesniki, 1998.
Serventy, Vincent. Whale and Dolphin. Animals in the Wild Series.
Chatham: Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 1985. Grades K-5. (Nonfiction)
Seth, Vikram. Arion and the Dolphin. Illustrated by Jane Ray. New York:
Dutton Children's Books, 1995.
From the dust jacket: "The story of Arion, the boy musician who rides on a
dolphin's back, is told here in a wonderful mixture of prose and verse by
Vikram Seth, author of the best-selling novel A Suitable Boy.
"Adventurous, comic, joyful, and sad, at once, this legend from ancient
Greece has a special meaning for us today. The friendship between boy and dolphin,
cruelly cut short when the dolphin is captured and put on display, is a theme
with universal appeal . . . "
Shaw, Gina. All about Whales. New York: Scholastic: 1995. (Nonfiction)
Shaw, Nancy. Dolphin. Mankato, Minnesota: Creative Education, 1998.
Grades 1-4.
Shark: Shark. Free Willy Series. New York: Scholastic, 1995. (Fiction)
Shark and Whale. Ultimate Sticker Books. Neew York: Dorling Kindersley,
Sharth, Sharon, and Joan Powers, eds. Whale: A Sticker Safari. Discovery Kids, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Shaw, Clairrie. Danny the Dolphin. London: Adelphi Press, 1994. (Fiction)
Shaw, Nancy. Dolphin. Creative Education, forthcoming August 1998.
Shawver, Mark. Whales. Danbury, Connecticut: Grolier Educational Corp.,
Shea, George. Dolphins. Creatures Wild and Free Series. Saint Paul,
Minnesota: E.M.C. Paradigm Publishing, 1981. Grades 1-6. (Nonfiction)
___________. Whales. Creatures Wild and Free Series. Saint Paul,
Minnesota: E.M.C. Paradigm Publishing, 1981. Grades 1-6. (Nonfiction)
Sheldon, Dyan, and Gary Blythe. The Whales' Song. New York: Dial Books
for Young Readers, 1990/New York: Talman Co., 1997. Ages 4-5 and up. Also available on tape via Scholastic
Tapes, New York, 1993. (Fiction). Published in Spanish as El Canto de las
Ballenas. Translated by Nelson Rivera. Caracas, Venezuela: Ediciones Ekare,
From Kirkus Reviews, May 15, 1991: "Lilly's grandmother tells her
about whales: ' . . . big as the hills . . . peaceful as the moon . . .
wondrous . . . ' When they were more numerous, she used to go to the pier to
hear them sing--perhaps in response to her gifts: a perfect shell or stone.
Curmudgeonly Great-uncle Frederick counters such fantasies: 'Whales were important
for their meat, and for their . . . blubber.' Still, Lilly dreams of whales, then
throws them a single blossom from the pier. After a long day's wait, she is
rewarded by seeing whales jump against the moon while 'their singing filled the
night.' In a spare, poetic narrative, Sheldon captures a child's wonder at these
magnificent creatures, echoed, in a splendid debut, in Blythe's generously
broad oil paintings. His whales--viewed from near, unusual vantage points--are
benignly heroic while, from dawn to moonlight, his sea and sky are beautifully
observed; best are his lovely, perceptive portraits of the old woman's wise,
lined face and Lilly's tousled curls and expressive eyes." Copyright
1991, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
An customer comments: "This book portrays a loving relationship
between a grandmother and her granddaughter as well as a respect for nature. My
daughter loved the illustrations of the little girl and the whales. The story is
magical and the oil painting illustrations are so realistic. A book that children
will love for many years."
A Ship in a Storm on the Way to Tarshish. William Morrow & Co., 1977.
(Fiction, stories in rhyme)
Shirotani, Hideo. I Am a Little Whale. Marboro Books. (Fiction)
Short, Joan, and Bettina Bird. Whales. Illustrated by Deborah Savin.
Mondo Animals Series. Greenvale, New York: Mondo Publishing, 1997. Ages 9-12.
Shreck, Peter K. Reading Words with Debby Dolphin.
Shreve, Susan Richards. Jonah, the Whale. New York: Scholastic, 1998.
Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
Sibbald, Jean. Sea Mammals.
Siberell, Anne. A Whale in the Sky. Illustrated by Anne Siberell using
white pine and redwood block prints. A Unicorn Book. New York: E. P. Dutton,
1982/Houghton Mifflin, 1993. (Fiction)
"This is a story about Thunderbird, who watches over all creatures . . . It
is about Whale, who swims the deepest oceans, and Frog, who lives on the riverbank and sees Whale chasing the salmon into the river . . . Frog trembles as he watches Whale swallow the salmon. He tells Raven, the messenger . . . Swift and fierce, Thunderbird grabs Whale from the river and drops him atop the highest mountain . . . "
Trisha: The whale is the villain in this story (redeemed in the end), and the
mean-looking illustrations of him (even in the end) may be frightening to a
young child.
"Hralekana is a rare all-white whale. With intensity and breathtaking prose,
the author weaves a different tapestry of a whale's life. We are utterly and
completely drawn into the world of the ocean as we experience the steps taking
Hralekana through trials, triumphs, laughter and lessons on love, nature and
sacrifice. In being so close to him as we read of his days, we somehow grow with
"This is truly a very, very special and unforgettable book."
From the Chinaberry Books catalogue on The Ice at the End of the World:
"Siegel continues the story as Hralekana . . . must lead his pod on a
dangerous journey under the ice at the pole to find food. A disastrous oil spill
has caused their regular feeding ground to dwindle to such a state that it
cannot support the entire pod. Working together to make it through the ice, the
whales survive the arduous journey and find krill on the other side. The danger
continues as the whales are chased by huge fleets of whalers on their return
journey. Hralekana destroys one of the whaling boats and then saves the harpooner
who was trying to kill him. Soon the whales are joined by the Rainbow Whale, the
boat of Mark and Meg, Hralekana's human friends. The Rainbow Whale accompanies
them out of the polar region to make sure they are safe from the whalers. Mark
then comes to spend some time studying and living with the whales. Eventually
Mark asks Hralekana to help prevent a worldwide nuclear catastrophe. Hralekana's
actions make him a true hero.
"Siegel's lyrical prose and the rich poetry of the whales' songs lure the
reader deep into the gentle world of whales. This very special book is a brilliant
ending to a trilogy of books I wish every person would read."
Silverstein, Alan. Mammals of the Sea. Illustrated by Bernard Garbutt. San Carlos, Calif.: Golden Gate Junior Books 1971. (Nonfiction)
Simmons, Monica. Aster Ocean: Dolfina the Bottlenoze Dolfin. The Aster
Planet Chronicles series, vol. 4. Fort Pierce, Florida: Long Wind Publishing, 1998.
Grades K-4. (Science fiction)
Simon, James. My Friend Whale. New York: Bantam Books, 1991. Grades
preschool-3. (Fiction)
Simon, Noel. Whales. Animal Families Series. Illustrated by Terry
Riley. London: Dent, 1981. (Nonfiction)
Simon, Seymour. Whales. New York: HarperCollins, 1989. Ages 7-10.
___________. Killer Whales. New York: HarperCollins Children's Books, 1978.
Grades K-3. (Nonfiction)
Simons, Jamie, and Scott Simons. Why Dolphins Call: A Story of Dionysus (The
Gods of Olympus). Illustrated by Deborah Winograd. Silver Press, 1991. Ages
4-8. (Mythology)
Simons, Scott. Why Dolphins Call: A Story of Dionysus. Morristown:
Silver Burdett Press, 1991. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Sis, Peter. An Ocean World. New York: Greenwillow Books, 1992. Grades
preschool-3. (Fiction)
Skerry, Brian. A Whale on Her Own: The True Story of Wilma the Beluga Whale. Text and photos by Brian Skerry. Blackbirch Marketing, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
From a review by Sue Grame at " A Whale on Her Own is a charming story of a young beluga whale who decided to make Chedabucto Bay her home for a while. Jim Johnson, an old time sea traveler and scuba diver [gets] to be friends with Wilma and [explains] a lot about beluga whales and their habits while describing their adventures together. Although told in a story format, the book is quite informative with definitions of terms at the end along with book listings and Web sites to pursue if this book has piqued your interest."
Skinner, David. You Must Kiss a Whale. New York: Simon & Schuster Books
for Young Readers, 1992.
"A compelling story, set in the strange yet familiar landscape of the
mind. Hard to put down, impossible to forget."--Joan W. Blos, Newbery
Medal-winning author of A Gathering of Days
Trisha: A strange, somewhat heavy story of a young teenage girl who lives
in the desert in an abandoned house with her spaced-out mother. The mother is
trying to invent the perfect raincoat and spends her days outside in a tent,
rarely speaking to her daughter and one-year-old son, who the daughter takes
care of. The daughter does not attend school, as school authorities might
discover she is living in an abandoned house and make her family move.
Her father had left them long ago, and the girl discovers in her mother's
chest of drawers a story he had written and spends her days trying to piece it
together. It is about a young boy who receives a letter from a stranger
telling him, "You must kiss a whale," but the boy in the story is
not sure if it says "kiss" or "kill" or something else, so
he skips school and takes a taxi ride to the town from which the letter was
sent. The sympathetic taxi driver helps him in his search to find out the
meaning of the letter.
All turns out well in the end, the girl goes to college, and her brother
attends public school, but the feeling tone of the story is overall somewhat
Slottje, Dan. Wyatt the Whale. Illustrated by Byrne White. Greenwich,
Connecticut: Armstrong Publishing, 1994. Grades preschool and up.
Smalley, Webster. The Boy Who Talked to Whales. Anchorage Press, 1981.
Ages 4-8.
Smith, Elizabeth Simpson. A Dolphin Goes to School: The Story of Squirt,
a Trained Dolphin. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1986. (Nonfiction)
Smith, Heather L. Serenity the Peaceful Dolphin: The Power of the Dream.
Illustrated by Pamela L. Brown. Modesto, California: Gary Smith Properties, 1997.
Grades preschool-6. (Fiction)
Smith, Mel. Introduction to the Humpback Whales of Maui: A Question and
Answer Book. M. Smith, 1984.
Smith, Parker. Jonah and the Whale. Illustrated by Kathy Mitchell.
A Baby Flap Book. McClanahan Book Co., 1997. Ages baby-preschool. (Fiction)
Smith, Roland. Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises in the Zoo. Brookfield,
Connecticut: Millbrook Press, 1994. Grades 3-6. (Nonfiction)
Smyth, Karen C. Crystal: The Story of a Real Baby Whale. Camden,
Maine: Down East Books, 1986. Grades 2 and up. (Based on a true story.)
Like a human infant, a young whale spends its first year growing, exploring, and
discovering. Crystal has much to learn about the seemingly endless ocean that is
his home, and about the other creatures that share his world. He and his mother
move with the seasons from the balmy waters of Silver Bank, in the Caribbean,
north to the summer feeding grounds of Stellwagen Bank.
Young Crystal finds beauty in the songs of his fellow humpbacks. He finds danger,
too, when he is nearly drowned in an abandoned fishing net. This is the story of
Crystal's memorable first year.
This is the most popular children's book in the Whale Adoption Projects'
catalogue. [Nice book--Trisha]
Snapshot Staff. Jonah and the Whale. My First Bible Series. New York:
DK Publishing, 1997.
So-Big Whale. Plush Pals Board Books. New York: Modern Publishing, 2000.
Soundprints Staff, ed. Oceanic Collection: Beluga Whale, Harp Seal, Walrus
and Lobster Books: No. III. Smithsonian Oceanic Collection. Norwalk,
Connecticut: Soundprints, n.d. Grades preschool-2.
Speirs, Gill. I Can Draw Sharks and Whales. I Can Draw Series. Little
Simon, 1997. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Spenser, M. D. Deep Trouble at Dolphin Bay. Humanomorphs Series. Weston, Florida: Paradise Press, 2000.
"But soon after they arrive at the center, Derrick overhears a conversation in which terrorists are plotting to kidnap the dolphins and use them to deliver nuclear explosives around he world unless they are paid billions of dollars. No one believes Derrick, and he feels powerless to stop the terrorists -- until he stumbles across a strange seashell that gives him the power to transform into the Greek god Poseidon, ruler of the seas. Derrick has a fighting chance against the terrorists now -- as long as he can steer clear of the family feuds on Mount Olympus."
Spilsbury, Louise, and Richard Spilsbury. A Pod of Whales. Heinemann Library, 2003. (Nonfiction)
Spinelli, Eileen. Whales. Lincolnwood, Illinois: Publications
International Ltd./Lake Forest, Illinois: Forest House Publishing, 1991.
Grades K-4. (Nonfiction)
Spinelli, Jerry. Night of the Whale. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1985.
Grades 6 and up. (Fiction)
Spizzirri, Linda, ed. An Educational Coloring Book of Dolphins.
Illustrated by Peter M. Spizzirri. Rapid City, South Dakota: Spizzirri
Publishing, 1986. Grades 1-8. (Nonfiction)
___________. Dot-to-Dot Whales: An Educational Activity-Coloring Book.
Rapid City, South Dakota: Spizzirri Publishing, 1986. Grades 1-8. (Nonfiction)
Stahl, Dean. Dolphins. Nature Book Series. Mankato, Illinois: Child's
World, 1991. Grades 2-6. (Nonfiction)
Stansfield, Ian. The Legend of the Whale. Buderim, Qld., Australia:
D. Bateman, 1985.
Starbuck, Deborah. Manny's Whale. Minneapolis, Minnesota: Dillon Press,
1986/Morristown: Silver Burdett Press, 1988. Grades 1-3. (Fiction)
Stauffacher, Sue. S'gana, The Black Whale. Anchorage, Alaska/Seattle,
Washington: Alaska Northwest Books, 1992. Ages 7-14. (Fiction)
Inspired by the beliefs of the Haida people, S'gana, The Black Whale
is a tantalizing blend of love, freedom, magic, and destiny that will appeal to
readers everywhere.
Steele, Philip. The Blue Whale. Fold Out...Find Out Series. New York:
Larousse Kingfisher Chambers, 1994. Grades 2-5. (Fiction)
Steig, William. Amos & Boris. New York: Farrar, Straus and Giroux,
1971. (Fiction)
Trisha: I like the illustrations and story theme--that of befriending and
helping another in the face of improbable odds--but I find the writing
somewhat uneven in quality.
Steiner, Barbara A. Whale Brother. Illustrated by Gretchen Will Mayo.
New York: Walker and Co., 1988/Econo-Clad Books, 1999. Grades preschool-3. (Fiction)
___________. Biography of a Killer Whale. New York: Putnam Publishing
Group, 1978. Grades 3-5. (Nonfiction)
Stevenson, John. The Whale Tale: Starring Jim Henson's Muppets. New
York: Random House Books for Young Readers, 1981/London: Sphere, 1981, 1982.
Grades 1-5. (Fiction)
___________. A Biography of a Killer Whale. New York: Putnam, 1978.
Stidworthy, John. A Year in the Life of a Whale. Illustrated by Jeane
Colville. Morristown, New Jersey: Silver Burdett Press/London: Macdonald, 1987.
Grades 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Stone, Lynn M. Mammals of Antarctica. Antarctica Discovery Library.
Vero Beach: Rourke Book Co., 1995. Grades 2-6. (Nonfiction)
___________. The Killer Whale. Mankato, Minnesota: Crestwood House,
1987. Grade 5. (Nonfiction)
Stonehouse, Bernard. A Visual Introduction to Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises. Animal Watch series. Checkmark Books, 1998. Ages 10-17. (Nonfiction)
___________. A Closer Look at Whales and Dolphins. New York:
Gloucester Press, 1978. (Nonfiction)
Stoops, Erik D., Jeffrey L. Martin, and Debbie Lynne Stone. Dolphins.
New York: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 1996/London: Hamilton, 1978. Ages 9-12.
___________. Whales. New York: Sterling Publishing Co., Inc., 1995.
Ages 8-12. (Nonfiction)
Storr, Catherine, and Barry Wilkinson. Jonah and the Whale.
Austin, Texas: Raintree Steck-Vaughn Publishers, 1987. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Strachan, Elizabeth. Whales and Dolphins. Illustrated by Norman Weaver.
Finding Out About Series. North Pomfret: Trafalgar Square, 1991/London: Hamilton,
1985. Grades 4-6. (Nonfiction)
___________. A Closer Look at Dolphins and Whales. Illustrated
by Norman Weaver. New York: Gloucester Press, 1985. (Nonfiction)
Strange, Florence Pernsteiner. Rock-a-bye Whale: A Story of the Birth of a
Humpback Whale. San Rafael, California: Manzanita Press, 1977. Grades K-4.
Strasser, Todd. Free Willy 3: The Rescue. New York: Scholastic, 1997.
"Meanwhile, ten-year-old Max is the son of a whaler. Even before Max meets
Willy, he realizes it's wrong to kill whales. Max is on Willy's side, but he loves
his father, too. Will max and Jesse be able to save Willy without separating a
father and son?"
___________. Free Willy 2: The Adventure Home: Digest Novelization. New
York: Scholastic Inc., 1995. Grades 4-7. (Fiction) (See also Foley, Mark; Horowitz,
Jordan; and Krulik, Nancy)
Sunshine Books. Level 5, Nonfiction. Oxford: Heinemann Educational.
Superflats Kids' Book of Whales and Dolphins. Illustrated by Robin
Makowski ( Chicago, Illinois: Kidsbooks, 1995. Ages 4-8.
Swanson, Diane. Whales. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Gareth Stevens, 1998.
Ages 3 and up. (Nonfiction)
___________. Welcome to the World of Whales. Portland, Oregon:
Whitecap Books for Young Readers. 1996. Ages 5-7. (Nonfiction)
"Discover the friendly acrobatics of the orcas, an animal once feared as the
'killer whale'; learn how gray whales strain their food through bony baleen plates;
and glimpse the first days of a shy, baby whale."
Sweeney, Diane, and Michelle Reddy. Dolphin Babies: Making a Splash into the
World. Photographs by Jeff Smith. Roberts Rinehart, 1998. Ages 9-12.
Swim with the Whales. Super Science Readers series. Scholastic, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Swindells, Robert. Norah and the Whale. Illustrated by Avril Haynes.
Exeter: Wheaton, 1981. (Fiction)
Tailey Whaley: A Tale of A Whale with a Whale of a Tail. Annapolis,
Maryland: Trident Publishing, 1997. Grades preschool-6. (Fiction)
Tangvald, Christine H. Whoosher, the Happy Little Whale. Illustrated by
Kathleen Patterson. Cincinnati, Ohio: Standard Publishing Co., 1995. Preschoolers.
Tate, Suzanne. Katie K. Whale: A Whale of a Tale. Illustrated by James
Melvin. Suzanne Tate's Nature Series. Nags Head, North Carolina: Nags Head Art,
1995. (800) 541-2722. (Fiction)
"I haven't been able to discover what finally happened to Hanna, but she
probably did return to her pod as I related."
Trisha: A large-print book for young children, with an emphasis on orca aunties,
hunting for food, Katie K.'s wandering off on her own and entertaining the humans
on the ferryboat, and then reuniting with her pod. The moral of the story is:
Stay away from strangers, and home is the place to be. A few facts about orcas
are provided on the inside front cover.
___________. Danny and Daisy: A Tale of a Dolphin Duo. Illustrated by
James Melvin. Suzanne Tate's Nature Series. Nags Head, North Carolina: Nags Head
Art, 1992. Grades K-4. (Fiction)
Taylor, Geoff. Blueberg. Illustrated by D. G. Valentine. London: William Heinemann, 1960. (Fiction)
Taylor, L. R. Dolphins. Illustrated by Norbert Wu. Lerner Publishing Group, 1999. Grades 2-3. (Nonfiction)
Taylor, Theodore. The Hostage. New York: Dell Publishing, 1987. (Young
adult fiction)
Tenison, Marika Hanbury. A Boy and a Dolphin. Illustrated by Pauline
Bewick. London: Granada, 1983. (Fiction)
Theodorou, Rod. Blue Whale. Animals in Danger series. Heinemann Library, 2000.
___________, and Carole Telford. Shark and Dolphin. Discover the
Difference Series. Crystal Lake: Rigby Interactive Library.
There's a Whale in My Bath. New York: Modern Publishing, 1988. Grades
K-2. (Fiction)
Thévenin, René. Barnabé and his Whale. Translated
from French by Ben Ray Redman. London: J. W. Arrowsmith, 1924. (Fiction)
Thomas, Ron, and Jan Stutchbury. Whales. Illustrated by Ian Forss.
Macmillan Beginners Science Series. South Melbourne: Macmillan Company of
Australia, 1990.
Thomas Nelson U.K. Staff. Does a Whale Eat Ice Cream?. Footsteps Big
Books. Reading, Massachusetts: Addision Wesley Longman, 1993.
Thompson, Carol. The Eel Beast. Free Willy Animated Series, No. 4.
Scholastic Paperbacks, 1996. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Thompson, Jeffrey. Coyote and the Whale. Wheaton, Maryland: Jeffrey Thompson ( For more on Jef Thompson's artwork in Coyote and the Whale and other works,
click here. (Link points to an archived version)
Thrush, Robin A. The Gray Whales Are Missing. Illustrated by Diane
De Groat. San Diego: Harcourt Brace & Co., 1987. Grades 3-7. (Fiction)
Tipton, Rose. Christmas Magic, and Coral the Dolphin. London: Avon, 1994.
Toast, Sarah. Baby Dolphin: At Home in the Ocean.
Tobin, Deborah. Tangled in the Bay: The Story of a Northern Right Whale Calf. Nimbus Publishing, 1999. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Tokuda, Wendy, and Richard Hall. Humphrey the Lost Whale: A True Story.
Illustrated by Hanako Wakiyama. Union City, California: Heian International,
Inc., no date/Demco Media, 1992. Available on video as Humphrey's Tale,
narrated by Wendy Tokuda. San Francisco: Channel 5, KPIX/Group W Television,
1991. Grades K-6. (Nonfiction)
Roverandom, J. R. R. Tolkien. New York: Houghton-Mifflin/London: Harper
Collins, 1998. Grades 4 and up. (Fiction)
From Kirkus Reviews, February 1, 1998: "In 1925, the Tolkien family
took a vacation at the beach, where four-year-old Michael lost his favorite object,
a tiny toy dog. So to console him, Father J.R.R. improvised the tale of a dog
magically transformed into a toy. The story . . . tells of a young and impolite
puppy Rover, who bites the wizard Artaxerxe's trousers; as a punishment, the
wizard transforms him into a toy. Deposited in a toyshop, Rover is bought by a
boy named Two, who loses the dog on a beach; but soon Rover meets Psamathos the
sand-sorcerer. Psamathos sends Rover off on the back of Mew the gull to visit the
Man-in-the-Moon. But the Man-in-the-Moon already has a moon-dog named Rover, so
our Rover becomes Roverandom . . . After various cutesy doings, Roverandom learns
that Artaxerxes has taken a job under the sea, so he rides inside Uin the Right
Whale to plead with Artaxerxes to change him back into a real dog. Which [the
wizard eventually does], and Roverandom returns to Two . . ." Copyright
1998, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
Tomaselli, Doris. The Boy Who Could Hear Dolphins. Illustrated by Kevin
Lyles and Steven Roberts. A Storybuilder Kit Series, Vol. 2. Westport, Connecticut:
Joshua Morris Publishing, 1997/Reader's Digest, 1997. Grades 2-6. (Fiction)
Torgersen, Don Arthur. Killer Whales and Dolphin Play. Children's Press, 1982. (Nonfiction)
Tracqui, Valerie. Baleine, Geante des Mers/The Whale, Giant of the Seas. Photography by Francois Gohier. Animal Close-Ups Series. Watertown, Massachusetts: Charlesbridge Publishing, 1995/Econo-Clad Books, 1999. Ages 9-12. In French and English. (Nonfiction)
Troll Communications Staff. Flipper. Mahwah, New Jersey: Troll
Communications, 1996. Grades K-3. (Fiction)
Tucker, T. Sammy the Shark and Donald the Dolphin: A Story for Children.
Winfarthing: Farthing, 1985. (Fiction)
Turner, Philip. Wigwig and Homer. Illustrated by Graham Humphreys.
London: Dent, 1978. (Fiction)
Twinem, Neecy. In the Ocean. Animal Clues Board Books. Charlesbridge
Publishing, 1998. Ages baby-preschool. (Fiction)
Twinn, Michael. Dolphin. Book Buddy series. Child's Play International, 2000. Grades baby to preschool. (Nonfiction)
___________. Great Dolphin. Illustrated by Pam Adams. Great Pals
Series. Auburn, Maine: Child's Play International, 1997. Grades baby to preschool.
___________. Pocket Dolphin. Illustrated by Pam Adams. Pocket Pals
Series. Auburn, Maine: Child's Play International, 1997.
Two Can Publish Ltd. Staff. Whales. Columbus, Ohio: Highlights for
Children, 1991. Grades 2-7. (Nonfiction)
Van Dusen, Chris. Down to the Sea with Mr. Magee. Illustrated by the author. San Francisco: Chronicle Books, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
VanRoekel, Byron H., and Mary Jean Kluwe. From Dolphins to Dunes.
Harper & Row Design for Reading. California Department of Education, primary,
level 8, reader. New York/London: Harper & Row, 1973.
Vansant, Rhonda, and Barbara L. Dondiego. Shells, Whales, and Fish Tails:
Science in Art, Song, and Play. Science in Every Sense Series. Tab Books,
1996. (Nonfiction)
Vigor, John. Danger, Dolphins, and Ginger Beer. New York: Simon &
Schuster, 1993. Grades 3-7. (Fiction)
"Just when they are beginning to really enjoy the camp, some unsettling
events occur--Jan and Jon, twins sailing in their catamaran, Gemini,
challenge the Grants to clear out of what they consider their campsite.
And then they are all horrified to encounter a cruelly wounded dolphin in the
lagoon. Who could do such a heartless thing? Sally, who is trying to live up to
what her mother would have wanted her to be, goes all out to rescue the dolphin
with the help of her younger brothers.
"Finally, they witness a shocking boat accident in which two adults, inexperienced
sailors, nearly succeed in blowing themselves up, along with their boat. What
Sally, Peter, Andy, and Jan and Jon eventually discover about these two people
provides mystery, suspense, and adventure.
Vogel, Carole G., and Kathryn A. Goldner. Humphrey the Wrong-Way Whale.
Morristown, New Jersey: Silver Burdett Press/Minneapolis, Minnesota: Dillon Press,
Inc., 1987. (Fiction)
Vogel, Julia. Dolphins. Illustrated by John F. McGee. Our Wild World series. Creative Publishing International, 2001. (Nonfiction)
Vollmer, Dennis. Joshua Disobeys. Kansas City, Missouri: Landmark
Editions, 1988. To order, call (800) 653-2665. Grades K-3. (Fiction)
Written, and well-written, by a six-year-old, who won The National Written &
Illustrated By... Awards Contest for Students in 1986. (For more information
on the latter, write to Landmark Editions, Inc., P.O. Box 4469, 1420 Kansas
City, Kansas City, Missouri 64127.)
Vornholt, John. Dolpin Watch. Dinotopia Series, no. 15. New York: Random House
Children's Publishing, 2002. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
Wade, Larry. Whales in the Classroom, Vol. 2: Getting to Know the Whales. Illustrated by Stephen Bolles. Minnetonka, Minnesota: Singing Rock Press, 1995. Grades 4-8.
Contains activities and data from scientific data contributed by marine biologists. Also contains interviews with whale
Contents: From Ocean to Land and Back, Living the Life of a Whale, Whale Research, Whaling and Conservation, Whale Dreams
and Visions, Activities, a customer of "It is difficult to evoke excitement about the natural world in young
teenagers, but I am devoted to trying! This book is overflowing with hands-on activities, games, and interviews with real
people who have a passion for their work. I am an award-winning middle school science teacher, and this is one of the best
resources I have found!"
___________. Whales in the Classroom, Vol. I: Oceanography. Illustrated by Stephen Bolles. Minnetonka, Minnesota: Singing Rock Press, 1992. Grades 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Contents: Our Changing Earth, Rivers in the Sea, Marine Communities, The Ocean's Clean-Up Crew, Meadows in the Sea, Upwelling: The Underwater Elevator, Marine Ecology, Activities
Wagenman, Mark A. The Adventures of Aloha Bear and Maui the Whale.
Illustrated by Mark A. Wagenman. Aiea, Hawaii: Island Heritage Publishing,
1997. Grades preschool-2. (Fiction)
Wainer, Nora Roberts. The Whale with A Jail. Illustrations by Eric
Walker, Sally M. Dolphins. Nature Watch Book series. Carolrhoda Books, 1999. Ages 9-12 (Nonfiction)
Wallace, Karen. Diving Dolphin. Level 1: Beginning to Read. Dorling Kindersley, 2001. Ages baby-preschool. (Fiction)
___________. Imagine You Are a Dolphin.
Wally Whale Tubby Book. Colorado Springs, Colorado: Chariot Victor
Publishing, 1987.
Walsh, Jill Paton. The Dolphin Crossing. London: Puffin, 1995. (Fiction)
Ward, Nathalie. Do Whales Ever . . . ? What You Really Want to Know about Whales, Porpoises, and Dolphins. Illustrated by Tessa Morgan.
Camden, Maine: Down East Books, 1997. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
Ward, Natalie, and Carole Carlson. Whales and Dolphins Inside Out.
Illustrations by Tessa Morgan. International Fund for Animal Welfare, 1996.
Warner, Caroline. Keiko: The True Story of a Famous Orca. Illustrations by
Linda Shaw. Mill Valley, California: Fresh Tracks, 1996. Available at the Nature
Company in California. A portion of the profits will be donated to the Free
Willy Foundation.
Watanabe, Yuichi. Wally: The Whale Who Loved Balloons. Torrance,
California: Heian International Publishing, 1982. Originally in Japanese. Grades
preschool-4. (Fiction)
Waters, John F. Watching Whales. New York: Cobblehill Books/Dutton
Chilren's Books, 1991. Grades 4 and up. (Nonfiction)
Species discussed include blue, finback, gray, humpback, killer, and right whales.
___________. Some Mammals Live in the Water. New York, USA: Dodd,
Mead & Company, 1972. (Nonfiction)
___________. Watching Whales. New York: Dutton. Gradeschoolers.
Watson, Jane Werner. Whales. Illustrated by Rod Ruth. Big Picture Books. Preschoolers. Goldencraft, 1979. (Nonfiction)
___________.Whales, Friendly Dolphins, and Mighty Giants of the Sea.
Illustrated by Richard Amundsen. New York: Golden Press, 1975. Grades 3-7. (Nonfiction)
Wax, Wendy. Ten Things I Know about Whales. Ten Things I Know Books.
Lincolnwood: NTC/Contemporary Publishing, 1990. (Nonfiction)
Webb, Margaret. Marty the Marlin. New York: Vantage Press, 1984. Grades
1-3. (Fiction)
Webster, Elizabeth. Dolphin Sunrise. West Seneca, New York: Ulverscroft
Large Print Books, 1994/Souvenir, 1992. (Young adult)
"In this moving tale of a boy's rapport with one of earth's most loyal and
intelligent mammals, Matthew learns to come to terms with his grief and acquires
a deeper understanding of the people who attempt to help him. But even as he
emerges from his shell, he finds himself confronted with the plight of the dolphins
in their battle with pollution, drift-nets, and man's unthinking hostility.
"Growing to a maturity born of sorrow, Matthew begins to understand the dolphin's
lesson: One must glory in the moment and not allow life to be blighted by sadness
at what is past or what may come."
From Kirkus Reviews, April 15, 1993: "Webster . . . continues to
boost noble causes to relieve the downtrodden . . . , but stick-figure characters,
awash in sentiment, are just not up to carrying a Cause--which is too bad,
because the cause here is the rescue of threatened sea mammals, specifically
dolphins. Fifteen-year-old Matt's alcoholic mother died in a fire with her
latest man, but Matt was able to rescue four children in the building . . . He
is sent to Cornwall for swimming therapy for his burns, and there he meets a
marine biologist, a right-thinking swimming instructor, a grouchy old "Captain"
who turns out to be a millionaire, and "Flite" the dolphin, whose joy in living
is infectious. (Flite also rescues a small boy from floating out to sea.)
Matt . . . plays his guitar for the dolphins and seals. Then an aunt-by-marriage
in San Diego sends for him. There, he'll . . . meet an animal-rights activist,
and go off to Baja, where he'll learn firsthand of the cruel deaths of dolphins
from the giant fishing firms with drift nets. All along, Matt collects adults
who want to do their best for the lad; finally, there are reunions, a trip back
to England, and a sad/joyful last view of Flite. Webster appends facts about the
slaughter of dolphins--but it's unfortunate that the author has chosen a dweeb
like Matt for their spokesperson." Copyright 1993 Kirkus Associates, LP.
All rights reserved.
Wedeven, Carol. The Story of Jonah and the Whale. Illustrated by Anne
Kennedy. My First Bible Stories Board Books, No. 4. Little Simon Books, 1997.
Ages baby-preschool. (Fiction)
Weller, Frances Ward. I Wonder If I'll See a Whale. Illustrated by Ted
Lewin. New York: Philomel Books, 1991/Putnam Publishing Group, 1998. Grades
preschool-3. (Fiction)
" . . . Frances Ward Weller shares the very real excitement and suspense of
whale-watching, capturing the pure joy of a face-to-face meeting with a humpback
whale. With Ted Lewin's realistic watercolor illustrations, [this book] brings
readers to a greater understanding and appreciation of these large, beautiful
animals, our cousins in the sea."
Gayle: The illustrations are actually paintings and they are in brilliant, rich
colors and are just superb. It's a story of a young child's [humpback]
whale-watching journey, though anyone would enjoy it if only for the aesthetics.
Includes factual information on the whales spotted off the New England coast.
Wells, Robert E. Is a Blue Whale the Biggest Thing There Is?. London:
Watts, 1995. (Nonfiction)
Westerskov, Kim. Playmates of the Sea. Austin, Texas: Raintree
Steck-Vaugh, 1991/Econo-Clad Books, 1999. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Carolyn Phelan, American Library Association, for Booklist, December 15, 1993: "In a picture book designed to expand children's horizons, Wells begins by comparing the hugeness of the blue whale with the relative smallness of an elephant. Next, he shows that even a tall tower of giant jars full of blue whales would be quite small compared with the size of Mount Everest. Even a tower of Mount Everests 'would be a mere WHISKER on the face of the Earth,' and so on, as he goes on to compare the size of the earth with that of the sun, and the sun with the red supergiant star Antares, which in turn is much smaller than our galaxy, which is tiny compared with the universe. What How Much Is a Million did for big numbers, this picture book does for big sizes, making the inconceivable more imaginable through original, concrete images: the earth as one of a packet of marbles dwarfed by the sun, or the sun as one orange in a crate that looks insignificant beside Antares. Lively ink-and-watercolor illustrations brighten the pages of this accessible concept book. The title and cover will draw a large audience of small children fascinated by big things. Carolyn Phelan, copyright (c) 1993, American Library Association. All rights reserved.
Westwood, Gwen. The Gentle Dolphin. Illustrated by Peter Warner.
London: Hamish Hamilton, 1965.
Wexo, John Bonnett. Whales. Zoobooks Series. Mankato, Minnesota: Creative
Education, 1990/San Diego: Wildlife Education Ltd., 1992. Grade 4. (Nonfiction)
Whale. An Eyewitness Book. Dorling Kindersley, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Whale of a Rescue. Crestwood House, 1988. (Fiction)
A Whale of a Tale. Loughborough: Ladybird, 1994. (Fiction)
Whale Museum. Gentle Giants of the Sea. Friday Harbor, Washington:
Whale Museum. Grades K-6. (Nonfiction)
Whales. A First Discovery Book. New York: Scholastic.
Whale. Children's Nature Library Series. New York: Smithmark Publishers,
1992. (Nonfiction)
Whales. A Science Discovery Book. Monday Morning Books. Ages 8 and up.
Whales. San Diego, California: Wildlife Education, 1983. (Nonfiction)
Whales. Wonder Starters Series. Los Angeles: Wonder-Treasure Books, 1984.
Grades K-3. (Nonfiction)
Whales: Mighty Giants of the Sea. A 3-D action book from The National
Geographic Society Educational Services, P.O. Box 98019, Washington, D.C.
20090-8019, USA, (800) 368-2728, fax: (301) 921-1575. For grades pre-K and up.
Whales and Dolphins. Information Series. New York: Penguin USA.
Whales and Dolphins: A Close-Up Look at the Mysterious and Playful Mammals
of the Deep. The Unfolding World Series. Philadelphia: Running Press Book
Publishers, 1994.
Whales and Dolphins: Zooguides. CD-ROM produced by REMedia/Sony
Electronic Publishing, 1994. Rated one of the top 50 CD-ROMs by MacUser. Ages
10 to adult.
Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises. Little Guides series. Federal Street Press, 2001. (Nonfiction)
Wheat, G. Collins. Whales and Dolphins; The Largest and Most Intelligent Mammals of the Sea -- How They Grow, Develop, and Survive. Golden Library of Knowledge series. New York: Golden Press, 1963. (Nonfiction)
Whitehurst, Pamela. Walter and His Adventure. Grades K-2.
Whitfield, Philip. Can the Whales Be Saved? New York: Viking Kestrel,
1989. (Nonfiction)
Whittell, Giles. The Story of Three Whales. Illustrated by Patrick
Benson. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Gareth Stevens Children's Books, 1989/Telegraph
Books/Walker Books, 1988. Grades 2-4. (Based on a true story.)
Whyte, Malcolm. Great Whales. Illustrated by Daniel Smith. Los Angeles:
Price Stern Sloan, 1995. Grades preschool and up. (Fiction)
___________. Dolphins and Whales Model Set. Price Stern Sloane, 1992.
Ages 4-8.
Wildlife California. Introduction by Judd Howell. San Francisco:
Chronicle Books. Ages 8-12. (Nonfiction)
Wildlife Education Ltd. Staff. Dolphins - Porpoises. Zoobooks Series.
San Diego, California: Wildlife Education Ltd., 1990. (Nonfiction)
Wilhelm, Doug. Search the Amazon!. Illustrated by Ron Wing. Choose Your
Own Adventure Series, No. 149. New York: Bantam Books, 1994. Ages 9-12. (Fiction)
Williams, Louise B. How the Rabbit Fooled the Whale and the Elephant.
Illustrated by Sari. New York: Wonder Books, 1946. (Fiction)
Williams, Marcia. Jonah and the Whale. Walker Books, 1989.
Wilson, Bob. Stanley Bagshaw and the Twenty-Two Ton Whale. North Pomfret:
Trafalgar Square, 1984. Grades preschool-3. (Fiction)
Wilson, Lynn. Baby Whale. Illustrated by Jean Cassels. All Aboard
Books. New York: Putnam Publishing Group/Platt and Munk, 1991. Grades preschool-2. (Nonfiction)
Winnick, Karen B., Sandro's Dolphin. Illustrated by Karen B. Winnick.
New York: Lothrop, Lee & Shepard Books, 1980. Grades 1-3. (Fiction)
One day Sandro decided he couldn't wait until he was older to be a fisherman.
He went out to sea along. Sandro might have drowned that day if a young dolphin
hadn't been there to save him.
People who make their living from the sea have told stories about friendship
and dolphins for hundreds of years. No one knows if this story really happened,
but people who still live in Sandro's village believe it did.
Winton, Tim. The Deep. Illustrated by Karen Louise. Tricycle Press, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Wise, William. The Strange World of Sea Mammals. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1973.
Wise, Terence. Whales and Dolphins. Animals of the World Series.
Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Raintree Children's Books/London: Wayland Publishers,
1980. Grades 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Wiskur, Darrell. Timothy Whale's Rainbow. New Leaf Press, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
Woe, Jonathan. The Wing'ed Whale from Woefully. Longboat Key, Florida:
Hawk Publications, 1989/Osprey, Florida, 1992.
Trisha: Superbly illustrated, this rhyming story of a little whale with a
butterfly-like tail who loses it to whalers is touching and positive. Because
he can no longer move in the sea without his tail, in the end he is given
beautiful, feathery wings, which he uses to carry his message to humans:
"I sing all day long/the tale of my woeful wrong./Please save little
whales like me/and your friends we'll always be./If we should die,/your
children will cry/and mourn for such as we . . . Man, think of a sea without
such as we!/What a woeful place it would be!/Man, listen to the tale of the/
loss of my lovely tail,/from the wing'ed whale from woefully."
Wolfer, Diane. Dolphin Song. Freemantle Arts Center Press, 2002. Grades 4-6. (Fiction)
Wolpert, Tom. Whale Magic for Kids. Milwaukee, Wisconsin: Gareth Stevens
Children's Books, 1991.
___________. Whales for Kids. Photographs by Flip Nicklin. Minocqua,
Wisconsin: NorthWord Press, 1990. (Nonfiction)
The Wonderful World of Whales. Columbus, Ohio: Newfield Publications,
1996. (Nonfiction)
Wood, Adam. The Whale. Overview Series, Endangered Animals and Habitats.
San Diego, California: Lucent Books, 1997. Grades 4-12. (Nonfiction)
Wood, Amanda Jane. There's a Whale in My Bath. Illustrated by Chris
Forsey. London: Macdonald, 1987. (Fiction)
Wood, Audrey. The Rainbow Bridge. Illusrated by Robert Florczak. San
Diego, California/New York/London: Harcourt Brace & Co., 1995; Voyager Picture Books, 2000. Ages 4-8. (Fiction)
" . . . until she planted the seeds from a sacred plant. Instead of flowers, beautiful people came forth from each plant and populated the lush island, forming the Chumash tribe. The tribe flourished, but when the people became too numerous for their island, Hutash knew she must send half of them to the land across the water.
"This unusual legend reveals how she accomplished this dangerous task--and
how she saved some of the Chumash from drowning by transforming them into
dolphins [who to this day the Chumash understand to be the brothers and sisters
of their tribe]."
Trisha: Exquisitely illustrated with paintings by Robert Florczak.
Woodward, George Ratcliffe. The Story of Arion and the Dolphin.
Highgate, 1929.
Woog, Adam. The Whale. Endangered Animals and Habitats series. San
Diego: Lucent Books, 1997. Grades 4-12. (Nonfiction)
Wright, Isa L. The Remarkable Tale of a Whale: A Rhyme. Illustrated by
John Held, Jr. Chicago: P. F. Volland Co., 1920.
Wright, Kit. Dolphinella. Illustrated by Peter Bailey. London: Andre
Deutsch Children's Books, 1995. (Poetry)
Wright, Mary H. Stranded: Stormy's Adventure. Illustrated by Cindy A. Guire.
Mills and Morris, 1999. Ages 6-9. All profits from the book go to the Stranding Network.
Wu, Norbert. Dolphins. Early Bird Nature Books series. Lerner Publications, 1999. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Wyeth, Sharon Dennis. Mighty Dolphin (Annie K's Theater, No. 4).
Illustrated by Heidi Petach. New York: Bantam Books, 1991.
Wyland. The Art of Wyland Coloring Book. Wyland Studios, 1994.
Yoh, Shomei. Planet of Dolphins. In English and Japanese. Publisher's
phone number in Japan: 03-5385-2324, fax: 03-5385-2323.
Yolen, Jane. Sea Watch: A Book of Poetry. Illustrated by Ted Lewin.
New York: Philomel Books, 1996. Ages 4-8. (poetry)
From Lauren Peterson in Booklist, June 1, 1996: " . . . The pair
that produced the highly acclaimed Bird Watch (1990) team up again in
this equally attractive collection of fourteen melodic poems. Lewin's trademark
watercolors, fresh, realistic, and beautifully rendered, nicely complement the
poetry, which is interspersed with intriguing, sometimes little-known facts
about the habits and characteristics of various exotic sea creatures. Yolen's
lyrical language is beautiful, but occasional abstractions may confuse children
who lack the background knowledge necessary to decipher obscure references,
such as 'Like the Argo of old, / A boat well-held / By the sailors'
arms.' The 'Sea Watch Notes' at the end of the book will help. They are crucial
to understanding the content of many of the poems, but most children will also
need an adult's help to get the most from their reading." Copyright
1996, American Library Association. All rights reserved.
Young, Jim. When the Whale Came to My Town. Photographs by Dan
Bernstein. New York: Alfred A. Knopf Books for Young Readers, 1974. Grades
3 and up. (Nonfiction)
Ytuarte, Stacey. Watching Wanda: The Migration of a Gray Whale.
Illustrated by Frederick C. Spurgeon. Manhattan Beach, California: Seascript
Publishing, 1996. Grades 3-5. (Nonfiction)
Zdanys, Al P., and Denise Beaulieu. Deliana and Danica. Newington:
Appletree Books, 1989. Preschoolers. (Fiction)
Zemach, Margot. The Three Wishes. New York: Farrar, Strau, Giroux,
Ziefert, Harriett. Henry's Wrong Turn: Vol. 1. Illustrated by Andrea Baruffi.
Boston: Little, Brown and Co., 1989. (Fiction)
Zim, Herbert Spencer. The Great Whales. Illustrated by James Gordon
Irving. New York: William Morrow & Co., 1951. Grades 3-7. (Nonfiction)
Zindel, Paul. Let Me Hear You Whisper: A Play. New York: HarperCollins
Publishers, 1974. Grades 7 and up. (Fiction)
Ziner, Feenie. Little Sailor's Big Pet. Illustrated by Leslie Stevens.
Boston, Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Co., 1957. Grades preschool-3. (Fiction)
Zinsser, Anne. Dolphin Magic. West Cornwall, Connecticut: Locust Hill
Press, 1996. Grades 3-5. (Fiction)
From the author: "Peter and Leah get a jolt of magic and find themselves
spending a summer in the sea with a troop of dolphins. Although magical, the
escapades of these two nine-year-olds are so real that they become the adventures
of any child who reads this . . . book."
Zoehfeld, Kathleen Weidner. Dolphin's First Day: The Story of a Bottlenose
Dolphin. Illustrated by Steven James Petruccio. Book/cassette/stuffed toy:
Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution. Book/stuffed toy: Smithsonian
Institution/Norwalk, Connecticut: TMC/Soundprints. Grades preschool-2. (Fiction)
Trisha: Good story about various events that might occur in a young dolphin's
life, including the seemingly obligatory-to-children's-books thwarted shark
attack. The playing-with-seaweed encounter with other young dolphins is a bit
___________. Little Dolphin Learns. New York: McGraw-Hill Children's Publishing, 2002.
NOTE: This section contains information about non-book items (such as games
and exhibits) and resources for educators. Please note, however, that there
are also resources for educators in the main section of the bibliography that
are not repeated here (although a few are).
Barbaresi, Nina. Whales and Dolphins Stickers. Dover Publications.
The Blake School Science Research Unit on Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises.
"Behind the Dolphin's Smile." A Living Earth Learning Project module.
Available from Living Earth Learning Project, P.O. Box 2160, Boston, Massachusetts
02106, USA, (617) 367-8687.
In addition to the classroom presentations, Living Earth also offers the
following at no charge: a video loan library, speakers for teacher in-service
trainings and conferences, lesson plans and activities, and resource materials.
Buffington, Kath, Maria Fleming, Deborah Kovacs, and Karen Steuer. Whales:
Activities Based on Research from the Center for Coastal Studies. Scholastic
Trade, 1994. Ages 4-8.
>. Chang, Ima, Zoe Danielson, Angela Demeter, L. Ann Huff.
. "The Circle of Life Unit: The River Dolphin.". (Link points to an archived version)
Dolly and Daniel Whale Game. Board game. Milton Bradley, 1963. Ages 4-7.
The Free Willy Story: Keiko's Journey Home
Lesson plans for the above two videos include Program Overview, Vocabulary, Discussion Questions, Academic Standards and Benchmarks, Related Resources, and Classroom Activities, including mobiles, living in water, migration, whale adoption, tuna nets, whale songs, and the following major activities:
Create a Habitat--What would it take to create a habitat for a whale that
is 25 feet long and weighs four tons?
Make It a Habitat--Sharks, whales, snakes, bears, dogs, cats, killer bees,
elephants, and great apes! Oh my! What do these animals have in common? They
all have to live somewhere--your job is to figure out the ways they have
adapted, then oganize your own ecosystem.
Effects of Commercial Whaling--Go online to analyze and quantify data comparing the number of whales remaining in the world's oceans with the number believed to have existed before commercial whaling began.
Talking to the Animals--Place your students in an activity where they can
understand how dolphins and trainers feel when they are trying to communicate
without words. This activity is designed for students at all grade levels (K-12).
Dolphins of the World - A Global Project. Administered by Lori Twiss. Information about this project was once available at The Auburn School Website, although the old link no longer works. Click here for the home page of The Auburn School.
"This proposal will link five school sites located throughout the eastern
United States, through the Internet to each other. These schools will work
collaboratively, with scientist Denise Herzing, to research and produce a
multimedia presentation on dolphins and write a curriculum for the World Wide
Web. Participants will be involved in: on-line communication, e-mail, conferencing,
portfolio assessment, critical inquiry, data analysis, creation of web pages,
peer critiquing which will enhance higher level science, thinking and technology
skills while studying ethical and environmental issues of the dolphin environment.
Dolphins of the World promises to be an exemplary project with far
reaching implications. While impacting teachers, students, educational institutions,
world research, and World Wide Web users, it will create an atmosphere for lifelong
Dolphins, Spaceflight, Ice/Snow: Theme Studies for the Classroom. Book 2: Intermediate. Hayes.
Elk, Catherine K., and Kathleen Lignell. A Teachers' Guide to the Whales of the Gulf
of Maine. Orono, Maine: Communications Office of the Sea Grant Marine Advisory Program at the University of Maine at Orono, 1984.
Fin-Fin on Teo, the Magic Planet. Fujitsu Interactive Inc., (415) 538-2900.
"More than other computer 'pets' [quotation marks added] on the market, Fin-Fin is an independent entity. You can entice him to do tricks by offering berries or talking sweetly to him. You can also drive him to tears by yelling at or ignoring him. He reacts not only to the sounds and movements of the people around him, but also to his environment on the Magic Planet. He wanders off when hungry and sulks a little when it starts to rain. Over time, he exhibits new behaviors, like singing songs and performing acrobatics.
"Fin-Fin . . . is designed to teach children 4 through 12 a sense of concern for the environment and the challenges of building relationships . . ."
Fitz-Patrick, Maria. Zoobooks Thematic Curriculum: Whales. San Diego,
California: Wildlife Education, 1995.
Flipper in "Dolphin Love." Sawyer's View-Master stereo pictures, no.
21. Ivan Tors Films and Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, 1966. (Includes 16-page story
Griggs, Tamar. Whale Workshops.
From the section entitled "Teaching about whales . . . " in There's a Sound in the Sea:
"The whale workshops grew out of my exploration for roots and feelings about life and they are still growing with each experience with the children. I now have two people helping me . . . and I am delighted to incorporate their ideas into the workshop.
"We seek a rich learning environment and the broadest possible approach. We
give workshops to public school children here in western Canada for grades one
through seven. We meet for two or three hours every day for three weeks. We spend the first week on the biology of whales (size, eating habits, shape, sound and
communication, birth, mother-and-baby relationships, group behavior, and evolution). The second week takes in Indian and Eskimo whaling (why they whaled, their songs and carvings, the raven and whale myths, creation myths and hunting ceremonies). We spend the third week learning of the ocean (tides, waves, relationships in the food chains, productivity in the seas, migration of whales, pressure and cold, light and sounds).
"The ocean evokes all sorts of images becasue life began there; it is a
dark and strange place of beginnings and creations, of life forces, and the
children love to enter into its magic and mystery. They not only learn
something of the physical sea but they also swim in the seas of their
"In most cases the workshops begin with a series of warming-up exercises which help the children appreciate what their own bodies can and cannot do--how their heads, hands, arms, backs, legs, feet and toes move and what possible comparisons might be found between their bodies and the whale's. What if they were without thumbs or fingers? What if their nose was atop their head? What if they had to guide themselves by ear rather than sight? What if their babies were born in the water? Can they imagine a classroom full of salt water?--how would it feel to be a whale swimming there?
"All the discussions take place in a circle on the floor--no one is left out and ideas flow easily. They make a blowhole with their cupped hands and whoosh their breath in and out while they open and close their hands (whales make a tremendous noise when they breathe at the water's surface). They find a
photograph and look at the blue whale's blowhole. They creat a whale with their
bodies--some are ribs, moving with each breath, others are a mouth opening and
closing, others the tail swishing up and down, two the heart going thump-thump,
and one is a joyful spout. Could a real blue whale even fit on a
gymnasium floor?
"Warm-up exercises lead to further development in dancing, language and art. The students can dance to the whale sounds or to their sense of the calm or
stormy seas. Poems may follow or they may draw or paint their ideas onto paper.
And don't forget the huge paper whale sculptures to hang from the ceiling!
"These are just a few of the many activities which the children and I have
enjoyed and which can help to nurture their awareness of the whale as well as of
all other life forms. The poems and pictures in our book reveal the delight and
love and concern which are in every child just waiting to be expressed."
Hawaii's Ocean Angels video. By Ray Hollowell. Honolulu, Hawaii: Ocean Energy Productions, 2000. Available by calling 1-800-754-4421. May be purchased with a curriculum guide for teachers.
Features of the multi-graded, interdisciplinary curriculum guide: It is based on the film's three topics: dolphins, environment, and Hawaii; learning experiences are specifically designed for integration of various content areas; activities for upper elementary school, (grades 4-5, ages 8-10, self-contained); activities for middle school (grades 6-8, ages 10-13, by subject); activities for high school (grades 9-12, ages 13-19, by subjects); subjects include science, computer skills, English/language arts (including speech/debate), math, social studies (geography, environmental issues), art; for all learning modalities; appendices include glossary, bibliography for each school level, internet website listings, environmental and dolphin-related legislation, video transcript and more; also contains for the teacher an excellent overview of dolphins (biology, intelligence, habitat, current issues, etc.)
Award: Communicator Award of Excellence 2000
Hill, A. G. Group Textual Study of Fiction in the Primary School, Part 3,
A Suggested Programme of Works on Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott
O'Dell Used As a Text for Reading, Discussion and Some Written and Practical
Activities . . . . Edinburgh: Moray House College of Education.
Horizons: Whales. Two 113-page student booklets and a 43-page teacher's manual. Jostens Learning, 1988, 1989. Reading level high 4th to low 6th.
Hoyt, Michael Robert. There's a Sound in the Sea. Written and produced
by Michael Robert Hoyt. Available from the producer, 3922 Rickover Road, Silver
Spring, Maryland 20902, USA, or may be rented from the Defenders of Wildlife,
1244 ineteenth Street NW, Washington, DC 20036, USA.
Jigsaw Puzzles. Provided by the DolphinEar Website, where you may also hear dolphin and whale sounds.
Jones, Claire. Whales. Ocean Related Curriculum Activities. Pacific Science Center, Seattle, Washington; Washington University, Seattle, Washington. Washington Sea Grant Program.
Journey North, 125 North First St., Minneapolis, Minnesota 55301, USA, (612)
Kastner, Paul, Joan Kastner, and Jessica A. Porter. Gentle Giants of the
Sea. 2d ed. Friday Harbor, Washington: The Whale Museum, 1986. (Nonfiction)
Killer Whale Tales: Environmental Science Through Storytelling.
This excellent program includes storytelling with audiovisual aids and activities that support required learning skills.
Lack, Eddie, illustrator. Crazy Dolphin Game. Crazy Game Series. Los
Angeles: Price Stern Sloan, 1996. Grades 1 and up.
Lolita's Legion. For more information on joining, contact Lolita's Legion, Giraffe North, c/o Carl W. Dortch, P.O. Box 338, Coupeville, Washington 98239-0338, USA, e-mail:
New membership is welcome, and there are no fees. It is only asked that
every one who becomes a member write a letter to Miami Seaquarium and to
their federal, state, and local lawmakers asking them to write to Miami
You can have an effect by writing to Lolita's owner, Arthur Hertz, c/o
The Miami Seaquarium, 4400 Rickenbacker Causeway, Miami, Florida 33149, USA.
If you have a web page, Lolita's Legion invites you to link to their page
( They hope this year to expand Lolita's
Legion to other schools in Washington state as well as schools in Florida,
Wales, and Russia.
Lowe, Paula C., and Richard F. Ferraro. Dolphin KidKit: Discovery Edition.
Seattle, Washington: BigEye, 1994. Grades 2-7.
McKay, Bev. Whale Alert: An Integrated Activity Unit. Nashville,
Tennessee: Incentive Publishing, 1993.
Moor, Evan. Whales: A Unit Study. Grades 2-5.
Nakata, Atsuko. Origami 4: Rabbit, Dog, Whale. Heian International
Publishing, 1991.
New England Aquarium Teacher Resource Center. Whale Kits. Joel Rubin,
Teacher Resource Center, New England Aquarium, Central Wharf Boston, Massachusetts
02110-3399, USA, (617) 973-6590.
Orams, Mark, and Stephen Stembridge. Dolphin Explorer Educational Kit CD.
" Purpose of the educational kit: The general aim of this kit is to promote a greater understanding of the biology and behaviour of dolphins and whales, and to use this understanding to increase awareness of the importance of conserving the marine environment. In writing the educational kit we wished to achieve the following aims:
"To provide up to date information on several themes relating to whales and dolphins. To outline some of the current threats to cetacean survival and identify strategies which can be used to reduce these threats. To provide an introduction to the human whale/dolphin interactions which occur in the Hauraki Gulf, North Island, New Zealand."
Orcas in Our Midst CD-ROM. Sunburst. PC and Mac. Grades 4-8.
"Beginning at the Introduction Screen, students view a brief film about the actual whale pods they will study. They become acquainted with natural and social culture of the maritime Pacific Northwest. Collaborating with their classroom teacher, students design a course of study, selecting from six cross-curricular Investigations that cover such topics as whale identification, whales in legends, or orca population studies. Each investigation encourages students to make scientific observations, take research notes, use math, make cultural connections, develop opinions and write descriptively. For students who want to explore topics on a deeper level, each Investigation is followed by 3 Challenges where they can apply their new learning to interesting situations, such as the physics of echolocation, or the business behind creating a whale-watching adventure.
" Because of its multifaceted construction, Orcas in Our Midst readily lends itself to classrooms with diverse learning styles and ability levels. Students gain valuable insights as they: collect, organize, and categorize authentic data; develop, analyze and interpret graphs; write and test hypotheses; construct and solve multistep problems; use maps effectively; address public policy issues; learn on-line research skills with a direct link to related Web sites."
Petruccio, Steven James. Whales Trading Cards. Mineola, New York: Dover
Publications/Canada: General Publishing Company/London: Constable and
Company, 1996. Ages 4-8.
Protect-A-Dolphin Pod Video and Teaching Kit. The Wild Dolphin Project.
Available from The Wild Dolphin Project
Trisha: This is an excellent resource.
Reid, E., R. Piwko, A. Diebelo, and P. Newbold. Mastery Workbook for the
Whale: "Wh" Sound. Start Reading Series. Northville, Michigan:
Start Reading, 1986. (Study guide, student manual, etc.)
Sea World Education Department toll-free number, 1-800-23-SHAMU (TDD: 1-800-TD-SHAMU).
Schimmel, Nancy. "My Sister's a Whale in the Sea" From the All in
This Together Activity Book. Berkeley, California: Sisters' Choice,
My sister's a whale in the sea;
I don't think she knows about me.
I like to imagine her swimming around
From Stellwagen Bank to Nantucket Sound.
My sister, my sister, my sister's a whale in the sea.
My sister's a whale in the sea.
I've a copy of her pedigree.
I picked out a name and my mom sent the cash,
It wasn't much money for such a big splash;
My sister, my sister, my sister's a whale in the sea.
My sister's a whale in the sea,
Swimming so strong and so free.
The money will help people learn about whales,
They know which is whose by the cut of their tails.
My sister, my sister, my sister's a whale in the sea.
So look on your family tree:
Is there room for a humpback or three?
There's Mirror and Merlin and Clover and Cloud,
A sister or brother to make you feel proud.
Your sister, your sister, your sister could very well be
A forty-foot whale in the sea.
Words and music (c(c) 1986 by Nancy Schimmel
Vocal: The Singing Rainbows ยท
Concertina: Ricky Rackin
Nancy got a letter from the Whale Adoption Project asking her to adopt a
whale. She looked over the photographs of whales' tails the project sends
out for people to choose a whale from. Instead of choosing a whale to adopt,
she sent the project the above song, which they liked.
1. On a map of Massachusetts, look just south of Cape Cod (that curl of land
that sticks out into the Atlantic) to find Nantucket Sound. Is Stellwagen Bank
on your map? This is not the kind of bank you put money in, but a shallow part
of the ocean. Look up sound in the dictionary. Which meaning does it have in
this song?
2. Look up pedigree in the dictionary. The scientists in the Whale Action
Project can recognize whales that come back every year in their migrations and
they keep track of which calves belong to which mothers. If they know who your
adopted whale's mother and sisters or brothers are, they will tell you.
3. "The money will help people learn about whales . . ." It will
also help the whales directly. Whales breathe air, like we do, instead of
getting oxygen dissolved in water, as fish do, so they have to come to the
surface to breathe. If they get tangled in fishnets or other underwater junk,
they may drown. The scientists studying the whales of Stellwagen Bank have
also rescued many that were tangled.
"They know which is whose by the cut of their tails . . ." does not
mean that the whales' tails have been cut. Sailors used to say "the cut
of his jib" when they were talking about someone's appearance. The jib is
the triangular sail at the front of an old square-rigged sailing ship. Other
people started saying "I like the cut of your jib," when they meant,
"You make a good first impression on me." So in the song, "the
cut of their tails" refers to the shape and color and markings on a
whale's tail.
4. Look up whales in an encyclopedia or find a book about whales. How are
humpback whales different from other kinds of whales? Are they baleen or
toothed whales? What is the difference? What do humpback whales eat?
You can find out more about the whales of Stellwagen Bank from Crystal,
the Story of a Real Baby Whale by Karen Smyth, with drawings by Norma
Cuneo (Down East Books, 1986).
If you like to imagine whales swimming around, try The Whales' Song by
Dyan Sheldon, illustrated by Gary Blythe (Dial Books for Young Readers, 1990;
Talman, 1997).
Why the Whales Came is a story that takes place in England during the
first World War. Besides whales, there are ghosts and a curse. It was written
by Michael Morpurgo in 1985 and published by Scholastic in 1990.
Soffer, Ruth. Whales & Dolphins Tattoos. Mineola, New York: Dover
Publications/Toronto, Ontario, Canada: General Publishing Company/London: Constable
and Company, 1997.
"The [species included are:] (1) Killer Whale; (2) Spinner Dolphin; (3) Northern
Bottlenose Whale; (4) Narwhal; (5) Atlantic White-Sided Dolphin; (6) Humpback
Whale; (7) Bottlenose Dolphin; (8) Great Blue Whale; (9) Dusky Dolphin; (10)
Sperm Whale."
Sohl, Marcia, and Dackerman, Gerald. Moby Dick Student Activity Book.
Illustrated by Alex Nino. Now Age Illustrated Series. West Haven, Connecticut:
Pendulum Press, 1976. Grades 4-10.
Splash!. "The Card Game of Fast Action and Fast Fun!"
For 4-6 players, ages 7 to adult.
Shark and Whale. Ultimate Sticker Books. New York: Dorling Kindersley,
Tails for Whales game. The Great American Puzzle Factory. Ages 6 and up, 1 to 5 players.
Teaching Science with Whales.
Available from Leighton Taylor and Associates, 1677 Sage Canyon Road, St. Helena,
California 94574, USA, (707) 963-2260, e-mail:
Thorp, Ellis E. Swimming with the Whales. Teacher's edition. New York:
fawcett, 1997.
Todd, Barbara.Whale Research booklet.
___________.Whales, Dolphins, and Porpoises: Resource Manual.
___________.The World of Whales resource kit. The World of Whales, 431 C Street, Lincoln, California 95648, USA, email:
"Use the resource kit in your classroom, as a reference in your library, for home schooling programs, as educational material in your museum or environmental learning center."
Contents of the resource kit: The Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises Chart, To the Depths of the Sea Chart, 8 Concept Charts, Resource Manual, Research Booklet, 20 Activity Sheets, Over 100 Learning Activities
Turnbull, Deborah Lynn. "Dolphins and Whales In Mythology: Part One of a Multidisciplinary Unit." Yale-New Haven Teachers Institute.
The Ultimate Whale and Shark Sticker Book. DK Publishing, 1994.
Wade, Larry. Whales in the Classroom, Vol. 2: Getting to Know the Whales. Illustrated by Stephen Bolles. Minnetonka, Minnesota: Singing Rock Press, 1995. Grades 4-8.
Contains activities and data from scientific data contributed by marine biologists. Also contains interviews with whale biologists.
Contents: From Ocean to Land and Back, Living the Life of a Whale, Whale Research, Whaling and Conservation, Whale Dreams and Visions, Activities, a customer of "It is difficult to evoke excitement about the natural world in young teenagers, but I am devoted to trying! This book is overflowing with hands-on activities, games, and interviews with real people who have a passion for their work. I am an award-winning middle school science teacher, and this is one of the best resources I have found!"
___________. Whales in the Classroom, Vol. I: Oceanography. Illustrated by Stephen Bolles. Minnetonka, Minnesota: Singing Rock Press, 1992. Grades 4-8. (Nonfiction)
Contents: Our Changing Earth, Rivers in the Sea, Marine Communities, The Ocean's Clean-Up Crew, Meadows in the Sea, Upwelling: The Underwater Elevator, Marine Ecology, Activities
Whale Conservation Institute Education
The Whale Game. By Wildlife Games. 1985.
WhaleNet. J. Michael Williamson,
MICS, 20 Moynihan Rd., So. Hamilton, Massachusetts 01982, USA. (In English,
French, Spanish, and German)
Whale of a Tale CD. Windows and Macintosh. Texas Caviar, 1995. Ages 5-10.
Texas Caviar is an award-winning, independent publisher of education CD-ROM titles for children. Each title combines an original story with classic, curriculum-based, liberal arts materials and activities at the computer and away from the computer.
A Whale of a Tale series educational software. Innova Multimedia, 2000.
Modules: Leap into Language 1, 2, 3; Dive into Math 1, 2, 3; Surf into Science 1, 2, 3; Surf into Science 3, Spanish edition; Swim into Social Studies, 1, 2, 3
Whales. An Eyewitness Kit. New York: Dorling Kindersley, 2000. Ages 8 and up. (Blue, orca, and sperm whales)
Whales. A Wonders of Learning Kit from The National Geographic Society
Educational Services, P.O. Box 98019, Washington, D.C. 20090-8019, USA, (800)
368-2728, fax: (301) 921-1575. For grades K-2. 1984.
Whales: Integrated Activities for Whole Language and Thematic Teaching. Creative Teaching Press. Grades 2-3.
Whales of the World chart. Available from The National Geographic Society
Educational Services, P.O. Box 98019, Washington, D.C. 20090-8019, USA, (800)
368-2728, fax: (301) 921-1575. 1976. 22" x 31".
Whales Tales Neverending Tale.
* Dynamic discussion of baleen and toothed whales
* A group of slides from some of the world's foremost marine photographers
* State-of-the-art underwater recordings
"Whalesong also provides a carefully thought out curriculum for
school districts, offering a full day of scientific exploration. Students through
all grade levels participate in fun-filled experiments designed to provide a
greater understanding of the magic abilities of these amazing animals."
World of Whales robotic cetacean exhibit, by Dinamation International.
Appeared at NOAA's Silver Spring, Maryland, USA, campus at 1301 East-West
Highway, until December 21, 1997, where NOAA hosted the exhibit in association
with Explore-It-All Science Center. (Thanks to Peter Blathwyt for this
The exhibit is described as including a field-trip package aimed at the
elementary school science, math, and language curricula. Teachers are provided
with materials to prepare students for their visit to NOAA's Science
Learning Center, giving them background on whales and guidelines for
investigating their life history, habits, and environment.
The journal goes on to say that students will receive materials and instructions
to proceed on a whale watch: "Through a 30-minute voyage into a
dramatically created marine environment, the students will search for the
answers to questions on whale biology and life history. Students will explore
the world of whales using hands-on, active participation with interactive
exhibits, and observing, computing, and writing skills."
Dinamation International is reported to have designed and created robotic
creatures based on scientifically accurate information and modern technical
World of Whales and Dolphins study modules. Formerly available at I have been unable to relocate either the modules or Claire Allen.
The twelve modules include: Whaling in History, Modern Hunting, Geographical Habitat, Identification, Feeding, How They Live, Giants of the Deep, Pollution, Dangers at Sea, Communication, Breathing, and Behavior. Each is presented complete with lesson plans, curriculum links, and ideas for implementation in the classroom. Most of the tasks have National Curriculum relevance and are outlined in each module. As well as the tasks there are extension activities which children can do in their own time at school or perhaps at home, involving parents. Included also with each module, or task, are two pages which build up to provide the child with an A-Z of Whale and Dolphin Facts coloring book.
Zimbalist, Alison, and Lorin Driggs. Dolphin Demeanor: Exploring Dolphin Behaviors in the Science Classroom. (Link points to an archived version)
Grades 6-12. Subjects: Science, interdisciplinary connections.
Compilation provided by:
Trisha Lamb (Note: I will be in meditation retreat from September 2005 through January 2009 and
will be out of communication during that time.)
to Cetacean Bibliographies, Audiography, and Videography
Trisha: I've included this story about whaling and its associated ravages
because it also contains a ghost ship that saves whales.
"Piece together a beautifully illustrated puzzle as you read eight classic
Bible stories, endorsed by both a rabbi and a priest. From the Old Testament,
classic stories such as Noah's animal filled ark, David's defeat of the Giant
Goliath, and Jonah's encounter with the whale provide children with a wonderful
introduction to religion and history. A large colorful puzzle depicting scenes
from all the stories is included."
From the publisher: "Some tribes of people native to the lands surrounding the Amazon speak of a legend of magical
dolphins. This is the story of one of those magical creatures, a very special buffeo, named Angelique."
"A wise, delightful story by the author of The Curve of Time.
Follows Henry's adventures as he makes his way back to open water after the
tide sucks him into turbulent Sechelt Inlet on the British Columbia coast."
Bokoske, Sharon. Dolphins!. Econo-Clad Books, 1999. Ages 4-8. (Nonfiction)
From a review in Horn Book: "This addition to the series explores a high-interest topic with controlled vocabulary, limited text on each page, and no chapters. Though it will be a comfortable read for many youngsters, an attempt to abbreviate information results in a choppy style and incomplete information. -- Copyright (c) 1994 The Horn Book, Inc. All rights reserved.
From the dust jacket: "The dolphin's supposed ability to communicate with
humans has been the subject of much ancient mythology and several recent [as of
1963] scientific studies. In this tale that hovers between reality and illusion,
Frank Bonham uses his background research to make a judicious guess about the
true capabilities of this remarkable mammal.
A reader from "This series has a wonderful idea at its heart: After being faced with a difficult problem, 10-year-old Whitney travels back in time to ancient Israel with the help of her grandmother's magical Bible. There she ends up playing a key part in the world's best-loved Bible stories. When Whitney returns to the present time, she finds she knows how to better handle her own problems. What makes this book and the other one I've read so far (Whitney Sews Joseph's Many-Colored Coat) is that Whitney is very active in both time periods -- she deals with her problem in the present, and she makes a real contribution to solving the biblical problem when she goes back in time. All that plus humor and a character kids will identify with. I can't wait for the rest of the series."
From the publisher: "Vincent turns out to be a whale and must be returned
to the sea, and despite her unhappiness over losing her friend, Paulina comes to
understand where Vincent truly belongs."
From the dust jacket: "'Go among them with harpoons and the will to harm, and whales are something to reckon with. But if paths merely cross, it's as if heaven were upside down . . . below instead of above, because they come like sea-angels and play. . . .'"
" An artist illustrated environmental-awareness fiction book . . . It
includes educational, fun facts about the underwater world.
From the back cover: "A young whale becomes sad and lonely when [his whale] playmates ridicule his oversized tail. His mother stops this abuse by leaving the pod and raising him alone. Years later, his powerful tail helps rescue his childhood tormentors from whale hunters. When the mean whales invite him back, he [helps them to] learn some truths about friendship."
From the back cover: "The stranded whale had disappeared--and not back into
the ocean! Someone has sneakily taken the little whale away. And now a mysterious client is asking The Three Investigators to find it. The client refuses to give his name--but he will pay cash! Why do so many peole want the baby whale? It makes no sense to the young detectives . . . until they learn that the whale can lead them to sunken treasure!"
"The Whale is one of an exciting series of wildlife books for children produced by Boxtree in collaboration with Survival, television's longest-running and most successful wildlife series.
Promotes captivity.
This is "the tale of a dolphin and his friendship with a boy who lived on
the island of Nassau.
Describes the physical characteristics, behavior, and enemies of dolphins and
This book is very beautiful. (Link points to an archived version) The pictures and the story are wonderful.
Songwriter and performer Jimmy Buffett and his daughter, Savannah Jane,
collaborate on an original tale about a magic guitar and the lucky man who
finds it. Pirates and trickery, music and enchantment, friendship and the
loyalty of a very special dolphin create a timeless story of adventure that
will be treasured by young and old alike.
From Kirkus Reviews, March 1, 1998: "When a train pulls into town carting a dead whale, the citizens of Johnstown, Illinois--one in a Model A--eagerly hand over their buffalo-head nickels and dimes to Captain Pinkney for a chance to view the dead behemoth. Tommy, who has read about whales, is nauseated by the spectacle, particularly when it turns out the whale is rotting and smelly. His friend, Ben, wants to cut off a hunk of the whale as a souvenir, intentions that spell the end of his and Tommy's friendship. As the train is about to depart, the engine breaks down, and Captain Pinkney asks for the townspeople's help in burying the smelly carcass. Tommy feels somewhat better about putting the whale to rest, but it isn't until the following spring, when wild flowers flourish over the whale's grave, that Tommy believes that its death is appeased. The language Bunting . . . uses is clear as ever, and the analogy of the story, that standing up for what you believe in is the same as sticking up for yourself, rings true. It's just such an odd story, set in turn-of-the-century America, and made more peculiar by Menchin's collage artwork (which, significantly, gives the dead whale a human eye). That a child would be sensitive to the whale's plight may prove a timeless notion, but it feels more 1998 than 1920, the date on a nickel viewed close up." -- Copyright (c)1998, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
An introduction to whales with chapters entitled: When Whales Walked the Land,
A Whale Is a What?, A Sea Full of Whales (describes various species), A Family
Affair, Fin Out in the Water! (describes whaling), The Killer Kiss, and Getting
to Know Them (describes research). Also includes a bibliography and an index.
"'If you happen to be one of the lucky ones who travels forward in time
in 1999, when Earth tilts on her axis, perhaps you'll meet them face to face:
the Gee-gees.' A charming picture book with magical stories of time travel,
stuffed toys, the dolphins' heritage, and disappearing landscape."
Trisha: The books in this series contain some interesting fictional ideas, but
they are not well written and could be helped tremendously by a good editor.
From the publisher: "It is with great pride that we introduce The Whale Comedian as the first selection of London Town Press. This hilarious, charming picture book adventure will leave you cheering for the determined little boy with the great big dream to make whales happy.
Recounts how a young humpback whale entered the San Francisco Bay in October
1985 and for some as-yet-unknown reason swam 70 miles inland before being led
back to the sea by humans concerned for his welfare.
"Long ago, Orca was only one colour, black, and she lived, like all the
other sea mammals, in the water, coming to the surface to breathe." Then
she and Osprey fall in love, and their offspring is "the black-and-white
whale who loves to leap high out of the water and sing a song so beautiful that
all creation listens." [Trisha: Beautifully illustrated.]
Themes: Pirates, buried treasure, North Carolina, dolphins.
Scott: A short book about [the dolphins] Suwa and Dall and Betty Brothers Rein.
Trisha: Includes sharks, blue marlin, flying fish, a sperm and a blue whale,
dolphins (who are equated incorrectly with porpoises, and who also are
unfortunately described via the following, ". . . may be trained to do
tricks. A few have even become wonderful pets."), a killer whale, a
giant squid, an octopus, a lobster, other shellfish, and some of the
unusal-looking fish that live in the deepest part of the sea.
"Here are all the facts on these gentle and intelligent marine creatures--
where they live, what they eat, how they breathe, and how they give birth to
and care for their young . . .
Devotional prayer book for young Seventh-Day Adventists.
Trisha: This is a very sweet story, based on the folklore of Guam, about a
young girl and her grandmother's daily trip to the ocean to enjoy the sunrise
and greet the dolphins (who the grandmother can call) and watch them do their
dolphin dance. When the little girl's father gets a job in a new location and
they have to move, the dolphins give her a special gift to remember them by.
Sweetly illustrated as well; the dolphins are especially delightful. Click on
"Cassidy: the Wordsmith" above for more reviews of Dolphin, Dolphin.
From the publisher: "In this zany comic adventure, dedicated pet sleuth Ace
Ventura must locate the Miami Dolphins' missing mascot [a rare bottlenose dolphin named Snowflake]--and quarterback--in time for the upcoming Super Bowl . . . "
Book description: " Readers will enjoy learning how these appealing mammals hunt for food, care for their young, and defend themselves. This book also explains the many ways in which dolphins help human beings -- by saving people from drowning, aiding fishermen in finding schools of fish, and, most amazingly, assisting both children and adults in coping with cancer, depression, and physical disabilities. In addition, there's a chapter devoted to ways in which humans can help protect dolphins. Jeffrey L. Rotman traveled to the Red Sea and to Dolphin Reef in Israel to capture these striking photographs, which include . . . close-ups and playful scenes of dolphins socializing with children."
"Environmentally aware families will love sharing this story of a boy who is granted his wish to become a giant whale. He learns a song of hope for the
planet's future. Tom Chapin's delightful narration of the story on cassette is
accompanied by four touching songs."
Scott: A curious small children's book, with vocabulary well above the
head of most children and a number of factual errors, such as the number of
sentences in dolphins' languages . . .
Trisha: A sweetly written little book with block prints, narrated by a young
sperm whale, describing size, body parts (eyes, teeth, skin, etc.), an uncle
sadly lost to whalers, tail slapping, diving, breathing, breaching, and diet.
Ends with two pages on "whale stamps," used by whalers to record
both whales slaughtered and those who were fortunate enough to escape. One of
these stamps is used decoratively on each page number of the book.
From the back cover: "Late one night in the future, far, far out at sea,
a young man adrift on a packing crate is about to encounter an intelligence
that will change the course of history . . .
Gayle: Beached false killer whales. Literarily fairly good; set in Australia;
evokes empathy for the whales; problem solving; describes looking into the eye(s) of a whale.
Considers the questions: What is a dolphin? How is a dolphin born? How does a father dolphin spank his baby? How do dolphins fight? How does a dolphin play?
From the publisher: "Describes different kinds of toothed whales, including
the sperm whale, beluga, and killer whale."
From the publisher: "Describes the changing relationship between whales and
people, discussing how humans once hunted these air-breathing sea mammals and now work to save them from extinction."
From the publisher: "Describes the habitat, physical characteristics, life
cycle, behavior, and different kinds of whales."
From the publisher: "Describes the behavior of whales, with an emphasis on
their hunting, communication, and travel."
"Told through the bright eyes of Katie, a 10-year-old who knows a lot of
facts, stories and legends about dolphins, ths is a great book for anyone who
has been charmed by a dolphin's smile, intrigued by their intellignce, or just
delighted with their seemingly fun,carefree personalities."
Book description: "There are 11 species of whales that have no teeth, and 30 species that do -- up to 7 inches long. This fun book explores all the questions young readers may ask about whales, like: What are flukes and flippers? How many blowholes do they have? Why do they spyhop? When do they swim sideways along the ocean floor?"
A large whale shows the greedy Amomonies how to fish carefully so there will
always be enough fish in the sea for everyone.
From the publisher: "Meant for the entire family, The Song of the Sea series includes original color illustrations. The story, as sung by whales and dolphins, is finally understood by a deaf scientist, Sharing, the first human ever to understand the song of the sea creatures. A great conclave including all intelligent sea mammals is called to determine mankind's fate. This series is based on the same real-life incident that inspired the movie Free Willy."
Examines the physical characteristics, behavior, and migration pattern of the
humpback whale.
Examines the physical characteristics and behavior of dolphins. The photographs are of bottlenose and spotted dolphins.
From the publisher: "Wally Whale, hero in the new AWHALUVA series of children's books, stars in this delightful . . . book. Wally Whale personifies the philosophy of being helpful to others and--with his sidekick Spikey Seahorse--inspires children to help others save the environment . . . Wally's wish comes true after he rescues an aardvark, a kangaroo, an ostrich, and a rabbit from a sinking boat."
Contains information on whales in general and the humpback whale.
"A search for buried treasure on a mythical island is undertaken by the
crew of a cutter ship, the 'Singing Dolphin,' on Christmas Day in 1760."
From a review by Roger Leslie in Booklist: "Molly is plagued by guilt for not going with her father on the boat from which he was thrown and killed. Still living on their own boat, Emeral Eyes, Molly and her mother, who are nothing alike, find their relationship further strained by their mourning and by the sudden intimacy developing between Molly's mother and one of her father's best friends. When her mother demands that they abandon Emerald Eyes to take cover from an approaching hurricane, Molly determines to save the boat and, she hopes, the loving memories of her father. Crowe is an excellent writer. She advances the plot steadily and believably and keeps readers engaged by ending each chapter with either an unexpected turn of events or an insightful hook. Although Molly's attempt to save the boat becomes the major focus of the story, her struggle to reconcile her guilt and eventually resolve the conflict with her mother are deftly developed and resolved."
This is a tale of one boy . . . and of humanity, now beginning to discover it
All. It's a tale of a pod of dolphins . . . and of a different way of living
and Being, together.
Contents: The Whale, Sharks, Dr. Sprocket Makes a Rocket, At the Fair, The
Blueberry Pie, Moon Story, The Babysitters, Grandpa's New Car, That Magic
Tree, and I Like Worms!
"A story of a young girl's imagination involving a pig and a whale."
Trisha: Big, bold, colorful illustrations, with sections entitled: About Whales;
Echolocation; Two Groups of Whales (baleen and toothed); The Gray Whale; The Blue Whale;
The Sperm Whale; The Orca, or Killer Whale; Dolphins and Porpoises; The Beluga, or White, Whale;
The Humpback Whale; Intelligence
From the back cover: "A trip to the States is a dream come true for animal-lover Mandy Hope. She can't wait to meet
the animals that live there.
From the back cover: " A dolphin in a trout pond halfway up a mountain in
New England? Impossible. A dolphin that can spout likr a whale, leap up to
snatch leaves from a tree? Impossible. A dolphin that can talk, that recites
poetry? IMPOSSIBLE! But that is the very dolphin Eric Anderson gets mixed up
with--the most impossible, exasperating, smart-alecky, and (in the end) lovable
dolphin you will ever meet in fact or fiction."
Includes stories about Opo, the dolphin who loved people; Flippy, the first
trained dolphin; Doris and Buzz, the dolphins who talked to each other; Tuffy,
the dolphin who was trained to save lives; Pelorus Jack, the faithful dolphin;
Spray, the first dolphin born in a tank; Pauline, the dolphin who almost died
of loneliness; Bimbo, the big bully; and Zippy, the blindfolded dolphin.
Trisha: With lovely soft blue-green-toned illustrations, explains how a dolphin
breathes, eats (and what they eat), sees, hears, and sleeps, the nature of their
skin, why they live in pods, who their predators are (orcas and sharks), the
experience of being injured by a boat, the birth and the life of a dolphin baby,
human-dolphin interaction in close to shore, and captivity.
From Kirkus Reviews, June 1, 1997: "Conversational text and
soft, crosshatched pen-and-ink illustrations ebb and flow in a fluid look at
the largest mammal ever to inhabit the earth. Invoking the senses, Davies
describes the blue whale's physical attributes in irresistible, crystalline
terms. Its skin is 'springy and smooth like a hard-boiled egg, and it's as
slippery as wet soap.' The enormity of the blue whale comes into focus in the
illustrations that place it next to a giraffe and an elephant, bringing it into
the everyday realm of children. The scale of this leviathan becomes even clearer
when Davies notes that its eyes are the size of teacups and its ears are no
larger than the end of a pencil. She covers its yearly migration, and its diet
of 30 million tiny krill in just a day. Undulating bold text provides auxiliary
facts that complement the main story. Effective use of shrinking and expanding
typeface and the inclusion of two human observers accentuate the proportional
vastness of both the creature and its ocean. This unassuming book is teeming
with new discoveries upon each rereading." Copyright 1997, Kirkus
Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
___________. Dolphin : Habitats, Life Cycles, Food Chains, Threats. Natural World series. Raintree/Steck Vaughn, 2000. Ages 9-12. (Nonfiction)
From the Web site for this book, by Susan Short:
"Full of luscious prose, beautiful images, and yes, even hope, [this book]
will enchant children and adults alike. [It] resounds with the sounds of the
whales--gentle, monumental, awe-inspiring. It is the next best thing to an actual encounter with one of these giants of the sea.
"Adventures of Pinocchio when he tries to find his father who is lost at sea. Eats dinner with the white whale, finds a treasure ship, etc."
Synopsis: "When Santa's reindeer get the flue a week before Christmas, the
whale comes to the rescue."
From the back cover: "Until recently, little was known about Hector's dolphin, a creature unique to New Zealand; how widely the dolphins occur, how many there are, where they hang out, what they eat, how they communicate with each other.
Gayle: Introduces Greenpeace and preservation efforts. Literarily adequate; good
adventure story of a boy trapped in the Arctic and how he problem-solves to
survive while risking all to save a whale.
From a review by Kirsten Silvey at ". . . a comprehensive work on the ecological, socio-political, and
spiritual influences that inform humans' relationship to dolphins. Dr. DeMares covers myriad topics, including
dolphin-assisted therapy, peak dolphin encounters, dolphin language, and dolphin consciousness and personhood."
Adrianne floats over mountains of coral, enhanced by the reef's tranquil beauty.
A butterfly fish nibbles her finger, and shrimp tiptoe among the urchins. But
danger lurks in the shadows. Suddenly Adrianne is shouldered up into her
grandfather's dinghy to safety by a dolphin. When she asks her grandfather why
a dolphin would save her, he says little of what he seems to know. That night,
the girl wonders what dolphins see; closing her eyes, she enters an ocean "bright with sounds." She is a dolphin. Then she discovers that her dream may not have been a dream at all.
Dedicated "To all dolphins, wherever they may swim."
A pop-up book for very young children, which includes a whale, shark, octopus,
crab, and octopus.
A pop-up book for very young children.
From the back cover: "The Hardys' Christmas in paradise, Hawaii-style, could turn out to be one big wipeout. Checking out the world-famous dolphin research center at Nai'a Bay, the boys discover that one of the dolphins has suffered a suspicious injury . . . and that one of the researchers has vanished without a trace. All the evidence points to kidnapping!
The idea of writing about a fictional dolphin first occurred to Horace Dobbs
in 1978. It followed his encounters with a solitary friendly wild dolphin named
Donald. Since then, Horace has spent much of his time with these large-brained,
intelligent mammals in the open sea, exploring their very special friendship
with humans, which dates back to ancient times.
In book two, a range of human and domestic animal characters are introduced.
These include Pat, the lighthouse keeper; Boka, his dog; Sprat, his cat; and Postie, the postman.
What happens when humans get gold fever is the theme of book three. The
characters, human and animal, in the previous two books are further developed.
These include Mike, a professional diver, who teaches Debra to dive with an
In book four, Dilo's free life in the open sea comes to a sudden end when he is
captured by those on board Sea Wolf. The dolphin is left stranded on a
beach before a prearranged "rescue" by the staff of an aquarium. Dilo
is inmprisoned in a pool, where he is expected to perform tricks, and the
reader is given a look at life in a dolphinarium from a dolphin's point of view.
___________. Not yet titled. Illustrated by Rico. North Ferriby,
Humberside, England: Watch Publishing, forthcoming. Ages 6-7 and up. (Fiction)
In book five, Dilo returns to the bay where he first met Debra, and arrives at
the same time as an oil rig. Dilo's human friends are concerned about what this
will do to the wildlife. Will it frighten away the dolphin who brings so much
joy to visitors and wealth to the fishermen? The return of Sea Wolf
adds to their anxiety. The whole community is affected when a big oil spill
occurs. Dilo is there when it happens--will he survive?
Fun for everyone: Spot the difference, porpoise puzzle, mobile, etc.
An ideal accompaniment to the Dilo books for inquisitive youngsters and adults
who want to find out more about dolphins and the world they live in. Every
fascinating fact is illustrated with one of Rico's delightful sketches and is
followed by one or more questions. Also a valuable aid for teachers.
Book description: "This new interactive series introduces young children to the wonders of the animal kingdom through exciting adventure stories, fascinating facts, and a fun game page. Charmingly illustrated, these appealing nature books are both entertaining and educational--young naturalists will want to own the whole series.
Contains printed board, chart, color picture, 12 colored pencils, and a sharpener. "Kid-friendly" instructions give creative tips for shading, blending, and details.
" The message of The Zebra-Striped Whale With the Polka-Dot Tale is 'all that glitters is not gold.' The
story follows Maxime and Ariele's journey with a zebra-striped whale with a polka-dot tale and a pink and purple
From the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society Booklist:
" . . . A mixture of colour photos and illustrations in an easy-to-read
style provides a compelling introduction to these amazing creatures."
(Companion volume to Dolphins and Porpoises, by Hatherly and Nicholls.)
Thanks to Diane Duane for
providing the following info for this book:
From the website: "Dr. Kathleen Dudzinski shares her personal story working with wild dolphins [in this] companion book [to the IMAX film Dolphins] . . . Young readers will be fascinated and inspired by her account of how she got started in the marine sciences and what it's like studying dolphin communication. Written for children ages eight years and older, and including stunning images from the film, the book will become an excellent resource for all children interested in dolphins and marine science . . ."
"A Labrador retriever inadvertently takes a sea voyage aboard a raft. The story begins with a 'tuna chase' and emerges into a series of exciting adventures involving dolphins, whales, and sharks."
Dunbar, Joyce. Indigo and the Whale. Illustrated by Geoffrey Patterson.
Mahwah, New Jersey: BridgeWater Books, 1996. Ages 5-8. (Fiction)
From the publisher: "Indigo wants to be a musician, but his father wants
him to become a fisherman. One day Indigo heads out to sea and charms a whale
with his magical pipe. Realizing that destroying the whale will destroy her
music, too, Indigo lets the whale go and takes her songs back to serenade the
whole village. Beautiful, full-color illustrations convey the magic of the
sea in this sensitive story about being true to oneself."
From the Web site: quot; How did our culture come to lose its appreciation for the voices of our planetary companions? What can paying attention to sound offer us, individually and collectively? In this wide-ranging and accessible book and accompanying CD, David Dunn-sound recordist, composer, eco-philosopher-leads us to ask such questions, while showing how sound offers connection with nature, and ourselves, in profoundly direct ways.
Trisha: About the life cycle of a blue whale.
Trisha: I have a copy of the delightful first edition of this work, illustrated
in the colors red, white, and black. It tells the story of a great whale who
takes over for Santa's reindeers when they all come down with the flu a
week before Christmas.
Describes the activities of humpback whales from the calving grounds among the
Hawaiian Islands to the summer feeding grounds off Alaska.
"Because the dolphin had once saved her from drowning, an English girl tries desperately to keep it from being captured for a water circus."
Synopsis: "Mark, Shirl, and Dennis are beckoned to an unforgettable undersea adventure by Thale, the great whale, who has called the children to aid him in a crusade to defeat Baldark and his polluting minions and to save the Kingdom of Sunside."
From the back cover: "Mark, Shirl and Dennis's mother is very ill. An increase in pollution and nuclear testing has made her and many others around the world sick. As the children watch an ugly red ooze and dead fish wash up on shore, a mysterious whale appears in the cove. He seems to beckon them, and they follow on an unforgettable undersea adventure to the kingdom of Sunside.
From the back cover: "Paolo and his naturalist father live in a beautiful, isolated village in the argentine region of Patagonia, where they spend their time exploring the land around them and the unusual animals who live there. But Paolo's dream of swimming with the whales will have to wait another year, as his life begins to take some unexpected turns."
Publisher's annotation: "[This book] is the first in a continuing series
starring the Wonder Whales cast of environmentally hip characters created for
kids who want to explore Earth's watery world. Designed to entertain and educate, [this book] introduce[s] the main Wonder Whales characters. O-O, the killer whale, assures us 'It's Okay To Be Original,' Delphi, the beluga, says, 'Dare To Make a Difference.' Cero, the narwhal, asks us to 'Save Our Seas.' Mysti, the humpback, reminds everyone to 'Make Your Mark.' In [the book], the Wonder Whales solve problems nonviolently when their friend, Shadow, is harpooned by a pirate whaleship and O-O is kidnapped by sharks. The Wonder Whales have fun along the way and learn to work together to stop the pirate whaleship. Books contain Learn and Play Pages, an environmental project, [a sheet of stickers], and Wonder Words to help children learn the vocabulary of the sea."
In April 1981 a young sperm whale beached near New York City. Before that day,
only a few people in the world had seen one of these incredible creatures up
close. As scientists gathered to help, the young whale quickly became a media
star. His new human friends named him Physty ("feisty"), a tribute to
his spirit and a pun on his scientific name. Hundreds and thousands of people
watched and waited as Physty struggled for life. Physty is an invitation to
join these fascinating mammals as they hunt, communicate, and play.
"This story is based on the television series Flipper starring
Brian Kelly, Luke Halpin and Tommy Norden . . . An albino killer whale
suddenly appears, providing quite an adventure for Flipper, Bud, and Sandy."
From a review by Holly Hammond in the December 1996 issue of Yoga Journal: "Best-selling author Louise Erdrich's first book for children tells the story of a mysterious grandmother who catches a ride on a porpoise to Greenland, whereupon extinct birds hatch in her room, and a message comes from far away. The haunting illustrations perfectly frame the tale."
A board book with "high quality illustrations and simple yet informative
text," Sea Animals introduces young children to a whale, dolphin,
sea otter, sea turtle, shark, and elephant seal.
Trisha: An introductory book with lots of interesting facts, superbly illustrated with color photos, drawings, and a whale and dolphin size-comparison illustration featuring twenty-eight different species.
From the publisher: "Barbara Esbensen and Lambert Davis dive into the ocean to explain why a whale is a mammal--and not just a big fish . . . [They explain] the defining characteristics of mammals and how all mammals nurture their babies to help them grow up."
From a review in the November/December 1996 issue of Yoga Journal:
"In a gentle story within a story, a child slips into the undersea land of
the Great Mother of the Ocean and the child's mother makes a pilgrimage with a
magic lantern to get her back. The lush illustrations evoke the dreamy deep; you
can almost hear the whales singing."
From the publisher: "During a severe storm a whale saves the lives of the
captain and crew of a whaling vessel in return for their promise not to hunt
whales anymore."
From the publisher: " . . . a detailed study of the mysteries of animal
communication, discussing the various ways in which elephants, fireflies, ants,
and other creatures send messages . . . Explores the mysteries of how and
why animals send messages to one another and to humans."
Trisha: Creative photography--unusual, dreamlike--with poetic text about a
child's fantasy of bringing dolphins home from the beach in a pocket,
admiring them in various places at home, and then returning them to the ocean.
This is not a fantasy I would want to encourage in a child (or an adult), but
the dreamlike photography is unique and contains one of my favorite photos of
a dolphin.
Trisha: This delightfully illustrated book is about a little humpback whale
who longs to "see the world unknown" and slips away from his mother
one day. He initially has fun, but then starts to feel alone and frightened
and realizes that he misses his mother very much. In the end, mother and son
are reunited, and the little whale decides it is better to have "his
mother around" whenever he is exploring.
" A nature activity book . . . filled with games, cartoons, trivia, and great illustrations."
From the publisher: "A poignant tale of a young boy who finds consolation
for the loss of his father by taking to the sea in a fishing boat. The boy is
befriended by a dolphin whose urgent signals lead him to a scene of marine
destruction. Award-winning author and internationally known oceanographer, Fine
makes a statement against driftnetting in this book." A "sensitively
written tale of a young boy and a mother dolphin who share grief for lost loved
Trisha: A story of how and why Mother Nature created the first dolphins, which,
in the vein of a well-known Greek myth, assigns them a rather unflattering
From the back cover: "Young Toby's uncontrollable dream music filled the
Arctic night sea with sound that brought great danger to all the whales in Toby's pod. His powerful and thundering music was sure to attract the human hunters with their killing ships and hideous exploding harpoons. For the safety of the pod, Toby had to be banished, exiled to certain, lonely death--unless he could silence his song.
A killer whale who is accidentalyy captured by a fisherman is acquired by a
Seattle, Washington, aquarium.
From the publisher: "It's a magic day for Tina and her animals! Tina weaves a magic spell to escape her meddling baby
brother. Her stuffed animals spring to life but the spell goes awry and now Dolphin is up a tree! Tina and her animals
need to get Dolphin down in a hurry. Owl says ยFly!ย Fox howls ยWalk! and Beaver builds! How will Tina and the animals
learn to understand their differences?
Field guide to the Hawaiian whales, dolphins, and monk seal. Includes more than
100 color photographs.
From Horn Book:"These [Rookie Read-About Science series] are cursory collections of facts about two groups of mammals: moles, prairie dogs, gophers, and woodchucks; and dolphins and their relatives, killer whales and porpoises. Dolphins focuses on animals in captivity, while Under the Ground features those in the wild. The choppy texts are illustrated with full-color, stock photographs with plenty of close-ups of cute animal faces. Ind." -- Copyright (c) 1998 The Horn Book, Inc. All rights reserved.
Discusses whales, bats, and kangaroos.
Scott: A story of the lives of several dolphins. Includes a brief
section on dolphin biology.
Synopsis: "Little Gray the whale is born, learns to swim and dive in
the ocean, and accompanies his mother on the migration from Baja California
to the Arctic feeding grounds. Includes a map showing the whales' migration
"When a whale calf saves the life of a boy on his first whaling [trip],
the boy reciprocates and lies to spare the mother whale's life."
From the back cover: "This science fiction mystery involves three surfer/diver teenagers, a dolphin that talks, an alien youth living in a glass dome under the waters of the Gulf of Mexico off Corpus Christi Bay, a villainous character dumping toxic waste into the Gulf, and a salty old sailor who manages the local Dive Shop. The dolphin leads two of the boys out to the alien's dome, where they become fast friends with Lanor, a boy from the planet Lios. Several plot lines blend together at the end with the vilain getting his due, the alien leaving Earth for his home planet, and the boys left with a 'mission' to guide their lives. This is the first in a science fiction trilogy."
An introduction to whales and other sea mammals.
General information about whales, including the butchery of whaling. Also includes an
illustration of killer whales attacking a Pacific gray whale.
From the dust jacket: "With a mind of her own and a knack for creating
chaos, Aster the dolphin was often the center of attention at the Aquarium.
That is, until she had Bob.
Trisha: Cheerfully illustrated; contains basic facts about whales and mentions
several different species. Book sometimes bundled with tape.
Trisha: Nicely begins with the story of a baby dolphin's experiences in the wild, but ends with the mother dolphin bringing her baby close to shore where they are captured and placed in a dolphinarium, which this book unfortunately and incorrectly portrays as a most delightful circumstance (both the capture
process and the captive environment). A dolphinarium could not hope for a
better piece of indoctrination for a young child.
From the publisher: "Kids can make their own pop-up scenes--color in intricate illustrations and then punch out the perforated images and assemble them against a beautiful background scene. Simple, informative text tells kids all about the sea animals under the waves."
Publisher's annotation: "In 30 photographs and 6,000 words of text, Gohier
gives a detailed and accurate portrait of the humpback whale, perhaps the most
beloved and recognizable of the great whales . . . This engrossing books, written in simple terms by a man who has followed the humpbacks for many years, contains a wealth of recent data on the whales. Social behavior, play, courtship, birth, male aggression, and numerous feeding techniques are talked about and depicted in oversized photos. Excerpts from humpback whale song are shown in easy-to-understand sonograms. The text further elaborates on what is known about humpback singing. Like other Blake nature titles, the type of both text and captions are very generously sized, making the books especially attractive to youngsters and to adults who have difficult with standard type. A favorite with whale-watchers and report-writers too."
A well-illustrated, brief overview of gray whales and gray-whale watching.
Scott: Oddly written, with a definite emphasis on "Dolphins can be
useful to man if only he captures them and studies them." Dated in its
outlook, but fairly thorough for 1961.
Discusses whales, the industry which is responsible for their near extinction,
and current efforts to insure their survival.
Examines the history, life, migration, and protection of the California gray
Examines the appearance, behavior, and life cycle of the playful singing whale
and describes modern efforts to protect it.
Trisha: The Zack Files Series is an off-the-wall humorous collection centered
around ten-year-old Zack and his paranormal abilities. In the present volume,
Zack can communicate telepathically with two captive, Scrabble-playing dolphins,
as well as with wild dolphins, which leads to their rescue when they are
Describes the physical characteristics and behavior of the humpback whale and
discusses some of the dangers it faces.
Scott: A young person's introductory text about sonar, both biological
(bats, dolphins, and beetles) and man-made. Semi-technical.
Draws on thousands of childrens' drawings, paintings, poems and stories
of whales.
Describes a year in the life of a blue whale and her offspring. Endpapers show
whales of the world.
Synopsis: "A diver and his friends rescue a family of dolphins from
Bahamian poachers who are selling the dolphins to marine parks."
From the back cover: "Ever since Wayne Grover saved the life of a baby
dolphin [see his book Dolphin Adventure below], Baby and his family
have joined Grover on many dives off the coast of Florida. But there's no sign
of Baby on the stormy day that Grover discovers a sunken treasure--and stays
underwater just a few minutes longer than he should."
"It is a perfect day for diving. Eighty feet below the ocean's surface, Wayne Grover sees three dolphins swimming near him. As unbelievable as it seems, he realizes that the dolphins are asking for help. Can he help them?"
Trisha: A sad tale of the death of the last remaining whales, their numbers
decimated by toxins in the ocean and death at the hand of humans. The story
is set in the future, with a father and son viewing whale skeletons in a
museum and commenting on how ugly the whales were and how humans have always
had the need and right to exploit all other life forms.
From the publisher: "Here is a bluetiful, bluesy, blue-ribbon, blue-to-the-nth, bolt out of the blue . . . from blueberries to blue moons. Oh my (blue) heavens! It's a book that's completely and totally about blueness. Blue is a kind of brainstorm contained in a book, showing kids how to think through a topic playfully and thoroughly. The author was formerly an editor and writer at
Nickelodeon magazine."
From the dust jacket: "When killer whales invade Glacier Strait, the
dolphins' peaceful home becomes a place of terror. With too many females
expecting young and too few large males to guard them, Coral's herd is in
serious danger.
A colorful introduction to dolphins which explores their range, physical
characteristics, habits, abilities, and threats to their existence.
Trisha: This sweetly illustrated book tells the story of Keiko's life, from
the time of his birth and subsequent capture through his history in captivity
(first for three years in a holding pool in Iceland, then to Marineland in
Canada, which he left because of harassment by the other larger orcas, on
to Reino Aventura in Mexico, where his health declined, then to Oregon
Coast Aquarium, where his health improved dramatically, readying him for his
trip to a sea pen in Iceland.) The book closes with the promise to transport
Keiko to his Icelandic sea pen, with the hope that he may someday be
releasable back into the wild.
Trisha: Drawn in children's comic-book style, the story of a bear, a penguin, and a pelican who take a trip out to sea and pull their boat up on what they think is an island. The island turns out to be a friendly whale who journeys with them and then returns them to land.
Scott: An "authorized" young persons' book about Flipper, the
TV dolphin. Actually quite well written, suitable for 9-to-11 year olds. Still
perpetuates the old ideas about killer whales.
Contains the stories "The White Whale," "The Killer Whale,"
and other stories that also feature the white whale.
From the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society Booklist:
" . . . Learn about these playful, intelligent and often friendly creatures
in this fully illustrated book." (Companion volume to Whales, by
Lesley Dow.)
Includes killer whales, moray eels, sharks, squids, octopuses, rays, devilfish,
sawfish, red tides, and more.
From the publisher: "A bright, colorful children's alphabet book, in which
each letter is stunningly represented by an Art Wolfe photograph of an animal,
plant, or place particular to the region spanning Alaska, British Columbia,
Washington, and Oregon."
From the back cover: "Jason Bates sees a beautiful girl swimming in the
middle of the ocean, and nobody believes him. He is determined to prove that
this girl exists and is not only in his imagination. He discovers that Neri lives alone on a deserted island paradise and that she can communicate telepathically with a humpback whale she calls Charley. Jason tells his brother, Brett, the secret, but it is only a matter of time before everyone in the underwater city of ORCA leans about the mysterious Neri, who not only can understand whales but can swim with them as well. Neri's discovery by the outside world sets off a chain of events that could lead to her destruction. In their efforts to save Neri and Charley, Jason and Brett learn the incredible truth about their amazing friend."
From the dust jacket: "'I thought she was a mermaid at first,' said U.S. Coast Guard LJG Monica Stone. But the rescued girl found off the coast of Florida is not a mermaid. She is a human child, a refugee lost at sea, raised by dolphins from the age of four. They call her Mila, from miracle in Spanish, and take her away to a center for scientific study.
About the humpback whales of Abrolhos.
From the back cover: "Ibis, a young humpback whale, is very curious. There
are so many things to look at in the ocean, and so many places to explore! Even
scary things, like noisy boats filled with people, are interesting to Ibis. She
soon decides that there is no reason to be afraid. But one day Ibis is caught in
fishing net and needs help." [She is freed by a team of helpful whale
From the publisher: "Kids are curious about wild animals. Straightforward,
simple text introduces young children to wild dogs and whales, revealing where
and how they live, and how they give birth and raise their young. Beautifully
detailed illustrations give kids a close-up look at each wild animal and a
realistic picture of how each species compares in size, movement and habitat."
From the publisher: "The largest of all the Earth's living animals, varieties of whales include baleen [whales], humpback [whales], right whales, sperm whales, narwhals, and belugas . . . each type is vividly described, with facts on whale anatomy, [their] life cycle, and whale 'talk.' A brief history of whaling and a short essay on the future of whales is included."
From the dust jacket: "Pete, the lighthouse boy, gathers driftwood along
the beach for an old man to carve. And as the old man whittles the sea-worn
wood, he tells the boy a tale about a fierce and fearless sea captain who had
harpooned more whales than he could ever remember . . . Then one evening an
extraordinary thing happened that compelled the sea captain to question all he had ever learned." [The whales' song "reaches into his heart" and changes his life forever.]
Describes the life cycle of the whale in simple terms.
Chapters include: Larger than the Dinosaurs, Shaped Like a Fish, but Not a Fish,
Underwater Birth, Echolocation, Conversations Under the Sea, The Different Kinds
of Whales, The Baleen Whales, The Toothed Whales, Dolphins and Porpoises, Hunting the Whale, Conservation, Classification of Cetaceans, Where to Find Cetaceans and Whaling Exhibits. Also contains a glossary, suggested readings, a bibliography, and an index.
Themes: Gray whales, animal rescue
Synopsis: "An introduction to dolphins, covering their physical characteristics, habits, prey, and relationship to humans."
From a review at the Web site: "More glorious illustrations, this time from talented Tassie duo Marion and Steve Isham. Accompanied by an imaginative rhyming tale of a girl discovering the wonders of the ocean with her humpback friend. Even preschoolers will enjoy the color and rhythm, but the many riddles and hidden objects to find add further interest for six- to eight-year-olds. There's also a CD entitled Whale Song and Other Sea Adventures, a collection of bouncy tunes penned by Jennifer Hopson.".
From the back cover: "Fourteen-year-old Jessie is struggling with the whole
idea of family. With foster parents and a newly gained half brother, he just
doesn't know how to make it work. But when Jesse is reunited [on a family
camping trip] with his friend Willy, the whale he freed from captivity, he sees
the way the young orca protects his brother and sister and how their mother
sticks by them all.
About dolphins in general and river dolphins.
Gayle: Another adventure story. Good representation of research. Literarily a
bit thin, but makes up for it with research scenarios, and the only one I found
that talks extensively about narwhals. Set in eastern coastal Canada. Really
hokey characterization of the Inuit boy . . . no self-respecting Inuit would
name his kid "Kayak"! Good story of bonds between culturally different
friends, though.
From the dustjacket: "Anyone who has ever observed porpoises turning gay somersaults just a leap
ahead of the prow of a ship will be fascinated by this story of Plumpy, a young
porpoise in a bay off the coast of Florida. The entire action of the story takes
place under water, and its originality, as well as the many incidents based on
authentic natural history, are sure to appeal to any child.
From the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Soceity Booklist:
". . . this children's science book is lavishly illustrated by whale
specialist Pieter Folkens, making learning a pleasure."
Publisher's annotation: "Humans have been fascinated by dolphins and porpoises for thousands of years. Drawn by their intelligence and good nature, the citzens of ancient civilizations honored dolphins as gods. Stories abound of their strength and dexterity in the water and of their affectionate nature and playful relationships with people. But, what is the truth about these appealing creatures? In [this book] author Erich Hoyt brings us up to date on the latest dolphin research, answering and asking questions about the future of their threatened habitat, their social lives, their unusual feeding behaviors and their ability to learn from and communicate with humans."
Covers five years in the life of a mother whale as she gives birth, cares for
her calf, mates, and gives birth once again.
From the dust jacket: "Secrets begin Benny's exciting adventures here on Crab Island, followed by a visit to the Professor, whom the natives consider a terrible and powerful wizard. Benny finds that the Professor's robot, Tilly Tin, has interesting information to add to this storehouse of knowledge. And the rest of the orphans are as intrigued with the intelligence as Benny.
Based on information from the publisher: This is more than the dramatic story
of a legendary dolphin. In following Pelorus Jack's career from his birth to
his disappearance from the Cook Strait in New Zealand, the author clearly
demonstrates why scientists consider the dolphin one of the earth's most
intelligent creatures. And the illustrator proves his ability to capture in
his illustrations the beauty and grace of animals in their natural surroundings.
Trisha: I haven't seen this, so I don't know anything about the contents, but
I would caution you that it is published by a pro-whaling organization.
A wildlife photographer captures the spirited true story of Billy, a special
dolphin, who was as curious as a child and as playful as a young hound in his
safe river world, where he joins a man and his dog as they exercise racehorses
in the water. Billy followed the call to the sea but left behind a boatful of
remembrances for those who knew him best.
A sad, but revealing, paragraph you would never see in any oceanarium publication today: "Scientists are not sure how long a marine animal can adjust to being away from the open ocean, but they know a tank may begin to seem like a prison after several years. Marineland's large male whale was perfectly at home in the tank for four years, and then it slowly stopped eating and performing. None of the regular medicines seemed to help, so the curator decided the whale must be simply depressed. He bought a large supply of a new drug, the same kind doctors give to people with mental breakdowns. In a few days the whale ate again but it would not do its tricks. For more than a year the 19-foot whale was sluggish and languid, but people still could enjoy looking at it through the windows of the tank. Life in captivity seemed to have affected the whale's mind, but the drug saved its life . . ."
From the publisher: "While on a summer vacation, Emily discovers a whale
living in her garden pond. So she writes to her teacher, Mr. Blueberry, for
advice on how to care for her new pet [sic]. But Mr. Blueberry responds that
she must be mistaken, as whales live in the ocean, not in ponds. In a delightful
exchange of letters, Emily learns about whales, and Mr. Blueberry learns about
imagination, faith, and friendship."
My Friend Whale is an imaginatively illustrated book of a child's interest in whales, and friendship with one in particular. When the whale no longer appears nightly, there is cause for concern. The story ends with a plea for preserving whales.
From the publisher: "When he migrates to warmer waters with his mother and
other dolphins, young Scooter's impatience to go exploring leads him into danger."
"About a whale getting stuck by a swordfish and loosing his sperm oil."
Gayle: GORGEOUS illustrations! Great introduction to whales and counting. Whale
information not totally accurate, but written so the child can relate the story
to his or her own world. The illustrations make up for any shortcomings.
Trisha: This is a delightful little book in which the Care Bears assist in the
rescue of a humpback whale who has become entangled in a net. In the story,
the whale, who is named Emma, has been coming to the coastal waters off Cape
Cod for over thirty years, and all the townspeople rush to her aid.
"Whales are the only mammals that spend their entire life in the water. From playful dolphins to enormous blue whales, the behavior, habitats, and physiology of these amazing marine mammals are explored in What is a Whale? . . . Full-color photos help show:
-- the whale family tree
-- baleen and toothed whales
-- how whales communicate through echolocation
-- watery homes and what they eat
-- baby whales
-- whale-watching and why whales are in danger"
From a review in Horn Book: "This introduction outlines ancestry, anatomy, and adaptations in two-page chapters. Various species are introduced and briefly described in sometimes oversimplified text. (For example, the spinner dolphin range is described too narrowly.) Information about the dolphins in the color photographs is included only at the back of the book." -- Copyright (c) 1996 The Horn Book, Inc. All rights reserved.
A teaching tool for the elementary grades that introduces the physical
characteristics, habits, and natural environment of various species of whales
and dolphins. Also discusses whale lore and history and the relationship of
these sea mammals to humans. Includes teacher's notes and a variety of related
From the dust jacket: "Hurt and angry after his brother's tragic death,
seventeen-year-old Nick escapes the pressures of his family in Vancouver by
working as a research assistant for a conservation group on the beautiful Point
Reyes coastline of California. There he meets Marty and, against his will, finds
himself drawn to her quiet, intense manner. Shy and intuitive, Marty discovers
that she is able to communicate with a mother gray whale forced to summer nearby
with her sick baby.
"When his father goes to bring his sitter for the evening, a little boy
imagines all the animals he would like to baby-sit with him such as lions,
giraffes, and dolphins."
Summary: "A radio newscast announcing a reward to anyone who can locate a
valuable silver dolphin involves Louise and Jean Dana, teenage sister sleuths,
in a baffling search. Pretty Judy Platt is desperately trying to find
the silver dolphin mentioned in her dead brother's will. But no on knows what
kind of dolphin to look for--a live mammal or a silver object. The only clue is
Oliver Platt's signature, encircled by four stars to represent the constellation
Delphinus--the dolphin.
"How do we find out about the most elusive animals in the world? This series delves into the exciting stories of how
we know what we know about animals. This book follows dedicated scientists and their creative approaches to scientific
discovery. Their work in the field brings us . . . new insights into the lives of animals, present and past.
Sam, the young heroine, is swept overboard by the tremendous force of a storm.
She wakes up in a strange and magical world beneath the sea, a refuge for animals escaping from mankind's abuse of the world's oceans. During her visit to this temporary home for marine creatures, Sam develops a deep awareness of the
consequences of humanity's collective behavior toward the oceans, from the use
of drift nets for fishing to the pollution of the sea by industrial waste, oil,
and garbage.
From Kirkus Reviews, December 15, 1993: " Carmenza, who lives in
an Amazon Basin village in Colombia, contributes to her family's income by
delivering shortwave radio messages to neighbors. Thus she learns of the pending
arrival of hunters and arranges for her mother to provide their room and board.
Meanwhile, the girl comes across a dolphin whose mouth has been maimed by a
boat propeller, and later finds it further injured by a harpoon lodged in its
fin. She and clasmate Ramiro nurse it back to health with the aid of Ramiro's
father, [the wise old Indian Omar], who knows dolphin ways and determines that
the animal's 'spirit' has also been wounded. Chapters about the dolphin alternate with those about Carmenza and Ramiro (with subplots concering the illegal export of fauna and Carmenza's little brother's mysterious illness); the book closes with a dolphin birth. Kendall packs her quiet narrative with authentic details, occasionally allowing educational trappings to overwhelm the story (e.g., Carmenza's mother suddenly recites local history, while Ramiro provides an essay on a war with Peru). The dolphins are frequently anthropomorphized, but not too intrusively. Despite such shortcomings, an unusual book, and certainly a heartfelt one." Copyright 1993, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
Deborah Mervold, teacher-librarian in a grade 6 to 12 school and a grade 12 English teacher at Shellbrook Composite High School in Saskatchewan: "Part of the Nature Watch Series, this is an informative and colorful guide to whales and dolphins. Over 180 photographs illustrate the 29 sections, each a two-page spread. A variety of topics, from whale order, sounds and songs, feeding habits, migration, to fellow travelers, are covered.
The story is about a little girl named Lena who rescues a stranded baby
humpback whale.
From the publisher: "Provides step-by-step instructions, and tips on color,
for drawing sea creatures such as bottle-nosed dolphins, giant manta rays, and
scalloped hammerhead sharks."
Hump-Free the Wrong Way Whale: "A spellbinding video showing Hump-Free's journey in 1985 to San Francisco and up the Sacramento River. This true story shows how Hump-Free and the people interact."
Robert T. Orr, senior scientist at California Academy of Sciences
writes in his introduction:
From the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society Booklist:
"The first book in the Wildlifers series of outstandingly illustrated books
introducing endangered species to young readers. Packed with facts, puzzles and
ideal as a classroom tool."
During Paul Spong's first tour of Japan to raise consciousness about whales,
Japanese artist Shuji Kimura gave Paul's son, Yashi, this book, which he had
written and illustrated especially for the occasion.
"A whale is taken from the ocean and put in a tank at Marineland. She is not happy there until the men at Marineland have a good idea."
This is a play about taking responsibility for ocean pollution written at age
twelve by Colleen, who loves dolphins and whales. One of the characters in the play is named "Mrs. Whale."
Young readers follow a female whale on her journey from the fertile feeding
grounds of Alaska down along the west coast to the calm bays of southern
California and Mexico where she delivers her calf. On the way, they learn about
the behaviors, human interactions, and fate of a species until recently on the
brink of extinction.
Describes the extrordinary journey of a young humpback whale who, during the
annual migration from Alaska to Mexico, leaves his pod and swims into San
Francisco Bay and, after some harrowing adventures, winds up in the Sacramento
River Delta.
Trisha: This is a delightful book and record set about a whale named Mopey
Nick, who talks like Popeye (Popeye taught him to talk "people-talk")
and who eats spinach like Popeye when extraordinary strength is called for. We
learn that Popeye and Mopey became friends when "Popeye had pulled a
whale hunter's harpoon out of Mopey's flipper." The whale hunter turned
out to be Popeye's rival, Brutus, and Brutus had been pursuing the whale
relentlessly ever since. After a few adventures, Popeye and the whale end up
coming to Brutus's rescue, and Brutus promises never to chase Mopey Nick again.
Follows a team of New England Aquarium scientists as they follow and study
migrating North Atlantic right whales and speculates about the future survival
of this endangered species.
From a review by Joseph Kurth, Jr., at "Linda Moore Kurth spent three years researching this story, and she herself followed Keiko on his final flight to his current home in Iceland. As a consequence, we meet people like Karla Corral and Renata Fernandez Karla who came to love Keiko during the five years they worked with him in Mexico City and trainers Jeff Foster, Peter Noah, and Brian O'Neal who were waiting for him to arrive at his newest home in Klettsvik Bay, Iceland, on September 10, 1998.
"Telepathy is nothing new to the Starbuck family. All four Starbuck twins can teleflash--talk to each other without saying a word aloud. But when the family moves to the Florida Keys to track down toxic-waste polluters, Liberty and July begin to get mysterious telekinetic messages from the deep waters of the Gulf of Mexico. Beginning as faint clicks in their minds, the messages grow stronger as the twins watch dolphins weave through the surf and leap above the waves. Could the dolphins be trying to talk to them?"
Describes the characteristics and behavior of various kinds of whales and
their threatened status.
Julia (aka Nai'a): It's a pretty nice overview for kids.
Trisha: A delightful, wonderfully illustrated book by one of my favorite science-fiction authors. This erudite tale is about a philosopher giraffe named Damon and a philospher boa constrictor name Ophidia who set out to sea in a small boat to sail to the horizon. Not far into their journey they are swallowed by a sperm whale named Solomon Leviathan, which is an adventure in itself. Once the whale realizes he has swallowed Damon and Ophidia, he befriends them and takes them to a wise elephant in India who tells them that the horizon is not a place and that he does not know how to reach it, but that they should simply keep trying. And so they do, with the whale carrying them in his belly and stopping by an island each day so that they can eat. During their travels:
L'Engle's classic about a young girl, Vicky Austin, whose incipient telepathic
powers help a young marine biologist in his research with dolphins. Vicky's
attention is divided between the biologist and another young man, while at the
same time she struggles with the knowledge that her grandfather has leukemia.
As she confronts questions of love and death, of dependence and responsibility,
the inevitable crisis comes, and Vicky must rely on the love of others to
overcome her private grief.
Trisha: Story of a scientist who's learned to regenerate missing limbs in
starfish and other animals and the ensuing struggle to keep this information
out of the hands of those who would use it improperly. One of the minor
characters in the story is a dolphin named Macrina, who is loving and
intelligent and protects some of the human characters from sharks. One of
the young female characters, Poly, is able to "call" Macrina, and of
Macrina she says, " . . . isnt' she marvelous and good and beautiful and
virtuous and wonderful?"
Chapters include: The Dolphin Calf, Growing Up in the Sea, The Killer Whales,
The Dolphin Makes a Friend, Life Outside the Pacific, and Skipper Helps the
A boy imagines what it would be like if he had such things as duck feet, a
whale spout, and an elephant's trunk.
From the publisher: "Helping out the Misty Oceanographic Institute, Jesse
and whale Willy become caught up in an environmentally hazardous mining expedition, in which a dangerous machine is being used to mine gold ore.
From the publisher: "This collection of 42 poems reflects Constance Levy's
abiding interest in the natural world, in all things large and small that she
has seen in her travels to many parts of the world and in her daily life. These
verses will stir young readers' imaginations and deepen their appreciation of the world around them."
Contains the story "The Buddha and the Whale," by H. Waddell.
"Beluga, her mother, and their pod . . . face many dangers while migrating
from the freezing Arctic Ocean to the warmer waters of the Bering Sea."
Migrating humpbacks, breaching orcas, chirping belugas, and other whales fill
the pages of this anthology of traditional and commissioned poems. There are
cetaceans with "walloping tails" and tongues bigger than an elephant
as well as whales that have been stranded, beached, or injured.
From the publisher: "Sing along with Jonah and his friends to the happy
John Peters for Booklist, November 1, 1999: "Van Zyle creates seemingly boundless oceans, through which immense cetacean forms glide with ponderous grace, in this companion to Honey Paw and Lightfoot (1995) and London's other poetic introductions to rare wildlife. Here the author describes a young sperm whale's first years, from birth to weaning. As moons come and go, she 'follows her mother like a shadow, / learning the rhythms of the sea,' encountering dangerous orcas, growing, 'spy-hopping, / lob-tailing, / breaching / then rolling over again,' to nurse (up to 40 times a day, claims an appended note) until at last she is able to join the pod in feasting on a giant squid. An afterword and Reader's Guide (actually a teacher's guide, with suggested activities and questions) signal an instructional intention behind the book, but as with Tony Johnston's Whale Song (1987), evocatively illustrated by Ed Young, many children will be caught up by the wonder of these magnificent behemoths."
From the cover copy:
From the backcover: "The stars come to life in this exquisite bed-time
book. Through a lilting text and dramatic paintings, young readers will
encounter a variety of earthly animals . . . as they learn about their
companion constellations. These striking paintings by Peter Malone will
captivate stargazers of any age, while the informative afterword about star
watching and the individual constellations featured in [the] book make
Star Shapes a delightful first look at astronomy."
From the publisher: "An interactive introduction to mammals around the world
includes mix-and-match flaps that enable readers to create zany animal combinations,
spreads of creatures in their natural habitats, and a textured page of footprints."
"Theodore finds a baby whale in the Big Harbor--and is assigned to whale-sit! At first, he's upset, but the young whale turns out to be so much fun, that he doesn't really mind. When the whale's friends are found, Theodore realizes that The Big Harbor is no place for a growing whale after all. But what will Theodore do without his newfound friend?"
From the publisher: "Willy and Jesse investigate the presence of many sharks
in the waters off Misty Island, fearing that all the tourists will be scared
away and the island will be ruined."
Describes the twelves species of whales, threats to their existence, and efforts
of the World Wildlife Fund to save them from extinction.
From the back cover: "Sandy (played by Elijah Wood) can't believe he has to
spend the summer on an island with his weird Uncle Porter (played by Paul Hogan).
Now Sandy's going to miss the concert of the year.
Scott: Large format children's book, pretty illustrations. Concerns an
Alien Being who uses the Dolphins as an example of lessons we should learn.
Vocabulary actually too sophisticated for little ones . . .
From the publisher: "A baby humpback whale is born in the waters of Hawai'i.
She nurses frequently and quickly gains the layers of blubber she needs to protect
her later in the cold Arctic waters. This account of the life history of humpback
whales details the whales' mirgration to Arctic waters in summer, their food and
hunting techniques, and their enemies. It brings the reader the beauty of the
humpbacks' lives and reveals their important place in the animal world."
"This entertaining and accessible book offers amazing facts about dolphins
for kids who want to learn more about our intelligent underwater friends and
how to preserve their environment."
Noah's ark and whale theme.
About a humpback whale.
Trisha: This delightful work (both text and illustrations) is about a young
humpback whale in Hawaiian waters, Kanani, who wishes she were "not so big
and clumsy," but rather small like all her other ocean friends. When one
day a seabird cries out to Kanani that the whale hunters are coming and that
she must hide from them, Kanani worries she will not be able to find a
place big enough to conceal her.
With delightful illustrations by Ron Lightburn, this is an enchanting story of
a lonely old man who waits each year to see the orcas swim past his house and
how he imparts his love of the whales to his granddaughter.
About a humpback whale.
Includes a general introduction and a section on the future of whales, plus
sections on rorqual whales, right whales, sperm whales, gray whales, dolphins
and porpoises, killer whales, river dolphins, narwhals and belugas, the beaked
whales, and baby whales.
From the dust jacket: "In whaling days, off the coast of Cape Cod, a Mermaid
fell in love. She fell in love with Long John, a fine, fast whale. Unfortunately--
for the Mermaid--Long John wanted only to be left alone. The Mermaid courted him
with clam cakes and kelp chowder, with flattery and adoration. Nothing helped.
Long John ignored her.
From the publisher: "The Robinsons are a bit down on their luck this Christmas. So when young Beany Robinson hears about 'Dolphin Luck,' she knows she has to get some for her family. Her mother has pneumonia, and the four Robinson children are scattered with other families until Mrs. Robinson can recuperate. If Beany can just find the magic Viking sword with a dolphin-shaped hilt, she can wish everything right again. What happens to each family member before the Robinsons are reunited is at the heart of this touching, hilarious, totally absorbing story."
About the Into the Blue project, which rehabilitated and released back into
the wild the bottlenose dolphins, Joe, Rosie, Rocky, Missie, and Silver.
Two six-year-olds on a whale-watching expedition see different kinds of whales
engaging in such activities as headstanding and lunge feeding. A visual
glossary of what to look for when you whale-watch. Includes facts about each
kind of whale. [Nice book--Trisha]
From the dust jacket: "In this book, acclaimed nature writer Faith McNulty explains the theory of how a large land animal living in the age of the dinosaurs went into the sea and became the modern whale. Full-color art by award-winning illustrator Ted Rand vividly depicts the whale's early ancestors as well as the majestic animals of modern times."
From the publisher: "A young girl listens to the mysterious and wonderful
song of a whale and wonders what it might be saying, in a story that discusses
endangered species and preserving the environment. By the author of Dancing
with Manatees."
From the dust jacket: "This book describes the various kinds of whales. It tells about their lives in a watery world--how they 'talk' across great distances, care for their young with the same devotion as animal mothers on land, and each year make extraordinary journeys from the polar ice to the warm equator. It gives many fascinating scientific details about their remarkable lives. Finally, the author ends with a plea to save the whales of the world from extinction by greedy men who slaughter thousands year after year."
Themes: Australia, whales, parents and children, swimming, sisers, fathers and
Examines how the hunting of the Atlantic gray whale led to its extinction in
the early 1700s; describes the gray whale's physical characteristics, habits,
and threats to its survival; and discusses ancient and modern whaling methods.
From the publisher: "In this full-color picture-book adaptation of the
classic, Allan Drummond pays homage to one of the greatest sea stories ever
told. Staying as true to Herman Melville's language as possible, and taking
Ishmael as his narrator, Drummond tells of the adventure of Captain Ahab's
relentless quest for revenge."
Describes the natural environment, physical characteristics, and behavior of
the dolphin.
The following description is based on an article in the June 1998 issue of
Conscious Choice: The Journal of Ecology & Natural Living: This play
was originally performed by CenterStage Children's Theatre Troupe of Wisconsin,
which in 1994 was admitted to the Global 500 Roll of Honour by the United
Nations . . . In April [1998], the Elmhurst, Illinois-based Environmental Arts
& Theatre (EARTH) group revived this musical and its environmental message.
From the publisher: "Young Koby remembers all too well the speeding car that wrecked her bike and caused her to lose her right leg at the knee. Now, her
parents fight and friends treat her differently. Out on the ocean, everything is
okay. Then Koby finds injured whales stranded on the beach. As she works to save
the whales, she discovers her own strength and comes to terms with her accident."
From the back cover: "Did you know that even the smallest whale is as big
as a rowboat? Or that whales take naps on top of the water? Or that some whales
make noises that sound like songs from outer space? Now you can read all about
these gentle giants of the deep in this exciting easy-to-read story."
Chapters include: Meet the Dolphin, The Dolphin Is a Mammal, The Dolphin's Family
Tree, The Dolphin's Relatives, Different Dolphins, What Dolphins Are Like, The
Senses of the Dolphin, The Important Sense of Sound, The Language of the Dolphin,
The Young Dolphin, Dolphin Society, Man Meets Dolphin, Performing Dolphins,
Scientists Become Curious, A Dolphin Joins the Navy, How to Catch a Dolphin
(the ethics of captivity is not questioned in this now dated book), How
Intelligent Is the Dolphin?, The Dolphin's Brain, Current Research on Dolphins,
Conversation with a Dolphins, and an index.
Scott: A young reader's book, simple and uncritical of Navy experiments, etc.
Reviewed by Susan Oliver, Tampa-Hillsborough Public Library System, Florida, School
Library Journal: "A stimulating text and vibrant, full-color photographs entice readers
on this trip down the Amazon to meet these freshwater rainforest creatures. Written in
second person and in a light, conversational tone, the narrative evokes a magical
environment as readers accompany the author and a guide on a voyage to investigate these
little-known animals. Different physically and behaviorally from the more common bottle-nosed
variety, pink dolphins are hard to observe as they swim low and never leap out of the water.
As the adventure proceeds, readers encounter all kinds of plant and animal life, meet a
couple of scientists, and learn how observation leads to understanding. They see how children
in this part of the world live, hear a folktale about an encantado, travel back through
time to discover the animal's ancient origins, and glimpse the future of the Amazon as the
forests are destroyed. Spanish and Portuguese words and phrases are occasionally integrated
into the text. Hand-drawn colorful maps and a time line illustrate habitat and history, and
there are a wealth of features at the back, including an annotated list for further reading,
information on making a similar trip, statistics, odd facts, and unsolved mysteries. The
author's sense of wonder at this spectacular environment and this unusual animal is infectious
and makes for a nonfiction title that inspires as it informs." Copyright 2002 Cahners Business
Information, Inc.
"The Magic School Sub takes the kids deep into the ocean, where they learn all sorts of fascinating facts about whales."
Timmy the tug gets into trouble, and it takes his seagull friends and their
friends, the whales, to steer him clear.
From the publisher: "With several whales stranded on the beach with no one
to help them, Daniel and Gracie, two children given to getting themselves into
trouble, must rely on the help of an old hermit to save the whales."
This is the story of the first six months in the life of a baby bottlenose
dolphin. You will learn what dolphins eat, and how dolphins protect themselves
from sharks, killer whales, and other enemies. A fascinating book about an
intelligent mammal--like us--who lives in the sea.
Siwiti is the story of the first year in the life of a killer whale born in the
waters off the west coast of Canada. Surrounded and protected by her family, the
little orca's life is full of excitement and adventure.
The author states, "This book is about the many things whales have taught
me, and about some of the questions I have not yet found answers to. It is also
about just living with the whales and trying to fit in."
Mystery story with dolphins, twins, and speech disorder elements.
Hallie, a troubled eleven-year-old girl, finds solace from her grief and guilt
over her younger brother's accident when she comes to the aid of two stranded
pilot whales, with whom she has found a mental link, in Portland Harbor, Maine.
She hopes to use the whales' healing power to help her hospitalized brother.
From the back cover: "In The Mystery of the Dolphin Detective,
Titus McKay and his cousins take a trip to a dolphin study center that retrains
the gentle animals for life in the wild. Titus has always dreamed of swimming with
dolphins--now the big day has finally arrived! But a mysterious light in the
night and a surprising discovery may spoil Titus's plans. Something fishy is
going on! Is the dolphin's gift a clue?
From The Horn Book: "Whaling was a young man's game, or rather a
young boy's. Using a variety of sources, Murphy makes it plain that the crews of
whalers included a substantial number of youths barely out of childhood. Although
presented from [the perspective of young whalers through their detailed journal
entries and letters], the book is more than a collection of biographical
vignettes. It is a substantive examination of the history of whaling, the
socio-economic forces that supported it, the process by which whales were
transformed into salable commodities--from oil to corset stays--and, finally,
the environmental impact of reckless commercialism as technology increased the
hunters' success. In this context, Murphy offers proof of the innate cruelty
of the whale hunt, refutes legends of the whale's evil intent and vengeful
nature--including that icon of American literature, Moby Dick--and comments on
the decimation of many species through lack of regulation even today . . . The
concluding chapter takes the reader into the twentieth century where cameras
substitute for harpoons as spectators join whale watching expeditions . . . "
Copyright 1998 The Horn Book, Inc. All rights reserved.
Fumio lived in a fishing village by the sea. One day when Fumio and his brother
Taro went out fishing, the saw something moving in the sun-speckled waters--two
dolphins, a mother and her playful baby. Streamlined, silvery-gray, they leaped
high out of the water to catch the fish the boys threw to them. But when the
other fishermen discovered the large school of dolphins, they threw out their
nets to catch them. How Fumio and Taro manage to save their special dolphins
is a heartwinning story told in simple language.
Written in diary style by the mother of four children who spent two spring
vacations swimming with captive dolphins in Florida. Describes the children's
various interactions with the dolphins, as well as their emotional relationship
with them.
Book description: "The excitement and wonder of the world are right at a child's fingertips in these magnificently illustrated series of oversized board books. Die-cut tabs [of various species of whales], fascinating information, and engaging artwork delight and captivate children from toddlers through elementary grades. In Whales and Dolphins, discover our amazing mammal cousins, from the blue whale -- the largest animal in the world -- to the river dolphin, which makes it's home in the Amazon."
Dolphin folklore.
From the dust jacket: "One minute young Lucky Bucky is aboard a tug boat in New York Harbor and the next he's thrown sky high--all the way to the Nonentic Ocean! There our young hero is befriended by a Wooden Whale named Davy Jones and together they make a valiant voyage to that most magical of places, the Emerald City of Oz."
The Teacher Resource Center offers curriculum guides, videos, books, marine mammal
parts, and programs.
Publisher's annotation: "In this rhythmic and poetic book . . . , an older
sister comforts a little brother frightened by a wind storm. Knowing his love of
whales, she comes to his room to comfort him with a fantastic tale that takes him and the reader right out of the bed and into the undersea world of a loving
Humpback who 'watches us and guides us through the floating, flying freedom of
the deep.' Children love joining in on the choruses of 'Shh!' and will ask to
hear it again and again."
From the publisher: "Mendy loves spending time with her father, enjoying
his whale-watching excursions off the coast of Cape Cod. But a newspaper article
attaching whale-watching and the death of her favorite humpback whale change
Mendy's mind. She beings a campaign to end the excursions, pitting herself
against the whole town . . . and her own father."
Trisha: This one should be entitled The Happy Little Whale, as Seen
through the Eyes of of the Captive Industry. It is the story of a little
whale who lives happily with her family in the sea, but is then captured and
taken to an aquarium where she is "as lonely as could be." Then along
comes a dolphin (identified only as a "strange black fish" in the
story), who feeds her squid and teaches her tricks, "to wear a fancy hat
and to jump through a hoop, and things like that." After she has learned
all the tricks, she is moved to a tank with another little whale, and they are
"as happy in the pool as they once had been in the deep-sea school. They
swim and they roll and blow spray when they wish, and they do all their tricks
for treats of fish."
"A young Indian girl, Zia, caught between the traditional world of her
mother and the presnt world of the Mission, is helped by her Aunt Karana whose
story was told in the Island of the Blue Dolphins."
For a teachers' aid on this book, see A. G. Hill, Group Textual Study of
Fiction in the Primary School, Part 3, A Suggested Programme of Works on
Island of the Blue Dolphins by Scott O'Dell Used As a Text for Reading,
Discussion and Some Written and Practical Activities . . . , Edinburgh:
Moray House College of Education; Pegasus: Island of the Blue Dolphins
Unit Guide for Grade 5, Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, 1992; Victoria
I Mayer, Book Bridges 1: Extensions and Activities for the Cay Island of
the Blue Dolphins: Call It Courage, Patricia McHugh, Scholastic Reading
Guide to Island of the Blue Dolphin by Scott O'Dell, Skippingstone Press, 1990; and
Julie of the Wolves - Island of the Blue Dolphin: Curriculum,
Center for Learning, 1996.
From a review in The Horn Book: "In this stalwart and spirited tall tale, a female fishing prodigy harbors the decidedly un-p.c. ambition of catching the world's largest mammal. By the time she is seven years old, young Peg, clad perpetually in yellow rain hat and slicker, has hooked just about everything else . . . But she wants more. She wants a catch flashy enough to prove once and for all that she's the "World's Best Fisherman." Dismissing her father's argument that a whale is not a fish . . . , she finds a berth on a whaling ship and ends up pulling a Jonah. That is to say, the whale catches her instead. Terry Widener's rounded figures look as if they might have been made by Fisher-Price, in keeping with the narrative's playful delivery and air of embellishment. Other details are delightfully depicted in pictures and words. When the whale takes a turn through the Arctic, Peg rides atop its back and keeps warm "by doing jumping jacks and singing sea shanties." Her cozy home-away-from-home in the whale's belly [is] furnished with assorted swallowed items . . . In the end, of course, she becomes far too fond of the whale to keep it for a trophy. The last spread shows her on land -- she's already conquered the ocean, after all -- striding toward a distant peak. Watch out, Mt. Everest." Copyright 2000 The Horn Book, Inc. All rights reserved.
From the back cover: "'One legend has it that a man came upon the selchies
leaving off their skins. He stole a skin and hid it away above his door. Soon there
came a lovely young girl wandering, distracted, searching for her covering, for
without it she could never return to the sea. They married, for she had no other
choice, but the girl never ceased pining for the lost sealskin and for the
sea. . . . All her descendants, so it is said, have within themselves the
selchie's seed.'
Themes: Care of sick, captive marine animals.
Trisha: Discusses all marine mammals present in Hawaiian waters, but features
humpback whales and Hawaiian spinner dolphins. Beautifully illustrated by the
author in her friendly style.
Beautifully illustrated book based on the true story of JoJo, a wild dolphin,
who befriended people on the island of Providenciales in the Caribbean. The
conflicts that arose between JoJo and some humans nearly led to the dolphins'
death. Yet love and insight prevailed. [And JoJo continues to live and interact
with humans in the Caribbean today. Nice book--Trisha]
Card catalog description: "While visiting her friend Ianni's relatives on a
Greek island, Pia meets a friendly dolphin who saves Ianni from drowning, only
to need their help later when it ends up on the beach by mistake."
"Jack and Annie climb into their Magic Tree House once again and find
themselves on an underwater adventure as they visit with the octopus, see a
hungry shark, and witness the beauty of the dolphins swimming through the
open waters."
Synopsis: A story drawn from Haida Indian literary tradition in which a boy
falls from his canoe into a world of eighteen-foot-tall humanlike creatures who
welcome him and eventually return him to his village.
Publisher's annotation: "One day, a body named Davy dreams of sailing among
a pod of wild Orca, 'killer' whales. The dream is so real he feels he has become
a part of their world. Excited by his vision, he sets out to realize his dream.
He is not afraid even though he has been warned that the so-called 'wolves of the sea' are not tame whales. As Davy embarks on his adventure, he finds that in their frolic the wild whales don't notice him. Saddened, he returns to shore and falls asleep dreaming of how he wants to be included in the whales' play. Then he has his dream again, but this time, something is radically different! Davy learns that dreams pursued can come true.
Frmom the back cover: "Will you discover the legendary city of the dolphins?
From the publisher: "By making the correct decisions, the reader assists the
Special Intelligence Group in rescuing a marine scientist and recovering a whale
song tape from the clutches of the KGB."
Synopsis: "As his parents work on their fishing boat, Taiga enjoys
the beauty surrounding him; yet when his family has a frightening encounter with
a killer whale, his appreciation for the power of the natural world is greatly
Offers insights on the natural history of the only three whale species who live
their entire lives surrounded by ice, explores their role in the lives of the
peoples of the northern world, and considers their precarious future.
Introduces the physical appearance, habits, diet, and habitat of this toothed
whale and threats to its existence.
Describes physical appearance, habits, diet, habitat, and threats to their
Describes physical characteristics, infancy, habits, behavior, and habitat.
Describes physical characteristics, habits, and natural environment of the
world's most common whale.
Describe physical characteristics, location, diet, and family life.
Describes physical characteristics, habits, diet, habitat, and threats to their
Describes physical characteristics, habits (including eating of other marine
mammals), and natural environment.
Describes physical characteristics, habits, diet, habitat, and threats to their
Describes whales, dolphins, seals, and other marine mammals, their habitats,
communication, and family life.
From the back cover: "The Legend of Doll Fin is a . . . tale of
a young physically challenged dolphin's courage. Her acts of bravery [inspire]
others to action. Doll Fin learns that life's hardships can prepare her for
unknown challenges."
From Kirkus Reviews, May 15, 1991: "In another beautifully written story by the author of Playing Beattie Bow (1982), an adult Erika ('Riko') narrates events in 2000 A.D. when she was 14, imaginatively linking environmental concerns with a plausible explanation of mermaids as humans with special adaptations (e.g., webbed fingers), but with lungs and sophisticated technology to maintain their undersea cities; the 'tail' is a sort of wet suit. Daughters of a mermaid (Marika) and a Scandinavian seaman, Riko and Sif, 17, are unhappily living with a bossy older sister in Australia; until their father's death, they had lived on an island near Tahiti, where they were friends with dolphins and could visit their mother. Riko plans to become a marine biologist, but Sif pines for the sea; deeply concerned, Riko contrives to take her back to their beloved paradise. They find it threatened by man's depredations: whales and porpoises are tragically born dead; the sea people plan to migrate to a cold, desolate, but safer place, and Marika wants Sif to join them. Sif is torn:
she realizes how precious she is to Riko and has also fallen in love with Henry, a young scientist they have both learned to trust. Like many of the poignantly evoked sea creatures, Sif doesn't survive, losing her life in a dramatic undersea climax. In a final chapter/epilogue, people are finally stirred by the earth's impending death (and by Henry and Riko's well-informed pleas) to give up their greed and begin to reclaim their environment. A compelling novel with unique, memorable characters and a thoughtful message."--Copyright (c)1991, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
This is a terrific resource book in animal physiology. Excellent illustrations;
easy for a child to use.
"With its accurate, easy-to-read text, dozens of photographs and illustrations, and fold-out flaps, this book gives young naturalists a close-up look at sea-dwelling mammals--from the smallest dolphin to the giant blue whale."
Card catalog description: ":Examines dolphin intelligence and the ways in
which dolphins communicate among themselves and with humans."
"When parrots talk, they usually say silly things like 'Polly want a cracker.' They don't really know what they are saying. But there is one parrot who actually speaks more than a hundred words and understands their meaning. He is an African grey parrot named Alex.' Scientists have used various methods to investigate animal thinking and communication. In this book, Dorothy Hinshaw Patent describes how scientists study parrots and other animals, such as chimpanzees, dolphins and pigeons, to find out how their brains work."
Discusses their appearance, as well as how they feed, the way they bear and
raise their young, their means of communication, and their intelligence. Also
also describes how they are trained and introduces several species, including
the bottlenosed dolphin.
Describes physical characteristics, habitat, and behavior.
An introduction to whales, what they eat, how they communicate, and the various
kinds of whales.
A general introduction to dolphins and porpoises, highlighting such areas as
individual species, life cycles, anatomy, feeding habits, sonar system, and
social organization.
Topics covered include: Bearing and raising young, feeding habits, sonar system, social organization, breaching, stranding, history of whaling and modern "save the whale" movement, and behavior of more than fifteen toothed and baleen whales.
Trisha: I don't know the contents of this true story of a Tlingit girl in
Southeast Alaska in the 1800s, but it has a killer-whale totem on the front
For narrator, three characters (solo voices) and two unison choruses with piano
Horn Book review: "These dry but serviceable books provide general overviews of their respective groups of mammals. Each animal is discussed in a separate chapter that lists information about its physical features, life cycle, diet, habitat, and behavior. The texts are rife with statistics, but the facts could have been presented in a more interesting manner. Maps, captioned color photographs, and sidebars round out the presentations. Bib., glos., ind." -- Copyright (c) 1999 The Horn Book, Inc. All rights reserved.
"Dilo [the dolphin] was greeted with wild enthusiasm at Bricknell Avenue
Primary School in Hull when Dilo and the Grots was performed in July
1996 . . . Dilo and his mother were played by two eleven-year-old pupils whose
dances conveyed the graceful movements of dolphins underwater. These sequences
were interspersed with above-water scenes in which the boys and girls acted
out some typical crass human behaviour on the beach. The Dolphinicity
inflatable was mobilised to represent the fishing boat. 'It was hilariously
funny in parts but the scene in which Dilo's mother was caught in the net was
very moving. It brought tears to my eyes,' said one member of the audience."
Describes and illustrates various living and extinct large animals. A human
couple appears on each page to demonstrate the relative difference in size
between humans and the animal being discussed. Contains some foldout pages to
show the difference in size between, for instance, a blue whale and the human
couple. The blue whale's body extends over a total of seven pages, and the humans
are shown swimming at the lower edge of the tail flukes on the very last page.
Gives the reader a real feel for the difference in size.
Synopsis: "Examines the many facets of whales and dolphins, including physical characteristics, breathing, hunting, migration, and reproduction."
From the publisher: "Looking for adventure, young Penguin Pete journeys via
whale to a big island where he tries to help a little boy fish penguin-style and
befriends a group of sea lions."
The story of a gray whale's migration from the Arctic Ocean near Alaska
to the Pacific Ocean near Mexico.
Contents: Whale, Dove, Frog, Rooster, Lion, and Colt. Sacred choruses (children's
voices) with instrumental ensemble; vocal scores with piano.
"Lots of whales and dolphins."
From a review in American Bookseller:
"A bountiful snowfall allows a group of kids a whale of a good time as they
build and have fun with a snow whale. In the process, the snow whale completes the life cycle back to the oceans supporting real whales. The pleasant illustrations even catalog different kinds of whales for an interactive read."
Twelve-page dolphin-shaped board book with accompanying dolphin toy.
Trisha: In this amusing and brightly illustrated story, written entirely in
rhyme, Duffy the dolphin, who lives in "a golf course's waterhole pool" and
learned to play golf by watching the greats, rescues Arnold Palmer from certain
Trisha: A sweet story about the friendship between a boy and a dolphin and their reciprocal rescue, first of the dolphin by the boy, and then of the boy by the dolphin. The cover illustration (even though the pectoral fin of the dolphin is inaccurate) will make you smile :-).
This large-print book contains the following chapters: Giants of the Sea, Whales
Are Mammals, How Whales Breathe, How Whales Keep Warm, Baby Whales, Kinds of
Whales, Whale Relatives, Whale Hunting Long Ago, Whale Hunting Today, Whales Are
Protected, and Words You Should Know. Indexed.
" When you lift a flap and find a dolphin you should jump like a dolphin. Find a penguin and waddle. But what do you do if you find a shark behind some coral? Hide!"
Contents: Into the Realm of the Blue Giant, What is a Cetacean?, From Land to Sea, The Rise of Modern Whales, Up for Air - How Whales Breathe, Slippery Cetaceans - Moving in the Marine Environment, Looking and Listening Beneath the Waves, Seeing with Sound - Echolocation, Strandings - How do they Happen?, Keeping in Touch - How Whales Communicate, Living Together, Wandering Whales - Why do they Migrate?, Food and Feeding, New Life, Whale Enemies - Above and Below, Whale Guide, Toothed Whales, Dolphin Guide, Whales and People, Porpoises
Introduces the field of dolphin study, with a focus on Randy Wells, who studies
a wild-dolphin population in Sarasota, Florida. Unfortunately, Pringle completely
ignores the controversies surrounding dolphins in general and Wells in
From Publisher's Weekly: "Belgian author Provoost tackles a
weighty issue--incest--with limited success in this novel set on Cape Cod. Anna's
cousin, Tara, and her parents move in with Anna's family and then into a nearby
beach house allegedly haunted by a mermaid witch. Intermittently withdrawn and
violent, Tara is prone to cryptic discourses. Provoost's often plodding narrative
alludes to Tara's abuse by her father, but only after Tara's mother commits
suicide does Tara confide in Anna. After much inner deliberation, Anna turns for
help to Petr'Ann, a marine biologist who has involved the cousins in a rescue
mission of beached pilot whales, and Petr'Ann effects Tara's rescue as well.
Obtuse imagery, overabundant symbolism and circuitous conversations cloud this
attempt to convey an inarguably important message."
From the publisher: "Now just right for little hands, Raffi's signature song
comes in a board book edition. Baby Beluga--who lives in the deep blue sea, swims
wild and free, and sleeps snug and warm by his mother's side--is one of the most
endearing animal characters in all the world of children's songs. Raffi's simple
lyrics are a loving tribute to an endangered creature."
From the publisher: "Little Fish and her friends are frightened by Big Whale. They try hiding in the shipwreck, the
treasure chest, and the underwater caves, but Big Whale always chases after them. Little Fish finally stops being afraid
when she learns Big Whale only wants to be friends."
Karin Snelson for "Normally, a whale wouldn't be hiding under a chair. But in Caldecott Honor artist Chris Raschka's wacky world of Thingy Things, that's exactly where she hides. 'Is she on the table? No, Whaley Whale is not on the table.' Preschoolers will like knowing exactly where Whaley Whale is at all times. The question of why a whale might be inside a house doesn't ever come up--and that's just fine. Designed for children just learning to read, all the Thingy Thing books reinforce simple sounds and word repetition. Don't miss the rest of the books in the series . . ."
Book description: "Porpoises is a solid introduction to the ecology and conservation of this intriguing and threatened group of marine mammals whose biology predisposes them to conservation challenges. In Porpoises, Dr. Read describes the six species of porpoises, conservation issues, the future of these enigmatic animals, and the striking differences between porpoises and the better-known bottlenose dolphin. For marine mammal and natural history buffs ages 10+."
Don Reed, a former diver at Marine World/Africa USA in California introduces us
to Ernestine, Gordo, Spock, and the other dolphins whose underwater world he
shared for almost fifteen years. Drawing readers into the drama of the dolphins'
daily lives, he chronicles their playful antics, training for shows, and
illnesses, as well as the birth of their babies. The more Don experiences the
dolphins' gentle ways, the more he grows to love and respect them. But their
all-too-frequent displays of violence--often directed at the humans in their
midst--grow more and more troubling. Finally, Don struggles to come up with ways
to keep these wonderful and intelligent creatures happy in a manmade sea.
The authors survey the habits and history of dolphins in an "engaging and
readable text highlighted by dozens of . . . full-color photographs . . . They
have collaborated on numerous projects and have long wish to write for the
young, for they believe that 'the hope for positive change in the
relationship between [humans] and the environment . . . lies in educating and
creating special sensitivities in children.'"
Scott: Story about Suwa and Dall.
Did you know that dolphins are among the most intelligent creatures on Earth?
Did you know that they make their own toys, sing their own songs, and nurse
their young?
Trisha: Clearly, this one is not going to tell the whole story.
From the dust jacket: "On the island of Strandia, the women of the landholding
raeth class are revered for their 'talent'--the ability to send telepathic feelings
to the doraado [dolphins], asking them to herd fish into the men's nets. But, for Sand,
this talent goes much deeper, and she can actually mindspeak, with a doraado named
M'ridan. Sensing that her people might fear this special gift, she has always
kept M'ridan a secret. And now, faced with an arranged marriage that for Sand
represents all the privileged trappings of her class--and means she would have
to abandon her freedom and her friendship with M'ridan--she decides to run away.
Gayle: Silly story, but good beluga information. Drawings suit the story.
Challenging vocabulary.
From the dust jacket: Presents "scientific information and fascinating . . .
stories about whales, their early ancestors, their evolution, and their
present-day kin."
Trisha: It doesn't get any better than this, folks--truly the most amazing and
elaborate, beautifully illustrated pop-up book I've ever seen, including
everything from swimming pods of various species, a giant tail fluking as a
whale dives, an orca surfacing to breathe, a sperm whale with a giant squid in
its jaw, a mother gray whale pushing her baby to the surface to breathe, a minke
and a humpback whale lunge feeding, an orca chasing a fish, krill floating by a
minke whale's eye, a humpback whale breaching and pec slapping, an orca tail
slapping, a barnacle emerging from its shell, a school of dolphins leaping, a
pilot whale spy-hopping, a size-comparison illustration, and a four-and-a-half
page (thirty-eight-inch) pullout of a blue whale mother and her calf, plus
well-written, informative text. Superb!
Scott: Beautifully illustrated, well written, but from the perspective
of "captive studies are necessary, but controversial."
From the back cover: "When a trainer falls into the killer-whale pool at the Victor Seaquarium, spectators, including a class of elementary schoolchildren, are horrified as they watch the whales drown the young woman. Dream Water takes up the story of Cassie and Holden, two of the children who witnessed the tragedy, several years later as they each struggle to deal with the effects of what they saw."
"Presents the physical characteristics, habitat, behavior, and life cycle of dolphins, with an emphasis on the bottlenose dolphin."
This is the true story of a young whale's month-long stay in Lowell's Cove in
Maine in 1990. The drawings are definitive and well done. Informative sidebars.
Scott: For young readers. Short, but with some good details and nice
From "A Note About the Story":
From the back cover: "The Atlantis [Marine Park] dolphins had to be set
free. Their marine park was closing and there was nowhere for them to go. This
is the story of the ambitious project undertaken to prepare the dolphins for
their release. From the original group to the birth of a new generation, it
follows the dolphins as they learn to adapt to their new-found freedom. This
is no simple taks, as they even need to be taught how to hunt schools of fish.
Many problems crop up, but so do many delightful experiences. At last, the
dolphins swim free, but with some unexpected results!"
From the back cover: "Ariel and her sisters have some new friends--a pod
of dolphins. They met when Ariel, Alana, and Aquata rescued one of them, a baby
dolphin named Phindolo, from a coral reef where he'd become stuck. Now Phindolo
is in danger again--but this time he's been captured by humans! Will Ariel defy
her father's rule against surfacing to try to save Phindolo?"
Scott: For young children. A masterpiece of misinformation, including
calling orcas "swordfish"! Each page seems to have at least one
error in this insensitive, dangerously misinformed little book. Hopefully few
copies still survive to pollute young minds.
"The story of a human-dolphin friendship in words that will inspire
Twelve-year-old Buddy, whose dyslexia makes things difficult for her both at
home and at school, befriends the dolphins who are being held captive and
mistreated at a swamp farm near her home in the Everglades and hopes to open
the door to her own escape by setting them free.
Once, on a Caribbean Bay, there lived a fisherman's son named Basil, who shared
his father's love for the ways of the sea and boats and fish. Basil's heritage
was three secrets of the sea, which had been handed down from father to son for
generations. One of the secrets was a magic silver flute.
Julia (aka Nai'a): This book focuses primarily on the great whales, lots of
general information and some black and white photos.
Gayle: The saving of a whale in a Japanese fishing village. Simple story told in
a simple style. Simplistic, but excellent drawings. I really liked this one.
Each book in this series for young children "tells the story of an individual
animal and its life in the wild; how it searches for food and defends itself
from other animals; how it finds a mate and rears its young."
Synopsis: When an ancient green whale is washed up on the beach near his house,
six-year-old Peter helps rescue him by getting his grandfather's boat to pull
him back into the water.
From the publisher: From the publisher: "Jennie McGrady thinks her vacation is doomed when a bomb threat delays her
flight to the dolphin research lab in Florida. But then she meets Sarah, a girl who desperately needs her help to solve a
two-year-old murder, and Jennie's detective instincts tell something is very wrong. Sarah Stanford has lived in silence
since her father's death. Now she's beginning to remember what happened the night of his murder but what if the wrong
person finds out she's a witness? Scott Chambers is a young, hot-headed environmentalist who teams up with Jennie in the
Florida Keys. Unfortunately, Jennie soon finds out he has more than just a passing interest in the case. Danger lurks just
below the surface . . ."
The day begins as you, a child, walk outside on a warm, rainy day. You slowly
grow and change into a large whale (humpback whale), which plays and swims and
sings. As the day ends, you come out of the sea and onto the sand as--yourself!
From a review by Susan Dove Lempke in Booklist: "Using sea sponges and paint, Rylant illustrates her own poetic paeans to whales, contemplating the thoughts of the great beasts, the places they go, and the things they do: 'Whales love their children, and when they are born, / the babies are gently pushed / to the top of the water / where they take their first breath / and see their first sky and gasp / at the loveliness of living.' She enumerates different kinds of whales and movingly describes the effect the creatures have on people, who see them, 'like angels appearing in the sky,' as 'proof of God.' Her illustrations lack professional crispness and vary in quality, but their joyous innocence and rich, swirling colors give whales majesty without anthropomorphization. Rylant, who has previously brought the mountains to readers living in the plains, now brings whales to children far from the ocean."
The story of a small boy and his imaginary friend called Josefina, who happens
to be a whale, and the pains of growing up into an adult's world.
"Delightful adventure of Pudgy . . . who always wanted to go too close
to the bridge where the fishermen were . . . he does get caught one day and
is almost off to the oceanarium when his family comes to the rescue."
Trisha: Addie Sanders, poet-in-residence with BOCES' artist-in-the-schools
program for the past fifteen years, is the author of Alligators,
Monsters and Cool School Poems, a book of her poetry, and, with Dr. Harold
N. Levinson, of The Upside-Down Kids, a book about dyslexia and other
learning disorders. The Dolphin Pool tells of the captive dolphin
swim experiences of six children, and her next book will continue to profile
three of the latter children plus three new children, each with some kind of
disability or problem, and tell "how they learn through dolphin therapy
to find the joy often hidden in their own hearts."
Describes the physical characteristics, habitat, life cycle, and behavior of the
best-known kind of dolphin.
The author and the illustrator introduce--in explanatory chapters and a
beautifully illustrated glossary of species--the nomads of the sea.
From the publisher: "A 600-pound dolphin who has been part of a 10-year
research project is turned over to Project Neptune, and Dana and Tyler learn that he will continue to be held in captivity. Tyler believes the dolphin should be released, but when someone does release Billy, the dolphin's life is in great
jeopardy, and Dana and Tyler work to find and save him."
About a sperm whale.
From the publisher: "Listening to this lilting lullaby, young animal lovers
will drift off to sleep with visions of elephants, penguins, pandas, and
kangaroos, all sleeping soundly. Turn the pages or open the concertina fold-out
panels to reveal the over-five-foot-long fantasy panorama. Nine full-color panels."
"Illustrations and brief rhyming text introduce the ocean activities of a
porpoise. On board pages."
From a review in Parents' Choice: "The whale speaks only to Glashka. This is both a gift and a responsibility. When Glashka discovers thousands of whales trapped in an inlet, she finds strength from her gift and derives courage from her responsibility, bringing her people together to rescue the whales. Illustrations by Peter Sylvada are subtly yet richly textured. Conveying movement, concern, urgency, fear, solitude and warmth, Schuch's story is stronger for them. The historical notes provide an added element to the well-told story."
A story in rhyme about helping others. A dolphin named Grin helps an octopus in
trouble named Ollie, who then helps the manatee Moo Moo and her calf Mee Mee,
who then helps Grin.
Trisha: Although not specifically written for children, this is a very
accessible and simply written book by a marine biologist that provides
some basic details and interesting extras on Hawaii's marine invertebrates,
reptiles, sharks and rays, fish, birds, and mammals, plus sections on
discovering Hawaii's marine life and legends and lore about it.
On gray whale migration.
Book description: "Beginning readers will love this exciting rescue story featuring and injured dolphin and an underwater treasure."
"Discovery the mystery and majesty of whales in this . . . pop-up book
with 19 movable parts."
Captures the unusual activities of the Dolphin Research Center in Grassy Key,
Florida, and, more significantly, the remarkable nature of the dolphin.
An introduction in simple text and illustrations to the physical characteristics
and habits of the various species of whales.
"A look at captivity viewed through the eyes of the dolphin . . . The
story of Peter, a young man who meets a wild dolphin he calls Alpha. A strong
bond forms as their friendship develops. In a surprising twist Peter obtains
the ability to understand the dolphins' language. The pair begin an adventure
that will change both of their lives forever."
Breee was a dolphin, a quiet, dreamy young female dolphin. And like her mother
before her, she was troubled with nightsee. Dolphins who had this affliction
dreamed of the Others, human beings, when they slept.
Poems, stories, and a play for children written in both Russian and English.
Shows the whale and dolphin in their natural surroundings and describes their
life and struggle for survival.
Trisha: This lavishly illustrated story is "based on the libretto written
by Vikram Seth for the opera Arion and the Dolphin, composed by Alec
Roth," and primarily consists of lines of verse from the libretto with
connecting text.
Sharks and whales.
From the publisher: "Lilly listens to her grandmother's tales of whales and
longs to hear the creatures' powerful songs for herself. This eloquent work
celebrates the extraordinary relationship between a young girl and the whales
that do eventually sing for her [and call out her name]."
From the publisher: "Discusses the physical features, social behavior,
swimming and breathing techniques, communication, migration, and other facets
fo whales."
From Kirkus Reviews, May 11, 1998: "An overweight boy transforms
his fantasy of TV stardom into a formula for success in this poignant, affirming
novel from Shreve . . . When his mother's boyfriend, Thomas, walks out on their
family, 11-year-old Jonah barely has time to react before they move to a more
affordable apartment. Feeling empty inside, missing his 'almost-father,' he
overeats, and soon none of his three pairs of pants fits comfortably. But
there's no money for new pants; Jonah's mother works two low-paying jobs to
support him and his baby brother. When he is dubbed 'Jonah the Whale' at his
new school, rather than let the insult fester, Jonah turns the image into an
unlikely symbol of empowerment: He imagines himself sitting inside a whale on
the set of a new talk show exclusively for kids. While his grades and classwork
suffer, Jonah methodically develops the idea for his show, selecting his first
guests, choosing his questions, and even taping an imaginary interview with
basketball star Michael Jordan. Some playground bragging forces Jonah to prove
that he really talked to Jordan, and through the boy's initiative--and Jordan's
kindness--Jonah succeeds. In fact, his first interviews are so impressive that
he eventually winds up with is own television show, just as he dreamed . . . "
Copyright 1998, Kirkus Associates, LP. All rights reserved.
"Long ago, the rivers and sea were filled with fish, and tall trees crowded
the mountainsides. There was no written language among the Indian tribes of the
Northwest, and storytellers passed history and legends from one generation to the next. Sometimes a chief would hire an artist to carve a story in pictures on the trunk of a giant tree [called a totem pole]. Whale in the Sky is such a tale."
From the Chinaberry Books catalogue on White Whale:
"Begin this book, and you better have put your life on hold for a while
because you won't be able to put it down . . .
Describes in text and illustrations the physical characteristics, habits,
and natural environment of various species of whales--the gentle giants of the
From the publisher: "Kidnapped by pirates, young Dionysus turns his cold-hearted
captors into friendly dolphins."
In this wordless book ""[A]e whale had grown up in captivity. She had seen many people, but she had never seen another whale. So when she was put back in the ocean to find others of her kind, who could blame her for mistaken identifications."
From the website: " This is the true story of an orphaned beluga whale who decided to make her home in a secluded Nova Scotia bay. While she lived there, she made close contact with the town's people, leaving them with stories and memories they will never forget."
From the back cover: "In a house of broken rooms, in the midst of a nameless
desert, Evelyn deciphers her father's barely legible script in what turns out
to be an unfinished story. It is about a boy named Kevin and a letter that
tells him: You must kiss a whale."
Publisher's annotation: "Serenity is a delightful story of a
peaceful dolphin who enjoys living life and resolving conflict in a peaceful
way. She is quite a unique dolphin who has learned who she is. This . . . story
promotes a unique message of the value of one's self and the importance of
understanding processing feelings in a very healthy way. [The] book is for
children to share with their parents, or teachers and therapists to share with
young children to help them understand the values of loyalty, trust and resolving
conflict. Good for intermediate to advanced reading levels. Ideal for classroom
or group discussions."
There really is a whale named Crystal, and he lives in the North Atlantic. He
is grown up now, old enough to join the other male humpbacks as they compose
their famous songs. In 1980, though, Crystal was just a baby when he was first
seen--and named--by whale researchers at Stellwagen Bank in Massachusetts Bay.
From the back cover: "It looks like another bummer of a summer for Derrick Granger. His father, a marine researcher, is taking him on a field trip to a dolphin study site in the Florida Keys. Ten-year-old Derrick, a bookish boy who's fascinated by Greek mythology, doesn't even know how to swim.
Describes history, habitat, and behavior of whales and highlights ten different
Includes bottlenosed, spinner, Risso's, rough toothed, Pacific striped,
Commerson's, common, right whale, Amazon Irrawaddy River, white, Ganges, and
Chinese dolphins, and the killer whale.
Examines the physical characteristics and behaviors of the dolphin in its
natural habitat.
Manny and his uncle help rescue a stranded whale.
From the publisher: Sent to stay with his grandparents in Wisconsin for the summer,
Derek is drawn to the local marine park and to its star attraction, a killer whale.
Moved by his love for the captive orca S'gana, Derek struggles to free her and, in
the process, makes important discoveries about himself and his Haida Indian past.
Befriended by Boris the whale as he is drowning in the ocean, Amos the mouse
gets a chance to reciprocate years later in an equally unlikely situation.
Gayle: The story about Omu, an Eskimo boy who is derided by the rest of his band
because all he seems to be good at is making music, and he is supposed to learn
to carve. He goes off by himself and meets a pod of orcas. Later one of the
orcas is stranded, and the boy sits with him for days, playing for him, talking
to him as he dies. The boy idly carves as he sits. The whale dies and the boy
sings a poem to his spirit, then realizes that the carved piece in his hand is
a perfect orca . . . the Spirit of his friend. He returns to his people able to
fulfill his destiny. It is actually a pre-school early elementary read-to book but it is a very moving and wondrous tale. And the illustrations are great.
About a sperm whale.
Describes the physical characteristics, habitat, and behavior of one of the few
marine mammals that eats other warm-blooded animals.
Profiles humpback, bowhead, right, grey, beluga, killer, sperm, bottlenose, and pilot whales, narwhals, dolphins, and porpoises.
Structured in a question-and-answer format.
Structured in a question-and-answer format, the chapters include: How Whales Live,
The Whale's Body, The Whale's Senses, Eating Habits, Whale Reproduction, Self-Defense,
Whales and People, and Great Whales. Indexed. Many illustrations and photographs.
From the back cover: "When Jesse goes to work on a research ship, he finds
his old friend Willy injured. Willy has a spear through his tail, and that can
mean only one thing--whalers. Jesse and his crewmates are determined to stop
the whalers before they kill Willy.
Contents: The Humpback Whale, The Emperor Penguin, Knights in Armour, No Place
Like Home, The Sea Otter, The Solar System, The Super Body Fun Fair. (Nonfiction)
"Orcas, grays, minkes, belugas, and narwhals: ocean giants have always
enthralled young readers. [This book provides] an opportunity for children to
experience this dramatic underwater world.
From the cover: "Katie K. Whale is based on a true story. I read
about Hanna, a whale in Norway that became attached to a black and white
ferryboat. She followed the boat daily and became a national celebrity. As in my
story, the children were allowed to miss classes, so they could ride the ferry
and catch her antics.
"Blueberg and his friend Blowhard the whale travel from the Antarctic Ocean to the Equator, with almost disastrous
results as the water gets warmer, and Blueberg gets smaller."
Trisha: This is a well-written story for young adults that explores various
aspects of the captivity issue and requires the reader to consider the basis,
merits, and demerits of various viewpoints. About orcas.
From the publisher: "Discovering a huge underwater crater while diving,
Jesse is dragged away by a human-hating giant eel, and when their whale friend,
Willy, is unable to fit into the tunnels, it is up to Marlene to save Jesse
before his air supply runs out."
From the website: "Coyote and the Whale is mostly based on two nearly identical Northwest Coast Native American folk tales originally titled: Coyote and the Monster of the Columbia and Raven and the Whale. The artwork is based on the intricate woodcarving and weaving patterns of the Tlingit, Haida and Salish peoples of the Northwest Coast."
Thorne, Jenny. Jonah and the Whale/Board Book. Baby's Bible Stories.
Aladdin Paperbacks, 1989. (Fiction)
From the dust jacket: "Ten year old Pence Thompson counts on two things
happening during December: the gray whales and Christmas. In his hometown of
San Diego, California, their arrival is celebrated almost simultaneously.
Every year the sleek gray whales pass the San Diego coast as they migrate
south to the warmer waters of Baja California. This year, however, everything
has gone wrong. Not a single whale has been seen off the coast . . . the gray
whales are missing. Pence is intrigued by this mystery. What begins as simple
curiosity quickly turns into a race against time, as Pence's search for answers
leads him to the experts at Sea World and eventually to the U.S. Navy."
Describes how a migrating humpback whale mistakenly entered the San Francisco
Bay in 1985 and swam sixty-four miles inland before being led back to the sea
by humans concerned for his welfare.
From the Quality Paperback Books catalogue: "[This] newly discovered fantasy
from J. R. R. Tolkien . . . is the story of Rover, a dog on a quest who encounters
a ferocious dragon, a wise old whale, a curmudgeonly wizard, and the Man-in-the-Moon.
Complete with five illustrations by the author . . ."
"When a little boy makes friend with a dolphin, it signals the beginning of
amazing adventures under the sea--all accomplished with the assistance of young
readers. Set includes 12-page, full-color paperback; complete art materials,
including stickers, punch-outs, yarn, stick-on jewels and eyes; instruction sheet."
Humpback whales and other marine life.
From a review by Michael Cart in Booklist: "Mr. Magee and his little dog, Dee, love spending time in their boat on the sea. So right after breakfast one early morning, off they sail with Magee at the wheel and Dee on the deck. All goes swimmingly until they encounter a rambunctious little whale who wants to play. Alas, his play becomes the shipmates' folly and in short order Magee and Dee find themselves shipwrecked--not on a desert island but high atop a nearby spruce. Oh, what a predicament! Will the sailors--and their boat--remain hopelessly stuck, 60 feet up? Well, let's just say that where there's a whale, there's a way. Van Dusen's sing-song, rhyming story makes for an agreeable read-aloud while his cheerful, candy-colored cartoon illustrations provide equal fun for the eye." Copyright (c) American Library Association. All rights reserved.
Trisha: Dobie the dolphin introduces each section in this content reading
skills collection, with sections on: You and Reading, How to Read Social
Studies, How to Read Mathematics, How to Read Stories and Poems, and How
to Read Science.
From the dust jacket: "While their father is at a medical conference in
New York, Sally, Peter, and Andy Grant are enjoying a taste of independence on
Crab Island in the Caribbean. Though the hotel manager will keep an eye on them,
they are camping on their own at the edge of the lagoon, . . . sailing the
Redwing, their dinghy. All three of them are first-class sailors who
have been assisting their father in sailing their yacht around the world since
their mother died nearly two years earlier.
Book description: "There are nearly 35 species of dolphins swimming the oceans of the world. This fun book explores the similarities and the differences among the species. Readers learn things like: What do dolphins eat? How fast can they swim? Where do they live? When are calves born? And much more."
When Joshua, a baby whale, disobeys his mother and swims too close to shore to
visit with a friendly human boy, he becomes stranded on a beach. Includes factual
information about whales in a separate section in the back of the book.
From the website: "Whales in the Classroom is a concept, designed to be an educational experience for middle school
children and for those of all ages who love the ocean and its inhabitants . . . The information and activities are
designed to give you an experience of some of the types of work that oceanographers do, and helps to emphasize how
important and how much fun this work is -- but also serves as a reminder that working hard in school in a variety of
subjects helps to give you more choices about what you do and how you do it."
Contains many facts, illustrations, activities, and questions and answers.
From Parents' Choice(R):"Whether preparing a report or reading for pleasure, this straightforward reference book provides older children extensive information on this popular aquatic mammal. While the color photographs are average, the text is detailed and covers many topics, such as physical characteristics, feeding, life cycle, communication, and conservation. A 2000 Parents' Choice(R) Approved winner."
From the publisher: "Nathalie Ward knows what interests kids about whales, porpoises, and dolphins. As a whale-watching guide for many years, she collected many of their most-asked questions about sea mammals. This entertaining and informative book gives serious answers to questions such as "Do whales ever sleep?", "Do they have ears?", "Do whales ever get cavities?", and "Do whales really sing?". Along with the answers (some of which will amaze you), Ward leads the reader on a fascinating tour of sea mammal evolution, biology, physiology, and diversity. Some of the facts are suprising: -- Whales and dolphins "sleep" with one half of their brain at a time -- Whales have tiny ear openings, but can hear sounds up to 50 miles away -- A sperm whale can hold its breath for more than an hour and a half -- A young blue whale calf may gain nine pounds an hour Imaginative and colorful illustrations by Tessa Morgan provide just the fight touch or whimsey to the- easy-to-follow text. This is the perfect introduction to some of the Earth's most fascinating creatures."
From a review by William Rossiter in the October 1996 issue of Whales Alive!:
An activity book about whales and dolphins of the Caribbean, this " . . .
is another in the brilliant array that includes Wet, Wild and Rare,
Do Whales Ever . . . ?, and Jump With Whales. All are certain
to get children enthralled with whales and dolphins . . . Supporting the big
puzzles and crayon-inviting pages are sophisticated facts and drawings that
make much more expensive educational efforts pale by comparison."
This is a small book packaged with an orca T-shirt and stuffed orca that can
ride along in the "ocean habitat pocket" of the T-shirt.
"Wally, a baby whale, becomes airborne when he swallows the colorful
balloons floating above a harbor festival. Follow Wally as he floats over
the countryside."
Introduces young readers to whales in their native habitat and illustrates
what they can see on a whale-watching cruise and tells about how a fifth-grade
class adopts a whale.
From a review in the September-October 1972 issue of Oceans magazine:
"Journalism and teaching combine in the background from which John Waters
writes of sea otters; the sirenians (manatees and dugongs); seals and sea lions;
walruses; the delphinids--dolphins and porpoises including the largest of that
tribe, the killer whale; the true whales; and something about whaling. The
chapter on 'Marine Mammals in Captivity' will be specially interesting to
youngsters and those who take them to the many popular shows featuring sea
mammal acts. The work of scientists--chiefly that with various delphinids--is
given a few closing words. The book has many first-rate photographs."
Introduces young readers to whales in their native habitat and illustrates what
they can see on a whale-watching cruise.
From the dust jacket: "Tragedy has aged young Matthew far beyond his fifteen
years. Numb with shock and horror following the London fire that left him orphaned
and badly injured. Matthew's anguished spirit permits no human contact or
consolation. He is not, however, beyond the reach of all living things,
and welcomes the lifesaving friendship that comes in the form of a dolphin. With
a devotion greater than anything Matthew has known from a person, the dolphin
waits every day by the beach to play, to rest quietly--to provide the companionship
that even the most hardened heart craves.
From the publisher's Web site: "She'd seen shadows through the mist, spouts
far away, but despite her many foggy morning trips, she had yet to see a
humpback whale. Her friend Stormy knew they were there--he had seen them before--
but where were they now? This morning, would they see a whale?
"Illustrates the concept of big, bigger, and biggest by comparing the physical measurements of such large things as a blue whale, a mountain, a star, and the universe."
Discusses the variety, characteristics, and future of whales.
"50 pages of creative learning and activities."
From the publisher: "An exciting plunge into the undersea world of whales
and dolphins gives readers a close-up look at these playful mammals in a handy
mini-book filled with solid information featuring a fifteen-page foldout at the
Expert narration, video, animation, and photographs bring the world of cetaceans
to life in this beautiful reference and learning guide. All 70 known species of
cetaceans are described and illustrated, along with the threats to their
survival. Each cetacean family has a library of material that can be easily
accessed, including photos, video clips, and worldwide distribution maps.
Sections include: Introduction, Life Cycle, Ecology, Body Plan, and Species
Tells the story of the three gray whales--two adults and one baby--who were
trapped in the ice in Barrow, Alaska, the death of the baby, and the freeing of
the adults by a cooperative human effort.
"A unique, easy-to-use, visual guide to western wildlife targeted specifically
for children. Wildlife California features 26 animals that can actually
be seen in California's wilderness areas," including the gray whale. "The
text introduces children not only to the animals themselves, but to vocabulary
words associated with animal behavior, such as 'nocturnal,' 'raptor,' 'omnivorous,'
and 'ectothermic.' In addition, the book provides information about endangered
species and offers clues to locating or tracking animals in the field, explaining
how to behave if a particular animal is encountered. A valuable resource for
parents who want to interest their children in animals and the environment,
particularly in preparation for a trip to any one of California's many parks . . . "
From the publisher: "Investigating the strange disappearance of the pink
dolphin with the reader's world-famous biologist grandfather, the reader must
venture forth to rescue grandfather from kidnappers who do not want anyone to
solve the mystery."
Cute book about about a baby whale and its unique times in its oceanic world.
Sandro lived long ago in a small village on the Mediterranean Sea. Everyday the
men from the village went out in their boats to catch fish. Sandro watched from
the shore and longed for the time when he would be big enough to do with them.
From a review by Lauren Peterson in Booklist:"'The water looked beautiful. It went all greeny-blue out there. It was deep. So deep you couldn't see the bottom.' These thoughts run through Alice's head as she tries to overcome her fear of swimming in the deep ocean water near her home. Frightened and miserable, she watches every day as her parents and two older brothers jump and dive, calling her to join them. Alice does overcome her fear, but the way it happens--she unthinkingly follows some playful dolphins who come into the shallow water back out to the deep--is so unique it doesn't give youngsters with similar fears any way to transfer and adapt Alice's actions to their situation. Louise's realistic illustrations capture the fresh colors of the sea, and the landscapes are strong, but some of the figures appear awkward and disproportionate. Although this title may not find a broad audience, it will strike a chord with kids who relate to Alice's fears. Copyright (c) American Library Association. All rights reserved.
Provides a brief introduction to the two kinds of whales and whale behavior
and to blue whales, orcas, right whales, belugas, sperm whales, false killer
whales, minke whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Briefly mentions whaling and
the harm it has caused to whales.
"Picture book with rhyming verse encouraging responsible treatment of sea
creatures, such as the little whale this tale is about. Very unusual combination
of ecology and children's art . . ."
Beautiful photographs.
How big are whales? How do they swim? Breathe? Why do they breach? What is a
blowhole? An orca? A pod? How many gallons of milk does a baby calf drink each
day? This book answers these questions and more. Oversize hardcover book with
excellent photographs.
From the dust jacket: "On the island of Limuw, where the heavens touch the
sea, Hutash the earth goddess walked alone . . .
From the publisher: "Presents an overview of various species of whale,
how they have become endangered, and what is being done to protect them from
From the publisher: "Stranded: Stormy's Adventure is based on the true story of
Stormy, an 18-month-old bottlenose dolphin who was separated from his mother during a
tropical storm in the Gulf of Mexico and stranded on the Texas Gulf Coast. The Texas Marine
Mammal Stranding Network came to the rescue and nursed Stormy back to health. They gave him
his name, and they asked me to give him a voice. It's an exciting story about getting lost
in a storm, tangling with sharks, winding up stranded, and being rescued by strange creatures
called 'humans' . . ."
From a review by K. B. Hollingsworth at "As a collector of children's literature,
I can see that the genius of the book lies in the fact that the narrative focuses on
feelings familiar to children: separation from a parent, getting lost, and the threat of
physical harm from a bully - in this case a shark! The story may even work to lessen fear
in children as Stormy's escape shows that injuries are not necessarily fatal and can be
overcome. Instead of reporting Stormy's condition secondhand, from the perspective of a
concerned adult, the author dramatizes Stormy's perilous journey from a first-dolphin point
of view, evoking the listener's sympathy for a creature possibly just as complex, just as
sensitive as ourselves.
"Stranded: Stormy's Adventure might have been written to highlight the role
of the Texas Marine Mammal Stranding Network, but the book is also full of basic biological
and ecological facts about dolphins. As Stormy's adventure unfolds, children encounter these
concepts - not bluntly, in the form of a lecture, but organically, as a natural part of the
narrative. Stormy must learn survival skills from elders, just as young humans do. The
reader hears him click and whistle, demonstrating the cetacean form of communication, and
learn the role of Stormy's dorsal fin in helping him to maintain balance. Stormy also
experiences the dangers of his ocean habitat: dolphins can get caught in fishing nets and
might run out of air underwater.
"The double-page spreads keep the action flowing as the plot progresses. Reading skills
are reinforced by the placement of the text within the pictures, showing the connection
between verbal and pictorial representation. C. A. Guire's renderings of the dolphin's
features and expression are obviously well researched.
"I recommend Stranded: Stormy's Adventure to all elementary science teachers,
and anyone interested in exposing children to the fauna of the Gulf Coast."
From Horn Book:"Accompanied by an array of captioned color photos, this simple, though choppy, text conveys basic information about the behavior and life cycle of dolphins. A 'word detective' feature has readers find and define terms used in the book, and a note to adults includes uninspired activities and obvious questions for discussion. Glos., ind." Copyright (c) 1999 The Horn Book, Inc. All rights reserved.
As children add their imagination to this educational coloring book, they can
also read and learn about each of the animals in Wyland's art.
Trisha: This is an *exquisitely* illustrated and very sweet story about
following your heart and also taking care of the planet. It begins with
children viewing a dolphin in an aquarium, but moves from there to the
interaction between a young boy and this dolphin, who is now in the sea. The
words don't always make sense (perhaps due to the translation), but the
message is clear.
Trisha: One poem is about the orca.
A story about an incident that happened in Provincetown, Cape Cod, Massachusetts,
and the boy who came to know the whale "in a way few people can."
In this story based on a true incident, a humpback whale tries to find its way
home after mistakenly swimming into New York Harbor.
Frank Glover: This play involves a lone dolphin in a lab where they're doing
behavioral or neurological research. A relationship builds between the dolphin
and the nighttime cleaning lady (who, I think, teaches him the title song). In
the end, she tries to smuggle him out of the lab.
From the publisher: "A picture in a magazine gives Peter the idea that if he
wears his new red swim suit he may land on a beach and find a dolphin waiting
there for him."
This nicely illustrated book and cassette follows "Little Dolphin"
through his first day of life as he explores his new and exciting world. Story
book with audiocassette tape makes storytime extra special--kids can hear the
story as they read along. The set also comes with a small stuffed-toy dolphin.
"The second grade at The Blake School does an extensive science research
unit on whales, dolphins, and porpoises. Students use Kid Pix to create a
drawing of the whale, dolphin, or porpoise. A short paragraph about the whale is
created within LogoWriter. Enjoy the student projects!"
Living Earth's motto is "Teaching compassion for animals and respect for
the environment." The "Behind the Dolphin's Smile" module
examines what it would be like to meet a real-life "Free Willy."
Students discuss captive marine mammal issues from a variety of perspectives,
including the trainers, owners, and the animals themselves.
This learning unit explores understanding an organism and its place in the world. The specific areas of curriculum include life sciences, social studies, literature/English, technology, and art.
Videos and/or CDs and lesson plans and/or teacher's guides (grade levels 6-8
and 9-12) for the following topics were once available, and may still be available, at the Discovery Channel School. The old links to each individual topic no longer work, but the above link takes you to the home page for animal-related lesson plans.
In the Company of Whales
"Mrs. Twiss has extensive experience in developing oceanography curriculum
for grades K-12. She created World Hunt, an IBM award winning program in which
students participated in a computer and video trip around the world solving travel problems while studying global ecology. The teachers and scientists that she worked with were outstanding women and bring invaluable expertise to the project. With their energy and commitment and many connections throughout the country, they have the potential to impact National Standards, gender equity and diversity issues, curriculum in science and technology, educational restructuring efforts and professional development. True role models for students to emulate.
From a review by Dave Thau in Wired:
"On morningbreak, a blue dolphin-bird named Fin-Fin sleeps on his favorite
branch in the Tsubu woods. His eyes and ears--a combination motion detector and
microphone perched atop my computer--perk up as footsteps approach, and Fin-Fin
wakes onscreen to direct his watery blue eyes my way.
From the back cover of View-Master envelope: "Teen-age Sandy Ricks and his
younger brother, Bud, help their father, Porter Ricks, in his job as chief
ranger of Coral Key Park and Marine Preseve in the Florida Keys. Their best
friend is Flipper, a dolpin with a winning personality and an amazing repertoire
of tricks . . . Suddenly, one day, Flipper begins acting strangely! He stays
away for long periods of time, and doesn't come, as he used to, when Bud calls
him. Finally they find out the secret--and Bud is jealous and hurt. Flipper has
found a dolphin girl friend! An accidental injury to Flipper's girl friend brings matter to a climax."
Ms. Griggs taught the program she developed called "Whale Workshops"
in the public schools of Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, in the 1970s.
A one-page flier on Whale Workshops is available from The Animal Welfare Institute, P.O. Box 3650, Washington, DC 20007, USA. See Ms. Griggs book There's a Sound in the Sea above.
From the website: "Filmed in the beautiful Hawaiian Island Chain, Hawaii's Ocean Angels is the story of two sisters' accidental encounter with wild spinner dolphins. This experience changes their lives, as well as their perspective on the planet's fragile marine environment. Filled with tips on what we can do to help protect dolphins and the marine environment, the video captures the essence of Hawaii's aquatic wildlife and our role in its protection . . . Also, meet top dolphin scientist, Dr. Ken Marten of Project Delphis (Earthtrust), as he gives a tour of the underwater research lab at Sea Life Park Hawaii."
"Pictures, anatomy, facts, products, journal, sea lingo, trivia, behaviors, stories. Teacher's manual contains activities involving vocabulary, analogies, comprehension, etc."
A film and manual (manual contains filmscript and teacher's resource unit) on
Photos of dolphins and whales are "cut" into jigsaw puzzle pieces, and as you assemble them (by dragging them with your mouse), a narrator tells you about the species in the puzzle.
Traces the northward spring migration of various species of animals, including
humpback and right whales. Provides information on the best maps, ask the expert, and informational reports put together by students in classrooms around the world.
Lots of good links provided by the Whales in Danger Web site, plus an ongoing
contest in which prizes are awarded to kids all over the world for the best
drawings of dolphins and whales.
A teaching tool for the elementary grades that introduces the physical
characteristics, habits, and natural environment of various species of whales
and dolphins. Also discusses whale lore and history and the relationship of
these sea mammals to humans. Includes teacher's notes and a variety of related
From the website: "Killer Whale Tales is a (501)(c)(3) environmental education program dedicated to promoting the
understanding and active stewardship of the Puget Sound killer whales and their habitat by students through experiential
science activities and storytelling. By using a unique approach -- bringing the field directly to the classroom -- the program
fosters informed decision making as students explore their relationship and responsibility to the world and the whales
around them.
Lolita's Legion is a group of school children who are interested in freeing
Lolita, the orca held in captivity at Miami Seaquarium. It was started in 1996
by Carl Dortch with 50 children at Hillcrest Elementary School in Oak Harbor,
Washington, and has grown to twenty-four chapters worldwide with over 2,000
children. The Legion was formed after studying the Giraffe Project's role
modeling/service learning curriculum.
" 48-page teaching resource book that covers literature, scientific facts, creative writing, research skills, art, and math in relationship to whales."
The Teacher Resource Center offers curriculum guides, videos, books, marine mammal
parts, and programs.
From the website: "The secondary school educational kit is designed to aid teachers to prepare lessons on dolphins and whales. The material is prepared for educators teaching high school students but can easily be adapted for use with different age groups. Teachers and leaders with children in the younger age groups are encouraged to adapt portions of this material for their use. Likewise, teachers and leaders with older age groups are able to use the material as a foundation and build on it from additional sources in the reference list.
"This interdisciplinary program focuses on the study of the Orcas of the Pacific Northwest. Students explore topics in depth and apply their learning to interesting challenges.
From the back cover: "Now you can have your own collection of magnificent
whales--beautifully depicted on full-color trading cards. Collect these cards,
trade them with your friends, use them as bookmarks . . . Each set contains:
12 full-color trading cards; full, informative descriptions on back; beautiful,
accurate depictions of Blue, Gray, Humpback, Sperm, Bowhead, Minke, [Northern
Bottlenose, White, Pygmy Sperm, Narwhal, Cuvier's Beaked, and Baird's Beaked
Project S.E.A.-LINK is a nonprofit organization based in Maui, Hawaii, whose mission is to promote marine science, education, and awareness. The goal is to provide a LINK between students, teachers, scientists, the local community, the general public, other nonprofit organizations, and governmental agencies. The website provides resources for students and teachers and features a section where scientists and their work is profiled. Students may write in questions, submit marine artwork, and learn about summer camps, volunteer activities, and career opportunities, and teachers can download curricular materials based on current marine science research.
P.O. Box 3839, Palos Verdes, California 90274, USA, e-mail:,
or from The Video Project, 200 Estates
Drive, Ben Lomond, California 95005, USA, 1-800-4-PLANET, 408-336-0160, fax:
408-336-2168, e-mail:
"Here is a complete kit to teach about dolphin behavior, anatomy, and habitat.
With a unique emphasis on a pod of Atlantic spotted dolphins, the interrelationships
between individual dolphins, their environment, and humans are explored. Beautiful
live-action footage, dozens of intimate still shots, and spectacular graphics
illustrating concepts such as echolocation and the food pyramid will provide the
stimulus for further study of this species. Researcher Dr. Denise Herzing models a
respectful scientific approach toward understanding wildlife, while the kit's
activities stimulate field research methods. The teaching kit includes fact sheets,
suggested activities for various ages, glossary, full-color 20" x 24" poster of
dolphins habitats and more."
The above number is staffed seven days a week from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. PST for
students to call with questions about marine animals. (One would assume this
to be a helpful service for questions requiring factual answers, but of
dubious value for other kinds of inquiries.)
The following is a song lyric and excerpt from an activity book for kids on
nature and the environment. See Sisters' Choice
for more information. From the All in This Together Activity Book,
(c(c) 1997 by Nancy Schimmel. May be copied for use by any non-profit school or
organization if this notice is retained. Sisters' Choice, 704 Gilman Street,
Berkeley CA 94710.
From inside front cover: "This book contains 10 temporary tattoos of a
variety of whales and dolphins. These safe and nontoxic tattoos can be easily
applied . . . The tattoos can be removed if desired . . . , or will wear off
after several days; they are also waterproof and can withstand washing with
soap and water.
"The key to success is quickness and speed. Grab a dolphin before they disappear,
and you could be the winner. But you have to be quick, because there are never
as many dolphins as there are players."
"A fast-paced children's game. Match the whales to their tails. Find a pilot, a humpback, and many other whales. Play alone or with friends."
"Teaching Science with Whales is an educational package designed
to use the IMAX/large-format film Whales to teach science. Classroom
and take-home exercises and activities link the natural history footage of whales
in the film with the National Science Education Standards. The educational materials
are published in Adobe Acrobat format (readable and printable on all platforms)
on CD-ROM, available from the IMAX theatre showing Whales in your area,
[or click here to obtain the complete
contents of Teaching Science with Whales in Adobe Acrobat PDF file format.]"
From the website: ". . . contains information (12pp) on techniques used by researchers who study whales and dolphins. The booklet explains how different types of whales are identified using their tail markings or shape, dorsal fin shape, saddle patches or callosities. These concepts are illustrated by full color photographs."
From the website: "The Resource Manual (36pp) contains a wealth of background information on whales, dolphins and porpoises, broken down into logical sections to make it easy to use. This is followed by an extensive listing of other references (books, videos and internet sites) that are available on this topic as well as organizations that can be contacted about whale conservation. The information is well written and easy to understand. There is an excellent glossary giving practical explanations of specific terms which would be suitable for students and adults. The final pocket at the back of the book contains information and activities for the large Whale Chart along with reproducible Blackline Master Worksheets which cover a wide range of student activities."
From the website: "Discover the answers [to many questions] and more in the . . . new educational kit The World of Whales. This comprehensive, multi-level resource kit on whales, dolphins and porpoises will give educators and their students greater knowledge and understanding of the whale and its magical world.
From the website: "Whales in the Classroom is a concept, designed to be an educational experience for middle school children and for those of all ages who love the ocean and its inhabitants . . . The information and activities are designed to give you an experience of some of the types of work that oceanographers do, and helps to emphasize how important and how much fun this work is -- but also serves as a reminder that working hard in school in a variety of subjects helps to give you more choices about what you do and how you do it."
Contains many facts, illustrations, activities, and questions and answers.
Excellent educational programs and curricula for all levels. The Whale Conservation
Institute was founded by Dr. Roger Payne, well known for his long-term studies of
humpback whale song and the right whales of Patagonia.
From an owner of the game: The primary object of this board game is survival.
Each player is a humpback whale, and the hazards that each whale may encounter
include whalers, depleted fisheries, pollution, etc. Play consists in rolling
a die and moving the corresponding number of squares along the migration
routes indicated on the board. Hazard and Bonus cards may add or subtract
from your roll.
There is a wealth of information/links on cetacean-related educational/curricular
materials at this site, including "Ask a Scientist," as well as
information on teacher workshops and professional development. The focus is
interdisciplinary education "to foster excitement about learning and the
"When Ernest the orca swallows a book in his breakfast by accident, he begins a journey to discover who won the Great War. Along the way, he also learns about asking questions and friendship from a lively cast of sea creatures. Companion learning activities introduce World War 1, music of Tin Pan Alley, inventions, language arts, whales, and friendship. Games include nautical knot-tying, sea sounds, and more."
A Whale of a Tale series is developed around core curriculum topics in Mathematics, Language Arts, Science and Social Studies and utilizes animated cartoon characters to " to add an interesting storyline to the delivery of key curriculum concepts."
An ". . . educational, fun filled kit. Learn about the world of whales. Discover the difference between toothed whales and baleen whales . . . kit includes every thing needed to make three very unique 7" whale replicas and one [sperm] whale tooth. Hours of constructive fun and learning! Kit includes: 2 reusable mold trays, PerfectCast - casting medium, paints and paint brushes, magnets and glue, illustrated educational booklet, instructions."
"Presents both large and small whales. Discusses characteristics of whales
and some of their adaptations to life in the sea. How whales breathe, communicate.
Mothers with calves."
"A 32-page resource book with integrated activities for literature, math and science, social studies, music and creative dramatics, arts and crafts, cooking, speaking, reading and writing, and P.E. and health. Whales discussed include: gray, right, sperm, killer, bowhead, and sei whales, narwhal, and bottlenose dolphin. Topics covered include: echolocation, the history of whaling, whale migration, and the parts of a whale. There are three whale games for P.E. or recess. The whale songs are sung to the tune of 'Jingle Bells' and 'We Wish You a Merry Christmas.' There are 17 reproducible activity pages."
Kids from all over the world are helping to write this never-ending tale about
"Whalesong is a dramatic journey via lecture, slides, and underwater recordings into a universe of majestic proportion and ancient, compelling rhythms.
To capture the charismatic qualities of these magnificent creatures known collectively as the order Cetacea, Whalesong interweaves:
A lesson on learning about several different species of whales and dolphins.
Dr. Alfred M. Beeton, NOAA's chief scientist, is quoted in the journal
Sea Technology, September 1997, pp. 93-94: "The exhibit will allow
students and others interested in learning more about whales to experience a
simulation of these marine behemoths in their natural habitat without
going anywhere near the ocean."
Claire Allen, a teacher at a primary school in mid-Wales, takes you on an underwater journey into the exciting "World of Whales and Dolphins." By following a series of study modules over twelve weeks, the aim is to show that it is possible to study whales and other marine mammals without harming them.
"Overview of lesson plan: In this lesson, students examine new evidence of violent behavior in dolphins as a springboard for research on various dolphin behaviors, such as communication, feeding patterns, group behaviors, parenting, navigation, and interactions with humans."
Whale-Watching Web: