Paris- Palais des Congrès de Versailles November 1999
Conferences Films Music
The points of view :
Scientist :
Conference Subjects
Theme: All as One
Sub-theme : Year 2000, time to care for our evolution.
Since the 12 years that ICERC
has been searching for dolphin and whale messages, our attention has been
focused on 4 principal subjects.
1 The study of dolphins and whales in their natural environment
In a practical manner, what can we learn from dolphins and whales? Watching the cetaceans' daily life in their natural habitat is a quasi-inexhaustible source of learning. If women and men of this planet were inspired even remotely by the way of life of their marine cousins, this would speed up their evolution towards a really human being.
2 Tribes of the Earth
"Stories and legends"
Memories of certain ancient tribes can bring us some missing pieces from the puzzle formed by the great mysteries of the creation. Atlantis Lemurians Are these stories true? Or are we faced with legends? Make your choice!
3 The importance of
the recognition, the study and the integration by western culture of the
"energetic" dimensions of the existence
The vibrating level of the vital energy of a person increases during a meeting with a dolphin or a whale. Then the human finds himself in a sort of Meditation State that is extremely beneficial for his health, his well being and the evolution of his conscious... Our marine cousins are in this state 90 % of their time. It seems that this state permits cetaceans to use all of their brainpower. What do cetaceans use their intelligence for? Why do women and men today only use 5 to 10 % of their brain? What could they use the remaining 90 % for? What is the vital energy ?
4 The dolphin awakes
in us a desire for a greater liberty
How could the human race speed up their evolution towards these beings free, autonomous and independent?
Message from the new-age
to the old-age.
The first event of the new millenium party!
Thursday November 11th , one day before the start of the Conference children, representatives of Tribes of the Earth and some I.C.E.R.C. speakers will come to give their message to the modern world, exactly fifty days before the year 2000 during a huge press conference. They will give their advice to the governments of the world to accelerate our evolution through a being more human.
Speakers invited are:
Dr John Lilly: He tried to teach English to dolphins for the American Government. Doing so, he discovered that there is a way to communicate beyond words. Inventor of the flotation tank, his work inspired Robert MerleĀs book "Un animal doué de raison" and the film "Altered States" directed by Ken Russel.
Wade Doak: Author of several works including "Dolphin Ambassador" he has methodically collected for more than 20 years the accounts coming from the four corners of the planet about human cetacean meetings.
Dr Horace Dobbs: Founder of the "International Dolphin Watch" this English chemist discovered that a single contact with the energy of dolphins can have more impact than a long traditional cure.
Jim Nollman: He communicates with cetaceans as well as with other animals by playing music to them in their natural habitat. He is also the author of numerous books and CD.
Drunvalo Melchizedech: (Subject to confirmation) This exceptional lecturer will make us discover the point of view of the "new age" on these questions. He will give us his advice as to the place that the cetaceans held in the evolution of the human being as well as for the unprecedented events which will unfold from now until 2012, and which will permit the human to attain a new level of conscience. Numerous books have been written on the work of Drunvalo. Among these "Nothing in this book is true, but it is exactly how things are." by Bob Frissel.
Richard O¹Barry: He was the former head trainer for the Flipper television series. His life changed when one of the dolphins consciously killed itself by stopping to breathe. Since that day he has consecrated his life to the liberation and then to the rehabilitation of captive dolphins to the wild life. He was featured in a recent documentary series "The Blue Odyssey", the most watched programs in the history of the television in Belgium and England. He is presently working on the creation of a rehabilitation center in Europe.
Kote Lotah and Al Lul Koi North America Indians : They are both traditional doctors in their Tribes. They continue to live with the traditions of their clan. The clan of Lotah comes from the Dolphin clan. Koy : "Stories and songs and the Ocean are great Teachers of the Earth. In these things are messages of the Natural Order of things. You can hear the Whales and Dolphins along with the Native Peoples cry for a safe environment, now that our paths cross so easily. Feelings are good to have. It means you have compassion or something and that is a good thing for Humans to have feelings. Don't be shy!"
Patrice Van Eersel: For a long time leading reporter for "Actuel" magazine, he is today the chief editor of the revue "Nouvelles clés" a magazine about the inner ecology and he also directs "Clés", a collection published by Albin Michel. His investigations regularly bring him to the borderline of the ongoing transformation in the world. He is in particular the author of the works "La Source Noire" and "La Source Blanche" as well as a fabulous investigation into the cetaceans' enigma "The Fifth Dream".
Jade and Simon (Feral from Australia): Musicians. As well as sharing with us their evolving music, they will talk about the Australian alternative society and the way that they live in harmony with nature.
Jacques Mayol: (Subject to confirmation) He is officially the first man to have exceeded a depth of 100 meters on apnea. His life inspired the film "The Big Blue" directed by Luc Besson. By his work, he proves to scientific world the importance of certain techniques such as Yoga that increases the vital energy in the body. It is to be noted that for the traditional specialists, it is "scientifically impossible" to descend to such a depth without artificial equipment. Jacques Mayol is the author of the book "Homo Delphinus".
Dr Michel Odent: Pioneer of non-violent child birth, whose underwater birth is an important step.
Yves and Isabelle Desmedt: In their association "Aquarius" they promote the work of Dr Hermann Ponette at Ostend Maternity Hospital in Belgium. More than 2500 children have already been born underwater because of their joint efforts. They assure the antenatal and postnatal support.
André Van Lysebeth: Yoga teacher. Van Lysebeth will permit us to better understand the vital energy concept. He will initiates us to the prana-yogic breathing which is the same as that practced by dolphins and whales. The different levels of conscience that we can have depends directly on the way we breathe. His works have inspired the theories that Jacques Mayol develops in his book "Homo Delphinus".
Yann Thibault: Therapist who has created an "evolutionary" method for working his emotions in an efficient manner, autonomous and fast. He also gives seminars on the higher self. To work his emotions and to connect with your higher self is very important to become free as a dolphin and from there, continue our evolution.
Dr Paul Spong: Specialist of the communication between orcas in Canada.
Dr Kathleen M. Dudzinski: Specialist of the communication between dolphins.
Dr Dan R. Salden: Specialist of the study of the Humpback whales in Hawaii.
Credo V. Mutwa (Subject to confirmation) Zulu of South Africa : True to his first name Vusamazulu (awakener of the Zulus), and as a spiritual leader dedicated to caring for his people and preserving their cultural traditions. He is writer, sculptor, painter, healer and has a lot of other abilities. In his own words : "there are names that have been forgotten, there are memories that have been swept away by the dust of events. We must bring the dream back to our souls and the memory back to our eyes. In the ancient tradition of our people, we not only used medecine to heal, we not only used the gentle word and the even gentler touch, we also used INDABA the story."
Auntie Pearl King: (Aborigine of Australia): She will tell us the stories and legends of her Tribe as to the links that tie them to the cetaceans.
Hugo Verlomme: Author of the book "Mermere", co-founder of the association "Réseau-Cétacés".
Brigitte Sifaoui: Co-founder of the association "Réseau-Cétacés". Author of "Le Livre des Dauphins et des Baleines". She used to be the French representative on the International Whaling Commission for the French N.G.O.
Kim Kindersleys: He will present us with an exclusive preview of his film "The eye of the soul" shot in Australia with the contribution of the Aborigines and cetaceans.
Olivia de Bergerac: She is making since several years a methodic study about the impact of the meetings with dolphins on the human brain electrical activity.
Joan Ocean (Subject to confirmation) : She is a counselling psychologist with a practise in Hawaï, where she facilitate human-dolphin connection research and ocean swim events. She began swimming with wild dolphins in 1984 and quickly understood that they are excellent teachers.
Günther Behrmann: Director of the North Sea Museum in Germany. He demonstrates "scientifically" that the whale brain is more evolved than those of human beings.
Monique Tiberghien: She will propose some sessions of group relaxation before the conferences.
Timothy Willie: Author of three books which focus on higher intelligence and the impact new levels of reality are having upon life on this planet. Dolphins Extraterrestrials Angels, his first book on non-human sentience has become something of a classic since it was published in 1984. Timothy says : "The dolphins opened up for me the reality of intelligent, non-human life in the universe, and led directly to encounters with extraterrestrial entities."
Takako Iwatani: Founder of ICERC Japan. A part of their work consists in convincing the whale hunters to transform the use of their boats into cruises for photographic safaris. In this aim, they bring these fishers to swim with cetaceans and it works!!!
Kamalla Hope-Campbell: Founder in 1987 of ICERC in Australia. She had a dream in which a whale asked her to create this association and organize the International Dolphin and Whale Conferences. One of her aims was to reunite specialists from several different disciplines in order that they can, together, assemble the pieces of the puzzle from the dolphin and whale messages.
We are always seeking representatives
of the Maoris from the Pacific, as well as the Dogons from
The Dogons from Mali will be sharing with us their stories and legends
about the Sirius Constellation, where dolphins and whales are the protagonists.
All the conferences will be presented by:
Patrice Van Eersel and
The organisers:
This event is organised by the European branch of the International Cetacean Education and Research Centre. ICERC is a non-profit Association. ICERC is pronounced "I search" in English which means "I am searching for". Through our International Dolphin and Whale Conferences, we are searching for practical solutions so that humans beings can live in Peace, Love and Harmony with the cetaceans, as well as all "living species". We believe that if we are inspired even remotely by the life of our marine cousins this can deeply help us in this work. Our approach is multidisciplinary because it seems to us that it is the only method to face in an efficient manner, the big challenges of our evolution.We try to condemn nothing or no one because we believe that we form a whole in which every thing has its reason to exist. In our association nobody receives a salary, not even the speakers.
The previous conferences were
held in Australia, the United States (Hawaii), Japan
and Belgium (Brussels).
Important note: Due to
the ever-increasing interest in our conferences, we recommend that you
reserve your places as soon as possible. Inscriptions are open. We offer
a discount of 35% to people who pay before August 10st 1999; a discount
of 15% for payment between August 1st and September 10th 1999. More than
this, in taking a subscription as soon as possible you greatly help us
in the organisation of the event.
The organisers will not be held
responsible for possible changes in the program.
INFORMATION PRICE INSCRIPTION and so on COMMUNICARE I.C.E.R.C. Europe 56, rue Saint-André des Arts 75006 PARIS (France Europe) E-mail: Tel: (33-1) 43 54 56 99 Fax :(33-1) 43 25 63 37
"A la recherche du message des dauphins", the book.
Book with 550 pages, available in French version, written by Claude Traks, founder of ICERC Europe.
This work is the fruit of 10 years of searching the four corners of the world for the mythical message from the cetaceans. It contains exclusive interviews with the majority of the speakers who will be present at the 8th International Dolphin and Whale Conference.
The benefits generated by the sales of this book will serve the organisation of the conference. Help us to organise the conference, and educate yourselves, by buying it!