The Whale-Watching Web: IFAW/Sperm Whales are animals of superlatives

Report of the Workshop on the Scientific Aspects of Managing Whale Watching


Altmann, M. 1958. The flight distance in free-ranging big game. Journal Wildlife Management 22(2): 207-209.

Dorrance, M.J., P.J. Savage and D.E. Huff. 1975. Effects of snowmobiles on white-tailed deer. Journal Wildlife Management 39(3): 563-569.

Foster, B.R. and E.Y. Rahs. 1983. Mountain goat response to hydroelectric exploration in northwestern British Columbia. Environmental Management 7(2): 189-197.

Harlow, H.J., F.G. Lindzey, W.D. Van Sickle and W.A. Gern. 1992. Stress response of cougars to non-lethal pursuit by hunters. Canadian Journal of Zoology 70 (1):136-139.

Horejsi, B. L. 1981. Behavioral response of barren ground caribou to a moving vehicle. Arctic 34(2): 180- 185.

lngold, P., B. Haber, P. Neuhaus, B. Mainini, H. Marbacher, R. Schnidrig-Petrig and R. Zeller. 1993. Tourismus und Freizeit-sport im Alpenraum - ein gravierendes Problem für Wildetiere? Rev. Suisse Zoology 100(3): 529-545.

MacArthur, R.A., V. Geist and R.H. Johnson. 1982. Cardiac and behavioral responses of mountain sheep to human disturbance. Journal Wildlife Management 46(2): 351-358.

Mainini, B., P. Neuhaus and P. lngold. 1993. Behaviour of marmots, [Marmota marmota], under the influence of different hiking activities. Biol. Conserv. 64(2): 161-164.

Richens, V.B. and G.R. Lavigne. 1978. Response of white-tailed deer to snowmobiles and snowmobile trails in Maine. Canadian Field Naturalist 92: 334-344.

Schultz, R.D. and J.A. Bailey. 1978. Responses of national park elk to human activity. Journal Wildlife Management. 42(1): 91-100.

Yarmoloy, C., M. Bayer and V. Geist. 1988. Behaviour responses and reproduction of mule deer, [Odocoileus hemionus] does following experimental harassment with an all-terrain vehicle. Canadian Field Naturalist 102(3): 425-429.


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