The Whale-Watching-Web/...and its Reflection in a Human

Positive evolution

From the very beginning of my training as an obstetrician, I have quickly realised that the whole happening around "child-birth" was, and often still is, too much medicalised and programmed.

Too often, I saw childbirths happen in a violent nonrelaxed atmosphere, where technical acts dominated the whole process there where it wasn’t always necessary. All of this sometimes even lead to further physical and psychological complications for mother and baby.

Therefore, it became very clear to me that more ideal should be created to help woman deliver their babies. This ideal circumstances mainly consist of letting woman deliver in a medically safe place, where an intimate, relaxing, non-medical and non- aggressive atmosphere can be created for the mother and for the baby as well.

The use of warm water is often essential trying to realize this. My personal experience of more than 6000 childbirths, + 1600 of which I did in the water, has convinced me that a larger majority (85%) of all deliveries can take place in the water.

As I have become more and more skilled in this kind of childbirth, I can certainly say that the number of my caesareans I perform have diminished by half (see statistics) and the level of my prenatal mortality is well under the national 7 pro mille. This convinced me even more of the positive effects of this type childbirth has.

The real art of obstetrics and midwifery is to know when the right moment has come to use classical medical interventions. You have to be able to create a perfect balance between letting nature do its work and medical interference.

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Rauno Lauhakangas