The Whale-Watching-Web:Dolphin Healing Centre Opens in Japan

Dolphin Healing Centre Opens in Japan

Brief extracts from an article by Melanie Parker for Planetary Connections - a paper that reports on positive and creative news from around the world that is distributed in 78 countries.
Editor -Shauna Crockett-Burrows, P 0 Box 44, Evesham, Worc. WR12 7YN UK. Phone/Fax 0386 858 694.

Melanie spoke to Horace after his return from Japan in November 1993 when he was present at the official opening of the Dolphin Healing Centre along with other representatives from Great Britain, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, USA, Canada and Norway. The centre is in a former kindergarten in the grounds of the Myoren-Ji Temple in Kyoto which was founded in 1294. The magnificent temple contains many treasures including masterpieces of the Hasegawa school of screen printing on 42 panels and a traditional rock garden of great tranquillity. Horace said "My man upstairs must have worked very hard to find such an amazing location for a Dolphin Healing Centre. It is absolutely wonderful".

Deaf and Dumb

The first person to benefit from a visit to the newly opened centre was the deaf and dumb mother of a single parent family who had become depressed because she could not cope with her teenage son who refused to go to school. Shizuko and Michael Bailey, one of the founder members of Greenpeace, sat-in and gave advice at the first counselling session with the priest's wife. All communication was done in writing and sign language. Horace explained that he saw this as a typical case where a holistic approach was appropriate. "We needed to address the problems of the son as well as the mother."

Psycho Neurological Immunity

"What is the role of the dolphins in all this?" You might well ask. Let Horace explain: "There is a new and exciting branch of medicine called 'psycho neurological immunity' (PNI) which in a nutshell proposes that some of our immune systems are mediated by psychological factors." "I would like to propose the existence of 'psychological neurological recovery (PNR) in which the processes, not only of resistance to, but also recuperation from, illnesses can also be brought about by psychological influences," says Dr. Dobbs. "I think dolphins can induce PNR."

Dolphin Images

Horace Dobbs also proposes that PNR can be stimulated by dolphin images and this is the area he is investigating in the next phase of Operation Sunflower. We all agree that a picture is more than patches of pigment daubed on paper and that music is not just noise. But just how do these special sound and visual images influence how we feel? How our bodies respond? Music and cartoons are enjoyed everywhere. Horace hopes that the character he and the artist Rico have created for their fictional dolphin, Dilo, will act as an inducer of dolphin ethos world wide.

You Can Help

Horace is asking anyone interested in Operation Sunflower to send dolphin inspired pictures and recordings of music to the Dolphin Healing Centre in Kyoto. If his latest theory is valid they will add to the dolphin healing energy already in Kyoto - the spiritual heartland of Japan.


Ki and Dolphin Energy House 
Ishizaki Kokyo & Konoe 
Daihonzan Myorenzi Gyokuryu-in 
871 Myorenzi-mae-cho 
Teranouchi-dori Kamigyo-ku 
Kyoto Japan 
Tel: 075 451 0058 
Fax: 075 411 3150 

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Rauno Lauhakangas