Hoyt, Erich, 1950-

Riding with the dolphins : the Equinox guide to dolphins and porpoises

Includes index. ISBN 0-921820-55-0 (bound) ISBN 0-921820-57-7 (pbk.)

1.Dolphins - juvenile literature. 2. Porpoises juvenile literature. 3. Dolphins. 4. Porpoises. 1. Title.

QL737.C43H69 1992 j599.5'3 C92-094741-7

Front cover photograph by Scott Sinclair/Earthviews Back cover photograph by Norbert Wu

Colour separations by Hadwen Graphics Ottawa, Ontario

Printed and bound in Canada by Tri-Graphic Printing Ottawa, Ontario

Printed on acid-free paper

Published by Camden House Publishing (a division of Telemedia Publishing Inc.)

Camden House Publishing

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Camden House Publishing

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