(a) There shall be maintained on each factory ship at least two inspectors of whaling for the
purpose of maintaining twenty-four hour inspection. These inspectors shall be appointed
and paid by the Government having jurisdiction over the factory ship.
(b) Adequate inspection shall be maintained at each land station. The inspectors serving at each
land station shall be appointed and paid by the Government having jurisdiction over the land
It is forbidden to take or kill gray whales or right whales, except when the meat and products
of such whales are to be used exclusively for local consumption by the aborigines.
It is forbidden to take or kill calves or suckling whales or female whales which are
accompanied by calves or suckling whales.
It is forbidden to use a factory ship or a whale catcher attached thereto for the purpose of
taking or treating baleen whales in any of the f ollowing
(a) in the waters north of 66o North Latitude except that from 150o
East Longitude eastwards as far as 140o West Longitude the taking or
killing of baleen whales by a factory ship or whale catcher shall be permitted between
66o North Latitude and 72o North Latitude,
(b) in the Atlantic Ocean and its dependent waters north of 40o South Latitude,
(c) in the Pacific Ocean and its dependent waters east of 150o West Longitude
between 40o South Latitude and 35o North Latitude,
(d) in the Pacific Ocean and its dependent waters west of 150o West Longitude
between 40o South Latitude and 20o North Latitude,
(e) in the Indian Ocean and its dependent waters north of 40o South Latitude.
It is forbidden to use a factory ship or a whale catcher attached thereto for the purpose of
taking or treating baleen whales in the waters south of 40o South Latitude
from 70o West Longitude westward as far as 160o West
It is forbidden to use a factory ship or a whale catcher attached thereto for the purpose of
taking or treating humpback whales in any waters south of 40o South
(a) It is forbidden to use a factory ship or a whale catcher attached thereto
for the purpose of taking or treating baleen whales in any waters south of
40o South Latitude, except during the period from December 15 to April 1
following, both days inclusive.
(b) Notwithstanding the above prohibition of treatment during a closed season, the treatment
of whales which have been taken during the open season may be completed after the end
of the open season.
(a) The number of baleen whales taken during the open season caught in any waters south of
40o South Latitude by whale catchers attached to factory ships under the
jurisdiction of the Contracting Governments shall not exceed sixteen thousand blue-whale
(b) For the purposes of subparagraph (a) of this paragraph blue-whale unite shall be calculated
on the basis that one blue-whale equals:
(1) two fin whales or
(2) two and a half humpback whales or
(3) six sei whales
(c) Notification shall be given in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of the
Convention, within two days after the end of each calendar week, of data on the number
of blue-whale units taken in any waters south of 40' South Latitude by all whale catchers
attached to factory ships under the jurisdiction of each Contracting Government.
(d) If it should appear that the maximum catch of whales permitted by subparagraph (a) of this
paragraph may be reached before April 1 of any year, the Commission, or such other body
as the commission may designate, shall determine, on the basis of the data provided, the
date on which the maximum catch of whales shall be deemed to have been reached and
shall notify each Contracting Government of that date not less than two weeks in advance
thereof. The taking of baleen whales by whale catchers attached to factory ships shall be
illegal in any waters south of 40' South Latitude after the date so determined.
(e) Notification shall be given in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of the
Convention of each factory ship intending to engage in whaling operations in any waters
south of 40' South Latitude.
It is forbidden to take or kill any blue, fin, sei, humpback, or sperm whales below the following
(a) Blue whales 70 feet (21.3 meters)
(b) Fin whales 55 feet (16.8 meters)
(c) Sei whales 40 feet (12.2 meters)
(d) Humpback whales 35 feet (10.7 meters)
(c) Sperm whales 35 feet (10.7 meters)
except that blue whale of not less than 65 feet (19.8 meters), fin whales of not less than 50
feet (15.2 meters), and sei whales of not less than 35 feet (10.7 meters) in length may be
taken for delivery to land stations provided that the meat of such whales is to be used for
local consumption as human or animal food.
Whales must be measured when at rest on deck or platform, as accurately as possible by
means of it steel tape measure fitted at the zero end with a spiked handle which can be
stuck into the deck planking abreast of one end of the whale. The tape measure shall be
stretched in a straight line parallel with the whale's body and read abreast the other end of
the whale. The ends of the whale, for measurements purposes, shall be the point of the
upper jaw and the notch between the tail flukes. Measurements, after being accurately read
on the tape measure, shall be logged to the nearest foot, that is to say, any whale between
75' 6" and 76' 6" shall be logged as 76', and any whale between 76' 6" and 77' 6" shall be
logged at 77'. The measurement of any whale which falls on an exact half foot shall be
logged at the next half foot, e. g. 76' 6" precisely , shall be logged as 77'.
It is forbidden to use a land station or a whale catcher attached thereto for the purpose of
taking or treating baleen whales in any area or in any waters for more than six months in
any period of twelve months, such period of six months to be continuous.
It is forbidden to use a factory ship which has been used during a season in any waters south
of 40' South Latitude for the purpose of treating baleen whales, in any other area for
the same purpose within a period of one year from the termination of that season.
(a) All whales taken shall be delivered to the factory ship or land station and all parts of such
whales shall be processed by boiling or otherwise, except the internal organs, whale
bone and flippers of all whales, the meat of sperm whales and of parts of whales
intended for human food or feeding animals.
(b) Complete treatment of the carcasses of "Dauhval" and of whales used as fenders will not be
required in cases where the meat or bone of such whales is in bad condition.
The taking of whales for delivery to a factory ship shall be so regulated
or restricted by the master or person in charge of the factory ship that no whale carcass (except of
a whale used as a fender) shall remain in the sea for a longer period than thirty-three hours from
the time of killing to the time when it is taken up on to the deck of the factory ship for treatment.
All whale catchers engaged in taking whales must report by radio to the factory ship the time
when each whale is caught.
Gunners and crews of factory ships, land stations, and whale catchers, shall be engaged on
such terms that their remuneration shall depend to a considerable extent upon such factors as the
species, size, and yield of whales taken and not merely upon the number of the whales taken. No
bonus or other remuneration shall be paid to the gunners or crews of whale catchers in respect of
the taking of milk-filled or lactating whales.
Copies of all official laws, and regulations relating to whales and whaling and changes in
such laws and regulations shall be transmitted to the Commission.
Notification shall be given in accordance with the provisions of Article VII of the
Convention with regard to all factory ships and land stations of statistical information
(a) concerning the number of whales of each species taken, the number thereof lost, and the number
treated at each factory ship or land station, and
(b) as to the aggregate amounts of oil of each
grade and quantities of meal, fertilizer (guano), and other products derived from them, together with
(c) particulars with respect to each whale treated in the factory ship or land station as to the
date and approximate latitude and longitude of taking the species and sex of the whale, its length
and, if it contains a foetus, the length and sex, if ascertainable, of the foetus.
The data referred to
in (a) and (c) above shall be verified at the time of the tally and there shall also be notification to
the Commission of any information which may be collected or obtained concerning the calving
grounds and migration routes of whales.
In communicating this information there shall be specified:
(a) the name and gross tonnage of each factory ship,
(b) the number and aggregate gross tonnage of the whale catchers,
(c) a list of the land stations which were in operation during the period concerned.
Notwithstanding the definition of land station contained in Article II
of the Convention, a factory ship operating under the jurisdiction of a Contracting Government
and the movements of which are confined solely to the territorial waters of that Government shall
be subject to the regulations governing the operation of land stations within the following areas:
(a) on the coast of Madagascar and its dependencies and on the west coasts of French Africa,
(b) on the west coast of Australia in the area known as Shark Bay and northward to Northwest
Cape and including Exmouth Gulf and King George's Sound, including the port of
Albany, and on the east coast of Australia in Twofold Bay and Jervis Bay.
The following expressions have the meanings respectively assigned to
them, that is to say:
"baleen" whale means any whale other than toothed whale,
"blue whale" means any whale known by the name of blue whale, Sibbald's rorqual, or
sulphur bottom,
"fin whale" means any whale known by the name of common finback, common rorqual,
finback, finner, fin whale, herring whale, razorback, or true fin whale,
sei whale" means any whale known by the name of Balaenoptera borsalis, sei whale,
Rudolphis rorqual, pollack whale, or coalfish whale, and shall be taken to include
Balaenoptera brydei Bryde's whale,
"gray whale" means any whale known by the name of gray whale, California gray, devil fish,
hard head, mussel digger, gray back, rip sack
"humpback whale" means any whale known by the name of bunch, humpback., humpback
whale, humpbacked whale, hump whale or hunchbacked whale,
"right whale" means any whale known by the name of Atlantic right whale, Arctic right
whale, Biscayan right whale, bowhead, great polar whale, Greenland right whale, Greenland
whale, Nordkaper, North Atlantic right whale, North Cape whale, Pacific right whale,
pigmy right whale, Southern pigmy right whale, or Southern right whale,
"sperm whale" means any whale known by the name of sperm whale, spermacet whale,
cachalot, or pot whale,
"Dauhval" means any unclaimed dead whale found floating.
Protocol for the Regulation of whaling.
The Governments whose duly authorized representatives have subscribe hereto,
Recognizing the necessity of an early decision regarding the regulations to be made applicable
to the whaling season of 1947-48,
Having due regard both to world shortage of oil and fats and to the necessity for the
conservation of the whale stocks,
Agree as follows:
Article I.
All the provisions of the Protocol for the Regulation of whaling signed in London on
November 26, 1945, shall be made applicable as if in the said Protocol the words "season 1947-
48" were substituted for the words "season 1946-47" and the words "l May 1948 to 31 October
1948" were substituted for the words "1st May, 1947, to 31st October, 1947".
Article II.
This Protocol shall come into force when notifications of acceptance thereof shall have been
given to the Government of the United States of America by all the Government parties to the
Protocol of November 26, 1945.
This Protocol shall bear the date on which it is opened for signature and shall remain open for
signature for a period of fourteen days thereafter.
In Witness whereof the undersigned, being duly authorized, have signed this Protocol.
Done in Washington this second day of December, 1946, in the English language, the original
of which shall be deposited in the archives of the Government of the United States of America.
The Government of the United States of America shall transmit certified copies thereof to all the
other signatory and adhering Governments.
Oscar Ivanissevich. Guillermo Brown.
Jose Manuel Moneta. Pedro H. Bruno Videla.
Francis F. Anderson
Paulo Froes da Cruz.
H. H. Wrong. H. A. Scott.
Augustin R. Edwards.
Peter Friedrich Erichsen.
Francis Lacoste.
D. J. van Dijk.
Guy Richardson Powles.
Birger Bergersen.
Carlos Rotalde.
Alexander S. Bogdanov. Eugine I. Nikishin.
A. T. A. Dobson. J. Thomson,
Remington Kellogg. William E. S. Flory.
Ira N. Gabrielson.
H. T. Andrews