The Whale-Watching Web: Dali and a Whales's Vertebra
Eka Lainio 1996
This vertebra of a Unicorn Whale, has been painted by Eka Lainio in Helsinki Zoological Museum
Salvador Dali once met a whaler and asked him to find whale's vertebras.
In his book "A Genius Diary" Dali writes:
"In one hour I invented 62 different meanings for a whale's vertebra, including one ballet, one movie,
one painting, one philosophy, one therapeutic interior decoration,
one hallucinogenic and one psychological method,
which all are based on a whale's vertebra connected with lunatic dreams..."
(Dali had seen in his childhood a dead carcase of a whale in Puerto de la Llansa.
Back to the Whale-Watching-WebRauno Lauhakangas