Adviser.- Oscar Ivanissevich, Ambassador to the United States-Chairman.
- Jose Manuel Moneta, Counselor.
- Commander Guillermo Brown, Naval Mission at Washington.
- Pedro H. Bruno Videla.
- Martin Luis Drago, Argentine Embassy, Washington.
Member.- Francis F. Anderson, Director, Fisheries Division, Department of Commerce and Agriculture.
- Cedric G. Setter, Research Officier, Fisheries Division, Department of Commerce and Agriculture.
- Paulo Fróes da Cruz, Agricultural Attaché, Brazilian Embassy, Washington.
Technical Advisers.- H. H. Wrong, Ambassador to the United States - Chairman.
- H.. A. Scott, Commercial Counselor, Canadian Embassy, Washington.
- J. A. Rodd, Department of Fisheries.
- J. R. Dymond, Fisheries Research Board of Canada.
- Augustín R. Edwards.
Adviser.- Peter Friedrich Erichsen, Adviser on Fisheries of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries - Chairman.
- G. Mortensen, Trangisvaag, Faroe Isles.
- Armand Anziani, Assistant director, Economic Affairs, Ministry of French Overseas Territories - Chairman.
- Jean Joseph Le Gall, Director, Scientific and Technical Bureau, Maritime Fisheries.
- Paul Budker, Assistant Director, Museum of Natural History.
- Francis Lacoste, Minister Plenipotentiary, French Embassy, Washington.
- Henri Claudel, Attaché, French Embassy, Washington.
- Olafur Bjornsson, Secretary, Icelandic Legation, Washington.
- Thomas V. Commins, Commercial Attaché, Irish Legation, Washington.
- D. J. van Dijk, Head, Department of Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture,Fisheries and Provisioning - Chairman.
- H. S. Drost, Inspector, Fisheries.
- G. G. H. von Felde, Attorney, Netherlands Whaling Corporation.
Member.- Guy Richardson Powles, First Secretary, New Zealand Legation, Washington.
- Roger Hawthorne, New Zealand Legation, Washington.
Advisers.- Birger Bergersen, Minister to Sweden.
- Knut Lykke, Counselor, Norwegian Embassy, Washington.
- Hans Thomas Knudtzon, Chief of Section, Ministry of Commerce.
- Valentin Voss, Attorney, Supreme Court of Norway.
- Johan T. Ruud, Professor, University of Oslo.
Secretary.- H. Winge Sørensen, Director.
- Ingvald Haugen, Member of the Norwegian Parliament.
- Harald B. Paulsen, Director.
Adviser.- Rear Admiral Carlos Rotalde, Peruvian Navy.
- Commander Guillermo Tirado, Peruvian Navy.
- Lieutnant Commander Jerónimo Henriques Jorge, Naval Attaché, Portuguese Embassy, Washington.
- Leif de Belfrage, Commercial Counselor, Swedish Legation, Washington.
- Axel Hemmar, Member, Swedish Bar Association.
- Eric de Virgin, Attaché, Swedish Legation, Washington.
- Jacob Smit, Official, Union of South Africa, Government Supply Office.
Interpreter.- Alexander S. Bogdanov, Ministry of Fisheries of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Director, Research Institute of Fishing and Oceanography - Chairman.
- Eugine I. Nikishin, Ministry of Fisheries of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
- Vladimir A. Tverianovich, Ministry of Fisheries of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics.
- Galina F. Tsibulskaya.
Committee.- A. T. A. Dobson, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries - Chairman.
- J. Thomson, Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries.
- N. A. Mackintosh, Director of Research, Discovery.
Adviser.- E. Sykes, Dominions Office.
- E. Melville, Colonial Office.
- F. V. Cross, Ministry of Transport.
- M. I. Hutton, Ministry of Food.
- S. J. Knowles, Ministry of Food.
- W. Templeman, Representative of the Commission of the Government of Newfoundland.
- R. S. B. Best, British Embassy, Washington.
- A. F. Geolot, British Embassy, Washington.
- Captain H. K. Salvesen.
Advisers.- Remington Ilogg, Curator, Division of Mammals, Smithsonian Institution, - Chairman.
- Ira N. Gabrielson, Consultant, Fish and Wildlife Service, Departement of the Interior.
- William E. S. Flory, Acting Assistant Chief, International Resources Division, Departement of State.
Administrative Assistant.- H. J. Deason, Chief, Office of Foreign Activities, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior.
- L. Wendell Hayes, Specialist, Division of International Organization Affairs, Department of State.
- Charles E. Lund, Chief, Foodstuffs Division, Commodities Branch, Office of International Trade, Department of Commerce.
- Captain Harold C. Moore, Coordinator for Interdepartemental and International Affairs, United States Coast Guard.
- Fred J. Rossiiter, Acting Secretary, Fats, Oils and Seeds Committee, International Emergency Food Council, Department of Agriculture.
- Edward Castleman, Divisional Assistant, Division of International Resources, Department of State.
The Conference met at Washington on November 20, 1946, under the Temporary Chairmanship of Remington Kellogg, Chairman of the Delegation of the United States of America.
At the opening session a motion was unanimously adopted to extend an invitation for officers of the Secretariat of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations to attend the Conference sessions and committee meetings as observers. The Attendance in this capacity of the officers nominated by the Organization,. D. B. Finn, Harry Winsor and H. V. Knight, was approved by the Conference, on the recommendation of the Committee on Credentials.
With the approval of the President of the United States of America, Clarke L. Willard, Acting Chief of the Division of International Conferences, Department of State of the United States was designated as Secretary General of the Conference, and Donald J. Chancy, Chief Counsel, Fish and Wildlife Service, Department of the Interior of the United States, was designed Technical Secretary of the Conference.
Remington Kellogg, Chairman of the Delegation of the United States of America, wan elected Permanent Chairman of the Conference at the second session, held on November 20, 1946, and Ira N. Gabrielson, Member of the Delegation of the United States of America, was elected Vice Chairman of the Conference at the same session.
The general committees established by the Rules of Produce adopted provisionally at the opening session were constituted by the Temporary Chairman