4. Educational Programs for Visitors

To get to the WW area it is necessary to go through the Integral Reserve Peninsula Valdes of Chubut Province, where there is an information Centre for the visitors managed by a team of local rangers. There you pay an entrance fee of $ 5,-(five pesos) per pax.

Packed tours are obliged to take a qualified guide who would give the passengers, not only information about the area, but general information about care and safety while visiting the region. People arriving privately receive this information at said Centre.

Our company is the only one which offers this service as we have an auditorium-exposition, where you can see fossils, whale bones, barbs, video projection and additional information about the area, animals and their habitats to be seen during the seaouting. In English, French and Spanish.

There is also a book where public in general can sign their names in opposition to the killing of the whales where there are more than 9000 signatures registered, from visitors who after seeing the whales became aware of the importance of the presence of this animal in the planet.

Each passenger receives a certificate of awareness-campaign, that has gone on for eight consecutive years-.

We have offered space for a scientist for a period of one year so as to study and observe the specie.

5. Economic Factors

Twenty years ago, the tourist season lasted two months -January and February-, but now, due to the popularity of WW, the season has stretched to cover nearly the whole year round. In the beginning, tourist agencies considered that WW was not a profitable product for the months of June, July and August, being those the months for Winter sports, leaving WW as an alternative for the months of October and November,

As time went by, it was demonstrated that WW had its own attraction. Yet, after various years, of promoting it for these two months, the visitors still come in Spring, even though the whales are here since May.

The licensed companies are obliged to start operating as from 15th June to 15th December. In spite of this, our first trip was done on 7th May 1994, and our last on 7th January 1995. The present season began on 14th May.

The product that offers the best economical profit is WW, generating a better standard of living to the region, with a revenue of approx. US$ 20.000.000.-, out of which, a little less than 5% goes to the WW companies.

6. Outlook of the Industry

In 1990, by means of a scandalous government act, where the commercial desires of a private stood over the conservationist spirit of the regulations, the first distortion about the WW system started. From now on and because of the lack of a cooparticipative program by government, science and industry, a few people felt doubtful about the benefits of the whale watching in the long run.

However, all involved parts have as common aim the specie conservation, but the particular point of view each other has about the Resource, generated a series of misunderstandings, still within the government itself, thus setting instability clime and loss of reputation all over.

Among this chaos, political power, economic power, reputation, conservationist principles, ultra-conservationist, pseudo-conservationist, and the always present-opportunists, tried to impose.

Dated June 23rd , this year, decree 833 is issued, which creates a permanent commission for the study, management and administration of the Valdes Peninsula, Golfo Nuevo and San Jose system. This political decision arises as a result of: the three involved parts, government, conservationists and industry have stabilised their higher-bid-powers.

In the first meeting, June 28th, the matter was dealed on equal conditions - government, science and industry -, and features were established: these ones being that in a lapse no more than 10 months, rational and sustainable politics are to be issued. For the first time it was proposed to incorporate to the legislation, the concept of dynamism. This last, because of the new knowledge and experience.

The major success obtained by the whale watcher guides was the government and scientific recognition, about a cetacean-approaching-system totally original which in the end became qualified as Patagonian system.

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Rauno Lauhakangas