The Whale-Watching Web: IFAW/Sperm Whales are animals of superlatives

Report of the Workshop on the Scientific Aspects of Managing Whale Watching

Montecastello Di Vibio, Italy
30th March - 4th April 1995


 Page 3    Summary
      4    Acknowledgements
      5    Introduction
      7    1    Opening and close of the workshop
      7    2    Organisation and conduct of the workshop
      7    3    Overview of current situation
      8    4    Adoption of agenda
      8    5    Impacts
      8    5. 1 Measuring the impacts of whale watching
      9    5.2  Measurement parameters
      11   5.3  Linking short-term and long-term effects
      12   5.4  Designing research programmes on whale watching: suggestions for methodology
      12   5.5  Short-term impacts: experimental versus observational approaches to designing studies
      16   5.6  Existing long-term studies
      16   5.7  Other studies - reactions of terrestrial mammals to human activities
      15   5.8  Planning long-term studies: examples and methodology
      20   5.9  Causal links between measurable short-term impacts and possible long-term impacts
      22   6    Recommendations
      22   6.1  Scientific framework to guide the formulation of rules
      27   6.2  Other scientific issues
      28   7    Any other business
      29   8    Adoption of Report
      31   9    References
      32   Appendix 1    List of participants
      36   Appendix 2    Agenda
      37   Appendix 3    List of working papers

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International Fund For Animal Welfare, IFAW